These 'BATTLESHIPS' are INCREDIBLE! ( ZZXFRANK ) | Trailmakers Showcase

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[Music] Hello everybody welcome back to another Trail makers video today I'm joined by zzx hello everybody and he'll be showing some of his best creation now before we start guys zzx is actually from a different region he is all the way from China so his English might not be as clear but uh we'll do our best to help you understand what he's saying alright zzx shall we see your first build here follow me uh we're heading to water the first trip I show is a Heavy Cruiser ah okay the first ship you'll be showing is a Heavy Cruiser it's a American Heavy Cruiser called there's monies it's a multiple warships but it's not using mods so it has to be connected one by one by magnets and anchors yeah so guys he is explaining that his builds are multi-pot and he does not use any mods in any way such as the complexity mod so that means he needs to assemble all of his uh pieces of his build manually so we're just gonna wait till he finishes this as a counter struggle when making these mentors because there are tribal guns so you can see they are used in piston to make it fit the two by two yes I understand what you're saying you use the Piston to Center the uh the camera or Cardinal gun barrels yeah okay [Music] wow so all of the pieces are now connected that was really cool it was like watching uh like a Lego set being built yes wow I gotta say this isn't so detailed it's incredible wow thank you and now you can see the gun guns are rotating yeah and you can rise and they're all fully functional yeah wow now can this thing Drive yes at uh at the very end it's not connected with pistons and sensors so I have to fly all the way to the end right yes you need to go to the very back seat to control the engines I'll start by pressing w okay all right off we go oh wow we are quite Speedy yes uh but the problem is it has a whole Rudder effect so it's turning not it's turning radius is very big I think so yeah this thing is huge and This ship's propulsion system has a I I can say transmission when a whole W it has a piston inside to change the speed of the transmission shaft as you can see at the back all right let me have a quick look at the transmission and now I'm I mean the slow speed so it's not turning so fast and the second is fastened ah so it's got two speed modes wow and those uh it has the it has four oh it has four speed mode wow well as I'm flying away here this thing looks amazing wow I gotta say zzx I'm really impressed all right shall we see your next build okay [Music] all right guys so ZZ X has finished assembling his second build so would you like to tell me what build this is yes this is 0.4 B fragate but I asked many many said wskins so I guess I'll call it destroyers but right away so it's a destroyer frigate that's really cool it has only one maintenance at the front so because the modern destroyers main guns are not as useful as in the past so they just use for closing closing weapon system ah okay and this place is where the missile stores oh so these like missile missile silos yeah wow yes so these are most AWS guns and this is the the helicopter garage I'm talking about oh wow okay wow it's got a working garage um and it's got a helicopter pad on the back here that's really good as you can see there are many cannons which are used for anti-submarine oh wow yes I just noticed that so underneath the boat here guys if I just swim down he's got some anti-submarine cannons it's so cool and we can now turn our main guns oh don't aim that thing at me I fast should rate you because there are 10 missiles I just said the city keys to one two zero so I'll press one oh whoa that's the first pair of missiles guys I think you're shooting in front dude they are shooting towards the front all right okay yeah so they're guided a little bit with uh mini frosters so let's uh our attend the ship today to the mountain I'll shoot you right at the mountain oh you're gonna shoot the mountain that's a really good idea actually yeah and off they go all the missiles guys wow so many yes oh and they have a good radius too I don't know if if they can fly over the mountain or they just fly fly animals oh there we go we got some hits on the mountain there boom boom wow boom boom so cool hey I'm so impressed by this build it's so good thank you wow that's some impressive anti-air they can and it can turn but there's still powerful enough to shoot down planes oh definitely I can imagine uh a dive bomber coming in and you're shooting him down all right shall we see your third and final build yes I'm ready to drag out a new ship [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign all right so now we have the final build assembled so zzx uh which build is this this ship is the American aircraft carrier called Midway wow and uh I saw it from the World of Warships and I think this is wow that's a huge ship right here so I have a photo I screenshot it and I'll build it this build is so big guys it's got so many pieces I'm actually losing my frames here but it's okay because we're not gonna do anything too drastic for the Showcase yes it has 11 Parts 11 Parts wow yeah so the faster you go the more smoke that comes out the funnels there really cool yes it is a big build and uh it's mainly for planes to land on now I believe there is an uh as I can see underneath the build here you actually have a lower deck is it possible to access that deck yes it's it's designed for a store in place inside and we we need a we need a vehicle that track the plane out on the on the elevator so we can in fact we can drag again to make this ship and make the plane at this starting line okay like here as you can see here when I'm getting and place space you can see it's rising up oh wow when it's finished it drag a plane and launch the plane that's really cool you have a a plane launching mechanism here oh right okay well I'm definitely losing frames whilst the magnets particles are coming up here but these magnets are a big deal to this ship I can see how this is meant to work so planes supposed to land on here and the magnets kind of catch the plane okay shall we go down into the lower deck all right here we go it's very spacious I like it you could definitely fit a small plane in here all right so uh this is a canteen you said yes and it has a barbecue and the pizza on the table and and this is a ice cream machine an ice cream machine like this is so cool the amount of detail inside the aircraft carrier we have a canteen guys so the elevator goes down okay so the elevator is going down and you open the door wow and you can step under you can go on the side on the elevator and then you can bring me up no way it's just so good I love it uh This Plane is made by one word he's mating he his planes are mainly in design for my aircraft carriers that means it's the never plane a naval plane okay uh would you mind press space so I'm gonna press space oh oops oh yes it launched you wow and that's all like a toggle I'm lagging I'm lagging oh oh oh oh oops oh yeah there is a crash landing indeed press shift all right and off we go we've been launched by the magnets wow and press g g is for gear but I'm going to try my best to come around and do a landing this doesn't even feel like Trail makers right now I genuinely feel like I'm playing War Thunder this is so cool all right I'm coming in all right that's it I'm cutting the power entirely there we go oh oh no oh oh well I can never land vehicles in this game it seems all right well there you have it guys some incredible builds from zzx uh he's definitely one of the best builders in this game by far such a good master builder thank you but anyway guys if you want to check out zzx's channel he does actually have his own YouTube channel I'll leave a link down in the description so if you want to see more amazing multi-segment battleships like this definitely go see what's over there and uh thank you for watching everyone and this is my this is my carrier I'm showing and more videos I'll show you in my own channel nice to meet you guys definitely zzx it's been a pleasure to have you on the channel for today's showcase but if you like this video leave a like down below and why not consider subscribing it's completely free but anyway guys that's enough from me and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Yzuei
Views: 73,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trailmakers, youtube, gaming, xbox, multiplayer, console, games, builds, pc, tutorials, gameplay, letsplay, yzuei, content, stickylizard, littlecorndogs, scrapman
Id: fu3WNo5R80Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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