5 Glock Upgrades You Should Avoid & 4 You Should Try

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[Applause] what's up guys is chris from honest outlaw here and today i just wanted to do a quick video about some glock accessories because i had a few questions about them i figured i'd go over some that i don't like and that i don't particularly recommend and then i would go over at the end maybe some that you might want to look into that might just make your shooting experience a little more fun a little easier a lot of people say that you can't buy technique you can't buy skill and you absolutely can't but you can make it a little bit easier on you with some well-timed and good accessories but you can also make your shooting experience a lot worse if you buy accessories or upgrades that will make your gun less reliable because that's what we don't want so that's what we're going to try to avoid here today in this particular video before we do that i want to mention my page the supporters thank you guys very much you guys provided the ammunition and funds to buy some of the accessories optics and things like that that you see on the table and i really appreciate that if you want to join the pager squad i got to do is go to link in the description and sign up also in that description is a link to a local shelter in ames iowa it's the yss it's a shelter i support in every video and it's because those kids could really use your help do a good deed go down and donate a couple bucks to those kids everybody donated a dollar to those kids we wouldn't have any problems so go down there and if you enjoy the video just donate to the kids so now we're going to get into five accessories that you really shouldn't buy for your glock number one we're going to be talking about aftermarket barrels so this here is an agency arms aftermarket barrel and i got it because it's gold and it looks kind of sweet and i'm a hawkeye fan and i like the gold and black tin coated so it's very durable agency arms is a company that if you are going to get uh a glock barrel from that's a pretty good one i've had a few uh threaded barrels from them that worked really well usually the only time i ever change barrels is when i'm looking to thread it for suppressor or comp or something like that hdr is insanity is no affiliation with them i just that's one of the companies that i like so there's other companies as well like kkm things of that that nature there's a couple on ebay that i've tried that were really shitty and there's a couple from like lone wolf that didn't work very well uh some of the issues you're gonna have with an aftermarket barrel is the fact the slide interfaces with the barrel the whole way up and the whole way back right so if you add friction or you change specs in any way to increase accuracy for example which is the most common reason why they do that you can seriously affect reliability especially with slightly lower powered ammo like the common stuff that you buy at like shields big box stuff let's go with that so aftermarket barrel is one of those things where i don't think you actually need to change people change an aftermarket barrel number one for looks mostly number two to like kind of flex on the gram but the people that want functionality of an aftermarket barrel they usually change it for accuracy and my personal opinion especially with the new gen fives with the marksman barrel which is hilariously marketed but that being said it's extremely well made and i can make hits very easy out to 100 yards with that barrel and more so instead of accuracy what you actually get is usually just a little bit of [ __ ] a little bit of marketing and if you're not looking at threaded barrel i just wouldn't suggest it why waste reliability for accuracy when accuracy really isn't what you're achieving in the first place if you can hit at 100 or even 150 or even 200 yards with a factory glock barrel i don't see a need to switch it in my personal opinion that being said if you want it to look different or whatever go ahead just be very careful about the specs of the barrel that you buy and the coating that's on it because adding extra friction can also cause reliability issues as well and then you're going to end up changing recoil springs and all that fun stuff which we'll get into here in a second all right so now before i get into the next one i just want to talk about zeb barrels again zev barrels i found are extremely reliable as well so they're another option and you can get them right off ebay which is easier so the number two thing i wanted to talk about is upper parts specifically upper parts because in an upper uh you have several different parts that people change all the time specifically to gain a better trigger pull for example the firing pin the firing pin spring extractor plunger and several other things in there we'll take it apart quick and i'll show you what they look like here uh one of the things you can change if you want is the base plate because that really doesn't do anything but you can see that this has an after market here this is av oz9 so basically just aftermarket gen 3 parts and all this stuff is done to make the trigger pull better and one of the issues that you're going to have with that is you are going to end up with almost guaranteed reliability problems either with an aftermarket extractor which is a really terrible idea or an aftermarket firing pin or firing pin spring having light strikes or failures to extract or all that fun stuff that you get with these upper parts kits these upper part kits run anywhere from 100 to 220 dollars and i've bought a whole bunch for my life because i've ran through the gamut of glock accessories like you wouldn't believe i've spent thousands of dollars on glock accessories over my lifetime even before the channel and one of the things that almost always decreases reliability is going to be any sort of upper parts especially the firing pin or firing pin spring this is my personal opinion there are many awesome companies that sell these kits however i've had bad experiences with a lot of them especially if you run like cheap russian ammo or something like that which is not going to be cheap very long haha thanks for that but overall i think out of all these this probably should have been number one i just thought about a second so the third thing that i would not recommend changing is going to be the recoil spring now the recoil spring and you can see this is a non-factory recoil spring in my glock 34 here this is actually a tungsten captured recoil spring they come in different variations you can either get tungsten uh that either captured or not captured which is really fun when you take them out the turn tactical ones that shoot up in the [ __ ] sky when you take them off if they're not captured this one actually you can screw off and screw back on so you can still change the springs uh one of the problems with these sorry i'll go through them first so this there's tungsten there's also stainless steel and then there's plastic the factory ones are plastic generally so uh people change these because every once in a while and like three blue moons you'll have a plastic guide rod break and okay that that happens to maybe like one person out of 16 million that shoots tons and tons of rounds i've never personally seen one although i have heard of them but the reason why i generally don't recommend you change them is because you're going to have to do a lot of tampering and for a stock gun i would just leave the stock recoil spring in it's going to run perfectly with defensive ammo and that's what you actually want now if you run competitions and stuff you're going to end up lowering your recoil spring to lower the perceived recoil or muzzle flip or whatever increase the cycle time or whatever you're trying to achieve let's say you've got a bunch of slide cuts and all of a sudden your gun doesn't work which we'll get into in a minute then you can change the recoil spring to recalibrate the cycle time in order to actually make the gun work the problem with that is you're going to have to mess with a lot of different springs anywhere from regular to flat wire from the factory spring to a 17 to a 15 to a 13 i've ran 11 pound springs in compensated glocks just to make them run correctly and overall i really think that this is something better left to a tinkering or competitive gun and on a stock or a defensive gun i just honestly wouldn't recommend it that being said there's there's some advantages to it don't get me wrong but there's also some disadvantages to it the advantage to it is that you're going to gain some weight below the gun or you might be able to change your cycle time to better suit how fast or slow you'd like to shoot the downside to it is it will definitely decrease reliability almost no matter what especially if it's your first time doing it and you're not really sure what parts or what pounds to buy for what ammo or for what slide length that you're actually going to use so just be aware of that something that's very intriguing very interesting and i know a lot of people change but go into this with a lot more knowledge than maybe some of the other accessories but i would definitely recommend if you're gonna do it i would definitely recommend a stainless steel or a tungsten and i would recommend a captured one that you can disassemble and the reason for that is you spend like 150 on one of these [ __ ] and you get one that's not captured and then all of a sudden you have to change the spring in like five thousand ten thousand rounds and you can't change you gotta buy a whole new one so if you buy one that you can screw off or that is not captured you can change the recoil spring for like 15 so there you go another thing i wanted to talk about is going to be aftermarket slides that i usually don't recommend that you will see a shitload of on my guns and the reason for that is because it looks cool and it can change the functionality of the pistol a little bit i run a lot of 2011's so i like to go up over and use that maneuver and that's very difficult to do with a stock gun most of the time now the new gen fives do have front slide serrations but they're not awesome however with that you are going to change the cycle time of your gun so when you do a bunch of cuts like this from like jager works which i absolutely do recommend if you know what you're doing you're going to change a bunch of other things too like the recoil spring and stuff like that because you are changing the cycle time of the gun if you lighten the slide it's going to go faster so a lot of people will lighten the slide and expect to reduce recoil that's not necessarily true you are going to increase the cycle time you increase your time that you have between shots or decrease it i should say and increase the amount of speed that you're going to have but it might actually make the gun recoil more or at least perceived recoil more so be aware that another issue with this is going to make the the slide more brittle so it's more prone to breaking especially something that's very lightened like this if i take a factory glock side and drop it from 20 feet in the air 14 times it's not going to break this one actually might especially in these areas right here another thing that you're going to have an issue with is dirt and debris now the glock 34 always has an open top like this but as you can see the 17 the p80 does not whereas this is abs definitely does now if you drop this in sand dirt stuff like that you actually can get debris in there that will affect the cycling of the slide most of the time not but sometimes yes so the point i'm trying to make is you're spending 200 to 700 depending on what if you send yours in or if you buy one online like this zev here uh and again i'm no no affiliation with zeb whatsoever i just like their optics cuts because they're real low that really could drastically affect the reliability of a pistol and on a defensive style gun i would again not recommend that for the dirt and debris for the cycle time change and for the ability to now break your slide which you couldn't of earlier the juice really isn't worth the squeeze on a defensive gun in my personal opinion unless you're really good with it and use it all the time because i do say it i do recommend that but then i also run this clock 34 all the time so what are you going to do now another thing i want to talk about is cerakote so this this slide right here is cerakoted because it looks super cool however if you have a company that doesn't do cerakote very well you're gonna have a gun that doesn't [ __ ] work very well that's my buddy nick p view on instagram he just did a video on his cz tactical sport two or three or something like that maybe it's a tactical sport orange i can't remember but his gun was the slide was cerakoted the hammer cerakoted some of the internal parts are cerakoted and what a surprise it's it's a dumpster fire it's it's a gun where you could only do malfunction clearance drills on because now you've increased friction where you otherwise would not have had friction right so that slows the process of all the parts moving and things like that and then you have some serious issues now you can wear that down yes but it changes the lubricity of the parts and everything so you end up slowing things down that shouldn't be slowed down and then you're going to have failure to feeds fair extracts all that fun stuff so even though cerakote looks really cool and it makes your gun waterproof and everything like that make sure you have somebody that is good at putting it on put it on or you do a lot of research before you put it on yourself because you also can buy cerakote kits shake and spray dry coat kits all that stuff and you can do it yourself i've done it however just make sure you know what you're doing or just avoid it all together because the factory coating uh in my opinion is more than good enough most of the time especially on the gen fives now another thing that i wanted to talk about quick that's kind of a number six but top five just has such a good ring to it is going to be after market or after-market base plates glock factory magazines they work great they're cheap they're available don't save three dollars to buy a cheap korean mag or whatever the hell and then make your perfectly reliable gun unreliable that's my personal opinion i mean if you get into a lot of different guns you won't be complaining about glock magazine prices because like i said you can get this anywhere from 15 to 30 to 40 depending where you go what state you live in i found these for well under 20 bucks a ton of times i have over 100 of these and they work really well and the base plates work really well also if you get into the cheap stuff especially base plates that you get that have like a plus five they don't change recoil spring don't do that so uh don't get cheap mags don't get cheap base plates that'll save you some trouble in the future now a couple likes a couple accessories that i really do like are going to be an optic i like an optic a lot if you can afford an optic kit an optic that's really it get a durable reliable optic get a set of coat in the sights and you're off to the races an optic is one point of aim it allows you to threat focus really well so when you go oh [ __ ] somebody's in my house or whatever is going to happen or there's a deer you're shooting at or whatever you're trying to hit in real life you're gonna have a threat response that narrows your vision you're gonna threat focus you're not gonna be able to stop yourself you're not gonna you're gonna have a really hard time focusing on that front sight that people have trained you do for years you don't have to do that with a red dot because you can look at the target superimpose the red dot on them pull the trigger and you're good to go so an optics really nice it's also really good for accuracy purposes only winding up one thing it's just a lot easier to hit things at distance now another thing i recommend is going to be extra texture on your gun now you can do that with a bunch of different ways you can buy a soldering iron or whatever you want to buy and you can stipple it yourself for like five bucks 10 bucks on amazon you can buy one of those have it shipped to you take about an hour and stipple it you can also buy epoxy and silicone carbide and you can put that [ __ ] all over your gun and you can pour the silicone carbide out way today and you have permanent sandpaper grips which is really nice you can also go the town grip route which basically just like a 10 15 thing i can't remember how much time grips are these days i get them on ebay all the time town grips never sent me anything either uh however they're a semi well not really a permanent they're kind of uh what's the word for not permanent damn temporary we both had to think geez it's been a long day you can uh you can put a talon grip on there for a while for like a year and a half and everybody i see so many tactical instructors i would never use talon grips because they fall off well if they fall off you just have the same [ __ ] grip you had before don't you so what's the real downside to it so you could if you're thinking about silicone carbide you could buy town grips or a bunch of companies make them now sand paper grips that have glue on them and you stick them on there and run it for a while if you like that feeling then go with a silicone carbide you can also go with rubber which i do on a lot of my carry guns rubber grips are real nice because they give you a little extra texture but they don't rub your stomach too much especially for like a panic's carry and stuff like that another thing i would recommend is going to be steel sites uh these things are 60 bucks these are ameriglo spartans high definition front blacked out rear perfect uh in my opinion as far as durability uh they have a tritium vial on the front so you have night sights and they're only 60 bucks and they're significantly better than glock lights glock sights do break i hear some people say they don't they definitely do i've had them break so for a pretty cheap price you can upgrade your sighting system if you don't want to go a dot i would definitely recommend going high definition sights they work pretty well chimney trigger we talked about last thing i want to mention that you definitely should have some of these upgrades were theoretical but one of these i really suggest you have on defensive guns especially a home defense gun and that is going to be a weapon light this is an olight valkyrie here i like that a lot it's probably the cheapest option that i would go it's got this little qd mount here which is pretty dope and you pop it on and off and the switches are not great but they're pretty good with enough power to shoot at 100 plus yards having a very low profile and weight another one i like a lot anything from streamlight is really good to go in my personal opinion my favorite weapon light from them is tlr-7a it has the upgraded switches on it which makes the streamlight work that much better and it's very small it has more than enough uh uh power to shoot at 50 to 75 yards pretty easy it's got a lot more flood than throw the old light has a little bit more throw so if you're looking for longer distance if you're looking for a shorter distance but more compact package this one's probably more durable than the old light as well so this is a really good option and then finally uh my favorite probably but also the most expensive is going to be the brand new surefire x300 ultra this thing is really powerful it's really durable it has a pretty decent mounting system on it just a little screw thingy screw on and off the old ones had those tabs that would work but sometimes they get stuck i like this mounting system better but these lights are very expensive at around 200 but they're super durable as well the downside to them is they hang out a lot further because they use a bigger bevel but that also gives you more throw so trade-offs with everything right so overall i hope that helps you guys out with some glock accessories all the [ __ ] was just off the top of my head none of this was provided by anybody if you like this video please like and subscribe people better look homeless shelters remember recycle i'll check you later [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i
Channel: Honest Outlaw
Views: 400,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glock, glock 34, g34, g17, glock 17, g43, glock 43, glock 43x, g43x, glock 19, g19, best pistol, best handgun, honest outlaw, honest outlaw glock, glock review, trijicon, trijicon rmr, best optic, best light, sro, rmr, surefire, surefire x300, streamlight, streamlight tlr, glock accessories, glock upgrades, upgrades, accessories, lights, red dot, best red dot, honest outlaw glock review, top 5
Id: -PD5fnZGHiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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