Insane Baking

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I've made it oh shit I haven't made it yet I need it hello it's me we've got a super exciting video for you guys today I am in the kitchen again is that exciting so you know some pretty crazy stuffs about to happen but before we get started guess what we have the sponsor and can you guess who it is you probably can to my favorite people SeatGeek yep this video sponsored by seek again if you haven't heard by now first of all start watching my other videos and second of all see geeks the best seat geek is a ticketing app that gets tickets from all over the web to make buying as simple as possible for you they score tickets on a 1 to 100 scale so you know how good the ticket is that you're getting and if you should look for a better one and they give you a view from this seat when you buy the tickets you can see what its gonna look like when you're at the event and it's pretty awesome and I know I talked about CT claw and that's because it's actually a company that I use and that I love so you should use it you should love it what I need you guys to do is download the seat geek app from the link in my bio click on the me tab and enter the promo code Kelsea for $20 off your first order ok you see geek love seat geek live sea geek okay I'm done let's get started with the video okay unfortunately Halloween season is over yep we had to hang up our costumes and put away all of our scary decorations and deal with all the candy that we had leftover Cody and I purchased a lot of candy because I mean no one's gonna come trick-or-treating here but we just thought we shouldn't have candy because we just wanted to eat candy but now we have too much of it and Halloween's over and we need something to do with that candy so I went online and I looked up honestly I don't even remember what I looked up things to do with your leftover Halloween candy I found this article from delish calm that says 24 insane things to do with your leftover Halloween candy and I thought what yeah I'm not looking for something normal I'm looking for something insane so this is the article for me I'm gonna find something absolutely insane to do with this candy and then they follow up that title with recipes for things that you can make so it's about to get nuts I wanted something to include all types of candy and I came across these bad boys the crazy confetti compost cookies I know delicious calm wasn't lying when they said this is gonna get insane by the way I actually tried with my hair today and then it ended up like this so I'm sorry okay it's like don't comment on my pictures telling me to try harder because I did try anyway so here we have the crazy confetti compost cookies then you click on that and it sends you to this blog post okay it's called how sweet eats this post is from 2012 and let's see what Jessica had to say about these crazy cookies last Wednesday when my husband was away I had my dad over for dinner my mom is in Florida and I knew we would both be hungry and if not prepared would separately eat our wet inside it I was cooking pint and out of a bag of dove promises irony and my father's daughter and that is exactly why it would happen so instead she decided to make these cookies plus I also have this intense completion to cook food for people all the time I could not go a week without oh that is not a problem I have so I made us an awesome dinner complete with crispy salmon grilled corn salad brown Jasmine coconut rice and a balsamic glaze caprese salad all right we got it you can cook and halfway through the day I figured I may as well just toss a dessert into the mix I've had to make my whole day around just making these cookies and she just decided to toss dessert into the mix what is savage into the oven these cookies went I stared down into this bowl wondering if it was real life it was I plated them in a giant pile which sound on the counter when he walked through the door he asked about them but said he wouldn't be eating any since he was having a healthy post vacation week um what what does this mean I made us a healthy dinner so there would be room for cookies well what it means is that I had an entire batch of cookies to myself and four more days alone oh sorry Jess I hope that he might change his mind that as we saw in the dining room eating second helpings of salmon all right we got it it was good with the cookie pile in full view he'd decide that she just had to have a cookie but he couldn't live one single moment without a cookie specifically those cookies these cookies they're obviously called compost cookies for a reason they are on your everyday oMG sievert chewy chocolate chip could use but they are exciting for a fun twist and my favorite part about them is that I use salt and vinegar chips aka the best chips on the planet and the sprinkles duh not sure I can live without those in my life but you knew that already that's it whoa that was a whirlwind of emotions I mean it really was just a lot for me to take in that whole story it was crazy but you know it just got to eat the whole thing in a day then they probably are pretty good and I'm looking for something insane to do with all this Halloween candy I'll get it in a second but I swear I have it I'm gonna make these freakin compost cookies we're gonna see what Jessica's talking about I'm gonna read the ingredients first of these cookies so you know we're getting into you need butter brown sugar sugar egg vanilla extract flour a baking soda salt crushed salt and vinegar chips salted pretzels graham cracker crumbs coffee grounds which is weird to me but if Jessica says I believe in Jessica and then like all the different candies these are all the bags of left for Halloween candy we have and this is gonna go into some nice cookies in a bowl mixed together flour baking soda and salt then set aside so there's 2 cups of flour in there 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda 1/4 teaspoon of salt so we mix all that together and then set that bowl aside then you get another bowl let's see Jessica what do we do now whisk Oh cooled butter I didn't know that melted and cooled Oh God one and a half six ton of butter put this butter in the microwave to melt it all right so my butter is started to explode a bit there are a few little chunks in here but I'm just swirling them out so it's totally fine this is a classic swirl technique I'm sure Jessica does the exact same thing okay and now I'm gonna let that cool alright it's sugar time 1/2 a cup of granulated sugar and looks like small there we go a cup of brown sugar whoop I'm gonna say this is cooled enough because I am impatient ok and now one more Jack just the yolk of this one okay with a little extra white gone in there but honestly that was pretty impressive so watch out Jessica two teaspoons of vanilla extract we're gonna start slowly mixing in the dry ingredients just the most beats jacked she has some do this every time she wants to fuckin bake which apparently she does all the time she just loves cooking for people putting in the rest of the dry ingredients there we go we've got a nice dough so it's time for the add-ins this is the fun part let's start with the salt vinegar chips what the fuck that okay anyway so I'm gonna do the chips first throw those in chips are in next let's put the salted pretzels in these pretzels are like cool so regretting the pretzels you guys I'm really regretting the pretzels or whatever I hate them I hate the pretzels okay next up let's do the coffee grounds here we go all right got our candy just have to add in the graham cracker crust and then we get to add in the whole reason why I'm even making these cookies in the first place so we're gonna do this Hershey's bars and then we got some crunch we got some sin occurs we got some kick up and mainly we've got some Reese's get these chocolate chunks and some Snickers my favorite some Reese's let's do crunch bar one more Reese's okay our batter I didn't even make a dent in the candy and that was the whole purpose in making you cookies but you know what maybe they'll be good and I can make them again in a couple days because apparently you eat one back today all right let's make our cookie balls [Music] alright one tray done you're gonna train on alright we're using all three trays there's a lot about her here Jess you guys make one big one all right here they are they look pretty good and there's a giant one and I'm gonna put them in the oven now so say goodbye until these little bad boys are ready all right I'm gonna take them out and let them cool and then I'll bring you back for the official taste test all righty they're cooled and they're ready and here's the big reveal they actually look so good here's the big one here's an example of one so here we go here's the official taste test of the leftover Halloween candy cookies hmm hmm that's good doesn't suck we're not completely terrible all right you guys well now you know something you can do with the leftover Halloween candy I still have so much more so I'll either do something else with it or make these again I'll link Jessica's blog post down below and also the whole 25 and same things you can do with the Halloween candy if you want to get crazy love you guys thanks for watching thank you to C key for sponsoring this video and ya happy November
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 403,229
Rating: 4.9743552 out of 5
Keywords: baking, cookies, funny, satire, halloween, candy, leftovers, kelsey kreppel, blog post, fun, lol, delicious, chocolate, reeses, hersheys, chips, yum, yummy, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Id: VwxL3232hkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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