The Survivor Games

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For the next 24 hours-- [SCREAMING] I come in peace. --Dude Perfect is left alone in the wilderness. Why? Hey, Cor, you got a visitor. Competing in head to head challenges-- Sparky, you gotta swim. [YELLS] --to discover which team can survive the wild. Welcome to the wilderness. I'm your host Brother Nature. And this is The Survival Games. The first four challenges will have various rewards centered around a specific category. These rewards will aid them in surviving the next 24 hours. In the final two challenges, the losing team will be eliminated. For your first game, Chop Till It Drops. Lumberjacks, are we ready? Ready. Let's go, baby. In 3-- Let's go, team. 2-- Get your mind right. --1, chop. Good first cut. Yeah. Here when you need me. Attaboy, T. All right, Redwood handing off to Sparky. Team Bluegrass switching out. Cory now how hacking away for the Yellow Jackets. You ready, Gar? Team Yellow Jacket handing back off to Tyler. Yellow Jacket's pole is about to tip over. Here we go. You got it. [SCREAMS] Yellow jacket, first finish. Let's see who will take second. And Bluegrass is your second place. For first place, Team Yellow Jacket, you have earned yourself two electric chainsaws, one propane torch, a five-gallon jug of water. What? Yeah, baby-- Wow. --let's go. Thank you. Team Bluegrass, two-gallon thermoses of water. You can keep your ax and a striker flint set. And for third place-- Wi-Fi. --coming in at the end, two plastic butter knives, a pot to boil your water in from sweet mother nature, and one single match. Nah, I'd rather fast for 24 hours. But, hey, let's grab the pot and move on. These look like the Yetis they sell at Bass Pro. This is exciting. Gary, I'll sell you this. What a treat. This next challenge will be a scavenger hunt. Before you build your camps, here are maps to the woods where I have hidden survival gear throughout. You will see eight X's on that map. At each one of those X's is survival gear but only enough for one team. So get to it before the other one does. [MUSIC PLAYING] All right, I'm off. Heard this once that a lot of restaurants instead of doing all the research of where to put the restaurant, they just find out where McDonald's did all the research and then they put theirs right there. Ty is McDonald's. Got an absolute moocher. I got it. I got it. I got it. Where? I got it. Come on. Let's go. Next one, let's go. Don't even tell him we found it. Good start, Gar. It would help to know what I'm looking for. Is it small? Is it big? Does it have color? Is it going to be green? Nice little start right here. This is great. Nice little rope, big old tarp. So we at least got a roof over our head, little worried about breaking up with Cor. Best case he actually went and found himself an item. I've not found anything. I found a butterfly. There it is, Garrett. Right there in front of me, pink ribbon. Bug spray. We found two things. We just got to keep pushing. We're one hour in. And I don't think the camera operators are going to survive this one. Shoot, baby, this ain't no joke. Channel 1, survival battle. Fishing poles and lures, dude. That's massive. Cody, is that a yoga mat? I currently have one chainsaw and both batteries. Talk to me. Firestarter, boys. Yes! Three prizes here early on in the scavenger hunt has really set the tone at least as we enter mid day. After all the items were found, the team split off to build their campsites. Yes, there's the flag. Home sweet home. Well, we got a concrete block we'll take turns as a pillow for right there. Welcome to camp, Cor. Camp building time. Let's go, boys. We've entered the part of the battle. We're tired of everything. Something that I've actually been good at since birth is standing around. Getting camp set up. Cory just stands around a lot, which is fine. Everybody's got their role. Oh, dude, if we start a fire-- I have the flamethrower. I took their torch. No you didn't. I took everything. We don't need that. What do you mean? The only thing I didn't take was their water. I felt bad. I mean, it ain't best friend battle. I'm going to start a fire just for the heck of it. Come on. (WHISPERING) I'm not going to lie to you guys, I'm becoming pretty depressed. [ROCK MUSIC] [LAUGHTER] Let's go. So I'm assuming all the other guys are worrying about their bare necessities. Ty and I, we've switched over to caring about our luxuries. We're going to be able to make soup tonight frogs out here, do frog soup in the morning. I would do a frog in a soup. Thanks to our sponsor, Bass Pro, hopefully you guys will never need to survive. But if you do, Bass Pro has got you. All right, just do a little test run here. It's got 12 hours written all over it. Why? I'm gonna give up on the fire and just go to our next challenge. I'm not sure if we give up or try to win it. [MUSIC PLAYING] Next up, there's a hole right there. Good to see you again, survivalists. Hope your foraging has been going well. I call this game Shooting Up the Ladder. Alternate players as you shoot targets in the field. If you hit one, you keep your arrow. But if you miss, that arrow is lost and you must try again. The team who gets the furthest up the ladder wins. First place gets to stay in my amazing gaming trailer. Will you be there? I will not. Yeah. [CHEERING] Good luck. Let's see it, Gar. Oh, I missed. Sparky, you're up. Hey, let me help you out there, brother. No, I don't need any help. No, no, yeah, you do. Oh I'm on the other side. Yeah. Sparky's the new Cory. My twin is about to be showing. [LAUGHTER] Garrett's stepping up for shot number three. All right. OK, OK, Garrett. Fire. OK, good shot. Sparky, quick sweatpants check in. How are they feeling? More sweat than pants. [LAUGHTER] The right height too. That is a round for Team Redwood. All right, Cody Jones taking the first shot for team Bluegrass. Tied for first place. [MUSIC PLAYING] Nice shot. Big time shot. Needed that. I don't know if that hit him. Coby now aiming for the pig. Did I look like that? Yeah. You actually looked worse, I hate to tell you. Hey, let's go. That was arguably the easiest target. (LAUGHING) He's so annoying. You're not wrong. All right, we're going deep now for the whitetail. Oh, that's a miss. They have one arrow left. Oh, and it's high. And for the final round team Yellow Jacket, let's see if they can hit the deer beyond. Got him. That's a hit. That's a hit. All right, you got this, T. Whoa. Huge. He didn't even hesitate. Quick and confident. [CHEERING] That earns Team Yellow Jacket with first place. But they're going to keep shooting. Ripping out. And he hits the duck. Congratulations. That earns Team Yellow Jacket with first place. The gaming trailer is yours for the next six hours. Enjoy it. Six? What? I would've tried. Let's go, baby. You didn't tell me it was a six pack. See you at the gaming trailer. Team Bluegrass, some of my more favorite board games that you can enjoy around your-- Yes. --campfire. Come on. Checkers, Jenga-- Big Time. --and playing cards. As for team number three coming in last, here's an encyclopedia you can read while watching the sunset, which reminds me, come back to me at sunset, where I will have your next game ready to go. Hey, Team Blue, can we talk to you? What do you want to know? What did you steal from us? I don't mean to interrupt. I've been hearing a lot about looting. Can y'all both come loot our camp? [LAUGHTER] I'd love just some company to be honest with you. Maybe a little overkill. But you know what? We won the comp and I like it. Let's go. And there's sour gummy worms. Let's go, baby. I don't even like to look back at the gaming truck. It's hard to even look at right now. Yeah, baby. I'm not hearing them game. I'm not hearing them game. I think we go find Garrett and Sparky. Oh, baby. Yes. Oh baby Yes. Oh yeah. I'm not sure why we're creating a fire in a 118 degree weather. But I think it was a pride play for us. It was. Cody's coming to our base right now. Usually when it's Cody, he's up to no good. I come in peace. Hey, buddy. Friend, not enemy. What do you want? Play games. You said come over if you want to hang. Oh, yeah, let's play. OK. Come on. Yeah, sure. I spotted Tyler fishing. I thought he was in the game trailer. Next competition determines what's for dinner. With Cory as your teammate, you always want to prepare. Quit the yapping and crack open some checkers before I kick you out of our place brother. Oh, big perch, baby. We don't know how to play checkers. That's concerning. We're going to be eating good tonight. The sun's going down. But the competition is about to heat back up. Just for me and Garrett's sake, we need to perform well here to give us confidence going into the knockout round tomorrow. So hopefully night time treats us better than daytime. [MUSIC PLAYING] Good to see you again, survivalists. Hey, Nature Boy. This is the Floating Fire Game. With the items in front of you, each team will build a raft coming from the brush behind you. We also have some kindling laying around, where you will proceed to make a fire on that raft. And you must float your fire across the pond. You may not carry your fire to the other side. Light that torch and you have finished this game. You smell that? No. Well, it's steak on a hibachi grill awaiting first place. Here? Food and entertainment. All right, survivalists, in 3, 2, 1, go. We might even have a raft right here, brother. I feel phenomenal. Ty's my partner. Cody Jones is sawing a pretty good-sized piece of wood behind me. We started with the biggest pieces we can find from the brush pile. I was thinking to tie all those together. After that, we just need height so we can get our fire burning above the water. Hurry. I'm trying to copy Ty. Tie these together, Sparks. Off to a good start. Yeah, it's not lighting. Well, boys, I have one more trick up my sleeve. I got a flare gun. I can shoot it into the ground. Float test. Oh. Oh, oh. The first team into the water is Team Redwood. Watch out. Hey, head on a swivel. [POP] [POP] Can't do it. Sparky, get in there with the match, light it, and go. There's just not enough kindling to make this happen. Hurry, brother. Hurry. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, no. [MUSIC PLAYING] Forget this, Gar. Grab the Tiki torch. Light her up. Light her up. Light her up. Yeah, TT. To spark it, you might want to just-- Michael Phelps it. You might want Michael Phelps-- [LAUGHTER] Sparky is taking his barge across the water now. Let's hope he doesn't get burned. Tyler is on the move. Sparky's got a good flame as he comes right behind Ty. But does he have enough of a flame to light his torch? Flare it. I can't, Sparky. I just don't know if there's anything left. I'm watching it smoke out as he swims it across. I don't know. Sparky's is done. We're going to have to come back. Ty might not have it either, though. Tiki torch, get ready. Sparky. [MUSIC PLAYING] Let's see if Tyler has what it takes. It's smoking quite a bit. [MUSIC PLAYING] There is extra TP down there too, Garrett. Dude, give me the whole thing. Light the whole thing on fire. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, he got it. Let's go, hibachi. Let's go, baby. Keep it going. Can I grab that? That was I was saying. Leave the can. Wow, what a fire. Coby, give me a Tiki. It's gonna be a swim competition. Come on. Come on, Spark Cody, can beat you. We got two absolutely desperate teams right now fighting for second place. [MUSIC PLAYING] Sparky, you gotta swim. He's got a swimmer's body. I'm 5' 8". Go, Jones. It's the tall man versus the small man. Let's see who gets across first. Go, Cody. We have to eat tonight. [YELLS] [MUSIC PLAYING] Yeah. I did say you cannot carry your fire across the pond. So at this point, I will have to disqualify you from this game. No! No! Team Redwood with the second place win. This is second. But it feels like first. Yes! Congratulations, survivalists. Team Yellow Jacket, I hope you enjoyed that hibachi chef. And second place, a skillet and some food in a bag. We're eating tonight, baby. Yeah. And for my third place team, I would give you this egg. But you are disqualified for cheating. So if you want it, you can swim for it. What a set up. It is so good to see you. Hey, guys. Cory. So good to see you. What's up, chef. Cory, nice to meet you. Oh, I'm so hyped about this. I'm not having fun anymore. He's got tricks. Oh, yeah. There we go. You gotta love the disappearing hat egg. That was definitely the egg in the hat. He got the fire out, baby. Oh my gosh, they're just rubbing it in. They're laughing loud on purpose. You guys eggcited for this or what? Oh, yeah. I hope they can hear that. Yeah, what do you think they're doing right now? Are you going to do something this video? Yeah, I'll do something. I got you. Yeah, that was nice. It hurts my teeth. Try some. Actually really good. I can't, dude. It's gluten. Sorry, I forgot. That's gluteny, bro. How good is that? Can't get that in MRE. No, you cannot. Best I've ever had. It's been a long day. I got one battle left tonight. But this gives me the energy I need. It's good to see your faces again, survivalists. Sure. Thanks. Do y'all feel replenished after your meals? I feel great. Well, they say the early bird gets the worm. But the late night owls get to hang with me. Does anybody else like this guy? I know. Welcome to the Midnight Hang. The team member who hangs out the longest carries his team to victory. The winners stay in this luxurious mosquito proof tent with a comfy King bed and oscillating fans. Please step up to your assigned bar. All right, gentlemen. Are we ready to hang out? No. And here we go. 3, 2, 1, hang. All right. Sparky going in his zen place right now eyes closed just relaxing. My pole is so wet. Cody is hanging over his grave it looks like. Yeah. Everyone going to their happy place. For me that is here in mother nature. Why is he next to me? I thought somebody would've drop my now. I see a little strain on Garrett. Yeah, I'm not doing great. I'm in trouble. Yeah, I got to go. And Garrett is first to drop. Let's see if his teammate Sparky can last. I'm sliding. T, I don't got much more. Tall man goes down. Cory goes down. Three are hanging. There's no way. My shoulder really got me. Who's going to hang the longest? I'm struggling. I feel great. Let's go, TT. Let's go, TT. Shoulder's pretty healthy. I'm kidding. I feel horrible. That was just a mental trick to get him to drop. Come on, TT. Broom, baby. Sweep, sweep. No. You should knee lift. Yeah. My God. Yeah. We're in a tent. Let's go. Congratulations, Team Bluegrass. You'll be staying in the luxurious tent. Yellow Jackets, two hammocks-- Oh, let's go. --and some paracord. Doesn't really fit with our campsite. And for my third place team, I'm gifting you with the cardboard box that the mattress of theirs came in and two beautiful red bricks to lay your heads on. Cool. I hope you all enjoy your night stay in the woods. You're having the worst video of all time. [LAUGHTER] It was a bummer to not win the nice sleep set up. Sure. But luckily our camp is not bad at all. No. Whoa. Hey, Cor, we got a visitor. I think he actually stole my fish. Bad night? Yeah, I mean, Michael Jordan had bad nights. He's still the greatest of all time. Right. Well, Sparky, is this good? Hey, it's a box for two. That's enough for me. What side do you like to sleep on? I'm more of a right side guy. Bro, what's under the table? Good Night, Dude Perfect, our brand new kids book. Oh, it's so creepy. He's going to come back and eat me. Why? I got him. I got him. My partner's insane. I don't want to be here anymore. I should have hung on the bar so much longer. Honestly, the brick's not as bad as you would think. Ooh. Let me just jump straight to one at random. Good night, twin one, an astronaut for real. Oh, now there's ants all in our tent. Oh, this is going downhill fast. Oh, what is happening? Oh, I felt really good about our setup. Oh, this is going to be a miserable night, dude. I'm going to do some reading. On second thought, maybe we shouldn't have gone so close to the water's edge. Let's go find a new spot. Let's go set up a hammock. It's literally pitch black. I wasn't going to say it. But I'm actually a little scared. Been in the hammock for almost an hour. I got spiders that I keep brushing off of me. I don't think it's too far fetched to say this is quite literally one of the worst nights of my life. [MUSIC PLAYING] Good morning. Oh, why is everything so wet? That is the softest mattress I think I've been on in my adult life. Timmy, if you don't put that camera away, I think I'm going to fire you. Time to put the camera away. Cor? Oh, no. Something got Cor. I'm going back to sleep. --go win a challenge. Oh, wow. Good morning, boys. What a great night's sleep. Let's just get this competition over with. Well, this game is the ax throw. Nothing clever, nothing complicated. Teams will alternate players and throw five of these axes at this board. The outer ring is worth one point, the bull's eye worth five. The team with the most points wins. In third place, you are eliminated from the competition. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh, gentlemen, I forgot to mention. If you get third place in this challenge, you must clean up everyone else's camp before leaving the wilderness. Oh, dang it. And here we go. [MUSIC PLAYING] Twin two, bouncing off the yellow. Ooh. Let's go. All right, that's 4 points for team Yellow Jacket. All right, that's 2 points, 6 points for team Yellow Jacket right now. And that looks like a 4 point as well. All right, 10 points for team Yellow Jacket. Team Bluegrass, you're up next. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Don't hit the axe. I'm going for it. [LAUGHTER] Yes. No. That's 8 points for team Bluegrass. I would love to change the outcome of this battle of third place Redwoods. But I think we're going to be picking everything up. You throw. I'll go start cleaning. All right. [LAUGHTER] Yeah. Whoa. Is that sticking in from the handle? That is the handle. Oh, how does that not stick? And he bounces off the yellow as well. [LAUGHTER] I might just quit. And he bounces off the four spot. I think I broke my foot. Congratulations, Team Yellow Jacket and Team Bluegrass. You have earned your spot in my final. That's our prize. That's it? We earned a spot in the-- we earned this? Let's walk over there. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome to the final. This ends it all. Winner of this game will receive the Survival Games trophy-- Nice. Not bad. --and a free bass boat from Bass Pro Shops, who supplied nearly all of the survival gear used in this video. And you'll be gone after this round? I will be gone-- Yeah. [CHEERING] --waiting the next time you play a survival game. No, no, no, no. Anyways, this game here is called Tug of War to the Shore. Each team will get in their kayak. First team to their shoreline is the winner. All right, gentlemen, in 3, 2, 1, row. Row. Team Bluegrass is pulling them away. Come on, go! They're rowing, and they're splashing. Go, [INAUDIBLE], Coby, harder. Nice and easy. Let's go! I think Bluegrass wants it. They want it back long strokes long strokes. And Team Bluegrass is taking it away. Here we go, 1, 2, 3. But yellow coming back, it looks like they waited for them to gas out. They're fighting back. Go. They save it. And we're back at a standstill. Yellow Jacket giving everything that they have. Bluegrass almost completely gassed out, but they're holding on strong. Finish up. Yellow jacket is tiring out. But Bluegrass is taking it. Getting so close within 14 feet. Do they have what it takes to finish this out? They're moving backwards. Team Bluegrass losing ground. Paddle! Team Yellow Jacket give it everything they have. They're pulling them back. They're giving it all that they've got. [YELLS] Power through and finish it. All they need to do is have the front of their boat touch those noodles. Here at the very end-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] --once again, bringing them back. Team Bluegrass bringing it back to the center line. [YELLS] Here they come. Come on. Will they close it out? Coby. You're right there. You're right there. Let's go. We're watching the finish. One more, keep pushing. Keep pushing. Done. It's over. Team Bluegrass is finished. Congratulations, Team Bluegrass. You win the trophy for the survival games. He does float. Enjoy that. Until next time. I'm your host, Brother Nature. Dude Perfect.
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 12,460,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, alone, survivor, survival, games, the, wild, nature, wilderness, archery, fire, floating, swim, snake
Id: kd-ABokZCkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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