50 Ways To Cook A Steak

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we're gonna cook steak in 50 different ways such as using hot molten glass a laser pointer and even cooking in the dishwasher we'll start off simple with a steak in a cast iron pan these experiments will get crazier and crazier throughout the whole video we're going to be eating steaks for weeks after this one because we're doing so many steaks today we're not going to be seasoning every single one that would just be a waste of time but for symbolic purposes we're going to be cooking this one with garlic rosemary and butter she's Max the mikai of course it's going to be perfectly cooked what I tell you something we all know and love are Burgers I think we already know this one's gonna work but you know Max and I always grind our own meat wink wink we're looking for a really nice ratio of fat and meat and you want to have your meat nice and cold roll it up into a ball and just gently form those beautiful patties there's one thing Max and I know it's how to make a good burger down with the Patty we're just going to give it a quick flip check out that truck a burger is a great way to cook a steak one of the most classic ways to cook a steak on the gas grill do we really need to wait for this one we've seen it a million times seasoned everything up and got them on the grill look at 250 for three hours and skirt steak it's longer than your sister's skirt last night but a little dope if there's one thing we can all agree is that cooking the right steak at the perfect doneness is always the ultimate goal another classic method oven baked 350 Fahrenheit [Music] just like that she is good to go that looks amazing honestly really nice color on this so good I must say I'm excited to cut into this thing it looks a little bit like a ham to me it could definitely use a sear but overall not bad but we can't really know until we taste it I call that a win this one we're gonna broil set to 550. and in we go whoa that is Smokey pretty nice looking color we're just gonna flip it oh what do we do open a window [Music] do not broil your steak oh fail dry aged steak whoa Nick we're supposed to cut off the pellicle what are you doing here we're just going to slice off the edges like so this part is not really edible moving the fat as well until we're left with the perfect dry aged steak and now back into the pan not the biggest steak in the world but check out that Sizzle there is nothing like a dry Edge steak especially when you don't rest it okay another classic at-home method we're gonna braise this steak start with a quick sear that is a nice beer that's a sear right there boys now we're just going to add in our braising liquid and cover it up oh that was good and our braised steak is oh that's hot okay and our braised steak is complete it's been braising for about two hours let's slice into it and really we're just hoping for a nice pull apart texture uh doesn't really feel braised just looks like a well done steak yeah you really shouldn't bracelet like this one of my favorite ways to cook meat a smoker and of course we have our Hickory pellets Nick we only use Applewood here low and slow okay and 20 minutes later this is what we got we'll slice in and it looks perfect Max that's pretty good let me get a bite charcoal grill and of course we're using Applewood I'm embarrassed to say this is my first time cooking on a charcoal grill we got our charcoal nice and hot that Applewood is lit technically right now we're cooking high and fast which is illegal but it's looking good now we'll cover it up to let it finish up the cooking process all right let's check this baby out this steak looks absolutely incredible we're gonna slice through this thing and not a real surprise it looks fantastic and time for the taste test a little bit of smoke my eyes but that is delicious a tried and true classic method sous-vide we're going to be cooking this at 1 30 Fahrenheit for one hour the sous-vide is finally done and you can already tell this right here is a soft soft steak with lots of juice left behind that right there is literally edge to edge medium rare sous-vide for the win beef jerky we've had a lot of extra beef straps during this video and we'll probably have enough beef jerky to last a couple years [Music] that is actually delicious you know believe it or not I've already done this one with the golden balance check it out I'm going to carve some nice clean cuts of beef right into my holder here that is good one of my favorite dinners out there Korean barbecue Korean barbecue is probably one of the coolest food experiences in the world Korean barbecue Cooks pretty quick all right I think we all knew before we even did this one it's a win let's go pink Himalayan salt rock that is 400 degrees Fahrenheit wow it's not even pink anymore it's a nice Sizzle that sounded great the thing is these are really thick steaks yeah they are so thick smells amazing not bad want a slice it let's do it it worked perfect medium rare Hot massage Stones I can pretty much guarantee no one's ever used these for what we're doing right now these stones are so hot right now so hot right now they look gray instead of black but these were jet black when we put them into the oven this is going to be the most uneven sear oh 100 all right I think we can all agree this is not gonna work looks like what you got at Salt Bay's restaurant honestly this feels like a sin but we're cooking this one in an air fryer I'm gonna look up on my phone how to cook steak in an air fry 400 degrees for 12 minutes whoa oh that looks amazing that is some beautiful color we're just going to slice right down the middle and let's take a look at that interior super juicy but potentially wrong rotisserie the only rotisserie I know is for chicken today we're gonna do it with steak this is the Gizmo oh wow everything about this is wrong this is our steak rotisserie I will place it into the rotisserie machine close it up Max temperature say 350. turn it to rotisserie mode and turn my Crocs into sport mode there it goes nice she's beautiful it's beautiful this has been going for about 20 minutes time to check it out I mean the crust on this thing is incredible nice golden brown looks delicious first things first we'll take out the skewer and then it's time to slice and what I like to call the moment of truth it's perfect it was perfect perfect I'm actually surprised how well that works fantastic we need to save this one for turkey or can I save it for later okay for this one Ceviche the only thing I'm missing oh are some limes I'm just gonna remove the fat and while he does that I want to chop up a bunch of lime as I'm sure lots of you already know Ceviche is actually cooked essentially what happens is the acidity of those limes break down the meat we're just gonna add in that beef and then go over it with a bunch of limes this is basically just going to be a steak tartare that's actually cut we'll finish it for now with just a pinch of salt and once it's mixed we're just going to refrigerate for a few hours all right oh man it sort of looks cooked I wouldn't make this at home it's now time to boil a steak I've heard Gordon Ramsay yell about this all too many times what in the is going on there Max you and I both know this is something we can never be proud of I'm with you oh it's horrible please promise me it's the first and last time for this all right our steak has supposedly finished boiling it looks awful it's almost starting to flop over like a brisket it's gray ah it does not look good you want to do the honors I guess do not try this at home zero rendering on that fat would not recommend Gordon Ramsay hates this that dish would have stood up 10 years ago at the age of 12 in MasterChef Junior yeah oh the microwave you might remember this microwave from the time we put an egg in here Manny and I almost died we're gonna add our steak to the microwave this just feels so wrong but it might work we'll see why we're testing [Music] we're about three and a half minutes in I hear sizzling let's check it completely gray on the bottom but still red on top I think we should flip it okay right let's flip it that's how you cook stuff oh oh no all right okay I think we're done oh oh no it's just so wet in there that is not looking good slice in it's so strange that it cook from top to bottom doesn't look terrible though it doesn't look good that is absolutely gross panini press this one happens to be a George Foreman you burned your foot on a Foreman Grill I like waking up to the smell of bacon sue me and in we go we're just gonna let that do its thing time to see if George Foreman has done it again it does look like we have some fantastic grill marks but the real question how is it cooked George that is quite possibly the worst steak I've ever seen in my life I'm not treating you to lunch anymore this is the one I'm most excited about we're making steak waffles hey kids breakfast is ready dad you made steak waffles again your favorite just check out that waffle pattern it's perfect that has to be one of the coolest steaks I've ever seen both the sides are completely raw but the inside absolutely perfect steak waffles for the win rice cooker I will say I use a rice cooker basically every night for dinner I love rice never use it for this first we'll go in with a little bit of oil and we're just gonna stuff in our steak oh and it goes okay long grain rice we just let this go for a full cycle that you would cook rice on oh my immediately probably one of the least smart ideas of the day toaster this one's quite simple drop them in now we wait cranking it all the way up for a nice sear yeah the fat on this one actually looks it's faster oh my God [Applause] I've always wanted to know if we can cook a steak in a hotel room let's iron I mean this seems to be working amazing zero wrinkles on this we're treating this steak like we would a nice dress shirt it's going to be wrinkle free time to steam a steak about 15-20 minutes later here's what we're looking at and if you don't feel like it's quite finished we can continue steaming it it's all about that attention to detail ah this entire steak is extremely great I'll slice in and actually the results aren't too bad but again who wants to eat a gray State honestly this steak looks amazing it's time to find out how amazing it really is not bad it's still moving Nick if you're too scared to eat it I will pretty good the verdict this thing works extremely well next up Kong fee we're cooking beef in its own fat We'll pour in all this beef fat and slowly let it cook you've probably seen this before with duck coffee but never with beef this steak looks a little overcooked but we never judge a steak by its crust that actually looks fantastic cooked in beef fat definitely works we're cooking this one in 10 pounds of butter oh this right here is 10 pounds of mayonnaise butter it looks exactly like mayonnaise our butter is melted and in she goes we've both done this with lobster by the way and while we don't know the results of this one yet when it came to the results for the lobster it did absolutely nothing acted absolutely nothing oh whoa I feel like it's like mirroring oh oh yummy we essentially just boiled this in butter it looks pretty good that's one of the best looking steaks on the inside that we've had today that outside though this could be the best bite of meat we have ever had in our lives anything's possible once again I'd say the butter did absolutely nothing this guy's gonna get deep fried it sounds crazy but I've done it before and it's not the worst this steak right here has the meanest crust we've seen yet and that's why I say deep frying isn't usually that bad I'll be the judge of that Nick I mean this right here is easily the best crust of the day it has the inside so that right there is what we call a bullseye overcooked on the outside very rare on the inside but overall not terrible ahead of Bullseye chicken fried steak into the flour get them nice and covered right into the buttermilk back into the flour and into the hot oil the hope is that we got a nice Popeyes like crust I would say by looking at this thing that we sort of did pretty nice golden brown nice and crunchy you gotta love the sound of that this has got to be one of our most tasty looking steaks of the day this is better than we could have ever imagined so far let's do it out that's good it's really good I'm gonna have to chicken fry my steaks more often just like we see at Salt base restaurant pouring hot oil original Ladle our 400 degree oil right on top it's a little underwhelming oh wait hold on though can we lift it up and do it on the fast sort of working I guess at this point I think we can all go ahead and agree this is don't be salty we're cooking this one in the pizza oven I feel like this will either be really good or absolutely terrible let's take a quick look at this steak to me it's one of the better looking steaks we've had this entire experiment just check out that fat cap thank you and just like that our steak is done and this steak looks absolutely perfect this is probably my favorite steak of the day this stick is so good we got to get some of the Nyx dog Pepper pepper hey Pepper high five there you go easy bake oven now this one's actually my personal favorite we've done it a few times and it most definitely works I call that a success next up we have a device called the Sears all seems like it might be taking a while this is a real torch this is actually working great get out of the way Max just listen to that thing we made that steak sink flamethrower whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you're gonna light my slime next up we're gonna roast this steak over fire first I'm gonna add in a bunch of ethanol that is so much where's the fire extinguisher we'll take some slices of our steak and then with my tongs here we go good why is it taking so long Nick is this fire even real it's real but it's definitely not as hot as I thought it would be right now like very not hot fire I love that we can just play with the fire with our hands oh looks like I just burned off all the hairs on my hand Nick you gotta know when to give up this one's a feeling Tong Hulu and because you all asked me to do it so many times I've already done it I want to love it but I hate it freeze-dried steak this steak has a 25 year shelf life I'll be eating this when I'm 55 years old pretty nifty you sure it's doing anything I hope so did it I didn't do anything the can opener is too weak for this doesn't smell as bad as it looks it says to Just Add Water so whoa they turn steak colored right away it's like steak cereal wait that's amazing I don't know if amazing's the word there are you gonna eat one of course it just tastes like steak really I ain't even thought this was really expensive and now I kind of understand why Wow rice is actually not bad freeze dried steak this is going to be the best treat in the world for my puppy pepper this steak right here we're taking outside and cooking in a cup hey Nick your car's outside right I'll grab the keys all right we're here at the car and I've heard that you can literally cook a steak in the engine Nick where is the engine it's a lecture now we're cooking this one completely covered in salt we want a nice wet sand type consistency and we're just going to mix it all together kind of feels like snow okay we're just going to lay down our first layer of salt we're just going to spread it out nice and evenly and just place down that beautiful steak and we're just going to completely cover it with salt pack that baby in nice and tight and we go okay that roller is gone if what is going on with this it's my first time using an oven and in the oven at 350. while we're waiting I'd like to thank my friends at the wagyu shop for giving me all this meat as you can probably tell we're using a lot today none of which will be wasted nor will any of this wag you in my freezer I do get asked quite often where I get all my meat from and if you're ever looking for high quality meat it's always been my go-to spot out she comes here we go Max and we have a fully salt encrusted steak we're gonna crack it open like a dinosaur egg the question is how is it cooked and is it way too salty let's find out definitely on the rare side let's give it a quick taste oh a bit saltier baking in clay I actually used to do a lot of pottery back in the day oh really yeah never did I think I'd be cooking steaks first we're gonna treat this like a nice loaf of bread let's take some slices and I'll be on this side layering these down to make a nice foundation for our steak at this point we're going to take a piece of parchment wrap one of our steaks nicely and tightly inside the parchment and we're just gonna ever so gently wrap up our present and in she goes all right let's see what we got looks good oh nice oh this steak is so mushy oh it looks like it's been sous vide yeah sous vide or steamed it's actually not bad it looks pretty good it's really soft and flimsy and if we could sear it I feel like it'd be the perfect steak I agree but unfortunately each method must stand alone this is a fail cooking underground now our good friend googa's already done this before so I'm pretty sure it works it is tender it's no yeah it's dead it's really tender we're gonna cook this one over bonfire and we're treating this just like a marshmallow we want a perfect golden brown exterior there's a reason they call me Max the meat guy not Max the marshmallow guy just getting a nice crust on either side oh oh my God nick nick uh we got a problem here our steak is on fire and this is why you don't cook over a bonfire we're gonna cook this steak caveman style all this means is that we're literally cooking the steak directly on the coals I do not have high hopes for this steak but it actually has some really interesting looking grill marks and the fat cap ended up getting a really nice crust too we'll slice into our steak and it is burnt on the outside Raw on the inside let's go for a bite that is Sandy this one's going in the dishwasher [Music] the cycle has just finished she's looking good we're just opening up our bag and just check out how much juice got released I have a feeling this is gonna be perfect just slice into it I'd say not bad it's looking for a dishwasher I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings but this dishwasher might be a better cook than all of us once again this was an exact normal cycle of my dishwasher my first dishwasher cooked steak probably one of the best things we've cooked all day yeah it's perfect she's a two for one dishwasher and oven what we have here is called a curling iron and girls use it for their hair [Music] we have it on turbo mode right now so it is extremely hot I'm just gonna hang out here for a little bit and let it cook I mean it smells good but the question is what happens when I click this lever three two and a half oh wait I went up instead of down it should have been one of them open oh God that is horrible Nick wow it's like a fingernail but the sear I mean it's cooked all the way through both sides are you gonna eat that I'm not eating you gotta eat it I'm not eating you gotta eat it I can't you want it man you're like a waste try a piece try a bite [Music] smacking it this isn't gonna work but my friend Louis actually did it on a chicken a while back it's cooked oh my God and if it works with the chicken why wouldn't it work with steak laser pointer I'm wearing these goggles because this laser is so powerful it can make you go blind Nick why are you wearing a gas mask for safety now typically this is used for camping to light fires let's see how it doesn't stay doing my best not to stare at it oh listen it is sizzling the fast steak is currently cooking so this might take some time but it's currently cooking so as you can see it's actually starting to render that fat on the steak but as cool as this is it would probably take us over a week to cook this thing so unfortunately it's enough cooking with dry ice this is called cryogenic cooking theoretically you can cook with really hot temperatures and they say you can also cook with really cold temperatures keyword theoretically if you listen really carefully it sizzling away it's my hope that those little crackling sounds you're hearing are the sounds of this steak cooking it's been 15 minutes let's check it out it's either a nice crust or it's completely Frozen and I have no idea which don't try this at home we're gonna cook our final steak over hot molten glass oh my God that is so much more smoke and fire than I thought we were gonna have smells great whoa this glass is 2100 degrees which is literally twice as hot as a normal Grill if not three times we're already done rendering off the fat don't forget to go check out Max's Channel and go subscribe maybe we were a little bit too harsh about the fire alarm stake I feel like that's got some nice color to it well done but decent color [Music]
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 7,692,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nick DiGiovanni, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Chef, Recipe, Kitchen, TikTok, Food, Salt Bae, Uncle Roger, Knife Throw, Knife Drop, MasterChef, ASMR, max the meat guy
Id: drO2q_tx8Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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