Giveaways + $3600 White Gaming PC Build in the Lian Li o11 EVO RGB (i7 14700K / STRIX 4080)

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everybody everybody's talking about the Santa hat that's tomorrow guys today's not the giveaway build that's tomorrow with the Starfield build we still have one more day and then we have the uh the Santa and by the way I don't know if you guys saw this but I have shared that the Grinch build by the way looks incredible the the Grinch build okay if you guys hold on I I will tell my wife hold on one second if you guys are like that heck bent on it right like this um let's I'll see if she can if she can send Aaron over let's let's call and see if we can send Aaron over hold on let me call her so if you guys really want me to wear a Santa hat now I will wear a Santa hat now hold on hey what's up Anita ERS what's up everybody if she doesn't answer guys I will definitely have it tomorrow okay I promise hey so we'll get it tomorrow well she she's not answering so um anyway welcome everybody we are it is like it's new case week plus it's new case week plus uh it is also uh our first of our three giveaway builds and let me just sh let me just say Thomas and Blondie have seen the Grinch build and it is amazing um I'm extrem excited so it's not Nightmare Before Christmas sorry Temperance they we actually changed it to the uh CR grinch it's roit Tech's how the Rob how robit Tech Stole Christmas how robit Tech yeah the robit tech who stole Christmas or something like that but pretty incredible we've seen the case it'll be here tomorrow uh and then we'll build it actually on Friday or sorry you know it's funny cuz I feel like we should shift we should do the the the be quiet build tomorrow and then we should do the Starfield build next week so that way we could have a pre- Christmas build uh so maybe we do that and that one we'll just give away on stream what do you guys think maybe we just do that and instead and uh it's uh it's pretty incredible uh and we'll we'll I'll show you some graphics of it uh when we get to that part a little bit later on and then we'll so we'll do the Grinch build tomorrow and then we'll do uh we'll do the um we'll do the uh the other one uh the Starfield one next week so yeah the the the the Grinch build looks crazy I think Ron has actually already posted there he is yeah so if you guys want to see it there it is right there it's already actually up and live and that's the build we'll try and do it tomorrow I'll make sure that it all works out if it does then we'll make that happen there's a lot going on tomorrow so if it shifts it shifts but um we'll no matter what I'll wear a Santa hat um but it it just comes down to being able to get the the the build benched and all that sort of stuff beforehand but welcome everybody uh to the show today and huge shout out obviously to Le and Lee for sponsoring today's stream uh they are so excited and they love uh that we get to Showcase their stuff and so uh Lee and Lee hooked us up and they're going to be sponsoring today's stream so we're going to be showing off the brand new Liam Lee Evo RGB this is the successor to the o1 Evo um what you if you want to see it I've got the the reviews that are up about it right now uh it's great thermally you can also replace the front with a um with a addition with a um a mesh front panel add more fans if you wanted to um so it's going to be a lot of fun we're going to enjoy building the build today that should be really cool just an update cuz here's the deal guys we have a chance we have a chance to give away the Starfield build if we do it tomorrow to do it live on stream but if that would have happened we have to get 350 sub points we are at 234 so we've gone up by like 12 points so we're just going to need some people to step up if you think about it that's like it's not that many we're a little bit over a 100 that could be 10 tier three Subs uh would pretty much almost knock it out out or a or like what like uh 25 tier three Subs um we get 50 to 100 Subs every stream this is just new people stepping up either doing tier one tier 2 tier three Subs they have to be not gifted Subs they have to be new subs and or upgraded subs and if we get 350 points and that means I'm not going to do it on gleam and only the people watching the stream will be able to win the PC which means we'd be doing three in a row PCS of just people winning uh the PCS on stream which is like a couple hundred people 3 400 people versus you guys competing against what could be 880,000 so if you want your odds to be good this is what you're going to do and remember we're also every 25 points that we get 25 points that we get we will also be adding a one tbte in vme drive to one lucky winner as well so that's what it is so we're doubling the thing you guys basically make it happen and we'll uh we'll do some awesome stuff now the other reason that you might want to do the giveaway is that if and when we do the Roby Tech we do the Grinch build if you are a t if you are a subscriber to roite Tech then when we give away the Spider-Man build you get extra entries when we give away the Grinch build you give extra entries when we give away the um the Falcon Northwest Avatar build you get extra entries we give away the Starfield build you get extra entries and only subscribers get extra entries and you get extra entries to gleam as well so it's worth subscribing because your odds of Watch away with a computer literally triple uh when you do that so Subs get extra entries then lastly you are entered to win cuz we have just a week left to enter to win this beautiful uh Spider-Man uh Spider-Man into the spiderverse themed PC we're going to be giving that away to one lucky subscriber only and so all the only way to get it is if you can use your Amazon Prime sub but tier one you wor three points tier two six and tier 3 10 and so you're going to get more points uh if you basically enter to win and potentially walk away with one you have four chances to win a PC which is actually pretty crazy so that's what that's all the stuff that's happening let's see if we can get like a hype train going and then if not then we'll just go ahead and get started on this build and just start building in general but this is it guys this is the this is the season and you have a lot of PCS to win and you can make it instead of a chance to win two on stream you have a chance to win three and then also entered to win a fourth as well so should be pretty a awesome niga wants a robit tech well this is the time to try and do it so who's going to step up who's going to get started we can do it Guys somebody can start get it going and we go from there um let's see what else is going on here I never leave oh yeah that is true yeah he does he doesn't and I think hey do Tex are you're there can you T try talking hello hello okay you are there you're just quiet let me try and uh go ahead and chat keep keep talking ion talk a lot or doesn't know how to do that is is Zeon there I think Zeon is AFK this second but I can't be sure TR you up more okay try one more time org hello how am I I can hear you just fine now okay and and you guys are plenty of fine there okay good so I got you all in here for voice so we got our we actually also got we actually also got our text back in the voice as well so it's so good to see everybody uh very excited to actually have all the Gremlins out of the way um and we we are actually good can Canadians win absolutely Canadians can win um for these PCS we're going to open up to us Canada and Mexico so if you are in US Canada or Mexico you'll be entered to win and a and absolutely okay what's up Chris how are you man so couple things one for some reason the audio mix that we were dealing with yesterday um was uh basically it decided to go to stereo so when I was using a single ear it was playing it in Stereo so it was only getting half the channels and everybody else is overse EU the problem is is that the EU is like Shi uh into the EU is very very expensive for PCs so if you want to do EU the way that we do it is EU is welcome to win but they just have to pay for customs and shipping so uh Victor 65 thank you for the resub tier one so if Victor were to upgrade to tier three then that would be worth an additional Five Points it's not saying you have to Victor but again that would get us five points towards our next our next goal so going from there yeah it's it's not cheap to ship overseas so that's always the problem so that's the way we do it if you want to win internationally it's opening International you just have to cover shipping and Customs um for but for Canada and Mexico for this one we're going to let people go ahead and and enter to win um let's see what else uh let's see if there's anything else that's going on there uh I don't think so I think we're actually good to go I don't think we're going to hit a hype train so let's go a and start talking about the build and then we'll go from there yeah and then don't forget head over to live hit that thumbs up button and we'll go from there um can we can we can we hear me now yes I can hear you just fine and by the way we have a new so for the dad joke thing uh eigor was so tired of us waiting to uh Hey There we go one month at tier one subscribe for four months four months there we go so there's another person that adds another point but that's he's resubscribed for 4 months we're looking for new people to come up uh we have added the dad joke button so if you pay your points you'll get to hear the dad jokes and there's like a ton on here so instead of waiting now we get Dad jok instantly which is actually pretty uh pretty awesome as well for people are asking hey Roby how do you hey Mii thank you very much for the sub uh some of people are saying hey Roby how do I get in on the giveaways the giveaways will happen uh at random points throughout the stream you just have to be here and watch that's the way it essentially happens and you do have to uh yeah hype train so close there we go uh you do have to be present to win uh yes they there was there was no randomly spicy one that we have heard so far i' I've done a ton of them so I feel like we're going to be pretty safe so so guys we need one more person to step up we're at a minute and 55 seconds and then we'll get it going and then we just need people like I said we're trying to get all of the points because if we get all the points then we essentially uh we could unlock another giveaway uh DJ techno they came pre-programmed but now if people pay if people pay uh it does work on YouTube you're fine if you're on YouTube you just have to be on YouTube or twitch um if you uh if now if you pay the points they're just already in here and they're good to go um so whichever platform you prefer you do you but they work here so far without any problem so welcome all the people from twit or from X I keep forgetting I really wish he would just go back to Twitter going for there guys one minute 15 seconds one person just got to drop one sub it could be a gifted sub anything will get it to activate and then we could start remember if we get level five then we'll give away a $25 new a gift card one minute left we're going to talk about that Alexander CR will'll talk about that in just a second so we'll we'll get going it's still that's right it's still Twitter to me as well who calls it X who like who like literally calls it x on a consistent basis Zeon dropping five gift dude thank you Zeon dropping five gifted Subs we got Anders dropping A Gifted sub we got Mr Knight the IT guy dropping his prime sub there's his two-month Prime sub and we got lots of stuff going on there Twitter to me musk ox I say Twitter No One everybody says no one says it for ash forever Twitter that's funny right there still Twitter for me guys and we are at level three hype train remember guys if we get to five we just got to get to level five which is two bars away then we'll give away uh we'll unlock a $25 new gift card hey Fisher Prince subscribing with tier three dude Fisher Price drop Fisher Price not Fisher Prince Fisher Price dropping a tier three and we got now another Roby Tech dad joke phone now okay here we go first one the first one right here from Bernie conjunctivitis Doom now that's a site for Sr conjuctivitis dcom now there's a site for S eyes there you go um uh PF PR PR frag will'll get you a link for the black uh TL fans as well so that's actually pretty good uh so right now for best graphic card for editing the best graphic card for editing is still uh unfortunately it's Nvidia Nvidia still has uh the widest support for basically video editing and video uh basically video editing also for video coloring color grading and all that sort of stuff so just that's just not a place that AMD has been able to catch up with yet hi Robi what's you doing big part what's up Superman it's good to see you uh we're just we're trying to finish out this hype train we're at 3 minutes and 40 seconds and then we'll get started on on the build here in just a second um we're going to get going well I mean I like again for me somebody says unfortunately what do you mean the thing is is that I love competition so B at you know competition breed sorry competition breeds uh Innovation and when one company owns the majority of a particular um source of work then the problem is is that there's not there's not a lot of innovation in that area so when we have a ton of innovation in that area obviously costs come down all that sort of stuff and there becomes more competitive so that's really that's what I meant by that staying 25 of 250 this build is $3,600 guys the build that we're going to be doing here and it's actually in the title if you're curious so yeah it should be a good one any other questions you guys want to ask while we're waiting for the hype train to finish does freey premium or free sync in general make much of a difference on a monitor when you have a Radeon card yes um yeah Neo sator you're going to see them in the build today we're actually using using them in today's build uh yes it does because the thing is well I mean not as the the thing is is free sync is kind of like FSR what free sync did is it allowed people to have what is essentially variable refresh rate hey mystery o114 thank you for the sub uh it allowed us to have variable refresh rate in monitors uh without having to pay the g-sync price does it h does it is it better when you just use it with a Radeon card versus an Nvidia card not really but the thing is is it brought down the overall cost that's where I'm talking about where innovation basically or sorry where um uh competition breeds Innovation g-sync versus freesync is a great place where because of free sync g-sync uh you know gsync became much cheaper EX for One Thing 2 minutes left guys so hopefully that answers that question I don't know if you guys want to add anything to that I don't think so Oregon Zeon I don't think Radeon does anything better with free sync than an Nvidia card no it's it's six of one half doz the other yeah beam main thing is that gsync can go from like 1 Hertz to the max but free sync starts at like 40 or 60 HZ but it's not a big deal yeah it's really I mean yes I mean it's not really a big deal but the thing is is like it's great cuz free sync for the most part AMD did the right thing and just made freesync go into everything so what's up moots how are you we're going to get started in just a second guys 1 minute and 24 seconds can we get this uh House of Tom it was somebody in it was somebody in YouTube so go that's what we'll do okay um I don't know if it's going to happen it feels like uh feel like we're going to be end up giving the Starfield PC away on gleam and that's okay that's okay it's totally good it's a holidays not we don't have any excess stuff I'm just trying to help you and see if we can hit that goal but regardless I appreciate everybody who's subscribed who's donated and all that sort of stuff and then we'll see whether we do the Grinch build or we do the Starfield build tomorrow but let's let's get into the build cuz I don't want to I don't want to sit here in Meander forever okay so here it is right here here's the PC that we're not building today cuz I just realized I didn't download the video hold on one sec let me uh let me go download the actual thing whoa okay somebody just went crazy Victor dropping five gifted Subs we got raru dropping in a tier one that takes us to 100% right there and while I'm downloading this I knew there was something I forgot I did everything else I was so focused on getting all the Gremlins out all of a sudden I was like oh no uh I forgot to download the actual the actual thing so let me download it right here here we go let's hope it's right guys who who wants to who wants to bet on whether it's right or not 7030 7030 you guys make it sound like uh like but I mean like again we appreciate we we do appreciate uh Sean okay here we go so here is [Music] the oh there we go I was like wait what happened to it so here are the parts we're using in today's build we have the Intel Core i 74700 k we have the Asus RG strick z790 a gaming Wi-Fi motherboard we're using Patriot Viper VP 4300 lights uh 3 terab of storage there uh we've got Viper Elite 5 ddr5 two 48 so 2 * 24 so 48 gigs liking to use those like abnormal things since that's something actually very new uh with ddr5 we've got the Leon Le 011 Evo RGB the cooler is the Leon Le Galahad 2 Trinity 360 and then for our power supply we're using the MSI MPG a850 G pci5 NVM uh sorry power supply now the one thing that it's worth noting is we're also using cable mod cables uh and the whole thing is is that we'll we'll be walking through the case and all that sort of stuff but it's going to be a beautiful showcase P showcase uh PC and I think you guys will actually very much enjoy it we have 3 minutes and 16 seconds guys if we finish this tier then we give with a $25 newa gift card which that can we're right there like we're just about we're like on the precipice I at least want to give away that so remember 3 minutes to get that unlocked and we'll go from there seeing Ram in those S yeah I know or axis it's always weird but that's why I like to do it because I need to remind people you could get 20 you could get 30 uh 48 gigs you could get you know uh you know an odd number right or a single stick of 24 not that you should do that but uh going from there so let me pop this down we're going to show you guys some cable mod cables and we'll get this build done and I promise we will remove the support because I know that is important to hear so I'll make sure that we show that off uh today on the build but let's kick it off with our everything we need for this so yeah it should be fun uh 2 minutes and 28 seconds guys to unlock that $25 newa gift card card and thank you very much Victor mystery rutu for getting us to right to right here so hopefully we can get somebody just drag us across the finish line here um what else do I need not much else I think we're in good shape okay okay let's go to top down okay we are I was like wait did I forget to record but we aren't okay so here we go let's grab our zoom in here well raxus don't worry tomorrow's a AMD build and we have a number of AMD builds next week so don't worry it's just been it's again I like to we actually did a huge if you go back we did a huge number of 700x 3DS um and then so I was like okay I need to throw some Intel in there so I've actually I'm trying to make sure that we uh we actually balance it a bit because we had the opposite problem for a little bit okay so here we go 7800 x3d eigor dropping two gifted Subs one minute eigor gets us there we are one minute away all we got to do is finish this out and we'll we'll actually hit that level F that level five AMD fans yes you do get of course you do actually in this channel you've gotten a ton uh 7800 x3d gets a lot of love so yeah it's a nice white themed build there we go yeah this is the new refresh board so it's got Wi-Fi 7 Thunderbolt 5 eigor dude taking this to Five Guys 45 seconds we probably need like four more subs and then we'll we'll have it unlocked guys who's going to drop the last four subs or one tier three sub sobody could step up and we're going to get towards that goal oh let's put this right here actually one minute 20 seconds guys we're so close close there we go Maiden dropping five and there it is Boom you guys did it Maiden eigor rutu all you guys thank you very much for being so amazing um okay there we go okay so starting off here we got uh our board and everything let's go and grab our CPU Subs of plenty oh eigor dropping five more eigor thank you very much my man thank you for keeping it keeping it real okay here we go I feel like there's less Gremlins today how's is the chat doing better from a uh oh yeah we can go and do the vrm prediction is the chat doing better from a uh does it feel like the stream is less laggy it feels like the twitch one is the twitch one's being wack the Twitter one's being weird yeah good okay thank you maid blade of ice dropping a 100 bits thank you blade of ice good that was whack yesterday dude yesterday was crazy in terms of uh in terms of just Gremlins but I heard it was pretty much Blondie wanting to take down the stream cuz she wanted to go eat ice cream anybody on X yeah was she was like I just want to eat ice cream and not hang out with you did any is anybody on X still how is it on X hey SE SE Swan what's up man one month at tier one tier 2 thank you very much for the tier 2 Sub that's huge and thank you for 37 months my man I know I can't why would why would you why would anybody blame anybody for eating ice cream you know am I right okay good thank you Joe appreciate it I think what we have if we've actually had more people just move over from Twitter or x no definitely Twitter okay thanks Zeon I mean if you go to it just redirects you to so that is true that is true it's like he just can't make up his mind okay uh yes um I you know for this build um given what I know what the temps are and stuff like that I don't think you need a contact frame I think what I usually recommend to people and and we showed this a lot yesterday with the um uh PA 602 build is just take off MCE change your cooler to box cooler set it to Intel uh set it to Intel standard and you'll find out that coolers can do a really good job once it's not trying to pull 350 Watts we it doesn't need to oh man you're probably right PC guy PC guy probably jinxed it Mr blessy says X is so much better okay that's been a that's a first that's a first at some I've heard somebody say that okay here we go will it clear is the question nope not even close not even close there wasn't a cooler there was a CPU the yesterday the same CPU 14700 k for an additional maybe a th000 points was pulling 350 watts versus for a Center bench score of 2470 24700 sorry 34700 was pulling 250 Watts the difference in temperature was 80 808 1 or 9697 uh predictions for Ram uh because you weren't able to do it yesterday um or what do you think our Ram prediction is going to be it's not a 14 700k thing it's a it's a lot of time it's motherboards trying to create um wacko um wacko hey our board does better by jumping a crap ton of uh wattage into it I'm not entirely sure we have an Asus Bard in patriot ram so I'm hoping 97 but yeah not entir sure okay org says 97 we'll see what happens yeah dude yesterday was a really great cooler but people are like dang why is it dude it's still like cuz we were basically pulling what a 13900 pulls and at 13900 you don't have to like I'd rather yeah I mean like you could it's not like it's going to be a big deal T-man you Chang your name again why why why Productions yes we have a lot of RGB today no no lack of RGB today okay we go that's in okay predictions almost done oh okay you okay so you you used to so now your other socials are all T men okay there we go hype train ended 37 Subs 105 bits and a partridge in a Paar tree Evo RGB is their new case yes brand new case okay right here we go Ram clicks is the question is is org chaos correct are we getting 97 out of this or is it going to be whack and after yesterday man yesterday's Ram was like being weird we had all sorts of weird Gremlins yesterday yeah I love this mobo it's a good looking board did you make sure to pack up all the Gremlins and mail them off before the they're on their way to your house great merry Christmas I mean I have Gremlin you saw my dogs yeah you too so I was like Hey that seems Gremlin that seems like a gremlin Rich territory let's give him more so yeah like I said you your house is all about the Gremlins Alias subscribing with Prime thank you very much my man remember guys Subs when you say what's the benefit of subscribing over here at robit Tech it is awesome because you get extra entries towards all of those PC giveaways including including the ones that we run on gleam so it is uh it is like it is like already initially worth five time the chances okay here we go first one 97 oh that was like not dude that was silent oh man I don't think this is going to do it now we know I think the numbers were dyslexic today 93.9 the answer is no chairman chairman Lamar thank you very much dude it was a bad Roby I didn't do anything I have I don't have a dog in this fight Chan mandalar thank you very much for the prime sub boo that was terrible clicks but don't let it get you down never going to lift you up never going to say good I mean I had a dog in the fight and it paid off pretty well oh did you vote no I absolutely voted no oh this already has the bracket he left the brackets on for the okay so the AO brackets are already on so yeah we're good there um cuz I know where this was from the bench of the uh okay so we don't even have to put the AO brackets on but you're probably saying Roby what we don't get to hear hear the AO song though what are we going to do I just I want to make sure we hear the aiio song well don't you worry sir don't you worry ma'am we'll play it for you right now everybody sing it together nowy had a show a i io on that show he builds PCS a i with the dad and there RGB RGB AI AIO there you go guys you got your AO song we're still keeping it keeping it real don't worry yeah I know you guys were really worried about it so there we go I have a fear of speed bumps I'm slowly getting over it oh I have a fear of I have a fear of speed bumps I'm slowly getting over it okay there we go no I didn't Duck Butt duck butt's been a while it has been um okay what do we need we need need to do the case here we go guys time to get this case up here this is the new Leon Lee Evo sorry Leon Lee 01 Dynamic Evo RGB so if you it is it takes a lot of the same kind of stylings and stuff that um kind of came from uh the 01 Vision so we'll just kind of walk you through some of those as we go through there a couple things you do have the ability to move um the mobo um so you can move it and you can move it up and down I will say a couple things that we've noticed like for instance um because of where we have it if you move it up which is what we did you you end up with a little bit of the big for forehead problem so we've actually moved this up so that way we can we actually have less room between the top and then where the cables go you can move it down but the problem is is that then you have like a little bit of a giant forehead situation there um because we've moved it up top the concern is is that you'll notice that and we see this actually a little bit on uh the GPU that we'll be using here is that this kind of makes it hard to plug in the display ports and the HDMI so just something to be aware of uh when you're doing that uh you do have mounts again for your SDS and all that stuff and you do get the bumps like what you saw on uh the1 Vision the other thing too that's also a really really big deal here is that you can remove the corner bracket we'll actually use that we're going to do that on the show here so we'll remove the corner bracket you do get um basically installation at the top in the rear and in the bottom we actually have the um when you get the case the case actually comes with all of these over here covered given we knew we're going to be putting in fans we basically removed those but it does have SSD tray mounts if you wanted to basically run all ssds and then you could do something like front mount your um front mount a um a um perforated what's the word I'm looking for what is this mesh front panel and then you could Mount you could actually have front mounted fans and then do an air cooled build speaking of that you can do an air cooled build in this which if you were going to and run an air cooler you definitely would want to use that mesh front panel U I'm trying to think of what else the only thing that I will will say that I do not like and something they did change I'll take off the top from this is they've changed the way that they do their AO top bracket their AIO mount bracket so what they've done is they've made it so you have just a couple screws but this becomes really really flimsy and the odds of it falling through are actually much higher so just something you need to be careful of you still can remove uh all of the different brackets and everything like that so it should make it easy uh in terms of doing installs in terms of thermals though um it does perform better thermally than its predecessor by actually quite a bit um it performs uh the same as the O Evo uh as the O Evo but the th the GPU thermals are actually significantly better in this case in fact they're they are actually better than the um they're actually better than the H7 sorry the H6 flow which is actually pretty impressive so um yeah I mean from a case standpoint what is RGB about it is you actually have two diffus RGB bars here at the top and at the bottom um and then the other two is now just like the vision you have all your RGB controls here in the back unlike the vision unlike the old Evo um and the newer the like the Evo XL you can't move this around like you could it's only sitting in one standard place and you cannot do a vert mount a vert Mount uh GPU either sorry a horizontal uh what is it called it's a basically you can't Mount the GPU in the back uh like you could on some of the other ones so a little bit different there these builds are for they basically get built and then taken apart if you I mean there are people if people are like hey I'd love to buy this they can reach out and we have sold them before but for the most part they just get uh um they basically get uh they basically get um uh uh taken apart and then used again in another build so that is the build all right so here we go we're going to go and strip it down so it just pops off just like that there we go same thing with the front one so Christine uh Christian we're going to use them here in the Stream uh they're very cool the the L the LCD fans we actually have them they're right where are they we have them right here reverse reverse oh here they are so yeah we actually have them right here so we'll be actually using them today you guys will get to see them we're going to be doing them as our rear our our fans that are in the back here so you guys will see the LCD fans as well and how they set up and how they install and all that sort of stuff so do not worry that is there it is all part of the process you'll see today okay um and then we want to take this off right here but I mean for the most part outside of that guys through and through uh this is very much a lean Lee case um again one thing you just have to be really thoughtful about is that you have to um you just have to be smart about your cable stacking cuz uh this you'll see here um this is again magnetic versus being screwed and so the magnets are not as strong as they really need to be um which I really appreciate and then we have all our cables and everything basically ready to go here all right okay so I think and then one of the things that you know it's funny something somebody said something super interesting to me is somebody said I don't understand and and you know they're not wrong they said in the video they were like uh I don't understand why you lay the thing down because you can remove the motherboard tray which I did do in the vision so in this one you could technically if you wanted to can you remove no I think this shifts I don't know if you can actually move this yeah I think you can move this so you can actually take out the motherboard tray uh and then um do all your motherboard mounting uh and then uh basically then uh from there just uh oh no never mind no you can't move no no you can take the tray out though right you just you just basically move the screws yeah okay yeah yeah so I was thinking sorry different case so in the vision and the XL you can actually remove the motherboard tray but in this one I'm just looking for the first time what you can see is there's actually the the screws here the only thing that essentially moves is the screws and they have an up and down position oh actually better thing to do is just show you via the top down be way easier to see so the only way the motherboard moves which is a little bit different than what you were used to in the older Evo and stuff like that as you see you have these screws the top position is here and then what you do is you can just move all of the uh standoffs down one and then you basically have your whole motherboard down builda bear thank you for the sub um so that's how you basically move it there's nothing in terms of like the the other evos where you can remove the tray altogether or the vision where you can remove the tray and then put it back in so nothing else essentially moves like uh like some of the other Le and Lee cases do so anyway that should be everything I think I've covered it all let's go and drop this down and start putting the build together and I think is there anything else you guys want to know I think I've covered it all can you get a water cool CPU and GPU with the same punt not a if you're talking about like an AIO one no you can water cool and CP water cool a GPU and a CPU using a single Loop that is completely possible um but you can't purchase one that will do both um as a kid or anything like that [Music] okay going and drop that in looks good first step already going yeah this is always the fun thing about getting to be uh getting to uh getting to to to do this is that we get to build the PCS and show them off before anybody else kind of gets a chance to to get their hands on it um estr guard that's actually a really good question I'll see if I'll ping Damian real quick and just ask him how close it was um I don't have an EVO RGB here close to me um but uh if you want to look to I will say in both of them will tell you exactly the the measurements so I mean you could look up our Evo our Evo review estergard and it would tell you it that might be the fastest way yeah this one is with with adding the bump um J uh jav 8008 by adding the bump you basically created more room um for uh for cable management which gives you more room for controllers RGB all that sort of stuff as well so that is something that is nice it's funny because I know I have a lot of OG robit tech people that every time they see the term uh o1 Evo in the title they're like oh no cuz they build so many have we built Neo Satori absolutely we have built in the height y70 actually twice we'll see you later uh the zig P the zig PC sorry I'm sorry that was bad thank you Mario for the kind uh for the kind words I think you're being serious I'm not [Music] sure and keep hitting those likes guys okay there we go okay I'm going to wipe this back area a little bit cuz okay there we go got a little bit of stuff in there yeah there is a reason that why yeah there is a reason it is very popular it is a it is a very attractive case to be honest I don't know how they're going to like they they've released they released four three Evo 31s this this this this year the what three of them in the last like 35 days so I don't really know what else they're going to go what's up Z guy's name is Twitter name Z okay there we go okay so we got everything in here next stop is to start putting all of the cables in all that sort of stuff so we'll do this via this way which you guys seem to like so we'll show you where the cables come in and where the cables go out yeah and we show off lots of we show off lots of builds which is great you know what I mean in terms of um giving people a you know not everybody not everybody wants an 01 Evo you know what I mean yeah we're going to show off those fans guys don't worry we have the L the TL's here we'll do those after we connect our front panels and then get all the the TL's connected okay going to grab our remote cam so you guys can see where I'm routing stuff here luckily I'm I'm confused by this concept that JV 808 has of desk space yeah you don't have much in terms of desk space all right so let's go to the rear here real quick of the case and let's talk about the oops let's talk about does it does it work okay there we go so let's talk about what cables are included we actually have a SATA cable this is for your RGB um we also have a uh RGB header which is this is like so you can do all your RGB controls off of that um you also have a um front panel single unified front panel connector which I mean always is a good thing I love to see this on new cases uh you have your HD audio cable still with the ketchup and mustard even though it is all white which I really appreciate there uh you also have an all-white USB 3.2 connector and then you also have an all-white uh USBC connector so a lot of all-white cables which makes it really good starting with our let's start with our HD audio cable and then again you can see just like the vision they have the stackable they have the stackable um uh basically um Cable cable zip tie locations starting with our HD audio here's our HD audio cable we're going to run this right through here actually I'm going to run on this side run it right through here and if we come to the side view it's going to come out right here so there's our there's our HD audio actually I'm going to go ahead and do let's do that one more time I am going to go ahead and go through this little I'm going to go through here cuz I think it's just going to look better and then you'll get a straight up and down so if we go to the side here we now just have a straight up and down right to our connection location and the thing is is like usually to do showcase builds you really just want to have direct runs whenever you possibly can so there's our HD audio let's go back to our roaming camera here we have a different roaming C jeez okay we have a different roaming camera that we're going to be trying out for the Grinch the Grinch or the Starfield PC tomorrow it actually might have to wait till next week though we have like four videos to film tomorrow okay there we go okay so that's still in the same place next we're going to do is we're going to grab our we're going to grab this one right here this is our RGB our RGB header so we're take our RGB header run it to the same place that we just ran the other one so it's going to come through on the side down here and look at look at that just nice home run right up and I'll show I'll show you these up close okay there we go so we got a nice clean home run there just right there to the bottom okay next the next cable going here we're going to grab our front panel connector which is right here so we're going to grab our front panel connector and our front panel connector is going to run we're going to keep it up top going to run it right through this end one here it's going to come out right over here on the side it's going to run right up and home run right to there so again very very simple very very clean keeping it super clean and easy for our connections okay next up up okay so if we look here we have our USB 3 and our USBC are right here so going to our roaming camera back here we're going to do is we're going to take our cable here and this one's going to run right up here in this giant giant basically rubber grommet then we go to our side view here and we're just going to run it and run it right there very straightforward and just run it try and keep it as tight as POS possible then this last cable that we have to worry about for this is our USBC again running that through that giant rubber grummet again just like that and then going out to the side here it'll plug in right there and then what I'll do is I'll probably more than likely just to make this look like a unified cable we'll just zip tie these together so they stay nice and unified now in terms of here in the back in terms of co uh cable management and stuff like that because because I haven't done the fans or anything I'm not as worried about it there's also not a ton of cables here yet so I'm just going to do this and the one thing that is useful so we can just use this nice little magnet and close it off and we're we're okay to basically do what we need to do right so that is that is all of our front panel connections nice and clean you also get a good idea of how kind of clean the build looks just right off of the bat and then just you know so it's going to be a very nice clean build uh just given that it's all the white cables they'll kind of meld in with everything else and then the one thing I really like about having the motherboard where we have it versus having it in the down position is again even these top runs are just going to come right to the top so it's going to it's going to look nice and clean uh in terms of that regard anyone else wish the white PCB gpus were more common with its ability to reflect suchal lighting more surprise white isn't the default color to RGB pcbs uh zero you know what that's actually a good point they do not uh they you're you're right they do not uh really uh have a lot of options there do they okay so what we're going to do guys is we are going to work on our fans it's the next step of this little Evolution here it is hard to get white but black is still bought a lot and I think a lot more frequently than you think it's actually also because white ends up being more expensive which I'm not sure why but well white ends up being more expensive on top of that there's so many different shades of white that you end up with things that look yellow so these are the daisy chains fans these are the new TL's um so you guys are going to see the new TL's so the one thing that's actually really nice about the TLs is they take a little bit of from the fantex fans let me get this out of the way cuz it's working with the the auto focus a little bit is it took a little bit which is kind of funny when you think about what's going on between Le and Lee and fantex is they actually have covers on them for the screws so these can actually come off and cover the screws if I was better at this so you can cover the screw holes and then the other thing too that's also really nice about the TL's is is that on top of having the infinity RGB which you're seeing here they also have the RGB that goes around at the same time as well so lots of additional RGB uh for the fans too and I'm going to clean up these fans uh they were in the build earlier because we had to do the review one of the joys of uh one of the joys of uh being a build reviewers you sometimes have to do builds multiple times so there we go and then they have like a plastic cover over the center but when we do the LCD ones you'll see that that's where the LCDs are on that okay so there's that one I'm going to grab our connection here there we go so twisty tie that there we go grab our four four fan stuff okay there's that and then we'll put this away okay there we go hey Roby yeah what's up have you done a independent review video yet on the uh Galahad 2 LCD yes we have we it's part no have we done a review on it yet I know we've reviewed it I do not know if we've done an individual video on it yet maybe not I and they were they were asking over in YouTube chat so I wasn't 100% I do not know if I know we have tested it I just don't know if we've reviewed it for sure so this is our this is our rear fan so we're just getting this in oh it only goes one way there he is so for this you just basically put it on the side push it up and there you there you go so these are the TL fans so we're going to do this is our rear exhaust fan so let's get our rear exhaust fan in real quick and then we'll do our other fans just do it a little bit at a time and there we go there we go and then the one thing they've changed for this is to do so just one thing they have change for this is that in unlike the other one where you had to snap it out now what it's got is it's got a little like latch it'll let you move between which direction you actually want the cable to run oh I was like where's my and then the other thing is you got to remember to remove your rubber [Music] grommets oops something a little bit different now I got to make sure I put those in the box okay so now we grab [Music] this there we [Music] go it tightens in there just like that pretty [Music] straightforward tight and our first fan is in guys luckily the wieling for these is so fast which we always like right uh wow stick you know what I could do the wow stick for this one I usually they don't work that well but these are actually nice and loose you're right I should use the wow stick let's do it and that's just good tooling there's really good tooling on these on these fans and look what they have back here they have a beautiful in the very corner back corner there they have a beautiful hand uh tie down to hold our white fan we can use a clear zip [Music] tie hold that get that in [Music] there there we go then first zip tie which reminds me [Music] guys zip time man zip time man guess the count of them if you can even who can know make your wages on every show hey now Ro's the zip time man okay so make sure that you get your prediction in for whether we're going to have an odd or even number of zip ties um so that's the that's basically happening right now so if you want to get in on that that is that is uh that is what you can do and we you can win Channel points okay so we got everything in there our ca's run just going to make sure it's nice and loose here and hidden and then we'll bring that in and have that go just like that and then the other cable will kind of cover it there so shouldn't be able to see that too bad okay so there's that build that part next set of fans we're going to do our our our bottom fans make sure I put these away shoot wait you know what guys look what I just did I totally made a mistake but luckily all I I have to do is remove the fan and I can keep everything in place I put a reverse fan in there and not instead of the fan I actually needed which is this fan oh Roby everybody say oh Roby uh I like CPU frames they're fine just they're not necessary all the time there's still some uh trying to figure out what um trying to figure out what the long-term effect is of CPU frames on um CPUs CPU uh are meant to bend uh to some degree uh Intel has some had some information on them um they do make a massive difference in terms of cooling um but uh but for the most part unless I need it like I know that I'm going to have a case where um I need the additional cooling like a 14900 or something like that I have a tendency not to use it yeah builds a right off now exactly might as well just throw it in the garbage I've got a trash can just throw in a trash can my trash can oh throw it in your trash can you like white builds you'd love a build like this not that you need the build but you still like it okay so what we're going to do put all this stuff away one thing I do need to grab here so I don't forget is extra stuff the little things that you you're going to you can't forget like your your rubber grommet backs there we go guys we're Seven Subs away make seven than Rich Prime figment for life thank you for the tier one you are amazing okay there we go this is actually the fan that we oops one more thing I need to do uh this is actually the fan that we need to use in in the back instead of the one that I already used by the way these have a three-year warranty I did not know that FYI case you didn't know okay let's do this again luckily it's easy to fix you guys just wanted to see me install extra fans I know it we're going back to the good old days yeah this one I didn't install the fan backwards I just flat out installed the wrong fan but we'll go with it we'll just stay we'll say we'll see it's it was for Nostalgia purposes there we go let's keep it nostalgic next thing you're now you're going to talk about that uh that game that Tex played when you were doing that oh dude the drinking game you guys stop that pretty quick I mean I just opened a beer if you really want to get technical but okay here we go luckily this is a pretty easy switch yeah at least it wasn't like on the AO that was mounted and yeah this is a good one to actually have that have this error happen Okay first one in okay it looks the same [Music] it looks the same guys but it's not it's different it's a different fan okay okay now we got that done now we can daisy chain the other fans okay so what we're going to do is we're going to take our reverse all of these fans out we only need one cable so we can keep most of these cables we do need all of the we do need all of the screws yeah get those free likes in guys there we go there's that one that one's already done oh oh before I do this before I forget little bit more prep than what you usually do for fans okay and then in terms of daisy chaining them together pretty much the same as before Blondie I'm pretty sure that we all knew Roby had so many fans feels like this is like do they want to oops oops H okay that's a little different look at this other one yeah there's a lot of fans in the 01 I wouldn't be surprised if your closet doesn't have enough fans to make a throne of fans yeah it does yeah for sir Lord Servo thank you very much for five months at tier one look and see something here how many stock bands do you think it would take to build a throne of fans I don't know a lot more than I more than I have for sure maybe not I might have you know you could be you could be right I could have a ton I mean I have a ton of fans of stock fans I wonder if there's going to be a point though where I'm not have to I don't have to get rid of them as much pilot Winks pilot wink says a th it's a awfully specific number do we have experience [Music] [Music] okay so yeah you literally just take this off so these do come off somehow there we go okay so this one so we'll keep it on the ones that we know are going to be on the outside there we go now one other thing that they did add which is actually pretty neat for water cooling is you can actually remove these as well so you can twist them out and actually take these out so if you don't want to have these little I'm not going to take mine out but if you if you don't want to have these on you can actually remove them here I forgot how you do it yes you just twist it there you go and then it just pops out so if you're like oh I don't want to have these in here and just have an even end just like that you can take it out and then now you don't have the Nubs hanging out at the end if you don't want to trying to get the feels like the Zoom is struggling there okay so let's pop these I'm going to go ahead and pop this into here and then also this this one and then this needs to go in here I don't want to lose any materials here I mean again some people are like big into I don't I want no Nubs I am anti- nuub you know and if you're anti- nub this is how you fix it okay so there we go so these are the new TL fans again just going to peel these because why not and again a lot more RGB on these than the uh Unis which is always nice all right so now what we're going to do we're simply going to take out our rear bra our cable Brack well I'll go and take both fan brackets out let's go to side here let's take [Music] that that just pops right out so there is [Music] this there we go then what I'm also going to do real quick let's go to hold on let me move this over so you guys can I don't want to do something where you guys can't see it so we're going to go to the roaming camera here and then right here there's just a little button oh a little bit higher hey Roby yep YouTube chat's asking about your build mat do we have an ETA for a restock uh I do know that it was so they hadn't there was some sort of supplier issue I was telling people about that and they canceled the order because they that we wanted a thicker a thicker F so they're supposed to be after the new year now so sorry about the delay um if we get to 100 if we get to 100 subs today I will give one away though just for fun so if we get to 100 subs today we'll give away a build mat okay so there just taking that out just like that and then we're ready to put one there as well so if we want to get if we get to 100 Subs we'll uh we'll give one away today cuz I know people have been waiting okay so there that's all of our things are ready Barm thank you very much we're at 49 what are we 45 so we're close guys okay now what we're going to do is we're just going to quickly run this it it does feel quite good in the end there doesn't it memory log photography there we go okay so this is our first set of [Music] fans oh that was like wait a minute I want this more towards the middle okay there we go so we're just five Subs away from the $50 new gift card remember guys if we get to the other one we've already Dorian we've already done like multiple dad jokes two dad jokes already did we have another dad joke did we get oh there we go okay now another Roby Tech dad joke phone okay here we go I used to be addicted to the hokey pokei but then I turned myself around I used to be addicted to the Hokey pokei but then I turned myself [Laughter] around there we go okay the next ones that we'll be doing guys the next fans we'll be doing are actually the uh the LCD fans hey nerd shark thank you very much for the sub couple [Music] more a no I have no idea Juniper osera one month tier one 38 months my man thank you very much for being such a long-term supporter okay so here we go guys that is [Music] in okay next next one that we got to do is right here're going to flip this over and now guys it's time for the LCD controller the the LCD fans I know you guys have been really excited about seeing these there there are Sergeant nobody dropping three gifted subs and there is 50 50 done 50 okay next goal sub go goal sub goal there it is there we go next goal is up Roby Tech build mat giveaway these things are rare okay so here are the reverse Blends these are reverse they have reverse and normal we have reverse and normal here for these are the LCDs so little bit more packaging with this one like double there it is there's the LCD right there so we're going to keep one of these Center display just looks huge it's cool though okay so we got that and then the other two is we're going to go ahead and remove this one use this one to remove the Nubs oops I shot oh okay I just literally shot both those Nubs off the table I was shooting off [Music] Nubs there we go there's one oh shoot almost forgot all these little extra steps to get this [Music] prepped okay there's that and then this there we go so that one is going to be on the edge there [Music] which one has no air Flor raxus I think that was a joke about the fact that you have 10 fans oh well there's definitely air flow in this one one Naughty [Music] Boy hey Steven dropping it guys we're getting heading towards the other one now I'll do a I'll take I'll take a look at our sub Point count here in a minute okay one more guys that's all the fans for this what's up fzy how are you man there we go yes I think that that's going to be totally fine Andre I don't think you'll have any problems [Music] there we go drop that in there drop that in there drop that in there drop that in there oops I think I left one extra cable out oh nerd shark that's the whole purpose yeah it's just supposed to be supposed to be chill okay guys those are all in and ready and again we I I agree with uh like when we thought about planning this build you don't need nine LCD fans because you can't really see them all so where we have them placed is actually really [Music] cool oh oh wait hold on yeah wants to know when the uh robic cooking stream is coming coming it's coming I want to do them very badly there we go okay there's all our fans I think these are there we go wow they've made this the tooling on these fans is much much better who would watch cooking streams cuz we actually are starting them when we we're So the plan is to get a studio this year a bigger studio and we actually wanted to have a kitchen in there to do cooking streams uh for those who don't know my uncle is a professionally trained Chef he tried he cooked for the Marriott family he's executive chef for all the Four Seasons Hotels and it's something actually have a real passion for as well is cooking and so we're thinking about adding weekly cooking streams as well and actually inviting chefs to teach people how to cook and then having me learn how to do it and then having people and then maybe even having people like zeyon come and so they can show you out to smoke and all that sort of stuff nvme sheetcake I like a big one is like desserts I'd love to do desserts okay there we go okay there's all that let's clean them up and Roby you need to steal that Dad joke there that Justin Jenkins put in YouTube what did he say I've started telling everyone about the benefits of eating dried grapes it's all about raising awareness I like that one I like that one a lot uh they're all it's all going to it'll all fit on One controller we only need we only need one controller so we'll they'll we we only yeah so we only need one I don't know why I need to keep repeating that but apparently I need to really emphasize that we're only using one so you said two right yeah I said two that's what I said yep Zeon you Joker okay here we go okay so what we're [Music] doing let's go to our roaming camera here so we're going to run this through the back here and then it's coming oops here you got to see it in just a second it's coming through this little box so we're going to run that through so as we push this in and then that'll lock that into place come over here put in our little screw all takes care of that okay next step going to run this down and under [Music] here so giving you a good view here this is what I was talking about there's actually like a little lip that holds these down so you can choose the direction whether you want it to go this way or this way instead of having to do like what you used to have to do which was like kind of whack okay yeah that's a lot better yeah it actually is okay let's go to our roaming camera real quick hopefully I have this right okay okay so roaming camera what we're going to do is there's a little hole right here in the bottom can't quite see it there you go so there's a little hole right down here that this is going to run through just like that pull it through here and that just Clips in just like that [Music] okay so that's so now that's run through and then all you have here is you just basically all we did is just basically let had it it guides itself guides itself down there just like that and then you just basically push it up and it locks in that's all there is to it so very very simple to install and then what you end up with now is we have three LCD basically screens sitting just like that so we've got our three LCD screens our three TL fans intake exhaust intake so intake intake exhaust and then the top will of course be exhaust as well so there you go that is everything thus far the next step is just to get the aiio together which everybody loves and then we're actually uh doing really really good in terms of time and everything else going to lock this in there we go so let's get our AIO done and that means it's time for the song while we get it has a show I IO and on that show he builds PCS a i IO with a dad joke here and a zip tie there RGB RGB and Blondy biki Justin Rob has a AO okay AO time guys AI aiio I will say how many people when they install their AI that song goes through their head I just want to know it's a lot that's all we care about because that was the whole purpose of myself and uh Pig radio releasing [Laughter] it okay there we go okay so unfortunately you don't need that but one thing that this beautiful AIO does is it comes pre-installed with fans which unfortunately I'm going to be taking off usually this would save me time but this time it does not so cuz we do not need these fans we'll be using the TL's luckily the wild stick makes this [Music] fast oh sorry Audrey a lot of times yet it is but I mean again the TL fans are actually a little an improvement over the uh the SL Infinity fan so there we go drop in and say what's up well everybody want to say hi to everybody want to say hi to Brian those who don't know what this Brian oh let me do let me do the static so Brian is the creative director here at Roby Tech he does all of our Graphics runs our video team basically all that sort of stuff he makes all of the Roby cats make this guy look pretty he tries to make me look Bri so this is Brian uh and so he is downstairs been shooting non-stop for the last uh three days right cuz we're he's trying to get a little bit of vacation we hope lots of cool new products down there yeah so yeah it'll be fun stuff so we're just getting the bill done is what we're doing so but that's it it was good to see that was it that was Brian that was his whole moment he's had his 15 minutes of fame he's out bye guys okay I'm just cleaning these up before I I'm going to cover them in here there you go here we go and then put these in here here put that away okay so we got everything ready now okay so now we need our last set of teal fans this is it guys the last fans it's like The Last Samurai but the last fans there we go now this one is interesting because you still take the re the verse off on but now in this one the thing that's actually pretty neat need is you can actually keep the um you can cover the sockets for the other on so we're going to get this out put these back in going to grab one fan cable I Robby new Mark 420 on Twitch is asking what fans do you recommend 140 mm by3 the fanciness uh fantex p500a are quite noisy if you can fill with 140 * 3 that obviously that's always ideal right because you're going to get that that's going to be the best and most effective cooling right there um but it just again you have a little bit in terms of uh just whatever whatever your uh whatever your case is capable of I don't remember off the top of my head if the p500 a is 3 140s if it is then yes um yeah the they're the um stock fans are actually rather inexpensive so uh I can understand that there are some less loud RGB fans um things like these actually these are actually very not not all that loud at all if you wanted to do something a little less loud okay so now we're doing is we're just basically getting our going to top down here no okay good just getting our fans ready here popping off all of the popping off all of the here we go it's just all the rubber grommets you got to take off now these I'm not going to get rid of because I can actually use them to cover the screws when we're done then this is still got the little clip here there we go there we go same thing okay and now we're just going to remove our last rubber grommets here there we go and then the rear as well okay so there's all our rubber pieces that sounded bad but it's not okay and then one the other oops quite get it locked in oops cuz there was one more we got one more connection okay so those are all labeled now done together and we'll just going to remove the Nubs here at the [Music] end and now these fans are ready to go on after a lot of work okay so now go ahead you're really going to war with some Nubs tonight aren't you I am I'm going to war with Nubs there's mad nub Waring going on here okay there we go let's put this like this okay so this as I expect to do it is going like this which means the fan okay just going to reverse the direction here of the nub Hub there we go okay okay so there's our fans ready in the right direction anti- nuub now we're just going to get these installed and then you can just take one of these and boom now you can't see the screw so pretty cool in terms of just creating a much more unified look so you won't so it look like nice and clean finish this little process here so then we'll have a all the fans are going to be installed guys this is like the majority of what you've been watching for the last I don't know how long you've been just waiting for these fans to get done yeah so many fans about long enough for me to eat dinner so yeah it's been a lot the fans always like anytime you do one of these builds whether it's the anytime it's an 011 it's just you know that you're in the Corsair 5000d you know that you're just in it for a while just to get your fans installed you know you know just part of the process luckily I mean like the crazy thing is is it's still not as long if you were like going to do like nine Corsair fans um because you'd have to run all of the cabling and all this other stuff all you have to do here is just screw them in and then run the one cable you know oh trust me I know yeah you [Laughter] know and just like that oops just like that all of our fans start to disappear there we go there we go okay and there you go now all the fans are installed now we just got to install the AO we're just going to quickly clean because we probably touched we always touch stuff which is fortunate okay there we go okay so these are this is ready to install now this does does have that wacko bracket bracket that I was talking about so we'll get the bracket out here put that off to the top and then I'll show you a little bit what we mean by the it's got that weird center of gravity now so here we go so you have two screws here instead instead of like the lock just a little bit of a thing and then this is show you like it like it it's it's just these little Nubs on the side but if you do not it will fall through you know what I mean so it's not it's not the most stable like the other one have been so I'm not it's not my favorite like the other one was yeah you'd think there was some way to kind of Notch it in there but yeah it's not there is but it's there it's just small oh I don't want this I don't want to use this I was like about to grab the screw I was like wait that's not the ones I want okay guys all fans are in and this is like luckily this is actually a pretty straightforward AIO to install these are blackout you have SL in your build you no nobody has TL's TL's you can't even purchase yet yeah his his are all s unl's which we're waiting which we're waiting for the which we're waiting for the I'm waiting for the last Infinity fans that's everything else we have just that last set of fans is all we're waiting for we go okay so here's all of our cables for all of our stuff for this your your GPU took a long time that's because it was a STX 4090 which is a very rare GPU right now but we have it everything's here oh shoot I don't even know how much the TL fans are like if you were going to buy them uh I don't actually Thomas do you know when the TL's yeah that is true but you can actually get a yeah and they're they're 2,900 bucks Thomas may know just waiting for him to chime in oh this is all what I care TL fans are 150 us okay Robert do when do they go I I don't know when they go I think they're January there you go they're 150 yeah they're more like the Old School uni fans well for you get a screen on it rizik what you get a screen on it uh can yeah this going to run turkov very well tur T toov oh wait are we down one screw oh we're missing a screw oh well okay well that's going to drive me nuts but it's fine wait are you admitting to the audience that you're a screw loose I am a screw loose I not see I should say okay so everything there is ready now we got to do is get this mounted just takes a little bit of work here let's go to side luckily we just we're going to run this right through here actually might I don't know if we're going to run it this way we'll figure it out here in a minute look we have some PR okay there we go okay so we're going to run our we're going to go ahead and put in our screw here just to make sure this keep this from falling [Music] okay what are we looking for white [Music] there there we go actually want to do it this way so what I'm doing here is just running a zip tie to hold the one cable up okay come over here well I guess we could guess we'll run it this way cuz that seems like it's better and I will give you guys I'll get a I'll get a don't worry I'll get a roaming camera view here in a second so you guys can see what I just did so if you want to follow along I figure out the zip tie not being a giant pain in my butt talks wow zip tie this zip tie wants to not be used it just wants to be sacrificial for the count later it does well right now it's going to I'm just going to chop it up it hurt me because it seems to be like having behaved now all right so here's what we did just so you guys know so here is the cable so that so there's the cable right there and then we did is we went up through here we zip tied it to the top and then right here in the back is the little hole so we just ran the back cable there and then that's how I I now have this and then from the side when you're here looking at the side you don't have you won't have any of that in your profile view which is actually cool so a little bit of zip tie little bit of cable management view stuff there so you guys can see a little bit better in terms of how to hide cables okay so uh arist people are asking what's new about this ver this particular 011 um is a you have more room for cable management so you've got a bump now here on the side uh they've simplified uh they've essentially simplified the shifting to basically just be able to move it up and down uh using um standoffs for your motherboard so you do have two positions for your motherboard so if you want to create more room Etc um the other thing too that they added is um they got rid of they basically got rid of the vertical Mount so the UPS ight mount for the uh GPU and now you also have more places to put ssds you can replace the front panel with a mesh front panel and install FR FRS there and actually do an air an air cooled build so the case is slightly uh so that that's uh some of the the bigger ones uh less um driv trays um and then um they've changed how you install the top um basically the top uh what is the word for this the top radiator Mount is actually changed a little bit different and then airflow for the case in terms oh this can be removed now which you guys are going to see me remove here in a minute so you don't have to have the vertical strap at all and then airflow is actually impr improved in this case in terms of uh quality so the air flow and if you want to go see the full review that's all there as well so that's everything um I think outside of that I mean it's little things in terms of how things Mount and stuff um and some like other small things like uh cable routing through the back and stuff like that if you wanted to add some additional cable routing and things but um yeah they made it still Evolution still a lot of the functionality but simpler and I think it's also less expensive but I'm not I don't know that right at the top of the head you're very welcome all right so now guys now it's time two but our full review is up so if you want to see all that stuff that's all there now too okay so now go to top down time to just put some thermal paste on get this installed yeah J brro it's all up there and you can watch it right now it's all up on YouTube so the review went live this morning at 6 and thanks to Maiden Maiden found we had like one error in one of the charts the chart is correct but some of them said GPU or CPU it's all CPU for that particular one if you see that same problem though I think he's the only one who's mentioned it and we've since had our Graphics guy change it so your guys's feedback goes into making and always improving our our videos there we go a little bit more in the corner okay full cover of the IHS yeah happy little pastries so kurasaki that is an those are screens those are screens so those dark discs actually become screens so they're actually so you're going to you're going to see they'll show data and stuff like that so you don't want to cover them up hold on one sec guys me call my my daughter's calling for sorry about that guys Christmas shopping stuff okay so yeah there screens kurasaki that's why that's why you don't you definitely don't want to cover the discs so and that's okay you didn't know I'm not mad you're you're just can you can somebody ban Kur can somebody ban kurasaki just kidding poor kurasaki oh the bracket's not on here oh it never get dude we we have like with with my life and how much we travel it's so hard to do all [Laughter] that no kurasaki is awesome I just teasing him I would not do that he knows I love him we love you kurasaki and I want people to always feel free to ask questions except for kurasaki who's banned for all [Music] eternity what's up marville how are you all right so now is the fun [Music] part [Music] what are you [Music] doing go there we go Roby without me having to go to look what's the uh maximum radiator support on this case up top 420 I believe yes 420 I I you know what I thought maybe it's it may not be sorry I don't remember off the top of my head you might be wrong I might be wrong it looks like 420 in the side for sure I think it's 420 but I don't remember we're going to look we're going to look like after the review is done I've purged all that out of my [Music] head okay do we have a beach sneaking in here do we is he in here sneaky sneaky oh I don't know if uh I I I daman's not here I don't have the materials in front of me what's up Bach how are you sneaky b Mark doing well how are you good I took a few days off I came back and they're trying to kill me at work again so oh nice that seems like not a good idea I think maybe I like tubes in the back yes they're my that's my way of doing it too cuz it just gets it doesn't block the ram it used I used to I used to be happy I used to do them the other way but then I don't know I just suddenly shifted so the website says that supports 420 rad on top Max rad on the side is 360 okay but it does support one uh2 M of hands remember yeah okay guys we're getting very close to the end of this now so what I'm working on here is just routing cables so they're not visible there we go okay one minimize how much cable you can see so you just routing that around okay there we go there's all of our front panels are basically our our front of our case is essentially outside of putting in our our cables what we're going to do is we're just going to quickly work on our cable management get our our uh uh connector our our controller in and then go from there so everything else is pretty much done and then once we go from this we'll throw in our GPU our cables which luckily we're using custom cables so there's no cable extensions or anything to do we're just going to throw in our custom cables and turn it on no rexus it's running perfectly fine for me if you're having issues I'm going to suggest that you reload your stream okay let's run this down so now guys it's just the all we got left is the fun stuff which honestly this is not because we are dealing with unified fan system like uni fans there's so little Cable Management to have to worry about cuz what youd normally see a ton of it is in the fans themselves okay so we have one cable that needs to get routed the rest of this though is and we're going to run all these these will all sit down here because this is where the art the thing is rck dropping five gifted [Music] Subs the the tough thing about the Stacked C the Stacked stacked builds like this is there's not a lot that you can really kind of do outside of like all you really want to do is just make sure when the cable cover is closed it's pretty you know it's like it's well managed but at the same time like there's just nothing getting in the way so we'll run everything up through this hopefully we should have enough room here I think so they thought pretty heavily about this stuff okay so we're going to find our home run here so this is our we're going to last cable we're going to Route Okay so so if we go here to the side view and then we're going to go back here to the roaming view okay so we have this is the USB that's essentially connected to our AIO so we routed all of those things up to the top here there's our aiio cluster right there and then basically we're going to take this and this is going to run home run out here and then essentially just plug into one of these little USB Jacks right here there we go and then again just nice simple home run so now what we're going to do here go the roaming camera and because one of the things that this case has which is actually pretty cool is it has this lower area for routing and managing cables so we're going to work on that right now okay this one's going to go right here okay there we go and then we just go like this then again another one nice really clean just to get get this controlled okay two cables there we're just going to go and use this little Evo thing to hold it down I like the I like the Branded Evo all right come [Music] on there we go then all those are all ready and clean so there's that okay so there's all of our that's our little bottom area of cable management let's go to the top down now just going to work on our secondary set of cable management now this is just to basically this little thing is just to have our single spine method this works really well in dual chamber cases like this just have our little spine of cables and then it makes it easy nothing too crazy now I will tell you the other reason you might be like Roby you're just going to close the bin or the back like this why do the zip tying I will say the one thing about Le and Lee cases is that for all like when you start adding controllers and everything if you don't take the time to kind of cable manage like this will have this little door will have problems closing and then and then you'll your back will pop off and some other things so taking your time to just clean it up while you're doing this just saves you some pain of trying to solve like okay how am I going to do this or whatever it was and even though it doesn't look as clean as it does on some of my other builds I mean which you guys would probably be like it still looks pretty clean Roby uh you know it's just because of the stackable methods of doing the the the cable Combs the cable cleans or runs there we go I have a differently any case and when I put in extensions I had to reroute cables because at least on my case it wasn't big enough to have the USB 3 and the 24 pin in the same area yeah yeah I know what you're talking about okay one thing I'm going to do here is just to keep these cables together I'm going to add one more zip tie here this is just about making the front Aesthetics look ideal there we go okay so there we go so now that's all unified together now what I'm going to work on is getting our TL series controller put in [Music] okay okay so we have two we have a single USB and then now what they've done is they've added a three pin here and then you have you have a fan and a other header here so this one is four [Music] three wait I didn't look this up is that the the same L3 controller as the previous no it's different three one okay this is two and one yeah three and then two and then one no it's not the same this one actually has different like a different Power connector and some other things too okay so now we're going to do is just to make this look I think the best bet might just to be to stick it in [Music] here okay we're just going to close this in [Music] here I think this will still work I think I think I [Music] think this is going to run route and through right through the bottom here okay and then this will run through and [Music] down then we'll hide the second zip tie putting it right here I see so just like the Corsair IQ system you're going to have to be counting your pcie connections carefully yep kind of wasted that one okay we're just working on getting the there we go sacrifice to the cause yep that was a definitely a sacrifice to the cause little bit of oh yeah huh just get a 1300 watt power supply you'll be all right yeah okay I just want to make sure I do not zip tie this and again we're just what would the the usually the best bet here is just to create like almost a single spine you just want to make sure that you don't trap like short your short PCI cables and some other ones like that okay okay a little bit more here lucky these luckily the cable links for this controller is actually really nice in terms of how much cable room you have right so let's route this let's get rid of these real quick there we go cover that up temporarily okay so cool and then all we have is this this is like for our other power cable use this to just hold this down up top there we go okay okay guys nice clean now you just got to run these cables okay so we're going to go to our roaming here real quick we got one little cable that we probably want to just pop into this spot here there we go okay so now we have our RGB cable so we're going to Route this right here you look at your side view it's going to be nice direct home run right to your little second RGB slot right [Music] here until I struggle to get the RGB connector in come on all right there's that one the next thing that we have going to the the roaming here we have this USB I mean another USB cable which we knew was coming that is going to route right here on to side view pop up right here here we go again just trying to home run to hide cables as much as possible then the last cable we have it's going to go right next to that one so we're going to go to roaming then you have your single fan C uh cable it's going to go right next to this little USB cable you just ran going to the side view here it's going to pop up and go right next the USB okay so let's just real quick review now that we have all of our cables plugged in review what we have so go into our roaming camera here real quick so what we have connected to the motherboard so you guys can see it easily is we have HD audio and we have the RGB from the case this is RGB from the fans and then we have our this is our HDMI from the leam Lee uh from the aiio this is this is our HDMI from the fans we have our fans our fan like from the fans as weird as is it's like a reading cable then you have your front panel connector and then you have your USB 3.2 and then you have your USBC and I'm going to have to I'm going to have to make those tighter so that is all of the cables and now we just go to going to the side here notice we don't quite have the the length we want here I just want that nice and tight so I'm going to do right here let me go to the back here roaming and then I've what I've done is I've just pulled that a little bit more taut one more cable to kind of hold those in there we go so there we go now all of our cables are in they're taut they're right like where I need them to be it looks good over here too okay so now our side looks good no wacky just crazy cables and now we can move on to GPU and uh GPU and cables uh C the custom cables that's it what was that moving right along yeah moving right along it's only 6:30 so TimeWise it's actually going pretty quick GPU time guys okay don't worry can't stop the mad for most of the rest of us and in voice chat with him it's also 8:30 all okay so there we go all of this is all like it's this is what it looks like pretty much the way it is all of our fans are clean and installed just make again making things look nice tight neat the only really cables you see are here this is like there's there's actually quite a bit more visible here than I'd like um in terms of the bottom of the case so um but it is what it is there's not there's a little bit more visible down here than I'd want uh in terms of just views but the GPU will actually kind of overshadow most of that once we get it in so that's what we're going to work on right now now the weird thing is we are using the top slot go grab our 4080 here there we go beautiful 4080 stricks it was said in the news that Brands like as will be working with Le and Le to make those caess builds a lot easier in the future if you're looking at them sorry uh I could not hear you over my very loud static bag what' you say or j s Le and Le will be working together to make those cable with builds you know the plugs in the back oh yeah yeah yeah yeah like zero like uh what are they like like zero cable build stuff like that yeah like similar to the the the um one that we did with gigabyte a while ago yeah they're called like BTE yeah I have a feeling that's like that next big thing you know okay okay beautiful white GPU time this always makes everybody happy does such a good job of filling up the case there we go 220 likes on let's finish it out guys okay so there we go I'm going to quickly swipe off the top of the GPU there we go okay guys now for the fun part because we don't have to worry about cable Combs there we go Robby over in YouTube Brooke is asking are there any notable Pros or cons to Vertical mounting a GPU uh there used to be cons uh the cons were especially on some of the cases that weren't ready for vertical mounted gpus um that you uh you had no you had no airf flow to your GPU um that was like the biggest con um the thing is is like nowadays most modern cases that have come out in the like that support vertical GPU mounting at this point in time uh don't have as much of a problem because the uh they've now accounted for the massive gpus I don't think anybody was honestly ready for how big gpus were going to get go the side here okay [Music] so the whole thing that you want here and why I put so many cable Combs on these when I order them from cable mod is you really just want this to look super clean all the way through so I put the maximum number of cable Combs that I can on these cables so they run cleanly to the back so it even has a good view from a side profile as well so just that's important to me so there's that [Music] one okay next one we have our dual EPS connectors [Music] okay [Music] okay this one's we're going to have to do laying [Music] down going to top [Music] down I don't know why but those cable conbs look really really good even though they're a weird color compared to the rest of the build Yeah we actually we so you'll see when we turn it on we match the color the RGB lighting to the uh the cable [Music] Combs the Popa color is always a good like getting good pops of color you [Music] know okay so that takes care of [Music] that side [Music] view it's always like hard to run these so trying very hard not to twist [Music] them [Music] and that's the bridge DPS is always like the struggle [Music] there we [Music] go again you want to take one of the C table Combs almost push it through so that way you get clean EPS all the way [Music] through okay okay I will say the one thing that's always interesting about CA about cable mod cables is they just usually require a lot of uh patience as you work on the um getting them to bend your will so we ran that one through the corner here and then this is just going to run through our little section [Music] here oh shoot oh no no it happened okay what I was trying to do via my St sitting up I should just do go to top down here who top down [Music] sorry thought I could do it standing up apparently I'm still I'm not that I'm not that expert yet close close hey Roby those uh cables from cable Mar those the um the mesh these are the I think so it the the thing is it's the one that has more color options so there's two and one has less color options than the other this one is the one with more color options yeah hopefully that answers the question it did they said they said they got it yeah that's that's how I always know because I can never remember between the mod and the mod mesh and which one I actually do but it's the one with the most color options uh Roby question for you is the AK 620 good enough to cool a ryzen 7800 x3d for gaming yep it's good enough to do an a it's good enough to cool a one for not gaming too a AK 620 is a beast that's a beast of a cooler and the digital is a one of my favorite yeah it's like uh one of our favorite coolers okay if you have especially tall Ram you can put the fans's pull pull or even look at the Assassin 4 which doesn't block your RAM at all okay guys one more cable okay one more push pull for an AIO is typically Overkill and not recommended unless you match the fans well yeah the problem is yeah the radiators usually on most aios are too thin so you actually C end up causing disturbances in the air flow and it end up uh it ends up causing you end up with worse cooling so I have a air cooler the ak400 I put push pull on it I might get one or two c at best lower temps not really not worth it and sometimes like I kid you not you can end up with worse [Music] temps yeah if you don't match the fans you can cause turbulence which is makes the curves worse there are aios that are made for Push Pull like for instance EK makes one um and there's some other ones that you if you really want to do push pull but for the most part like I mean or's right it most in most cases it is not worth it where it makes a big where you want Push Pull is in the case where you have super super thick RADS and uh you need to pull you need to push and pull air through those [Music] it might F A little better on Arctic aios they're about 10 mm thicker but even then probably not a big enough of a difference okay guys last of the truly big cables here uh 34 to the head that um you might want to hop over to the Discord for that cuz that can actually get fairly in [Music] depth okay so this cable my goal is to essentially run this and have be at 90Ā° as much as I can and and then again one of the cable Combs these to essentially run all the way through you don't end up with a bunched like cable thing at the end and then you're trying to keep this this cable cluster here essentially at 90Ā° so that way you end up with a really nice clean [Music] line and whatever you need to do to do that let's go to a roaming camera back here work on this one and this is where sometimes it helps to like go up and through but this is where believe it or not you can start running out of a lot of room in this case once you start adding big thick cables come [Music] on need piece of crap there we go oh no stick with me come on stick with me there we go okay so what I'm doing here is I'm just going to create and then using this looking on the front at the same time if not possible it doesn't look like that's going to be possible so that's when you a little bit of trial and error find out the right place to run cables I think that's going to have to be our our best bet right here is this right [Music] here okay okay guys [Music] okay now we're at the end PSU time guys everything else is plugged in the build looks really good from the [Music] front it's all about trying to create parallel as much as you can but we'll finish it out once we get the you just got raided hey Dopey 5007 thank you for the raid welcome Raiders we're just finishing up this beautiful build [Music] we're at the very end actually came at a great time welcome well I understand Dopey enjoy some food yes NE nemis everything is bench tested and already yes already it's already got an OS on it and everything all we got to do is turn it on now we always te you know did something did Roby do something wrong while he built it that's always the bet at the [Music] end yes uh yukina yes you're fine with that power that power [Music] combination okay here we go last bit the one thing I have to add is I'm going to have to add one cable from the PSU because we have this Le and Lee [Music] connection so I have to add one the rest of the cables are all here we're using oh so let's go through let's actually show people the parts in case you're curious there's 500 over 500 people here tonight so again thank you very much for hanging out uh we're using the Intel Core i7 14700 k the Asus RG strict z790 a w gaming Wi-Fi this is their new refreshed uh PSU the Patriot Viper VP 4300 light we have 3 terab of nvme storage the uh Viper Elite ddr5 48 gigs at 6,000 megga transfer we have the Leon Le 011 Evo RGB this is the brand new case we also have the TL fans with the LCD screens on them uh we have the Galahad uh 2 Trinity 360 and then we have the MSI MPG a850 G PCI 5 NV and uh nvme PCI 5 sorry uh power supply so that's the uh that's what you have inside of the build so me ask are you giving this away no we're giving right now we're giving away two I think a $25 newa gift card and a $50 newa gift card if we get another 39 Subs we'll also give away we'll be giving away instead a Roby Tech build mat so okay that's what we need need this cable that's the only K I need which are [Music] rare I'm glad he likes it jro we're getting close we're almost at 600 people joining us tonight how are we doing likes on YouTube we got to be done right oh five more we need five more likes on YouTube guys let's get those last five likes let's see if we can get those last those last Subs we're going for partner plus remember by the way you're definitely going to want to tune in tomorrow and you're definitely going to want to tune in to because tomorrow we're either doing the Grinch build which we're giving away live on stream and I'll show that off when we get to the end of this and go through our sponsor and stuff like that which Le and Leah sponsors today's stream um but but uh uh sorry we won't be going through sponsor today um leam Le's a sponsor uh so we'll be showing off that and then we'll show off the Bild we're going to be build tomorrow that we potentially are building tomorrow if not it'll be Tuesday but regardless we'll be building either the Starfield full themed PC tomorrow or we'll be building the Grinch PC tomorrow so um which the if we build the Grinch we're giving that away on stream and we'll show it off it's super it's super awesome and I'll show the I'll show the case here in a minute uh here when we get this finished figment I I have I have hydrated okay everything else out of here I do not [Music] need it's pretty awesome wait till you see it people have seen it we'll uh we'll put a link to the in twitch chat if you guys want to see it um early I want to do here okay then we have one other we can do the other cable we have one other cable and we're doing this one for our [Music] SATA [Music] Blondie and all caps trust me you will want to be here okay here we go when Blondie starts yelling everyone better listen exactly should put this in right there we go which light specifically are you asking about new [Music] Mark there we go these these are just the W these are just the regular Nano Leafs no he was talking they were talking about the underglow so the blue and purple or blue and pink whatever they are I'm guessing they're those those are those are Nan lights nanlite Pavo tubes oh you put Nan Lights under there they're nanlite Pavo tubes guys uh they're very uh if you want to find them uh yeah they're not cheap go with GOI they're not they're not cheap yeah he is he is not wrong okay trying to plug in the last cables here I know after you you were using that Nan light there for so long inside your builds to illuminate the space I looked at them going I could buy one of those I'm not buying one of those yeah they're not they're not cheap where's my oh there it is I was like where's my GPU there we go and then we have two SATA connections we there's one there's two too so there's the long ones the long ones are so just so you guys know I'll just show you here so over there we have a short one long long short and small uh are the are the things there's one two three four five of them in here and then we have uh we also have yeah and then we have I think we have a total of 12 that we have total that we use cuz we travel with them and use them all over the place they are not we shoot b-roll with them and stuff like that though so they're all about [Music] yeah okay there's that then we just have this to plug in we're getting done here the one thing $400 for them four foots yeah they're not cheap the only thing I need is where are you oh there it is hey Rob you had somebody um renewed their sub at tier three for a streak of 40 months by the way wow 40 drop kick dude 40 months and now one month at tier three you are awesome that takes me up and closer to my my goal guys we are super close we are getting super close to finishing out the goal of um of partner plus which we just hit partner what just over a month ago right and now we're just about to hit partner Plus oh we still have one more month and if we do it this month then we'll give away a 7950 X um and then uh if we do it next month we're going to be doing a special twitch themed PC build uh and we'll be giving away a RTX 480 need a really long long long so big giveaways not to mention just in the next what in the next week we're doing uh the next week in the next seven days between now and Friday of next week be giving away three PCS as well well we've got we've done one month and you guys have been so supportive so I'm hoping that we'll hit it this month I think we will you guys have been you guys have been incredible I think we'll hit it the twitch stream is trying to provoke Blondie Roby so you might want to duck what what what is what are they trying to do oh they're saying that they're saying that Blondie's the granch and well they're trying doesn't like and she doesn't like Christmas and oh that's true she's and she's also been a gremlin and trying to trying to like sabotage the stream oh you you really better duck now okay guys there we go build is done and then how you know you've done a good job on this is just go like this and it closes that's how you know and then yeah cuz if if not that actually ends up being really hard okay so now we're just going to make sure the front looks good make sure it's all cleaned up let's go to static cold there we [Music] go how's that look guys looking pretty good right oh shoot that looks way worse from the front [Music] sorry I wasn't looking I'm over here reading chat because it's it's going off the rails there we go again you just want to get that 90Ā° now last thing we're going to do is because this is one of the things you can do am I think it's more the angle than anything else what oh they're saying the 4080 has a bit of sag it does we're going to fix that but I I I'm sure the camera angle is not helping at all I will check that here in a minute don't worry we got a sag bracket for it there we go I'm going to go grab one okay so we have these I like these these are cleaner probably want to put it right here there we go oops there we go okay cable there he goes stag bracket installed now Roby chat's asking are you going to be at CES next year I am going to be at CES yes I'm definitely going to be at CES okay let us put the covers on [Music] now time to make it look [Music] pretty yeah good luck with that Bernie besides I think Blondie would block you at the moment there we go guys the build is ready looks good right it's looking super clean and I love those cable extensions [Music] no no sag clean across the board okay so we're going to just run uh run through well actually I'll show it to you on the build on the thing because I forgot this is sponsored so uh I'm pretty sure Thomas is like dang it we're not doing deals but we aren't because it's sponsored stream um so and even asked me and I forgot that the Le and Lee one is good what's the question green veteran and Twitter okay let's get this up no deals today there will be deals tomorrow though sorry rexness nobody gets to say but everybody say thank you Tom everybody say thank you Tom still say thank you Tom thank you bot boy and if you want to check them out you can head over to Deals they'll all be there and uh there all the deals will be there so you can just head over and just check him out I know he's doing dot dot dot grow 421 thank you very much also drop kick again we already said thank you for that guys we Are CL we're trying to get that unlock that Roby Tech build mat giveaway go put these away real quick and then we'll get this turned on I know you guys are ready for the Bild to get turned on [Music] [Music] okay here we go oops got one [Music] panel [Music] there we [Music] go amuro thank you very much for the sub appreciate it okay here we go guys and the question oh before we turn it on I need to do zip tie count odd or even and then we will do will it [Music] post okay right here we go Otter even here we go zip ties uh we'll go to side one two three four five there's five one 2 3 uh 1 two 3 4 5 there's 10 1 2 3 4 5 there's 15 16 17 18 19 it is odd today guys odd it is 19 is the magic number for today 19 guys and a smaller number than normal that was another good payout for me oh yeah yeah you did odd did odd almost 2x payout nice you could go uh you can go to Vegas today it seems like you're you're today's a good day to go to Vegas it's a little far of a drive or Vegas wants you to believe today's a good day to go to Vegas you guys nor my luck okay here we go guys [Music] three two one there it goes that fan is a I know about the fan it'll go away one of the magnetic bearings is bad it'll stop it's a beautiful sound isn't it I can't hear it through disc which doesn't have the filter so they may not be able to hear it through chat it'll get it it fixes it's that fan oh no they definitely can for that's bad there it goes and there it goes okay and by the way guys there is the capture it is it is in so it does work and by the way all of the uh there's all the lights taking off right there so there's the the fans doing their thing it's just sitting in it's sitting in the uh in the uh it will here in a minute I got to hit F1 we are [Music] posted okay hitting F1 XMP is already enabled going to restart it one more [Music] [Music] time okay so now we going to wait for Windows to go all the way through you can I yes that's a 360 MMO okay it is booting up now and then it goes and does the rest of the cable stuff here in a [Music] minute as soon as the lights lighting went to the proper colors I knew blondie' love [Laughter] it and there we go there is the all the colors the only thing we got to do now is we just got to fix the fans you can see they've they're they're there from the side [Music] [Music] view [Music] and once you're done with that Robby chat's asking if they can see the front of the case as well [Music] [Music] yes it's not rotating for some reason we're working on that real [Music] quick there we go let's go ahead hold on guys I'm just trying to get the the fans to [Music] rotate oh shoot [Music] I do not know why our screen is not rotating usually it [Music] does see if I can if I switch this to usually it just rotates when you do it oh maybe it's not hold on here I'm going into showing you guys what I'm looking at here hold on I'm going to go [Music] to okay so let me go to okay this is already mirrored I want these to [Music] go I don't know why this it's like it's not CPU it's CPU GPU and then GPU load on the oh here we could do CPU load CPU temp and then we'll do GPU 10 it's not rotating for some reason there a little rotate button underneath the yeah these are not but notice it's not rotating it's oh there it goes okay finally finally worked the well the middle one worked oh there they go there they're all rotated now there it is just was being wacky there for a little bit so there is them all in and you can see there's the screens there and now and you guys wanted to see the front of the case as well here is the static view so you can see it's like more from a [Music] corner and there you go that's like the whole thing what do you guys think of the build I don't know this build is super I mean this build is ludicrously beautiful like ludicrously I mean I'd let it sit on my desk it's so I mean the colors everything about it I think just really really shine and then you have like the screen and everything else right there's RG oh you know what there oh you know what I noticed that too the top fans are spinning I wonder if a cable came loose hold on one sec that's a good call let's fix that cuz it wasn't reading there either so I wonder if it's just one of the fan connectors is or one of the connectors isn't all the way in okay so it's not that let's just check something if it came loose or there we go there you [Music] go you guys want mood mode [Music] there you go and it's funny cuz it got way quieter okay let's go to mood mode okay you guys you guys want mood mode there you go there you go there's mood [Music] mode I can put the glass on yep guys want to see the glass there's with the glass and we'll do some temp testing and all that sort of stuff here in a [Music] minute need seven more likes on that YouTube guys there you go I'm going to fix one [Music] thing and Blondie says YouTube goal is reached YouTube goal is reached guys there it is what do you guys think build looks good okay let's take out we'll just going of check some temps real quick because I know people always want to see like when you're done let's go to capture mode real quick how does it actually promote how does it actually work so we'll throw up some cin bench here throw up hardware monitor [Music] so right now our core i7 is running at 36 let's go and run 10 minute multicore test sorry the the back is going to be this is not going to I'm there's nothing I can do about this rear fan oops there you go 7980 again running at [Music] 265 so no temp issues [Music] whatsoever you could even run the AI overclock on this if we wanted to probably get a actually pretty big jump in terms of in terms of uh and I need to replace we'll replace this rear fan yeah I wish there's something wrong with the magnetic bearing so oh jeez what happened with the top fan oh probably because I shook it I was being dumb wonder if I just didn't loosen It On Turn It Up what the heck [Music] I don't know what happened with the top fan it just like started getting weird I might reboot it it's definitely connected and the fans are [Music] working yeah it says Santa dropped it going down the chimney it's we we checked the connection yeah so yeah [Music] um it was fine before anyway guys temps are good I'm just going to stop that so the sound stops I'm going to reboot it see if it fixes it oh were you on your CPU load yeah Yes means will do that because it overwrites the the software where loses threads yeah so it's yeah that so that was uh I don't know if you guys heard that that's Kevin who is our Tech manager uh Tech director and he's basically saying that is what lean Lee does when you go under CPU load because it starts to lose thread so it loses control so you'll actually see it lose control when you're doing CPU load testing so that's actually just a limitation of the software so it'll come back which it didn't but [Music] [Music] okay there it goes yep and there it is now it's fixed [Music] again but again temps are fine if we had a working fan it wouldn't be near as loud [Music] yeah yeah if we ran it in quiet mode it'd be fine you could just which is what which is why it's quiet now is because so if I ran it like and just kept it and quiet for it so it didn't then it'd probably be fine so I have to keep training that cable to get it to stay but guys there it is so you guys just want to see let's just check out some game temps real quick well yeah cuz the G the fans say 30 cuz right now it's an idol it's not doing anything oh I need to plug in [Music] network [Music] all right so let's just let's uh [Music] check always the easy one one that's always really good to just check how it's going to work under load for temps let's load MSI After Burner okay right so there we go GPU temp there we go GPU temp we'll just [Music] do why does it feel like this is [Music] all feels weird Okay GPU temp and then I want core [Music] clock GPU there we go um I don't care about that no don't care about that that's fine don't care about that I care about that I care about that do care about this okay so there's our GPU stuff's throw temperature in here there we go usage clock there we go and then we'll throw frame rate and frame time and then we go okay okay so there we go so then now you'll see how this runs in terms of temps and stuff like that how's the build coming today it looks it looks pretty magical what do you guys think when you what do you think of the overall look of this build are you guys pretty happen there is the build right there all finished right so we're going to do our first testing just to see what our temps are [Music] like now give it to me okay so let's just see what CPU temps are I mean like What GPU temps and stuff like that are going to be like and I have all of I can tell you what all of them were but let's go to settings sorry settings videos full screen 2540 X 1440 rate tracing super resolution is on let's just check defaults and then hit run Benchmark so you guys can see what temps are going to be like and then obviously how it runs in a game like cyberpunk I mean it's a 48047 so it's going to run awesome but here you can just see some proof I'm glad you like like [Music] it so our we're running in the 60s you know High maybe low to mid 60s and our GPU sitting in the 50s which is great there we go while it's doing that real quick I grab the smoke Genie [Music] [Music] okay there you go sitting 166 it's I think frame generation is on in that case so there's with frame generation on let's do it in path tracing with frame generation this is like legit getting crazy yeah we're running it runs it runs really well when not not under load here and again pretty good G here we can show you the other thing too is like what is airf flow like while you know gaming is running here you go so you can see where air flow is coming in and out of the case so basically coming in from the bottom then we also have it here from the rear so you can actually see where air flow is coming even from the rear so again you want to see how fast air moves through a PC it moves really fast so when people say stuff like you know warm air rises cold air descends they're full of crap it doesn't stay in the PC that long basically gets through and gets uh gets sucked out and through and our air circulates very very fast when you hear these people say that stuff it's like dude it doesn't stay in the PC that long so just giving you a good idea of what air flow looks like inside of the case as well so yep holy smokes literally but yeah it's just showing you guys so you guys can see air flow inside of a case we're exhaust through the back exhaust intake through the back intake to the bottom and then exhaust through the back and the uh top so and that way it just gives you a good visualization of what airfow looks like and then here we go with this is cyberpunk absolutely Max settings with path tracing Ray reconstruction does have frame generation again 10889 uh at 1440p and then if you guys want to see it without path without um frame generation give you that one hey Justin uh Tom was wanting you to send him the smoke Genie that you have oh send it like so he can use it or just what it oh it's you can only get it at B&H just look up smoke Genie um it says uh if somebody asked the questions can we see it again yeah you can I can show you again while we're doing this so you guys want to see it run again so again here it is while running going to side so we're going to see so again you have intake at the bottom and then you're seeing that's going up and through the GPU and this is where you see exhaust back here that's actually being fed through the GPU and out and then again the rear fans are really kind of fading you can see look at immediately being sucked up right into the aiio so it shows you just how quickly that it's pulling air in and immediately feeding it air out so when people say stuff like you know oh it needs fresh air dude it's getting a ton of fresh air and you're literally watching it pull and then immediately get pulled in there so it's getting cold air directly from the outside of the case and that's why the smoke just makes it really easy to be able to visualize that another very expensive toy by the way guys the smoke Genie this is also a great example of why the side fans are better for the CPU temps than the bottom fans because the GPU is exhausting the air out the back and then here you go uh that dude if the smoke gen is that much money then you should buy it cuz it's usually 500 bucks and then here you go 73.4 this is no frame generation this is just basically patch racing with dlss so again Beast of a system at 1440p can absolutely still do 4K gaming as well but again 4080 I still love it as a 1440p like just 1440p monster in terms of that sort of stuff oh so the smoke the smoke Genie that I got is here let me see I'll send it to Tom so we have a very specific one so it's a smoke Genie handheld fog and Haze machine it's the smoke Genie Pro package uh it's 750 bucks I'll send it to you Tom and then they have the other one which is like just the kit there you go I just put I sent it to you in there yeah yeah it's not something it does contain so here's the deal guys some you know this does come up what we're doing is we are obviously doing a demonstration there is some limited amount of moisture inside of it in very it like when the particle the particle density is super low so not something you want to shove and just literally leave it and smoke eventually you could potentially have an issue there's very very low chance but in terms of doing the demonstration we can show it and give you guys you know the the indication so we've done that quite a quite a number of times and not had a problem so but yes there is a small amount of of moisture in there and there's also ve there's a vegetable oil so you could if you did it a ton actually pull in and create some sort of uh mixture you know what I mean and all that sort of stuff in it yeah the build is done we've we've uh so guys we've sh you we've shown you the PC build we've shown you uh thermals inside of it we've shown you airflow we've shown you uh We've shown you some like light gaming um and just giving you an idea now again there is going to be a another version of this uh I can I do have the full numbers for this if you guys want to know how it runs everything um just so we can give you that data but there will be a build that will have all that information as well um that'll be coming out here pretty soon so we'll have a recap of this build it'll be out after the New Year that'll show uh All The Thermals all the gameplay benchmarks and then uh also um and then at at the same time put this in the dark and show the airflow stuff too yeah yeah do not blow Vape into your PC yeah the fans are Tom maybe you know this Tom are the fans available I for some reason I think they come out in January and I think the case is available in January as well so this build is $3,600 pre-order only Okay cool so I think the the fans themselves come out in January yeah so anyway guys that is the full thing so what do we have Blondie we have a $50 newa gift card and one $25 newa gift card right we didn't hit the level five it stopped right yeah the T the normal TL fans are available no we pushed them all the way to six okay so we two two okay there we go guys so we have two $25 newa gift cards up for grabs so starting that right now exclamation point community starting that giveaway right now exclamation point Community two $25 new gift cards up for grabs yes in fact when we started doing the smoke Genie demonstrations like my tech director was very clear he's like I want to be super clear that this is not something you should be doing a ton of but in terms of it is the best and safest way to do visual ual demonstrations but if you don't have a ton of if you don't have a ton of Hardware to replace your stuff with like we do I would not recommend uh doing this but if you want to just have a cool smoke effect you've actually if you watch our Spider-Man build we did a bunch of really neat smoke effects and things like that that are a lot of fun when shooting I'm Dan I'm really I'm really glad that you like it man yeah it does make it neat and it makes it really easy to basically show and demonstrate it I just dropped mine a swimming pool to see the the water flow yeah yeah that's a good one too Bach yeah the other thing too is if you really want to see a really good demonstration um it'll be you you'll have to film it immediately as it starts is drop it in the swimming pool cuz when the fans like in the first like 3 to 5 Seconds you should be able to see some flow through the case afterwards it's kind of hosed you could do mineral water running the build through mineral water very true so yeah I'm pretty sure there'll be a uni version uh uni uh infinity version of these fans at some point in time I will say and I think Bach and Zeon and I I also think that org would agree non-rgb and the blades are better performing fans so the fan performance for the TL fans is actually higher um and it's the reason that we actually saw uh uh sorry mineral yeah mineral water mineral oil yeah mineral oil that's I was saying the right stuff um so uh that's why like when we did the silent wings or the fantex t30s um that they those sorry d30s their RGB is on the outside because then they have that special I think it's a fiberglass type fan that actually makes for better uh better performance so congratulations to uh filx and Jimmy kib X philx and Jimmy kbx you are the um you are the winners of the uh $25 newa gift card okay last giveaway guys this is for a $50 new newa gift card let's do exclamation point Le and Lee as a huge thank you to them for sponsoring today's stream $50 newa gift card starting right now there we go guys exclamation point Le and Lee exclamation point Le and Lee so yeah well I'm hope I it sounds like you guys really enjoyed the build you liked seeing it you loved how it looked it is definitely a stunning build this is definitely one of those ones that I I hate taking apart um uh you know because I mean again it's a it's a it's a fantastic looking build and came out so clean um which is always super super cool just make sure you take it apart before Blondie comes and steals it oh does Blondie really want it yeah the color combination and it is really [Music] nice de you're yelling all caps yes in chat so uh according to lean Lee the tl120 non LCD fans airflow is 90.1 CFM so the non LCD ones are 90.1 which is that's really good um and do you know what the Thomas do you know what the static pressure is on those I think these are airflow fans though it's 3.97 mmh 202 wow that's really good so those are actually really impressive fans org which is probably also what helped uh the now when we did our testing just so you guys know you're like wow Roby did you guys do your when you guys did the review of the case we did not do our review of the case with the TL fans we use the same fans in all of our cases to make sure that they are tested um that the that they're tested and they're the same Apples to Apples so just uh just in FY when we did ours and you're were like wow no wonder they did no uh they were tested with the same noctua fans as everybody else's are okay you can no longer enter the raffle guys congratulations niia nigia Panda pulling it off okay so let's talk about just real quick and then we'll we'll call it from here uh what is happening for the rest of the week because we're getting really close to Christmas tomorrow we have one of two giveaway pieces that's going to be happening tomorrow so I know there's over 500 of you almost 600 people here and you might be asking Roby what's going on tomorrow we are going to either be building the Starfield themed PC or giving that away or we are are going to be building the Grinch PC so let me show you the grinch PC I'll bring it up um so you guys can see it you guys are it's it's really awesome um let me log in real quick uh go to the side camera here okay just bringing it up okay here is the let's bring it let's show it so blue horse did he not put it on a did he not put it on Twitter okay we guess got to check uh blue horse Instagram here we go wait is it not on Instagram where is this thing he hit it just so you couldn't show it off I swear to gosh she I I swear to God she showed it I thought he posted maybe he didn't okay let me hold on let me grab it real quick cuz I have hold on we no the P it's not it's not it's not just stay one sec one St stay one second I will I will get it up on here hold on while you're looking yeah those non- LCD fans are much better so those will be better on the cooler itself and the LCD fans be better on the case side like you have them right now yeah uh Tom says he sent the pictures to your teams oh yeah I I have to do un loging I have them on my I have them on my I have to use unfortunately I'm on the test machine all right here we go oh gosh darn it it's making me change my password all of a [Music] sudden [Music] okay now I can finally show it off hold on okay here you guys go here is the here are the Grinch here's the Grinch stuff right here so there is how Roy Tech Stole Christmas so there's the side look at that with the little Roy Tech thing there so we're going to be building using the uh so there's the entire build so we're going to be doing that uh we're going to be building that build giving it away live on the stream uh so and then it's going to be a 7800 x3d uh with a 7800 x3d with an RTX 4070 Ti from tough uh using the bequ air cooler that'll be green around the outside so it'll be an air cooled build it should be a really really fun build uh it hopefully the Grinch build is tomorrow I just got to I it depends on how much time we have to do with the recording if not it'll be the Starfield system so that's what's happening tomorrow anyway guys just look for the look for the Post we'll let you guys know which one we decide to do but hopefully uh regardless we're even giving one build we're giving we're doing a build and doing and giving it away so that's going to be happening uh starting tomorrow outside of that I hope everybody had a great night super appreciate it thank you so much to Le and Lee for sponsoring today's build and we will see you guys tomorrow bye guys have a good night everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Angels We Have Heard [Music] [Music] Ang [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] Ang [Music] [Music] in glor in [Music] [Music] o [Music]
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 76,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 14700k, PC, building PC, custom PC, gaming pc, how to build a PC, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, how to build a pc step by step 2023, pc build, pc building, lian li, lian li o11 dynamic evo build, lian li o11 dynamic evo rgb, lian li o11 dynamic evo rgb build, o11 evo, o11 dynamic evo, all white pc build 2023, all white gaming pc build 2023
Id: hugNYoKdCJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 1sec (13861 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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