How to make an animated GIF in GIMP

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hello everyone I'm going to teach you how to make an animated gif or Jif however you want to say it using this is what your end result will look like okay so I'm gonna give you this file to open and this is what it looks like I just got it in pixabay you can use your own if you wish all right so that's gonna be the background for animation and then I searched on google for oh I forgot the first thing I need to actually tell you is to write your name on here because if you don't do it now you'll be stuck writing your name on every single layer so let's not do that so let's start off by typing your name on this so that'll end up being on your animation when you're done alright so I'm gonna type that and move it oops I need to make sure there's a plus sign over my name first once there's a plus sign I can move it over there in the corner alright and I want to merge this so I'm gonna go to merge down that way this my name will be on the background layer for everything alright so that's definitely the first step alright after you have your name on here you're just going to open up a sprite you can go on google and search for one or you can use the one that I provided you a sprite is just a 2d drawings of something that you can animate with very easily it has the background removed and everything so I want to zoom this in so I can see it a little better look that's a little bit too big let me go down just a tad alright that's good so I'm gonna slide this over here so I can select the very first zombie guy so I'm going to get the selection tool and drag a box around it so that I'm only you know getting the first image not any of the second image once I have that I can go to edit copy then I'm gonna go back on to my background and do paste and then it's very important press enter and then new layer I want to get him on a different layer and then get the move tool and put it down here over on the left side because we're gonna make this on me well across so this is a good starting point all right now let's go back to the sprite sheet again and get the selection tool and we're gonna select the second image on the sprite don't get any of the other part and then go to edit copy and go back on your background and do edit paste press enter and then new layer got to do that every time make sure it's on a different layer cuz it's not automatically gonna be on a different layer like Photoshop then once you have it on a layer get the move tool looks like a plus and move it over you're just gonna keep repeating this same thing until we get all of the zombie sprites on there so I'm gonna copy the third one then we're gonna go on our background and do paste then press Enter and a new layer when I say enter it's the same thing as return on your keyboard then we're gonna get the move tool and just move these first few sprite characters pretty close to each other at the beginning and later they're gonna space out a little bit more when he actually starts running because at first he's just standing up all right so I'm gonna select the fourth sprite guy here and I'm gonna copy it then go to the background and do paste press enter a new layer make sure you do that every time enter or return and new layer otherwise it's gonna get kind of crazy on you if you don't remember to do that all right back to the sprite sheet let's move it over a little bit so I can get the next one oops I need to get the selection tool grab the selection tool drag a box around the next zombi position then go to copy and go in the background and do paste again press Enter or return and new layer then get the move tool move it over a little bit I'm gonna start spacing him out a little bit more because now he's gonna start walking so it can you know make it look like he's having moving a little bit more by starting to space them out more all right so that's all of the sprites used but I still want to put one more frame in there to have him running off the page so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna copy the layer that's before this last one and repeat it so click on the one the second to the top one and go to duplicate layer and then drag it up to be at the top and then get the move tool and move this one so it's just off the page alright so make the very last one a duplicate of the second to the last one and then it'll look like he's running off the page alright that looks the way I want it so the next thing we need to do is duplicate the background layer and stick it in between every single zombie so we go layer duplicate layer put it in between the zombie layer once again and click on the background duplicate layer pull it up in between the characters you're gonna do this on every single one layer duplicate layer drag it up in between so that it alternates from zombie character to background zombie character to background your layers palette should just look like it's alternating you'll see why in a minute why I'm doing that this is a step that's not necessary in Photoshop but to do it in this is what we have to do just keep duplicating the background dragging it in between every zombie picture so layer duplicate layer drag it in between click on the background duplicate it pull it up almost done one more copy layer duplicate layer and pull that one up there okay so now you can see our layers tab we have alternating between the zombie character and a background behind each one we're all alternating now we need to merge down just each zombie onto its background so click on the top layer and go to layer merge down and what that did is it put the zombie on the background are you gonna do that again grab the zombie layer go to merge down and then that sticks it to the background zombie layer again merge down zombie layer merge down just keep doing that until all the zombie layers are merged to the background layer and then we'll be about done after you finish that part all right that's the last one okay so now we could kind of test this let's turn off all the layers so you can see how it moves across the page all the zombies are merged to a background layer do a little turn them on and see how it looks pretty good you guys can add things to this too if you want this is just the basic one all right so when we're done you're just gonna press save and once again this is not the file that you turn in mrs. Reilly cannot grade your xcf file you need to do something else the xcf is just for you to be able to edit your file it's like a Photoshop layered file so just save that one for yourself but the one that you turn in needs to be export so file export and what you can do is just type in gif so go over that and just type gif and its place and then say export all right and just push crop here because we just go ahead and crop any extra image area so say crop and then this window comes up and you just need to copy the settings that I have in here it needs to say animation for sure alright and this we want to slow the animation down so put 250 otherwise it'll just go too fast and then let's check this because we want to use that time and you can uncheck this thing at the top too so make your export window look just like this if your can't remember this just stop the video and turn it back on when you're ready to do your so that you copy my settings then press export and that's how you do that so then you can open it up in a browser to see what it looks like this is the one that I did before I recorded this screen version so it doesn't have my name but it's pretty much done the same exact way and that's what you'll have and you'll submit that to in modo as your assignment and you're welcome to do other things to it as well have to be just like this
Channel: J-Oakes Digital Art Teacher
Views: 709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C1ZysIS94xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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