Philippines Most Exotic Meat!! Monkey with the Aeta Tribe!!

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in this video we're living the ITA people for 24 hours dining on the most daring dinner I've ever seen in the Philippines dude some people keep these as pets yes but they also eat them yes but first let's back up on our last Filipino food Adventure we went deep in Manila taking on Urban foraging in search of this country's most taboo food pogp you get some big pieces that have a lot of protein but then there's also this that we certainly have eaten now we're hitting the road and traveling north in Lon the Philippines largest island in search of food that is truly shocking Luzon is a huge region in the Philippines and this trip is all about going as far north as we can until we hit our final destination in bualan Kalinga but before that today we have a special side mission welcome to pastan this place is home to the first people of this nation the indigenous ITA tribe said to have arrived here over 30,000 years ago you slaughtered the chicken and then chucked the whole thing into the fire here just a few hours from the big city you'll witness a clash between rapid modernization and Customs that go back Generations we're doing the bad thing for real is there a certain amount that you're hoping to get today I mean one is pretty good we could just or even half of one today I'm on a mission to learn more about this important culture right now we're doing what I call my worst nightmare I want to know how they live oh my God okay and how they eat fat wings or chicken wings what do you prefer including a Meal made from a forbidden food this is essentially a monkey drumstick but before that how about some breakfast good morning good morning sun eating with us two ITA tribal members Rosaria and Sam it probably goes without saying this is probably the most normal thing we're going to eat today most familiar to people watching the video right now we called it manuk ble wild chicken breakfast prep is underway first two wild chickens are cooked in two different ways a roasted version called CA and a soup version called cig gum a treat prepared by our host and tribal Hunter who goes by the name Dandy is this a preparation you've had your whole life like this oh yes after slaughtering he de feathers the bird but instead of waiting for water to boil he Chucks it in the fire and calls it a day because sometimes we are lacking off water no need to waste water or get a pot or heat it up or wait just Chuck it in the fire like this Cuisine is reflected in its Simplicity with minimal ingredients and a focus on using what's readily available in the environment for this dish the chicken is stuffed into a bamboo vessel along with sour leaves it's seasoned with just a pinch of salt and a splash of water then it's all let the cook slowly over an open fire banana leaves are cleverly used as a lid for the bamboo there's an added flavor from the bamboo so it tastes different when you put it on the regular bow even when you put soft drinks on it it has a different flavor sorry so you're like putting Sprite in bamboo yes and coffee for our starch some plantains cassava and Tero hit the fire until their inside soften up can we try some Tero to start with I want to you know ease my way into this Meal m that's good there's something almost spicy to it like eating a radish very nice but with that said let's get into some of this protein the soup has been removed it's more of a dry soup at this point but the broth has been put into these bamboo Tu right y juicy let me try some of this Leaf oh yeah that's sour you know there's different types of sour there's like sour Citrus like lemon or lime but then there's like sour fermented that's what that tastes like he of vinegar that's why they call it oh really here this is a broth that goes with it right yeah cheers oh wow that's a fascinating flavor it's a big of the fat that boiled out of the chicken the sourness from the leaves and it's the smokiness from the fire you know the cup American Blass because it has a space for your nose it will not touch your nose because Filipinos have flatter noses is that what you're saying but I got a big Honker right here yeah Sam specializes in Social and Community Development he's deeply committed to promoting and preserving ITA culture an integral part of his upbringing soon we'll go hunting with an aim to capture some of the most exotic food we can find in the jungle oh my God okay yep but before that we've got one much more palatable food to try Al last here we have the Fire Grilled Chicken first the legs head and organs are removed then the chicken is stuffed with lemongrass and local leaves called tungl season it with a bit of salt put it on a skewer and Grill it Beyond well done I'm going to grab a leg oh my God this is like that Marathon chicken right been walking around a lot a little bit more tough the dark Meats nice nice and juicy but this type of chicken is always dense it's always chewy but folks here seem to like that right even when we boil it we want it a little chewy why is that it's the practice of protecting your teeth look at my yeah complete set of to let's see let's see very good so you grew up here in this Village 68 years old oh wow looking great the ITA people are indigenous to the Luzon region apart from their Traditions their physical characteristics distinguish them from other tribal groups on this vast and diverse archipelago what is the size of this Village how many people are here 500 family that's bordering on a town it's believed they arrived here long ago by way of land bridges that once connected the Philippines with Mainland Asia when she was young you know 50 years ago I'm sure the food that people were eating was a lot different a lot more traditional and today that's really what we want to focus on especially when it comes to foraging can we try Bats Bats Bats you like it I don't know how excited I am for bats I have had bats before and they were okay have you ever tried bat 10 years 10 years old she's eating so what do you like about it she loves the bat wings bat wings or chicken wings what do you prefer PP paniki paniki me too oh my gosh if you're done to eat you have a Toth oh this is wild a region a village where they prefer bat wings over chicken wings well let's do it let's do [Applause] it ITA communities have long been hunters and gatherers possessing extensive knowledge of the tropical forests they call home historical illustrations often depict them wielding bows and arrows or Spears when pursuing prey however when it comes to hunting bats they employ a different Technique we will be using Thorns of bratan ratan is a viny tree it has a lot of thorns on it is there a certain amount that you're hoping to get today I mean one is pretty good we could just or even half of one at least five after a 1-hour hike from the village we arrive at a small cave when a dying uncle or sick uncle or grandmother anybody who is sick in the family sometimes when they request you to hunt then you have to because that's their like a dying wish sometimes they don't die they become stronger after eating the B me so its effects can be that profound it's not just about food but it's also about tradition tradition about customs and also about healing the bad species we're targeting here is different from the the greater short-nosed fruit bat I encountered in Indonesia whereafter the Lesser short-nosed fruit bat oh my God a species predominantly found in tropical regions of Southeast Asia can we focus the lights there on that one [Music] hole their diet primarily consists of small fruit along with nectar and poet right now we're doing what I call my worst nightmare this is a very small cave and right now his team is outside both entrances with Nets and we're in side our job is to scare them out oh my God okay can I use a knife or something yeah Jes right now he's equipped with a bamboo rod and I have a knife I'll try to make bad kebabs in [Music] here yeah there b after several attempts it appears the net technique is not working out and these bats won't be returning anytime soon I don't want to admit it but this is starting to look like a failed Mission sadly our mission today was not triumphant do you know what you call a bat cave with no bats just a cave they got out of there quickly you see one side we had a giant net on yeah that side that's a net the other side and I'm not sure about the strategy the other side they had nothing so Stay With Me the bats were like well we should just fly through the side where there's nothing so they just left I'm of two minds about not having to eat the bats on one hand I don't have to eat the bats on the other hand I'm still curious about this ancient tradition nonetheless there's a surise Don't Fear The locals here won't let me leave without a wild [Music] experience but before all that Sam has something to show me so we didn't get bats but um it looks like you've got this already yeah we Hunted did this is the Philippine longtailed Ma how long since it was born Rocky around 3 months rest assured we're not dealing with an endangered species here and personally I'm not too keen on trying this particular monkey what is the method for actually catching them bu can I pick it up [Music] sure why is he not biting me because oh okay fair enough look like human I thought you going to say I look like one of them it's trying to sleep it actually seems pretty chilled out and relaxed it looks like it just smoked two joints do some people keep these as pets yes but they also eat them yes it's actually when it's Holy Week we go to the forest for hunt the monkeys will make our elderly stronger I definitely can't eat this one cuz I've made a connection yes it looked into my eyes I saw it's innocence it thinks I'm its Dad can we name him Sunny yeah you can name it sunny sunny junor okay yep you're good we had a great time definitely we can't eat this monkey I've bonded with it we have a close relationship but luckily you have pieces of frozen monkey in a freezer yep and that is set to be part of our final feast how do you come to terms with the fact that on one side you're helping animals rescuing them rehabilitating them and on the other side you're going out and hunting them for consumption but before we get to that I'm taking a slight detour where was this found in the forest revealing a reptile they caught two days ago oh yeah oh my God a couple of lizards this one's hom tied this one has its back legs free be careful with the bite yeah they do bite oh my gosh it's just like a snake it's a moned for liard how would you trap these put some rotten meats and then set the Trap there what is the best way to cook up lizard adobo adobo that is fascinating because adobo is probably one of the most popular food preparation Styles in the Philippines but I would say few people have had adobo with this inside adobo cooking goes way back in the Philippines originally it was a way to preserve meat in this tropical climate and since the Spanish left their mark it became the adobo we know today a process typically involving chicken pork or seafood but I'm about to find out you can adobo just about anything first our cook Begins by frying garlic and onions and oil she adds the meat already chopped into pieces and cleared of any unwanted bits next comes the essential adobo ingredients soy sauce and vinegar let it simmer until it turns a rich brown Hue have you ever had lizard adobo hosting us in her traditional home an elder of the Ed tribe Mary she had dessert before but it's the sour soup there's three piles do we each get one pile mine yours and hers oh you guys gave me the biggest pile it's almost like a sticky glaze on the outside but the meat is actually quite soft oh she's grabbing from my pile let's try it out someone dig on your plate is an honor nice nice nice that flavoring is amazing a soy sauce glaze a slight sourness I got to say this is delectable the only thing is lot of Bones so the flavor it's a little chickeny it's not 100% like chicken it's more springy it's got skin in each bite and the skin is a little rubbery this is some of the best liard I've ever had in my life please Mary enjoy some more Mary has called this house her home for 30 years its construction was a community effort we need at least five men to cut some bamboo to cover the house and so why do some folks have houses like this and why do some have a concrete house preference and also the situations in life if you could change something about your house what would you change she wished that before she died or left her family at least they're living in a comfortable house concrete with the progress that's been made over time at least during your lifetime what progress do you see that there is still to be made what I really want to see is the changes the way we see the point of view of looking to the itas because most of the time we are called BMW BMW means Bobo M and Wang Alam meaning we we don't know anything if not possible at least the discriminations against us the ITA people at least we have more opportunities to be in the universities that's what I think is the best help itas get education get them the profession they need then everything will for our final meal Dandy returns with a handful of monkey meat from his freezer that is a sentence I never imagined that I would utter the monkey will be prepared in two distinct ways the first method Embraces a classic Filipino technique known as kinow akin to a Philipino version of Ceviche though fortunately in this case there will be no raw meat is this something you've seen people in your tribe eating from the time you were young after briefly grilling the monkey meat is chopped into small pieces are there any particular diseases that can come from eating monkey baaa but that's not proven chot garlic and ginger are finally diced and given a quick cook on the fire together with the meat you've never heard of anybody getting sick I no it makes them stronger ordinarily kiny La doesn't involve this extra step of actual cooking but given that this is monkey meat it feels like the perfect time to Veer away from tradition gentlemen look I got to say I've had monkey before I can't say it was a great experience but it was an experience that I'm glad I had and I thought why would I just eat monkey again when I can also make my friend chewy eat monkey for the first time ever yes man I don't know what I'm doing here so you largely have a Filipino audience how do you think they would react to you eating this this will be like really really extreme but at the same time we're doing this like to educate them that's it I think we should start with the kin kin but first we need rice to pair with the protein some rice cooked the traditional pulo style inside a bamboo stock this is my favorite part of today actually fantastic woved up it smells good smells like lemongrass it smells sour I don't know but my heart is beating right now that means you're alive so that's good cheers [Music] cheers it's kind of on the rubbery side crazy chewy it's good it's like eating goat I agree it's a big gaming there's some funk to it the charcoal had like burnt hair in it and so this has some burnt hair flavor and that is what to me makes it taste unlike other meats I've had I just get a random question because I asked JoJo earlier he said have you eaten monkey he said oh no it's not part of our subribe we're not eating it he came from a m tribe and they don't usually eat it the SBS we eat it not everybody is eating this not everybody and even within this Village the woman at breakfast too said that she liked bat wings when she saw the lizard she was like no thanks so a lot of it is based on culture but also personal preference there is no more classic way to cook meat than to just throw it on the fire the second approach is straightforward miring the ITA lifestyle season the meat with salt and Grill it over an open flame this is essentially a monkey drumstick it's well done it tastes charred oh my God it looks like it was cooked medium yeah beef jerky oh yeah yeah deer yeah I agree it tastes like venison very different experience to what we just had over here crazy salty borderline jerky very dense but not too tough visually it's like you're eating like just a chicken but when you taste it it has a little bit of pungent toasty flavor it's like weird at the same time it's familiar also there's almost a beefiness to it exactly red meat my understanding is that you also have a role in protecting these animals too is that correct absolutely D is working with wind a wildlife uh in need wind is a rescue yeah all of the damaged animals and disabled cut hands and blind eyes wind is preparing them to become at least free for themselves and then they can put back in the wild how do you come to terms with the fact that on one side you're helping animals rescuing them rehabilitating them and on the other side you're going up out and hunting them for consumption so there are protected areas and there's certain area where we are allowed to hunt permitted by the government we know how to hunt when to hunt and how it is being done in the process it's just a minimal amount as long as we know that the animals that we're hunting are not part of the endangered species we're still hunting it gentlemen Dandy Sam I got to say this was an incredible experience oh yeah just sit there uh I have a surprise for you grandma sit there there's a surprise come here oh hi there you want to do the honor open it [Music] Jan bat wings first Dandy Begins by tarring the bats over a fire to remove their fur we already went bat hunting there were no bats where'd you get bats from you have a bat dealer Andy friends oh friend he then detaches the wings from their bodies and prepares for two separate dishes we have it preparing for the visitor to welcome you I feel so welcome the bad bodies are cooked in a traditional manner grilled over an open PL after grilling the is washed and carefully chopped to discard any undesirable Parts have you ever had bat not yet man you're just like a young gear L for me it's my third bad experience for the dish we're trying first a pot simmers with sour leaves cucumbers and lemongrass into this fragrant broth the bat wings go along with a pinch of salt they simmer away until a uniquely surreal stew has been brought into fruition this morning at breakfast Rosario said that if she had to choose between chicken wings and bat wings it's bat wings all day oh really so please uh wa should I get the one a Batwing is very different from a chicken wing because it's more like a hand stretched out and then between the fingers is the rubbery material of the wing so I'm ripping off some of that rubber cheers my [Music] friend this is one hell of a meal dude so far the rice is my favorite part there's something rubbery about the wing it's like someone's taking an inner tube and boiled it for 10 hours until it got soft am I the only one but this is like more pungent compared to the monkey it has like a sour I think that might be the sour leaves oh yeah maybe that's also men bats are punching because they just piss on themselves every night oh these guys they don't have good eyes it's all about ears and nose so right here we have a bat sour soup it's like a bat [Applause] stock yeah gentlemen I respect the hell of you not for me it's like the worst lemonade ever M pure sourness that's what it tastes like I'm so happy we got to go full circle you know today we went bat hunting we didn't get anything I was disheartened I was distraught but here we are at the end of the day the perfect book end to this video thank you you're welcome you're always welcome here thank you sir elevate your style with our brand new clothing collection rock out in our threads feel the thrill of culinary adventures and celebrate with us in style head on over to beers. shop today people used to have stronger teeth if you go to some place where they haven't used their teeth as a tool for a long time like Britain their teeth are all messed up they're all over the place cuz they're like what we have no purpose how big are they tiny little ones you we what rabies some some of them are babies boom guys that is the end of the video video number two here in the Philippines in the northern Lon region I hope you enjoyed this video chewy you are now cancelled and also trending maybe that was a wild day and I think the best part was how open the local people were and how inviting they were and how Beyond willing they were to show their culture to us and to the world it was a really thought-provoking episode thank you so much for having me and hoping that the Filipinos learn something new in our own like culture I want to say a huge thank you to chewy for joining me you can find him on his own social media platform the chewy Show Instagram YouTube wherever you can find fun food videos you'll find this guy otherwise guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching I will see you next time peace did I do it right yeah that was F but what are we going to do with the rest of the series dog I mean we're not eating dog no no I want I think we PE I think we've pee we ate a monkey
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,049,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best ever food review show, befrs, sonny side, befrs team, food, around the world food and culture, philippines, bat, bat hunting, bat wing soup, eating bat, grilled monkey, eating monkey, subic bay, lizard, eating lizard, monitor lizard, thechuishow
Id: jP_AQzToNis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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