Building a $4100 EK Fluid Gaming PC + Giveaways (Ryzen 9 7950x / ASUS TUF RTX 4090)

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show welcome back to the regular studio we're back in Seattle we're going to be building pretty SRT balances are kicking things off we're going to be building an EK fluid system if EK fluid inspired system um I don't know if you guys know anything about EK fluid but basically they're also a pre-built manufacturer who uses obviously EK parts and a lot of people don't know that so we're actually going to we have a completely taken apart system that is close to their battle 195 system we're going to put it together for you guys today and then we're going to talk a little bit about their system do some gaming on it all that sort of fun stuff so it should be absolutely epic plus we got we're trying to Stacked giveaways you guys seem to really enjoy the Stacked giveaway stuff so we're going to try and find how that stuff goes in there but we do have The Usual Suspects so if we get a level 5 hype train we give away a 25 new a gift card and if we get uh if we get uh 250 likes on the YouTube video and we give away a 25 new a gift card now once we get to 20 once we get to uh basically a hundred Subs then we'll give away one terabyte WD black Gen 4 nvme SSD and then if we get to 200 Subs then we'll give away a two terabyte and then it'll start to upgrade from there so as you guys basically start to do Subs we start to upgrade the giveaways you guys seem to really enjoy those last week we gave away a 5800x we gave away an RTX 3090 we have much more in there so as we start climbing we'll start throwing in more uh awesome stuff so should be absolutely epic it's going to be an absolutely great build today I did want to I know people have been waiting hey who won the the 4080 slash 7900 XTX uh the Gen the gentleman's name was stream goat 2020 also known as Jesse uh so Jesse has already been reached out to he chose a 4080 and we've started that whole process already so again I know that was a long time ago it took us forever to finally do the announcement but congratulations to stream goat 2020 and uh or Jesse uh who was the winner um so we've already started that process for him also uh winners have been reached out to for um like the 30 90 the Santa build is going out and a lot of the other builds are starting to go out too so we're gonna have all of those giveaways kind of out and taken care of here very soon um so all the big prizes are out there and then uh we did not hit the goal for the PC giveaway last month so we're going to be rolling that into February and we'll get that going for the sub only PC giveaway that's going to be happening as well so lots of stuff coming up lots of giveaways coming up and that should be fun I'm trying to see what else is going on there all right thank you very much for the subs guys we're already four we're already on our way towards that one terabyte drive um which would be awesome so again if we get to a level five high train we'll do 25 but if we get to 100 subs and that 25 becomes a hundred dollar a one terabyte nvme SSD and then it starts to upgrade from there so we always try to give away at least 25 bucks uh every stream uh guy won the 39 last time it sold yeah dude pretty stoked right and so we'll have don't worry more giveaways like that are coming um and we'll do things like that uh yes the I9 3900ks is out and it is up for grabs is one of the giveaways that may happen if we get to that level um we do have 3 900 ks's to give away so if we get to like 650 Subs we'd give that away um [Music] um it's the wide angle's not here anymore we're changing it to a different a different angle so anyway shark cachet thank you for the sub Emery thinking for the sub State thank you for the subs SRT baltazar thank you for the sub you guys are rocking it already um anyway I'm trying to think of what else uh what is happening so we've got the launch so you guys really enjoyed um The Wave build uh the blue build that we did just last week we actually have the launch of the brand new uh let's build of that coming out tomorrow that should be really epic um we are also going to be checking out two zidax systems one zydex system that has a um just a regular 1300k and then a 3900k that has been deleted to show you guys the difference of something zydex does that nobody else does that's gonna be happening this week we've got some really cool new stuff from Corsair happening on Saturday so we have some really really good strings coming up that I think are going to be a lot of fun and people are going to enjoy um as well so should be a good week it's going to be a really good month we've got lots of cool stuff coming up for you guys new cases new tech new components all sorts of stuff like that that should make this a lot of fun um want to see the EK fluid stuff yeah we're gonna be showing that off today we're going to be showing you guys one of their builds today and then show you guys how to basically get that belt wow and look at that hype train is active guys we got zent we got Zina Zen gox uh re-subscribing for tier one and it's been subscribed for 20 months man that is crazy what's up native Temperance how are you man it's good to see you ah also they chose us last um hey Rob you've been watching your videos and lurking on the streams well dude thank you for doing that bye they but they're asking tomorrow and I'm ready to be on TV oh they're airing what tomorrow oh are you uh why is so are they airing your show tomorrow that's pretty cool finally gonna see his prices right debut are you in the Price Is Right are you just in the audience did you make it on the show oh I'm glad Kurosaki yeah we're gonna be showing it off okay I haven't like no water guys oh you're in the audience but you weren't on the show you didn't win nothing that's still cool though thank you for the Subscribe but also if you're on YouTube don't forget to hit that thumbs up and subscription thing as well I've trained these active guys we got we're at 20 at level two remember guys we have uh we have some good giveaways up for grab so we can we can get some of that going on there it's been a while SRT Balthazar dropping 20 bits thank you very much for that man once we get through this hype train we'll uh we'll go through the uh we'll go through the bill today it's a it's a doozy 4 100 build guys so it's going to be uh it's going to be a heck of a building like everybody's favorite case the 0-1 dynamic oh you have to pay before you take them oh wow that's crazy I didn't know that oh nice okay off the look for it we are moving okay cool I have to look for it if I I've never like I don't remember the last time I'd watched an episode of The Price is Right so that's it's been a long time come on guys let's get level five hype train where's the hype no can you get a sh I already shouted you out I say that you are going to be on The Price is Right you even change your name Bobby cat I don't know I don't even know why did you change your name hey artisa Cabell artistic artistic bear thank you very much for the sub what's up guys how's it going cozy Tech it's good to see you we're currently in hype train guys we have two minutes left yeah my hype got stolen by a surgery to remove a cow hoop from my dog but he's alive and doing really well so we are happy to have him still what do you mean a cow hoof as in like literally a cow hoof how's that happen yeah we're back in the normal studio today maybe it kicked it oh wow poor dog that's brutal baba ganoush baba ganoush dropping A Gifted sub guys a minute 28 seconds let's at least get it to level three it's only like three or four things oh man that's terrible but I'm glad he's okay at least he didn't get kicked that sounds brutal but I'm glad he's okay one minute left guys let's see if we can finish out this hype train oh that's brutal man 55 seconds we can make it happen we got the hype train already here we just got to get it across the board Nigeria dropping it guys 30 seconds we're like we need one more to get it to level three we can do it uh it depends exclusive is if there's something that you need it for you that's the question if you need to upgrade to a 70 it's like it just makes sense of what you do SRT 20 seconds guys we we this will be uh Bubba ganoush worked 14 seconds we need like one we need one more thing just get it get it to level three nine eight seven six five four three can we do it like oh he gets it he did it goat goat camo 5 15 10. go and goat getting it to level three wow that was dude that was so close that was so close to basically almost not happening dude okay so we have four minutes and 30 nights I was like what like that would have been like that was whoo that was like gin that was genuinely very like that was that was genuinely close so yeah that was uh that was that was brutal thank you very much camo 510 for doing that Prime sub remember guys you can use your Prime sub it's free with Amazon and it's gonna unlock the uh it's gonna unlock it'll do the same thing and then again it goes towards those epic giveaways and you get extra entries for things like the PC giveaways and all those other things that are happening um over the course of February so remember that's a that's a nice bonus so if you have your if you haven't used your Amazon live this is a good chance to do it and get that level five hype training you might win a 25 new gift card you never know well thank you for switching over uh never dude I'm not gonna I'm not gonna shave my head I'm gonna go grab water real quick I'm hoping I come back and you guys will be at level four let's finish that I'm gonna go grab water real quick I forgot to grab water we can do it and then we'll go through parts because I want to get this built it's gonna be an epic build Igor dropping five gifted subs and there it is level four thank you very much guys 64 of 250 on YouTube as well that's amazing Igor thank you for the subs wow you I didn't expect that to happen thank you very much for the uh the hydrate guys okay we just got to get two more levels and then we're done and then we can go through Parts but I'll throw this on here because this is what we're gonna start with this is a 4100 system guys Igor dropping five more gifted Subs taking us almost to level four almost to level five Igor dropping five more gifted Subs wow Igor Igor's on fire today gun lager dropping five gifted Subs wow we're gonna hit level five no problem at this point in time and then we're just gonna go right into that yeah we may go to Plaid because level four is done we just got to finish level five did Igor just drop another five gifted Subs what is Igor on is that the end of level five okay well there we go well I grabbed this this GPU just in time tax return he was like I got my tax return thank you very much man I appreciate it dude you're amazing I mean you've been giving Subs like you pretty much drop them every day and it's it means a lot to me all right cool well if we want to keep it going great if we don't that's awesome we got the level five hype train remember guys if we get to 100 Subs we'll give away that one terabyte Western Digital black s nvme SSD um and then if you guys have other ideas for things we can give away remember it just basically rooms out to like dollar value so again usually like we have like a KS up for grabs if we get to like 650 Subs but I'm trying to think of things that are in the lower end that you guys would get excited about maybe we'll do like wow sticks or something like that so um but yeah thank you very much for all of your guys's uh all of your guys's feedback on that stuff and everything too so let me know um okay so here we go uh at the core of this we're going to be starting with the ryzen 9 7950 so this is a um AMD uh high-end build this was a build that we were supposed to do a long time ago but when I was talking to the guys over at EK I was like look we want to do something kind of cool to introduce EK to our audience so I was like you know why instead of just doing like a regular pre-built-in gaming what if I built the system so they basically sent me all the parts and we're gonna gonna just kind of go through it today so this is a system that you could order or very closely order with their battle 195 system camo thank you very much for the gifted Subs um so if you wanted to put this together and and get this exact same system you can do that and check that out over on EK fluid the only thing is is that you would get you may not get obviously an Asus 4090 or and you'll get t-force Ram not g skill Ram but everything else that you guys see will be very similar to what you would get if you were to order the system and then we looked at the parts I think the the system itself with what we have in here like in terms of how it comes in costing from the website was actually pretty close like three or four hundred bucks away and you get the warranty and everything else you can do this with custom water cooling today we're gonna to be doing AIO that was one of the other reasons that I really kind of wanted to show off EK as well is a lot of people are looking for those good custom water cooled systems and so the only options are kind of origin main gear and uh the uh you know and people like EK so we want to show those off so people have options if they're looking for something that's a little bit more high-end and a little bit more um custom so to speak right so it should be super awesome uh what do you get this is the battle 195. uh the 190 the EK 195 battle or battle 195. there's a link down in the description below if you're on YouTube to check it out and then we'll give Blondie can grab that from I should have sent it to him Blondie can grab that from the YouTube link as well um YouTube it's down there Blondie so that way you can post it in there as well uh the RGB fans are the EK varder so this is an all EK build so as much EK stuff as they potentially can uh we're going to be putting this inside of the RG strix x670e this would be the same uh the uh the same system that you the same motherboard you would get with this system I just have core components so I don't have boxes for everything but we are going to be using g-scale Triton Z you would be getting team t-force if you were going to order an EK system and this is 5600 megahertz uh 5600 megahertz ddr5 that's going to be going with this um I think the new one actually comes with 6 000. uh for storage uh they're only they only give you one nvme SSD but you can obviously add more hey Igor thank you very much for the giving the gifted sub uh to throw them in uh we got a one terabyte uh gen 3 and uh uh uh fire Cuda 510 I think they may have upgraded this as well but they did actually give you some physical storage as well so if you were interested in getting some physical storage uh you've got a four terabyte Barracuda Drive uh that you could basically uh throw in there as well so we're gonna be throwing a physical Drive in here uh and this would come with the system and we'll walk through the system at the very end once the build's kind of all done but there it is um for the GPU I already kind of showed you guys that but we have it out and ready to go the very beefy the very beefy uh uh RTX 4090 here it is right here from Asus so we've got that Asus tough RTX 4090 we are going to be vertically mounting it in the case uh which should be cool literally and then of course we're going to be AIO cooling this one uh just like their battle system so we're gonna we got that EK 360 millimeter drgb AIO that we're going to be using in that so this is going to be in there and then finally we've got a 1000 GQ from EVGA for the power supply so there's our PSU with all of its cables and everything ready to go and then lastly I because I'm not a monster I'm going to be adding some cable extensions to this so we got a cable extension for not only our uh for our our uh um 24 pin and other pins but we've also got one uh to make sure that our 4090 looks really beautiful so it's too thin to be a 40 90. rubyflex is holding at 49 yeah you know I was just basically throwing caution to the wind because you know I think hey why not why wouldn't I want to drop you know luckily I have a spare one right here because that's always a smart thing so there it is right there okay so let's go and get started with our our motherboard and starting to put all that stuff together and go from there let me grab all my components now I do have OS and games and all that stuff actually already on here so we'll show all that stuff off when we're done so we can do some benching and all that sort of fun stuff which is what you guys want um that's uh we don't I don't know yes we do have a prediction because we still are using a brand new we are using a brand new uh motherboard so we're using the one that actually comes with um if you were to pick up one of these so this is the RG strix x670e-e gaming Wi-Fi OS will be Windows 11 home which I mean at this point time Windows 11 home is more than good enough via Windows 11 Pro and I have a whole video that just came out about all that stuff foreign it's the E Dash e baby it's the e it's extra e everybody needs that extra e oh hello hello there we go wow that's Hefty now it's out yeah you might as well do the vrm prediction yeah will it clear because it is still an Intel board Intel build [Music] there we go there we go peeling I'm peeling on a Jet Plane I don't know if I'll be back again there we go getting it all okay so there's all of our wow this is it's actually a really pretty motherboard I forgot how pretty these are foreign okay let's get our CPU out I remember I missed the old days of Roby getting high on the PSU smell that's just you know I'm just trying to be more family friendly Igor I'm hooked on a peeling I'm high on believing you're in love with me wow that was really bad that was not on tune I'm hooked on up healing I'm high on believing you're in love with wow man I cannot get that in tune I can get the rest of in tune it's probably because of a vacuum cleaner is going off you've got that love and peeling oh that love and peeling you've got that love and peel and now it's gone uh that mobile have an m.2 PCI card I don't believe so I think that's only in the Crosshair I could look in the box I don't think so though it does it does make it does make it better I know the cross yeah the crosshairs usually have the cards but it does have something heavy so I could be wrong see let's drop the uh the plastic there whoops yeah I have it right there we go I don't know if this is actually gonna pop because AMD AMD doesn't give us as much fun when it comes to the pop but we we don't pop we don't stop pop that that way okay that is in the prediction is done oh here we go guys you ready okay here we go will it pop not even close that wasn't even remotely close that was not that was just disappointingly not close that was like the opposite of close that was a negative close it yeah uh let's do yeah we can do let's do 94. hey Mark in North Carolina thank you very much for the sub oh yeah oh probably want to keep this out for a minute while we're waiting for that to go through we'll go ahead and uh do our vrm here I mean our storage there we go okay cool there's that a little bit of peeler down here there's there's a more peeling You've Lost That love and peel and now it's gone gone okay there we go and rotate rotate and it's in okay rotate everybody say rotate rotate mm-hmm hey thank you for the 200 bits we got some bit love in the house there we go and it's in everybody say it's in don't forget to hit the uh don't forget to go hit that likes guys there's uh don't forget to go hit those likes on YouTube okay here we go oh wait is this oh no no clicks I need to get a new battery for it guys okay so we'll refund that and I'll get a new battery we're gonna have to refund those guys clicks are uh clicks the clicker is dead so we'll just we're not we have no way to know I know I'm sorry it's been two plus years guys eventually the battery dies so we're just gonna refund those those those bits or those Channel points okay but here here we go oh my gosh that would have crushed that would have crushed Crush that would have crushed oh my gosh that was so good one more one more one more one more I tried to yeah I just that was like that was guys that was that was legitimately good I almost almost need a candy cigarette I just need a moment but I was so that was Miracle Miracle Mile right there guys Miracle Mile okay one more time I don't know I don't know if my body can take it guys I don't know if my body can take it what's up bigger radio okay here we go last last click here we go oh that was kind of weak okay that was that was kind of weak the other one was really good that one was that one was uh yeah that was I needed that was okay my heart I don't know could have taken uh that many good that many good uh that many good clicks um man that's all I gotta say okay let's throw some thermal paste on this bad boy eyeballed it with your earballs okay there we go a little thermal paste there it's like a little thermal paste squiddling a little tadpole you got a little thermal paste tadpole as we cover up this 5950x now make sure it's got all the thermal it needs to be successful now again you're like if you were to order a system from Ek like I know we'll have the robitec Touches for sure but I expect that you know given who they are as a brand that you guys should see summer performance when we do all the testing and stuff for sure so I think it's cool when Brands let me do stuff like this like build the PC that's what I do don't get me wrong I like doing the main gear uh the main gear pre-built in gaming but we got to build blondies which she still uses right Blondie you still use your PC right she's like no I sold it to buy Febreze she's like a big aftermarket Febreze person foreign she slays with the PC she is she going is she like a PC Gamer now or how much like what's your what's your split Blondie between PC and Xbox just curious High Country gaming subscribing with tier one thank you very much getting us guys we're almost halfway there can we get our last five Subs to get us to 50 and then we would be halfway towards that nvme drive uh 5600x is pretty I would not do a 5600x and a 40 90. Igor dropping five wow dude tax return time for sure I did not mean you you are but thank you very much my friend okay this is all set let's go ahead and get our geeter done we need to take off our little connections here okay guys we're halfway halfway to one terabyte there we go all out almost one terabyte unlocked hold on one sec guys I'll be right right back one second okay we're back guys okay time to get our time to get our little adapters on for our EK AIO okay here we go it's looking good so far right hey Chaz Kramer thank you very much for the sub I mean the the bits they can't really use it throw them in they don't have a they don't have power we do other things for charity like extra life and stuff like that okay there we go guys board is ready we got India me everything's ready for this we're basically good to go let's get this inside of the case because that's what you guys want to see there we go we saved the peels just you guys know [Music] oh okay let's go to side camera okay there we go okay Pierre we go let's go and strip this out okay there we go and this is the Liam Lee 0-1-1 Dynamic the classic no die I know no evo here just a classic 0-1 no XL just a classic kill one one got the fluid gaming ready for it already she's gonna strip it all down yeah Bruce I know this is a lot of people's favorite case they all like this case okay let's go to top down let's get our let's get our build in here and then we have like I said we've already got the fans in and stuff like that just trying to keep you guys I mean like when you put this many fans and there's a lot of fans okay let's drop this in there we are guys it's looking good inside of there you got those varter fans already set up why is this not lined I Know It lines up there we go okay there we go okay that was nice it like landed in the screw hole that like never happens okay let's switch to our other our other screwdriver the wow stick needs to take a break as we start doing these ones that you need the magnet for there we go okay dropping this one in two more one more I guess they didn't give me one this they didn't give me a screw for up there so I'm going to take this one out as much as probably this might not have a screw in the there's put this one up here rather them all around there we go okay screws are in okay so now we're gonna do guys let's go and hit our put in our side our all our front panel connections get that all squared away okay so what do we need to do now we need to grab our grab our cables which we have a lot of them because of all these blooming fans I I like I like uh I do like EK fans they're they're very performant but I will say I'm I'm like they need to come up with a fan that that a fan that doesn't require two freaking uh cables per fan you know oh it's coming Bruce don't worry calm down it's coming oh man foreign Uber magnet one there's my Uber magnet screwdriver oh there it is like a little house under there it's funny I've never realized how much room is on underneath but like look at this like it's got like a little house in there you know what I mean like you could like it looks almost like a death star like you know you could fly like an X-Wing in there you turn this into a hanger for like little dudes I mean that's pretty nice I don't know a nice little bonus thing if you just uh you're waiting for your build and you need something else to do with your 0-1-1 in the short term like oh I know what I can do with it I'll play random games with it okay so we have so we've already got our RGB mostly hooked up okay so we're just going to take care of our side connections right now get those squared away [Music] okay where is our okay we'll leave all this stuff out okay so let's go to side camera here so our USB 3.2 is on the side okay that's great so run that right here we got HD audio and out right here we got our front panel connections yay there's all our front panels right there we've got our USBC foreign cables here okay so there's three cables right here okay so I got a couple three pin extensions here and these are four our we have six we have we're connecting all the fans up is what we're doing so what I've done just so you guys can see off of the side here is I've taken there's a three so we've taken these three cables these three fans and hooked them up to a three fan extension we're gonna run that right here okay then we have the same thing for these lower three fans there we go there's one two got one more right here okay so now what I've done is I've taken the three bottom fans these three bottom fans are running into fan connections and then they are going into this one okay so now I have six fans hooked up this is also going to run down here okay so we got all our fan all our connections done and the only thing that we have left which I'm going to go ahead and run now is this is our we basically have all of our RGB on a single splitter so I'm going to run this RGB out here right here and then that that'll run up here and we'll run that okay so that'll connect all of our cables in let's go to top down so you guys can see all this stuff get plugged in all right okay first one this is all of our RGB for the entire build so we're going to plug this in right here okay there's that RGB we have USBC U.S best set there we go and then lastly need to rotate this but take care of that here in a minute USB 3.2 okay there we go so all of our cables are now plugged in now we need to go down here which these are going to be hard for you to see okay so we're hooking up our fan cables right now not easy with the fans here but I'm going to nail it anyway because I'm Pro there we go got it okay and the last thing we're gonna do is come over here and hook up our HD audio Okay cool so we got all of those in last thing we got to do is hook up our front panel connectors of which we have almost all of them power switch no we have hard drive light that's interesting got that cleanly added hard drive light there we go power switch goes next to it I'll show you these and power plus and minus right next to it okay there we go so all of our front panel is now plugged in okay so now what we have is USBC sorry uh we have our RGB USBC USB 3.2 we have our front panel connections our two fans so all of these fans are hooked up and we've got our HD audio in the bottom left so yeah all everything's all hooked up guys okay so now what we can do is flip this over oh snap look at all these cables brutal but now we can do is for these at least the fan stuff is start getting the fans kind of cleaned up here okay let's grab our zip ties there we go zoom out a little bit there we go so there's that one okay so there's all of our there's the left three fans Hey lamphere spook thank you very much for the sub okay there we go and again this is all of the connections from this left hand side and we've got them all to a USB splitter on the on the bottom so pretty simple little setup there okay now I'm going to go ahead and use it even a little bit more cleaner thank you let me grab my cutters here where are they they're there my favorite ones my the ones I was using in bought in uh Sheboygan we're sticking a bit okay cool I'll be right down all right there we go so that's that's all clapped clamped in good to go I'm gonna take care of this once I get all of my all of my uh RGB done now let's go ahead and get this squared away okay I'm gonna disconnect this Twisted in and I will say this guys one thing a secret to cable management is if you get stuff that's Twisted in unplug it and untwist it you know what I mean it's just it's gonna make it so for the Lee and Lee when you think about cable management for a lien Leo one one the way to think about it because of the unique way that this case is designed with the stack the best thing to do is to try and get cable clumps into like Samesies so like I'm gonna I'm focusing right now on getting all of my fan stuff so it's all the clumps are just fans does that make sense and then what I'll do is I'll disconnect these so all I have is I want the fans none of the fans twist it up with the RGB lighting there you go okay so this is all of my fans not you guys different fans different fans Not You fans different fans 51 of 51 guys we're about 50 Subs away from the next giveaway okay now what I'm doing here I'm gonna do the same thing kind of get these into a clump and then I'm gonna I'm gonna kind of the main reason I'm doing this is like to get this down into a bottom because like again there's not a ton of room in the middle part of this case so I'm going to put it here so I can kind of keep these clumped up makes it easy for me to know that hey these are all the bottom fans then what I can do here I'm just going to go ahead and zip tie these two down here together then I have like a nice little group of fan only cable connections here thank you very much everybody for hanging out today okay so there we go all of our fans are all in one group now there we go okay now what we're going to do let's work on getting this squared away just need to make sure none of this and we're going to use these tie downs here keep things clear thank you very much for all the subscriptions guys over at YouTube see my last above Kurosaki I didn't see it buddy well I'm glad you enjoyed them that's a good thing right like just uh getting to enjoy a stream you do not need the heatsink on the only place where you would need it is if you decide to use it for the PlayStation 5. I'm doing good retired I'm gonna go head down real quick guys I gotta go talk to my team for one second I'll be right right back to stand foreign foreign foreign foreign sorry about that guys okay we're back Kurosaki I missed it okay so we are I'm probably gonna do this I might hold off on going any lower until I get all of these hooked up with everything else but for the most part we actually have things starting to simmer down here from a cable management standpoint then I'll hook this up last one of the things I can do see this really weird thing okay just gonna cable manage this in if I said lazy I don't think it's going to in fact the fact that Xbox actually raised the price of their their console I I just don't I think with the recession and with a lot of things going on I just don't think price cuts are going to be are going to be in the in the future here guys it's a it's a bit of economy right now I could probably it's like it's funny because I like I want to do more cable management but I know I'm just going to get myself in trouble if I do it because it's just not the kit the build's not at the point where it's good for yet okay so you've got a good we're at a good spot spot right now we've got this is where things sit where you're seeing these extra cables here are mostly from these are all of the the stuff that still needs to kind of get tied into stuff I think this one is actually let me look at this I think this is 100 ready to Cable manage okay these are this is actually ready to Cable manage so let's see what I can do here let me figure this part out I just realized this is all hooked up so we're going to work on here is how do we make this this look good okay we're just working on right now is just getting this slowly into something a little bit more manageable here this is always that guys I'll tell you for Owen ones I mean the one thing that people do as in and they know is that like well you can just use the do you need anything Brian are you good yeah uh I would just text just like he should know where he probably put he I mean I'm sure it's in the whatever the adapter thing is so I would just text him real quick I know he's back in the back in the thing sorry dude that blows all right so that that looks like this would be for these so that that takes care of this little Clump right here and then I've got this three and I might zip tie these three together to make that easy but a lot of people think I'll just throw the cable management stuff in it I mean the cable cover on it'll look amazing but I mean the thing is it's just a pride thing you just gotta you just gotta work on all the pride you got to make sure you take pride in the work that you do and get it done you know foreign to do is clump I'm going to Clump the ones that work together so I can so you're seeing me do this this is just saying that this is these three belong to each other it just makes debugging the issue a whole lot easier guys and you would definitely in a case like this when you have this many connections you want to make sure that your debugging is pretty straightforward and zip ties are cheap okay so I've got all that clumped up okay that's all clumped up and ready and then once we get these last couple figured out we'll be good to go here now these all Belong Together okay so as we'll worry about later okay cool and what I went what I can do now is because of that I can do my HD audio cable again okay on the AIO guys okay so let's grab our AIO because we're looking pretty good here 52 guys we're on our way towards those on our way towards that next that next goal let's lift this up get ready for our AIO work okay so our AIO is already put together and then all we need to do is plug we have one and then these so we have everything basically ready to go so once we get it through would be good so I am going to go ahead and create 125 at 250 guys Old MacDonald Had a Farm a-i-a-i-o and on his farm he had an EK varter fan oh [Music] okay so there we go that's gonna make it a little easier just to get it going it's funny because I think what I'm going to do let me rethink this let me rethink this simplify we're going to do she's going to simplify our connection because I'm going to plug this right below it there we go it's always the most the most hair brain part it's like I just want to get my there it is there we go okay okay so this is our fans all right got that now and what I'm going to do is I'm essentially just going to make this as short as possible because there's no reason to do it long and then we can help we can actually hide this up in the aios up above the AIO because it's only going to connect right into right below it okay getting this all squared away all right cool okay so that's gonna make that a whole lot easier to just manage because it'll just be up we won't have to worry about it it's just there Okay cool so that's just going to make that hidden okay and then what we'll do with these is the other part so this is just to get our string this is just little thinking man's game guys little thinking man's game to get our cabling done make our build look that much cleaner there we go be careful not to cut that okay so now we got a clear path for installing this so let's get this in now nice clean AIO ready to go let's go to side camera oh okay so what we're going to do here is plug this into the CPU fan CPU connection right here there you go take this is going to go in here we go this is going to go into our pump header there we go and this is going to go right up here okay so we have all of our cables now up and hidden okay just for the sink Simplicity and put one in and then we easily we I put two screws in the top one in the top left and one in the top right and main reason for that is just it makes it easier to remove the remove it if I need to get to it there you go okay there we go okay here we go now we can get to cables just make sure everything's hidden okay cool see there you go and then now you have your one little set of cables that are going up and everything looks nice and clean here looks good so let's take our thing and put it down well one set guys my daughter's calling there we go okay sorry okay now I'll get you guys a top-down view so you can see what things look like right now okay so as you can see by doing what I did we've got all your cables already hidden and they're not gonna now go into the back area so you're not gonna they're not gonna be additional cables that you have to sit there and manage anymore now what I can do just to make this a little simpler I could run these under I think the best thing to do well I mean I could run these under and then through like this so we have like a much more clear path and then up and through see what I'm doing there and then we'll use the cold plate to kind of hold it what you do is you look for this there you go and so now I can see that none of them are holding now I can pull this tight okay now pop these on one more there we go what's up Halo uh this is because it's not this is from a uh this is from a uh uh pre-built selection um the and the other thing too is like you don't need an x670 hero unless I was going to custom water cool I mean you're spending a lot of money for a lot of features that you don't you wouldn't necessarily use so using motherboards it doesn't improve performance to buy a more expensive motherboard and this has a lot of the just core functions of the x670 hero without the additional price okay there you go okay so now we have an even more cable managed situation here okay so I'm going to do now is just try and make the cables look like a single unit up here we did an H9 build we did an H9 build I remember it wasn't that long ago so I don't think it'll be another one for a while I have an all-white one that I'm probably going to do at some point in time for sure okay at this point in time all I'm doing is trying to minimize the look of cables see so now we have very few cables that are showing there find our extra cables there's that one I mean I need to find them okay okay okay let's cut this cut this oopsie cut this there you go and now foreign rotate that we just have a single cable up looks nice and clean and we throw that up there you can hardly even see the little bands making it simple which is what we want okay so now that's the AIO it's all hooked up it's got all its connections here everything's there it's ready for the parts let's flip this over okay so now this is our that's to our this is to our AIO so now our AIO color is done okay and then this is going to go right here where is it okay listen to this that I don't need I mean I have two okay cool where is that so that'll come off of the art that'll get that that I don't need anything that's coming off of this and this is coming off of this I feel like there's a daisy chain thing that I'm missing here okay let's get this cleaned up the gpus and RTX 3090 there we go it's going to have this go into the rest of the cable connections here and you want it to be functional so you don't want this to be too tight up above okay there we go and now what we're going to try and do as best as we can go there we go foreign cool now we have all these in the right spot then I have them so if I need if these two end up being something I need to worry about I can figure that out see there's this right I have right here and then that take care of all these I feel like one of these is like I'm missing something but I have the connection for it so if I end up finding it when I get later I just want to keep these loose in case there's a problem but now I can just go ahead and zip tie this so you guys can see here now we can work on our cable extensions there you go okay all of our cables are ready these will get these will get buried let's get buried later once we do our uh once we do our PSU PSU will bury all these we'll still be able to get to them all right cool there is our connections all squared away everything's really nice and clean and easy to basically get to now we'll just when we put our PSU in here it'll be really easy what we're going to work on now is get our cable extensions in just add that color pop the rest of this actually looks really clean okay let's throw some cable extensions in there you go is there is there an upcoming streaming Pig radio show you know that was going to be a thing oh he's like I don't stream we have pig radio all the time though see you almost get him you almost get him just from being here it's like he's streaming but not streaming okay guys come on we got 47 more Subs still here we have cable extensions the cable comes wait no Combs oh I don't know if I'm gonna use these maybe there's Combs on the inside one sec there's the Combs are over here no cable Combs no thank you now they are anyways cable Combs okay cool sweat he's trying to get you to do it yeah you could do v-tubing I don't know if you know about this but blade of ice is a v tuber Pig uh EV tubes knitting he's got a big audience he's a knitting V tuber and he's also a uh he's also a hockey V tuber hence the blade of ice oh I'm sorry was that a secret blade I'm sorry I'm sorry Secrets out uh it's basically you stream behind an avatar so like you don't people don't see your face I probably would have way more stream I would I probably have way more viewers if I was a v tuber but you see my you see my ugly mug I like your ugly mug and your shirt thanks dude Prince they're like it's the opposite Roby we watch you because you aren't a VB uh pushing like what color what would you consider exotic you could do a pig Avatar my guy Sean could do a pig avatar for you we did an orange and yellow build I mean we did an orange build uh for the um we use the cougar Conker deadly 707 thing for the sub guys we're trying to get the we're trying to give away a an nvme SSD let's see if we can make it happen oh these are going to look good though you don't consider red and black uh red and Black's not considered a exotic huh okay we're just gonna make this stay where it needs to the key here is to make sure that this does not move we have something I can strap it into I can strap it in right there foreign is just making sure we have a 90 degree angle here like it doesn't curve down thank you this is the key part here so when that red and that we want that red and black black to look good you know okay looks nice right you just want that to be even that's all okay that takes care of that problem let's throw our our CPU extensions in it's looking good chippy deserves his own stream channel oh oh Pig rate is going to take over for Chippy huh I'm glad you guys like it we want it to look clean that's the whole point I cleaned my PC daily that's not true I just want to sound like I really care where is my light it's not the lightest thing in here there we go foreign there we go okay cable hooked up America saved that's how America does it that's how we do it and it's worked out pretty good so far 146 guys let's get head over to robitech live hit that Thumbs Up Button gotta get 250 unlock the giveaway see if we can get some hype going with some see we get some hype going with uh with some subs we can unlock the uh unlock the extra giveaway for the one terabyte nvme there's much to be unlocked much to be much to be given okay oh what the whoa that was a knife it's just sitting out ready to stab me it is a two by eight but I only have one extension so we're only gonna hook up one which I'm not you don't need the second one almost ever okay let's make sure that this is 100 straight Madeira you can overclock quite a bit with only a one it's only really for ln2 overclocking for what a cooler can pretty much handle you you're you only need one yeah we have some on the way to check out I'm excited to check out their new AIO all right cool takes care of that issue okay look at all those cables guys it's all done okay let's pop this down let's work on our vertical mount what we want is just to make sure these looks nice and clean and simple just wanted to look pretty I think it looks pretty clean got a nice bit of color in there all right let us work on this oh that's why haha now take this out there we go now we take this there we go one second guys one sec remember foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign not muted now okay sorry I'm trying to figure out okay so here's the deal there's an order of operations thing you put this in but there are screws up here at the top that you need to be able to get to and I don't know how to get to them to do the vertical mounting yeah so I can undo this but it's not going to help me get this screwed in because this goes right here and this goes but I don't have a way to screw this into unless there's another part that I'm missing like there's like literally no way I know this works I can do it this way but it's I don't think that's the way you do it you go to side it's less tall it's a two slot card shoot I can get it this way I don't think this is supposed to how you're supposed to do it but it's working okay well it worked I don't know I don't think that's how you're supposed to do it but whatever you have to like bend the car down that makes no sense okay well that did it but I don't know why that worked was it shouldn't it shouldn't do it that way but there's another way but I that works so whatever okay let's go to top down there we go okay GPU is in now let's put one thing we are forgetting guys almost forgot up here nobody reminded me we got all these screws up here the i o is currently Holding On by two screws three screws four screws there we go this seems better there's an even number of screws how we doing likes on YouTube guys we need 75 more likes on YouTube head on over there's 460 people here right now okay okay now it is all secured with all the screws okay all the screws are plugged in it's all secured okay now let's go ahead we just got to do our cable and then we can do in our PSU and then we're done guys hey Street geek thank you for the sub I mean it's thing for the dollar six more come on guys let's get those last let's get those last uh let's get unlock that uh let's unlock that one terabyte nvme drive who wants to start getting some sub-hype going oh I forgot to do our hard drive too and if you wanted to add an nvme to this this would all that would also be hard there's like you'd have to like pretty much take the whole thing out it's kind of annoying for the vert mounting I mean okay make sure it's super plugged in we don't want any fires what's the F for man okay there we go build from the front is done there we go looks nice and clean there we go what do you guys think EK fluid Works looking good okay let's do our hard drive in foreign run the cable for that too which almost forgot side view there we go four terabyte drive pop this down okay and we are now at the very final part we're going to grab our Santa cable here there we go it's gonna go right here top down there we go okay guys this is like pretty much the end right now we're just gonna start the stacking process and that's all there is to this now 1000 watt PSU now now uh super swag we do you just got to cover the import taxes but yeah we do we don't build very many PCs anymore for people though okay there we go guys this is is all there is the very end of the whole build the first thing we're going to do is take this plug this into right here we go there we go no that's the Blake Blake Nikki that's ryzen doing its job cinebench it always tries to maximize its power so it runs Max heat so the better you cool it the more powerful it actually is but it'll try and get to 97. so no it's fine same thing with the 7950 when we run when we run temps on this it's going to hit Max and it doesn't matter how good this cooler is it's just it's going to still hit Max it's just how ryzen does it now and they and you can run it at that temp for a long time it's meant that was direct from AMD okay next up let's grab our PSU cable awkward you gotta run this down here but it's what the build needs okay what we're doing now is we're just getting things controlled so it's not again we're going to stack the key thing here is just to make sure that from the top when we put the ex the cover on you can't see anything so I want this to be as clean as humanly possible given that there's only so much you can do but all good okay I'm gonna pre-run so I can if I want to run that other cable I want to run a second CPU I got a place to do it just need to get a second cable extension it's easy enough to add there we go and the last cables our oh I don't need this that's what I was benching it okay this is our last group of cables here we go there we go there we go there we go okay and again we're just making a spine of stacked cables a pretty straightforward Cable Management technique but it makes it easy and the thing is like you can as I need to get down to the lower levels of this and work through like I can get to GPU cables I can get to the other fan cables they get really easy just kind of unstack and get to them is all I'm trying to do so it's still easy to work on the PC should I need to but it's still clean there we go okay now comes a simple fun part now we make it hold itself see there we go and that's what I'm trying to do is just to make sure that you can't see any cables or as few cables as possible from the top and there you go looks nice and clean a little bit wishing try your best to like basically make this so all you see here all you see here is the power cables hey Igor thank you very much for four taking us up there we're getting close guys let's take us to that and then again all you can see is the power and then you just have that one cable up at the top and even this looks quiet and nice as well there we go build is done paglamia thank you for the resub with prime we are taking it guys can we get those last 40. let's give away a let's give away a uh let's give away a storage a nice one terabyte India me drive love to do it there we go there's our build looks very clean looks like it fits even from the side it has nice clean angles clean lines okay and there it is we are at 59 can we get those last ones guys can we get those last 40 one terabyte that's right it's going to terrorize you okay let's see how many let's see how many zip ties we did was it even or odd and then we'll do our deals run through our our sponsor go from there okay let's go to top down even or odd that was the question guys okay here we go let's start it with one two three four five there's five one two three four five there's ten one two three four five one two three four five there's fifteen one two three four five there's 20. one two three four whoa one two three four five there's twenty five one two three four five thirty five ten fifteen twenty twenty five thirty Thirty is Riddick dropping 20 gifted Subs there it is and even guys we're now 20 away from a one terabyte nvme drive let's get those last 20 Riddick's trying to get us there good timing Riddick in terms of the when you when you did that that was a good hype that was a good hype spot and it was even guys okay let's grab our PC here yeah the P this is much more of a traditional like everybody loves these builds the Lee and Lee it's been a while since we've done an 0-1 build now the question is will it post will it post and then we got the peel now there is a chance and we will have one we'll have one issue with some of the RGB I well I'm ready for it I don't know I'll have to see here in a minute okay let's bring this up uh Sakura build if you look in if you look on the YouTube channel it's all there I think it was 30 3400 um uh Tom would know for sure because he's got it all there on his OneNote okay so you get finished building a PC like this and you're like hey now I need to put Windows on it and Windows 10 is about to actually as a tomorrow like Windows 10 stops going on sale tomorrow so you're like oh I want to get a copy of Windows 11 you know so how much does a copy of Windows 11 cost well let's take a look here well let's wait for this to do its thing first okay so you're like oh I need Windows 11. so we do search here Windows 11. not Windows Windows 11. and there it is right there 216.94 if you were to go to like Best Buy or Microsoft store or anything like that but here at VIP slash you can pick it up for 31 and 37 cents but if you hit buy now and he used code rbck at checkout and hit apply what was 31.37 is now only 21.96 so pretty good savings you know down from 216 bucks it's like less than 10 percent or just at 10 percent of the total cost what about Microsoft 365 formerly known as office so here's Microsoft Office 2021 it's regularly 206 dollars and again if you have questions we've had thousands of people who've used this including myself um so here it is 74.52 but you can actually pick it up now today uh for if you use same code rbck at checkout and what was 74.52 you could actually pick up for 52.16 so pretty dang good deal I mean again you have access to we've had thousands of people who've who've used these codes before so if you want to check it out again VIP slash a great place to go and pick up a copy of Windows and then you don't have to have that pesky activate Windows in the corner and you can do things like wallpaper engine and all that sort of stuff uh and do your uh your customization of Windows which can be useful you don't have to uh Windows is one of those things that a lot of it kind of works without Activation so it's up to you if that annoys you or not but we've given you an option if it does okay other thing I want to tell you about is uh you know as you're shopping for Hardware you know you've come here you're like oh Roby I'm really inspired to build a PC but I don't know where to go to find good deals on on Hardware Etc we'll head over to where we take deals on Twitter where our guy Tom is basically finding all sorts of like here you go holy deals Batman a ryzen 9 7 900x with a b650f uh with a g-skill X5 series 32 ddr5 600 bucks at Micro Center right now so again you can get almost an entire PC for 600 bucks right there and then you know you can see retweets and all that sort of stuff so great place to go find deals all the time if you don't want to just wait for streams because we're always going to highlight deals on the streams and he has literally tens of thousands of followers who are always looking for a good place to find deals and he's always active trying to get you guys the best deal on stuff so that is that last thing I want to tell you guys about is for instance somebody asked hey Roby how much was the Sakura building just go over to here to builds right there and then you can see here's the EK fluidworks inspired build and there's the Sakura build so you can find all the parts that we just did for the Sakura build right there you can purchase them right here and we of course get the affiliate uh Kickback from there there's our main gear build that we just did and then there is the wave build that we did just not that long ago which is actually going to be coming out tomorrow so again head over builds if you're looking for that let's see what deals though uh see what deals Tom has for us today so XFX Speedster Merc 319 RX 6950 we have a whole video on this if you want to know if the 6950 is still relevant it's still great card and it's become cheaper and cheaper 689 dollars right now over at Newegg and you can use promo code SSC n3383838 whatever that says to pick it up RG strix uh 32 inch uh 1440p curved gaming monitor this is a uh 170 Hertz one millisecond extreme low motion blur sync with freesique premium free seat premium HDMI points uh and srgb 299.99 that's a heck of a deal for a um Asus monitor uh Rose well Specter D100 ATX mid Tower gaming case with tempered glass you can buy it for fifty four dollars and look it's got mesh we have used Rosewell cases before a long time ago at Microsoft it's actually neweggs native brand and their cases are actually pretty good we've actually had a couple of them they've been pretty good and again Gamers Nexus is viewed them in some other ones because they're because their abs systems come with them ryzen 5 5600 not the 5600x six core 3.5 gigahertz 65 watt can be pretty much cooled by just blowing on it right now on sale 129.99 these are about 40 percent less powerful than their X variants uh when it comes to gaming specifically and then uh they're actually a significant drop from the 12th gen versions of these uh WD black one terabyte sn770 which is actually well I think we're giving this away on sale right now 69.99 which is a great price for this uh this nvme drive Cooler Master in our 200p white sff small form factor Mini ITX case uh love this case it's nice and small uh it you know you can put uh you can do a 30 90 in it uh you could do a 30 uh sorry a 30 80 TI note 4000 series in this right now but uh love these it's on sale right now 97 99 and they have a myriad of different colors so good job on the fines Tom good job everybody say good job Tom finding all the deals uh yes it does come with Jedi Survivor yes it comes with Jedi Survivor which is a freaking fantastic game I'm so stoked we will actually be doing a build and a game play around that when that gets closer to launch so yes it does come with Jedi Survivor if you want to get a free copy of that okay so we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna do the vote here the question is does it post does it post is where we're at right now um I need this there you go now this thing has a lot of i o I think I forgot to peel the back I did I forgot to peel the back off the aisle foreign you guys ready do we have has it already gone through are we good Blondie I don't even know I I shouldn't have to ask I probably if she's going to yell at me for asking but I always got to we are good okay guys here we go time to give it a go I'm curious if all the RGB is going to light up I'm actually more interested if that's if I did it all right oh oh I missed two fans okay remember I said I might have missed one I did I missed two fans on the top okay so let's fix those two fans this is what I was ready for I was so close I'm still waiting to see if it posts it's a 79.50 so it's gonna take a little while foreign I just got to find that cable which I have it down at the bottom so we'll get to and with posted guys we are posted there it is right there we are posted and we are good to go so that is a win right there okay so let me just fix this let me get this fixed now we got we got a RGB cable I need to plug in here I'm going to lay this on its face work on I'm going to starve this GPU of air right now okay there's that ow I hit myself with a giant okay so this is a cable I think we're missing a plug-in here there it is okay see if this makes it work oh shoot dang it we have them all it is all lit up okay it is good we have a fixed our problem that's why I put it where I put it here we go let's fix this now I was I was like I was like come on I'm gonna I'm gonna I knew it was gonna fail but I'm glad I uh glad I I was like yep I'm just gonna make it so I can get to it right thing to do and it made it easy this is why you do what you do you don't cable manage it to the point where you can't work on it so that's what I did and this is where you proved like you can still cable manage and still make it completely possible to work on your rig she's got to be smart about it okay we are in it is fixed let's get it back up now I can go to moot I can go to mood mode no the rubber feet came off that's lame there you go okay rubber feet fixed okay let us go to mood mode actually hold on let's do it this way have you guys have some fun there all our cables are lit there we go foreign for some peel action and we are posted right now ready here we go first one boom second one let's go to the side here boom there it is I have a feeling I think there's yeah there's there's still stuff inside I would have peeled that the inside if I would have known that it's not quite clear I didn't know the P there was I didn't know I thought I'd peeled the inside but I guess I had kind of unfortunate because now you guys didn't get the full tier wow this is like this is like the stickiest peel on the planet guys I don't think this is like the I don't think this is the stuff that comes with the case I'm not sure wow that was hard to get off that was brutal that was like the worst okay let me I'm gonna you have to clean it afterwards see if I can where is it there it is trying to get it a little bit cleaner that is like really bad um okay we got it clean it was like really extra sticky you guys can hear me hear me working at it to get it clean very cool I think that's good much cleaner now cow rail drop in five guys we're 15 away let's finish it there we go look at that cleanliness much cleaner that's what it's supposed to look like see if there's one on this this does not look like it has one outside here okay now we have it all done okay systems clean what do you guys think Riddick dropping nine thanks buddy thanks man did you do you need to dump the files or okay thanks thanks man okay system is up systems running Igor drops it and we're at 98. Igor's like we're not taking it all the way to the end we're going to let somebody else get these last two what do you guys think of the build though looks good right okay so let's get this done real quick it's got all the air going so this is a 79.50 with a RTX 4090 in vertical Mount configuration with all of our stuff in we are posted one thing I am going to grab real quick is I'm going to grab bios for it and then we'll uh we'll flash it and then we'll get into the OS gifting it in volhawks and that takes us to a hundred guys our camera's doing its thing again hold on one sec get in there and I'll set the next goal there we go okay so we are now in the Bios what we're gonna do real quick you guys love seeing all this stuff first thing we're gonna do is find our missing there's our that's Windows where's my missing where's the blue top oh there it is okay let's grab our cut let's grab our bios here this is the x670e before I do that let me go here sub goals we're at 100 okay next goal is up guys we want to double the power of that you know actually hold on hold on let's do this let's do this let's do this I think that's all right let's do this let's do this there you go let's do this there you go made it lower whoa okay uh and so we're at 160 we'll get it to two terabytes what am I looking for here let's grab our x670-e [Music] support just going to grab our bios real quick there's one from 11 2022 x670e e right yes gaming Wi-Fi hold on one sec guys putting our putting our copying our stuff in just going to make sure our bias is up to date foreign now we just pop that in here there we go let's go to F10 nope not F10 F7 go to a tool Flash let me go to this one Asus 8 x 670 e Dash e King Wi-Fi there it is yes and there we go now we are updating everything's Cal rail thing for the 100 bits Vol Hawks okay guys so we want to Max rambone we're remembering what days I had corners and I had to go cut my own stitches okay now we're just waiting for the update for the BIOS and then we'll be oh the OS is already ready to go huh there it is from the static view looking really good I like how clean I always like how clean these build all these builds always look there's nice clean builds sitting there rating Chad gets dark from time to time that's okay what are they talking what are you guys talking about wait what is going on in chat are you guys talking about spankings did Tom start this conversation again pretty sure it was Tom Tom I've told you to stop convers bringing these conversations to bear AP conversation see your way out of it she's they say to the streamer you don't belong in this conversation [Laughter] I was always a good but I was always a good boy Max the one year that I regret though is when my sister decided to become a tooth fairy and then her wand became a switch uh Tommy uh I we have a we have a little air blowers is one of the best way to do it uh weekend uh Tom can you get him an air blower that's one of the best ways to do it then the other two is just powered off and then isopropyl alcohol and yeah it's pretty straightforward from there uh there was a guy who came in and we just did it live fixing the the transitions so it was like I was really appreciative for him he helped me get him fixed okay we're just waiting for the system to boot up again yeah it's not it's not hard again you don't really need to do wipe Downs again if you use a microfiber cloth and a duster you can get all most of it out without even having to touch your board all that much with isoprophobic guys we need 20 we need 17 more likes right yeah 17. let's go head over to Robotech live hit that like button and hit don't forget to subscribe over there too hit the Subscribe hit that sub that sub and the notification Bell so you get notified we make videos about stuff there it is one cool air duster don't you want to see videos about stuff yeah we're gonna bench all that stuff run some run some testing you guys are gonna see some gameplay see how this thing does yeah that's why we like the that's why we like the the air dusters I haven't noticed any issue with them I mean I've had we've had a number of these okay docp let's make sure restarts bar is on yep okay we're good okay see if this boots if we get the timing the ram works foreign we're just waiting that's a good sound looks like we are posting that's a good sign looks like we're gonna get our full Ram capabilities okay wow we're three quarters of the way towards a build mat guys we're just waiting for the OS to pop in do I build eight no I've never done OEM is way more picky than like an SI this is like typical parts that you would get in an SI you know Alienware makes their own cases and stuff like that it's waiting for the system to finish booting up there we go nice Igor come on guys we need those last last nine saw a nice last nine likes okay okay hold on let me put this up here so you guys can see yeah I have a tendency to like I have a void OEM one thing I really do like about Alienware is Alienware is um their uh specifically their um what's the word I'm looking for they're laptops I really like their laptops so we already have games and stuff on this guys we just have to wait for Armory create like it just needs to set up all the ASU stuff real quick while we wait for this I am going to do one thing real quick looks like we need one more thumb and then we'll unlock the one we will have unlocked one 25 new gift card and we will have unlocked a one terabyte nvme SSD it's waiting for the preparing the installation there we go guys thank you skull for giving them out the hype train upgrades the 25 becomes the one terabyte Blondie that's what I said earlier so 25 becomes the one terabyte guys we're gonna try and unlock the two terabyte I I discounted it by the number of stream a number of a number of Subs we still got some we still got some benching to do so you got some time though apparently I'm benching eight Armory crate are you do you guys like having nvmes is are they good motivators or is there something else you guys would rather have like would you rather have like CPUs like if we gave away like a 5600 what would be more interesting for you guys for giveaways I'm trying to think of cool giveaways would you rather have gift cards like if I did like 150 gift card 40 90 you'd have to have yes I 49 it could be on there it's just a lot of Subs 40 90 you'd have to have 1600 Subs oh headsets keyboards mice like 40 like 1600 Subs we did the street we did the oh steam deck oh stream Decker steam deck 2023 Golf R I like that so you guys like heart you guys like PC Hardware I guess if I did if I did in if I did neweggift cards though then you could buy hard drives 10 terabytes is a lot okay let's reopen the app okay so this is an AMD system okay let's go to Armory crew let's go to here let's go to rfx Let's do let's do Starry Night we'll do background with red and then we'll do the effect with white how about that that is crazy okay let's slow it down a little bit let's go to side what do you do that is that two maybe slower down I think we want to do the other way let's do background white and effect red uh nope let's not do that um static red oh gradient this you just want red it's an AMD system okay we'll just leave it red we'll leave it red red it is okay red for AMD okay let's uh let's go ahead and do let's uh let's do um maybe I didn't do this okay let's go to capture let's get our uh let's grab Hardware info monitor real quick then we'll we'll just do a quick cinebench score just see how I mean I it's hard to do uh it's hard to do um AMD just because how it does Cooling so if I made it up would you guys prefer let's do a vote would you rather me make it 150 new a gift card or leave it as an nvme SSD Blondie's gonna do the vote yeah do a poll pull I wait for these installs and stuff oh man why does it have all these things these are all done I wasn't expecting that okay I did not expect it to need all this stuff so I because I already did all this testing but I forgot because I switched drives maybe there was more now these things are like going crazy skip so I don't need a chipset driver the Wi-Fi and audio driver can fly I feel like steam is being wacky what was it say Bill what was that what was the the vote win I didn't see what it said 151 okay we'll change it change it to 250 our new gift card then guys you guys voted I'm changing it based on what you guys want we'll change it down to 150. there you go just gotta unlock it okay just downloading cinebench real quick it's up to you guys all you got to do is get 50 there's 424 people here that'd be an easy thing to unlock you can use prime Subs all that sort of stuff right now we're going to give away an nvme SSD though that's we have a one terabyte unlocked right now and a 25 new gift card cats just waiting for the restart we're just waiting for this to finish it's like watching paint dry right now guys but I want to make sure all the drivers are up to date because it's like the best way to make sure it's good so these are all good there's always I'll tell you man I do not know what's up with their uh I do not know what's up with their CDN okay all of the games are finished uploading that's good yeah okay so we're just waiting for this to get finished then we're done foreign about this guys we just gotta wait for this last bit yeah they become a lot more you can use a lot more windows 11 stuff now Norton 360 for gamers we only suck up most of your power I just don't understand why this is so slow no do you have them Blondie we can do them on Saturday we'll just do a double one on Saturday because we had one new person but we didn't we didn't uh I don't have I didn't have the the stuff to do it I didn't have the the pen and stuff to do it okay and this real Tech audio driver uh develop at this point in time I would recommend going to Windows 11 because it's going to get updates and you can buy it so what's up surge I haven't had any problems with it either I've had problems with waiting for this driver to install uh I use Windows Defender which is more than good enough honestly honest uh for gaming though for Windows 11 because Windows 11 actually has modifications especially if you if you want to do e-cores but the difference between them is so minimalistic it doesn't really matter Windows 10 is actually slightly faster still Windows 15 nice yeah I've gotten used to UI now and you can still move stuff left and right it wouldn't matter develop it Windows 11 is just it's going to get started just gonna get the support but it's like the same argument as like Windows 8 when you went to Windows 10 and then Windows 10 when you went to Windows 11. so I guess you could wait for Windows 12 which is supposed to come out what this year or something like that what's wrong I worked on Windows XP for Movie Maker and Windows Media Player wow this is taking a really long time guys oh Windows 7 sorry windows 7. you know it's a flex installing this Windows this real Tech audio driver hey it might be done in this Windows night I miss windows 3-1-1 I miss window I miss I miss dos 5.0 setting emm and expanding memory to Shadow memory and running emm 386 and setting up 57 boot options and I remember I missed I miss sitting I missed setting my RQ settings and my dma setting and my team I miss setting my sound blaster my Roland I miss I miss I miss installing windows with I miss installing games from 78 three and a half inch in the uh three and three three and a half inch drives I I miss when when uh when games came with physical copy protections like turn to the page and look at this red thing yeah I miss I miss setting irq7 or irq5 I miss installing having to install the speech pack for wind for a wing Commander I I miss I missed one I only had a 12 megabyte hard drive I miss clippy I do miss Clippy their PC World was in darkness I like that Kurosaki I miss bbs's I miss the Zip drive oh my gosh I forgot about the Zip drive okay we're good here finally everything's updated sorry guys I miss I miss Word Perfect the blue Word Perfect I miss I miss waking up to the morning of the dot matrix printer [Music] I miss IDE I miss I miss AOL I miss having to program using Punch Cards [Laughter] laughs I miss Molex wait no I don't you got mail I missed laserdiscs yeah basic I miss snake I miss Commander Keane I miss that's right I miss Yahoo messenger I miss uh MSN Messenger man wish when is MSM messenger coming back that's what we need screw Skype it's I am man I missed it came from the desert too I miss ventrillo I miss TeamSpeak [Laughter] I miss where in the World is Carmen San Diego that game was awesome man do you remember I missed seventh I missed I missed seventh guest in 11th Hour um okay we are in EK fluid gaming now okay guys so just so you guys know uh I do want to show this if you do a search here I do want to walk I didn't want to show you guys these here oh not so yeah that would be the opposite of what I wanted to do okay here is EK fluid gaming so again I don't think a lot of people know this but you can actually purchase full-blown custom PCS from Ek and so the one that we have is we have the gaming the battle line and we have the battle 195 this is the one that we're actually using right here so this is the one that we we've done the whole thing on this one comes with a PNY if you do get it it comes with the Jedi Survivor check this out though 40 94 499.99 which the total price when we priced it just purchasing yourself was 4 100 now I do have custom cables and stuff inside of this but um yeah you get oh this one actually comes with a two terabyte drive so you don't even get the hard drive yes I mean like it's actually pretty cool in terms of it's actually pretty cool in terms of the pricing and stuff like that so I mean fairly good pricing on this stuff and then if you want to go you can actually go up to custom gaming Loops so if you want to do custom gaming Loop PCS you can actually go here and buy their 195 system that actually is a um that actually are full loose so I mean there's there's a lot to actually go in there if you here you go right here so here's the Conqueror this is 7950x look at that with the distro plate it looks really pretty so again you have the option of actually buying just a full-blown custom water cooled system if you really want to I like how people are still playing I miss so yeah worth checking out they have great they have great um they have great uh warranty support we are going to be taking a look at one of these later with the custom water cooled system so you guys can see this but again if you guys want if you like this and you're like oh I don't want to build it you can actually purchase it right here for almost exactly the cost of building the PC and they do actually support a firm if you want to do financing I miss cyber Cafe's cool so that's EK fluid gaming which is the system we're running on which we've we which we got to build okay so let's take a look at cinebench real quick let's just get our cinebench score let's open up Hardware info monitor see how this thing does so there's our again expect your CPU package to spike that's what it does it's what it's supposed to do so let's go and just run we'll do one multi-core just to get a base level score for it now to 12 900k 3900k you get about I got 40K see what you get on a 7950x and there it is right there running at 95 that is completely by Design so there is 38 334 is our cinebench score and again this is normal for ryzen it is going to do this the entire time I miss when the Wayback machine was the right who remembers return to Zork I missed Napster wow it's flyby that's how it that's what it does if you put this on like a 420 it'd still run at 95. it just runs at tgp Max TJ TJ Max sorry TJ Maxx thermal Junction Max and it'll do this the whole time and the other reason that you know it it's not doing anything is check it out the score stays exactly the same yeah yeah if you just do the is there a 79.50 yeah there's a 7950 nonex so anyway there it is cinebench is really high not that you need to run cinebench but if you want to you can okay let's take a look at oh did I install I did not okay well let's let's let's throw that in here real quick and take a look here so we'll throw MSI afterburner on here real quick by the way I think I this came with a one terabyte drive I'm pretty sure it's oh I got 216 gigs left so I've got quite a bit installed on this including Call of Duty what does that even fit on a one terabyte drive no way foreign that's funny I miss Winamp I miss Blockbuster I missed having I miss having to I missed having to take a CRT Monitor and a winch every time I went to a LAN party I missed when everything was only MIDI um um I'm assume it's I'm going to look at Fan yeah it's gpu2 okay okay show on screen display group name RTX 4090 okay let's get this in here apply gpu2 usage shown on your screen apply I don't care about I do care about this I'll put it in there anyway uh actually nevermind power don't care about fan speed don't care about that okay CPU temperature [Music] show override group name ryzen 50x there we go CPU usage showing on green display GPU clock CPU power thrown on green display frame rate average flame late frame rate exactly show it in on tree display game apply apply Shawna okay cool now you got it all set let's start with our usual we'll start with uh good old Modern Warfare 2 okay let's Modern Warfare two hit play we'll do low settings just give us a go see how it's going to go I miss I miss fries I miss being able to buy only like if you remember when Fry's like was on the verge of closing and all you could buy was stuff that was like basically from um like overseas it was like all knockoffs um Circuit City wow yeah Juniper ours is still uh ours is still standing here in Seattle too foreign I forgot about that you should make this easier hold on okay ah yeah it still is it was like weird to go in there do you let me ask you this because we had fries do you ever did you ever go to Fry's when fries still had the cafeteria working like I never went to Fry's and they had the cafeteria I remember I I miss Earth and Beyond who played Earth and beyond God I missed that game X-Wing versus TIE fighter yeah I actually was like I was actually like ranked like number 33 in the world in X-Wing versus type fighter Pizza Planet still exists it's that it's at a it's at a it's at um uh Disney World you remember ShowBiz Pizza I miss Y2K dude that was some dark times guys remember dude that was not a fun that was not a fun uh that was not a fun New Year's Eve everybody's so freaked out okay let's go to options graphics full scheme there you go Gary Oak that's good quality basic apply uh uh Nvidia dlss where it balanced Supply okay there we go okay there we are we're ready let's check this out Benchmark start it does seem like this is low do you guys see that whoa cancel you guys don't see the game these are like it looks like I'm doing nothing what's going on here display settings oh that's white duplicate keep changes I was like you guys aren't seeing the game that was lame okay you see the game now maybe I have to oh I have to I think I have to restart the game oh dang it you guys could see the game we're all good there I don't know how it I don't know how it got out of that mode no I'm using uh I'm using a HD 4K 60s Plus plus plus plus I miss papa I miss VH1 Pop-Up Video pop-up video yeah that seems way better I'm used to seeing in the in the UI do you guys remember oh what were they called they were like Micro Machines but they were all metal and they were military and like I forgot what they're called they're good though they're cool okay gonna skip why is this running so bad I don't know this isn't usually this low temperatures are fine 40 90 sitting at 38. pulling 234 okay that seems fine oh never mind not the temp I mean those the yeah those are perfectly fine fps's never mind 221 Watts I think I completely missed well this is going to be high wow this is going to be really high guys wow 313 wow hahaha holy moly that's a that's a good score yeah but still I mean I even using dlss 330 usually it's like in the 280s that was with basic settings wow okay well that was good let's check out some uh let's check out some cyberpunk right you guys always want to see a little cyberpunk action California Raisins dude Heard it Through the Grapevine I'm about to lose my mind honey honey yeah I need voltron's still a thing though right because Voltron they have it on Netflix I don't miss GoBots I like that I don't miss kobays okay so we'll do we'll start with uh okay so let's go to Graphics we'll just put it on Ultra we'll turn dlss oh hey frame generation is on guys that's right I forgot they just added this okay so let's just do as it's set so we actually have frame generation I forgot that came out today okay so here we go okay this is just raw this is just raw 1440p native check my text messages oh guys 7900 xtxs are in stock so follow Robotech deals on Twitter because 7900 xtxs are in stock not bad this is native no dlss Darkwing Duck Life is Like a Hurricane here in duckburg race cars lasers airplanes it's a duck blur might solve a mystery duck oh yeah oh yeah dark queen died I don't I'm trying to remember dark queen duck I'm a tailspin what about what a believe it or not I'm Walking on Air I never thought I could feel so free he he got it away I sing and a prayer who could it be believe it or not it's just me laughs 79.39 FPS what about whatever we are the gummy gummy bears I'm trying to think of like the like the greatest like the greatest things what about Fraggle Rock down in Fraggle Rock down in Fraggle Rock who remembers Fraggle Rock okay guys let's check out frame generation this is orc Chaos's favorite okay let's go to Ultra frame generation on guys how many frames are we gonna get running benchmark what was what was what was the final what was it um man I can't remember the song from uh from American Tail the the the greatest Inspector Inspector Gadget [Music] go Gadget go well right now these frames are not good wow these are terrible this does not seem to be working very well [Laughter] next time Gadget next time I'll get you next time Gadget yeah it must be something else on G.I Joe Greatest American Hero GI Joe is there it's GI Joe against Cobra and Destro trying to save the day you never give up you're always there Fighting For Freedom over land and air G.I Joe this is running terribly I can't even get out of it what was that what was that Trent no it was Transformers more than meets the eye the Transformers yeah but I remember Thundercats Thundercats Thundercats Thundercats oh I love the Thundercat song I don't remember it now but I do I remember I liked it wow this is really really terrible guys I've done something wrong yeah yeah I've done something wrong something is terribly wrong yeah by the power of gray skull He-Man Space Ghost Coast to Coast yeah I've turned something off something is not right because this should be better than what I'm seeing right now um his Schwartz is as long as mine oh that's what it was somewhere out there beneath the trailing star we're gonna be together that's from uh that's from uh American Tail yeah let's find out what I did wrong and now I'm afraid to try again because it's like then we have to sit through that again uh where dreams come true see if this gets better when I get back into it I've done something wrong guys okay we'll go to default settings so we have Ray tracing alter okay defaults frame generation is on off apply okay running again I feel like something like I'm not look at that frame rate though I something's wrong all right something's wrong I'm doing something wrong well no the GPU has been fine I just got finished testing it with the with uh I just got it like with raw power it was fine there's something I've done wrong hold on let me close it okay so frame generation right now not working so well there must be something up um okay well I think we've shown that the game works I mean everything works works well um I don't want to like it's it's actually coming up on 9 30. UM any questions that you guys can think of anything that we you didn't see uh like showing you again check it out EK fluid get EK fluid gaming um you know you're looking at one of their builds right now again you can get a very similar build from them for forty one hundred dollars which is very similar to the price to just how to build it yourself temps were fine performance was fine um yeah so yeah there's just something I did wrong and I do know that frame generation used to work but there is the build as it is completed um very similar to the one that you could get in the super appreciate EK for letting me build this and show this off on the stream uh time to do some giveaways so we have a 25 new a gift card up for grabs and we have a one terabyte nvme SSD so we're gonna go all widgets first thing up is going to be our nvme SSD I mean sorry our uh why is this all Jack come on I think my mouse is being weird I've done it's done this before let's try that again okay there it is okay giveaways first one we're gonna choose 25 new gift card up for grab starting this exclamation point hold on let me make sure I have it X completion okay there it goes exclamation point New Egg now exclamation point New Egg now 25 new a gift card up for grabs starting that giveaway right now two minutes guys build looks pretty good it does I like the red and the white that's pretty neat it's gradient which is kind of cool it's got a nice look to it I think I'd much rather have the two terabyte nvme for sure then the physical drive but I just realized there's no music playing guys why don't you tell me that 45 seconds 30 seconds guys 30 seconds me congratulations to Faith makes a way Faith makes a way congratulations my friend you are the winner of the gift card Faith makes a way okay laxed up one terabyte nvme Drive okay two minutes remember uh subscribers you get extra entries towards winning this and we'll do EK what Exclamation point ekwb Exclamation point ekwb EK water blocks starting that giveaway right now guys two minutes two minutes two minutes guys dos minutos two minutes guys I think it's restarting from the last song okay I get it I get I get it I see you I see you I see you and I raise you playing again okay 24 seconds 372 four three two one congratulations gonna draw our winner congratulations to Cosmic kitten Cosmic kitten you are the winner of the new egg sorry of the one terabyte uh WD black in vme SSD okay guys well that is it for today's episode again huge shout out to EK water blocks for letting us check out this fluid gaming system uh if you have questions make sure you check them out link is down in the description below if you're over on YouTube super appreciate everybody for hitting those thumbs up don't forget to also subscribe and hit that notification Bell at the same time we got some great videos coming out including tomorrow morning an absolutely stunning stunning let's build video coming out tomorrow morning um let's see what else uh we are back on Thursday we're going to be checking out two zydac systems one with a unlock with a sorry one with a d-litted 13900k versus a 13900k normal so we're gonna have two of those systems both back to back and then still talk about zydax that should be a lot of fun and then Saturday checking out some new stuff from corsairs you're going to want to tune in for that that should be really cool as well um video wise we got some couple reviews coming out uh we got news coming out and then we also have that epic let's build video tomorrow um I want to show you guys let me show you well no let me uh no well well just wait tomorrow 6 a.m you're going to want to tune in I'm really excited about it I think you guys are going to really like it uh anyway huge shout out to my community managers my uh Tech specialist my uh moderators and then of course Tom and Blondie who do such an incredible job of getting through there uh my amazing supporters like Riddick Igor all of you guys who donated and and uh subscribed I super appreciate you my YouTube faithful you guys are amazing as well have a great rest of your night thank you for sticking with me for so long and we'll see you guys on the next episode bye guys if you'd like a written transcript of tonight's Roby Tech broadcast please contact Blondie pet geeky she'll be happy to give you a notepad and a pen so you can start writing down everything you hear foreign foreign foreign
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 8,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a PC, gaming pc, pc building, tech, custom PC, PC, building PC, robytech, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc step by step, how to build a pc step by step amd, how to build a pc step by step for beginners, how to build a pc 2023, ek fluid gaming pc, battle 195, ek battle 195, lian li o11 dynamic build, 7950x 4090 build
Id: AHqlzYDBzeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 12sec (13752 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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