Eating World's Smelliest Fruit - Durian

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i am a massive fan of trying new food but unfortunately for me at least compared to most people there aren't that many foods left for me to try i'm not kidding when i say i've had a lot of weird food the craziest that comes to mind is called balut it's a filipino delicacy that without going into too much detail is an egg there's one weird thing about this egg it's a duck egg and the duck is already partly growing inside i mean like a couple feathers maybe a couple bones but a few years back i met the best female chef in asia that year who happened to be filipino and she had brought this delicacy with her and i figured why not let's give it a shot it tasted pretty much like a regular egg my point is i'll try just about anything and today i have a really special treat durian this fruit is actually banned on a lot of public trans and for good reason it is the smelliest fruit in the entire world but apparently it also tastes delicious and they say that if you can get over that really stinky smell a lot of people call this their favorite fruit people say this is somehow savory sweet and creamy all at once apparently it tastes like diced garlic and caramel all poured into whipped cream so you can see why a lot of people probably don't want to eat let's open it up best of luck to my neighbors it is about to smell like if you can see all these little welts on my hand right now that's from touching the fruit that's how spiny it is i'm gonna use this kitchen towel to help me grip it but from my research there are five different segments i actually think i can see the little sections it looks like it comes down right here right here maybe right here and right here so those are the five groups i'm guessing this right here is one group the inside of the fruit supposedly looks like a chicken breast which i'm really excited to see so i'm going to start by coming in with my knife and really gently scoring the edge of the fruit it feels really ripe i think it'll hopefully be pretty easy to get into just tilt it over a little bit and do it right on the other side just come right through down here scoring again and then i think i've got a whole section sort of picked out oh it is stinky it's so stinky now i'll just come to the bottom and start wiggling this to really try to detach it from itself just coax it off by wiggling my knife in the top here and perhaps the easiest will be for me to just start ripping this off with my hand i think i'm getting somewhere with this there it is there's the fruit there's water leaking all out it smells exactly like garlic i think i'm gonna be able to coax out this first pod here that was a clean scoop here's our first piece and i will say it does look just like a chicken breast it also smells like an everything bagel i have no idea how this is possible but this fruit smells exactly like an everything bagel i'm just gonna keep opening this up and try to get all five pods neatly on a plate sometimes i wonder what i'm doing with food and this is one of those times that's just so weird i just took off this piece right here it looks so interesting it almost looks sort of like a dinosaur or an armadillo but just look at that amazing protective shell on the outside of this thing it's pretty beautiful actually ah okay so this next piece just peeled off really easy for me and look at that that's the most chicken breast looking piece we have yet it is actually a really gorgeous fruit but it's also kind of scary looking and i've just never seen anything like it the fruit is very fragile and i don't know if this is just very ripe or if it's always like this but i'm trying to really carefully take this out of its shell i wish i could think of a fruit that's like this but the only thing i could think about right now is just everything bagels and here's the thing i love everything bagels but this is nasty this makes me suddenly not want to eat or think about an everything bagel ever again i will also say that in no way whatsoever is this at all what i expected when i came to open this thing for some reason i thought it was gonna smell more like a stink bomb or something like that where instead we just have this really garlicky unique smelling fruit that's just not a fruit i almost feel like the durian's being punished for smelling like something that it's not even if that smell itself is not necessarily bad it's out of context is what it is in this context it's not a smell that we want to experience i mean sure walk into a nice cozy bakery and smell all those garlicky oniony scents yeah absolutely but when we then think of some tropical type fruit and then you get these heavy almost aggressive notes of garlic so we did it here guys we finally got to that last piece here i'm gonna pull this out i should know by the way that these have these seeds right inside them you can think it's just one big seed that's inside then you got your like chicken breast looking thing on the outside if i lay this down on my plate here i got a beautiful full plate of fresh durian now for the moment that truthfully i'm quite scared of let's give it a try i was bragging about how i love trying new foods and then i smell this garlicky everything bagel fruit called the durian and now i can't eat all of a sudden but that's why we're here let's do it let's do it i'll just take a big bite okay it literally tastes like a blast of garlic at first i thought oh this looks like a chicken breast now i think oh you know it kind of looks like a garlic clove i'm going to take a smaller bite and i'm genuinely going to try to see if i can enjoy i'm going to take a really small bite out of this okay if you're patient with it you get hit with a delicate creamy texture that's actually not too bad but i'm going to be honest i'm never going to be able to get over the garlic flavor taking over this entire fruit i feel like i have garlic breath right now i feel like i'm eating pretty much a raw piece of garlic that maybe has a slight less of that bitterness there this is a really cool fruit and seriously i'm happy that i tried it i can say that i tried it there's some stuff out there that's just not for me and i don't think this is ever going to be something that i can sit down and actually enjoy i think it has too much of a savory flavor for me and yeah it has those custard notes it has those creamy notes but this really omelet looking unique kind of squishy texture is not doing it for me there's also a lot in there and if you can eat your way around that entire pod you get this big brown seed i'm going to do everybody a favor including myself and not plant the seed so my durian takeaways are as follows it looks like the hybrid between a chicken breast and an omelet a perfectly carefully constructed omelet it smells like an everything bagel that is the best possible description i can give you i have never in my life smelled anything that's so similar to an everything babe and it tastes like a creamy garlic custard some fruits also may be different than others so we have to keep that in mind here but i think this is perfectly ripe from the research that i've done and i think i've given a really accurate description of it and now my entire apartment smells like a garbage can all for you guys but seriously if you like this video please subscribe drop a like and a comment if you want to be part of that early gang click on notifications durian i'm glad i tried you but i don't think we're meant for each other i'll see you next time
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 1,786,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XtuIGYElcXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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