Girl Talk Ep.2

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[Music] get those onesies on get your popcorn bulb ready grab some candy and strap in because it's another episode of Girl Talk Wow everyone seemed to really like this last time and I really liked doing it I told everyone on Twitter I'm doing another Girl Talk I've got a lot of questions a lot of different situations and I'm gonna help as many people as I can and let's just see what happens and if you're new Girl Talk is something for everyone but I call it that because I'm a girl talking to you and I ask people for things they need advice on and I give it to them and we hang out like we're out of sleepover and we're all just talking and having fun and sharing our secrets and it's just the best so put your PJs on get tucked in and let's jump right in first question at what age did you know what you were gonna do in life and are you happy with your decision I'm 20 and I have no idea what I want to do yet I kind of knew for a long time that I wanted to work with kids and teach I kind of just always stuck with that and it was always when I was sure I wanted to do and I did end up doing that for a while and I absolutely loved it but I got the opportunity to do something like this and help people and connect with people in such a different and bigger way if you do know what you want to do your whole life it could change later on like it did for me so I wouldn't worry if you don't know what you want to do with your life at 20 because that really is a young age and so many people your age even older don't know what they want to do so even if something seems like a weird or different idea just go along with it find out how you can make your the things you're passionate about a career there's this guy I like but he left me unseen twice what do I do hmm I really just give it some time it's not like a shirt thing that he why he's not answering you but don't keep messaging him just let it go kind of like put it on the back burner a bit basically as soon as someone sees that they're not getting the attention from you that they had like right now he's like oh she's messaging me I don't even need to respond and then I wasn't you're not gonna message him anymore and you're gonna kind of put him to the sign you're gonna focus on other stuff and not worry about why you are wanting to you and all of a sudden he's gonna be knocking on your door or messaging you how do you choose between two guys or two girls idk well it kind of depends on the situation if you already are like dating someone and someone else comes along and you're just signing like which one you like clearly you don't like the person you're dating that much because if you did you wouldn't be thinking about someone else but there's just two guys and they're both equal and who you can have and you just have to choose between them I don't know flip a coin just flip a coin if you're disappointed in the outcome then you want it to be the other person and if you're happy then that's who you should be with you always answer the question of what you really want when the coins up in the air and it's flipping am I making sense I don't really know okay so I've never like been kissed and I'm afraid if when I get my first kiss how will I know if I'm doing it wrong I'm sixteen all right listen up here's some tea here's a secret I didn't have my first kiss until I was 17 so I really wouldn't put too much pressure on yourself you're sixteen and hasn't been kissed it will happen you won't know what you're doing it will probably disgust you if you kind of just like get the hang of it I wouldn't put too much pressure on yourself it's okay that you haven't been kissed at sixteen don't rush it you'll get kissed you'll learn how to do it naturally advice for me and my gf finally telling our friends about our relationship our friends are acting weird around us now what should we do maybe I'm not really sure of the exact situation but if you guys were all friends before and then you guys kind of started dating and your friends might now think that things are gonna be different or weird like they don't want to be third wheeling all the time or anything so I think just make an effort to show your friends that nothing's different and that you guys are just happy and in a relationship and they'll be happy for you they should be if they're true friends just kind of make an effort to show them that things aren't gonna change just because you guys are in a relationship now what do I do about my job when I started it I loved it but now the environment is toxic and my boss constantly just respects me a slash makes me look stupid in front of the other employees I'm an assistant manager I've been there three months and I'm worried about my resume if I leave I think that like your mental health and your self-respect are more important than your resume and if a future employer looks at your resume and says why did this job only last you three months and you tell them I was being disrespected is this respected and like degraded by my boss and I can't be productive in an unhappy work environment I think any employer would understand that and I don't think that's something you should worry about I usually get over people really quickly but this time I'm really struggling my ex is the only person I've really gotten along with in years and we broke up because of distance and he missed his ex I've tried hanging with new guys but I usually can't stand them after a couple weeks help I know breakups are tough yes the other guys that you're hanging out with right now might get annoying out you're a few weeks but that's definitely bound to happen with guys but you told me that you guys broke up not only because of distance but because he missed his ex and you don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you anyway because you deserve to be with someone who is with you because they love you and they want to be with you and they don't care about anyone else that they dated because you're better than all of them I know it's hard because you haven't gotten along with this perfect with anyone else like you do with this person and he I'm sure was one of your best friends or your best friend and you opened up to him you know I know that's hard but at the same time if he doesn't see what he has which is you and how amazing you are then he doesn't deserve to be with you he can go back to his ex whatever she can have him I don't know that might sound cheesy and like stupid but it's true you don't want to be with someone who wants to be with their ex the whole time you're with them it's not fun then you just need to like instagrams talking here and comparing yourself to her and seeing what clothes she wears then trying to wear this clothes because no maybe he'll like you more if you're wearing those clothes and it's just not worth it because if someone really likes you they won't make you feel less than anyone else and you deserve to feel like the greatest person what's your advice for getting over a breakup / attaching yourself emotionally from someone I guess just go through the emotions you know don't tell yourself like oh you shouldn't be crying over this anymore like get over it get over it like every situation is different if it takes you more time it takes you more time but just get through it and then realize that pee or she is not all of your happiness look at everything else you have around you and everything else that you can experience and embrace that and it's not that easy at times I know but find the happiness in yourself to move forward which is like a lot easier said than done but I don't know I think people when they go through breakups pink like but they've been with me through everything like they're they've always been with me and now they're just not gonna be there anymore and it's like you've always been with you too if that makes sense I don't know if it does but it's like you've always had yourself and you still have yourself and you still have the people surrounding you that aren't going anywhere everything else is still the same and you need to just embrace everything else that you have and not cling on to the one thing you don't have because well that was a huge part and a special part of your life there's so much so much more that can be special if you just embrace it I damn this boy from my school all the time but we don't talk in school it seems like we try to avoid each other I'm nervous that I will ruin things if I say anything is he nervous - should I speak to him you're not gonna ruin anything by speaking to him because if you think about it at this point all you're doing is DMing so it's really never gonna go any further than that if one of you doesn't break the ice if you do speak to him and then you don't DM anymore you're not losing too much because it would have never gotten further than DMing at that point you know and you could find someone who you could message but also talk to in person that would be a lot more fun for you since you get to talk to them in person so I would just do it get out there go talk to him the worst that can happen is that you don't DM anymore someone needs to break the ice and if he's not gonna do it I know you can try to know if you actually like someone or if you're just for it if you have to ask yourself that then you're probably just bored if you actually like someone you wouldn't ever question if you're just bored guys you refuse to it guys refused to wear a condom when you ask is it worth having their baby or having their chlamydia probably not find someone else I'm sure there's someone else how to get over someone who really makes you feel like trash you you don't deserve to feel like trash you just don't they could have all the issues they want in the world but you don't and don't let them make you feel like you do you deserve better also how do I defend myself to people who decide to bash me on my music taste just play it just keep playing it in front of them and jamming out to it then they'll realize that they could say whatever they want you don't care because you like your music and you know who's the only person asked to like your music is you they're gonna bash it they can at fob advice on how to stop being scared of intimacy or relationships in general being intimate is like definitely one of the scariest things but if you think about it you only get out of a relationship what you put into it and it is scary to be intimate it is scary to be in a relationship but even if it ends even if things all just kind of go badly in the end at least you can say that you put in everything and if it does go bad and people can't handle that intimacy or those relationships then you'll just find someone who can but at least you might regret putting your whole self into that relationship Cuzzi I need your advice please it's urgent okay I recently met a guy that is quite older than I am I'm 19 and he's 23 and we have been on a couple dates so far he has expressed that he is really interested but I don't have much experience when it comes to dating I've never had a boyfriend this guy is 100% my type and so kind but I'm nervous because of the age difference and my lack of experience how do I go about this that's about four years right Cody's four years older than me age is just a number if he's your type and he's kind to you and you guys get along and it's great keep going for it it's not your lack of experience isn't gonna make or break the relationship be honest about your lack of experience even though not having a boyfriend doesn't mean that you have no idea how to be in a relationship it's kind of something that just comes naturally but be honest about that and if he is kind like you say he is which I'm sure he is then he'll be okay with it and you guys it's something you guys will learn together don't think too much about the age or any of that just go along with it and see how it goes because it could turn into something really good so don't cut it down because you think you're not experienced enough when I'm sure you'll be just fine hey mom I just recently got broken up with I wouldn't say dumped but he went off to college and I'm still in high school in long distance just didn't work any advice on how to deal it's probably best that this happen for now because long-distance when he's a college year in high school it's not gonna be easy because you need to experience your last year last couple years I'm assuming in high school and he needs to experience college and if you didn't take this time apart there could be moments where in the future where you resent each other for not getting to experience your lives fully it's not necessarily a permanent breakup but you're doing what's best for the both of you at this time and I think that it's like it's scary but it's smart honestly for the two of you to do so just dive in to high school you know hang out with your friends go to the dances and do whatever you want to do and experience the stuff you're never gonna get to experience when you're not in high school and then if it's meant to be it will be with the boy king up catching feelings for this guy in my class but I've never talked to him in the six years we've been going to school together and I don't know what to do about it because I'm a mess and I don't want to embarrass myself in front of him okay you are a human he's a human he's not up here okay you're not gonna embarrass yourself in front of him he's probably just as nervous to talk to you don't put him up here because then you're gonna feel so much lower when in reality you're here if not here okay think of him as an equal approached him like you would approach any other person because you're not gonna embarrass yourself in front of him you got this all right you guys I answer it a pretty good amount of questions I'll keep doing these I know you guys like them I love them they're like my favorite thing to film I hope this helps people oh well anyway now a few popcorn tricks before I end this video okay I love you guys I'll see you guys next time thanks for being so great I'm always here for you [Music]
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 343,759
Rating: 4.9856267 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, advice, relationship, career, questions, work, love life, kelsey kreppel, joke, love, vlog, help, fun, funny, girl, boy, friends, cody ko, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Id: 9SkW5Ck3ml8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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