Don't Let The Ghosts Get You! | Luigi's Mansion 3 (Part 3)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Poor Steph. I hope she gets better soon.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Chrobert-Ristgau 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

22:30 Note: This is true, as much as I want her to get better, sick Steph drops some amazing lines.

Really though, get well soon! I've been under the weather a little myself lately, so I know what that's like. I don't have to be witty with thousands of people watching, though...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DiabloGraves 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and wow you got the microphone in your hand were you trying to speed up the intro just so it would you could catch me before I got my mic no I'm trying to speed up the intro because it's 4:10 Steph I know for 10 I'm fly you're hanging out with your BFF you weren't hanging out with me otherwise in the stream would have started no you were you were preparing for the live stream yeah I was writing mouth I understand it's tough hard-knock life friends sorry we're 10 minutes late I will see her I was sick oh sure play the sick card uh-huh play the sick guard Stephanie sound like this you can play the sick card fine yeah man hi everyone Wow your voice like dropped a full octave welcome to GT live I know this is the this is the octave where it exists oh that was actually I'm better now than I was this weekend but perfect totally fine I've been recovering for a few days Matthew has been nursing me back to health nurse Matthew over here and me returning to the life nurse serums yeah I've been slowly nursing Stephanie back to health as you can tell it's been very effective super effective everybody mmm here we're streaming that's about it for Steph ruff I've had a rough I had a rough like almost a week now and that might I did like a fake out where I got literally I did get better that and then it was like whoa relapse whiplash yeah so it's an exciting so Stephanie is doing ill my walking pneumonia is better I think that's what I'm doing pretty good today it's only like every 12 hours at this point do I have heavy-duty wheezing fits but that's pretty good once every 12 hours not too shabby but anyway we are here and we are live streaming for your pleasure and enjoyment stephanie is wearing ours - all right oh yeah we're gonna play Mara Luigi's Mansion which I'm excited about I like this game a lot yeah Stephanie Stephanie is I forget I was gonna I forgive a beautiful charming yes all of them are cooing see all of the above we D all of the above e all of the above no I was gonna do some shameless promotion for the merch oh that sounds like a great idea I hear Chris can I have some merch oh yeah thanks I mean Matthew is wearing an I'm wearing one I'm wearing one of the new ones is so cool there's a little detail here that has a little trophy right there Jersey it's great with the back Oh buddy it's coming out so it's coming out it's going out this weekend it's great Oh a nice a lovely jacket yeah so anyway I know the other day we promoted the ugly Christmas sweater that is already on sale if you want it for all your holiday party means and this would be not so ugly Christmas sweater I think it's cute this is the bomber jacket this is not my size but all the patches are removable so if you're like hey I want to just go incognito today you can be like man this is just a really nice jacket and then if you're like wow I want to talk about what a gamer what a gamer gal or guy I am you can be like player one and you can there's a game theory patch to extra life or you can do it upside down apparently I'm over yeah you can do it upside down sideways but uh no just stick them on the inside and go well damn I'm a gamer wow that was terrified oh no actually and the the funny story about this one we won't go on about the March too long but the funny story about this one is we heard from a lot of people that they were they they would get made fun of if they worried youtubers these couple people who and then ever and then everyone was like oh my gosh I can't believe this so we heard from a couple people that like you're like oh man if I go to school with this I'm gonna like cuz people or to make fun of me because the mayority or whatever yeah like YouTube they get made fun of if they were to emerge and we're like oh it wasn't just us it was youtubers yeah wasn't just theorists merch but but so that's why we made we made it with patches that you can either have on that either are just like sort of generally gamer II or we also have wanted to say game theory but you can also just take them off and it's just like it just becomes a nice jacket the arms are so snuggly warm yeah it's like a little it's like rain proof on the arms and then it's sweatshirt in here and it's super soft fleecy I mean so it's like it's so nice I wish we could like show people the stuff in person right yeah this this one yeah this one's good it's got a little detail on the hood and stuff too it's great but anyway we're excited about both of these are very excited the stuff is so so nice you guys oh wait hold up hold up but this was not planned I actually have no idea this was not planned in the slightest but it suddenly occurs to me that we're playing a Nintendo game we should probably probably what Oh guys it's not that hard do I have to do all the thinking here yes we need a switch yes we made us we made a switch change it's like oh my eyes how did how did no it's the coolest thing maybe it's a sorry it's like the coolest thing hold on we're gonna start the game I am starting the game look look I'm so proud of this I'm so proud of you guys this is great so cool I'm so proud of this it's so nice do you want to show it off yes because I'm the only one that remembered that it existed and that I wanted to fuse it together with Luigi's Mansion which is look look at the switch-case boom it's very hard cover it's got little detail there yeah a little bagel just a little bittle dog little game theory dog that's a green zipper and it has the logo oh and it's so cool it's got zipper pouches on the inside right and that's like multiple zipper pouches and then it's got the it's got the and it holds the switch in I didn't have it properly a velcroed but it's got the velcro in then it's got all the switch cases down here you got the shoulders yeah you got a little strap for your switch to go in you got a little cartridge game holders that are even got the little logo on the front oh it's so cool I love this it's so I love this thing I'm so proud of it it's I'm really happy with how it turned out but that was but that was one that took a long time to work on we've been working on that one yes case this would actually work as a Diaz case - absolutely I would not say that because I'm not sure I'm not sure if that's true I mean it can fit physically fit physically fit a thing you might need to like pad it in anyway so anyway there you go this is super cool that's enough shilling that's not shilling but I try but since we were playing luigi's mansion that's only occurred to me Matthew the gift of our of merchants buy merch comes the Wiis Hey so anyway hey we're playing luigi's mansion let's let's do it let's catch some ghosts and bye catch some ghosts I mean let's vacuum up a bunch of money in a very slow plodding manner and not make any progress in the game story whatsoever because that my friends is how you play Luigi's Mansion seriously that's how we play Luigi's Mansion yes take GT live if you want to engage in the chat vertically painstakingly oh that's pretty cute Chris it's pretty good did you draw that I did good job good job I'm proud of you that's a good one hashtag GT live around the chat we're Stephanie sees people saying things like I saved a little kitty yesterday says diamond product Oh damnit products don't have to you so nice that's excellent Cole the super werehog says play we're playing here we go don't you come for the witty banter why why would you come for the gameplay like we are not good gameplay don't doubt thing if they don't realize that by now don't tell we're good gameplay in certain types of games we tip we're really slow we're like the longest long play of all time yeah okay honestly but uh know if you're coming you're coming for our expert gameplay oh no we're pretty good at them Oh a good chunk of games but um but honestly like okay I'm gonna butcher the same but I like Ramachandran says you guys this is my first time being out of archive land it's 5:30 a.m. here in India I absolutely love you guys keep on rocking hey so much welcome from India glad to have you with us sir man I swear to I but I just bought some merch hashtag real theorists yet comes out and of the week along with a along with our next tune a fear he comes out of family Anna Cabana complaint says I come for the witty banter don't worry yes you are doing it right yeah I told you there were any we'd venture to be how what are you talking about there's such witty banter to be no witty much banter here let's have some witty banter let's focus on the witty banter today 7 know if you look at it it's it's like Schrodinger's cat if you look at it God know again you've no idea 70 this is our opportunity to prove to people that we can't believe I think you just vacuum the curtain oh wait I can access GUI G watch Oh face through here it kind of looks like you're picking out that is what the game is intending to death I mean I know he's just here like ready for a witty banter moment yeah he said I just see what you said before kinda looks like he just poked him out GUI G more like poo eg witty banter witty pun better does do puns net count as witty banter I feel like fun count as witty banter 90% of us on this live stream right I was gonna say like Steph what's wrong with a good pun everything Michael Michaels akela Seckel SP says YUM eating my only large candy from Halloween I thought this was the best time Wow thank you for sharing your large candy time with us that's that's an honor and you break out the boys in one full-sized candy bar that you ended up with at Halloween that is a big deal right I gotta say thank you for for honoring us with that like that is a huge sacrifice that you've made so thank you are they are they dollar build these things dollar bills maybe collecting these is dollar they're shiny come on I know come down gonna be locked into my vacuo we don't need we of course we have what it takes we haven't got what we've got what it takes Stephanie there's no toilet in this room apparently Elijah's uses a no toilet allowed room how long is this been going since the stroke of 4 o'clock he started on time and definitely not are you are you talking about our witty banter that's been going for years how long is TT live as a exercise in patience and determination been going on here's my friends years at this point how long has the audience been tolerating us a shockingly long how long has this friendship been going on well really if that is true that is a shockingly long time honestly Stephanie and I have known each other for far too long no I sound like a 75 year old smoker today I'm actually slightly big the operative it's hard to vote dead mnms says all vanship please that's what I came for I love you guys so much and Steph get well soon and Matt's that's very nice we just don't want him to lose a lung so we're gonna make sure he gets to town that's the sweet of you thank you Oh Louise you can slide through here Oh beauty for the plumbing wind plumbing when gooey g-man huh picture that oh you got myself a little challenge bubble dear friend in which I need to so you can't go through the water so what what do we sell the ranch it feels like this door shaking can you plunge what would i I am NOT Orange what I need is blue easy to be able to get over here that's the big problem I just don't know how to do that barely there's a puzzle back over you plunge that trash can the thing about the plunger right is that you have to be like oh come on you can do it plunge rip that door off oh that is a very large key now jump into that wowzer yeah you're gonna somebody tried to flush that guy right that is that's just cause of chaos over there oh c'mon Katie says use the dark light oh hello whoo - Ola Joseph the bunny says try plunging the toilet agreed you can't get close to it dissolve yeah that's the thing yeah we can we can try the dark light yellow you look in the mirror I also thought that that might be helpful well I noticed that here right the mirror like a mirrors reflecting that there is a sewer grate under luigi's oh that's weird right which is interesting [Music] [Music] try using your black light over there that's super eggs right [Music] no pee pee got caught oh oh I just had to be off of it oh that is weird okay so now we summon go easy now we go down right there secrets to be had so it is interesting right this game plumbing is truly a nightmare this is probably the most recent plumbing that we've ever seen the Mario Brothers have to do with us even recently three okay you're right then maybe like crying finish their bread and butter I mean they should be but at the same time there's baby right they've been resting on their laurels for too long I've been decades since they've touched a toilet right there like up all the Mario Brothers toilets are probably just pure gold at this point got a I got a Hui ji him out to get it make to eg side quality the quality content right there what most quality [Music] okay no Chris I'm not here for the gameplay or the witty banter I'm here for his art Wow oh wow hey I got is an odd as an odd thing to be here for but I'm here to make the art there we go ahead blow it literally blew it there we go huzzah hue all the weed is applauding himself and my dead lifeless corpse hook up just long enough to give GUI et applause to not choice man alright so now I help it out we need to get out teleport on over exciting this trash can plunge it I hate garbage let's get this jewel can you suck the toilet paper off the rules yes yeah we did this last stream how many different shapes of gems are there [Music] things I'm sorry I'm trying let me do it whoa hey yo man there's bonus gold who stores their gold in their in their boobs I mean people throw it in their mattress I guess so but then everyone in the toilet is it that much different it is yes yes really is a toilet and a mattress that much different stuff yeah are you treating those things [Music] no sure let's gonna get back leg up get over there this actually live says aralia Torres absolutely last time I checked oh no just don't respond no get in my bucket get in my pouch normals 45 says let's step splats - well - Platte means to braid take two flat yes so I I feel I feel free to class whenever I'd like let's get out of here I can't I try to define you process and so don't worry about me I'm good you know I'm a firm believer in your ability and your right as a female there it is let's unlock a door shall we with a key that was significantly larger when it was in the toilet I appreciate its any bags this just says ah these guys suck let's get out of here help for the witty band Danny Peng you're a gem and yeah I clearly didn't come you're missing out on some witty banter when you leave my friend Chuck feels like a strong word lackluster - mediocre invest early Christ just says matpat confirmed ComEd we're fighting paul blart mall cop oh that would be cool the next Luigi's Mansion should be at a mall that is my assessment Nintendo Luigi's Mansion for make it take place in a mall 0:01 would that you could go through lots of doors with witty names and stuff right witty whoop and take that from us because we know witty yeah that right stuff who's gonna pull out a bit of witty banter right now oh no I was just gonna read more from the chat which is always witty okay let's hold our chat is super fun and intelligence maybe maybe that's what happened that that comments are from earlier got intimidated by the level of wit that they were experimenting to are they had to leave there like this is dangerous for my health phantom and opera said I come for your life updates and news you and our parents actually my parents have openly let me know that they tuned into the first 10 minutes of of our live streams so they can hear us talk about like oh hey what did we do today or whatever and then they're like oh you're playing a video game goodbye right yeah this is one what's the video the first 10 minutes of the livestream really for our folks yeah we're just like hi guys we're alive if you need us don't try calling cuz we're live streaming right now I turn off you get he's obnoxious settings everyone said we could do this right controls games from again yes ah ah yeah why those changes never want to hear that guy again Emily Cooney says I love Steph's voice right now hot you know Stephanie I find you just as the track is now as the first day that I thank you you know all you haven't gone up at all six step is just killing it with the jokes apparently apparently nothing I turn you off egad I literally turned you off the second ago and why are you still here I stopped it the cockpit there's a hint this is an informational bubble I thought we were friends right egad I'm slightly affected by that are you turning off that option we just left it there at the test you actually can't turn me off I will not be silent I'm happy egad okay hold up I got it we got to turn this guy off I'm really determined welcome to today's live stream where we turn off egad he's off he is at least okay I don't know why you still showing up but should be off at this point yes am the final boss of this game is egads comments legitimately can't do that that's cool good to know [Music] that's cool great Grayson Baker says my question is why does it's just so much money lying around you know we stopped asking that question last stream and just opened a Swiss bank account yeah it's talking about it at this point we're just resigned to the fact that you know what Luigi's Mansion is less about ghosts and more about just a get-rich-quick scheme yeah why why is I did I turned off his hand he literally tripled since you tell dad it really matters I think it's like they're trolling sit up that is so strange this is so odd I have issues they got my mocha latte wrong coffee it just coffee hit it Jen Law Sciences is mastered available at hello from New Zealand Canada yes it will be available on Friday it's the hype shirt it's really cool and okay no sex I like I wear a size extra small matthew exercise medium actually you'd like to diet I like the fit of a small well you got yeah thanks mom technically speaking the others who's pompous technically speaking like the way that these are normally size technically I'm a medium but I personally like wearing a small a little bit better because I like things that are different I'm not a big loose clothing guy but I know a lot of people are I love it but I love this here like it so it's a story and this one was actually that I tried I'm supposed to be like but originally it started as like oh we thought that this would be like more aligned so girl but Matthew tried it on and he was like I love this so much Kim guy it's excising and just make sure that it works for guys and it's awesome the other thing it's I love it it's so comfy here tell this egad again maybe the game doesn't consider this a hint maybe the games like you know what this is just a game play essential so satisfying hey Amy Bischoff said you guys stays on submission objective you can only turn off the baby the baby remember to flash the wrath I did it is less ready no I remembered and the end the bath I got him it was just I had the catcher yeah there we go what is the upper limit of cash in this game like I know in the original Luigi's Mansion like you got different endings based on the amount of cash that you collected but like yes I know you got I know he dropped an effing key guess what I don't care I want to explore the game at my own pace making the witty banter that everyone knows and loves them for making the witty banter that annoys commenters who come looking for quality gameplay heaven quality right Oh give me the cash give me that cash okay hey guys Oh No oh my god stop stop it oh yeah oh yeah yeah I'm currently smashing a ghost to smithereens doing his riches mind your business [Music] egad is like the new knobby hey listen hey listen who in and of itself was then became feed blessed by from from Zelda Skyward Sword is like hey did you know that crafting materials are a thing that exists let me tell you about it every single time you pick up something like no I got it I got a game I'm good and we're gonna little about why and also I like I actually I like having some time to read the back say that's right I was gonna say that was really nice what about you like grousing in my ear the whole time Wow everything about the fact you maybe I don't want to play with Matthew come on no Chris look at Matthew crowd I feel like I'm generally position I think you're both great long time Wow Wow I'm kind of saying that says it all I said about this okay here's lucky because doughnuts oh he's got a fun oh he's got a lot but button who's got the button that's what you know what here's here's the game theory that I'm gonna make up for this for this game it's gonna be why Luigi's haunted hotel is actually breaking all the codes cuz I have to apparently get elevator bugs and that is my only way between floors that is a fire hazard my friends it is it is a horrific fire hazard in fact that is super dangerous the fact that there's only one elevator in the building and that elevator requires that's the way that you get out of the building in the event that you are in some sort of desperate situation that's terrible not to mention classroom I mean the rat problem I don't even care hey I feel well I'm so concerned about the fire oh yes Oh Luigi just put another giant gemstone in his pocket all football all right you a lock oh no I was gonna say this does yes right at the star it's not a diamond Thanks thank you yes Wow really hammer that one helps look at the disappointment it's not enough to just be like this key doesn't work what szumigala Kate he's like I'm so Jude dude he's like I look yes I know it it's a diamond oh my gosh at exotic butter said oh my god they honestly come on thank you give me a chance it's okay it's okay I'm holed up what is the shape of this key again I'm gonna I'm gonna give Twitter a chance here oh my gosh this game is right here not give me any sort of chance a lot I feel like just to be stubborn I'm gonna try it then literally every table that is not the right key hole just to be like alright oh that's right I'm a soulless recreation of my master just like slime I thought that YouTube trend died out last year Oh got him well Batman you go tit Hargett by the window don't slime channel by the way washing it you go you go to Target and in the kids section in the new boy and a lot of time in the baby enjoy a section now you go to Target and every slime youtuber in this disc has their own line of specialty slime that did stock by target I don't know if cranes if it's doing well for them or like how much money there go get the gold I don't know like what the situation is as far as how possible that is the mad they are literally everywhere right I mean literally every like I'm the slime specialist of YouTube no I'm the slide specialist of YouTube right it's crazy we've gotten in on that game right that's an easy thought you can't have so you can't have a line of fury at Target [Music] what were we what can we have it guess what we were thinking we're like hey at some point maybe kids programming will be regulated by the government oh it's good that we have slightly more adult live streams yeah and content that requires a little bit more family-friendly we're certainly that's fun yeah I'm trending scrappy there oh good why right look at that clinic thank you thank you thank you Stephanie appreciate the got it dude see this is how I earn her love that everyday handshape with a solid handshake yeah it's all had slightly quick puzzle-solving I'm I'm actually going to read something else right now at exotic butter says I brought my first set of game theory merge can't wait to buy your new jacket this weekend yeah thank you thank you guys I've been in a fan for five years that's so odd on things and act dr. Octavius I mean I bought a piece about a people clause ugly sweater so it's saying for it to arrive I can't wait you're gonna love it just like the colors are so cool they're so bright it's so fun to also have this this this merch line like it's turned out really really we work really hard on the mirth stuff I know like a lot of I don't know a lot of other youtubers get their stuff there we've tried it all we've ordered everyone's furniture we're really ours is our favorite ours is our favorite which is by the way other to be added to be but also ugly also worth noting just as Goethe I'm just literally ready I love that you're you can like smash the glass and stuff that's oak it's really smartly done I gotta say like this is pretty but this is pretty cool cool little minigame here right literally just robbing the store blind fantastic basically this is all just a wow this hotel kidnapped my family through you guys I'm gonna make you bankrupt not only are you dead but now I'm gonna make you bankrupt as well okay here we go here Luigi pick up this key and show me the shape of it five times so that I can understand how I'm supposed to beat this puzzle cuz I cuz I don't know Luigi it's too complicated for my Mara is obsessed one says this would be called the Luigi's Mansion OCD run that is correct it's for all we like to call it thorough yeah thorough the thorough run guys showing you how to get every last dollar bill possible at or Papillon says Alice def stick boys deeper than I think hello hello Oh Haley says how long is Matt's sweater on a diet it's right right at the way girl it hits slightly below the waist but it's very floaty so it falls away from the body so you can have all the Thanksgiving turkey there oh whoa whoa whoa Oh buddy Oh buddy Oh this is this is the this is the highlight of the stream oh don't even get out of here I don't care about her okay get in there Oh flash the flash it's exciting who you gonna call oh no get out here no that was satisfying Oh see I care about care about the giant pile of coins ya gonna trash the rest of that room yeah let's let's just take up the rail get it all right game theory ultra complete run yeah completionists eat your heart out oh there's even a bonus just back there this is Geoffrey Stars vault closet Pharaoh in game time that's probably true yeah it looks very similar let's get the other key hey egad how about you help me out what is the shape of this key and what door should I apply it to uh I don't know I only 40 G live says you heard it here first kids you win your wife's love through daily handshakes it's true it's true one solid handshake at a time okay you've got very nice hands you have to earn that handshake it's not a handshake that just gets tossed around will you like Paula Hollywood on on the great british baby yeah you're the hot we are the pawl Hollywood I appreciate what they've done with the champions somewhat spooky honey that was cool that was cool little easter egg the ghosts have a little tempering stores or we just steal yes from we're dealing everything where we were before was kind of just bit more nameless but now we're we're breaking and entering it's all sorts of weird stuff I mean yes but at the same time like think about this is a hotel where everyone literally yes they're all dead well like that he comes to life just puzzles all but no this was a hotel where literally our family was brought lured here and then kidnapped like you know they they for wint they for with their ability for us to pity them I respect that there you go look at hot oh oh look that I think I have to wait until he punches me I'm not good where do I pull off at sunrise oh that's okay so I got a plunger in - ready - oh no oh [Music] Oh apparently I didn't had to oh my god you've got little Funyuns okay there is again get out of here okay all right here we go let's just enjoy time together oh no I've left Biggs unbroken dude I need to destroy more in this game every game can be empty there we go let's grab the key nice uh-oh I got it I got to figure out the escalator puzzle yeah that's right I'm going down the up escalator because I'm a rebel yes we know we've said all summer that we've produced as our favorite it just keeps getting better I'm Dan on Twitter someone was like you see or less that emerges our favorite yeah but we we keep making things that we like it's like as you learn about stuff like merch and about like what's possible what designs are possible you you serve level up as you go like the type of stuff we make now is a lot more advanced then so the type of stuff we made early on just because we know more now and so every round that we do we do something new or we try like a new experiment and and that's why we like I like it last stuff we did I've got to solve the puck the puzzles guys are tricky this time so not just goo into the next door no it's not it's slightly more advanced it's figure out how to Jean just smash the glass right maybe right plunge something I thought about plunging that didn't seem to be working is there anything you can backlight backlight might be the way to go here's your LSD so the escalators just activated so that might be something there's a big lock on the floor no that's a shopping bag oh there's a shopping plaza I gotcha see that one mm-me oh wait wait what if it's what if gooey G gets sucked into the I bet gooey G gets sucked into this that would be hilarious and terrifying and would confirm all of our parents fears no no okay one gu g yeah right cuz is it my gosh isn't the constant fear that you're gonna get sucked under your parents always told you don't leave your shoelaces untied when you're going up and down an escalator oh you'll get sucked in I guess he did get stuff oh man I thought for sure that was gonna be it I thought for sure that GUI D was gonna get sucked in hmm so clearly it has to do with the two of us I feel like being separated in some way oh wait something's activated oh it's a ladder Oh interesting at 720 101 v says you don't need to charge the flashlight all the way to stun the ghosts just tapping it works also use the dark light everywhere and stuff drinking soda after six years why nope hi but I should keeps me going gives me the energy I need I activated a ladder oh nice here we go let's see okay what do we got up here buddy what do we found anything anything you could do like did you better not to do anything you found the ladder should lead to something oh yes great more tests hey hey I'm bad leave me alone hey hey hey hey you stop that you stop it right now final boss are the bats I'm Mary Jane 42 42 on Twitter says you guys Laker is definitely my favorite right now because Matt places I was exploring and I mean that here's the thing right like I'm the livestream I'm on the livestream I actually usually this is not a good example of it but I usually actually play game as much faster than I normally would because people don't like to wait around and read every square inch of the of the lore and stuff you have to suck up a lot of a lot of stuff in this Jam regardless though you might as well but here yes if it's a puzzle game and it kind of rewards you for being exploratory yeah that's kind of why I'm taking a bit like this is how I would normally play this game like this is the most accurate way because if I wanted to I could burn through stuff a lot faster and not worry about what sucking up every like you know but I'm having a grand old time just taking up all my cash now here this is how I am like is it good this is exists as a solid puzzle here I'm not anything up there well like throwing the trash can at the window just right I mean well let's see what we could try smashing it or like with this magic I gotta find out if my yeah we're just gonna smash the windows is that what we decided hey I was trying to be kind of resistant to that right I mean we tried smashing the door but I feel like if it's smashing the window didn't work smashing the door come on Luigi maybe it's a solution it doesn't have to be the most elegant there's I'm definitely not analogous well elegant don't think it's gonna be well we tried the window and that before all right yeah hurts you your soul you're so secure here okay so the last room or end was up here maybe there's like a Kui II think I need to use to like sweep down into that section at Diana 7590 fences look at the clovers above the shop I was I noticed that they are looking slightly not different but they look like you good like maybe like maybe you could do something with them yeah take a look let's see right they look they look different have you tried sucking them up with the vacuum alright yeah that there we go that's it I noticed that they looked weird but I didn't realize that they were fans or anything that's smart good job see jet nose yeah hey that one is considered forget with all Twitter better well there were a few people saying it actually at ninja puppy 125 at zombies can we and he doesn't our chair oh my gosh no ninja puppy ninja I mean just puppy is a ninja up here and then just dog well ninja repeats the witty banter that we gather to the library so thank you thank you for them hat calls and design to say hey guys bad mental day and I appreciate the screen nuns and ghosts for the win I know right uh-huh someone have nuggets that others like to go for another thing worth pointing out that they know other people are pointing out the fans stop because Matt was right the first time it will involve Volvo easy and deg everyone was trying to give you a hint man at tarnish dragon at crown oh come on get down I got a vacuum you up I need to destroy everything at senior she's 97 no seven so if I noticed after like 30 minutes right it is I mean it's a really it's it's well and the thing was like all here this does go up the escalator and glass the fence base for a gym I want the gold give me the gold oh yeah Oh satisfying yes I intend to do the mind you just like beating the living snot out of me right it is a very violent game yeah like when you think about what you're actually doing these do you go yeah marinum into the paper all right so now now we got to figure out the actual puzzle here which is raising these all the way or is that what I did son watch it go that go because I know I had to unlock LIGO try doing something we're still the speed it seems like you would not suspend them that much I think that should be surprised where is the cash register there are lots of trees on the wall there's a lot of stuff right a pillar Movember remember tuck gonna say they're really celebrating with a mustache hardcore ah [Music] right the game trained you because every other one tenant Pat Kasparov 33 1 5 says when we do mention 3 solidifies the fact the easiest way to get rich is by stealing someone else wow yeah that's a deep theory for you well what was it like if you uh if you want to get there's like this old saying when you want to become an artist or like an actor or whatever but people are like if you want to get rich rob a bank if you want to become an actor like work hard and prepared to be poor or something like that you know I believe you are referring to Andre the black nerd at every convention when people are like I want to be a YouTube oh yeah and he's like if you want to be yeah yeah he don't say that but I don't think he originated with that really yeah I don't think so oh here we go background gonna have to go up that down escalator but as we stopped or I was able to oh no oh no Ron don't skip leg day Luigi climbing the works those fun there you don't have to ride stare like it's very easy oh man oh that's one of the big guys oh yeah we know how to handle these guys because Stefan I were total pros at handling because really unprepared when we went to do that multiplayer Tower oh you know what flashes oh oh he's locked me with his hand no laughs laughs oh he did he did the old emoji whoa yeah a little thumb I'm gonna respond here unkindness by you know smashing your body again kind of community right there you go there it is well you put up a moderate fight yeah you hit me a couple times then you completely change your attack strategy which was probably not for us oh thanks egad he'll be big help with my research great I'm so happy for you get out of my life leave me alone I don't move you wait so go up the stairs and flash one gate yeah for a gem goodbye okay worth a shot yeah there we go little cash I got a Fort Knox in my pants right now literally have Fort Knox in my fam salt it is weird that this was like all solid gold pieces and they're like you're just gonna carry this you're gonna carry it in the pen in my over that's why he wears it over all stuff that's why it's not normal pants ya know or real for the code bars [Music] are you kidding me are you interest Chris you don't think there is gold in Fort Knox I do I use it would be a great distraction that you were like here's where all the gold is it's true I can see it not be I don't know ARP after all the years yeah what are you gonna do like are you really here playful well are people really after for tonight like are people really after like I need the gold right it seems like an inefficient way to steal say I'm gonna say yeah it's gonna say in this day and age like you could just put that effort in stealing a bunch of scissors Wow you know here's here's the weird one for you having a really extreme really yeah no have you planned an assault on Fort Knox no foreign Rangeley specifically with its boss in this video games which I have never seen before and have never liked likely literally it's very you have an unfortunate incident with a boss like figure in your life maybe a teacher dressed like a car did you have a bad incident with a mall cop no I've had no I've had very little run into small cops before slicer fortunately unfortunately I don't even know come on give me a son grab somebody come on there you go well that was Oh squeeze in there all right that's his button button button who's got the button we GUI G does Luigi's got that but yeah strangely that hold on all the work he really is why why do the work when you can have your soleus who filled copy do the work for you did you know what buddy given you I didn't know what fun you would give me but I had like how to beat him and stuff no but like the fact that there was a giant like police officer and scope that I had to like fight come to you in your dreams right then why don't the lottery numbers gonna say of all the things like that you could prophesy and either prophesy I'm not sure this was your most useful but hey weeks communication right I feel like I've wasted nothing you zero in on the stock market next time perhaps right dear-dear subconscious previous life multiverse whatever it is please she was something useful uh-oh not a difficult boss battle to figure out today I'm gonna read a couple of more things I'm clear while you're sucking up the rest of the atrium thank you at Serie princess I got here a little late cuz I'm feeling crazy but thank you for making my face later I have a pocket pop thank you for all you do feel better oh [Music] that's that like button consider it smashed clubbing happen uh and then that's it at Kendall e5 so the first GP last you may ever watch the Super Mario on a Fiat lambda penis out of hands officially Mario maker that guy was gonna make Nintendo some money yeah appreciated Nintendo right they ought to Mario success is entirely based on me not the other way around Belle saga but uh they make it anything good game that's true we're one of the field like it is interesting to Nintendo lost a lot of love on YouTube because of all the copyright stuff yeah so you don't see there's some played as much like you really don't see a lot of playthroughs of this stuff anymore we know it's a sad loss actually I mean that's everything though it's it's like really their soap if it feels like diversity is just taking a hit on YouTube yeah because of lots of all the reasons although there's a lot of reasons why but it is sad that like you don't see as many interesting games getting played anymore like just the amount of cool different interesting things right and this I miss finding stuff that I would've never understood or like never come across before I only go GT like oh I think it's very little run-ins with some all cops and fights but there's been at least one if I ever gonna run it with balls now then again you know I'm not going out shoplifting everyone's referencing Paul's a lame old whole blart mall cop yeah but it's coming out valet I think in everyone's correct where's that you know there have been two people at Calder and design and at van and a bunch of numbers Valley but I think it's called bars right I mean the I think that I know I fall large but my bar I don't know well maybe there's maybe there's something else outside of its like its work done or no is that like any power that I can get right dad we just killed off a security guard for no reason other than he existed right just I'm just calling it out there again like people give me a hard time and they're like but I'm like oh so once those the villains don't kill the messenger guys I'm just calling it like I choose it calling it and walking around there was a mall cop who didn't you know we're going around stealing from stores and invading things he had every right to attack us right the mall table was just hanging out just doing his job poor guy yeah he was just doing his thing man like I'm just telling it like it is at matok food says I'm not sure you'll see this but I just wanted to say I absolutely love your videos in your absence also are you excited for Disney Plus tomorrow or is it tomorrow and I can get there I do it well right yeah it's 11:11 right now oh I wish for you oh my gosh should we take 11 11 o'clock and put on 11/11 to wish for each other takeaway I take every lat 11 wish for you know at 11:11 on 11th this is how you earn the handshake Make A Wish Make A Wish everyone 1111 make a wish does anyone else do that well of course Chris do you make do you make wishes on 1111 know what I grant wishes Wow well played well played rest for that nose well done that's funny that's funny but uh but no like there is literally a clock there's literally a clock in her house that is broken or it's not broken we just we need anything batteries what it needs regardless I kind of messed up in a move we move a lot but it's one of those things where we haven't replaced it or whatever and instead it exists and it's permanently set to its lock Oh Luigi I need to put on the second floor because this building is a fire hazard right and literally even though I'm on the fifth and third floors I don't have access to the second floor because this place is a deathtrap I'm as well head that way I will later want to deal with you anymore at tuna clown says since you guys are playing luigi's mansion I drew this I hope you like it and get well soon stuff it's awesome oh that's super adorable it's a format pad and stuff it's Luigi with strawberries in the background we don't know if you know to plug it in Chris it's okay it's at tuna clown on just show it some love it's really awesome it's very cool let's see oh no trending in the u.s. is a trend for you stuff we love you Alex what's that sending with Final Jeopardy no no is Alex directly in jeopardy wait wait what what's going on what's going on with Alex Trebek here's the thing oh no wait yeah we might have to stop the livestream you guys just to just to figure out what's going on without wait what's going on with Alex Trebek oh no did he just like hold on what happened being choked up Final Jeopardy missed okay oh now apparently there was a heartfelt answer and Final Jeopardy hold up sorry I looked over and it's important because we have a Jeopardy two-parter coming out of film theory it will do garbage I predict no one will watch it apparently just apparently this this guy knew the answer to the question but wanted to use his answer to instead say we love you Alice that's a door that's that's okay I feel well oh man we like jeopardy by the way we love jeopardy yeah yeah we are doing film theory episodes on Jeopardy that no one will watch so please just click on them and let them play on your computer if you don't like chess yeah you don't care where is it it's so good we love Jeffrey Mac is such a gem but you might as well give it someone we are they will be coming out but yeah we are talking about how jeopardy is rigged so yeah yeah oh yeah weird explaining that it's rigged but it's a wonderful show this wonderful show and a great uh great two episodes of filming theory but it is about how jeopardy has rigged itself yeah totally so you know oh my gosh so don't hate us so please support that theory it'll need all the healthy Oh deeply deeply okay right back to the hash tag Jesus that's one of those days where you just lose all the money that you put into this back to our happy bachelor here at only for GG Liza's a two-part jeopardy film series yes that's exactly accurate if that is what it is that is the decision that we have made large business owners made about how to spend our production resources press o at jaded stars 92 has summed it up alex is leaving jeopardy because he has cancer and he's only doing one more season yes we did know that he has yeah he has cancer he's doing one more season I don't know he was only doing one more season I didn't know that I think that's probably the announcement that he made he is a national treasure if you've never seen episodes of Jeopardy he manages to be like so he's totally objective as we could as a whole the audition to be the new host of Jeopardy can I be the host of Jeopardy company no you can't no one can but someone has to I thought the same thing about Bob Barker Lavin preparing throw himself a retirement party man and sail off to like the Florida Keys or wherever he wants to like hang out before you like to take his job mate hygiene others I had the glasses that make more sense I'm not I'm not trying to be disrespectful to Alex Trebek I'm just saying that to host jeopardy would be very cool it'd be very cool how fun would that be at Jenni races oh I can't listen to any more of the moist squishing of gooey G going through those vents and things anyone else agree clap and a half you are not the person first person who said that a bunch people I saw in the chat said it and a couple people on Twitter - yeah I call me Claudia says my heart I watched jeopardy grow up growing up and I always learned to be smart enough to be on it we knew someone who was on Team jeopardy actually he's been on the left if you guys yeah my dream is on he is on Jeopardy as a teenager and I think it was a very stressful experience but he's glad you did yeah yeah that's that's the way to put it to this day it haunts him she why is this one box being suspicious I don't like this box things with businesses box I don't trust this box what's in this box what's in the box No that's it work how about if I know fine I'll come back oh wait maybe if I blast the box open with a pumpkin at peace and at paint Eames girl says average a pretty great knows I'm excited for the jeopardy episodes you and the two of us of a beautiful Club right all three of us those are the people who I say about the spell seventy ones I'll watch them thank you we'll have a little watch party together the half a dozen of us you know what we'll all watch it ten times that might help it now lose less money great it'll be it'll be okay yes I know you're behind the damn door fine be patient okay yes your oh no your but yeah I get it I get it you don't need I remember yeah I don't have it yeah oh wow that was such a hard puzzle to figure out that you went through the door right yeah you had to bother me so that I can watch you watch some L some stinky cheese and now you're gonna chase after me be like did you forget that I went through the door at the end of the hall we know I didn't forget okay it's called exploring the world of the game and not rushing I know that in this day and age where everyone's in a hurry to get to the solution and get to the final boss or whatever forgive me I'm just really exciting here oh yeah oh yeah get in there get in the little pocket there you're all at Aaron lenience eyeballs for aaron lani says it just occurs to me that numerous jobs on my pay day and that is a very dangerous combination I have no regrets hashtag GG live I genuinely love garrison Steele awesome walking into a convention head-to-toe in my series oh my that means so much yeah we're glad you like this stuff like we say we've worked really hard at that so at magically Haley says Alex is so sassy he's like throwing shade at contestants that was his gun says here over the years Oh sassy y'all did we all go stop pick me now it he throws so he throws a little sass every now and then but it's usually pretty gentle and he's pretty objective about it right when it comes to like I feel like when it comes to neutrality of oh I think you should plunge the dartboard thank you that's what I think you should yeah thanks ball a can over there that a pig tushy that is a pig boy yes that's the butt of a pig that's uh oh my goodness that is look that is a force behind that pig spin your Pig round her out oh this might be a pig but he's also bringing home the bacon witty banter guys yeah please subscribe for this is it this is the one this is the stuff right it's Mike if I could that simultaneously be Bill Nye and Alex Trebek I feel like that's my life purpose feel like Alex Trebek is a really nice book in real life we met Bill Nye in real life and music it's early yeah it was a little thoroughly we didn't technically him we were at an event where he spoke he spoke very candidly and there was a bit certainly yeah I was yeah I was yeah at Sarila I love how game 3 merged always so unique and different I'm totally here for it and I need the shirt map that has on yeah me too I hope yes I hope everyone gets better so do I have it to have one of them yes you have yes of course you do PS I've been sick for over a month now so I feel your pain I know that feel so here's the thing there's Josh in then their wall pigs says tapes cancel so that dart portal 16 so i finally there we go this is what I bet yeah yeah oh I knew there are some of that dartboard I just had to throw a giant sword at it oh great that's unedifying fun I mean this is one of these little twirl ease so we got a whole bunch of really awesome candy and confection confectionery from theorists who we were visiting with in UAE and it's all so good and it's disappearing so fast way faster than it should be you guys it's really bad you know what is so sad I gotta say and take you guys for your patience and watch the livestream as I play this game it's really nice to play a puzzle or kind of like search and find game without a like walkthrough or needing a walk is it's just fun to like slowly figure out the solutions to puzzles it's really I haven't gotten a chance to do that in a game in a while so it's really nice you like solid stuff to like sit here and be like oh there's something suspicious about that it is in your life problems just become more complicated and it's harder to clean and just solve a problem without other things kind of popping up like there are no collisions yeah like life doesn't have that many like nice simple cleaning solutions and so when you're playing a video game and you actually just solve the problem and you're like there it's all right I got a diamond doubt of it and now everything is better that's like the coolest thing it is yeah solving complex problems all the walls I agree walls are made of money the hills have eyes the walls have money at Cali chica five senses shout out to Canada as well wherever alex trebek killed son that's right he does hail from I forgot about that yeah you're totally right at not just a chief is the spirit Jersey I'm needed yeah won't get ready on Friday met Fred right oh wait this is oh that's lit hallway from the beginning of the game we've made a grand loop my friends we have connected worlds one of my favorite things that happens in a video game when you find like the thing that connects the shortcuts so satisfying oh oh yeah give me that ass putting out fires and raking it in a lot of clothes my gosh your whole side says my dad watches jeopardy every day I don't think he's missing at the 13 years so because of him I'm very invested in thanks that I you guys can watch the theory together and then decide sometime right maybe you know what maybe jeopardy won't want me as their host yeah I definitely know about it definitely really Nintendo still works with us and we've told we said that there is a sociopath and that their female mascot has like some manipulative behavioral issues yeah definitely like we've said a lot of bad things a lot of bad things about a lot of franchises oh very nice very nice right like Nintendo still kind of likes us David from inside know with our uncle from this end oh right that's cool tell me scientist even your uncle but I think I think we're I think we're okay yeah I might think we're all right I keep telling myself that's why that's why that's me trying to convince myself that you know think that we said we'll have no negative repercussions oh I know Fleming in the chat that's how do you like we can where you see them before we just watched we like to snuck away for 23 minutes today so to watch the first episode of the five that just came out and no spoilers please respect everybody in the chat but I liked it a lot what do you think I did too I think I thought it was I thought it was interesting I thought like interesting in a way that interesting yeah it was if you like everyone to take a shot was it a dog no people don't need to take a shot the episode was legitimately very compelling and thought I thought it okay here I thought it was thought-provoking and funny and raised interesting philosophical dilemmas how about that that is that an acceptable thing to say that isn't my catchphrase we just make merch of me and the word interesting that's that's what our next line is that will not be my favorite words that we've ever done uh-oh look again you know we're spying on someone in the toilet and we're the hero of this game are we sure we're the hero of this game friends we just flushed a ghost who is trying to do his business look at him look at this point yes this poor thing the poor creature is so traumatized look and I'm just smashing him to bed and stealing his money right Wow oh we're like almost out of time what I know are you kidding me I went by really fast well that's what happens when you're ten minutes late I thought when you're having fun oh that's it here we go what we got going on over here so we have this weed you can probably slip through the blocked door maybe my back The Doors blocked his way right so bougie yeah I can't probably open the door really Perkins says something I don't understand but I really like which is you can either dial Luigi or live long enough to see yourself become a Mario that's great I like it reference I know that I got that far too but bad because Mario's the lame version of Luigi because he's the villain right it's weird apparently GUI Zi a slightly stronger [Music] darn greenback's right what are you actually backed by those dollars are gonna fade away no no he promises Wow currency of lies line with cash if anyone wants to give me cash and find currency of Lies currency of regrets that what you're saying stuff no look I'm just making sure that no one let's go to the bathroom and drive it here Wow oh man that's so mean right again really have to take home no there's no there's gotta be something like fun to drink [Music] [Music] there's got to be some sort of like oh I heard what was that here I have to go and dryer crit handy crane higher I are all buddy yes fine okay really no I'm gonna do stone now I want a giant freaking gemstone in every room job giant gemstone in every pot like a thousand dollars and you're like max what I'm holed up why was there so much fruit in this bathroom it's a fair question Stephanie who's bringing all this food into the toilet oh here's my question what is blocking the door and come a let's lock the door help okay friends Matthews going to sign off I have to go retrieve our Bab Bab he's waiting he's waiting for it don't call him he'll come on to the truth he's not allowed on all right you guys we'll see you tomorrow tomorrow do you mean that I might sample tomorrow we're gonna try we're in the last shoot as much as we can this week and we're so excited to be here and hopefully we'll feel better my voice would be less sexy tomorrow hopefully okay bye here I find your voice perpetually attract hey hold up alright I know I got to sign off just really in a Zen place playing this game it's very relaxing cathartic yeah you know I see I figured out now we know what we got to do we got to smash this it's the same puzzle that we just did oh yeah oh yeah it's interesting actually that this puzzle comes in second because honestly I think that this puzzle is probably but that puzzle is like the easier version of the because it's right in your face right Brad's the one downstairs that we had to do was more okay because you had to look up so that was the more obvious of the two so I would have actually reversed the appearance of those two or made one or made the light alright the club puzzled the club fan puzzled the one that yes eat your bread get those carbs on I respect that okay seriously before I get any further into this I'm just gonna be sucked into this forever so I'm gonna call it there yes I might be back tomorrow we have a consulting thing that may or may not require both Stephanie and I we're still figuring that out but hopefully I'll be here tomorrow for collecting Pacific if not we will definitely both be back on Wednesday 4 o'clock usual time you know the dealio like we said throughout today's livestream if you want any other the new merch which is coming out like the Nintendo switch-case like this which I love this spirit jersey there's a new I liked it a little detail here this is my favorite bow on the back looking nice the jacket that stuff is wearing we got a new really nice pajama pants stuff a lot of new things a t-shirt a lot of good stuff but anyway that's those are all coming out on Friday so keep an eye out for that new game theory coming out later this weekend with a huge huge announcement for something that's going to happened before the end of the year huge announcement like many layers of announcement happening before the end of the year so that's exciting one of the big things that we've been working on in the background so that's coming up this weekend and like we said the Jeopardy a film theory that we'd love for you to watch happening later this week so we'll be back hopefully tomorrow if not definitely on Wednesday I'll miss you in the meantime though and remember it's just a stream live stream gonna say goodbye to chat thanks everyone expat kid says please shout out you guys are amazing I've seen every single matpat episode of film theory game through an GT live get-well-soon stuff that's very sweet of you thank you panda pee person said 101 says your time zone is way off compared to mine it's because of daylight savings time so we're in Pacific time but then add in the added wrinkle of daylight savings time and it creates chaos my friend also vampire Lily says gonna get a clap in half please for being here since the fusible you absolutely can clap and a half
Channel: GTLive
Views: 185,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luigis mansion, luigis mansion 3, luigi mansion, luigi, mario, switch, nintendo, mario game, ghost, super mario party, halloween, mario party, mario maker, super mario maker, mario maker 2, super mario maker 2, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive mario party, luigi mansion dark moon
Id: vsRjlttfsDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 38sec (5078 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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