Making a Giant PURUSSAURUS Trap - Animal Revolt Battle Simulator

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oh yes actually i'm gonna move it back just a little bit it's perfect okay buddy all i need you to do is walk off the edge here please okay you'll be completely fine don't you worry about it yep that's it there we go oh welcome back to animal revolt bowel simulator you see this mosasaurus right here we need to remove him because we don't want him to be this large we actually want to make him tiny because this first suggestion says day one of asking fudgie to make a tiny overpowered mosasaurus also kind of like a goldfish the name is up to you well actually the name is up to you guys so leave your best name suggestions in the comment section down below but the issue is you see when you go to point two he freaks out like that let's go point three yep he shakes again point four and there we go he doesn't shake anymore so this is the one we're going to use but we also want to change some of his stats as well and you know what the comment said overpowered so let's go with i don't know six thousand and eight thousand yep that should probably do the trick give him the classic red glowing eyes and i might also give him some extra armor and the comment also did mention goldfish so why don't we add some gold armor to this guy so i'm also giving this guy some golden blades but uh we need to increase the attack multiplier to 1000 oh boy this guy is going to be insane but yeah just while i'm building this don't forget to like and subscribe if you haven't already because i will be posting more animal river bowel simulator content very soon now let's add some armor and also some spikes on the back here on his tail and i think we are just about done with our goldfish if you could even call it a goldfish so now let me show you how confident i am in my custom mosasaurus here um well i'm gonna make and fight godzilla here he is let's see can the most source take down godzilla let's find out shall we where oh there he is yes take him down come on yes oh this is epic godzilla doesn't stand a chance against my custom unit right he should be dead any second now wait for it and come on kill him there we go so yeah i would say he's pretty overpowered since he can take down godzilla so next to fight the tiny mososaurus we have a bunch of great white sharks but they have been upgraded as well so oh wait hang on a minute he's killing them very easily i did change their stats but i guess i didn't add too many zeros we need more zeros more naughts and just like that they're pretty much all dead okay yeah we we probably should have upped their stats just a little bit more and just like that he has won the fight this guy is seriously overpowered but now it's time for my creation to die because he is going up against the army killer the original that's all we need i think okay wait for it is he gonna die he's still alive somehow i would have thought the army killer would have you know killed him straight away but i guess not come on and there we go the army killer has done it taken down the mosasaurus moving on to the next suggestion it says here day one of asking fudgie to put wings on any random unit to beat a dinosaur so i've chosen the t-rex here and the reason i actually went for this suggestion here is because it gave me an idea something that i haven't tried before so if we head over to the aquatics area here then i'm gonna get let's go for a great white shark send it to team one so these guys can technically fly on land it's really strange but i wanna know what happens if i put wings on the shark again never tried this before and um i wonder if it can actually take down a t-rex i'm not too sure oh boy this is going to be really really weird all right there we go wings on a great white shark now fly yeah it doesn't really do anything because he can technically already fly oh but we'll see if he can take down the t-rex anyway oh he's twisted his neck almost broke it there that would have been good right come on great white shark you got this that's it yeah stay behind his teeth that's a great idea blank him oh he's he's dead great maybe we just need larger wings yeah that's the issue there we go now fly yes now we get way more height oh he's upside down oh no he's probably still gonna lose yes oh he's biting the tail okay this is good that looks so weird look at that and now the t-rex can't do anything it can't bite me oh wait never mind spoke too soon it's got my fin no no i've never seen a shark with wings either looks so weird ah we lost again well things are about to get even more weird because um well we've got some orcas here with wings so uh yeah let's see if they can take down the t-rex all right here we go attack yes take down that t-rex there's three of you and only one of him you know i reckon the orcas have got this oh look at that tail whip i bet that did a lot of damage yeah these guys have got this easily i mean i i don't think this is what the person expected when they wrote the suggestion but you know i quite like this anyway oh there we go we did it and only one orca died rest in peace buddy now we're not quite done yet because i have created a custom rhino unit look at this guy right here looking pretty good so i've gone for like a blue theme as you can see we've got lightning guns on the side and also on his face there and yeah hopefully this guy will just fly up take a couple of shots to the dinosaur and take him down let's find out there we go oh that looks so weird oh and just like that the dinosaur is dead the rhino is victorious look at him go it looks so weird his head's just bouncing up and down look at that moving on day three of asking fights to make an upgraded piranha with plasma beams so yeah this should be pretty interesting i've already upgraded the stairs as you can see so we've got eight and ten there i think that should be enough but something that i've never tried is actually scaling up the piranha okay well that is that is terrifying i need to quickly do a test just to make sure the piranha can still swim and do what it normally can okay it's a bit slow but you know it works okay yeah i think we should be okay with this and now that means we have a lot more space to actually add the plasma beams the world's largest piranha right here look at that bigger than a great white shark pretty much so i've given the piranha a big piece of armor here and then i'm just gonna add the plasma cannon on top of it and let's go for a blue plasma cannon well that looks pretty pretty insane actually so yeah let's add one on both sides and uh yeah i think our piranha is now ready for action so some of you might remember my custom megalodon shark this is the unit that we're gonna fight and i honestly have no idea who's gonna win this one come on plasma cannons their turn and fire yes oh that is so good all right i think the megalodon shark is probably gonna die actually after seeing that oh no we've been grappled we have been grappled oh get out of there piranha we've done it yes we took down the megalodon shark nice looking guy he's celebrating even though he just can't hold the weight of the cannons on his sides wow he lost no health as well amazing what about moto moto let's find out oh yes he's gonna get pushed off the map easy win for the piranha very easy and now i've gone ahead and spawned in a bunch more of the custom piranhas here because i want them to fight godzilla okay with all of them in together they actually might stand a chance of taking him down or not oh i was so wrong godzilla has of course defeated them all uh yeah i just realized i didn't really up the stats too much there did i uh oops and now i'm just gonna go ahead and make something myself so i've seen online a lot like videos and workshop creations where there's like a platform and then like a giant mouth so i essentially want to build a trap so i'll have a unit on top of the platform and they just walk straight into the giant mouth likely going to be a puresaurus because well i like how the purosaurus kind of opens its mouth it's got a very large jaw and it should work pretty good but do we want to use camo or should we go for this yeah i think that works pretty good then i'm gonna add like a slope right here so it's almost like a diving board but instead of diving into a pool you're diving into a death trap so now i'm gonna head over to robotic base go to the a box add the static one i'm gonna increase the hp multiply i'm gonna put that to ten attack multiplier maybe just up that bike i don't know two nothing crazy and then detection distance ten okay place that right there and then all we need to do now is add the puresaurus head oh yes look at this scale it all the way up maybe actually for the assignment applies to two on this one as well and then place oh yes actually i'm gonna move it back just a little bit it's perfect okay buddy all i need you to do is walk off the edge here please okay you'll be completely fine don't you worry about it yep that's it there we go oh well test number one didn't exactly go as planned but uh you know that's why we do these tests all right let's try this again here we go come on eat him yes oh oh he's been swallowed whole hey just like that he's dead he also got spout as well oh man this thing is actually insane i wonder what it's like with a lot of them how many can he fit in his mouth oh he's missed all of them no you idiot ah well they're all dead anyway i wonder if the hill giant can survive let's find out shall we oh he's missed oh they just get absolutely launched out of the map oh wait that's actually given me another idea what if we added like a spike wall right over here and then that way if that ends up happening they end up getting either eaten or get thrown into a spike wall it's perfect so as you can see they're all very carefully placed but yeah things might get pretty loud with this design but let's find out let's see will it work all right here we go get ready oh okay he missed all right we're gonna keep going until he gets slammed into the spike wall oh well that time we just got eaten great is he dead of course he's dead maybe if i just get more of them we have more chance of them being thrown into it oh oh okay maybe not that guy went absolutely flying oh oh okay that guy got impaled a little bit there right let's try this guy again come on uh nope oh there it is yes oh that worked so well that guy got messed up let's see if we could do it again all right here he comes uh okay no he's been eating again honestly either way i like the outcome of what happens to these guys come on be thrown against the spike wall though yes no oh here we go yes come on come on oh oh there it is nice the worst way to go first you go into a pure source's mouth then throw it out into a spike wall i wonder what happens if we do with goru wait what oh he's falling off oh no oh no oh you idiot right let's try that again here we go oh oh he got absolutely launched out the map next up we have an elephant here we go i love this the creation so much oh no you poor elephant but anyway on that note i'm going to end this one right here there's another video on the top right so make sure you go ahead and check that out also don't forget to comment like and subscribe and i'll hopefully see you in that video right there goodbye
Channel: Fudgy
Views: 1,205,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fudgy, animal revolt battle simulator, animal revolt battle simulator godzilla, animal revolt battle simulator wyvern, animal revolt battle simulator fudgy, animal revolt battle simulator goro, animal revolt battle simulator gameplay, animal revolt battle simulator t rex, animal revolt battle simulator new units, animal battle simulator, arbs, godzilla, update, super animal royale, new units, great white shark, megalodon, orca, piranha, sandbox game, shark, mosasaurus, purussaurus, trap, game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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