100 Days, But I Can’t Leave This CHUNK…

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i took the entire minecraft world and transformed it into one chunk this one chunk has every single biome you can think of starting on an easy biome like the plains biome and moving to the harder and rarer biomes like the mushroom biome the woodland mansion and the stronghold at the very bottom and to make it even more interesting i even transformed the entire nether dimension into one chunk will i be able to survive 100 days probably not but we start on the planes bomb with two singular trees and a bumblebee hello friend let's call him george not found yeah totally original let's mine this twee and now we wait for saplings oh there's already one here okay let's replant this guy right in the middle here damn bam let's make some wooden tools and let's dig into the chunk and see what i can find all right we hit stone pretty exciting let's hope we can find some coal and some iron i hit some cool that's a decent start i can't wait to find out what other biomes are in this one chunk below me but now that i have cobblestone let's upgrade my tools and then spend the rest of the day mining [Music] so i didn't find any iron ingots but i did get some coal and some raw copper i did however find some water which would be really helpful in making some food because this is my only apple and now i don't have apple so let's try to collect some seeds and please give me one more yes i got four so while i continue searching for some iron let's build my wheat farm right down here in the cave and let's continue mining oh i finally found iron needs me more than two and it's only two oh that's better than nothing [Music] still no luck on some iron but my trees have grown so let's collect some more wood and now i can make some more chests well there's not much else i can do other than plastic more trees check out my pathetic wheat farm starve and continue strip mining until my hands break yeah i really need some iron oh yeah please have more than are you kid that's only one i've never only seen one iron ingot oh there we go okay at least it's two oh three best day ever and just a quick break this video is sponsored by dragon city dragon city is a free-to-play mobile game that is available in all devices you can collect thousands of dragons with different elements and rarities and build your own dragon empire to grow and increase the strength of your dragons you will need to collect food gold and gems to reach all new levels and with your awesome dragons you can then build your empire all you need to do is breed two dragons and you will get a brand new dragon egg these dragon eggs are much cooler than the minecraft dragon eggs because you can actually hatch them feed them and they will evolve once you have your brand new dragons you can train them and teach them new attack moves and then take them into battle where you can challenge and beat all of your friends and other dragon masters and if you join the battle pass you will get weekly mini games where you can claim daily prizes and new dragons and if you play today you can find dragons of your favorite youtubers like dream george not found and possibly me one day so download the game by clicking the link in the description or scan the qr code on the screen and you will get a special free starter pack of 15 000 food 30 000 gold and the flame knight dragon so now i can finally smelt this up and i either make a iron pickaxe or a bucket ah i'll have to go with the pickaxe for now well i think i just hit another biome let's go check it out and oh it's a snow biome is there anything fancy in here that i can take like iron it doesn't seem like it but there is some coal right here and i might die right here in all this packed snow okay this isn't good oh but the snow bomb is nice because it's littered with iron and i managed to get 16 pieces of iron let's finally upgrade all of my tools and now i can make a bucket and i haven't seen any mobs yet but let's also make a shield just in case let's grab some water and i do have some wheat that's fully grown or just one i guess and these two are almost there oh what that guy's headless what the heck oh my god what is happening what is that thing holy cow i'm gonna block that off that was so creepy well that was weird anyways let's build a farm right over here oh god there's more headless zombies coming okay um please don't come near me and all i have is three seeds the plant let's slap down some torches and while i'm at it let's also light up all these shirt mines i made so no more headless armies come attacking me oh god now we have invisible skeletons i can't wait till i see a creeper now my wheat is fully grown and there's a phantom up there and i have one heart let's just block myself in a little box because i'm scared yeah i think coast is clear now i have a bunch of seeds so let's plant all these and i also have bones so i can bone meal which will only make me three pieces of bread and it's actually enough nice that feels a whole lot better okay never mind um i don't feel that safe anymore with this guy walking oh on day seven i collected some more wood from the trees and i got one apple and that's it i love my life but now let's go explore the other biome which is the desert and it looks like there's some hay bales right there which i really need oh i always looked at the enderman and i broke my fall i guess i could have just landed in the webs that would have been smarter this is perfect i really need food but thank god there's some hay bales right here there's also some lava [Music] anything in these houses the chest with more wheat and some oh beds i forgot i can finally sleep through the night yes anything up here another bed and i'll steal the crafting table why not and now i have unlimited food yes with all this wood and the cobblestone i got let's start building a house right on top of this one chunk so i'll clear the area but i just realized i need more wood so let's collect a bunch of dirt now i can expand my chunk and use this space as a dedicated tree farm let's put some slabs for some easy access and there we go now let's collect some wood for a couple of days until i have enough to build myself a house and now with all of these materials let's start building the house [Music] oh my god i was just building the house and i fell off the roof and landed on the stairs at one heart i might have been the luckiest man alive and there's my mini house i just need some sand for the windows and go away i just want to collect some sand let's jump down and the desert is right over here i think yes let's just jump into the webs and let's start collecting some sand are you kidding i'm just kidding i brought a spare one oh my god where did he show it from and okay and there's a stray okay where are all these mobs coming from holy they're everywhere i did not see all these mobs earlier oh wait oh is that where they're coming from it looks like there's a mob spawner down there let's jump down ow and okay okay okay okay um that's not good okay there is a skeleton spawner right here which is amazing but i'm kind of in danger right now oh this is not good this is not good okay they're fighting they're fighting oh i just blocked that i would have died let's go kill this guy fall off fall off all right we're good unfortunately i don't have any torches to light this up but is there anything in these chests no wow i really got scammed huh okay but let's build out of here and at least we found the spawner and now let's finally add some glass to my little cozy home and now that i've finally moved in let's head to bed explore the other biome out which is underneath the desert and looks like it's the mesa biome let's dig down at oh okay i was right and let's not get shot off this is really dangerous okay oh man there's a lot of mobs around oh no okay i think we're good um let's just hide up here and heal up and let's actually try to get a music disc from this creeper so let's try to get the skeleton to shoot this guy and they're fighting each other nice okay and oh there's a spider spawn in here too and this is a poisonous one oh my god okay um so we have found two spawners now and i'm definitely not prepared to be here so let's grab some materials and turn these spawners into some farms oh and there's some iron right here how did i miss that okay well let's start collecting a bunch of materials okay let's quickly light up this spawner and get rid of this pest i'm gonna farm you soon boy now let's turn this into a grinder so let's clear the area [Music] and i made the grinder pretty simple it just goes into this little hole and now if i remove all the torches the skeleton should spawn and i should get out of here oh god oh god get me out get me out get me out oh no okay no no please don't knock me out oh okay listen oh there he goes please fall off all right um one died and okay we are good and originally i was gonna bring them all the way up to my house up there but i just don't have kelp to make a water elevator yet so so we just have a simple skeleton grinder right here and luckily since we're only on one chunk it's super easy to get a lot of mobs which in return gives me a lot of bones and now i can bone meal all of this to give me even more food yeah i think that's enough but yeah this farm still isn't good enough for me as you guys know me i eat a lot so let's grab even more dirt and now let's start expanding my one chunk and making a bigger farm [Music] and now my one chunk is starting to look pretty good let's just fix it up and make everything symmetrical [Music] and now i want to fill it up with dirt but the thing is i'm slowly running out of dirt i already mined out this entire section and the rest of the bottoms i've discovered doesn't have any dirt on them but that's not going to stop someone like me because i'm going to use dirt anyways even if it means i'm not going to finish it honestly it's probably not the smartest thing to do but i'll find a way and i already ran out i still need to fill in this area behind my house so let's explore what's underneath this mesa layer and see if there's any dirt i can find yes that is perfect it seems like this is a village with a bunch of dirt i can mine is there anything in this chest oh emeralds and some apples oh yes i finally got potatoes and carrots i don't have to grow wheat only nice okay so before i steal all this dirt i steal some of their hay and let's just leave one piece of hay right here and let's continue sealing some dirt and now with all of this dirt let's finish these two holes and just for my ocd let's wait for all the dirt to turn into grass okay well i spent 30 minutes waiting for all of this grass to grow and it definitely wasn't worth it i could have done a lot of stuff but while i was waiting all my wheat has fully grown up so let's harvest it and let's make me some more bread oh yeah but i'm slowly running out of materials so i spent the next couple of days mining for some ores and try to get some more iron ingots luckily for me the village later had a lot of iron ores inside of it so now i can finally make myself a full set of iron armor we're making some big progress and now since we have these other two plots of land and they're fully grasped out i can finally move this house somewhere else and even upgrade it so we have a big area in the middle so i'm sorry little home but we're going to tear you down even though i built you like 10 days ago okay this is taking too long and it's gone other than my chests and my furnaces all right but now let's build a fancier house over on this plot right here [Music] and here is the new home i've been building i went with a new design and this is what it is i think it looks pretty amazing i tried adding a lot of glass so i can see out into the beautiful world which is air and nothing but i think it's amazing now let's just move everything inside so now that my chests are in let's decorate this place a little bit let's obviously put down some crafting tables with a nice little design let's make some more furnaces and build a little table right here and slap down the furnaces let's jump down here oh god and we gotta land right here let's steal some beds let's put them right here and surround it with some stone bricks and make it fancy and now everybody can watch me sleep from under and straight through the front window let's make some lanterns which is a pretty big waste of iron because it's really hard to get iron here but it's worth it and let's put a lantern right here and two over here and there we go here's my new house let's go to bed but now let's continue exploring this giant chunk because i still have the skeleton spawner right here it gives me a lot of xp and i don't have an enchantment table yet oh god um let me just sneak around you here oh man and dolphin dive so let's hope the next layer underneath this layer has some sugar cane and i need to do something about william and osborne over here because they're just having a staring battle all day long but now let's dig down and see oh looks like it's a swamp and i don't see any sugarcane just yet oh there's some sugarcane okay that's literally perfect time let's grab all this and there's some more over here oh what just hit me hello god is that you what's up man okay uh go away please you can go away too is there anything in this witch hut over here please have a chest and okay well there's not much in this biome there's only pumpkins and some lily pads i guess i could make a lake oh i have a really good idea what if i rebuild every single layer where my house is so i have like all the layers in the biome or something and i want to build a sugarcane farm right behind the wheat farm but i need some more wood so uh let's just chop down the entire family of trees right here well bam and that probably wasn't enough wood uh so we gotta do something about that [Music] um so i was just about to go to bed after collecting a bunch of wood and a goat showed up how is there a goat in my house what where did he come from there's no chance he came from the snow biome down there and just ran up the stairs but let's call him tony welcome to my home tony that's so random and now let's start working on the sugarcane farm and now we have sugar cane and earlier i spotted some cows on the swamp biome layer so let's try to get these cows up all the way up to my base up there i just set up five times nice so um how would i do this it would probably be too dangerous to bring them up the water so i guess we're just gonna have to bring them up a giant staircase all right oh my god they're already climbing up these guys are legends and the villagers climbing up too oh wait i think he's climbing down actually um where did the cow go mr cowie okay yeah come here don't go in the cave silly and let's bring you all the way up we got a long journey to go please don't jump off into the void i would appreciate that no no no no no no okay i mean i could have tried to prevent that but i just stared at him so yeah that was mainly my fault no no no no no no no no no i'll save your savior save you yes stupid no not again you're gonna die from fall damage dude bummy oh no why you going that way oh my god this guy is playing games okay just yeah climb all the way straight up please and don't fall out just keep going this is not how i wanted it to go oh no okay um he's living on the edge right now and yeah i had to cows um he word had and come on let's go buddies and they're finally up here and i got my goat back what do you do what how did you get down okay i'm not gonna question it but now we got two cows up here and let's just block this off so they don't go down there anymore let's make some fences and let's turn this section into an animal farm come on in come on fatties you guys gonna make it they even fit into a fence gate um let's break this and you guys go and bam i guess you can come out sir oh my he just put on the nitrous and make some babies hello tony it looks like my shuriken has grown a little bit so might as well just harvest it and let's replant them all so they grow even more and faster and let's harvest all of this wheat because i need more food and i want to breed these cows until there's like a million cows cause i'm kind of lonely up here if you guys couldn't tell and now since i got the cows up here i need to somehow find a way to bring those villagers up here which would be really hard and where did they all oh man where did they run to all right there's one right here um i don't have any rails or anything so i don't really know oh god go away don't hurt my villager i don't really know how to bring this guy up there what if i craft a boat here and i make a giant waterfall from the top of my base down oh god um okay now i made a huge mistake please stop here okay oh no now i'm drowning everything by accident okay let's slap this guy into a boat here and hopefully i can just go up here oh not like that okay that scared me um oh no no no no no no no you lived you lived okay just climb just yeah slowly go all the way up please just stay right there oh no don't drown please sir go over there breathe and just yep slowly climb nope not like that where'd he go oh he fallen to the roof that didn't work i don't know why my boat didn't float but let's try that again hop in and hey i think we gotta be right on the edge oh no no no no oh i had a villager now let's continue exploring let's see what's underneath the swamp biome layer what do we have next and we found a tree okay and we have a giant tree they look like spruce and oh this is a ray tower well unfortunately i don't have any villagers that started ready to get unlimited totems but there might be some good loot over here any more chests and no nice okay um at least we get some spruce wood which i love and oh looks like there's some lava which means you should really get in there please thank you very much but now with all this lava we could make a nether portal [Music] oh i'm so stupid i just realized you can't mind i'm sitting with an iron pickaxe yep change of plans let's go mine for some diamonds i'm sure this layer has a bunch of diamonds since we're so deep down now oh and i was right all right that's two oh my god okay we got a fat vein we got six all right let's make a diamond pickaxe and let's start mining some obsidian and now with the ten obsidian that i grabbed i can finally make a portal and you know what let's just slap it right here let's just break my ceiling and drop the flint and steal bam and let's head over to the nether and see what we find and we have made it and it looks like we are on one chunk as well but there's nothing under us is it just the warped forest oh yeah the nether chunk goes in reverse we spawn at the bottom and we must go upwards well that gives us more to explore but let's mine some warped forced log thingies and let's use all this material to build upwards now to reach the other layers well i grabbed a bunch of materials from this crimson forest and what is that up there it looks like there's a lot of quartz up there and blocks with a drip stone that is very odd but we will explore that later let's use all these materials to build replica biomes over here on my island i don't need to rebuild the plane spine because i kind of already have it so let's start working on the snow biome let's jump down here hello goat and let's first start by collecting some materials for the snow biome like snow and unfortunately don't have silk touch to collect this packed ice yet so we'll save that for later i don't have a lot of snow blocks but this should be enough and my plan is to build it in all of these corners in between these squares if that makes sense so let's bring it up a block and let's start placing in the snow and let's add a little bit more detail and right over here in this corner i can put an ice spike when i get silk touch and right in the middle on top of this hill let's slap down a snow golem and next up let's start working on the next biome which is the desert and next up is the mesa bottom and the village so i spent around two days collecting some terra cotta and enough wood to build a small village then i got to work and let's bone mule up the grass to add some color i'll work on some other bombs later when i expand my island but this is what the one chunk looked like at the beginning of the video and this is what the one chunk looks like now yeah we made a lot of progress but we're not done yet let's start harvesting this and get enough paper to make an enchantment table now let's build up and explore the nether i really want to head up to this quartz biome and see what is up here and we're almost here so already here and wait a second oh my god there's a village house in here with of with two villagers that is really good news and there are two piglets look at me um they seem kind of friendly so i'm just kind of worried he's gonna jump down any second but it seems like these might be my last two villagers i can ever get and i should really bring them back home so i can make a villager breeder and iron golem farms and raid farms so let's build a super safe path all the way down with the staircase that i made let's make a barrier right here on the edge so they cannot fall off to their death let's just section oh my god i was really lucky all right come on arnold down the stairs you go no no not that way please no this is gonna be a pain come on get in there no no oh i almost left that open all right once through once through we just need this last guy come on keep walking yes yes that was incredibly difficult okay where did they go oh they're right here and they somehow got clothes on now what did they just change into the okay i have no idea how that works but we got two villagers let's make sure we trap them so they don't go exploring and running around and fall off the edge of the world or something and there we go now we gotta make a villager breeder all right i built a new platform over here by the cow farm and this is where my villager breed is gonna be let's put two fence gates here and a little chilling area right here and this is where the baby villagers will chill let's put down some glass walls and right over here let's put oh let's put some water so the baby village will flow right into here and the plan is to have the farming area up here and some beds so the villagers will make a baby and the baby will just come down here and fall and get trapped over here if that makes sense let's try to build it [Music] okay hopefully this works and hopefully a baby villager can fit between this butt crack of a spot so now let's just get these villagers up there and honestly i don't know what's more difficult in life than moving a villager from one spot to the other come on guys just just jump yes thank you yes keep going oh my i just need to keep making fun of them so they run away from me yes you guys are ugly oh no no other way other way you are a stinky villager being keep walking that way okay oh my god i don't even need to push them they're just going they're just going yes it's probably because there's a a job here but that is awesome let's just get rid of this and clean up the area why did i build it of stone bricks this is kind of expensive and i don't really want to wait for them to harvest everything and have it all grow so i'm gonna try to speed it up a little bit let's come over here to my skeleton farm and let's collect some bones all right let's turn all this into bone meal and let's help these villagers out make some babies let's help them harvest because these guys are slow and replant them and hopefully these extra carrots help them breed and now we just gotta wait and hope they make some love so i waited a day and i got no villagers so i changed the design and hopefully this will allow the villagers to actually see the beds over here um i do see them making big love so that's a good sign let's wait another day and see what happens oh my god it happened we have a baby villager i literally waited here for like two days this might have been my first ever villager breeder that worked but now let's wait till we get a whole bunch so we can make an iron golden farm and like a totem farm later on oh we have two now okay it's going a lot faster now while we wait for even more villagers let's grab my wheat and breed up these cows cause i'm gonna need a lot of them and it seems like all my sugarcane has grown so eventually i'll get an enchantment table going but now i can turn this into paper and now all i need is leather you hear that cows i need your leather yeah yeah nod your head so on day 59 i started building the platform for the iron golem farm then i started working on the brand new iron golem farm and the sun is setting so now is a perfect time to move all of these villagers over there only need three i'm guessing the best way to do it is removing these beds and hopefully by opening these gates they will flood over to the beds over there maybe they will sense it so uh who wants to come sleep come on guys what if i just slap a bed like right up here any tigers no maybe down here oh oh oh oh here they come here they come parade oh my god okay they're coming up okay once they get to the second step let's bait them take that oh i think they're sensing these beds over here which is great see oh yeah i see their little brown heads moving looks like moving granite blocks there is one there is two and where's the third one okay a baby's coming all positions are filled in nice this baby could literally fall right out all right but now i need to bring them back so uh i guess i just put the beds back here and maybe they will come i'm back guys oh i love how you can just control them with beds and close the gate there we go and now i'm gonna need a zombie but i don't think there's enough time in the night so let's wait till tomorrow night and in the meantime i'll clean all this up and get ready here he comes up the stairs and what i have four villagers in there how did it get four all right that was not supposed to happen but oh no no no okay i need to close that trap door okay good let's trap him in and i need to bring him as close to this as possible i just punch him there we go and let's drop him in and i have this problem every time they never go in just give him a little nudge come on come on bro sliding okay it's not working okay he ended up falling in the hole and we have an hour golden which is really good news can i make a grind like button i cannot now let's name him these nuts bam and now we have a working iron golem farm already which is super surprising i'm surprised i built that correctly let's head over here and steal some lava i'm sorry strider but i'm gonna have to steal your home and now let's slap down a lava bucket right here yeah and we got ourselves iron let's go so i accidentally afk right over there for four straight days which was like an hour long and let's see how much iron we got we got uh five and a half stacks that's really good actually now i need a diamond generator because uh yeah this is about a snap i've been building my house recently and i'm out of wheat so let's keep harvesting this and let's continue breeding them it's getting pretty packed in there but i'm gonna need your leather for the bookshelves i'm sorry guys but since i have all of this iron now let's replace these broken tools like even even this shuffle i don't need it i'll just make a new one but since we finally explored the nether i can grab my soul sand and bring the xp farm all the way up there so it'll be super easy to farm so let's go to the nether grab me some soul sand i just need one piece but might as well just grab three and now let's start fixing it up let's block it off oh my god look at all those arrows and now let's finally start fixing this up because it's been broken for a while [Music] oh my god oh my god those stupid phantoms oh there's the ocean bottom right here and kelp i need to kelp okay uh thank you so much phantoms now let's go down into the ocean monument layer which has a lot of kelp i'm kind of scared what's inside of it it could be those guardian looking fish dudes which i do not like so yeah let's just steal some kelp first and maybe we will explore this after and now let's fill this all up with some kelp and the chances of me drowning here is pretty high because uh this is a long way up just made it and that's all kelp let's go over here to the second water elevator and go back up there we go let's break this and it should work yep there we go and let's break this as well and now if i simply break this and release the skeletons it should work keywords should yeah oh there we go so let's sit here for the good day and see how many skeletons we get and let's see oh at least they're skeletons here that's that's good news that skeletons are living and actually being brought up here um there's not much but hey it works you know what this probably isn't good enough for an xp farm since we are on one chunk i can easily make it xp farm in the nether since there's no other spotting platforms a lot of pigments spawn and i'm gonna need a lot of magma blocks so let's collect it in this nether all right let's build pretty far away from this nether chunk so it won't affect the spotting rates with all those pigment up there oh god go away oh my god oh my how many are there this is a little dangerous standing right here i'm literally playing spleef with a gas right now i think that's far enough and now let's start building out the platform let's make it a three by three square where they will come fall and die and let's i'm going back and i'm crafting a bow let's replace all of this with some slabs and i'll probably prevent the ghasts from spawning now let's start working on the gold farm [Music] and now all i need is one turtle egg to put in the middle so all the pigments go chase it and fall into this hole and also lost all of my armor in the meantime while building this and now let's hope there's some turtle eggs in this place i don't see any dangerous dudes here oh wait i might drown here oh no meow get me out get me i forgot i need to breathe air is there anything oh wait oh there's some right here all right i just need one let me steal one of your eggs here oh do any so touch oh my god i need some touch okay that's another problem uh this might be a problem here but don't get out okay let's breed up these cows one last time before i harvest them for some leather and get some more paper one last breeding session and now time to kill these cows i need your leather guys yeah i think i killed enough cops but i don't think 34 leather is good enough let's turn these into books and that makes me 34 which then makes me 11 bookshelves that's not bad and let's put my enchantment table right over here and i don't have any lapis bro and let's go mining wait there's a mushroom bomb underneath here what and i can't mine through it there's barrier blocks brook well i can't mine in the ocean bomb so let's head over to the next biome which is a mushroom and it seems like there's a lot of area to mine let's hope i can find some lapis and after mining some lapis i spent some time reading the cows and harvesting hurricanes to get some more bookshelves and now let's try to get silk touch on one of my pickaxes here and breaking three let's try it nice and now let the afk for some more xp oh my next enchantment is silk touch let's get to level 30 quickly and let's enchant this so touch i'm breaking three nice and now let's go find that egg the last one here and let's yoink this oh yeah and now coming up here i think all i need to do is add the egg right here and put some trap doors around it so it cannot be damaged by the pigmen and i think it works floating and now trap doors on these edges just like so and i hope that works the pigment are getting mad at the turtle egg right here so i'm not sure what's wrong a few moments later okay all i had to do was clear up some blocks above the turtle egg so they can spot it and now let's pull up my sword and let's start collecting some xp we're already at level 30 just like that so easy and they come flying down and it also gives me a lot of gold so when i get looting three it'll give me even more which would be crazy and after grinding this for two straight days i got level 62. wait wait that's not good enough let me use up these swords let's craft up a new one and let's continue grinding ah yeah that's much better level 69 but i still have a lot of the nether bomb to explore i went over there there's still a lot of courts above the quartz bottom layer and the bastion and up there it seems like there's another fortress so after enchanting all of my armor i went to go explore the rest of the nether biome and we just made it into this cave with a shredder living in the middle of it um let me steal your netherwarts and oh raw gold but it doesn't seem like there's much in here except some nether quartz which i don't quite need right now so let's continue exploring upwards and see what's above this maybe like a diamond biome or something because i really need some diamonds it's really hard to find some here in this entire one chunk but it looks like we're gonna hit the bastion or a black stone layer oh yeah i'm hitting some yeah we are in hopefully there's nobody ready to attack me but let's see what's in here oh no i was not supposed to hit him i was not supposed to hit him oh no this isn't good he's knocked him off oh god this is not good what do i do here okay let's just kill all these pigmen and okay what's in here oh ancient debris my first ever piece and a bunch of random stuff all would be pretty helpful and there doesn't seem to be much else in this bastion and last up is the nether fortress at the very top and it seems like they're not mad at me anymore that's really odd but there's a blade spawner up here um i don't really need xp anymore since i made the gold farm all the way over there so uh it's probably no use to me that probably wasn't the smartest thing to do that is the entire nether chunk explored and now since we explored the nether chunk let's go explore the one chunk let's jump all the way down please make the water why did i play margaret so risky oh my god okay this is the last bomb i went to which is the ocean monument and i didn't really get a good chance to explore it maybe there's like some gold in here or something something valuable or maybe nothing at all i guess and i'm gonna drown save me torches there has to be something right oh i found the sponge layer let's grab all these wet sponges and i can finally breathe for once and let's steal it all and it seems like that is everything so let's go down oh wait we went to the mushroom biome i totally forgot about that this is where i found the lapis what is underneath here that is what i haven't found out yet let's continue digging down and this is a pretty big mining layer it seems like the next one is okay it's a woodland mansion that was a lot of mobs okay let's break into here and there's any good loot here i don't see any evokers to steal some totems there's a cheek on i can bring him all the way up to my base and possibly make a chicken farm but it doesn't seem like there's much over here let's get my revenge though and oh there is a chest over here and there oh yes oh a diamond chest play some emeralds and it's what i'm dying yep that's what i wanted let's throw this poop away and there we go we finally have a piece of diamond armor and get my totem on let's start speed running here let's dig down and see what else lies beneath this one chunk now we hit the deep slate layer and oh ooh axolotls okay there's a small little lush section right here i should grab some buckets to take these guys all the way up and build them a nice aquarium upstairs at my base but let's continue mining i'm super curious what else i can find here oh okay drip stone nice and there's the amethyst layer let's continue mining and it seems like i'm getting pretty close to the bedrock here and we just ran into diamonds and oh another cave with a bunch of iron in it and ma more diamonds i might be able to make a full diamond set soon wait a second i hate stone brick was the is that what i think it is oh it is you found the end portal frame oh my god let's break this and kill all these silver fish all right it seems like we're at the very bottom of this one chunk yep the bedrock is right there oh there's some diamonds over there let's just uh build over there and steal these nice that's awesome that means we have to defeat the enemy dragon soon i just need to collect some more eyes of ender so now let's make a diamond sword and let's try to enchant looting three on this so getting the enterprise would be easy oh my god that might have been the luckiest enchantment i've ever gotten first time to get looting i'm not sure where the best place is to find enderman i remember seeing like a lot of endermen in this desert vine for some reason is there any oh there's one right here oh there's two a boy's carrying a cactus doesn't hurt your hand there's three um let me just punch them and farm them inside this house they're stuck in the webs thanks for making it easier to farm you oh yeah i got one so far that's three and and five and the next best place for endermen is probably gonna be this warts forest give me your balls please that's eight and give me three give me three oh give me two oh wait that should be enough actually because i remember there were two eyes of ender inside the portal already now let's head up to the nether fortress and hope to get some blazes i probably shouldn't have broken that spawner probably not the best move now let's build a big nether brick platform to help some blazes to spawn okay there's some blazes over here oh my i did not see those guys and some wither skeletons let's kill this okay we got two all right that's four and this guy's leaning over the edge which is kind of annoying i need your blaze rod no let's turn these into blaze powder and eyes of ender let's jump all the way down to the stronghold oh god i'm not even going to make it okay and we are ready to go what is wrong with the end is my end broken okay i'm really far away and the dragon is right there let's quickly bridge over there and you know what let's just pearl hopefully don't miss please don't miss what is wrong with the end oh my okay looks like the end is checkerboarded it seems like every other chunk is missing um okay well that doesn't stop me from destroying all the crystals oh god oh god okay i wasn't scared honestly i thought these missing chunks won't affect me at all um safe to say it does and i think that's all of the crystals let's defeat this dragon and there we go like the guts and collect the baby now let's bridge up to the portal oh should i risk it no i can't i've already been through too many near-death experiences let's play it safe and let's try to find an elytra okay i just thought we found another boat i've been getting really lucky finding n ships recently but this one just the poopy one probably the worst one you could find and why is every single island so far for me i spent like a whole day collecting end stone bro oh there's an entity right there oh there's n ship as well i don't really need any of the shulkers or anything i might as well go up and check if there's any loot and wow what why is this n ship so short it's not high off the ground at all i could literally ender pearl up there that is really weird let's pro up here and skip all these shulkers because i probably don't need it and let's see what's inside here oh yes diamonds and mending diamond boots all right i'm putting that oh my god they're doing a lot of damage i might need to get out of here all right but you know what let's just fly over to the end ship here um it's kind of dangerous throw pearl okay let's skip all these and i'm gonna need to kill this guy speed running in electro without killing any shulkers let's take this anything good fortune three pickaxe and another diamond boot let's come over here and steal the head yup oh yeah we can fly now where is the portal back to the overworld i do not see one at all that isn't good now that we got even more diamonds from raiding the end ships i can finally make a full set of diamond armor and enchant them let's see what i get that's pretty poop that's pretty poop and my pants are good and so far this iron farm has given me a lot of iron so let's turn all these into iron blocks and let's put a little shrine right in the middle of my one chunk for the dragon egg and there we go it's pretty simple there's the dragon egg on top of ancient debris my only ever piece and my dragon head and since i explored all of the biomes on this one chunk and in the nether chunk i think it's finally time to rebuild them on my island here now let's jump all the way down here and the next bottom i'm gonna build is gonna be a swamp biome so let's steal this hut and let's also collect some vines and some lily pads and let's build it right over here beside the snow golem [Music] so i actually decided to build it over here next to the village because we're in an actual swamp biome so the trees and the grass will actually look like a swamp which is pretty cool and next up we have the woodland mansion oh there's not the woodland mansion this is the ray tower and now let's start collecting a bunch of these blocks [Music] okay but now since i have doors i could breathe and it'll be way easier to collect some of these corals and with silk touch i can collect the color so it won't just be dead [Music] and now is mino the ocean monument [Applause] [Music] and the ocean biome is done i just have a freezing problem right now and i'm trying to put torches everywhere i can to stop the ice but it's not really working however it's already day 99 and i don't really have much time to build all the other biomes but i think we've come a very long way we got a bunch of villagers a cow farm a nice wheat farm sugar cane nice iron golem farm and a beautiful house i just don't really know what else i can do in the next two days so i think let's just celebrate um and what's the best way to celebrate how about we just uh don't forget to download dragon city in the description below to get your free starter pack i can't kill you you're too special yeah oh that's 100 days of one chunk goodbye
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 18,468,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hardcore, 100 days, minecraft 100 days, i survived 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft, acookiegod, a cookie god, minecraft cookie, minecraft cookie god, i survived 100 days in one chunk, 100 days but it's one chunk, 100 days but it's a single chunk, i survived 100 days in one chunk in hardcore minecdraft
Id: ofy-Wu3BfNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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