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welcome back to the channel and today Uzi and I are going to be having a mid-air glider battle so right now we are hovering at the maximum altitude sensor height which is uh 2 000 I don't know if that's what units those are but 2000 is how high we are right now so basically we're going to be dropping gliders from this height they are going to be armed gliders and we're going to be battling our way down to the ground and uh we're gonna be having a 25 part limit which doesn't sound like a lot but that's intentional because we want to actually be able to take each other out in the limited amount of time we're gonna have on the way to the ground and uh we are going to be you know increasing our weapon power each round and seeing how things go are you ready to get building with your glider your 25 part glider using yeah let's go and do it all right let's hop down and uh see how this goes goodbye all right so since we're building gliders there is no thrust involved uh it's going to be complicated to get up into the air but we have a system for it but testing is also going to be complicated because how do you test a glider when you're not up in the air yet uh so I think using these catapults is going to be the best way to launch our gliders into the air during testing to see how much gliding power we actually have and now the question is do I want to use an armored seat because it's going to be 50 kilograms compared to 17 if I just use a go-kart seeds so I don't think I want to use this because gliding ability is going to be important because I'm assuming if if we don't end up hitting each other whoever hits the ground first is going to be out so I definitely want to be able to Glide so I think I'm going to go with the go-kart seat at the risk of being very fragile but you know maybe it's about time I built a build where I'm not super chunky and the a 25 part glider might be one of those builds so this is interesting this is I think this is gonna be my first time building like a legit glider year since the Airborne updates maybe I don't know but one thing I need to consider is Center of uh recoil that's not something that the forces tell you in this but Center of recoil is going to matter a lot on a build this small so where I put my gun is going to make a huge impact on my abilities to Glide uh how is the gun aerodynamics because aerodynamics is also super important okay gun aerodynamics actually aren't that bad and I think this is a pretty good position for the gun as well I feel like these are going to be really fast rounds especially the minigun round like one burst and as long as you get a lock on they're done they're going to be done I'm gonna do a quick test I have a 12 part vehicle right now it was super easy to build this I just want to see how this uh how this is capable of gliding or not all right here we go I'm in the air and holy cow look at this look at this this oh see that's a problem The Recoil is a huge problem look at my speeds 78 I go down to nothing imagine with a minigun I'm gonna be able to do nothing with a minigun but this is so peaceful minus you know uh getting shot at when the actual rounds are going and it looks like I have a decent amount of control look at how easy I can aim yeah this is gonna be so nice it is so much easier to build a glider with these parts but now I need to use the rest of my parts to chunk this thing up as much as I can so I'm gonna move These Wings back a little bit I'm also you can see I'm adding some chunk to the middle here I'm actually going to change this vertical tail fin I'm going to change it out for two of these uh Tail Fins a little bit of redundancy uh for the purpose if one gets shot off I'll have one more I am also adding some more lift on the back here with those I'm at 19. I think I've got my final design here um I've actually made a little bit of a cockpit that actually has shields on top of it I wanted to make it a little bit more complex than that and as you can see I've added some more redundancy so I have some tail redundancy um and some roll redundancy as well all of those wings up in the front are roll so hopefully I'll be able to last up in the air each section of my vehicle should be able to get shot off once and have a surviving part to compensate except my seat which is uh protected by Shield so there's that okay my friend have you finished your glider at my gliders all done how's yours looking yeah I'm very very happy with my glider all right uh you go first this time all right here it is oh interest oh that's good oh you yeah you got some good are you gonna shoot your own seat just it goes just above the seat so I think I'll be okay okay I mean okay I'm worried about if you aim down if you're just gonna shoot your seat off but we'll find out I guess I guess worst case scenario you can just move it to the top of your seat but um yeah can I see a Glide here we go there he goes oh look at that that looks so good all right so light so when you shoot how does The Recoil how's the recoil on you it's a tiny bit of lift it doesn't actually affect me so much it slows me down yeah mine slows me down a lot so oh I just realized you actually you did go for the armored seat I was thinking about it but the weight was like it was too unappealing to me with how limited our parts were so I did not go with a weighted seat this time we actually uh you may be more of a tank than I am yeah I pulled out from our previous um matches to to have some more armor so this is mine oh wow uh so I do have Shield blocks protecting the top of my seats so uh not the bottom though unfortunately but yeah I actually put my gun directly in line with my Center um so hopefully uh it's not going to affect my controls too much but it does slow me down a lot all right and here we go wow off you go it is a little bit nose heavy but it's actually really easy to just tap the pitch a little bit and keep on gliding I do feel very slow I'm going like 60 kilometers an hour horizontal until I start firing then I can literally go down to nothing um but I can always gain some more speed by nose diving a little bit yeah look at that so floaty there we oh my goodness stop stop so now we got to figure out how we're getting up in the air okay here is our uh lift craft that's gonna lift our vehicles up into the air at least that's the plan okay so now I just need to uh spawn it in oops oh yeah there we go that looks like it's working all right go ahead and get in your seat are you ready I'm ready all right I have pressed the button yep and here we go we are off so I guess we're at we are conveniently facing away from each other so I guess as soon as we drop uh which actually that's that's an untested part of this as soon as we hit 2000 we should drop and then it'll be battle on we can give it some extra push all right we're nearly there any second now oh boy here it comes it's exciting it was exciting please work please work Why didn't it work all right Why didn't it work okay man Why didn't it work did I know did I not come up to the magnet let go all right this time it'll work all right any second now okay please work please work and yeah all right battle is on oh boy we are flipping around here all right here we go oh oh no way come on oh he's behind me no oh this is so cool this is really cool actually oh no you got my seat already oh no this is hard awesome this is really hard is that it for the uh for the smart cannons or are we gonna do a couple of rounds of each do you think we could try best two out of three on each category I think so because these are just gonna go really fast all right round two is um I met a couple minutes away and there we go oh my goodness this is a bad start I'm upside down what's happening there we go here we go here we go oh no no no no no are you serious that was instant okay all right I see what's going on here I see what's going on here you're all right so you won the smart can around but the minigun around I'm telling you right now it's it's gonna go different all right here we go oh boy yeah definitely needs some time to get oriented all right where are you there you are okay whenever you're ready all right three two one here we come here we go this is gonna be so quick I can already feel it oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what you doing there scrap trying to avoid getting shot too much oh I my minigun is ruining my my speed that's what's happening here yeah I'm slowing down a lot too okay yeah I'm losing all control once I start firing because I'm no longer gliding anymore I'm just falling around we have plenty of time before we hit oh yeah the minigun starts pushing me backwards pretty much it looks like in this transparent glitch I'm not able to see the glow from the damage huh oh I can see some glow oh oh you knocked off a wing there yes you okay oh my tail is almost gone though oh I can't turn no no no no no no no no no oh no oh oh this is bad yeah this is bad I'm still in the air though I'm still alive oh no I love how maneuverable I am I am not I don't I don't have anything anymore this flat spin you're doing looks so cool where are you oh there you are just put me on a misery or take off one of my other wings or something all right not those ones no no no that made it worse okay oh my god oh look I'm slowing down look at this look at this I'm like a one of those leaves that fall off the tree yeah all right well you won that one too so one one more mini or not one more uh one or two more minigun rounds we'll see who wins best two out of three okay here we go round two from any guns oh boy I always start upside down for some reason yeah same I keep doing the loop okay there he is all right ready when you are I guess I lost all kindness in three two one go oh my trajectory it's really good oh a little unstable here my turning isn't as good as I would expect oh yeah as soon as I fired it ruined everything there's a lot of recoil from too much way too much recoil I think my heavy seat is compensating for that ah yeah when I fire it just it turns me away from you it was gonna be a good one no no no no no no you can only get like three bullets of luck my tail is gonna go yeah you're losing altitude oh I just lost my luck no oh back here oh there we go there's something I'm glowing come on I'm going backwards what are you doing you're doing some crazy maneuver yeah I was literally going backwards so my tail caught me and 180 me this is uh all right oh oh I got some finally I got damaged luckily I have a redundancy I have a second reticle sibling okay it's definitely harder to your rounds your is definitely helping me no no no no no no oh we're coming quite low now we are this is a very elegant dance come on oh come on I just can't get my nose on you oh I have no more uh yeah when I fire it just loses all of my uh gliding velocity so I'm just falling oh that felt like it was gonna be good come on this is actually kind of intense are we gonna get a kill before the ground oh oh that was that was a lot oh oh there's something little little wedge piece there gone come on I just I'm trying to get my nose onto you oh I'm tearing you apart but nothing oh yes yes oh that is great I am so damaged I cannot believe I didn't lose anything crucial let's see the damage I did [Music] yeah it's very close I feel yeah I can't stop wow it's on fire see that right here that was the glider battle that I that we that we were imagining like just yeah that was most of the way to the ground just trying to get that final hit um it actually last this is kind of funny that the minigun rounds are now like lasting longer than the smart Gannon rounds probably just because we were farther apart to start off with all right so that means we have a tiebreaker uh to see who wins the minigun rounds this time you can count us in yep uh just gonna enable out again yeah just getting under control here I always do a loop every time we detach yeah me too okay this is looking good three two one go all right here we go come on let's get the luck please oh the speed losing so much speed yeah oh no not underneath don't go underneath you need to dive away from me almost went right through my entire body I am so glad I added an extra layer oh it's like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no there was one tail come on I can't turn fast enough oh there's something that ruined my trajectory though come on swing around come on this is it oh oh that is it you got me all right you win the minigun around as well wow Tyler's turning for yuzi here it is time for the rocket round I feel like these are gonna be very quick Browns Square man yeah there's gonna be like virtually no recoil issues it's gonna be nice this is our stop yep upside down again yep three two one go oh boy is it gonna be like are we gonna take each other out is that what's gonna happen probably oh oh like yeah I'm trying to maneuver quickly oh my goodness okay all right yeah all right big pucker Factor here yeah oh what am I doing oh where's your center of mass by the way oh yes yes it seems you found it yes oh I'm so happy with that you have no uh pitch anymore do you no I actually I think you're heavier than me so I don't think I can fall faster than you that was that was a fun round that was really intense all right well you win the first round in the rocket league so best two out of three we're gonna get ready for another one let's do it you're in charge of the countdown this time this seems pretty good three two one go all right you want to catch that for me oh oh oh oh no oh this is so nervous no no I thought that was gonna be it wiggled around oh yes completely destroyed that was like my entire seat and everything wow all right it's a tie now we gotta do the rocket round tie breaker all right here we go oh I didn't actually flip over that time I did unfortunately three two one go oh it's like you wanna fly chaotically but you also want to be under control I don't like this oh dang go out you might hurt somebody with those oh yes oh so satisfying well uh I only I won one out of the three weapons uh so that makes you the overall Victor though this time yes I'm very pleased with that thank you I am the I am the rocket man and you are the the Machine Gun Man I'm in for the graceful Landing is it graceful oh you know what that was so Majestic it's a glider it Glides yeah I had a lot of fun with that one it's definitely one of the more fun challenges we've done yeah very simple to do yeah so this was inspired by the comments um I got a handful of people asking for gliders uh glider battles which we weren't sure if that was gonna work but it worked so leave some work suggestions Down Below on other stuff you want to see and doesn't always have to be 1v1 it can be cooperative stuff as well so we'll be uh scouring the comments for some more awesome challenges if you guys enjoyed this video you'll definitely enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen anyway there's a minute scrap man and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 117,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers dogfight, trailmakers glider, glider, glider dogfight, glider battle, weaponized glider, no engine, air battle, mid-air battle, dogfight, aerial combat
Id: bw4geOgkR0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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