Freelee vs Glitter & Lazers (Roasting The Banana Girl)

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all right so today this is a video that was sent into my discord so again if you haven't joined the discord make sure you do it just join it's awesome over 7 000 people in there now anyone if you're trying to lose weight if you want help with nutrition anything it's completely free you can join the link below i'd love to have you but uh so this video was sent in to the discord it's a little bit of an older video but i still think it's it's an interesting one this video comes from well i guess her new challenge channel is called the frugivore fruitivore i don't know fruit frugivore i don't i don't know what it's supposed to mean i'm assuming it's carnivore and fruit but uh so this is freely the banana freely the banana girl who if you guys are not familiar she uh she's been on youtube for a very long time um she's been controversial basically the whole time she's been on youtube um and for a long time i don't know if she does this still but for a long time she basically she would promote eating like 30 bananas a day so only eating bananas so that was her uh that was what she would uh that's what she would promote to people so um she made this video it's called glitter and lasers tick tock what i eat in a day freely reacts nope this won't work so i'm assuming she is going to react to anna or glitter and later lasers on what she eats in a day so let's see what uh what freely has to say for dinner i had a nice steak oh a nice steak i chose keto because i like meats and cheeses okay boom i put this into the chronometer as well let's go and check it out it's just horrible so in 30 days and here's why i wanted to make this video i ate over 100 pounds bananas i ate almost 50 100 pounds of bananas in 30 days wow that's a lot of bananas cans of potatoes and what happened well there was some weight loss and that's fantastic i lost over 20 pounds great you know that's i i hope for more weight loss because that's good for my health but more than 30 days have gone by now and i haven't binged and i don't feel so crazy and that is what has made it worthwhile for me hey free woman i'm freeley welcome back to frugal channel we have i am a man okay how dare you okay subscribe yet you know what to do click the bell icon if you actually want to watch my videos so today's video is a reaction to anna o'brien glitter and lasers what i eat in the day tik tok she dude i think i might start doing my videos on an exercise ball because that's dope put it up recently so i'm going to react to that i actually worked out all the calories we're going to talk all about that i i give actual alternatives healthy cruelty-free alternatives to everything that she eats in this day so stay tuned for that and a lot of you told me that she's trying to lose weight and a lot of people her size are always trying to lose weight okay but they're going on these fat diets and they well i mean there's a lot of people that are trying to lose weight all the time right not just people her size there's there's a lot of people that are trying to lose weight they start themselves and they binge out and it's just this terrible cycle that continues forever and ever and ever until someone like me comes along and says hey i got the solution for you hmm someone like you wow oh my god so you have the answer for everyone you've solved obesity that is amazing wow wow i wish i freaking knew this sooner man this is crazy okay stop the pollution i got the internal solution to your problems and that's what we're going to talk about today and she put up this video weight loss diet and fitness i'm spilling all the tea and she talks about being fearful basically of the body positivity community you know thinking being negative towards her for wanting to get healthy for wanting to lose weight and i'm just like oh what is the world that we are living in when someone is trying to improve their health so this is a perfect example of when people at the health at every size movement talk about you know people that are in fitness or in health or whatever are toxic because this is what we get people like this acting this way and i can almost guarantee i haven't seen this video can almost guarantee her solution is going to be something that is unsustainable that is not going to be helpful and it's probably going to be something that makes freely a little bit of money to get better and others who are in a similar position are like no they're trying to pull her back down like no you can't you can't get healthier you're like you're our role model you are our truth our beacon of truth that we're putting up there as an example of health at every size you know you can be morbidly obese at any thought i mean you can be healthy and be morbidly obese and we know that's not true and it's just sickening that people would be negative towards her trying to do something positive for her life i mean i've said this before i do think that it was wrong that people were mad at her for wanting to uh wanting to lose weight you know i i just i just can't okay so we're going to show you just a tiny bit of that but before we move on just stop for a second and press the thumbs up or press the thumbs down and if you're feeling a thumbs down you can do that if you're not feeling [Music] you're not feeling me today you think i'm annoying whatever just thumb me down that is fine okay but if you find this to be powerful information that's important then you just vote how you feel is best but just do something if you want to see more of these videos all right so and as as a lot of you know i made a video previously on anna o'brien i put a link in the description below it's a video before this so check it out before you watch this one alright so let's go let's go weight loss diets just a little bit of a sentence from this one this is like okay maybe i need to start doing something so i started researching maybe i need to start doing something good okay searching she said i'm gonna watch one second of this video and then react to it dang she's better than i am at this jeez bro about lipodema and there were just all these really extreme diets that were suggested and honestly a lot of the people who are actively talking about lipoedema practice those diets so okay so she says extreme diets and for anna who is eating extremely badly she would see probably plant-based as extreme and we know it's not okay it's a way that humans no no i think that there is healthy plant-based to where it's not extreme but i can almost guarantee i can almost guarantee what she is going to promote is extreme okay because how do i know that because look the frick over here dude go fruit yourself freely how i lost 40 pounds on a raw food lifestyle okay that means i lost 40 pounds eating nothing not no cooked food like you don't think that's extreme like how do you not see that what you are promoting is also extreme how the thing is you know that but it still makes you money right a man to eat and i'm all about where frugivores okay which means we should eat high fruit but i'm also supportive of a higher starch you know starch solution style approach as well but you really do need to get the fruit in eventually but if for her it's a good transition for sure um but she probably thinks it's it's extreme which is crazy it gives you great results and it's it's cruelty free and it's great i chose keto because i like meats and cheeses okay boom i chose keto because i like meats and cheeses there you go anna there is your problem well i mean okay i do think that it's it's silly to say i don't like extreme diets and then i know people are going to disagree with me but then say i'm going to do keto which is i don't want to say it's extreme because whenever i say i get attacked but it's it's a lot more restrictive than just going on you know eating whatever you want but just making sure you're in a deficit like that is more restrictive so if it was me i would not recommend you know going on keto i would not recommend something that is so restrictive when you are first trying to lose weight but i do know that it works for a lot of people and i'm not going to make someone feel bad if that's what they decide to do i'm sure frilly is not the same way okay you know she likes some meats and cheeses they don't like your back really like that's such a that's such a low blow like i don't i don't get how people can watch these videos like man freely is my uh my role model just trash okay it's not working for you anna it's keeping you huge it's keeping you unhealthy it's keeping you on death's door knocking on death's door dude it's so freaking frustrating when people make videos like this like because it's under the guise of i'm trying to help like i want to help you like who in the right mind is going to watch this video of this australian woman making fun of you for being overweight and then think to yourself oh yeah dude let me hit her up and like get some help from her no one wants to do that and she knows that freelee knows that but she uses that as a guise for her to basically bully people on the internet like this stuff is so frustrating man you know with one foot in a grave you know you're a chicken wing away from a heart attack basically so cheese and meat you gotta get these unhealthy cruel cruel foods out of your diet and you might be like oh you're just saying that because it's unethical i am all about ethics yes i care about other animals i don't want to see them killed unnecessarily just for my meal i think that is disgusting and so unnecessary i don't care about ethics but let me spend the next like you know amount of time trying to make you feel bad for for eating meat but this is also about health these foods don't contain any fiber they don't contain any carbohydrates like they're obviously not meant to go in our incredibly long digestive system they're just not meant to go in there okay crossed out her omnivore through very quickly through you know uh omnivore a carnivores digestive system and we don't have that we have the frugivore digestive system okay so it causes a lot what is this what is a frugal boy a different type of person what is what she found a new species i guess what a problem so she tried keto and i did keto and i actually developed a really terrible keto rash all over me yeah i i'm not surprised i'm not surprised because you're not meant to eat gato you're not meant to eat a high meat and cheese diet you're also not meant to eat basically only fruit as well but you know whatever just so wrong for frugals it seems like everywhere we look on youtube these days someone is trying the keto diet from beauty bloggers to gamers we become sick from this high level of ketones that are starting to poison the blood so anyway look her bmr all right i worked out her basal metabolic rate just went to a standard calculator and put in 30 she's around 36 years old a height i didn't know but probably around 170 centimeters 180 kilos or around 400 pounds she weighs so how many calories should she be be having so her basal metabolic rate the rate at which the amount of calories that she should have to just lie in bed all day for her body to function to stay you know functioning properly is two and a half thousand calories that's a ton right i mean like that's a lot for just lying around in bed doing nothing but she needs that and a lot of these calorie restrictive diets are like you know you should just have 1700 calories it's just starvation okay and we don't no no it's not starvation is starving to death like being in a caloric deficit is not starving yourself i'm just saying and like her bmr might be that but that doesn't mean that she wouldn't be eating more than that because she she moves around in a day right bmr's basal metabolic rate basically coma calories how many calories you need if you're not moving at all which she's obviously moving um so she she would probably not even be eating that low of calories in a day anyways i want to starve anna we just want to change where her calories are coming from change her food source right so exercise we saw her doing some exercise one to three times per week or four to five times per week she needs around three and a half thousand calories because we saw her doing i mean i'm not sure if you've seen a tick tock but i'll show a little bit she's been doing exercises like jumping jacks she's been doing quite a bit of movement and as a personal trainer who had a successful personal training business for many years i do not recommend someone who is morbidly obese or even obese to do jumping jacks and explosive movements okay because there's too much weight on your joints go for a walk or even a bike ride that supports your weight supports your joints there's none of this impact but just what like what even what even is the point of this picture oh my god dude this person obviously just like does not like fat people and is taking any chance that they can to dunk on them like that's very it's very obvious i don't get how people don't see this walking is enough for anna so anna please listen don't do that okay but anyway the point here is three and a half thousand calories you know she's moving this is a basal metabolic rate okay so she needs that many calories and there might be a lot of you saying oh you know that's that's so many calories she won't lose weight if she eats that much rubbish okay she she needs more like 5 000 calories of the right from the right food sources what did she need 5 000 calories she's 5 000 calories to lose weight are you kidding me dude who is believing this like this is like the literal like eat as much as you want and still lose weight that's literally what she is peddling here but it's coming from fruit like dude i don't understand how this stuff is still exists it blows my mind it seriously does from the low fat the high carbohydrate food the plant foods not the high saturated animal fat which is just keeping her big you hurt her she likes the meat and cheeses alright so anyway let's get into it shall we this is this is her tik tok all right and this video has been viewed by over 1.4 million people probably mainly obese young women and older women watching this so she is being an example to them is she being a good example i have watched this okay i have worked out all the calories and substitutes and it's not good all right so i'll just give you a little bit of a preview there so let's get into it here's what i eat in a typical day first i started with a goat cheese spinach frittata and some roasted sweet potatoes it's one okay so that is what she's starting with goat's cheese spinach frittata and roast sweet potato i'm all about the roast sweet potato i think that's great for breakfast i wouldn't have it i wouldn't recommend it because i'm all about the fruit you know you need to hydrate we know we know we know you like fruit we get it we understand we we understand eating nourishing food in the morning fruit is just where it's where it's at because it's full of water full of fiber it is really really healthy for your colon to have that first thing in the morning um but sweet potato i'm obviously supportive of that but you need more fructose even more fructose when it comes when it comes to fruit okay so this spinach frittata thing is just obviously it's just full of fat it's goat's cheese it's eggs it's just no okay it's no no no it is cruel food and it is not it's cruel food all right it's freaking mean all right it makes fun of people this food does don't eat it not good for her waistline okay the amount of fat it has 53 fat this thing okay it has a bunch of sodium you know 53 fat it it's it's way too much the carb carbs five percent fat um carbs and i know she had a sweet potato but she needs way more way more than this so anna's breakfast came i mean i would love to know how she exactly knows exactly what the calories are in this stuff like obviously she's going to make it as bad as as possible so i would say take all of this stuff with a grain of salt came out to calories i mean that's ridiculous for her she needs to start the day with so many more calories and i'm talking more like 1279 calories that's what i've got here for her okay so i actually you know designed the breakfast for her which is a bg snackers bg snackers has a picture of me here but it is a delicious recipe which is page 163 wow she's selling something what a surprise i would have never guessed oh my goodness how strange cannot believe it my mind is blown she is using this whole video to sell her cookbook thing wow would have never known yeah let's have people eat eight bananas for freaking breakfast with five dates and some soy milk and pb2 yeah that sounds like a are you eating oh my god dude of the raw till four diet okay so it has bananas eight bananas pb2 organic powdered peanut butter powder okay so this is a low fat the the fat has basically a lot of the fats being removed from this peanut butter so you can put the powder in but you still get that peanuty flavor and it is great you can have soy milk in there and dates and honestly it is such a tasty tasty smoothie okay it is great it's full of fructose it's full of glucose it's full of that energy that she needs to start the day you know dude don't do this okay hey anyone watching don't do this please for the love of god especially [Laughter] especially if you have any problems with blood sugar bro this might kill you like please don't do this oh man she's out here trying to kill people dog being 400 pounds she's going to need at least a thousand calories for breakfast and she's only having 370. so what happens when you have that little calories for breakfast one of my favorite breakfasts so she says it's one of her favorite breakfasts i kind of like question whether that's true or not but anyway what what are you even talking about well if it's one of her oh my god why because it has eggs in it you just can't can't think of anyone that would like eggs by the way i want to say this sample breakfast i found this here this is actually from this snap kitchen website which you know they do calories and stuff like that so that's just on a side note also with that this is what happens when you don't have enough calories for breakfast enough glucose enough fructose into your cells i drank a perk energy drink just to get myself going because i was super tired that morning yeah so she had a perk energy drink with juices a coffee she had a coffee it's like a hundred milligrams of caffeine you know boom she needed that she needed that caffeine hit well i'm sure i mean to be to be honest i'm sure it was more she was sponsored by that company you know let's be real here anyone who is having caffeine in their diet has an inadequate diet it is a deficient diet but look this is why she needs to eat more she needs to eat more for breakfast and more carbohydrates okay like so she has energy and she doesn't go for the drugs because this is what these people are doing they got oh my god dude this this can't be real i i'm living in the matrix i'm living in i'm living in this is a narnia i don't know what's going on are you kidding me she said drugs and she's not wrong but oh my gosh she's out here being there she said i'm there she said this is the new dare caffeine can't have the kids can't let the kids get on caffeine [Laughter] oh man go for the drugs because they're having a deficient diet alright so next i mean i haven't had coffee for something like 15 years okay because my diet's not deficient wow look at her face look at i haven't had caffeine in 15 years yeah i'm better than you what the heck oh my god right so let's see here then i had a delicious that does not look that it looks disgusting look at that oh no that looks pretty good man it looks pretty good it looks like powdered puffs for me powdered solidified bovine secretion like gross goats ice eat goat's cheese and this stuff is really unhealthy it's cranberry bacon gucci cranberry bacon so she's got she's got you know she's got the pig flesh in there i don't really care about the ethics or anything though right um don't really care you know she's got the solidified bo insecure she's got the pig flesh the meat and cheeses you know she said that and she's got a salad this is not good this is full of fat let's have a look how much fat this has in it shall we 1153 calories basically this salad is it maybe a well yeah you are going over someone who is doing keto so yeah there's gonna be a lot of fat in the in the diet just like someone could go over your freaking stupid diet and be like wow it's a lot of carbs or a lot of sugar i mean it's they're both extremes right come on now a little bit less okay but it is full of fat okay um she's got the pecans in there you know pecans are good of course but got the pig bits and got the cheese so obviously it was so so yummy my favorite everything's her favorite favorite favorite yeah i don't really believe dog she is making a video trying to make things look good of course she's gonna say it's her favorite she's not like yeah this thing's kind of gross but i'm gonna eat it anyways and show it to you like it's such a stupid thing leave that anyways but let's go here to so i i've got her for lunch here okay this is a similar size lunch um but it's it's actually pizza pizza rolls so these are all options from my book so you can well surprising it's uh you're bringing your book up again wow oh my gosh never whatever just get these by looking into my book and this one is cruelty free pizza box okay so here we go this cruelty free pizza box she can have this one for lunch okay and she can have you know as much calories as she wants because this is actually low fat high carbohydrate and there is some dude this is unbelievable so she is she is basically doing the argument that keto people used to do a few years ago saying you can eat as many calories as you want as long as it's coming from fat she is using that and flipping it and saying you can eat as many calories as you want as long as it's coming from you know plants as long as it's coming from like not from oh my god dude this stuff like is so stupid dude oh fruit in there and i would love her to just be wrought or for straight away but this is more of a transition so i'm going to be recommending that she has some cooked for lunch she doesn't have to but you know having this is going to be probably more sustainable for her at first because she's coming from such a bad diet so we've got rice and we have some fruit jellies here and we have pizza rolls she can pack that in no problem at all and by the way that's page 182 of my naked lunchbox check check it out she can pack dog i think that's been two different books that she has plugged already in this video like in the pizza rolls and it's still going to be far healthier and more carbohydrates than what she's eating now so she's going to have more energy and yeah i just broke that down there and yeah let's move babe then for a little snack i got myself some lentil chips and dog those are good ooh the margarita pizza i'd smash those pizza flavor because why uh oh uh oh look at her face oh no oh no she's mad she's going to freak out right now here we go that is a whole hunk anyway let's just get let's get that's horrible she can't even talk oh my gosh she's she's come she's she's combusting everyone let's go back to lentil chips so i would say she had the whole packet right of course she had the whole packet enjoy no like how do you know that what life lentil chips margarita pizza one bag is 550 calories and it's 26 grams of fat it's nearly 50 percent fat these lentil chips so she's just fat fat fat where do you think the fat that you're eating is going okay look if you were to do where do you think the excess carbs that someone would be eating if they ate 5 000 calories worth of them would be going it would turn into fat and stay on your body if you are in a caloric surplus regardless of its fat or carbs or protein i guess but most people overeat on those too it's going to turn into fat so yeah it would turn into fat just like the excess fat or the excess carbs that you're eating when you're eating 5000 calories worth of worth of carbs if you were to get a biopsy of your fat stores you can see exactly what sort of fat you know you draw you get that biopsy what sort of fats you like to eat i chose keto because i like meats and cheeses and if she lies eight main cheeses then her fat is just going to be filled with basically meat and cheese also that biopsy thing not true just so you guys know with animal bits and pieces and secretions that's gross right obviously vegetable fat is better in chips but still incredibly fattening and unhealthy to be part pig to be part pus pop pump pus basically part pass and pig i mean i don't want to be carrying those extras around do you like i mean you don't have to right but she can if she wants to i mean you you can eat all the bananas that you want you don't have to make other people eat the bananas it's just it's so horrible to think of being built on those foods isn't it so anyway she had this like she's having a bunch of fat but what i recommend instead of her having that she can have date and coconut rolls either date or coconut rolls or she can have banana nice cream with chocolate sauce a thousand and twenty two calories okay banana nice cream oh my god dude she just keeps bringing up the book we get it we understand you have a book you're trying to sell it you don't need to bring it up every time holy smokes man i mean there's plenty of them in the book and yes this is a shameless plug of the book because i believe in this book okay yeah trust me we know it's the same shameless plug of the book also did you guys know hey look at this mug wow nice mmm this coffee is so good in this mug [Music] you guys can pick up this mug just saying wow mmm yummy shameless plug ha ha ha ha ha hey i believe in these recommendations it works i have many testimonials it works for me for a long long time it's healthy it's cruelty free this is the way to go for frugivores oh my god we don't care about the testimonial i really do i just did the raw tail for 30 day challenge and that's nice there's also like seriously um pancakes i have pancakes look at that look how delicious that looks yeah this is the i'm sure they taste great 209 200 pancakes pancakes with almond milk it's delicious okay and you can eat unlimited that's the most important thing most important you don't restrict your calories instead of having having instead of having lentil chips because she needs more sugar you can see that clearly she's not having is she having any sweet fruit there's no sweet fruit she has some tomatoes there and she had no she had no sweet fruit and this is absolutely vital for frugal boys [Laughter] she oh no way no way she said absolutely absolutely necessary y'all she is a villain from a marvel movie i'm telling you right now no not even from a marvel movie like she is a villain from a really cheap animated movie who talks like that abs this video is absolutely ridiculous holy smokes dude oh man this is golden this is abso-fruitly so good if you're going to be satisfied and get slim long-term like myself i've stayed the same weight for over a decade no calorie restriction no excessive exercise no caffeine no excessive exercise that's a lie and also hey congrats on your weight loss but using your weight loss using your weight loss to promote things that are unhealthy makes you a bad person just letting you know because i've had my weight off for seven years and i'm not here sit sitting here um saying hey you should only eat freaking bananas because guess what that's absolutely ridiculous fee no drugs none of that okay because i'm feeding myself correctly i'm getting enough fruiting getting enough fructose in this is just horrible for dinner i had a nice steak oh a nice steak sister like this is just like disgusting it's just this chunk of animal earth i mean it looks good to me i don't know i don't know what to tell you like why why would you put that into your body and like this is why you're the size you are okay you are a frugivore eating like a carnivore no we're not frugivores dog we are human beings it's not gonna work me not working okay me not working all right we understand you don't work we've figured that out so far and then she had this like gratan stuff like this cauliflower cheesy thing i guess and corn i put this into the chronometer as well let's go and check it out it's just horrible obviously it is cruel leave the animals alone like it's just so unnecessary don't do it leave them alone please they're here for their own purpose they're here to do their own thing let's leave them do that okay so beefsteak i say it's like half a kilo okay so 800 calories so again she is just guessing okay she has no idea she's just guessing 22 grams of fat then you've got the cauliflower gratin is like it's got 20 grams of fat and the roasted corn see she's going about this wrong she's going about this like oh high fat is high fat low carb is going to help me lose weight no anna that's why you're still the size that you are this is not working because you're not meeting your basic physiological needs that's it's just not rocket science but it is actual science dude no way there is no way that she just said it's not rocket science but it's actual science while also saying she needs to eat 5 000 calories in bananas a day are this can't be real life right now like how is this a thing this is crazy this is not science okay so no you're wrong you're you're wrong it's not you're you're wrong you're wrong you're wrong that you need a lot of glucose okay you need a lot of glucose in your system i'm not making this up every cell in the human body runs on glucose what do you think the body is requiring a lot of the trillions of cells it's glucose glucose glucose so stop making it hard for your body by feeding it meats and cheeses and start feeding a lot of carbs high carbohydrate foods so what i put here instead of that horrible dinner okay yes there was some vegetables in there but they just get drenched in cheese and fat and cream and just becomes unhealthy so what i recommend is from the raw till 4 book as well we have something that is going to be tasty i mean like we got we got sushi eat sushi okay eat plant-based sushi cruelty free don't buy this book okay not even as a joke just don't do it just don't do it just don't do it don't don't do it don't don't buy it three um you can have spicy asian fire roasted tofu because guess what i promise you any any any recipe you can find in that book you can find online for free you don't need to give her money okay just don't do it you guys has a lot of rice in there but this one potato and chickpea curry honestly very very tasty i've even got a video where i make this recipe on my main channel but just eat unlimited so i added that to her total just eat unlimited to lose weight yep great advice you're freaking absolutely killing it okay i've got 4 468 calories here for her for the day yes and it came to 32.9 grams of fats so so for her to lose weight she herself is saying that she is going to be at a 664 calorie surplus so she's eating over from what she has calculated as her um tdee okay she is going to be eating 94 grams of protein 1048 grams of carbs and 32.9 grams of fat okay wow seems legit hardly any like just a good amount for someone like her okay she doesn't want to be packing in a lot of fat because it's just it's just going to her fat cells okay she doesn't need any more fat right she does not need any more excess fat hanging around and you might be like oh no she won't lose weight with that many calories yes no she won't he will no she wants because she's changing the sauce she's not having as much fat which is just packing on to the body she's having the high carb cruelty-free plant foods no she is having uh she's gonna be in a caloric surplus because you are telling her to eat over 50 4500 calories a day and this is a great day carbs 100 1048 grams of carbs which is fantastic for someone like her she's going to have so much energy she's not gonna feel like having any drugs that's cauliflower rotten and some roasted corn and it was a good day it's not a good day that's not a good day girlfriend that is a disaster that is a dietary disaster dog if i ate eight bananas at any point that would be a bad day that would not be fun that would not be fun that is like an artery clogger that's a cruel day it's just it's not good on any level anna you need to get it together okay this is not healthy this is keeping you where you are at if you keep eating like this i don't you don't have a future okay like your body is telling you it's communicating with you this is not working this is the way she eats this is why she is like this and she probably just thinks oh it's sweet no sugar is not turning to fat in your body it's a very very rare occurrence that sugar is actually converted to fat excess calories will convert into fat okay excess energy that is not used will turn into fat regardless of if it's carbs or if it's fat if it's an excess pro if it's an excess calorie excess energy that will turn into fat don't let her lie to you she's a big liar head it's the fats reduce the amount of fat increase the amount of sugar even refined sugar is so much better because it's fueling your cells still but of course i'm all about the fruit but if you if she's gonna have like high sugar and lower fat she's still gonna lose a lot of weight she's still gonna get healthier and that's a great start okay so there we go it's a high fat day it's 3289 calories she's not even eating enough i would say i slightly overestimated so she's probably having about 3 000 calories this isn't enough for her so she needs to eat enough so she feels satisfied and it's a sustainable program that works long term for her to bring the weight down and dude eating like this is not i am this is not sustainable like i don't i hope that everyone watching this understands this is not sustainable at all get healthier it needs to be sustainable it needs to be enough calories but from the right source the high fiber the high carbohydrates high fruit is best okay so you need to understand this this amount of fat 170 grams of fat is just not working for her and this 241 grams of protein this is this is really disastrous for her so anna please please check out the raw till 4 diet check you really do you really think that someone watching this video after they're done are gonna buy your dumb cookbook like come on dude no check out a high carb cooked vegan diet they work okay this works long term and that's what matters and as i said anna i'm willing to coach you and so let anna know that dude no she's are you kidding me video for her she just said let anna know so basically bother this woman and bully her to reply to me yeah i'm sure that really worked out super well dude and that i am trying to help we want to see her survive we want to see animals survive because currently she's taking a lot of lives unnecessarily and she's also spreading it to her audience which is unacceptable okay so that's my video for today don't forget to vote on the video watch my last video for my feelings on this body positivity movement and if you want to see more of them let me know in the comments below i don't um wow i it's just frustrating man like i've said before like this is where like the bullying and stuff like 100 is so frustrating because then it makes people like me that are genuinely out there trying to make videos and are trying to help other people or help other people that might be trying to lose weight they come across this and they assume that i am some way connected to this or i feel the same way or have the same sentiments when 1 000 i i do not and i think that this is disgusting i think that it's it's such an obvious just money grab to try and make a video to promote your dumb cookbooks like 50 000 times and try and make people eat 5 000 calories of bananas like don't don't buy the cookbook that's uh that's the end of the video
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 173,972
Rating: 4.5886273 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, freelee, glitter and lazers, obesetobeast, fat loss, weight loss
Id: Apqf5NGtxvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 43sec (2563 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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