Singapore's RECORD BREAKING Chili Crab!! Massive Seafood of Asia!!

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in this video i'm gonna eat the biggest chili crab i can find in singapore chili crab is usually made with a mud crab so i'm gonna be looking for a massive mud crab for them to chilly up and i'm gonna take it down but that is just course one after that the biggest alaskan king crab i could find and we're going to chili that too that's something i didn't even know was possible until today i thought they came to you for doing something like that are they still canning people in singapore yes oh i mean not only is this going to be an alaskan king crab but this is a special red alaskan king crab it's more rare and therefore it's more expensive 100 per pound the restaurant's right behind me let's head in and check it out i'm at house of seafood with my man raymond head chef all right headshot he is the head chef in fact we have the mud crab right here these are some of the most aggressive crabs you're gonna find anywhere look at the massive claws that is where a majority of the delicious meat is going to be i need to actually pay for this food in order to do that i need to know how much it weighs should i pull it out yeah do you trust me all right geez it's fine everything's fine what i'm told is that you don't want to put your finger basically in this region right here because it will still bite your finger right off 1.57 but we can just call it 1.5 that's cool no problem cool all right 1.5 and then how much per kilogram around 80 or exactly it's around 80 in fact it's 100 80. how many ways here can you cook crab red pepper white pepper chili chili sauce what is the most common mostly all right well that's what we're here for this is one of the national dishes of this country any uh request for our last meal perhaps algae [Music] oh what you're gonna see right here is a master taking apart this crab in about 2.5 seconds [Music] this thing is just being eviscerated it looks like you're trying to jump on a grenade that is the bite i'm looking forward to that is a massive claw and that is the other massive claw is there anything better we're heading to the cooking station now chef raymond is starting the cooking process the wok is lit he starts with a chicken broth and then chili oil first the claws oh yes finally the head cap [Music] special sauce coming up next he won't tell me what it is oh look at that and an even special sauce soy sauce and chili sauce yeah then msg and sugar going in the crab is already transformed it is cooked the shell has become orange peanuts coming in hot from here the extraction process can begin he's pulling out every single piece throwing it in the sieve and letting all that liquid drain out somehow iceberg lettuce tractors into this first the back legs piece of the body now the claw the other claw uh-oh i knew there was some peas missing it can happen guys if you order chili crab make sure you count all the legs and arms and the head are there too okay so now it looks like he's putting a thickening agent into the liquid here and that's gonna cook down and reduce a bit he put some egg into the sauce finally topping all these beautiful body parts and then the apprentice is the only one who can put the head on top chili oil going on top oh this is gonna be a spicy one some herbs and scallions and now it's healthy it's basically a salad i really like what he's done with this seeing the process was very interesting spoon soup i thought it was water at first but it's actually a chicken stock and you can see how thick it's become because he's put egg in there and he's put some cornstarch in there it tastes a little chilly like it's spicy it's a very nice spice there's egg in there you can taste the crunch of the peanuts was there ketchup in there why does it taste ketchupy monto i love these little bread so much i'm gonna give that a big dip always getting away from me [Music] oh that's delicious great combination super flavorful sauce which is delicious fried bread if you don't want to dye your fingernail bed bread for the next week you just slap these on and you're going to be good i'm going to go here with the head that is all the crab rose i'm going to give that a dip in the chili sauce oh yes that was not as enjoyable as it could have been i just ate a lot of shell i hope the shell has calcium or something all right i've got one more piece round two i think all the shell is off [Applause] much better interesting texture it's very dense a little rubbery too i like it i gotta wait on these claws that is the final bite here's one of the legs i'm gonna see if i can break that okay the tendon comes out i put it in the machine it's not it's not breaking [Music] [Applause] what kind of machine is this i mean is that a joke is this an april fool's machine did someone buy this at spencer's it seems like the legs are pretty tough maybe if you're friends with the rock you could have them come to your house and help you oh here i got that one all worth it for that right super there kind of dense very nice i like it right here we have the biggest crab claw now i'm going to start by pulling back this piece trying to get the tendon out of there okay i've got it open you can see some of the meat there oh a bunch of meat just fell off the table use this at your own risk apparently here's another idea i'm gonna just completely destroy it [Music] absolutely the best part it's not just about the flavor because the flavors are very subtle especially when you put red sauce on there but the texture of that thick dense meat irresistible you can see like the grains of the meat like an old piece of oak wood eating the chili crab pretty easy if you're experienced like me definitely wear gloves for protection that's always important chef raymond round one delicious in here round two this is the special red alaskan king crab how do i know it's special they're making me pay like 20 more for it let's rip off the top let's go for it boom oh look at this that is a massive king crab hold on is that red yeah which part crawl the claw is red all right let's see how much it weighs this is the massive beast just the head alone probably has a pound of meat if you look below you should be able to see the weight what does it say over 10 pounds of crab that is gigantic i was gonna do chili crab but then i thought it might be too boring to do chili crab twice in a row about instead we do black pepper crab for this body steamed pull off the legs then that's going to be cooked with black pepper also a very common very beloved dish here in singapore step one is to remove the top of the head look at the organs and everything inside of there the legs are going to be cooked separately from the body right now some of the parts are being assembled onto this platter ah so we have egg whites and a chicken stock right here then he puts a chinese wine inside and then all that stuff this is supposedly the filter for the gills to help filter jack daniels whiskey coke things like that all those delicious flavors are going to be added into the body [Music] this is heading to the steaming area here it goes inside the steamer [Music] and it is too big the moment has come that is finally going inside is it a perfect fit absolutely right now you can see he's cutting the legs all the way down that's so fantastic we are in the kitchen again preparation has begun for a whole different style of cooking this is the black pepper crab it starts with some butter and a little bit of chicken stock then a little bit of chicken stock okay then a lot of chicken stock four scoops of chicken stock okay you know what lots of chicken stock that we know for sure is black pepper oyster sauce what is that oh secret now the best part the leg the secret ingredient was five spice oh yes black sauce boom more butter you can see the shade of these legs has already changed it's becoming actually much more red which is what i paid for it is finally done look at how much that sauce has reduced down [Music] he's putting up the fire and he's really reducing this down just completely smothered in this black pepper sauce but then we have this dish that just came out of the steamer here we have some chinese wine although it's a little too late to get the crab drunk some greens chef put her there thank you very much can't wait to try it out oh just kidding they had to put a little uh sesame oil on top all right i've got my dish let's go eat right here we have our final meal this is just the legs with the black pepper sauce over here take a look at this [Music] this is the head right here you can see the filter for the gills mixed with all that other stuff it looks gooey and honestly it looks a little weird by the way did i mention that there's a steaming crab behind me huh steamed crab it's cool it's meta whoa the texture of it is like moss the taste is white seafoody that is unusual i'm gonna wash that down with some tiger [Music] we have the joints that were most close to the body i can push from the opposite side and you can see just a huge chunk of meat come out oh my gosh it's plump it's looking delicious oh it's so delicious it's sweet it's juicing it just has that perfect density it's similar to just normal steamed crab but it has a little bit of that chicken stock flavor in there something new for sure but i like it here is the claw we're going to come to that one last for now let's move on to here you can just see this huge pile of legs it looks like a big pile of camping firewood all the most straight thick parts of the legs are right here that is all just meat right there my favorite part though is just how that sauce has worked its way into the meat a completely different experience to the chili crab it's sweet it's gloopy it's a very thick viscous sticky sauce then of course just a ton of black pepper taste it's interesting because it's a powerful taste it does cover up a little bit of the natural sweetness from the crab that i love so much so i feel torn it's like if you're doing coke do you need to put like hershey's chocolate on top of it too it's already great the way it is is it more delicious than just a plain steamed crab no but it's different there's nothing wrong with that i think it's some nice variety this is the final step right here boom taking that off all right i've got my bite right here the final bite [Music] for me that's where it's at i love that sweet delicious king crab from alaska it is one of those experiences you have to have once or twice as you say in a lifetime but a year ideally uh if not a week this is my first time trying some of the food in singapore i wanted to go with the classics and i have not been disappointed that is that is it that is the video i'm gonna see this is what happens full i'm tired let me know what i should eat next time i come to singapore because i know i'm just scraping the surface of what there is to eat here i want to come back thank you so much for watching i will see you next time peace cheers [Music] welcome to the best ever merch store where you can check out our brand new designs best ever bandanas in black white and red the please send nudes hoodies pillow soft fabric with a quality custom graphic inlay and our street food around the world graphic tee we're now shipping everywhere around the world just visit or click the link in the description below to get your new merch today a piece
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 4,727,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J8wZOkp-gz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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