Chocolate Chip Cookies

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the perfect cookie yeah i mean i guess everyone probably thinks that they've figured out the perfect cookie and i think the truth is nobody ever really will after all firsts are meant to be beat at least that's what someone said to me the other day and it's really true you can make the best thing in the entire world but at some point someone's probably gonna put a little bit more work in than you did and make it better and that's exactly what i'm gonna do today with the chocolate chip cookie i'm gonna spend hours and hours researching the best cookies ever i'm gonna look at every single recipe every single article even documents on the characteristics of the perfect cookie and then i'm gonna put them all together to make the best cookie ever now i feel like people like their cookies in different ways some people like a really thin hard and crispy cookie others like that really thick gooey delicious mushy cookie i kind of like to think about it the way i think about pizza you know you have thin crust pizza that's really crispy when you bite into it and just has that tiny thin layer of cheese on top and it's fantastic but then you also have chicago deep dish pizza which of course is ooey and doughy and gooey and very very thick thick with a bunch of cues at the end but my goal with this cookie recipe is to have a cookie where you can just adjust the baking time a little bit and basically get one or the other by just baking it a bit more or a bit less i am very excited because i think this is gonna be a game changer now because this is our cacao series i will be using a cacao pod to get my chocolate but don't worry i'm gonna make sure that i use all the same ingredients that you do and you'll be able to follow a very simple normal recipe that will not include a cacao pod it just tosses in a little extra fun challenge for me and i know you love watching me crack those things open and use that delicious cacao flesh so let's get started as always in our cacao series we start here with the humble cacao pod i got these shipped overnight from ecuador as usual and they are fresh as can be let me quickly give you a little up close look those ridges on this thing are beautiful it's been fully developed here and has that incredible red velvety color all throughout it and then inside as i turn it around it has those nice yellow strips all the way down this right here is a beautiful gorgeous cacao pod but i think all of you already know how i'm gonna open these bad boys after all what have we not done the karate chop i feel like i almost broke my hand last time i did it so let's just start with one this time it's time for a new type of karate chop today i will be using my foot to karate chop this cacao pod no it's not food safe but that's why we're in our own kitchen here here we go that was freaking fun as you can see that was probably the most successful cacao chop we've ever had this is without me having touched anything and that may have been the most even split we've ever gotten gotta say i'm pretty proud of that now coming over here you can see that these seeds are really fleshy and delicious looking this means we have a really fresh cacao pod and the more pulp that those seeds are holding onto the better they'll taste the fresher these are the happier i am i'll scoop all these seeds into the bowl and just listen to that sliminess once they're all in there i'll mix them around just a little bit trying to kind of shake off a little bit of that pulp then i'll just take a nice kitchen towel and cover this up for about a week to let these ferment for these cookies i really want to develop the flavor out of that cacao so i'll see you in a week we're back it's me it's me i say that but we're back we really have waited over seven days and we have our cacao beans as you can see they've taken on almost this orange brownish color but more importantly they smell like a thoroughly fermented bread again we've done this cacao series so many times that i don't want to go thoroughly through the same process every time because i know that just gets boring for you at some point the next step as you know is roasting so i'll trade these out for these as you can probably tell these have been roasted and when we take one of these cacao beans and crack it into our hand we get these cacao nibs and eventually you've all seen me do this before we get to the chocolate now if you do really want to see me go through the full process of bringing this all the way from a cacao pod to chocolate i have a million videos doing that in fact we just did one with buzzfeed a week or two ago but let's start from these chocolate chips here such that you can make this unbeatable cookie recipe with me let's go right off the bat you're gonna notice that my cookie recipe is not like the others i mean yes there's similarities but i like to think that mine's a little bit more clever and that's just because i've done my research i'm definitely not tooting my own horn because i have a lot to learn in the baking world but one of my two special key ingredients that i use is milk powder and there's a reason when i make cookie batter i like to use cold cubed butter there is a massive difference between using melted butter and cold butter so i like to keep the butter as is but i love brown butter and i was thinking one day and i said how can i get that brown butter flavor into my cookies the key is milk powder when you brown butter you're really browning these milk solids that are in the butter you'll notice because these little golden brown specks will start to appear at the bottom of your butter and those are the milk solids so when you burn butter the milk solids are really what are getting super super dark and black and burning and giving off that burnt smell and clarified butter which you've probably also heard of is simply just butter without those milk solids which is why it's able to go to a higher temperature so what i've done here is i've just bought pure milk powder which essentially isolates the thing that we get golden brown and has that nutty flavor and i'm gonna add it to a pan here and move it around over high heat until it's well toasted what i have here is one quarter cup of milk powder getting this nice and brown is actually not the easiest process in the world but i find that if you take a stainless steel pan and get something that you can constantly scrape the bottom of the pan with you'll eventually end up with a nice golden brown toasted milk powder as you can remember we started with a really bright pale white powder so as far as i'm concerned this is toasted and ready to go next we're going to chop one cup or about eight ounces of butter for cookies i often like to use this really yellow irish butter it's a little bit more expensive but damn is it good with your knife slice that butter into nice medium sized cubes we want this butter to remain nice and cold so right after slicing it into a bunch of cubes i'm gonna put this back in the fridge until we're ready to put it into the mixer to make our cookie dough we'll start with a cup of brown sugar a half a cup of regular sugar and a few cubes of our butter i like to let this start whisking and then gradually add in the rest of the cubes of our butter letting this go for about five minutes until it's nice and creamy after a little bit you're gonna reach this clumpy face that's usually about two or three minutes in at which point i like to bump up the speed a little bit and let it get nice and fluffy at this point we're gonna add in two eggs one at a time while we're still mixing i know i like to brag about my one headed egg cracks which again isn't that difficult to do but still it's fun but here i like to crack with both hands to really be sure that we don't get any shell in here whatsoever because that's really hard to find once you mix it in once i've let that first egg incorporate i'll go in with my second egg then at that point i'll add just a teeny bit of vanilla extract about a teaspoon or so at this point preheat your oven to about 410 degrees fahrenheit i don't like to preheat my oven way way before baking just because it ends up being a waste but when i'm part way through my recipe and i generally have a sense of time for my oven i'll start to preheat it now at this point i'm gonna add two and three quarters cup flour our one quarter cup of milk powder another one of my secret ingredients one quarter cup of malted milk powder one teaspoon of corn starch and three quarters teaspoon of baking soda and just a little smidgen of salt for now we're gonna put more on the cookies when we go to bake them again i'll close this down and let it combine now into our cookie batter we're gonna add about one and a half cups of our chocolate chips and we're gonna save about an additional half cup for later and i'll explain why if at this point of the process you find yourself trying to put raisins in here stop you've done something wrong if you're putting raisins in your cookies don't worry i still love you and i still want you here but i'm guessing you also put pineapple on your pizza i hate to say it but it's true gently combine the rest of this dough together and then i'll show you how to ball them up and bake them first i just wanted to show you how awesome this dough is look at it just hanging out there on our whisk attachment that right there is some formidable dough first shape your dough into a ball damn medicine seriously when i go to shape my cookies i grab big balls right off the main piece and then smack those down on your baking sheet because these are going to be big ginormous delicious cookies we're only going to do six of them and don't worry about shaping them into a perfect ball every time it's okay for them to have some imperfections here after all these are delicious home baked cookies to start take the rest of those chocolate chips and press them into a few spaces that you feel need a little more love iphone actually like to lean on the less chocolatey side for my cookies just to make sure that you end up with a cookie that's right for everybody our final step here will be to add just a little bit of flaky salt on top of each cookie you don't have to salt your cookies if you don't want but frankly i believe it gives a perfectly well-rounded cookie after all we pretty much season everything every day with salt so i feel like many people are surprised to see how much they love a good well-seasoned cookie now we're going to bake these in the oven at about 410 fahrenheit for 9 to 12 minutes or so i'll see you on the flippity flip and they're done i didn't even really know what to say i mean look at them as i've tried to say many times over food is and can absolutely be sexy all of these cookies you're looking at right here are some of the sexiest cookies you'll probably ever see but for right now they need to rest for a few minutes with one of these hot cookies that's fresh out of the oven i want to show you the gui factor here check this out first of all look at all that chocolate on the inside this thing is more than just a cookie it's almost a cake cookie and yes i'm sort of destroying this one but in an attempt to just show you how amazing these are normally i wouldn't pull this off the baking sheet so quickly but the fact that as i hold it it crumbles and dissolves in my hands into what's essentially an utter mess shows that this has that cakiness that we're looking for so i think we passed the first test let's move on to the next one test number two is crispy and yes these are still fresh out of the oven burning hot in fact that chocolate in the last one actually burnt my fingers pretty bad i'll tough it out for you though what i want to show is that crispy edge on here and those lightly crispy bits on the top we want a crunch in our cookie we want everything so the real question is does this have our crunch oh it has the crunch alright it has the crunch and then some that crust is buttery and chocolatey and everything you could ever need but don't be fooled because the second i lift this out we have gooey cakey drippy chocolate this is just to show you that i didn't pick a really thin weak cookie for showing you a crunch test because this one passes the first and second as do all of them now let's move on to the third test our next test will be the chocolate test and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there's a really nice even amount of chocolate throughout the cookie if i turn it around you can also see that we have nice chocolate spread throughout so i think we passed this chocolate test with flying colors in addition to that you get a bonus by seeing the bottom here some of that butter has sunk down to the bottom and given them a beautiful golden brown crust the base the foundation of the cookie is so incredibly important as is every part just right here i got your standard run-of-the-mill cookie i pulled this bad boy right out of my cupboard and don't get me wrong i absolutely love these cookies but don't be fooled for a second i would never make a cookie like this now these are purely for one thing getting a quick burst of crispy deliciousness it's all got that caramelization that golden brown but it's gonna help us with our next test the height test when i get a cookie i'm not trying to get ripped off i could fit like five of these cookies stacked on top of each other in just this one all right maybe not five but you get the point and you can only make a cookie so tall but i think we knocked the high test out of the park what's really great about these cookies is that they have that height in the middle that gives you that cakiness yet they flow down on the outsides almost like a volcano to give you those brown crispy edges now we have two more tests we have the flavor test and then we have another test that maybe you won't be able to predict so easily that's the pesto test it's the special judge we all know and love it's yes he's my cute little amazing incredible incredible little hamster and he absolutely loves food and we feed him all sorts of stuff but unfortunately for us today chocolate's really toxic to hamster similar to dogs i guess thank goodness we figured that out but still we want to have pesto run towards one of these cookies and tell us which one he would theoretically eat if he was allowed to have cookies pesto you know what to do you see folks he's at least pointing towards mine but i need him to get a bit closer before i'm comfortable come on do something like i always say folks pesto knows best now again i can't let the poor guy eat the cookie but i'll give him something else for the hard and brave work he's done today he deserves a raspberry good boy pesto everybody loves you and now to finish things off the tasting i know this is the moment we've all been waiting for so i'm gonna start by breaking it open in half showing you that cakey interior and then taking a bite just look at all that melty delicious chocolate look at that perfect golden brown crust look at that fluffy cake-like texture take your time guys we're we're just making cookies all right good someone needs to teach that guy how to back up a truck i'm telling you right now that if you make this cookie you will never look at or appreciate another cookie the same way again it's pretty much just two simple ingredients that we're adding here if this cookie is mind-blowing i don't exaggerate when i say that i could sit down and eat the entire tray of cookies myself and in no time and another thing yes these cookies will go well with milk but you know what's cool they already have a bunch of milk in them in addition to giving that golden nutty flavor one that basically you get from brown butter that milk powder is called milk powder for a reason if you add water it turns into milk these are truly game changing cookies and i really hope not for my sake but for your sake that you'll give them a try in the meantime hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to toss a quick like if you liked it and again if you didn't like it don't like it that's totally fine with me seriously but if you did i really do appreciate it and it's a simple thing to do that helps us keep cranking out these videos for all of you additionally please don't forget to subscribe and go on over and check out instagram too because i do a ton of giveaways there i feel good enough right now about these cookies that i'm gonna go pick a fight with the cookie monster i'll see you later
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 1,399,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cookies, chocolatechip, cacao, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking
Id: 4pu3gBdygxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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