GIMP Tutorial: Shattered Text Effect

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this shattered text effect using so I'll go ahead and get started here in I'm going to open up a new document by going to file new and I want to set the document to 1280 by 720 and that's pixels I'm gonna go to Advanced Options I always like to start with a transparent background so I'm going to set this to transfer transparency where it says fill with go ahead and click OK and now I'm gonna fill this in with black so I'll go to edit fill with foreground color which is set to black by default in and what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna add some text to the screen here so I'm gonna grab the text tool actually no first I'm gonna swept I'm gonna swap around the foreground in the background color so I'll just switch them around so that white becomes the foreground and then I'll grab the text tool and then just click on the canvas to get that cursor there and I'm just gonna write for the sake of this tutorial I'm gonna write smash but you could write whatever you'd like the font that I'm using is League gothic you could use whatever font you'd like you could use whatever size you'd like I have this set to lead gothic and the size at 3:02 you can adjust the size over here by using these arrows like that and I'll leave that just how that is that's pretty good let me go to the move tool just to get out of this I'll go to layer and crop to content and what I want to do now is grab the alignment tool which is right here where it says relative to we want to set that to image and I'm gonna click on the text to activate that layer and I'm gonna Center it up on the canvas vertically and horizontally like that and once we've done that let me click off of the move tool to get out of the layers menu I mean the online menu what we want to do now is use an image a broken glass texture to mask over this text here and I'll have a link to that image in the description of the video so go ahead and grab that image and click and drag it into let me just bring this down a little bit I'm just going to take this and click and drag it into it's this image right here I want to rotate that around so that it's horizontally oriented let me grab the rotate tool I'm just gonna click and drag to rotate it around I'm gonna hold shift on the keyboard so that it locks on to 15 degree angles like that and once we've done that we can just press Enter let me zoom out a little bit I'm gonna hold ctrl and rolled out in the mouse wheel to zoom out and now I want to shrink this down so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the unify transform tool which is right here click on the image to activate it and then if you look out here you're gonna notice these two little squares right here there's a big square and then it's a smaller square which is more like a diamond to make sure you're clicking on the larger square and not the smaller diamond on the inside then just hold ctrl and shift and just scale this down so that it's slightly bigger than the text like that go ahead and hit enter to apply that and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to turn off the visibility of the background layer with by clicking that little eyeball icon and then up here with this top layer with the broken glass texture I'm gonna set the mode I'm gonna set that to difference so go ahead and find difference in here there it is and what I'll do now is I'll right click this and go to merge down to finalize that and what I'll do is I'll turn the visibility of the background back on like that and then with this smash layer to select it I'm going to go to colors saturation I'm just gonna bring the saturation all the way down so there's no color in there click OK let me zoom in on this a little closer so I can see it I'm gonna hold ctrl and roll up the mouse wheel a couple of times to zoom in and then I'll go to colors and curves right there and what I want to do is I just want to darken the cracks in the text here so I'm gonna take this bottom node at the bottom left and just slide that right a little bit and if you notice on the screen it's changing the the darkness there so I'm gonna set that to something like that right there looks pretty good you could even add a little bit more white into it by taking this top node and sliding it to the left but I wouldn't go too far with that I'd go maybe about here that looks pretty good go ahead and click okay to finalize that and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna break off different pieces of this text and separate them from each other like you see that I've done here in the thumbnail in order to help sell this effect a little more so to do that I'm going to grab the paths tool which is right here and I'm gonna zoom in on this area right here again to zoom I'm just holding ctrl and rolling up and down the mouse wheel I'm gonna start outside of the text right there I'm just gonna draw a path by clicking and creating points going through the cracks and then around the outside of the text like that and then the close the path I'm gonna hold ctrl and click on that original starting point and then I'll press ENTER on the keyboard to create a selection from it then I'll right-click that and go to select float and over here in the layers menu I want to click this button that says create a new layer and add it to the image and that's going to create a separate layer from that sub that segment of the letter s so I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do now is I'm just gonna grab the move tool and I'm just gonna click and drag this away from the rest of the text like that and if you can see oops you can see that gives us the effect we're going for we're separating the object now I'm gonna do that again throughout the rest of the the word here I'm gonna first click on the layer that says smash the text layer to make sure we have it selected and I'm gonna come down here I'm gonna grab the paths tool and I'm just gonna draw a path oops draw a path going through one of the cracks and then the other like that back around and again we're holding ctrl and clicking on the original starting point to close it and then press ENTER on the keyboard to create a selection from it right click the selection go to select float and then make it a new layer by clicking the button that says create a new layer and add it to the image and again we'll go back to the move tool what you could do is you could just press M on the keyboard for the beste keyboard shortcut for the move tool and for the Bezier pen I mean the the paths tool you can press B to grab so it's easier than coming over here and clicking on these icons over and over again so let me move this out of the way like that let me zoom back out if you'd like to move the page around like you see me doing here you just press down the mouse-wheel and move the mouse I'll do this one more time just to help you get the idea a little better I'm gonna click on the original text layer I'm gonna press B on the keyboard to get the paths tool and I'm going to create a line going through one of these cracks here go through this other one as well back around to the starting point hold ctrl and click on the original point to connect it all together press ENTER on the keyboard to create a selection right click it go to select float create a new layer from it and then press M on the keyboard to get the move tool and we could just move this out of the way like that so you should pretty much get the idea by now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go through here and do the rest of these letters and I'll just speed it up so that you'll have to sit there and watch me do this because otherwise it would be kind of redundant so I'll go through this real quick and do all of this and then I'll catch up with you when I'm done okay so as you can see here I've finished going through the entire word and breaking up the pieces and moving them away from each other what I'm gonna do now is I'm just gonna rotate them around a little bit to help sell the effect a little more like you see here in the thumbnail but the pieces are rotated around so to do that you could you'll notice as you click these different layers you'll see a bounding box selected around each one that's that will be the selected layer so I'm gonna grab the original layer I'm gonna grab the rotate tool and I'm just gonna click and drag to rotate it around slightly like that and hit enter to finalize it and then I'll just go through to each layer and do the same thing I'll just rotate it a little bit hit enter to finalize it and then click the next layer and from there should be pretty self-explanatory you just go through and do the same thing I get this layer to get this layer and this just helps it look a little more whimsical and realistic and then finally this final one up here maybe I'll move that one away a little bit okay so let me zoom out a little bit here all right so the next step would be to add a background image here with broken glass bits flying out we're gonna add that behind the text so I'm gonna come down here to the layers menu I'm gonna click on the background layer to activate that and I'm going to click and drag let me find another visa another one of my images here this broken glass image here I'll have this linked in the description as well just go ahead and click and drag that into and if you notice here it doesn't quite match up with the text if you look at the cracks in the text it's like it's a it's black whereas this image here is mostly grey so I'm gonna make the gray match the black by going to colors curves and I'll take this node over here in the bottom left and slide that to the right and if you notice the image is changing accordingly and once I get it close enough to the text that looks pretty good right there I'll finalize that by clicking okay and what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back up to the top here in the layers menu activate the top the top layer right click that and go to new from visible and what that's gonna do is it's gonna create an entirely new layer from the entire image it's just completely flattened so you could edit everything all at once and what I'm going to do now is I'm just gonna add a touch of blue coloring in here like you see it that I did with the thumbnails it just helps it make a little better it makes it look a little better I think so we'll go to colors we'll go back to curves and I'm just going to take this note and bring that up just a tiny bit just to lighten up the darkness a bit maybe I'll bring that down like that and then where it says channel I'll select blue and I'll take this node and I'll bring this up just to add a little bit of blue in there you don't want to get carried away with it and go with something like that unless that's the look you're going for then go right ahead but the look I'm going for is right about here and then I'll come up here to this node and I'll slide this to the left a little bit just to bring out the blue within the image a little more and if you toggle off the preview if you toggle that on and off you can notice there's clearly a difference there I think it looks a lot better like that with that blue tint added so I'll go to click OK to finalize that and as you can see we are finished we have created our shattered text effect using so if you haven't done so already please consider joining the logos by Nick mailing list in order to receive email alerts whenever a new tutorial is posted your information won't be sold to or shared with anyone else and you will never receive any kind of spam or promotional emails from me whatsoever the only time you'll ever receive an email for me is when a new tutorial is posted and you'll get to watch it on the logos by nic website without any third-party advertisements interrupting your learning experience so go ahead and check the link in the description if you're interested in that it's free to join if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 74,401
Rating: 4.9838924 out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp shattered text, shattered text effect, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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