GHOST OF TSUSHIMA Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - INTRO (PS4 PRO)

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all right guys welcome to ghost of tsushima this is a game that i am looking forward to playing uh just the whole thing i i can't we've actually got it this early thank you playstation for the early hookup i'm playing this like stupid early so uh thank you guys right now support you drop on this i was gonna try to do the 24 hour thing with this but that last of us two video just like i've never had that happen before if we got like half of that i think in like 17 hours we hit like 100 000 likes if we even hit half of that in 24 hours i'll be stoked so i was gonna give away two copies of this game if you want to change someone's either like the video leave a comment of when you found my channel and your favorite samurai movie all right i don't know which one mine is i've always liked the last samurai but i think seven samurai which i'll go ahead and show you something really quick before we go before we begin the game uh the visuals display right here this mode check this out isn't that cool that's just so nice i'm not gonna play with this on but i think when i'm like messing around i might try it out so uh anyways you guys are awesome thank you for all the likes you drop on this if you want this game quickly i plan on uploading it kind of like i did the last of us part two uh just to destroy that like button so all right guys i love you let's get this all right just kind of begins all right home theater uh i'm just gonna go with all the default stuff i've already kind of selected these so it's what it's asking me now medium difficulty that's fine standard experience what we got english dialogue uh english dialogue with english titles or subtitles japanese dialogue now i wanted to play with japanese dialogue oh wow look at that oh yeah man that if i wasn't making videos and i'd even think it would like maybe the film grain might be a little extreme there i would totally use that so uh i'm gonna go with english and english this you know i feel like a majority of my audience would appreciate that the most so all right guys let's get it the mongol empire is invading our home they are brutal relentless unstoppable we are 80 samurai against an army fighting to slow the invasion today i die for my people there must be thousands of them we will face death and defend our home [Music] tradition courage honor they are what make us we are the warriors of sushima we are samurai [Music] go break their spirits hey [Music] outsiders send your finest warrior to face me another [Music] i am haru nobodachi descendant of the legendary yoshinobu adachi [Music] deserve no mercy yo this is crazy look at these graphics all right i'm actually in control right now highly unexpected oh my god all right we're just jumping straight into it let's go baby oh no oh that was supposed to happen oh no it was okay i need you with me we've lost so many we have to keep pushing even if it cost us our lives i gotta say right now this game plays really smooth i you know that's the thing i hadn't really seen much gameplay i did like that reaction video a while back but uh to be able to play it finally it feels really good the black and white mode by the way is the director the name of it uh is the like the director of seven samurai's last name it's just like a nod to him which i kind of want to play the game on that once i'm finished maybe i mess around with it man we must hunt down the mongolia everyone with me so we got the block yo look at this can you change stances in this game oh mongols dog cut one down oh here we go yo that's sick [Music] okay this is the stance this is uh i get nauseous to crouch i guess there's just one stance in the game there's probably more you can unlock that's a staggering effect oh that's kind okay it's like a little bit of a parry system except you it's like a mini block i gotta get used to it nice yeah that's really smooth it's almost like you just when you get near them it kind of cuts the sound out too okay yeah i'm going light i'm spinning pretty pretty good nice sound just like fades in and out well i can't look at the controls really quick find the [ __ ] leader i'll fight beside you to the end i know one of my favorite franchises that never seemed to make it to next joe is tenshu i love that series man i think the last one i played was like 10 2 z i wish they would remake that i'm ready we end this together [Music] um [Music] [Music] i am kotan cousin of kublai grandson of genghis brother you are warrior i can see that you trained your whole life for this and you have won battles that lester men have called unwinnable yes but while you were sharpening your sword do you know how i prepared for today i learned i know your language your traditions your beliefs which villages to tame and wish to burn so i'll ask you once again samurai do you surrender this is kind of interesting you [Music] all right so sucker punch productions hold on how did i get here oh no mongols uh we're not hopping down it looks like i'm guessing we're gonna yeah we're gonna go through here kind of look at the round like the well they're just getting destroyed hold on let's get over there quickly so the game so far is really nice i can't wait for the free roam areas too someone saved me back here maybe they have my sword okay searching for the sword search for your katana yo hold on i gotta let's uh is there i'm surprised this game doesn't have like a tutorial type mode you know probably gonna get seen here let's see if i can take is there any kind of oh my god let's not do that let's take it easy salmon i mean shouldn't we hide first yo how did i not get spotted back there skills unless i am a ghost could be the the whole thing of the game you know sucker punch productions the last game they made was in 2014 when they made infamous second sun in the dlc last or the first light i think it was someone was sharpening their blade a warrior hmm my armor yeah let's go ahead and collect everything broken but better than nothing do not raise the alarm okay so now what leave the house and can okay we're gonna continue can you run i i think so where's my sword not here you're all here i'll take care of this please hide oh don't hurt me i have surprised who are you i'm yoona you want your sword follow me so her name's yuna okay long enough for the mongols to conquer half the island nice little tutorial area let's go ahead and crouch it up though i'm not gonna come over here are they i like how quickly they turn around let's move this way damn so this game was what six years in the making infamous second son was a long time ago 2014. there's nothing we can do for her but i can save the others follow on her hold on let's just take it easy so the main character's name is jen i don't know his last name though lord shimra was with me on the battlefield forget him hmm you know wait lord shimra is my uncle nephew i have to know did he survive i think so the mongols took him prisoner where do they take him east along the coast toward castle canada they must be holding him inside celebrating their victory i could take them by surprise you'll be killed oh i'll rescue a lot shimra then help him drive the mongols into the sea he can contact the shogun call for reinforcements i didn't nurse you back to health to watch you throw your life away why did you save me i couldn't leave you to die i need your help lord shimla can help our whole island and he's the only family i have left let's move all right so this kind of reminds me of uh just the old-fashioned stealth mission you know nothing too extravagant nice little introduction to stealth though in this game which is going to be probably huge somebody's about to get their head chopped off i know it oh that's even worse getting stabbed in the spine oh jesus just kind of getting used to the controls too i wanted to combat more i wanted to kind of learn like the ropes the quick attack strong attack blocking parrying lock on all that so i didn't get a chance to do any of that just kind of had to wing it i feel like neo when morpheus is like telling him when to leave his desk and go the other way and stuff because i'm not really paying attention to the enemies i'm focused on where she's going and then i'm just dipping i'm scooting around oh god [ __ ] i cleared the road if we cross someone's bound to see us i'll take that chance wait oh my god what cart come on i'm surprised we haven't gotten spotted yet i mean obviously that's that would be like a game over type you thing roofs scavenge battlefields you're a thief when i need something i take it like my katana i traded it for food and medicine you what don't worry we'll find the fire get your sword back i have always wanted a game like this i guess it's linear right now but it'll be open world soon i'm sure supplies let's go guys this is someone's house and they're not coming back over here playing it like last of us too scavenge everything without a flashlight though i wonder what the control scheme so you're just finding supplies there's no like particular type of supply through here the man i traded your sword to lives just up ahead so the guy's name is jen i wrote down like how she said it stand watch i'll search the house it will answer for this it must be here it's s-a-k-a-i suck-eye is what she said see if there's anything in here i am jin sakai nephew to the great lord shimura and i am no coward your enemy is no match for you but you still lack control i was practicing with your father's weapon the sword of clan sakai has saved lives and ended wars who did this to no one i will teach you to defend yourself i know how to fight to master your blade you must first control your emotions i can do that uncle show me [Music] let's see what you've been practicing try to strike me yes uncle all right quick attack heavy attack hold at the stab okay attack guy ready get the name kind of used to everything all right heavy attack i like how the red leaves are all like right here with us try to strike me there's no actual lock on it's just like an automatic well done if you'd fought like that your attacker would not have bruised you so easily it wasn't a fair fight imagine his return to finish what he started and he'll use every dirty trick he knows how will you defend yourself he's big but i'm quicker i'll stay out of his reach wait for him to get tired then drop him with one strike good samurai must always fight with patience and discipline even when his opponent resorts to trickery i'll remember uncle now break through my defenses show me jin sakai is a warrior of great courage tap it to okay stagger the enemy all right that's what that is that little bar above him okay that's what that is my guess is yeah you tap that okay see that's kind of weird it's like i'm trying to lock on and you do the quick attack a few times a heavy attack will unbalance your foe follow with a quick strike break in and go for the quick attack nice why one too bad a fine block or if you can do it at the right time good let's go baby hold your blocking form hold on one more time i'll just hold it down i'm sore can we take a break we're not finished yet find your resolve and fight through the pain good that is instant let's go man this is your health okay uh this is your resolve meter draw on your resolve to heal and perform other special abilities okay uh gain result by killing pairing attacks uh or using other advanced skills okay it's time you learn to parry wait for me to make the first move once i strike block my attack nice i can feel it good form gin you're improving need to catch a breath it will take more than a child to knock the wind out of me now then let's see you defend against the spear out my spear then follow up with a counter-attack good reflexes okay nice excellent counter remember dodge then counter-attack excellent dodge well it's not it's not overly complex and it's not like dark souls it's it's just kind of it's kind of it's basic which is fine there is no weapon no warrior you cannot overcome thank you for these lessons uncle we are not finished yet jin sakai will you honor me with a sparring match i wouldn't want to hurt you if you're that confident let's make this interesting the first to land five strikes gets to choose dinner i hope you like octopus [Laughter] very good gin bring it out old man is uncle you should get skilled well struck uncle nice we get octopus let's go before we eat i have one last question for generations our families have lived by a code tell me the virtues that guide us loyalty to our lord control of our emotions and you know this honor to fight bravely and uphold the legacy of clan sakai [Music] those are your father's words what does ana mean to you i guess protecting people the ones who can't fight for themselves you have a good heart but first we must show everyone that we serve our lord with courage integrity and self-control you say that like it's easy [Music] it's never easy i struggle with it every day but we must set an example for our people by remaining true to our code and to ourselves that is a meaning of honor i've not her samurai [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is gonna be amazing bring it on fam let's go come on oh i thought i was about to do a finishing blow see how the meter where can i find a horse the stables on far this way yo i'm pumped now i can't wait to see what this game has in store the combat is straightforward simple the healing i like it you kind of you have infinite hills basically as long as you keep if you're just good you know like you keep parrying you keep landing strikes all right islands crawling with them where are the stables behind that burning farmhouse follow me what if you can go prone no okay we can get close slit their throats and kill them without a sound without honor i will not break my code face me invader yo what all right pointed okay this is kind of where i was wondering how the lock-on system works point to a target enemies are you sort of okay what's that uh target the pulsing enemy that's kind of cool that is awesome yo that's so sick we can't it's different too i'm done running and i can finally help damn it look at this shooting mechanic hold on what is this it's kind of cool it's like a little jog i guess bring it on let's go [Music] again yo these guys attacked so much faster than the other ones good gracious i was not prepared for that at all thank you my lord they said all of a sudden i were dead do you have somewhere to hide i heard golden temple might be safe go stay off the roads and guard your son with your life you risked your life for them they couldn't defend themselves tonight i can't let more of our people die they're not the only ones who need you my brother the mongols took him that's why you saved me tucker is my only family and lord shimra is mine please i just want my brother back i'll help you find him after i save my uncle i promise i'm coming with you stables are just up ahead i have a lot of learning to do with the combat that those two enemies back there really kind of surprised me because i was expecting some slow attacks like the tutorials let's get to the horses what if there's like a quicker way to put your sword away few we didn't take into battle lucky for them and us which horse do you want hard to speak with yuna which we just kind of did choose your horse okay um man i don't know is this like a permanent pick does this control the outcome of the game i'm not going to lie i kind of like i mean i kind of i kind of like them all honestly hmm i'm gonna go with this one what hold on we gotta think about this the entire journey see i like the dark horse uh that's that's what i always like that i guess if i had to pick between the two on the sides um man i don't know i i hope that this choice doesn't like change anything crazy i'm gonna just go with i'm gonna go with this one my first choice let's go baby no second guessing he suits you and he needs a name uh i'm gonna go with shadow born from the darkness let's get it i like shadow that's the name of the dog from homeward bound isn't it oh shadow castle canada they're holding your uncle inside so she's gonna be my companion for a while like just too high to climb we could cause a distraction sneak in no we walk in the front gate kotun khan set fire to our best swordsman humiliated my uncle richard the warriors of tsushima i'm going to repay his kindness by repeating the same mistakes that got your friends killed that's what the mongols will think but this time i'll strike first wait here until they finish them yo we're just going to walk through the front door like this challenge the mongols to a standoff standoffs when approaching enemy territory you can challenge fuzz on standoff once your enemy approaches whole triangle as soon as they attack release trying to defeat them with one deadly strike what oh so we're just winning hold on here we go i was already hitting triangle characters that's so sick that is so sick just sometimes the way to go oh dear let's retry that shall we yeah let's redo that i just better go beep [Music] up so far the combat is actually very smooth gotta get used to it though a lot a lot of quick attacks happen let's heal up a little bit there we go don't sound surprised what's all that noise not sure the monkeys fired them off at the beach here they come really yo that strong attack to break the guard or whatever is so nice all right push through the castle here we go last samurai game i think i played was neo2 well i swear i parried the right time wait you can just hold l1 you don't actually have to time it i've been trying to time it every single time uh let's look around anything hold on nothing all right probably not a lot of hidden stuff in this game early on that'd be kind of weird since you have to let's go keep moving we can't you have to just be like expecting an attack at any moment you know well that was one little attack nice oh they're just going to keep pouring out can i kill this guy there we go end suffering let's go baby person just run up and die oh geez shot him nice we can't keep going i have to fall back alone keep the path clear when i find lord shimra we'll need a quick escape i'll get the horses ready do it if i'm not back soon right for the forest on what's it say tap it to break the defense yeah before we learn the little uh scene with his uncle yeah so i think the game they obviously are showing you how to heal and everything early on i'm obviously getting hit more i like fighting they can't do a lot oh wow that was one and done anybody else there's probably somebody else coming hold on i guess it wants me to go up here push the castle to save your uncle all right pretty cool intro definitely a little bit of a learning curve on the timing and all that right there i like parrying but if i hold it down [Music] i guess you could technically i could just do that every time if you hold it down and just like use the two strong attacks afterwards i feel like it's almost a guarantee you know all right dodging arrows before firing arrows mongol archers will call out and signal their allies to duck that's not to like so if you don't try to if i'm sitting there the whole time i've been trying to play this game i've been trying to like tap l1 right when they strike like a quick parry but you don't have to even do that you can honestly can i climb this oh again nice supposed to go to the end down there um i guess there's no reason to come up here i feel like i haven't played a game like this since neo too i i don't know if my fall damage probably not it seems like we're good challenge me oh yeah the standoffs my like my favorite thing so far hold it you wait for the strike here we [Music] go that is the most stylish thing in the game easily back up a little bit this guy does two attacks then i break his shield oh yeah once you gotta figure out you don't have to parry really cause i can't nephew of lord shimmura i have come to avenge his honor your uncle has told me much about you ginseng i will show him his nephew broken and humiliated beggie to join the mongol empire this is your time lord sarkar [Music] come here all right first boss fight of the game your uncle is watching maybe it's like a scripted thing i don't know what that hurts so bad oh my goodness yeah i just died enough surrender show your uncle how easily he can bring peace to your home [Music] save yourself [Music] so that was supposed to happen and i knew it felt a little light you're overpowered you know just ever so slightly again father jen help me [Music] [Music] oh lord zakat young master it's time i'm coming the whole island has come to mourn your father can't you send them away you must face them gin you are now the master of clan sakai yes you're not alone chin your father is the wind at your back your mother the birds in the trees and uncle he will tell you at your father's pyre thank you very cool like i were getting a full background of jen you know yo look how pretty this game is obviously this is a sad thing you know it's it's really well done like look at the uh like this i can't imagine ps5 graphics looking much better the way he sat there and watched his father died does suck but everybody else here doesn't know that happened it's only like a burden for jen you know i couldn't save him i was a coward jin you are samurai he died because of me your father fell in battle saving his only son his reward is a warrior's death now you will carry on his legacy your father's spirit resides within his blade [Music] he is always with you [Music] tomorrow you will come to my fortress as my ward today say goodbye to your father [Music] father how do i save follow the wind been looking forward to this can we run with it yo look at the oh this is what i've been waiting for look at this oh my goodness the grass physics getting excited about grass and trees and stuff so you follow the wind in this game a lot apparently uh it's just to show you where different things are in the game from what i was told but can we take a horse where's shadow at gin what happened i found lord shimra i could have saved him but the khan was there i failed my uncle at least you're in one piece i swore to protect this island with my life but now the mongols have stolen our home killed or some right he forgot what it's like to fight someone stronger than you to feel weak sometimes when you're staring death in the face you have to do whatever it takes to survive the khan expects to fight a war against the samurai he will anticipate our every move unless we find new ways to surprise him that's how we'll save lord shimra and retake our home need some help raiders the khan's attack dogs there's too many of them hide in the grass yo look at this we're completely surrounded i think we're in the clear maybe they must be searching for you follow the wind again maybe speak with eunice scared off the horses they're samurai mounts trained to return to their masters there's more out there nice nice trick the mongols must be hunting you we should split up i'll draw their attention while you escape i'm not leaving your side until we've saved my brother first i need to find more allies trained warriors like sensei and lady masawatachi they can help my brother can help too once we save him you'll have the island's best blacksmith in your debt he'll make whatever tool you need to save your uncle something to scale the castle walls you dream it tucker can make it where are they holding him he was captured near right there and ask around i'll join you soon tucker won't last long in the mongol cage you know we will save your brother and your uncle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo that is pretty [Music] unbelievable sucker punch presents okay what a really well done intro this is only the prologue it's probably going to be a long game action one rescue board all right i think i'm saying that right probably going to butcher a lot of names in this game so be prepared partner let's follow the wind i can't oh this is the free road mary okay uh exploring susumu alright let's see so act one was saving the uncle i thought we're gonna save the blacksmith first uh all right discover new locations yo check it out this is the tell tales are supposed to be like the main quest yet jen's journey major legend increase focused hearing uh assassination complete tells to build your legend and acquire new resources and abilities okay the broken samurai legend grows you will learn powerful new techniques this is what i was curious about because i didn't know anything about this all right the warriors code so this is all probably jen's journey yeah i wonder what these things are like let's say i wanted to like go see what this is can we like put it on the map and just like go check it out thing is can we go in the water swipe up oh you swipe up to see with the gust of wind is i don't think i can go in the water yeah there's no way unless i mean i could swim there that's so far away let's how about we do this since i didn't want to make the first part two too long uh let's see let's just go do [Music] let's save the blacksmith i guess so we're in act one so now if you want to follow that you swipe up and then i'll show you where you're supposed to go okay nice that's that's such a unique way to do a waypoint you know what i mean it's got to be right here this has to be it now the question is can i get in and get out travelers okay mongol territory so we should probably pop off uh and then what was that i don't know i mean i could just stand off i you know what i could just walk in there and do that but i think this also ha if i do stand off right this isn't even the thing it looks like it's getting there but it's not quite there i'm gonna guess there's different things you can do to get like the fast travel points maybe okay yeah yeah this is probably something if you take out all the enemies you unlock like a i guess a fast travel point on the map you know what i mean i mean i could just keep going past this and go back to the icon i think we're still supposed to go i could probably just go on foot from here honestly if i called my horse it won't really matter anyways that's you know let's go just get some practice with the horse calling and all that so we'll go back to that place later i just want to get this main thing done before i end the video save the blacksmith the blacksmith can actually make us pretty much anything and everything we need to go save his uncle i'm going gonna guess i for some reason thought okay the whole game was us trying to rescue the uncle hold on that's the other way oh it's this right here let's go okay yeah this is it she's already there so uh jin you found me you handle that well i should have heard him coming let myself get distracted these people saw mongols marching prisoners upriver they had a blacksmith with them your brother sounds like it they were taking him to a camp near the canada inlet i know the place the warriors code did you find any samurai to free your uncle not yet but i'm still searching i'm sure you'll find someone soon all right nice so we're supposed to follow the wind essentially so this right here if we go and look okay it's going to take us over here all right reach and overlook okay here we go let's get to it i do want to explore a little bit but i can help you after we save him hard to believe i might see him soon he's lucky to have you he might disagree that's what siblings are for what about you any brothers or sisters lord shimra is my only family what will you do when he's free take a breath because then i'll know there's hope for our island you feel that strongly i've watched him win victory against impossible odds and after your brother is free what then honestly i haven't had time to think about it you're riding with god i'm gonna be coming back here a lot mostly healed your bandages did the trick you don't share much about how you feel do you guess we could just go straight right my uncle taught me that a samurai masters his emotions like you master a horse or a blade that's a hard way to live it's not supposed to be easy yeah i like the way this game is designed already all the stuff i'm passing by the way i'm going to all of it throughout the entire series this is going to be amazing i feel like okay there's so much to explore i guess for this first video i wanted to just kind of stick to this main course of the game so give us a good view of the mongol chem here it is this is like an overlooked point tough to get inside the mongols threw that place together in days there has to be a way in let's look i'm just like looking around okay so we got let's go back over here i guess it's gonna go to like a little cutscene that's where we're going way over there oh my goodness that's gonna be a lot of enemies oh let's get out of the way there we go survey time to reach tucker without putting him in danger we'll find a safe approach defenses and back are formidable you could scare the rocks on that side if they're loose they might give way alert the guards so don't use those as loose rocks front wall there is still under construction could be a way in we can look for a gap in the front wall slip inside and cut down the mongols where they stand if something goes wrong they'll kill the prisoners i've seen them do it we have to go in quietly like thieves what's wrong with that before the samurai this island was ruled by criminals we change that by creating order and delivering justice in the open we live by a code of honor and sometimes we die by it warriors like my father we just wanted to give us a safer home i want the same thing but we have to fight back i promised my uncle i'd never break our cold then bend it to save my family and what's left of yours let's get a closer look see what we're up against we should wait until it gets darker let's move all right let's get it find the gap near the camp's gate all right well i feel like out of all the spots that would probably be the best one right he's been through a lot even before the invasion but he took care of him someone had to he hated when i stole but it was that or star i didn't have a choice i didn't choose to be a samurai either but going against my instincts my cold it's better than getting wiped out by the mongols we have to fight back any way we can yo how pretty is this game though i mean this is like crazy you control the wind like how many games do that all if i you can slide check it out all right here we go man this is uh here's the thing this is a game that i've been looking forward to for a long time i probably will be doing like a lot of exploring uh side quests everything i want to just check out the entire game if they see us they'll kill the prisoners and we better stay quiet and open their thrones all right stab the mongol in the bag hold on supply don't think about it sweet hold on what is this satchel collect resources to upgrade your gear yo you got gear in this game oh my goodness yo check it out what is this you can have charm slots grant perks and thereby honoring oh shrines okay and towels with tsushima tell sushima if i'm not mistaken is just like the main story wait is there nothing here okay yeah there's nothing there okay nice a lot on view upgrades you need 150 supplies and 10 iron for the first upgrade kills enemies faster faster what is that all is the damage increase i'm sorry it's just faster and faster i guess it just increases the damage by each thing all right uh what about the outfit though white headband yo the customizations is something i've been looking forward to oh my goodness i wonder how much armor is in this game accessories a satchel for your horse yeah uh stormwind yo that is nice look at the horse man you can spin him around let's get it shadow let's go uh oh a song i don't know if i want to do this well i get a copyright strike oh jesus let's go baby what do you think gin the bear's running with a limp your arrow wounded him this is when a beast is most dangerous remain alert yes uncle keep after him i didn't think bears lived here they don't but the fighting in yarikawa drove some this way so it's the rebels fault we should feed them to this bear as punishment we are not barbarians all right so we're probably about to use a bow for the first time in this game as if i had if i had to guess that's what this is leading up to because it flashed back to learn how to use a sword and now it's like the other way around using a bow and arrow let's get it that bow is huge though the bear stumbled here is it dying no but we're getting closer so his uncle this is the guy that got captured if i'm not mistaken i think i wrote down everything correctly oh hold on we got some tracks right here hmm interesting stay ready gin yes uncle if it's still alive can i take the shot prove you can control your emotions then perhaps yeah the way the game plays is so smooth i don't see much lag either oh there's the bear careful he could still be alive i mean highly unlikely it looks like you should not have killed him help your uncle inspect the carcass okay uncle there's a gash in his side not from an arrow oh my ambush situation assassin treasure you would stand that snow in the back rotakai control yourself we are not criminals like this man here we are samurai he tried to kill you he must answer for this crime with this life look him in the eye and teach him that somebody never acts out of anger of fear and take his life with honor when we fight we face our enemy head-on [Music] when we take their life we look them in the eye with courage and respect [Music] this is what makes us samurai [Music] only cowards strike from the shadows gin what's wrong let's find your i brother let them see us use all your senses think and move like a thief all right focused hearing okay presses to use focus hearing revealing enemy positions while slowly moving okay oh so you can doesn't use anything nice let's go baby long animation not always a good thing oh yeah i'm feeling it now guys this is uh this is exactly what i was expecting as far as this game i don't know uh okay we got two guys there one on the left side is there anybody up top i didn't see anybody uh should we go across try to get this guy by themselves over here something to search as well yeah very straightforward gameplay this is going to make noise is it you need to get these supplies to level up is very straightforward as far as like the upgrading and all that oh yeah getting tincture vibes baby nice i don't want to like just miss everything but what is hold on oh the touchpad is very utilized i wonder how this game would play i guess on pc or something you would have uh is this person just by themselves i like how you can assassinate anybody like it doesn't matter the size at least right now you know i'm going to collect everything squeeze through i don't want to do that oh i was prone for a minute well let's go ahead and take this guy out it's the last one yo heads on a stick the warriors code let's get it all right we're supposed to open this up let me just grab everything in case it's gonna like take us back somewhere hold on let me just no oh good oh what's in here oh wow uh nothing i guess oh there we go don't want to be running around too much all right here we go what so that's not them all right we're gonna head up i guess there's gonna be more enemies coming up into the next area my guess is that's gonna be what's happening or maybe in here oh there's more people oh my goodness hold on there a prisoner taco let's find out no it's not tucker we're gonna know though let's take out this person inside really quick yo i'm feeling it i i really like this whole uh what is this person like facing the other way oh we could just wait they can walk past and then i could just take him out shouldn't be any ah let's see i don't if i go in there now i don't know if there's anything to hide behind i like that you can infinitely do this this is something i like a lot you can literally just it slows your movement down i wonder if playing the flute will distract enemies like if i run over there and start playing a song and get a nice fat copyright claim i wonder if that will distract them i'm going in oh yeah i needed to get in here anyways because there's so much stuff don't mind me i'm trying to remember how uh infamous played you know they made this sly cooper games as well records what does this hold for details conversations with the con one all right if you guys need to read this for deposit i don't want to spend too much time stumbling around words and embarrass myself so i'm going to read these uh when i'm editing and stuff like i did that for most pretty much every game i play actually because if i sit there and read it's going to be brutal i'm gonna be jumbling my words all right let's get going oh anything right there nope okay yeah stealth in this game makes it just so much better how'd you get in here we need to go we'll talk when it's safe come on what speak with a prisoner i i'll kinda wanna go up top really quick maybe i can get a view or something can i go up oh i can nice let's just take a look around uh i have a feeling hold on let's go back down i have a feeling uh there's gonna be a lot of hidden stuff in this game you know let's get to the river we'll be safe there was i cut ties with them after they started running low on rations lord schumer has been captured and i could use some extra swords to free him are you looking for work no but the other straw hats may be last i heard they were hunting mongols in sitsur prefecture by the coast near the kishi grasslands collecting bamboo and stuff's kind of nice yeah hold on flowers let's get it this way i'm about to get attacked on the way out of here we're looking for my brother a blacksmith named tucker don't know him but a lot of prisoners move through here you said they were moving the slaves where they mentioned azamo bay and there was a blacksmith in the last group young man with a beard from yarikawa maybe you'd better be right i hope you find your blacksmith tucker's alive in osmo bay the town is surrounded by walls rushing in without a plan will only put him in more danger i have a friend who might be able to get us inside find him the sooner we rescue tucker the sooner we save my uncle jin tucker will forge whatever tool you need as soon as he's free but after that we're leaving the island you've seen what the mongols are doing here lord shimra can stop them stay help us fight for a home home is wherever tucker and i go my friend lives in asimo prefecture on the border with tutu i'll find you there i know this wasn't easy going against your code i did what i had to thank you you deserve better than this convince your people to stop resisting and you can walk free stop wasting my time kill me you think you've lost everything but your nephew is still alive my men control the roads they build war camps near your towns they see everything and they will find him lord sakai will fight until his last breath as will i you love him just as you love your people you're a father to them will you abandon your children i won't make them your slaves the warriors code this is like a completed mission style all right yeah yeah technique oh hold on what is this point earned oh my technique points hold on perfect parry uh all right we got deflection evasion i think after this i'll probably stop the video but thank you guys so much man this has been it's gonna be a fun game uh let's see perry last possible second perform a deadly counter attack wait i don't even have that unlocked yet i was doing that anyways hold on okay unless that has to be that right is there anything else we got mythic arts over there uh we have anything else i guess i should probably get this okay i was do i was wondering because i felt like i was trying to time it right but it wasn't quite having the same effect so now i have it fully unlocked that's awesome uh we don't have any charms yet all right that was awesome thank you guys so much for watching this thanks again playstation for the early copy if you guys want more of this game quickly uh just destroy that like button i mean just give it all you got and i'll catch you in part two you guys the best audience ever talk to you guys later peace
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 8,531,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ghost of Tsushima, Ghost of Tsushima Gameplay, Ghost of Tsushima Part 1, Ghost of Tsushima Gameplay Part 1, Ghost of Tsushima Review, Tsushima Gameplay, Ghost of Tsushima PS4 Gameplay, Ghost of Tsushima Walkthrough, Ghost of Tsushima PS5 Gameplay, Ghost of Tsushima Ending, Ghost of Tsushima Walkthrough Part 1, Ghosts of Tsushima, Ghosts of Tsushima Gameplay, Tsushima Ghost Part 1, Ghosts of Tsushima Review, Ghost of Tsushima Commentary, Ghost of Tsushima Playstation 5
Id: FWPielprQ2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 3sec (4923 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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