Extreme Thai Meats!! Bangkok’s Late Night Street Food!!

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welcome to bangkok thailand in this video you're going to see me eat some of the most unique interesting dairy asian meats in the form of street food you'll find anywhere right now we are in jawed fairs this is like if you took a bunch of different street food streets and slammed them together all in one location there's tents there's vendors and aisles and aisles of street food and people trying to get your attention with their flashy food food that's alive while you're still eating it for example food of tremendous proportions food that's so expensive you'll be asking yourself am i really in thailand right now right now i'm headed to our first location let's go we've come to our first destination right here they are serving a dish called lang lang's up 57 thai people just cringed all across the world right now basically it's bones with a little bit of meat still hanging on there it's famous here because it is very cold first of all there is no small size you can get a medium a large an xl or like me xxl that costs nearly 700 baht which is about 20 i'm gonna order it and see what i get can i pick this up oh my god xxl one xxl links up please he's taking the platter away and then they're gonna start piling it up oh that's a big piece of bone just like building a campfire add more wood lean them against each other create room for oxygen i'm just worried about how they're gonna get this to the table and if they drop it do you get your money back so far it's looking a little rickety i think they need maybe some wire some nails some screws he's decided that is enough but that doesn't mean it's gonna stay up let's see what happens oh very beautiful it's not finished yet they have the sauce that goes on top of the whole thing with tons of green chilies take a look at that we've got the final product right here they're going to carry it to the table and hopefully it gets there in one piece very impressive at any moment this could go tumbling down but so far he's keeping his composure under pressure and it is still in one piece well done and would you take a look at this right here a portion for one actually i'm told this could feed up to seven people you're absolutely gonna need gloves for this because of all these chilies if you eat this with your bare hands and then go to the bathroom it's over no more children right here we have the broth you can see there are tons of chilies in there coriander fish sauce and lime juice i'm gonna give a little taste of that oh wow savory super sour super spicy three distinct flavors all very strong pulling in different directions when you have a meat pile where do you start because i don't want it to cascade and fall over and hit a five-year-old and kill them there are no five-year-olds okay i'm taking this piece first it's bones and then it's just all the tiny little meat stuck in between that's a nice piece right there give it a little bit of a bath [Music] there's a wild texture the genius here is that they took an incredibly cheap cut of meat something that most people would probably throw away or feed to their dogs and they found a way to make it absolutely delicious they've raised it for hours they made the meat and even the tendons soft and tender and then the best part truly is this sauce here it is just so powerful you can always up the spice by throwing in more chilies i bet i could eat more chilies than mark wiens watch this editor cut this part out super easy for most people that would be spicy oh god you can see it right here this pig had scoliosis i got a scoliosis test in middle school and they said take your shirt off and i was like i don't i'm not that confident even though it's just me and you and they said take it off anyways they said your spine is good enough but this pig has an excellent spine [Music] we are heading to our next location and you can see the last location actually was somewhat spicy this is what i'm focused on right now squid dump sashimi that is the name of the place in this tank beneath me there are dozens of squids squids that are pretty big they're about that long they look very interesting how do you eat them the woman who runs this place is going to show exactly how this works are you the owner here yeah so you have all these squids here but i'm wondering how do i eat this maybe you can show me okay this one is spicy salt from thailand i will put a squid here as a fruit you eat this salt and then i will buy it oh wait did you say the squid is gonna eat the sauce and you're gonna eat the squid can you show me and then i'll do it after you okay this is wild so she's digging out the squid right now so the squid goes right into the shot glass she pushes it down now it's enjoying it it's eating now she'll eat it oh wow kill shot is that ink yeah how is it fresh how many of these do you eat a day you think it's a healthy part of your diet i think it might be dead now wrap it up oh we can see even your tongue has ink all over it oh one shot i'm gonna do the same thing very impressive my turn she's got the squid right here oh my god it just squirted it is like trying to swim away even though it's in the sauce giving it a good dip in the sauce oh i'm sorry guy it probably burns the eyes a little bit [Music] don't make eye contact it actually tastes delicious squid instant death i know some people are gonna say this is cruel but how would you kill the squid faster than literally biting a ted off lethal injection electric chair i can't think of any way the ink is dripping out now and i'm gonna mix the ink with the sauce now the sauce has gone from being green to being black final bite of the squido slightly strange because it's squirming the whole time trying to swim away from you in the air but the taste is outstanding like fresh sashimi there's that really spicy aromatic limey furby seafood sauce so that sauce really overpowers any kind of seafoodiness you'd get from the squid the squid tasted really clean i gotta say a little terrifying but overall quite delicious all these kids have turned white they look like they've seen the ghost and that ghost is sunny side our next location these are jumping shrimp and what makes them chum well when you pour lime juice all over their live bodies this is the manager and the shrimp it's gonna be very fresh i can tell you that that is just the base ingredient there's a lot more that's gonna go inside so the process has begun first she starts by putting in some greens some herbs and then some shallots lemongrass green onions msg salt and chili powder oh wow i don't even want to ask what that is and this would be the lime juice right here and then some fish sauce wow there's a lot of ingredients in here we have our flavor but we need the protein all of them put inside it's closed immediately and then we're going to shake that up she takes it close so they can't make a jailbreak okay kopunka right here we have our food give it a little bit of a mix boosh shrimp by shrimp they're doing their best to jump out of here you got to be careful i mean the best revenge for them right now since they're coated in chili powder would be to jump into my eye let's just go for it that is a lot of flavor tons of lime juice is very spicy but then you get the shrimp themselves they're super fresh slightly brining but the weirdest part is the texture because they're crunchy but sometimes they're kind of spiky too when they're hitting into your gums try another bite this is a fascinating food the flavors are outstanding they know how to use seasoning a little sour a little hot super savory or actually more salty in this case look big fans here my man where are you from oh are you trying it out it's very delicious he's on a facetime call too you let her know it's yummy wait how come you came on vacation by yourself i'm gonna do that next time i'm gonna leave my wife at home and have her call in how's the vacation going babe it's going great how's our bedroom our next location our next food it is definitely not alive how you doing swati cobb could i please have eight of these right here here we go eight of them it's going over to the grill he's placing them on the grill they look orange you might guess that they look a bit shrimpy in fact they do look shrimpy because it is the shrimp head what about the rest of the body no no i love that they're using every part of the animal and i like that they appreciate it so much that they could actually sell it alone he's warming it up right now we're gonna try it soon [Applause] all right we have five shrimp heads right here i don't mind eating the head if it's like a tiny shrimp but this is another level this is very interesting i want to go no sauce to begin with here we go get beer when you have this at least water at least something besides nothing it tastes pretty good it's like that fatty shrimp head flavor a little smoky very rich and then the texture i'm growing to like the texture very crunchy it reminds me a lot of eating a grasshopper or a cricket this is how it's actually supposed to be in the sauce oh look at those little eyeballs it's never gonna forgive me now let's try that out oh my god this sauce was meant for this food first of all it's more lubricated it's not like chopping up my throat as i swallow it it's just a beautiful light citrus some herbs some chilies a very refreshing sauce to go with this is an unexpected delight i get why people like this also i need a big tall beer to help wash it down i'm gonna find one right now we've reached our final location for the evening because after this i cannot take any more okay hi have you ever seen a shrimp like this it is like old school bodybuilder shrimp it is freaking huge and i'm not going to eat it because it is not the biggest thing that they have here right here they have spiny lobsters beautiful shells they're glorious they're beautiful they're speckled they're colorful now that has to be maybe four pounds of spiny lobster what i'm gonna do now is weigh this and see how much it costs i'm very scared what this is gonna do to my credit score my old lady how much is this 3500 which would be about a hundred dollars well we got it down to three thousand bucks hey that's not bad it is not exactly alive but it was recently alive in the last week for sure we are headed to the kitchen right now and this is the last time i'm gonna see his lobster oh no i'm gonna miss you how long does that take 20 minutes it's pretty good [Music] our last meal this is a spiny lobster it's a big boy or a girl the tail is split open i think they cooked it all the way through they didn't overcook it though they gave me this plastic fork can it withstand the strength of the lobster yes look at that bite oh my gosh it smells like wonderfully grilled lobster they've got a similar type of seafood sauce i mean this sauce is ubiquitous here give that a little bit of a big dip slather it up we're going to try that out [Music] oh yeah it is so medium it's almost borderline tough and sinuate you got to take maybe smaller bites and take your time with it it's still very satisfying the seafood sauce is a big winner in the sauce for seafood you want something that's going to enhance it and not take it over when i had chili crab in singapore it was good and everything fun it replaced that delicious sweet crab flavor with spicy ketchup but this this is complimenting it moving on a trapdoor a secret passageway inside to the head area and it all looks very very juicy you're gonna have a big old yellow lump of head butter look at all that too heavy too rich smells a little bit like burnt tires you have to mix it with the sauce in my opinion because that is going to create a pure balance that is the yin to the yang let's go [Music] i can say the closed body and the open tail do not cook at the same rate as each other this is a little bit underdone in my opinion a little too soft a little too briny could use a little bit more heat compared to the tail which is perfectly done if you like lobster but you've never tried a spiny lobster this is absolutely worth having a try this one is not a strange or exotic asian meat but in the end it's about being in thailand and breathing in what it's like to eat like a local this is sunny with fox news all right guys that has been today's exotic asian meat and look i know last time people got very upset i was in singapore i said exotic asian meats and i guess the proper politically correct thing to say is that every day people in bangkok are biting the heads off of squids is everyone happy now i call it exotic because i think even for people in thailand some of these foods are things they're not going to try every day and next time you are in bangkok give it a try take a little risk look at something that makes you feel uncomfortable and put it in your mouth as long as it's a food or a person all right that's it for this one guys thank you so much for watching i'll see you next time all right where's the bathroom welcome to the best ever merch store where you can check out our brand new designs best ever bandanas in black white and red the please send nudes hoodie pillow soft fabric with a quality custom graphic in length and our street food around the world graphic tee we're now shipping everywhere around the world just visit shopbesteverfood.com or click the link in the description below to get your new merch today a piece
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,086,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QCCTX_Crqk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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