Glitter and Lazers Speaks Out About the REALITIES of Losing Weight (Yikes)

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all right you guys so today i wanted to talk about uh this video that was obviously sent into my discord if you're not part of the discord make sure you join well over 6 000 members now which is freaking awesome um so the link will be down in the description uh but this was uh this was a video that was released by i would call her my friend glitter and lasers and if you're not familiar with the whole thing i have made a couple videos about this whole kind of saga or series so i would recommend going back and watching that but she she recently released the video this is it right here titled uh health journey update i've lost weight and i'm really overwhelmed and so a lot of people were curious about my thoughts on this video so let's go ahead and watch it my channel my name is anna aka glitter and lasers and today i'm giving you guys a little update on my my health journey my controversial health journey um i don't know why i became british when talking about it but maybe that feels a little bit uh accurate right now because everything feels pretty foreign so maybe maybe that's why my health junior is now um an uptight british person so the uh just for you guys that might not be super uh familiar with with her so she she recently uh put it out there that she is going to lose weight because of her lipedema in her legs and then there was a huge backlash because of that and so that's kind of what she's talking about here i'll turn up the volume for you guys real quick so here's the deal a lot of flim plan went on a lot of people came out and said their opinions and i kind of moved on from it and i decided i'm not going to respond to anyone's opinions about my body my lifestyle or my choices pretty much ever again now i say that with like a caveat because there are times when you have to respond but the majority of the time you don't so i would agree with that i think that it's really easy to get caught up especially when like people are it's just interesting like i obviously have never been in this situation that she's in but it's it's really easy to get caught up in um wanting to kind of say it like it respond to everything and then you get you get like caught up in uh in responding to everyone and it just gets negative so just kind of being like i'm gonna do my own thing i don't care what anyone says also we're gonna speed this up just a little bit oh i'm not going to but i do need to talk a little bit about how this has affected me um over the past month so god i don't even know where to begin i guess i'll just begin with my progress right i still don't know exactly how much weight i've lost um but i have dropped a size and pants and my waist is also disproportionately gotten smaller this is kind of important to talk about because i think when people talk about weight loss it's always in the um context of like being more attractive and the weirdest thing for me right now is i feel less attractive which is something i didn't really like prepare myself for because i didn't i mean i guess i was not even thought i wouldn't have to prepare myself for it but my body is more unproportionate now than it was prior to me starting a health journey and it has made finding clothes even harder so it's it's interesting that she says because this is something that kind of happened to me as well um like when you a lot of people when you start to lose weight for a lot of people especially like your belly for dudes at least is like it's really tight and then when you start to lose weight it gets a little bit less tight and so a lot of people i've actually been messaged a lot of times like man i've lost xyz amount of weight but i i kind of feel worse now and normally i'm like well you just kind of have to you know keep pushing through i think there's a lot of things that kind of go into it obviously it's a especially if you're really large and you're losing any amount of weight like there's so much psychological stuff that is tied to that as well and you you start i think a lot of people start to get really freaked up freaked out because you almost feel like you're dying to this former version of yourself and that can be really scary and that can bring up a lot of things um that will you know make you feel worried or feel scared or you might start you might even just start making i'm not saying she's doing this but you might start making up things where you're like i am i definitely look worse or this isn't doing going well right because you're so afraid of the unknown which is funny because size wise i am now smaller but things just don't fit the same way they used to fit or they fit but not as comfortably as they would fit before so like things like buying pants and knowing that i'm gonna have to deal with either tight thighs or a waist that won't stay up um and again these are like small problems to have but they've changed the way i feel about my body a little bit because i feel like a little bit of stranger and i noticed for like two weeks um i was wearing a lot of like clothes that were baggier they were baggy when i was heavier and they're really baggy now and i was wearing them because like it was really clear i wasn't trying so i didn't have to feel bad that it didn't look great because i already knew putting them on that i wasn't going to look good so i had to like literally have a little bit of an intervention with myself where i was like this isn't you well and and plus it's like when you're losing a lot of weight you're most the time you know you're losing it relatively fast to where like buying clothes all the time is frustrating right you're like okay i've lost 50 pounds now i have to buy another shirt or i have to buy a different pair of pants like when i when i was in the middle of my weight loss dude i had because i was working at vons at the time i had work pants that were so unbelievably big on me but i just was like one i just didn't really have much money so i couldn't just buy a bunch of pants so i literally just had this belt also the belt was really old so i just started making a bunch of holes in it eventually i made so many holes and it was going around me so much that i just cut some of the belt off um but like the pants were so large like i literally would like fold them and then do my belt because i was just like man i'm not gonna keep buying clothes i'm not going to um you know worry about looking good because like i'll i'll focus on that later you uh look a little um hot nested and though you are generally at times hot messed you you've gone down a little bit of a hill and luckily i caught myself um kind of going down this hill and i was like okay um you've got to start like finding clothes that fit you now so that was also fun and heartbreaking because i got really good at knowing what fit me and all of that knowledge all of that beautiful knowledge is no longer accurate so that is irritating and frustrating and going through the shopping process like in a stranger's body is not fun it's not and it makes you feel crappy the whole way through and on top of it uh it's this weird phenomenon when you lose weight where people i don't know how else to explain this other than to say it it makes complete sense why people don't want to lose weight it makes complete sense you start losing weight on your body feels super foreign and nothing fits you right everybody's got an opinion on how you could be doing what you're already doing pretty dang well better and they seem like they can like button and tell you just because their body type is a little bit more aesthetically pleasing there will be oh man i mean yes i agree like i remember when i was losing weight like so many people would be like how did you do it and then i'd tell them and they're like oh you should try this and that that so i i basically i'm sure you guys can can agree with this or you have been have have dealt with this as well you just get to a point where you're like okay i know this person's gonna give me a ton of advice and they think that they're right and they think they know everything about me so i'm just going to listen to what they're saying and i'll nod my head and smile and say thank you and then i'm not gonna do anything that they said because like i'm doing what i'm doing and it's working i don't need to listen to what jason says and you know from fit boys industries like i can handle myself people in your life who once felt very comfortable with you and your in your previous body who will now all of the sudden be angry and mad at you and and even like act differently towards you because your body is changing um and it'll make some people mad which we already saw and at the center of all of this like your emotions and your feelings and your choices like don't even matter because they're gonna do these things like no matter what it's really hard like it's a lot harder than i thought it would be and especially doing it publicly yeah it's it's not great you guys it is so hard like it is so hard to lose weight publicly like just with that nothing else tied to it okay and like i want to make this very clear this is why a lot of times i say like if you are deciding to lose weight a lot of people like i want to start a youtube channel i want to document all of it i'm like i'm not saying don't do it but just really really understand what you're putting yourself what you're deciding to put yourself through there are a lot of people that might put their journey out there and not that many people watch and it ends up being a really good experience and that's great and i'm really happy for those people but there are some people that end up putting their journey out there that get tons of eyes on them and then on top so now they're already struggling with something that's hard right losing weight but then they're struggling with a lot of people that are now inspired by them and they're like man i'm so excited for you i really hope you do super well and then you're like oh my god i really hope i do super well because now it's not just about me it's about thousands of other people watching me now on top of that with anna she's dealing with people that are making videos mad that she has decided to lose weight and that are calling her tons of names and are being incredibly mean about the fact that she is losing weight again it's important and i always say this she's doing it because she got a diagnosis of something that was going to hinder her life you know if if something didn't change right and that's what she's doing now and so with all of that it's i just i really feel for her and that's why i'm like so interested in how she's doing and i like to talk about this stuff because so many people do not understand how much stress that this this woman probably is in right now and also trying to do it in a way where i don't negate or hate my previous body because i didn't hate my previous body is really hard because a lot of the conversation that happens around health journeys and more specifically weight loss is this concept of like hating and um loathing yourself where you were as kind of like a badge of honor to where you've gotten to and that feels super icky and i guess i've just kind of felt really alone and and uh yeah i felt really alone i felt really alone and i have come to the point where like i'm okay if people don't like what i have to say anymore which i think like let's not even talk about weight loss like let's just talk about like self development being okay having an opinion that might be different than someone else's on the internet is like a brave ass thing it is brave it's scary man because you feel like man i'm gonna get canceled for believing xyz thing it's scary and for a long time i really did try to be that person that said all of the right things but then i realized how impossible that was and how crippling that was and how much it basically in a lot of ways destroyed my life not destroyed it my life was never destroyed but it made my life very on me and unfun well you end up like you end up when you when you feel like you just want to say things to make everyone happy like at least for myself this is something that's changed a lot in the past like year or so um with the videos that i've made a lot a lot i would just try and be like the i would try and understand all sides and never express how i felt but then you feel like you're you're wearing this mask of that's not really um a good representation of how you actually feel and then you you find out that even though you're trying to do that people are mad at you so this mask that you have on people are mad at this mass that you have on and underneath the mask you're thinking to yourself i don't even believe that or i don't that's not even what i really think but i just said it because i thought that uh it would make this person happy or it would it would cause a harmony with everyone when in reality now you're just not actually speaking your mind and you're still making people mad anyways right and so this whole sitch like the number one thing it's done is made me okay with speaking my mind with having a little bit of a dude which is like a new thing for me and it's still scary every time i do it but like i'm thankful for that so even though i feel sad and lonely my body's unfamiliar and things are hard at least i got my voice back at least there's that excuse me while i sad cry in the corner fast forward now to the past week where life got really busy i had some projects come in like and all of them needed turn around in like two days i am a one-woman show i was very stressed out i was doing an interior redesign at the same time so i had to finish that and then be able to get this other work done because i didn't have anywhere to shoot it it just it was a very very overwhelming time and i saw my focus go to the back burner it's not like i went back to all of my old habits and became super indulgent and um like ignored my health it's just that health wasn't a priority for that week and it's crazy that it only took one week before my legs started to hurt and they didn't hurt like they previously hurt at least i don't think they did but they just started to like give me signs like maybe i wasn't making the best choices and i started to really think about that and i think one of the things that happens when when we go off track is you kind of have two choices there's signals right that was the signal my legs started all right and you either can like course correct and get back on because you're not that far off the road you're just like a little bit off or you just ignore it and you become accustomed to it and i think i'm proud of myself that i paid attention to the fact that my body started to not like the choices i was making and got back on the road and i wow this is that's good like that is that's powerful right there like so many people and i was one of these people that when you are you know really overweight like i was there are certain things that just become hard and you just kind of like she said you just accept it and you are like this is part of my life now right like even little things like nothing this has nothing to do with anyone else right trying to put on shoes or trying to tie shoes i couldn't do it i could not bend over and and reach my shoes if i was sitting in a chair so what i would do i would tie my shoes in my lap make them really loose and then just slip my foot into my shoes like little things like that that should have been a sign like dude that's not normal you should figure something out right or when my my feet and my hands were starting to get scabbed and stuff like that's not normal i should have figured something out but instead of being like wow this signal is negative i should make something i should change something it was like oh well that's new interesting let's uh let's keep moving right and i feel like it's so easy to get off the road because in life sometimes you just can't spend the hours measuring your food or figuring everything out sometimes other things are going to take priority and that is one thing i'm starting to think about now okay we're heading into holiday season which is a very stressful time for an influencer and i'm gonna have to figure out how to stay in this mode at a time when my life is literally topsy-turvy as hell and and i kind of had a little bit of a wake-up call that i have to start figuring that out now because work is starting to get a little harder and it's going to get like five times as hard by the time holiday season hits and if i don't have it figured out like i'm not gonna make it through i'm gonna i'm gonna go back to where i was and i think that is the hardest thing about this entire journey is realizing how easy it is to just stop paying attention to my own needs like and that's literally this is a good uh comment right here um it says so lifestyles of kayla says uh it's like we feel like we're too far gone so might as well not try so glad i'm deciding to try now and i mean that's so true like you're i truly believe no one is ever too far gone like you can always pick up and move like i fully believe that what it boils down to is i stop paying attention to what my body needs i stopped paying attention to like what i need to be healthy and happy throughout the day and just focus on work and i feel like i'm in a confessional you all are my priest and i'm admitting to you that i am a workaholic and that has effects on my life that i have not acknowledged until like actually this video like right now i'm going to talk about sometimes when i talk on vlogs it feels like therapy well yeah i'm a workaholic and i put my work above myself almost all the time and i have to figure out how to break that habit it's really hard not to do that it's really not hard not to do that when you are um because i i mean i feel like we're kind of in the same in similar situations right influencer we everything about how we make money is based on how how hard i'm willing to work right i can take a week off of making live streams making videos if i wanted to that's fully up to me but i know if i did that i would i would feel it's not even just like oh i wouldn't make as much money because honestly it's not even like that's not even the main thing but i would feel like i'm letting people down if that makes sense like it's it's really hard to take a week off because i feel like there's so many of you guys that watch these live streams that watch these videos that appreciate them and i am so appreciative of that i feel like the way i'm able to say thank you is by continuing to make these things right videos uh live streams everything that i do and i'm assuming that she probably feels similarly with that because you you feel like you have an obligation even though you don't technically actually have one right to continue to make content and so it's hard not to continue to do that and it's gonna suck because i have to do it during the hardest time of the year but i'm confident that if i can do it now during you know the craziest year of anybody's lives the most challenging situation to create and the busiest season of the year all by myself if i can make it through then i really can do this whenever wherever you know shakira style when i have them whatever i want to be together um sorry that's where my brain goes but it is overwhelming and scary and wow there's a lot of like weird thoughts and balance going on in my head and i am i am not an expert in this and i do not have the answers and i think that's the scariest part about all of this like ask me how to style it tunic 25 ways and i got you girl but this this i don't know and it is scary to be somewhere i don't know and it's scary to feel out of control and that's weird because i am making steps to control myself but this whole process feels very out of control i don't understand why some days i want to eat junk and other days i don't and you know like people talk about like journaling your feelings and all of that stuff i have journaled my feelings girl it ain't related to feelings i don't know or maybe i'm not acknowledging i think a big and she was kind of just talking about it i think um a big part of that like the struggle that she has and this is something that i've noticed with a lot of people that you know are trying to lose weight that one day they'll feel really good the next day they'll feel like i can't continue doing this is like she was talking about it is control so those days where you do feel like you're in control you feel like you're on top of the world because you're like i can continue doing this this is no problem like i've been doing it for months now i can continue doing this but when you have a day where you feel out of control with whatever that might be right maybe you weren't able to make the breakfast that you normally make maybe uh school got in the way maybe kids got in the way and you weren't able to do your workout or something like that right when you start to feel like you are no longer in control everything feels like it's going to crumble and this is something i dealt with a lot when i was losing weight and i think the the way that i am able to uh mitigate some of those things because i still struggle with that is as you guys know i've talked about it a lot is routine that's why i like routine so much because i do feel like i can be in control now is every day exactly the same no but i have enough things that are similar that make me feel like okay i'm in control of this thing now that's not for everyone and some people would hate routine and i i fully understand that but for me i know as a coping mechanism it has helped me tremendously why those feelings are different and that's what's so like hard about this journey is that like it's not crystal clear and i'm literally just a person hide me trying to figure out how to live their life in a way that a extends it and b is super enjoyable it's hard this whole situation is hard and uncomfortable and all i'm gonna say and i think this is what i what i need to like get to at the root of this like long blithering video about i don't know at this point is that listening to your heart and listening to your gut and trusting your intentions is really hard in this world and if you are out there struggling know that i am struggling to know that while my life is generally happier i feel better and i'm beginning to see some significant changes in my body i am still stressed out i'm still overwhelmed and i'm still confused by how my body operates and it's not like there's been some magical ray of light where all of a sudden everything makes sense no everything is super confusing emotionally physically all of those things and if anything it's made me more compassionate on why some people just choose not to prioritize this i get it it's it's a nightmare it is terrible but i also look at the positives which which i value right like i value mobility i value um the hopeful eventual ability to do a lot of things that i've wanted to do um that i haven't been able to because of my body and it's so powerful i mean that's where it's at right like for me that's where it's at but i understand now i get it this is this is emotionally exhausting and i wish more people would talk about it because all we ever hear about from like the weight loss perspective is like oh my gosh i feel so great i have all this energy i'm eating all of these foods it's amazing but nobody's talking about like hey a bunch of people who i thought were my friends are no longer my friends just because i lost some weight i eat that is really sad to hear and i know that that a lot of people feel like that's um something that they struggle with or not feel like that is something that they struggle with um like what i say to that is like if someone truly is no longer your friend because you have decided to lose weight one they probably were not that close of a friend to you and two i think a lot of the reason they might have been friends with you is because they did the comparison game but in the opposite okay so they instead of being like oh man this person's so great i wish i could be as great as them they would be like well i'm doing better than this person like look how big this person is like jeez i'm so glad i'm not there but they keep you around because you make them feel better about themselves and so if someone is truly like no longer your friend because you have decided to lose weight again that says more about that person than it says about you differently now and everybody has an opinion on it either it's like why are you eating a salad eat something you know more fun or you know you really should have that dressing on that salad you should just eat the leaves like there's you can't just like eat your damn salad like there's just too many opinions so i get it i get it i just want to say if you're struggling we're all struggling this is hard and um i think that at the end of the day if you're doing your best that's all that really matters that's because i'm not going to hate myself through this i'm going to question myself be confused by myself sometimes be sad but i'm not going to hate myself because that's pointless and it doesn't actually move anything forward so with that guys that is i don't i don't know like there was really no point to this video other than for me to just catch you up and i'll probably do this like once a month just so you know where i'm at what i'm doing what i'm how i'm vibing i'm vibing who am i i'm like 35. i can't say that how i'm doing uh but there's really no like golden rainbow to glean other than hopefully some to commiserate i hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day i'll check you later and peace so man with these videos that the anders that anna is making like i feel like they're some of the most interesting and um important to a specific type of person video that are on the internet right now um because i know there are a lot of people that follow me that might be in similar positions maybe obviously not as public as anna is dealing with but i know there are a lot of people that are in similar situations and i think that um being able to work through weight loss and work through like like i saw someone in chat earlier say like even if she wasn't doing it for her health like people shouldn't be mad at her and i obviously 1000 agree with that i think that what she is doing is it just is really important and i feel like she's doing a really good job and i i just honestly hope that she continues and and sees all the all the success possible because i feel like she is doing it in a a right way [Music] obey the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig wags don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop [Music]
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 146,994
Rating: 4.9529071 out of 5
Keywords: John glaude, obesetobeast, glitter and lazers, fat loss, weight loss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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