Giving Strangers Free Caviar

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everybody loves free food and i feel like if you're creative and clever there's so many places out there to get free food i always remember as a kid going into all those markets to give out lots and lots of free samples i mean it's just so much fun you walk through and everyone's handing you toothpicks and spoons and all sorts of delicious things meatballs slices of cheese little cups of different drinks i mean i've always said this and i've always been a true believer in this but free food tastes better now we are going to be roaming the streets and giving out free samples but it's going to be free samples of something pretty wild and that's caviar now when you think of getting free samples on the side of the road you probably wouldn't think of caviar because who's going to give out caviar well me that's who we are literally going to be going around with 50 tins of caviar the best caviar you can find out on the market and we're just gonna catch people's reactions i know there's a lot of people out there who probably have never even seen or touched caviar in their life and we're looking to find you today and we're gonna let you taste it in fact we're gonna let you have your own entire tin you're gonna get the full caviar experience and it's all gonna be randomly in the middle of the day from some random guy you meet on the street but i feel like that's the best way to do it so first let me show you what we're working with so here's what we're going to be handing out today in a moment i will show you those 50 tins of caviar that i have sitting right next to me but all of what we're using today is generously given to me from a period caviar so thank gosh i didn't have to break my credit card for this one before i crack this open what we're working with right now is the best of the best this right here is royal central caviar and if you've heard the term caviar you've probably heard of this type but i can't wait any longer so let's open it up what you're looking at right here is a massive tin of perfect caviar the first thing we look for when we open a tin of caviar is for all those perfect pearls you don't want any of these to be broken because once they pop they lose all that delicious fat and oil now we're not going to be giving everyone a 250 gram tin of this stuff i mean just look it up online and you'll see exactly why we can't do that but we are going to be giving out 30 gram tints that way everybody can get their own what i have right here is 50 30 gram tins of caviar and i have to say i feel like i'm just picking up gold when i pick all this up but there's something crazy about what you're looking at right here imperial charge is about 45 for each of these and like i said this caviar is the best of the best royal etc is the top of the line for caviar but there's some companies that would charge up to 720 for each one of these meaning this entire box right here would be worth about 36 000 you know those amazing ball pits that you can jump in as a kid i wish i could just make one of these out of all of this caviar and just roll around in it come the end of today we are going to have given out every single one of these tins of caviar to some random person out there in the world and i forgot to mention caviar is extremely healthy for you so i'm no doctor but it feels good to be going out and doing some good for the world today the last thing we have to do before we leave is put a bunch of ice in here because we don't want these bad boys getting cold so just before we leave i want to taste this and try to guide you through what everyone is going to be experiencing today because what's in this big tin right here is the same caviar that's in all those smaller ones there we just wanted everyone to have their own tin i'm just going to take my first little bite here it is really good what i'm looking for there when i taste that is that amazing creaminess that super super buttery flavor and texture that fattiness as each individual pearl pops in my mouth the other thing that happens with really high end caviar like this is that you get this everlasting oceany flavor in your mouth it's not overwhelming at all but it actually reminds you of standing next to the ocean and kind of getting in all those smells that you get off the sea it's a little bit briny if you've ever had an oyster something a little bit similar to that but to me it's much more gentle there are a lot of lucky ducks out there today that will get to taste this beautiful caviar for themselves so i don't want to explain it too in depth just yet let's go see what everyone else thinks all right vinnie before we leave i'm gonna let you try do you hide caviar before no i've only seen it on titanic you know when jack was like going over this is a caviar opener wait what is caviar it's fish eggs oh it's really really nice i wanted just you to have it straight because you've never had it i'm curious all right royal eccentric this whole thing is yours so take it okay well thank you you wouldn't normally have a whole ten to yourself it's very weird for me i i don't know what's happening either i promise you might hate it you might love it why that's so salty i don't i feel like with a saltine or like a maybe a dorito or no you don't like those little freaking dorito what is that not classy enjoy the caviar enjoy your face so we are on route we are in the car we're going to be doing some on foot today some in the car and what we really want to do is just go all over the place go to as many places as we can just like we did in that fast food restaurant tour and just hit as many people and locations as possible not hit with the car hit with caviar [Music] you want some caviar it's caviar you're good you're gonna be on youtube i don't know anyone in the world who's ever turned down free camera kind of a strange move by those girls but it's also very awkward now because the lights still been red and now we're next to them excuse me question you want some you want some free caviar sure bro yeah sure would you would you try it would you try it on camera or no sure let me see what is it it's caviar it's like have you ever had this no way oh man this is for rich people would you try it i'll try it oh let's go perfect this should be like a six hundred dollar tin of caviar but it's just like legit stuff that make up i'm about to eat a muffin worth of carb y'all this is your own tin so i'm gonna open this for you you pop it open and you can look at that oh god you want something all right so take your spoon you don't want to grab like a chip so like you know you want to just like pick one out of there um and then like a little sour cream so let's put a little bit on the chip and then give yourself a scoop of that i can hold it for you if you want give yourself a scoop of the caviar and right onto the chip you got it and you i'll give you the whole thing you keep it after but okay try that and just tell us what you think it's buttery it's like fatty and creamy to be honest with you i taste more the sour cream than the caviar yeah here take a scoop of just the caviar not bad you like it yeah what are your like what's your for the first time like what's your thought i honestly thought it was gonna be worse because i like seafood yeah you could actually taste like a hint of it yeah like yes pretty dope all right take this whole thing uh you could always just like leave it and keep it for later if you want to it'll stay cold for like a while if you're going home all right cool but that's like a legit have it with chips have it just plain have it on like whatever you want you guys want to try this thanks hey thank you thank you so much appreciate it yo you guys want some caviar i never had caviar yeah but enjoy it enjoy it have a go excuse me oh yo [Music] oh okay okay yep that's not bad right no no i'm gonna wake up today thinking to get freaked out okay that's right so grab that yeah yeah we'll do a little bit of something like this yeah oh that's really good actually you like it it's not too fishy it's all yours take another thank you man i really like that consistency it's not too fishy it's not too salty yeah it's actually really good as much as you yeah oh yeah love it absolutely nick this is fantastic man thank you for running into me and pulling me over yeah dude i hope you enjoyed it i absolutely will have a good day hell yeah guys so you've never had caviar never had caviar y'all never have gotten about coffee you know what it is i don't no idea no idea all right so it's essentially fish eggs this is royal eccentric caviar and so take the tin i appreciate it it looks like capers yeah it does it's a little salty it's not bad it's nearly like a sauce you know it's like a sauce it's a really salty sauce because it pops and it's like buttery and fatty indeed indeed you like it it's all right it's not bad at all you can pay 600 bucks in most places or something like that for this entry interesting interesting crazy ready oh yeah you like it it's pretty good man yeah i'd recommend it to people you know thank you so much i appreciate it man you have a good one man i'll take care now yeah so am i gonna be on youtube yeah if you want you're famous now shout out to my mom this is a really random day okay so you guys are neighbors and you just randomly met yeah and you just happen to be getting free caviar great all right all right so there's one it's beautiful right that is gorgeous yeah it's amazing that's actually really good you like it yeah salty it's salty it kind of dances on your palette there dance is on your palette that's pretty good i like that what do you think i like it i mean i just didn't like it with the dessert it's just but you like it yeah i like it yeah oh it's a bit fishy now it's a bit of a fishy aftertaste yeah with the with the sour cream [Music] it's really good yeah i think it's better with the sour cream in the chips yeah okay yeah man over here oh yeah this is the way to do it thank you guys this is really cool thanks guys thank you so much would you want some free caviar free what i just got my wisdom teeth out can i eat it yeah it's very soft yeah it's really soft all right so here everyone grab a spoon i'm grabbing a spoon you got the golden spoon what is that caviar have you guys had caviar before like no no you haven't but it was really a long time you don't i don't know what it is right it's like fishbowl and then people fish balls it's like it's not fish balls it is not fish balls i guess not but you can you're like not allergic to it we just lost like a lot of yeah this is yours to keep or am i gonna we'll share this one because yeah okay so it's a little salty no i like it what do you think do you like it i do you like it i think it's good yeah it's just really it's like fishy but it's like not overpowered doesn't taste too fishy creamy and buttery yeah it just reminds me of like sushi but it's like all in like such a tiny little ball you know i like that no one said that yet like very concentrated sushi yeah it's buttery a little bit salty but it's not like there's not a strong aftertaste yeah of butter and salt all right you're the you're the wild car is it kosher excuse kosher really that bad here's the texture of it i hate the texture of it oh my god so really bad i guess i didn't like it not for everyone it's like and it also like tastes like the ocean too all right yeah thank you so much guys thank you enjoy the caviar dude you're the man you want to try i can't even see you right now absolutely that you're taking this home but try it you gotta have here [Music] i have this is the best i've ever had do you like it incredible it's like top of the line royal et cetera it's like legit if you're a lot better looking per you're a very good kid you're better than a person thank you i appreciate it actually on the video i have videos too this is like my new hype man this guy you need a height man that's me i'll get everybody on newberry hyped about you thank you i appreciate that good to meet you great to see you man hey appreciate it man thank you be good would you want some free caviar thank you you sure appreciate it okay okay so you've had i haven't had caviar yeah okay this is actually great because we'll get like the double sample from both of you guys you can go first i'll give you guys all right you go first how much do i take okay do you like sushi that is like a sodium explosion it's a lot of salt it's a lot of salt it's it's good but caviar is really nice right i don't know if you bought you'd buy it you know caviar actually like maybe you'll have a better sense of like what try a little bit just how i remember it yeah exactly it's like buttery like a little fishy right like little things what do you think just too much salt it's too much salt and it's a little mushy you take the tin hole okay and just like yeah it's a nice sink um and thanks for trying he's like i've been very appreciative today of people like when we walk up and they're just like some random creepy guy comes out of his car he gives them caviar but they try it anyway for the first time thank you so much guys appreciate it enjoy the caviar thank you so much you've had caviar before yeah both of you guys have had ever so both of you guys got us food all right there you go you're probably not going to eat all that right now go go for it oh it's good you like it yeah what's like what's going through your head it's a little salty yeah um like fish tasting obviously but it's pretty good yeah you like it yeah cool all right let's see okay it's weird to eat it just plain like normally you would not do this but it's cool to get people's reactions to it yeah that's pretty good you like it yeah yeah no it's like a cracker or something like ice cream it's yeah it should be like really buttery like a little bit yeah yeah honestly like it's not that bad to eat plain yeah no it's not right and like the lasting flavor is also kind of interesting yeah definitely like you get a lot after i feel yeah it just stays there if you want toss the lid on you can just mix it into your ice cream if you guys want yeah like have a look yeah thank you so much thank you thank you appreciate it nice to meet you guys nice to meet you you guys all seem like friends so yeah you can fight over it or if you hate it you've never had it i don't think i've ever heard i've had that once at this russian restaurant oh that's no that's where you would get it yeah right um it was really scary i've seen that victorious cause it was it was like slimy who wants to be in charge of it i'll be in charge i'm responsible be responsible with it enjoy it and have fun okay thank you so much thank you guys nice to meet you hey you want some caviar see ya so we just took a little lunch break because it's been a long day we're trying to give out the rest i bit my lip and now i have a fat lip put the camera down for a second oh my god you don't like caviar all right all right you good hell yeah enjoy enjoy appreciate that hell yeah have a good one would you be interested in some free caviar for a youtube video caviar it's like the really expensive like fish stuff do you just graduate um we're graduating yeah congratulations yeah here just take some you want some free caviar i have like i'm just giving it out everywhere it's like you sure yeah all right enjoy it enjoy it nice board this booster board nice tesla thank you yeah you want free caviar no you sure yeah yeah all right who the heck is turning down free caviar i don't understand i get that i'm doing out of a car and like the first thing you learn as a kid is like don't accept candy out of a van but it's caviar it's caviar enjoy it thank you have a good one okay we made it back and i'm gonna be completely honest i think i'm more tired right now than i have been after any video that we've done so far i'm not really sure why i'm not sure if it was all the driving seeing so many people because keep in mind giving 50 people caviar means talking to a couple hundred people so it was a lot harder than you might imagine but super super fun so we actually did it we just gave out 50 tins of caviar but actually we didn't we gave out 48 and we gave out 48 for a reason we saved two of them and can you guess who they're for well i'm not gonna make you guess but the first one is for you just for watching this video and following along and all the fun so i'm gonna crack you open your own fresh tint of caviar and look how amazing that looks it actually looks like you got the perfect tin but did anyone guess who this other tin of caviar is for let me give you a hint his name starts with a p he's super furry and fluffy and we all love him that's right it's for pesto so let's bring him out all right guys i just woke baby pesto off from a nap so he's a little bit tired and he might be a bit disoriented but i know that he's super excited to try out this caviar pesto right here is your golden spoon okay you're just gonna sit down for a second and wait for me as i open up your caviar for you you know how we always say anybody can cook i also feel like anyone can eat caviar give me a second give me a second patience pesto very gently and carefully hold on sit down i'm gonna take a little spoon out and you can try a little bit but it's very special so eat it slowly okay i think he likes it it's very salty here's how you tell if he likes it if you lift it up in the air and he grabs it he loves it he loves it bestie okay that's good no no no no pesto buddy i know you really like the caviar but that's it for now can you just maybe look at the camera for a second and explain to everybody what you just experienced guys it doesn't look like he wants to talk too much about it but i think you really liked it pesto i'm going to bring you back to your cage but thanks for coming and trying the caviar the last thing i want to say before closing was how awesome it was to give out so much of this caviar today now i don't know if i mentioned this in the video but typically you're only supposed to use something called the mother of pearl spoon which is a very soft and delicate and special spoon they use for caviar sadly i don't have one here with me and the reason it's not good to use a spoon like this is because it's very sharp and can break the caviar pearls but i'm just gonna get one more nice little scoop of it anyway i don't yet think we've gotten a chance to look really up close at what we're talking about here just look at how amazing each individual pearl is look at how bright and shiny all of them are and just look how amazing it is it's such a unique food and so many people think it's just this crazy fancy thing that only a couple people could have but the reality is that that's not the case in general it seemed like everyone we talked to today or about 90 of them like the caviar if they'd never had it before so i guess that means if you haven't tried it go out and try some you know it's funny looking at this much caviar at once makes me just want to take this giant scoop of it and eat it all at once because i've never done anything like that before but i just know i can't that'd be crazy actually minnie can you cut the cameras for a second okay in all seriousness that was a really fun video to film today and if you liked it i hope we can turn it into a whole series i mean how cool would it be if we just went around and gave people truffles or lobster or any of those finer things out there that people may have just not tried before maybe they're scared of it maybe they never felt like they could afford it maybe they just never had the opportunity to try it and those are all totally valid things but i want to go out there and be the one that lets them try to all of you watching right now thank you so much for watching this video please please please don't forget to toss a like on the video and make sure you hit that subscribe button with the notifications icon for those of you watching this right now who are subscribed and don't have those notifications on you're going to miss something at some point so hit that little icon otherwise i got this fat tinted caviar that i have to finish so i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 1,258,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caviar, caviar asmr, caviar fish, caviar eating, caviar recipe, caviar farm, caviar cooking, salmon caviar
Id: -gHHHeACSj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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