Surviving Europe’s BIzarre Seafood Nation!! The Faroe Islands! (Full Documentary)

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how far back does this tradition go hundreds and hundreds of years I mean the Vikings used to ferment meat it's just an ancient way of preserving meat well before other modern ways of preserving meat there was this there's a place in Europe you've probably never heard of what kind of weather are you looking for the perfect thing would be no wind but that's impossible a collection of islands about halfway between Scotland and Iceland what are you doing now you're reaching inside its body are you skinning it just with your hands yes holy cow surrounded by Atlantic Waters a nation of about 50 000 with one of the world's most unique diets if you serve this to somebody at an Applebee's in the USA there would be a lawsuit okay I'm talking about the Pharaoh Islands being so isolated with two 300 miles of sea to the next neighbor you don't get that much input of what's happening in the world but now with internet and all that right now you can see what's happening in other countries yeah yeah and now you realize other countries have sunlight exactly [Music] the Pharaoh Islands are not a country but a self-governing nation under the sovereignty of Denmark I will give you 100 to eat this raw 110. maybe a little bit it's 18 islands are best known for their bird Cliffs and unspoiled Landscapes we're moving up oh my God in their position at the crossroads of the warm Gulf Stream and the cold Arctic currents create a continuous flow making the faroese Marine ecosystem one of the cleanest on the planet for seafood to thrive sometimes he's putting the lobsters on the piece of wood what is the purpose of that it's a minimum and so if it's too short you have to throw it back in oh I see so we'll see that one tomorrow huh we'll be taking on unique animal proteins from the water from the land and from the air see fishermen trapped the most commonly eaten Lobster in Europe the delicate and sweet langistine the brain would you eat that raw oh of course let's see it let's do it same Waters Seafood divers risk their lives plunging into the icy Atlanta to catch valuable Crustaceans by hand yes Victory do you see how many that was that was like sorry it's not funny the water pushed him over I'm sorry it's hilarious there are two sheep for every person when it's time for the slaughter locals age their meat and fermentation sheds until it rots for us it smells like Christmas it's a way to preserve the meat that comes with a powerful stench few Outsiders can handle it's crisped up it's fatty and juicy everything looks great about it except when you take a whiff that is intense these two of them straight ahead boys so far in the air you'll find a range of prized bird species Hunters Tracked Down by boat oh like this the Puffin renowned for its deep dark red breast meat interesting cause it's really dark meat it looks like a beef patty but perhaps the most controversial food you'll find on these islands some years ago myself and my wife was participating we were helping with the good yeah how much did you get on that day 300 kilos boneless pure meat wow this is from the daily whale meat a subject so polarizing few will even speak about it on camera I notice one thing you don't have whale on the menu yeah one second just because we want to focus on bacalao and we're a fish restaurant I came to the Pharaoh Islands to learn how the whale hunts work right now we're on the bank it could happen in a place just like this right yeah and to learn why today amid protests and international condemnation this custom still continues an experience like no other unreplicable cannot replace that with something else you could only take it away you're brave enough to try it alone yeah why did she say Brave why'd you say that hundreds of years the unique geography and weather of the Pharaoh Islands have produced one of the most unique diets you'll find anywhere in the world it all starts here good morning sir good morning how you doing I'm fine thanks yourself I feel great our first stop in the Pharaohs torsho the capital city and home to 40 percent of this nation's population Today's Breakfast begins here at Benton where local yens Yvonne guides me through my first taste of pharaohi's Cuisine before I head out to the ocean what do you call this I think for an American you'd call it just a sandwich I think we'd say Open Face Sandwich as opposed to a closed face how do you close the sandwich beef tenderloin is cleaned and smothered with thyme rock salt and pepper in a pan melt butter and Grill the tenderloin lightly before tossing it in the oven how many restaurants would you say are in the pearl Islands 15 30 30 to 50. next flour and beer butter form a batter that'll coat raw onions before they're fried you get many restaurants right there in the capital and I'm not from a copper bowl so I have to drive like three quarters of an hour each way to get to a restaurant so that's more for twice a year three times a year time for the build load sourdough bread with lettuce slices of tenderloin remoulade sauce grilled onion a fried egg a robust fried onion ring pickled mushrooms and another fried onion ring finished with a tiny bouquet of broccoli sprouts and shredded cheese get the sandwich and everything on it is served cold [Music] it's interesting because everything's kind of room temperature or even a little bit cold but I think it's delicious super crunchy onion rings interesting like cold beef but then there's a kind of a Dijon mayonnaise sauce on there which is super Tangy and delicious I love it most of the ingredients you see in this dish are in fact foreign to the Faroe Islands strip away imported beef and pork vegetables and fruits and the local diet is left with seasonal Seafood local lamb and a few stubborn root vegetables so how would you describe Vero East Cuisine mostly dry and fermented thanks to this strange weather you get a process of breakdown of protein which doesn't Rudolph the meat it preserves it we're drying lamb and we're also fermenting lab it's also standard to dry whale whale meat yeah with breakfast complete I'm ready to start today's mission collecting some of Europe's most sought after Seafood from the icy treacherous Waters of the Atlantic Ocean starting with a particular species of lobster just off the coast here several traps have been set for an animal called the langoustine the langoustine is the most important commercial Crustacean in Europe and today I'm gonna see how they catch it Ahoy Hello nice to meet you nice to meet you Captain elomar has kindly welcomed me on board for our langoustine harvesting tour he has the cutest most adorable little steering wheel I've ever seen it's like if you're a pirate in training sailor this is our fishing guide Koch once a fisherman who has spent decades on the Open Sea are we going all the way out there just five minutes more oh okay so it's not that far from where we took off not far from land at all if I fall in the water I think I could swim to land you are in farm I can see a good shape you swim I'm too fat I will die langoustines have a large habitat they live in the Northeast Atlantic northwest Africa and the Mediterranean Sea [Music] women prefer bottom trawling in the faroise fjords the best way to catch langoustine is with a good old-fashioned trap so on each line here he has 30 cages like this the fish are hanging from the top and then the seafood smell the fish they come in here get into the cage and from there it's completely confusing as to how to get out most of them probably don't even know they're stuck in a cage until they get up to here [Music] [Music] is it a good day the bankasty is also known as the Norway lobster or the Dublin Bay prawn it is like a big crayfish actually it's amazing that these are lobsters despite their slim bodies and an average length of three to seven inches the langusty gained their spot in the lobster family thanks to their Long Claws and Meaty Tails this is kind of an amazing device used to classify and organize all the different lobsters and then sometimes he's putting the lobsters on the piece of wood what is the purpose of that that's the minimum and so if it's too short you have to throw it back in yeah oh so we'll see that one tomorrow huh langoustine season comes in September and lasts for about nine months in a good year over 40 tons of these lobsters are pulled out from the Fairway sea and if you're on board you may witness a few bonus creatures too look at this here we have a beastly hermit crab this guy has just been chilling out on the bottom of the ocean for decades I've never seen a hermit crab this big in my life it jumped out get back in your show you're so dumb all right you go in here what was that about how did he live this long with the Marine Zone that's 200 times bigger than its own land the pharaoh's fishing industry and this represents up to percent of their exports dude this is a um they call it like a pie crust crab I had this in Vietnam but they're actually from this area are you allowed to keep other Seafood yeah about that it's too small for sure this one's too small it's like one bite of crab as the last langoustine of today's batch settles in its Japanese pod Hotel the Sorting boxes are secure they don't fit just kind of yeah the fish traps are tossed back in the icy cold Waters carrying with them fresh bait to lure in some new gluttonous lobsters elomar and kaj are wrapping up their day but not me boom Chef yes how do you do um very good this is mantis head chef of rocks the sister restaurant to one of the top 50 restaurants in the world what do you think of this particular language team I think it's a really great size I usually measure them up by my hand so if it's as long as my arm I'm pretty happy in the USA live main lobster is already expensive and langoustine is twice as expensive as that but no matter how much you pay you'll never beat the experience of fresh seafood plucked right from the ocean you have a special recipe you can show me right now oh yes so basically you're just gonna need a langoustine and a knife we're just gonna try to make it as less painful as possible for the langosteen and then finish off with the tail remarkable you can really see the anatomy of the lobster right here this is the cleansing system of the lobster and then you see this just beautiful translucent meat of the tail so um where's the soy sauce we just go like this huh yeah I would just dig in with my fingers the texture is so much different when it's uncooked you can feel all the separate little tissues the best part is it's still uh pulsating since it's straight out of the ocean oh wow I'm gonna go for it huh oh so delicious amazing texture like it's not too limp or mushy it has a bite yeah it's got some bite to it and then it's just naturally sweet salty minerly oh that's wonderful I could eat about 100 more of those I think he knows what I'm thinking what are some of the ingredients that you can get here that you can't really experience in the same way in other countries definitely shellfish thorough Islands they have such a great fresh shellfish you can just go to the ocean pick it out before work and cook with it a few hours later and of course sea urchins very sweet very mineral I'm going to be heading to your restaurant soon but actually I'm on a mission to find some sea urchins of my own is he coming to then are you coming to that uh great Paul Montes heads back to his restaurant with a fresh batch of langoustine I set up for some more sweet deep sea creatures only this time there's no boat no traps no Nets in an effort to catch giant horse muscles we're gonna scuba in waters that are near freezing well someone's gonna scuba and his name is beer sir put her there good day to you I like your outfit I like yours too thanks I look like a red marshmallow yeah you ever hear about the high paid dangerous work of underwater welders well that's what he does they always say that's one of the highest paying jobs it's not true oh okay diving here it's not easy no I have my diving certificate I have my Paddy certificate but I can't come here I can't die I have to be locally trained to dive here yeah what's going on it's small Islands you're actually in the middle of the Atlantic it's hot current and you can be taking away even people that's been diving for years have trouble diving here on one hand the crossing of the warm Gulf Stream and the cold Arctic currents create great trouble for divers on the other hand their Continuous Flow make Fairways marine ecosystems one of the cleanest on the planet for seafood to thrive in just a moment you're gonna head into the water what are you hoping to find I'm hoping to find some horse muscles and some sea urchins the weather is okay so I hope we get a little bit oh all right that's optimistic it's a terrible idea to expose your skin to the 44 degree water of the Pharaohs so divers here opt for dry suits with a full face mask and gloves right now he's getting prepared he's got his flippers he's got his net now that's a fun joke I've switched out his oxygen tank with laughing gas he's gonna find this hilarious this might seem easy enough but all this gear put together is probably 50 to 60 pounds and that's without the pounds and pounds of seafood that he's about to collect in shallow water European edible sea urchins and Northern sea urchins are a familiar sight like many other species here the consistent year-round water temperature allows them to grow slowly over time developing much sought after flavor it might be a good underwater welder he'd be a terrible underwater spy anytime you need to know where he is you just follow the bubbles not to mention the yellow tank sticking out at a depth of about three feet under a dark layer of muck you'll find giant horse muscles these oblong mollusks can grow up to eight inches in length and they're packed full of protein it's been about 30 minutes down he's making his way to me we're gonna see what he got on a good day guern can collect 400 to 800 pounds of seafood from the ocean floor but I mean just what's he doing oh it's probably hard to stand with that water yes what you got yes Victory do you see how many that was that was like sorry it's not funny the water pushed him over I'm sorry it's hilarious well done we start what do you like more definitely the sea ocean here they're small but with tiny little spikes now would you call that the mouth or the butthole they beat oh it'd be a mouth there where's it go to the toilet out of the same place oh I've met some people like that it was nice to meet you it looks beautiful you can really see the separation of the eggs so sea urchin is something that I thought it was cool to eat because Japanese people eat it and it's expensive and then I had it in Japan and I kind of pretended to like it but I didn't really like it because it was really metallic but then I had one in Vietnam I liked that and I realized they're kind of different around the world so here I'm gonna try this with an open mind and see what I think [Music] hmm rhino rich fatty no weird metallic flavor man just the Japanese ones are weird very smooth creamy at the same time you can feel the separate eggs in there and then you can feel them all congealed into one soft fatty Rich consistency it's really satisfying now I want sake so as a hobby you do this but you also make money doing that right yeah I'm selling this to some of the local restaurants in the fire islands and a little bit privately like the black market no this one here this is a horse muscle is this something you can eat raw I've never tried it I do think we should at least open them and take a look because I have never seen muscles this incredibly huge before look at the movies getting in there he's trying to kind of shiv it like he's in prison and that whole thing so it's like a bright orange muscle inside this is actually the room oh really it's an intense smell almost like ammonia this is the muscle where everything attaches right here this is like an egg sac and then right here you can see really these individual eggs inside that sack there's like half a pound of meat in this one muscle I've never seen anything like it what the [ __ ] it's gloopy there's so many different organs in there it does not seem safe to eat raw I believe you could sweet I think so maybe some of the row all right let's do it ah he's taking his pocket butter knife he's cutting away some of the eggs so we'll share that I'm not so sure about this what's the Worst That Could Happen explosive diarrhea food poisoning sure Cheers Cheers well almost like an egg yeah yeah very sulfury it's off-putting oh and then at the end it's Tangy and kind of a bit metallic yeah very that's quite a journey very complex like a fine wine do you regret that a little bit very much yeah me too to learn the actual proper way to cook and eat a horse muscle I'm heading to Rock's Restaurant to meet back up with mantis Montes today I went diving do you believe me uh well I'm lying I watched somebody else go diving and this is what he got oh yeah take a look what do you think I think they look great what are you smelling for I'm just smelling for freshness if I get any fishy smell I would probably not use them and if they are open after I'm pressing it they don't close it might indicate that they're dead or they give up on life could be equally as bad okay I'm so sorry looks the same as what I saw so this is the egg right no it's more like a flesh of it oh so I thought that was egg so basically we're going for this orange part right here yeah can you tell us a little bit about the preparation for horse muscles here we're gonna steam them first then we're gonna cure them and we're gonna serve it as a classic French dish called relax it would take half an hour maybe 40 minutes while mantis is working on the main course he sends out an appetizer langoustein and Bloody Mary sauce the langoustine is chopped in half dressed with oil and lightly smoked the Bloody Mary sauce is on Deck but missing one crucial component the vodka peruis vodka is brought to a boil and set on fire until sadly any chance of catching a buzz evaporates Into Thin Air the Vodka joins the sauce toss in parsley and celery and send it to the stove top no this right here is my first taste of rocks so these are a little bit smaller than what we had on the boat and it's going to come out so much more easily now that it's actually cooked I'm going to sop it in a little bit more of that Bloody Mary sauce [Music] interesting super sweet incredible texture nice bite to it a little bit of acid from the tomato and then something a little bit spicy in there too the problem is I could eat 1 000 bites of this I'm not one of those people who goes to a fine dining restaurant and takes that like micro bite and goes ah very nice indeed ah I want more it's so good soon mantis will work his magic turning this orange slime into a classic French style dish but first this an ocean perch is cured overnight and sliced into Sashimi sized pieces give the meat a brush of seaweed oil and align it with the fish's backbone finish with EXO paste made from caramelized scallops caramelized ham chili garlic and ginger complete the table with a bowl of Gooseberry sauce and a dish of pickled vegetables oh it does have a smell to it oceany oceany yeah I want to taste the sauce [Music] oh wow that's hard to describe a little sweet little tart so what I would suggest to do is just add everything to a bowl and eat everything lightly coated with the sauce or completely submerged I love how it's become so dense from being cured it's more tough than just a fresh fish so it has more bite but it's also creamy at the same time which I really like about pure fish the broth it's like a hot soup made from berries a salad gives it a little bit of texture and some vinegar to them the fish itself has some of the effector flavor from being cured so it's a fun combination of ingredients that you don't usually see together at least I don't all right let's talk about this this is the horse muscle so when people order corresponses here how many do they get they're gonna get around one so basically we're going for this orange part right here yeah what are the other parts in there so we have a beer that they latch onto each other and rocks so that's how they stay attached to the bottom of the ocean then we have the muscle that keeps horse muscle close and then we have some tendons that run through the whole thing that's how it attaches to the other parts of the Shelf you seem like an animal biologist that failed these test exams and was like [ __ ] it I'll cook coming out hot from the steamer the muscle is set for a quick trimming so basically we would try to avoid the main muscle it's too tough and we would try to avoid the tendons and the beard because well yeah the muscle meat is portioned into small cubes seasoned with a pinch of salt and smoked in the meantime the horse muscle offcuts are pan-fried to a golden brown then blended with egg yolk and olive oil to form an Emulsion I like that you're using every part of the muscle from nose to tail yeah mix the Emulsion with smoked muscle meat sweet Sicily chives parsley and lemon juice then place the mixture back in its home and Adorn it with crispy kale more smoked horse muscle meat parsley blanched kale and dry seaweed it's a transformation more impressive than adults this unruly mollusk has gone from this all the way to this this looks incredible what is the way to eat this you just scoop it up I would just scrape it and put it on bread and just eat it as a sandwich you think it's too strong it has some punch too you can try it out I'm gonna try just a little bit like this first just to get the real taste of it [Music] mmm probably smoking it's creamy like there's just a hint of that Oceanic brininess just like a distant memory of the ocean what percentage of this is still the muscle because I know you put other ingredients in here too maybe 70 to 80 of a horse muscle in here really we just played with the textures yeah because now it feels like a horse muscle spread really so I'm gonna put that on some of the bread here oh this bread is to die for too oh it is toasted and greasy and this is a beautiful combination I can see why you'd want some bread to balance it out because it's very rich but this is tremendous super creative is this your own take on this or have you seen this somewhere else that's uh my take on it I have a huge reveal right now and that reveal is that you're not from the Faroe Islands you're not Fairways at all are you no I'm not I'm from Lithuania as a chef what on Earth Drew you from Lithuania all the way here to this country of only 50 000 people take me away river flows I was just finishing my cooking school and I saw a restaurant Cox this is a restaurant of rocks I just went there as a intern I just have a really good time and have fun using Furious ingredients I really loved it and I decided to stay so how long ago did you come here it's been uh four years by now how long do you think you'll be in the pearl Islands it's really hard to tell I really loved how remote and wild the place looked like just have a really good time and have fun using various ingredients and educate people about fun ways of cooking them I was looking for a adventure basically [Music] [Applause] [Music] Don't wake me up don't wake me up thank you hunting pilot whales here in the Faroe Islands goes back Generations these whales are an abundant source of food once critical to a place where agriculture is nearly impossible I've never tried whale in my life I know you've had it once or twice before twice but in recent times animal activists have condemned the practice staging protests in an effort to save the whales you should try to look with the foreign and things like that the reality now is that people don't have to do it no but they still continue why do you think that is in order to understand the locals I'm going to eat like a local what is the most you've ever gotten one day 200 300 kilo that was pure meat I'm on a mission to discover why this practice still goes on and if their actions today could lead to these animals going extinct forever isn't this sustainable [Music] before you can unders understand whaling you need to understand how important the ocean is to this small collection of Islands fishing and fishing products account for 95 percent of this nation's exports among those is salted cod or pakalau a daily staple for many Islanders here what they are specializing in is salted cod what do you know about Cod tell me tell me everything this is beersky for decades he was a sailor and a fisherman I have been fishing a lot of code you know thousands and thousands of tons this morning our breakfast is a two-course bacalao meal starting with a soup The Salted fish is soaked in water for 48 hours to rehydrate and reduce its brininess then it's cubed cubes of salmon potatoes carrots and bakla are piled in a bowl with parsley sprinkled on top the colorful Heap is submerged in a steamy soup made from fish bones Sriracha cream salt carrots onion and Thyme I'm gonna charge you some of this broth oh that's delicious oh it's so buttery and creamy it tastes like a gravy oh yeah tastes very nice the fish tastes good still very salty but not too salty I like it it's very very very little of it though you would put more Cod yes of course are most people on the island eating cod as kind of a daily food I think so yeah and how many protests were on the island for people against cod fishing I mean they're alive they're creatures of known oh I have never heard any protists okay I'm just checking yeah yeah boom main course right here does this look familiar no well it probably shouldn't you know it's elevated food our main course starts with mashed potatoes and salted fish whipped together complete the dish with mixed seeds pickled Gooseberry and something I call faroise fish sauce you know what this is in the middle right carbonated so it's fermented too if I eat it just like no I wouldn't do that I know that's very little you can eat there wow yeah I mean obviously it's pure fat pure oil it's almost a buttery texture but it's between being rancid and like fermented like a soy sauce it has a wonderful flavor to it but it's just too much to have straight you need to mix it up a little bit that's awesome really packed full of flavor and very rich and there's like pickled gooseberries that are a little bit sour too is that what you grew up on fish potatoes yeah when it comes to types of fish are there any fish that are off limits no I'm a little disappointed because uh I heard that there's whale meat in the Faroe Islands well there's no whale meat here at this restaurant do you think it's illegal to sell in restaurants I don't know about that because I wouldn't go out and eat I do it at home a bay dyed Scarlet lines of massive whale carcasses when the topic of a Fairways whale hunt known as a grin to drop is mentioned these are the images that appear bierschi has also partaken in dozens of whale hunting missions throughout his life how old were you the first time you saw or partook in the Grinch just after I could walk or maybe my mother took me with her to watch it brski offers me a more profound look at the tradition by bringing me to burbay [Music] Grinch destination now clear of educational red stained Waters could you show me exactly how it works [Music] a Brint always starts with a sailor spotting a pod of pilot whales wandering into the pharaohi's fjords then you have to send the message from boat to boat until it reached the land then they were running and crawling gun double all over the villages upon receiving the call the townspeople drop what they're doing and rushed to the beach with their whale harvesting tools meanwhile the chasing has begun offshore fishing boats on Shore work as a flotilla to herd the pot of whales toward the beach when you come close here you make noise you can use your screw the propeller on the boat what's the purpose of that scare them and then they come up onto the shore so you way out into the sea and they have a hook and you put it in the nozzle and then you drag them in this way until somebody reaches and kill them [Music] each whale is put down with the cut behind its blowhole in order to sever its spine then each body is meticulously measured and lined up on the beach waiting for the townspeople to claim their share of the catch how many times could it happen in a year very very very different it can be none it can be 10 20 maybe the Pharaoh Islanders never deliberately set sail in search of pilot whales a grinch only happens when a whale pod comes too close to the eyelids this has been the tradition for over 1200 years but ever since the 1980s this Millennium old practice has been challenged by International scrutiny why is no one protesting Cod they don't see the kill here you see it the sea is red and you can see it for hours after the kill I'm filming a show here on the Faroe Islands if the Grinch happened now and we showed up to film with our cameras what do you think would happen they will throw you away they wouldn't be happy about that no they're worried about these people are bringing wrong information to the world about us They tell we're chopping the whales up in pieces and doing these things for fun and we don't eat it and things like that today with 80 percent of this nation's grocery products imported it's fair to ask if it's necessary to continue whaling for food this is food from this area you don't have to bring your food with chips and airplanes and then polluting the air you eat the food that belongs to your area you understand that I totally understand eat seasonal eat locally stop pollution stop Flying or shipping peaches from South America to Thailand to be put into a can and then be shipped back to the USA every documentary about Fairways whaling stops here but for me it's not enough I want to visit a local family learn their story and find out why the fairways people won't replace whale meat in spite of its controversial reputation foreign like your favorite serial killer and normal appearance suggests nothing about what he has inside his fridge though in this case it's a load of whale meat this is a steak from a long finned pilot whale the most common species caught in the Faroe Islands do you have any other ones here is dried the color of the dried whale it's amazing it is like black as wailing here is not a commercial event the whale meat is divided among the grid participants the most ant has ever received from a single Grint was 400 pounds of meat so how long can you keep this what's the oldest one I don't have this for such long it don't get better yeah it's not like wine right before we sit down to a whale heavy meal Susanna the lady of the house gives me a tour of today's uncommon ingredients you have so much behind you right now maybe you could like pick up a dish and tell me about it [Music] meat no fat in this one not much of a smell the color is so dark almost black that is so interesting and that's not been dried or cured or anything like that but it was maybe Frozen yeah and then this fresh blubber oh the smell is so unique it's so interesting it's a little Briny heavy it smells like if I wear a gym shirt and then I put it on the ground and I forget to hang it up and I smell it the next day sorry not trying to insult your whale blubber this is the actual skin of the whale and then you have a good two inches of solid fat and then the protein this huge layer of fat is what coats the entire animal to keep it warm in the water that is remarkable in Greenland you eat this raw but we always cook you know what I'm thinking do you want to try it raw right now no not this one turns out I can't eat blubber that's not been cooked but this has been cured so this is self-preserved Lopper so you eat this together with the dry meat so your husband showed me this but that was wrapped in plastic this is just dense it's pure protein it's like a brick it just smells like normal dried fish I rip it enough you can try it but I don't think oh you're Oh I thought I could oh I'm spoiling it sorry dried whale meat and salted blubber are sliced thin and laid with potatoes first taste of whale meat this is the most black meat I've ever seen in my life Susanna it's supposed to be that black yes are you scared or something yes a little bit [Music] oh oh that's so interesting it's so weird it's yummy it is the texture is amazing kind of dense but soft The Taste is like they fused together a cow and a fish and then it creates this kind of flavor it's beefy and fishy somehow at the same time and then it just has a very strange bizarre aftertaste and I can't really pin down it's not like anything I've ever had before but as far as dried Meats go it tastes excellent Susanna where did you learn these recipes from from my grandmother my mother my father we have always used it like that that's how you know it's good but next we have the blubber now I've been told to cut the blubber with other food can I eat the blubber alone you're brave enough to try it alone why does she say Brave why'd you say that yes oh wow it has a slightly kind of rancid smell to it oh I know what it smells like it's like my wife's feed when she takes herself at the end of the day I mean I love that smell [Music] foreign wow it's so oily yeah but I gotta say the smell is more powerful than the taste The Taste is nice and it's not heavy oil it is a light oil yes I agree it's not like pork it's not like a buttery thick oil that coats your entire mouth it's like a lip gloss I can start to see how this is something that people wouldn't want to part with because that is an experience like no other unreplicable cannot replace that with something else you could only take it away while I'm starting to understand why pharaohis people don't want to part with this unique delicacy one important question remains will this tradition eventually lead to the extinction of an entire species today Susanna welcomes us with a special dinner with two main courses consisting largely of whale meat first she boils whale meat with salt for an hour before adding more ingredients how many times a week are you preparing whale not every week actually sometimes once a month when you have children especially girls we shall not eat so much whale meat because of the metal this heavy metal like Mercury yes oh when the meat is soft enough she adds in potatoes chunks of fresh blubber and salted fresh blubber [Music] I was trying to figure out the smell earlier when you were cooking now I can say it's kind of like cheese we knew the smell before we knew the cheese so we're gonna say the opposite it was an opposite way okay so this is so similar to what I already experienced with my little appetizer you've got the fat the protein and the carbohydrates yes I was told I ate it incorrectly earlier actually I forgot to add the potato so I'm going potato protein wow it's such a powerful taste a lot of flavor it's something very new to get used to so I'm trying to enjoy it but I'm trying to understand it at the same time earlier today we tried some of fermented sheep Tallow and it was like this flavor bomb it had so much power and so much flavor and that's kind of what I experienced something similar when I'm eating this when you are sectioning up a whale and butchering it into different pieces how many different cuts are there I don't know actually but this is dry wrong and the different fresh one and sticks like with beef whale steak seems to be a favorite here Susanna's personal recipe starts with a whale steak marinated in vinegar and water overnight it's cut very thin right it's like a flat steak but it's just completely black Susanna cuts the steak into smaller pieces coats them with a flour and pepper mixture then pan fries them with slices of onion on the island what percent of people here do you think eat whale meat it depends where you live I think in this Village almost everyone but if you are in town I don't know to complete the dish she adds beef powder in boiled water then lets it simmer for half an hour do the Young Generation eat it too yeah it was going down slowly and then when we had this confrontation from the International Community there were some people here who came to the conclusion that no they are not going to decide what we shall eat so there were many young men and people Patriots who said we will really keep our tradition [Music] thank you it's a completely different experience yeah I thought it would just be so dry I mean it's just such a lean mean it's not dry at all it's not tough it has a slightly Livery taste to it and it actually tastes a little bit like venison to sweeten it we have this rhubarb jam yeah this rhubarb is amazing really sweet really delicious do you like this it's gone I ate it all without thinking about it what stands out to be the most is the idea that these foods are kind of Irreplaceable there's no way that you can just say well just eat something else just eat chicken I can feel the frustration people have when Outsiders say we're going to take this away yeah you can't have this part of your culture anymore this thing that you grew up with so I guess the biggest question I have is is this sustainable yeah I'm sure it is yeah absolutely and how do you say that with such confidence because they're living in the North Atlantic and we don't harm them they just take the few of them that comes to our fjords how can we kill the population that's living in the total North Atlantic we can do it it's estimated that about 1 million pilot whales live in the wild today far fewer than one percent of that population ever swim near this tiny archipelago in a given year when I see what they're doing in Japan there's a lot of people there who want to eat whale and they're going out into the ocean and they're looking for big whales that live in limited numbers and they're doing it under the guise of research but then they have to eat the animal so they don't waste the meat and it doesn't seem like that can last forever but here it's just whatever happens to pass by this small island in the middle of the ocean you get a piece of that and that's it every year about 800 pilot whales are caught in the Pharaoh Islands the pharaohis authorities have accurate statistics of whale catches dating back to 1584. it's the oldest unbroken hunting statistic of any wild animal do you think in 50 years from now the Grinch will still be happening it's very difficult to say because as you know the culture is changing a lot also now they say that please don't eat it because it's not healthy age because they won't eat it because of the Mercury that could harm their babies and when the wives doesn't deal why should the man they need it and they're not going to start reading it when they are over 50. yeah of course this controversial Fairways tradition doesn't notably impact the whale population the harvesting doesn't destroy habitat there is no bycatch and there are zero food miles still the whale hunt remains a source of controversy many have characterized the Islanders here as bloodthirsty barbarians killing for sport but from what I can see governing bodies have taken the protests to Heart altering their hunting methods to be conducted in the least painful way possible it's called a spinal cord lens so the idea what it is you take this point it in the around a hand behind the blowhole and just stab it in and there will be a blade there there will be a blade here is this the old style or the currency this is in your current style in the old days they only use the knife it can take a bit of a while now how long does this take as fast you can do this so two three seconds I'm a Hunter the first thing you do and we want to do is try to make as less suffering it doesn't matter which animals facial whale bird doesn't matter try to kill it as quickly as and humanely as possible [Music] next we're moving our Focus to land-based creature do you want to take it one of the only farmed animals in this country are sheep [Music] most people eat sheep meat here we eat it as a delicacy and also on a daily basis too and here in the Faroe Islands they cook up sheep in ways you've never seen before what's going on here fermentation my man aging it for months until it becomes one of the most shockingly putrid pungent Delicacies I've ever seen but before we get to that black pudding as you know yeah you know I like a lot of different types of pudding growing up chocolate tapioca not really blood to make blood pudding first you need to make the stuffing a combination of fresh sheep's blood an impressive mound of brown sugar flour and salt add ground cinnamon ground cloves raisins rolled oats and finally some coal fat why do you think they call it pudding I think it's a British thing right yeah actually translated it's blood sausage that's what I'm more familiar with the pudding thing was always hilarious to me it was off-putting once it Cooks through slice it and fry it with butter all right it is very solid let's go fascinating really interesting flavor it almost has a slightly bready texture and yeah cinnamon sugar some sweetness inside that's really nice you can't taste the intestines at all where'd you get the blood salsa from did you make it yeah and where did you learn this recipe from from my Mata amazing I could eat all freaking sausage of this today Susanna and her husband are giving me a real Taste of pharaohi's Home Cooking their friend Jonathan is here to help how do you say delicious still working anything with less than eight syllables no okay great so I know in the islands that fish are super important just the fishing industry in general is huge here and people eat a lot of fish but how important are sheep here very important yeah yeah because most people eat sheep meat here we eat it's a delicacy and also on a daily basis too sheep are one of the only land animals that can survive the harsh year-round weather of the Pharaoh Islands it's a native breed that can put up with a consistent cold rain and wind I heard on these islands there are two sheep for every person close enough do you own any sheep not anymore I sold everything no I have absolutely no nothing I have a spider or two but that's it you have a stock portfolio no don't no not even then a lot retirement account no okay unlike their friend Thomas's family does own a flock of sheet every October they retrieve some of the flock and slaughter them before winter comes I'm here to experience the delightfully bizarre way the Sheep is prepared I've eaten sheep and mutton and lamb in many different countries but never in a place like the Pharaoh Islands I know here there's very different techniques for preservation for cooking food fresh but also for preserving meat over time including some fermented and dry meat does it have a fermented smell to it it absolutely has sometimes it's so strong it makes them cough this is fermented smell I have a lot to learn today first things first we need to go get that sheep we have to go get the sheep and kill them folks on these islands have a very hands-off approach to racing sheep in fact they do almost nothing at all as the Sheep roam freely chomping away at the Island's Lush grasses when it's time for the slaughter the Sheep are captured and brought to Temporary barns where they might stay for just a day or two do the Sheep here ever live in Barnes no always outside always eating fresh grass also it costs like nothing to feed them no no [Music] and the land around itself really yeah property within the village and its only purpose is to hold sheep for one or two days a few times a year that is falling once their short stay ends the Sheep are taken to their final destination where soldering and butchering will commence right here we have Jacob professional sheep Wrangler right now he has to get the one cheap which seems like it would be easy except for this one cheap has a lot of space to run around and try to escape I have a very important job when he goes in I have to hold the door shut all right yes Jacob going in for the equally easy job I'm gonna hold the door shut yep I got that now he's going for the Sheep the Sheep is trying to get away he's trying to oh no it is panicking it's trying to come out the wood but it's not gonna work you can tell Jacob a throw he's got it in a headlock already he's kind of riding it like a small pony back away slowly okay so let the Jeep weigh in at about 40 to 50 pounds while the rest are kept her breeding to ensure the cycle of Life continues mission complete [Music] back at their home the same garage where they parked their car it's about to become a slaughterhouse during the mid-october school break Thomas and Jacob gather for the annual solder foreign do you ever see people outside soldering sheep never because it's also considered very bad to start our ships Outdoors to cool down the carcass immediately below eight degrees the fermentation stops if you want to ferment the meat it's important that you don't cool down immediately that will stop the bacterias to develop after the blood is drained Jacob removes the shanks then moves on to skinning Jacob yes what's your speed record for butchering a sheep don't act like you've never thought about it I don't like brag so humble oh please I insist just this one time could you tell me the man who knows my time is took it with him to his grave whoa ominous all right that was dark what are you doing now you're reaching inside its body are you skinning it just with your hands yes holy cow Jacob and his father butcher about 20 sheep per year enough to last throughout the entire next year during this time he's known as The Butcher but for the rest of the year he's a boat Machinery engineer how old were you when you first saw this process for five years then how much therapy have you required since that time no this is what bothers me it's like it's so normal here yeah father taught me his father lost him and that's how it rolls it seems like raising sheep soldering sheep it's like a normal part of daily life in the Faroe Islands it is in fact Peru Island's main Sheep Island sheep have been a vital part of sustaining life on the Pharaoh Islands through its history ever since the north settlers brought them here during the age of Vikings some of these ancient recipes and methods of meat preservation have survived to this very day I've never seen a garage like this I must say like a professional soldering setup but you have everything you need for the whole operation right here in this garage do you know that's not like every family has that right I mean is this typical in the Faroe Islands that people are soldering sheep in their own garage yes wow usually in a setting like this certain tasks are divided among men and women men deal with the solder and skinning while cleaning and cutting the organs is reserved for the women and the girls once butchering is complete the wool will be sold the organs will be cooked and the coal fat will be fermented every scrap from the Sheep will be utilized in some way but some parts won't be utilized until months down the road how far back does this tradition go it's hard to tell about hundreds and hundreds of years it's just an ancient way of preserving meat sheds like these found all throughout the islands serve one purpose to create the ideal conditions for a controlled rot I'm assuming this type of room has a specific name right chocolate like you couldn't turn this into an Airbnb I would not recommended though but why not you could when people don't realize watching right now is this room is extremely drafty it's not like a direct wind but there's a draft that comes through the walls exactly local weather and the room itself ensure the right temperature humidity and airflow we pretend to just use the nature to control the fermentation so if it's too cold the fermentation doesn't go well if it's too hardly probably too fermented luckily we have an average more or less perfect climate for fermentation of meat that's why we do it these our slotters just yesterday and today and the process of fermentation is starting now and it will go on for three months in three months it will look like this [Music] at what point do you cut the limbs off for certain occasions like December mid-December you start eating the ribs in Christmas you're studying more and more and this last pots you eat is actually the leg gosh what is it like do you know how you describe that hard to describe but something very strong taste this one and then when you cut it open that's when the ammonia comes out this has such a strong smell to it so I've just peeled the fat away quite easily and then what remains is a semi-dry kind of gummy soft meat sure [Music] oh that's lovely a very unique fascinating texture and to melt in your mouth kind of texture it does have a slight cheesy quality to it it's exactly The Taste you're talking about some of the Scandinavian cheeses and French cheeses they have this exactly this kind of taste yeah it's where the smell is kind of offensive but then when you bite into it it's all gone it's beginning of extreme what is this right here this is the same fermented meat but cooked in the broiler for about an hour [Music] this whole room reeks of this flavor for us it smells like Christmas it is so intense the outside is crisped up in the oven a bit it's fatty and juicy everything looks great about it except when you take a whiff that is intense cheers [Music] wow I hate it and I love it at the same time it's like my mouth reeks of dairy and old cheese blue cheese yes the texture is outstanding incredibly tender moist succulent on the inside and then there's just a fascinating Funk that goes along with it that is like just on the edge of being overbearing and then once it's gone you want a little bit more again exactly what is this alcohol that's what we're missing either one still have to taste in your mouth oh that's awesome it pairs perfectly with this how long have you had this shed in particular from 1998 wow I just you would never expect it as you look down the landscape you see all these different houses like you're in a small cottage meanwhile between the houses there's these places for the Sheep to stay for a day or two before butchering there's garages fully outfitted with a means to slaughter the sheep and there's places like this fully meant just for aging meat so is this common yeah so wild soon I'll face off with the Sheep's face as the family prepares a tradition National Fairway supper but first an appetizer that's too good to pass up Falls have you had balls before uh no okay so usually you don't eat these no I don't but a lot of people in parallels too why don't you I don't know it's false it is false though Jacob has never tasted this uh particular organ he's decided to cook him up along with garlic paprika steak seasoning and pepper where'd you get this recipe I love to cook so put the ingredients that I like see here's what you do you go plain ball to really appreciate the taste cheers [Music] that's lovely exactly good a little bit fatty you got a nice little crust on the outside got a little bit of a crunch mmm these are sophisticated balls and so usually you're throwing the balls out or just giving them to the dogs I give them the dogs out okay they must love that what about whales do whales have balls I don't know do all mammals have balls you never say the whale with two big balls hanging out it would create a lot of drag in the water it's quite an honor for having us here today you have a beautiful family beautiful home and this is some really incredible food and I'm very honored to be trying for the first time that was a good one that was a good one be fully build up to our main course the sheep head I'll be trying this is made with cheap intestines that are stuffed with fermented cold fat after cooking it looks a little bit like this it's usually paired with fermented fish but on the Faroe Islands potato is always a welcome choice now do you want thin slices like this how's that yeah yeah it's like a radish [Music] es I thought we might take a bite together but I looked wow delicious it is delicious it's very salty it's heavy but not enough to make you feel like you're eating a stick of butter it is nice to mix it with a little bit of potato for some balance definitely yeah I think it's amazing when's the last time you had that every Christmas actually does it remind you of Christmas yeah yeah actually I do like that I think we should move on to this over here next all the organs collected today the stomach the lungs the intestines are cooked together in one pot along with this cheap liver stuffed with fat and garlic after cooking Sizzle it on a frying pan with butter garlic and onion a big basket of goodies with different shapes different sizes and some are super crispy like they were just taking on the bottom of that pan forever yeah oh yeah which greasy delicious not gamey at all so far that first piece is delicious let's try this out it's interesting because it's my first time in my life trying these types of sheep and they don't have that usual kind of muttony sheepy gaming flavor yeah we think so and we have the liver with the fat inside of it garlic and fat [Music] that inner part is so important having some of that fat in there and extra flavor from the garlic tastes like onions in there too yeah sometimes I guess and I'm wrong it's absolutely humiliating last but not least the sheep head first the hair must be removed by way of torching then like anyone with a fully equipped slaughterhouse in their garage saw the head in half the brain will be used for another dish but the remaining Head meat is braised for hours with a pinch of salt when he was a kid they got the head for dinner if they didn't eat head they didn't get anything oh wow and the whole bottom cheek kind of inside and outside I want to try this cheek right here this looks amazing it's interesting because it's not even really warm it's kind of cooled down it's like a little firm a little soft the fat is really rendered down very good very good here's a tongue you're not picky no I'm loving all this it's very nice I would love to try the eyeball with you there you go cheers very fatty something are these fermented heads oh wow that was like the most intensely fermented slightly rancid pungent flavor of anything I've had today what just happened how long has that been fermented 10 to 12 days and fermenting in this case means what it's been put left out there wow that was intense but that's not going to kill me I wanted to ask you a personal question yeah my brother growing up here how was it fitting into a culture that's rather homogeneous everyone kind of well not kind of everyone looks the same basically you look different Jacob and his sister were adopted by Thomas and Susanna at a young age they came here from Colombia and they've lived here ever since for me it was hard because my father's white and my mother's white and when I got my first child Thomas my son that was I think one of the happiest moments in my life now somebody looks like me and who's your son he's my son um he wanted us adopted as young as possible when I got into that age they told us everything I think that has helped us a lot someone gave me life but my parents gave me the opportunity to live with because he's my dad that's 100 sure and the same with Mom I couldn't I couldn't have asked for better parents foreign Islands have a fishing and hunting culture that goes back forever Bridge Waters of the Atlantic Ocean provide an endless Bounty of seafood look at this and see birds they look like they're painted they look cute and perfect they're there yeah the sneakers today I'm on a mission to experience rare Pharaoh Foods you won't find anywhere else this bird was suffering from anxiety and I believe it's cured yes from actual dolphin meat when the weather's bad this is you know a man's breakfast to hunting one of the most elusive sea birds in the world the puppet it all starts here refrigerator tours here in Faroe Islands are epic Men's Health on YouTube they do these fridge tours and they're always like I have oat milk here's some broccoli no I don't have ultimate here this is toric expert fisherman and Hunter later today he'll guide me as we go bird hunting in the open ocean I can't say about this our puffing so this is what we're going for later today hopefully this is fermented sheep's pie in the neck whoa looks brutal but it tastes delicious this is the next marinated well so what's here oh there's more well made [Music] don't know what this is and then we have the dolphin meat dolphin meat yes how would you acquire dolphin meat it's the same way as we do with the Grid or a pilot we've already witnessed how the Pharaoh wees Drive PODS of whales to the shore and solder them for the purpose of consumption the same process is conducted when a pot of dolphins is spotted swimming near the islands it's not new first time to kill dolphin the fire was around 200 years ago what animals would actually be considered bizarre or taboo to eat here on the Faroe Islands yeah that's a cat the people are eating it it's part of the normal diet here I don't see why I wouldn't do it exactly olive oil so we put this straight out hit your soul for this dolphin this half this summer I was actually here at home I got a call that there were dolphins in this Bay I just got and you know these clothes and just went straight to the beach I got around a whole dolphin for myself plenty for me and my family for a few months suddenly I think it will be really interesting as an American they love to try new things so I think he will love this the Casual consumption of dolphin Meats they catch you off guard but for folks here it's a significant normal part of the fairways diet hundreds of years ago catching flipper meant having enough meat to survive another day I thought whale would be the most controversial thing I ate apparently not I was something new in the Pharaohs right [Applause] yeah this tastes really good yeah yeah good you like it it's really beefy it does have a little bit wild taste to it not gamey but just something that's been not eating grain its whole life exactly I've been eating fish it's all like this perfect compliment for this it's soft beefy buttery no fish taste to it whatsoever and it's consistently soft throughout this huge portion of protein so today you're taking me hunting specifically if we can we're going to try to get the puff it what is it that separates the Puffin from other birds to beak they look like they're painted they look cute and perfect in a way so there are many people who don't like that we eat those because you can't eat a beautiful animal right oh is that also controversial yeah I didn't even know that of course it is now it's time to hunt but first we gotta get ready before the hunt began Torx getting me familiar with our weapons and none other than the weapon room Welcome to The Gun Room the guns we're using they're all 12 cage this is mine and I think you're gonna use this the junior shoddy now this is for for the real man how do I [ __ ] it like in the movies oh you can't like this that's about it oh okay wait what do I huh yeah [Music] get out my property [Music] with our weapons packed we're ready to go up against our biggest adversary yet a foe no firearm can protect you from [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she's Mercurial she's ruthless and she's taking the lives of thousands I'm talking about the Open Sea [Applause] all right the first day of puffin hunting season and though you've likely seen footage of puffins on cliffs during mating season right now our best bet is heading out into the open ocean miles from Land we have all that we need for the hunt except maybe one thing the weather my dude we're hunting how are these conditions is this pretty typical or is this good is it bad this is good understanding the weather here can be the difference between life and death under this powerful wind the waves are becoming taller and more lethal especially as you head further into the Open Sea near land the islands break the waves mean we'll have to postpone the Puffin heart but there are still several prized bird species Within Reach in Latin the name means C Raven a fish eating bird they spend big chunks of their day out at Sea and they're insanely difficult to pin down now I only know about Minnesota hunting and we shoot birds in the sky this is the opposite they're sitting on the ocean the strategy is it just drive and look creep up on them on the boat hope they don't fly away or dive all right because they eat fish so they can dive around two to four minutes down so how close do you have to get maximum four degrees what do you think our chances are for today 50 50. 50 15. we're going after a bird right now every time we get close to it it takes off and starts flying it lands we approach it it starts taking off again he said it's not even worth pursuing if it's flying they're just too fast when the birds reappear they're riding a Nordic way making them nearly impossible to hit with precision where is it where is it where is it they are extremely elusive always you see them and then they're gone oh oh he's a type beside it was like right above the water all right it's in front of us oh it just went down television it was it went down when I shot oh it's so far right there there it is yeah oh my God nice work bro thank you first part of the Season it was just diving I mean these birds like live on the water they are more fish than birds actually this is uh maybe five eight years old you can tell by the look of the feathers and is this good eating personally I think they're really good yeah of course they're wild birds so there's a gaming but if you like gaming then just perfect all right this is a great start the torics tutorial completes it's time for me to take a crack at it so far away no no it's good really close ah you were too low ah I had the perfect shot all right I think I got one shot left right there yeah I didn't know if I'd get the chance to actually hunt anything or shoot anything today but boom take a look at this one comrant mark me down you trained me well yeah really well too well I think now I'm fired weather in the Pharaoh Islands doesn't care if you have an outdoor wedding picnic plans or that you flew here from halfway across the world to hunt puffins if you're true pharaohuit you'll take these setbacks in stride and focus on what you can actually control in that moment the first thing you do [Music] it's easier to clean oh okay what about chicken wings to eat chicken wings there was Plan B if we didn't catch anything then the neck throughout the day the weather's only been getting worse oh wow tomorrow we'll have our last shot at tracking down the priced puppet but for now a bird in the hand is worth two in the open sea the weather wasn't so good horrifying actually but at least we have dinner [Music] 's home cooking is underway step one butchering Corey picked out his two favorite Parts the legs and the breasts breasts are the best the breasts are flavored with salt and onion salt then fried in olive oil [Music] a little bit lean certainly not overcooked even better if you're not eating it like a caveman like me I think if you cut it into thinner slices a little bit better you put great spice on there I like it just very straightforward but to give the bird a chance the interesting part is it's a breast but it tastes like dark meat in fact I can't even say like oh it's chickeny no it's a sea chicken the legs are drummies or seared with salt pepper and Thyme you can see they're a swimmer these are the back legs yeah like it's got giant hamstrings it's kind of like a really lean beef steak it's weird it's a bird no weird cartilage or fat just like one consistent texture all the way through you think the Puffin has a more dramatic flavor yeah 100 Puffin hunting day two tomorrow we fly out so this is our final opportunity to take on this elusive seabird luckily the weather and waves have gone from deadly to barely safe so into the Open Sea we go the Atlantic puffin is among the most populous bird species in the Pharaohs right now during breeding season there are up to 1 million puffins here they hunt and eat small fish and they're built for it able to maneuver underwater and hold their breath for minutes no it went down be on this they're less than half the size of a Cormorant meaning they're a very small Target the puffins only dead giveaway their giant triangular beak just now he's trying to shoot this bird out here but the waves are going up and down so much that it's hitting didn't have the time [Music] and also the birds are moving up and down that's the point we're moving up oh my God the birds are moving up and down we're moving up and down and now everyone's wet so let's see what we can do 12 o'clock come on you got it no what are you waiting for Straight Ahead boom smoked it I see there's two of them straight ahead oh two more just like that this is insane you spend hours and hours looking around seeing nothing and then suddenly in the Horizon you see a couple of black dots with some big triangle beaks and then you get them he gets them [Music] he's got one here it's like a whole new level of difficulty just being on land with a gun hard enough so the fact that you're able to come out here see these birds from a mile away track them down smoke them it's truly impressive the weather wasn't cooperating but we said you know what we're going anywhere and it turns out really good there is one thing though I heard that you can actually eat the hard raw you're gonna try it [Music] I've never had a raw bird heart I guess if you're out here for a while you forgot your granola bars this is a good alternative oh is that it right there wow you took that out with such Precision how did you know where it was I'm uh [Music] hmm not bad man A bit rare slight irony flavor but it still has some bite to it it doesn't feel like jiggly and wrong tastes like a heart pumping yeah it stopped a while ago cheers to you the only thing left to do now is to go back cut these humps and make some delicious food I can't wait to see how this tastes the puffins are de-feathered the new fashioned way on an industrial de Feathering machine then they're torched to clean the remaining hair after trimming them down a bit more the puppets water and salt join the pot and simmer after one hour on the stove the puffins are ready to eat with a compulsory side of potatoes this is our long-awaited well-deserved and most definitely epic final meal here on the Faroe Islands you're not cold me it's summer what do you mean ah good point let's try also it's freezing out here the breast is here and just cut it like this the meat I've never seen breasts like that it looks like a chicken liver so boiling I gotta say this is not a judgment on your cooking whatsoever but everything that's been cooked today has been kind of done in the way of a bachelor just easy quick straightforward is this like a common way to cook this just this is the old way [Music] brush is a little bit dry but the skin brings back some moisture to it there's no ketchup no mayonnaise and there is no fermented sheep Tallow potatoes you forgot one or five wow I love the taste it's more flavor than pork it's interesting to have two to compare that was really beefy and this is much more just like a dark meat that's a little bit more on the dry side more gaming also with a little bit of the game like me back in high school a little bit of game not that much all right let's try the likes it is amazing because the breast is pretty big compared to look at that that is a tiny little thigh and drumstick [Music] wow of course they eat fish so that's for that reason do you think you taste fishy sometimes [Music] I love the texture of the light there's a little bit more fat there and the flavor is fascinating oh hold on I forgot to mix that with a potato of course yeah don't forget that I noticed you've kept the head on is there a reason for them yes we do green oh whoa all right this is the first time I've seen that procedure oh my God I'm going right through this skull with this butter knife oh take a look at that dude this bird was suffering from anxiety and I believe it's cured yes yeah it's a little bit like a pig brain I think creamy little bit Livery has some minerality to it and a potato salad this is my final meal here in the Faroe Islands one of the most interesting unique places I've ever been to it was my goal to come somewhere in Europe that people had not seen a million times before I believe I've achieved that goal 100 you grew up here you're born here you are Fairways through and through so for me I don't know if I could live here long term and maybe if I was born here of course I'm sure I'd get used to it but what is it that you love about being peruese I think it's the freedom you can do almost anything that you want for example hunting or the work that you want to be yeah you can be literally who you are I love that you hunt but you have great respect for where you come from and for the creatures here as well so we have to I've learned a lot from you so thank you very much likewise dirty handshank sip of beer and let's go inside why the hell are we out here yeah oh and that is the end of our Pharaoh Islands series guys I hope you enjoyed it this is a dream I've had for a long time to come here pre-pandemic and boom here we are no pandemic console me down except for by about two and a half years I want to say a huge thank you to everybody who will help make this production possible you guys for watching our local producers plus all the restaurants families and chefs who cooked for us and made one-of-a-kind food that I may never be able to try again amazing experiences I hope you enjoyed it that is it for this one guys see you next time you know there's still one kind of dolphin that's legal to eat that we did not eat I'm gonna find it let's go
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,540,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, faroe island, europe, where to eat in faroe island, what to do in an island, exotic meat, extreme food, ocean food, seafood, street food, Most Challenging Food, dolphin meat, whale meat, puffin bird, PAN-FRIED DOLPHIN, hunting bird, dolphin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 5sec (4325 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.