Girl Talk Ep.6

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hello it's the most wonderful tough [Music] quiet it is the most wonderful time of the year could be confused with Christmas which is also known as the most wonderful time of the year but I think right now is the most wonderful time because it is the first girl talk of 2020 and girl talks are my absolute favorite if you're new to my channel girl talk is basically just like a sleepover where we're all hanging out in our pajamas and we talk we talk about what's going on and you guys ask me questions and I give advice to the best of my ability I am not a professional but I like helping you guys out I like giving advice and it's just really chill we're all hanging out we got our snacks I don't have popcorn today but I have these like Pirate's Booty type things so here we go oh by the way it may be called Girl Talk but that is just because I am a girl and I'm talking but anyone is able to join ok I get some comments saying I'm not a girl and I sauce the question of course this is a sleepover where everyone is welcome to the party so before we get going let's hear a word from our sponsor hey guys Kelsey here and I'm here to talk to you about our sponsor case divided bad so basically KFI has the cutest most stylish phone cases that also have military-grade draw protection ok so I will show you hold my phone all the way up here ok and I'm just gonna drop it and you'd think wow isn't that scary not with case defi it's totally fine and for a klutz like me I need something like this this one is obviously super cute but you can also personalize them like this when I put my initials on and it's fun and you guys knew the same make your own personal cases exactly the way you want them it's fine so go to Casa Viacom smash Kelsey today to get 20% off your new favorite phone case now back to you on the couch thanks Kelsey these phone cases sure do work well make sure your companies are on make sure you got your snack and let's get this Girl Talk party started just so you guys know chilly our dog is over here playing he's making some growling noises don't mind him this is his house just as much as it is mine and as much as I would love for him to stop a dog's got play all right first question I'm in a situation where I've got feelings for my guy friend who has liked me but I've been hooking up with a boy since August and I'm not sure how I feel towards my hookup but he likes me as well my guy friend is pushing me away over it and him pushing me away has really bothered me I don't know what to do with the guy I'm hooking up with or what to say to my friend none of us have talked about our feelings help okay so you have feelings for your guy friend right but you're hooking up with another guy and you're not sure how you feel towards the guy you're hooking up with but your guy friend who you have feelings for also has feelings for you and since you were hooking up with someone else he was pushing you away it's that simple I think basically it's scary to like a guy who is also a good friend of yours because you risk the chance of losing that friendship so I say the hook-up might not be worth it because right now you could be avoiding the feelings you have for your guy friend because you don't want to ruin your friendship when you're also ruining your friendship by hooking up with this other guy so if you're not sure how you feel about him I say slowly maybe pull away from the hook up a little bit and just kind of let that go and focus on your relationship with this guy friend you guys need to address these feelings you have towards each other and it could lead to more but I think that relationship is the most important one in this situation so that's what you need to be focusing on and having the other guy involved isn't really helping anything because it's confusing you it's confusing your friend so that's what I think you need to do let me know how it goes next up so basically I'm gonna try and simplify this I've been in a relationship for almost six months but I don't like the guy anymore I just can't it's not anything that he's done specifically it's just that teenage boys don't know how to not be stupid and it's not their fault the problem is that I don't know how I would tell him he cares about me and I and likes me so so much and I feel terrible breaking up with him but I can't drag this on for any longer he also gets in his head about his insecurities and I feel like that would take a toll on him too on top of that I'm really good friends with his friend and he's friends my friends and I don't want to lose those relationships because there's such good people please help me Kelsey I'm so desperate all right this is not easy it's not I know that you know that but I think there are times in life when you have to be selfish and when you find yourself putting someone else's happiness in front of yours just because you don't want to hurt their feelings I think that's kind of when you need to be a little bit selfish you have to look out for yourself you have to be you're number one and if you're unhappy in a relationship you're unhappy being someone's girlfriend then you have every right to end that with them because you're gonna keep getting drained and you're gonna keep getting more and more defeated and at the end of the day all you have really is yourself and you need to build yourself up and put yourself in situations that make you the happiest and not put yourself in a situation that makes someone else happy because you don't want to hurt their feelings obviously don't like ghosts a more like be an asshole to him like just tell him how you're feeling tell him that you just need to be on your own right now and if you do care about his feelings then you will end things with him cuz it's not fair to him that you're dragging us out when you know you don't want to be with him he might say some things at first just because he's hurt but he'll understand and if he likes you as much as you say he likes you then he'll want you to be happy and if his friends are your friends and your friends or his friends that doesn't have to change if they're your real friends are gonna be your friends regardless yeah some situations maybe are gonna be different like a little uncomfortable at first or just like not ideal but eventually once you get over that initial breakup hump it'll get easier is there such thing is there such thing as a guy who's too good little shit okay try this again is there such thing as a guy who's too good for you I keep hesitating to make a move because I don't feel like I'm good enough should I lower my standards no absolutely not if you see something you like you go out and get it or at least try to make a move I know it's a lot easier said than done but no one is perfect no one is too good we're all just human and if you see something you like just go after it you will literally never know unless you try instead of comparing all of your bad parts to all of his good parts we all have qualities that were not proud of sure but we all also have things that we should be proud of about ourselves you can't just focus on the bad things about yourself and you know what if he doesn't reciprocate it or he is not into it or whatever that's just his own thing has nothing to do with you don't put people up here keep them here at your level they're just as human as you are you don't need to lower your standards go for the cream of the crop you've got this next up I'm in college and I'm stuck between this is serious and you should only do schoolwork and spend all your savings on fun stuff because when you're an actual adult you'll be sad boring and needed memories I'm not sure what my question is but how I think both of those statements are true but I don't think it has to be one or the other it doesn't have to be school school school no going out into focus and it doesn't have to be bucket I just want to make memories cuz you definitely can do both think of making the memories as no as a reward every day when you finish your school work for that day come up with a schedule get stuff done up to a certain time get everything you need to get done done for that day and then after that make the memories that you need to make don't miss out on things because you feel like you need to be serious all the time but don't completely fuck around and bail out cuz if you feel out you won't be able to make the memories anyway make priorities and have fun and they could be like a little schedule up until this time you do school stuff and then this time you're fun yeah I mean help I'm in college almost 20 years old and I'm still a virgin I want to hook up but I don't want to lose my Virginia to some random guy I've been waiting for my first real relationship but it seems no one know it's actually dating I've been in situations where I meet guys at parties and they want to take into a private room which I'm down to make out and stuff but I don't want to have fun and of course other girls tell me to not be alone with them because they'll expect me to have sex one time I did have a fun time with the guy without him pressuring me but another time I declined the guy because I didn't know if he would pressure me do you think I should play it safe or take the risk interesting interesting as I've mentioned before I was a late bloomer in life so I've definitely been in situations like this I think you know where your boundaries are you know you're not looking upset to some random guy you just want to wait and that is 100% your decision to make and you have the right to do whatever you want and wait for however long you want I think so that you're not put in a situation where you're being pressured to do something that you don't want to do then I guess play it safe but also like you can be open and honest about that with someone if you are into this guy and you want to make out you want to like you know hang out do whatever like say you guys kiss and he's like you want to go back to my place you could literally just say like yeah I'm down but just so you know I'm not having sex with you and if he's like oh then actually I don't want to do that then like fuck that guy like don't but like like that guy can yeah piss off if you will you can go find someone else to have sex with and you don't need to be put in that awkward situation and it doesn't have to be like a hey I really need to talk to you like there's not to be a big important thing super nonchalant just so you know I'm not having sex do you want to set your boundaries out from the start don't put yourself in any situation where things can be misconstrued don't put yourself in a situation where you feel uncomfortable if you have a feeling that something's gonna make you uncomfortable don't put yourself in that situation my boyfriend of a year and a half and I broke up two months ago but I found out after two weeks of us splitting that he was talking to someone else now they are dating and each other's header a big issue in our relationship was that he never had time and that he was stressed so he couldn't give to the relationship we live two hours away all of a sudden he has time to be a good boyfriend how do I move on and carry myself when I see him again in the summer because to be honest I'm so hurt and sad and mad I'm not the type to make a scene but I don't know how to think of them anymore please help it's so totally understandable that you are mad you're sad you're hurt because all of these things that he couldn't do for you now you see him doing for someone else and it's so unbelievably frustrating but it's okay to feel all those things you have to feel all of those emotions so that you can get over it but unfortunately right now it doesn't it's not gonna come across to him he's not gonna understand why you're feeling this way he's not gonna understand why you're coming at him like that instead he's gonna say wow she's clearly jealous she's clearly not over me and that's unfortunate because you have every right to be upset and hurts but don't cause a scene because it's not worth it you don't have to be super nice but just being cordial saying hi walking away it's gonna close the door it's gonna just make you give you more paths you don't want to be with someone who isn't willing to prioritize you who's constantly making excuses and not giving your relationship everything that you deserve you know what that's his new relationships problems to deal with and you can move on and you can find someone who gives you what you want out of a relationship and gives you a you deserve how do you solve such resolved arguments or issues in your long-term relationship I always get hung up on arguments for days afterwards and it's so unhealthy haha I think facing something when it initially happens and when it initially bothers you or is an issue for you facing it immediately and just talking about it from the start is how things are resolved and solved in the long run if you talk about things right when they're happening it diffuses everything in the long run and it makes for a more constructive discussion if there is something that comes up that you two are clashing on when there's a bunch of little earthquakes and they kind of release the pressure that's on the fault line instead of one big earthquake that does a lot of damage you want to just have those little ones so that pressure gets released you know what I mean how do I get over the breakup of a relationship I thought I wanted out of but now loke regret it I think a lot of times we end relationships for a reason because we're not happy and you don't want to be in that relationship with that person whatever it is then all of a sudden you're not in a relationship anymore and you think of all these like amazing things that you've loved anew in this past relationship and you're like well maybe it wasn't that bad but really you're just thinking about the fun things you're not thinking about all the reasons why you weren't happy and why you wanted to end things with someone I commend you for realizing that you're unhappy and doing something about it and now you can move forward but don't go backwards because those things will still be issues if you're back in it any tips on how to cut off a toxic best friend she makes me feel really bad about myself but we have some good memories together it's so nice to have those memories with people and those great memories and they're always gonna be times that you look fondly on and you look back on and you appreciate but if someone's making you feel bad about yourself or someone's not supporting you or whatever it may be then maybe they're not supposed to be in your life and you don't want to surround yourself with people who make you feel like shit just because you have some good times together and you had those great memories and that's great but you will find people that love you and accept you for who you are and you don't need the ones who make you feel like shit you just don't people are so set on if a guy wants to do something he'll do it but if I talk to someone about how he's not making the move they'll say that he's probably afraid and then I'm like which one is it I get what you're saying it is a little confusing I think sometimes the initial move maybe the guy is too afraid to make that initial move so you go for it you make that initial move but if you find yourself time after time after time making these moves you being the one to initiate everything then look at it as if he wants to do something he'll do it but put yourself out there put yourself in a spotlight and then once you're in this spotlight if he's still not biting then move on and last but certainly not least I don't wear makeup at all not because I don't want to and I feel as if that's what's putting me behind others when it comes to finding a significant other I was wondering if you had any tips or ideas on how to get around that and how to feel as confident as those who do wear makeup also I feel as if I should say that I often gave up here eyes and it's x2a fear of anything hurting my eyes so pointy makeup objects are and no for me think about this people are seeing you for exactly who you are you're not hiding mind any makeup and you are confident enough right off the bat to show yourself like that you're not hiding behind anything you're showing exactly who you are and not a lot of people have that confidence so work with that confidence look at you not even having to wear makeup and still being able to show your face because I know a lot of people that won't even go to the bank for five minutes without putting on a face full of makeup you're already more confident than you're giving yourself credit for but if you do want to explore the world of makeup you don't have to like go all out to begin with you can explore a little at a time for example blush highlighter those don't go in your eyes but that gives you a little bit more color you know a little bit of shimmer start off there try that out but you're already more confident than you giving yourself credit for so go out there and rock it alright that is the end of our Girl Talk I hope I helped you guys out I love doing this and I just hope you guys love it as much as I do I love you guys now to close out this video I will perform my famous popcorn tricks sure
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 275,340
Rating: 4.9881101 out of 5
Keywords: kelsey kreppel, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen, advice, advice video, advice column, relationship, relationship advice, friendship, friend advice, school, school advice, love life, break up, break up advice, vlog, truth, love, sleepover, pajamas, popcorn, secrets, casetify
Id: lWQieJBi24k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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