GHOST OF TSUSHIMA Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 [1440P HD PS4 PRO] - No Commentary (FULL GAME)

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I die for my people there must be thousands of them we will face death and defend our home [Music] transition courage ha they are what make us we are warriors of Tsushima we are some line [Music] in order that cheap Oh break their spirits hi [Music] outside US send your finest warrior to face me nada Janina [Music] I am Harun noble Itachi descendant of the legendary Yoshinobu Itachi Hey Samurai who you surrender come on I deserve no mercy [Music] [Applause] you with me it's lost so many you have to keep pushing Lord Takei even if it cost us our lives as a command Lord Shiva man we must hunt down the Mongolia everyone with me no longer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're all that's left there is only one path for us fight the mob or leader and ndpa I'll fight beside you to the end [Music] your leader I'm ready we end this together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I am Kota cousin Kubla grandson of kingĂ­s brother you are warrior I can see that you trained your whole life for this and you have won battles that lesser men have called unwinnable yes but while you are shopping in your sword do you know how I prepared for today I learned I know your language your traditions your beliefs which villages to tame and mr. berg so I will ask you once again samurai do you surrender you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] how did I get here someone worked hard to keep me alive no weapons just supplies need to keep moving Mongols [Music] someone saved me hit me back here maybe they have my sword someone was sharpening their blade a warrior my armor broken but better than nothing [Music] [Music] how are you what can you write I fix where's my sword not here [Music] who are you I'm Yoona [Music] you want your salt follow me how long was I out long enough for the Mongols to conquer half the Ireland let's move this way there's nothing we can do for her but I can save the others what shimmer was with me on the battlefield you don't forget him you know wait Lord Shiva is my uncle your jinsuk I the G does nephew I have to know did he survive I think so the Mongols took him prisoner where did they take him East alone lock Austin toward a castle Canada they must be holding him inside celebrating their victory I could take them by surprise you'll be killed Oh rescuer lord Shimura then help him try the Mongols into the sea he can contact the Shogun call for reinforcements I didn't miss your back to health what you throw your life away why did you save me I couldn't leave you to die I need your help Lord Shimon I can help a whole island and it's the only family I have left that's more [Music] look out breeders bombs for better they've been riding across the island taking slaves Kimmy the week no one's fighting back here clear the road if we cross someone's bound to see us I'll take that chance [Music] more guards will take the rooftops up here climb roofs scavenge battlefields yourseif when I need something I take it like my company I traded it for food and medicine your water don't worry we'll find the buyer get your sword back a long ride ahead take whatever supplies you can carry this is someone's house and they're not coming back [Music] throw here man I traded your sword to at least just up ahead then watching I'll search the house you will answer for this must be here I'm jinsuk I nephew to the greater Lord Shimla and I am no coward your enemy is no match for you but you still lack control I was practicing with your father's weapon a sword of clans Sakai has saved lives and ended wars who did this to you no one I will teach you to defend yourself I know how to fight to master your blade you must first control your emotions I can do that uncle show me let's see what you've been practicing try to strike me yes uncle try to strike me well done if you'd fought like that your attacker would not a bruise just so easily wasn't a fair fight imagine he's returned to finish what he started and he'll use every dirty trick he knows how will you defend yourself he's big but I'm quicker I'll stay out of his reach wait for him to get tired then dropping with one strike good a samurai must always fight with patience and discipline even when his opponent resorts to trickery I remember uncle now break through my defenses show me gin Sakai is a warrior of great courage [Music] enough I yield you let me win not at all if you have the real sword I would be dead really I would never lie to you Jim now for a change trying to block my attacks go easy on you hold your blocking form fine block good form I'm sorry can we take a break we're not finished yet find your resolve and fight through the pain good [Music] [Music] it's time you learn to parry wait for me to make the first move once I strike block my attack fine parry good form Jin you're improving need to catch her breath it will take more than a child to knock the wind out of me now then let's see you defend against a spear dodged my spear then follow up with a counter-attack dodge then counter-attack a fine counter-attack you see there is no weapon no warrior you cannot overcome thank you for these lessons uncle we are not finished yet Jin Suk I will you honor me with a sparring match I wouldn't want to hurt you if you are that confident let's make this interesting the first to land five strikes gets to choose dinner I hope you like octopus [Music] before we eat I have one last question for generations our families every lived by a code tell me the virtues that guide us loyalty to our Lord control of our emotions and you love this honor to fight bravely and applaud the legacy of Clan Sakai those are your father's words what does all numb mean to you I guess protecting people the ones who can't fight for themselves you have a good heart but first we must show everyone that we serve our Lord with college integrity and self-control you say that like it's easy [Music] is never researching I struggle with it every day but we must set an example for our people by remaining true to our code and to ourselves that is a meaning of honor I've not have Savage [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good you found your sword where can I find a horse stables aren't far this way more itis islands and worker stables behind that burning farmhouse follow me [Music] we can get close slit their throats and kill them without a sound without honor I will not break my court face me invader can't save everyone I'm done running and I can finally hub dammit [Music] more gods will let anyone escape [Music] [Music] thank you my lord they said all of a sudden where I were dead do you have somewhere to hide I heard Golden Temple might be safe go stay off the roads and guard your son with your life you risked your life for them they couldn't defend themselves tonight you have more of our people died they're not the only ones who need you my brother the Mongols took him that's why you saved me taka is my only family and those shimira is mine please I just want my brother back I'll help you find him after I saved my uncle I promise [Music] I'm coming with you Stables are just up ahead get to the horses [Music] there's samurai horses whew we didn't take into battle lucky for them and us which horse do you want you see there he suits you then he needs a name Huggy born from the darkness Castle Kannada they're holding your uncle inside the walls are too high to climb we could cause a distraction sneaking no we walk in the front gate cotton concert fire to our best swordsman humiliated my uncle butchered the Warriors of Tsushima I'm going to repay his kindness by repeating the same mistakes they've got your friends Jim that's what the Mongols will think but this time I'll strike first wait here until I finish them I've come for Lord Shiva here [Applause] [Music] you did it don't sound surprised what's all that noise not sure it was fired them off at the beach [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep moving we can't retreat [Music] we can't keep going I have to fall back Ilona keep the path clear when I find the Lord Samara we will need a quick escape I'll get the horses ready do it if I'm not back soon right for the forest [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] challenge me [Music] Luke salvo COO Allah okay [Music] [Music] thank God I am shinsekai nephew Lord Samara I've come to avenge is honor [Music] dude yong-chol has taught me much about ujin circa I will show him his nephew broken and who mediated begi to join the Mongol Empire [Music] this is your time Lord Sakai [Music] [Music] your uncle is watching submit enough surrender show your uncle easily he can bring peace to y'all [Music] save yourself [Music] I failed again father help me [Music] the Lord young master it's time I'm coming here you go the whole island has come to mourn your father can't you send them away you must face MGM you are now the master of clans Sakai yes you're not alone Jim your father is the wind at your back your mother the birds in the trees and uncle he will tell you at your father's pyre thank you Katie cook [Music] if you ever need guidance plan Adachi will help you [Music] your father protected the people above all else a true samurai couldn't save him I was a coward Jean you are samurai he died because of me your father fell in battle saving is on this son his reward is a Warrior's death now you we'll carry on his legacy your father spirit resides within this blade [Music] he is always with you [Music] tomorrow you will come to my fortress as my ward today say goodbye to your father [Music] how do I see [Music] you know Jin what happened I found a little shimmer I could have saved him but the car was there I failed my uncle at least you're in one piece [Music] I swore to protect this island with my life but now the Mongols have stolen our home killed our son right he forgot what it's like to fight someone stronger than you to be a week sometimes when you're staring death in the face [Music] you have to do whatever it takes to survive the Khan expects to fight a war against the samurai he will anticipate our every move unless we find new ways to surprise him that's how we'll save Lord Samara and retake our home you'll need some help writers concept actors too many of them hide in the grass they must be searching for you bastard scared off the horses there's some right mounts trained to return to their masters nice trick the Mongols must be hunting you we should split up I'll draw their attention while you escape I'm not leaving your side until we've saved my brother first I need to find more allies trained warriors like since a scar lady must have all that you they can help my brother can help too once we save him you'll have the islands best blacksmithing your debt he'll make whatever tool you need to save your uncle something to scale the castle walls you dream it taka can make it where are they holding him he was captured me a catchy right there and ask around I'll join you soon taka won't last long in the Mongol cage we will save your brother and your uncle [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] okay let's go [Music] Jinna you found me you hunter that well I should have heard him coming let myself get distracted these people saw Mongols marching prisoners upriver they had a blacksmith with them your brother sounds like it they were taking him to a camp near the Canada Inlet I know the place did you find any samurai debris your uncle not yet but I'm still searching I'm sure you'll find someone soon pather can help you after we save him hard to believe I might see him soon he's lucky to have you you might disagree that's what siblings are for what about you any brothers or sisters Louis Sameera is my only family what will you do when his free take a breath because then I'll know there's hope for our island you feel that strongly I've watched him win victory against impossible odds and after your brother is free what then honestly I haven't had time to think about it riding well how are you woods mostly healed your bandages did the trick I suppose you're right my uncle taught me that if summer I'm masters these emotions like you master a horse or blade that's a hard way to live it's not supposed to be easy [Music] [Music] there's a spot up ahead that overlooks the river should give us a good view of the Mongol camp there's the camp tough to get inside the Mongols through that place together in days there has to be a way in let's look we need to reach taka without putting him in danger we'll find a safe approach you could scare the rocks on that side if they're loose they might give way alert the guards defenses and back are formidable the front wall they're still under construction could be a way in we can look for a gap in the front wall sleep inside and cut down the Mongols where they stand if something goes wrong they'll kill the prisoners I've seen them do it we have to go in quietly like thieves what's wrong with that before the samurai this island is ruled by criminals we changed that by creating order and delivering justice in the open we live by a code of honor and sometimes we die by it warriors like my father we just wanted to give us a safer home I want the same thing but we have to fight back I promised my uncle I'd never break our code then bend it to save my family and what's left of yours that's got a closer look see what we're up against we should wait until he gets darker let's move TACA he's been through a lot even before the invasion but you took care of him someone had to he hates it when I stole it was that or starved he didn't have a choice I didn't choose to be a son either going against my instincts my cold it's better than getting wiped out by the Mongols we have to fight back any way we can through here if they see us they'll kill the prisoners no we better stay quiet [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think Jin that there's running with a limp your era wounded him this is when a beast is most dangerous remain inert yes I got keep after him I didn't think bears lived here they don't but the fighting in your car drove some this way so it's the rebels fault we should feed them to this bear as punishment we are not barbarians Jean [Music] the pair stumbled here is it time no but we are getting closer stay ready Jean yes ago if it's still alive can I take the shot you can control your emotions we can't him careful he could still be alive this arrow should not have killed him look uncle there's a gash in his side not from an arrow yurikawa sake you would step that star in the back what I control yourself we are not criminals like this man here we are somewhat I tried to kill you must answer for this crime with his life look him in the eye the teaching as someone I never acts out of anger of fear and take his life [Music] when we fight we face our enemy head-on [Music] when we take their life we look them in the eye with courage and respect [Music] this is what makes us samurai [Music] only cowards stray from the shadows [Music] Jin what's wrong let's find your brother I can't let them see us use all your senses think and move like [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know is that good yeah prisoner Tucker let's find out no we need to go we'll talk when it's safe come on [Music] let's get to the river we'll be safe there are you with the store had Ronin I was baptized with the leftovers that have any lower lashes Lord Shu has been captured and I could use some extra swords to free him are you looking for work no but the other straw hats maybe last I heard they were hunting mongols and sits at prefecture by the coast near the kishi grasslands [Music] this way we're looking for my brother a blacksmith named Tata don't know him but a lot of prisoners moved to here you said they were moving the slaves where they mentioned as a mobi and there was a blacksmith in the last group young man with a beard from Atacama maybe you'd better be right I hope you find your blacksmith Takas alive in Osmo Bay the town is surrounded by walls rushing in without a plan will only put him in more danger I have a friend who might be able to get us inside find him the sooner we rescue took her the sooner we saved my uncle Jin Tucker will Forge whatever tool you need as soon as he's free but after that we're leaving the island you've seen what the Mongols are doing you Lotus Americans stop them stay help us fight for a home home is where Vertica and i go [Music] my friend lives in Osmel Prefecture on the border with suits I'll find you there I know this wasn't easy going against your code I did what I had to thank you Lord Shimura you deserve better than this convince your people to stop resisting and you can walk free stop wasting my time kill me hmm you think you've lost everything but your nephew is still alive Jim my men control the roads they build war camps near your towns they see everything and they will find him Lord Sakai will fight until his last breath as will I you love him just as you love your people your father to them will you abandon your children they want to make them your slaves [Music] you [Music] that's [Applause] so I could use an archers help someone looks sensational [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he leaped from a building and they come you protect your path my lord my mother believed that energy is my guardian she saw Fox chasing fireflies outside her home the day I was born she knew that foxes are in Aries messengers in our world when you see one always follow where it leads I will thank you have you ever seen someone train thank you for giving me my dog but you look fatigued have you endured much hardship you wouldn't believe it if I told you but yes I could easily should visit my sister in he or she Springs I was sick so she insisted I bathed in the waters I could feel the life returning to my body sounds like just what I need stay strong my dog do you need a new quiver or such if you have Heinz to spare I can offer you something in return I'm sorry I need more for that just for you thank you I'll make an offering for your good fortune do you need anything my lord what sucker you survived the invasion so far have we met before ah no my lord but I watched you ride into battle please accept this gift if you wear it they say a spirit will lead you to whatever you're looking for sounds like something you could use yourself not with Mongols prowling the countryside but if it leads you to any flowers bring them to me or other traders we can use them to fashion dyes I'll remember that thank you if you can bring more it's yours I hope for you my lord [Music] don't move sensei Scola oh it's a Kai's boy you survived Kimora we could have used you boom I was on my way when bandits attacked me are you expecting them to return samurai is never caught by surprise I'm sorry about Laura Sameera he was a good man he's a life taken captive by the Mongols then there's hope that's why I've come help me save him I can't my student is missing the skilled Archer I will help you look then you can both help me free both Shimura [Music] trying keep up Sakai who else made it out of kumuda no one knows are there any others who could fight back besides us I don't know yet you'd better find out quickly we can't free your uncle by ourselves I can help track your student I need no help chucking tomboy tomboy a woman from what clan no clan a peasant she can outshoot any samurai I know even use ok the last time I saw you was 10 years ago you came to study with me you remember I remember most of the students I reject instead you took this tomboy as your student you showed promise don't worry he's a prodigy who will face me first [Music] to move [ __ ] [Music] [Music] right like John tanuki they thought well enough at Kumada even tanuki can catch a tiger when it's sleeping moisture picks up here the Mongols took for Takayama but Patrol likely came from there that's close to the hot springs the town will be the next to fall something happened here and bush look around blood but not much no one died a Japanese quiver a gift to my greatest student rice and millet left uneaten the attack was sudden I fear the worst the Moyer would never leave that quiver behind unless she was pursued or captured to what end interrogation torture worse they may be doing the same to Lord shim Allah fear is a weapons arc I do not let the mangoes use it against you your student where would they take her fort Nakayama the fort is nearby I should have fought that come without with you better you didn't he lost enough there why did the summer I fail the Mongols fought like animals wrong answer I saw with my own eyes and archers aim relies not on eyes but on body mind and spirit you stop here We Need to Talk what's wrong sensei this bow was a gift to me from the guanaco many years ago it's a beautiful weapon of course it is and there's nothing more painful to me than the perfect blow ineptly used and it's a good thing you're giving it to me mmm who said anything about giving prove you can shoot straight and I'll let you borrow it try it out before we go into battle aim for that lamp closest to us now the ones further down the road on the left not bad let's see if you can hit the one furthest away I didn't feel like it was made for me it wasn't so take good care of it let's go a bowl like this would have helped at coma though it is a good Bowl victory is won by warriors not weapons we haven't seen the Mongols fire weapons they have not yet won fort Nakayama I hope your student is inside will get a better look at the defense's from up there this spot is perfect I'll find a way in open the gate do we hit them you always charge into battle with your huh Kemal half tide you have a better idea patience it's okay the Mongols will send men to find their missing patrol when they open the gates we strike longer we delay the longer Tomoya remains in danger you can take care of herself survey the battle for you what can we use to our advantage they have many archers they're skilled but we are better and a heroine those hanging lights will kick ups box and start fires those barrels could do some damage we'll find out on the nests one shot could stir them up the Mongols will face the sting of insects and arrows when the gates open distract the enemy in rain arrows on their heads then we stormed the forth and free Tomoya good now we wait they're opening the gates wait for my signal get ready and then to their ancestors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sylvain prisoners tied up killed with arrows Tomoyo Hazen wait this pendant belongs to her search the fort someone's personal quarters a woman's kimono kimono the mongols feed her why a school archery terms with Mongolian translations your name is mentioned she was teaching them my way of the bow yeah these are oohs are Japanese they're to moyes arrows you are sure I taught her to make the knock with deer horn and that curve of the evil feathers so the Mongols took her weapons the shots are tightly clustered no [ __ ] shoots Japanese arrows with such skill huh then they allowed her to use a ball do you that a survivor so we're looking for a woman man Archer goes caged her with us but they set him free gave her armor and a ball she killed my wife and the others the bodies we found she proved her skill to the enemy and they recruited her please it hurts I've seen enough let's go I should have killed her sensei don't worry one her freedom when she joined the Mongols why would she do that what happened I pushed her too hard pushed her how what are you hiding says hey I demand an answer she attacked me of bandits damn way why she has no idea what it means to be somewhere right you drove her to the Mongols do not judge me do not lie to me I can't let the way teach my way of the bow to the enemy and we will stop her this is my fight I don't need your weapon no you need me victory is won by warriors not weapons [Music] know what she mana raised you well we'll hunt them way together well we do it my way and when the time comes you will help rescue my uncle you have my words okay yeah we'll prepare to hunt them away when you are ready meet me at my dojo we can't rescue my uncle alone I need more people to join our fight fine lady Masako Adachi if she's still alive she's one of the finest warriors on the island [Music] the Mongols are everywhere in a fight they will surround me like wolves I need to find new methods to keep them at bay a well-balanced blade I can throw to catch a Fault by surprise and finish them off you you [Music] golden bird some say they know every secret on this island [Music] okay yeah [Music] [Music] I'm right here [Music] Simon the Lord snore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go my lord and they've taken the bridge tell me we were running for he or she Springs the bridge looked safe but the Mongols were in the ravine they started shooting from below someone's injured Manta my brother's boy they're using him is bit tell your family to stay clear of the bridge I'll stop this [Music] keep screaming [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jim we look them in the eye courage [Music] cows straight from the ship's forgive me uncle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for not in sight Oh oh sure as they stop fueling it is over go to your family thank you my god the bridge is clear the Mongols are gone did they scream they're suffering isn't your concern take your family to here she Springs these worlds are dangerous we will thank you [Music] [Music] you Pilates [Music] little yeah go to faith come here and fight [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] someday we'll go for a peaceful ride the quantities estate lady Masako should be here lady Masako warriors of clan oddity is anyone here someone forced their way in this is awful the naginata used by the women of clan other Chi they fought to defend their family they were trying to escape pass the children through the window ransacked but no sons of violence [Music] [Music] [Music] my uncle's are not bandits I need to find out what happened here if anyone survived they may have fled on horseback better check the stables empty stables someone took the horses Bloods dry horse tracks someone fled the estate they left a trail footprints the rider was being chased archers were hunting the rider the rider was skilled knew how to confuse their aim a fallen horse this horse belonged to planetology dead for days lady Masako it's me Jean Sakai this said no samurai escaped Komodo my husband lord other Chi died a Warrior's death defending a home [Music] why have you come the mongol khan has captured lord Shinra if your clan joins me we can save my uncle and avenge your men clan Adachi is dead NASA code by our own people Freitas why would they kill those who swore to protect them I intend to find out I'm coming with you no do not set aside your concerns for mine the family of samurai are my concern I know what it means to be the last of one's clan I cannot be responsible for your death you won't be right with me he'll I thought men at your state they were waiting to finish what they started and night my husband and Sons row to face the Mongols the assassins came to our home my sister took the children and fled I stayed with my son's wives to fight our attackers we were outnumbered and then I was the only one left that's how it ended for me as a komodo for me I buried them with the rest of our family I tried to save but the assassins caught them on the road cut them down my sister my grandchildren even not she was just bought [Music] all I could do was very her with her mother this never should have happened my sister should have been buried with her husband in the north but at least she's with family [Music] we ride for the golden temple sorry you enjoyed this alone the killers had you've seen these men before no they were from another Prefecture we made a well-planned attack on a samurai estate this was no bandit raid someone wanted to eliminate my class you'll have to go in without me find the monkey names so again and tell him the fate of Clem Adachi what are you plotting they deem us a call indulge a grieving widow once you've talked to so again find the armorer she is repairing something for me I want you to have it I will do that thank you and we'll wait for you on the other side of the temple Lord Sakai it is an honor are you in charge here I think of myself as more of a servant my lord please call me Julian I made this temple a haven for our people I'll spread the word if they cannot make the journey there are also camps around Ariake I supply them with all the food I can spare that's good to know I'm looking for one of your fellow monks a man named Segen I believe he is sweeping the temple deck Thank You Jessie continue good work Lord Sakai it's good to see you gone zero right you served to Lord now go he was a good man I'm sorry with Austin I'm honored you recall a humble household servant so many of us here oh you our lives I'm afraid to fight for our home is just beginning that's why we want to help my lord people started donating what they could and please accept these gifts thank you owns it all and everyone else who contributed will keep donating what we can here and elsewhere as word of your victory spread make a copy keep you from hub oh let me go please before the Mongols invaded I heard they fought among themselves but Chinese weren't enough for them perhaps I can better your bowl I can make sure your bow is in the best possible condition whatever you can do I'd appreciate it the honor is mine just bring me the raw materials I need and leave the rest to me you have my thanks are you so again I am I am Sakai a samurai alive I have a message from lady muscle then other Chi was attacked she is the only survivor the Mongols traitors our own people how horrible has anyone suspicious passed through the temple a group of armed men not that I've seen but my duties keep me far too busy please tell lady Masako she's welcome to take refuge Cheers thank you for your time of course I need to find your myrrh are you hoping for she gained Audis heavenly strike as well my lord hmm that technique is only one of them if the musician llamado insists the myth is real I'm not surprised people often speak of his stories with excitement I heard the tale near Komatsu Forge if it's as powerful as the story claims let's hope you never face the technique and battle I came straight here stayed off the roads just like you said lots okay I'm glad he got here safely how was your little one holding up he's braver than his father people didn't believe it when I told them a samurai sent us here take care of yourself and the little one the people here don't have much to offer I will do everything we can to help if your plates need work let me be of use the katana have clans sekai an exquisite weapon you recognize their own sight for me every blade is unique as recognizable as a person Lord Sark I bring the materials I need and I would be honored to improve such a fine sword apologies you don't have what we need to do the work your plate is ready I'll see you again your sword arm protects us all hello my life I was just remembering the words of my old master side yoo-hoo cleanse the spirit one must first cleanse the body psyche Oh was a wise man who spent too much of his later years singing in the hot springs but surely you agree his words ring true the healing waters purifying steam and shade from a red maple nothing beats a hot spring bath to steal your spirit for battle I suppose you're right that's exactly what I need they warm tonight by knowing how is your armor fitting lady muscle who sent me said you were repairing something she wanted me to have the armor it's one of the finest sets I've ever worked with let me get it it suits you perfectly my lord the quality is incomparable it will serve you well but if anything isn't to your liking I can always make alterations all I need are the right materials thank you oh man I thought would never fail me you got the honor it fits well it belonged to my eldest she gets a tow it is an honor I spoke to the monk what did so again say he offers you refuge in the temple so my family's killers know where to find me we need to move you think Silk'n is behind the massacre he visited my home just before the assassins the little bastard was there scout that doesn't prove his guilt no but it earns my suspicion Soren arrived from Kamiya Agata at the beginning of autumn when we first heard the Mongols plan to invade the plot to destroy my clan took precision planning in a war to cover the treachery where is that monk there sugan leaving in a hurry let's follow the wolf to his den we can get down here you sent me to frighten the monk I knew he would panic make a mistake now he's leading us to his friends stay close we can't be seen [Music] [Music] I'd did he see us I don't think so he's moving again let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get out of sight [Music] [Music] let's get closer this way masa Casas life she has a samurai with her that must be who killed our men at the estate you fools now they know I'm part of this you have to find them keep your voice down I'm going inside don't come back until they're dead those men slaughter to my family spare the monk the rest can't die throw your place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's nowhere to run so good you destroyed Claire other Chi I was only a messenger for who knowledge does not end suffering you know nothing of suffering Masako I buried my family one by one it took death but I'm going to leave you for the Wolves we need him alive to tell us who he serves our world has changed men of vision must rise to face it and those in the way must be removed they were children misako he was never going to talk we still need information there has to be something we can use such outside I'll deal with things in here [Music] find me when you're done spare weapons they expected reinforcements there for a lot of food must have been here a while hmm names in a symbol misako might know them find anything a list of names in a clan symbol i found the same symbol on this men i've never seen it before a rifle clan moving in to take control we have to stop them i will you cannot do it alone when my uncle hears of this he will not rest until the traitors pay for what they did help me and we will bring down everyone who hurt you together when you need help rescuing your uncle I will be there thank you lady muscle cool until that time I have work to do you're a good horse [Music] [Music] [Music] calm down who's been taken the invaders took a house down the road my wife is there with my son you left your family behind what choice did I have I'm no warrior I'll help them stay here Mongols [Music] this is how we win [Music] [Music] your touch this temple from stick [Music] [Music] it had to be done [Music] hiko Haru off your money tomorrow the man mentioned a wife and child no sign of the family here maybe outside laundry still damp the attack was sudden a lot of blood someone was killed here bodies were dragged thrown in the water a child's toy his family didn't survive I should let him know my lord did you find that hmm your family was killed I'm sorry why didn't you save them I ran like a coward I should be dead too it's not your fault don't let their deaths be in vain resist the invaders help those in need yes my lord so some good bodies who killed these people a fearsome warrior he demanded I tell him the tale of chigan auras heavenly strike when he didn't hear the answers he saw he flew into a rage and butchered them what did he want to know I am Not sure my lord tell me the story I need to know what he's after when Tsushima was first set on a strange and terrible thunderstorm swept across our island wherever lightning struck beasts of lightning appeared his violent creatures tore through villages causing death and destruction moving too quickly but he stopped the people knew only one man who could possibly stand against the lightning beasts Signori the fastest swordsman in all of Tsushima jagannatha's never lost the duel with years of practice he had created the heavenly strike an attack that struck quicker than the eye could follow shigemori lured the creatures to a desolate Beach in Komatsu where the sand would slow their movement their clash turned the sand to ash and bleached the leaves of trees white chicken or his heavenly strike cut through them faster than they could move as the final beasts fell the stone cleared and Sue Shiva was safe again shigemori began a life of seclusion few students found him and only the bravest and most skilled proved worthy of learning the heavenly strike when a storm approaches a sword is placed at chigan or his rest by a student who knows of its location to ward off attacks from beasts of nature the murderer wishes to learn chigan or is heavenly strike it sounds dangerous in the wrong hands which way did he go a woman fled toward a nearby bridge he chased her he'll answer for what he did here [Music] [Music] that's the bridge the musician mentioned someone weeping where my lord so many slaughtered did you see the man who killed him I know who he is Yasu Kira Koga I've heard the name he fought for the Yeti collar clan will you recognize him I'll never forget that leering face follow me perhaps I can pick up his trail on the other side of the bridge horse tracks your CEO was in a hurry what more do you know obviously doc Oh God only that he was a retainer for the yurikawa clan years ago after the rebellion was crushed the clan was dissolved and retainers dismissed bloomer says he left Tsushima when the Mongols attacked he returned from where I'm not sure it doesn't matter he cannot be allowed to live after what he's done up ahead they're constructing a roadblock [Music] [Applause] mongols hide yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see also here a coca anyway we're pursuing a man named Yasuhiro kuba he just left he's been staying in the watchtower working with the Mongoose yes but last night they argued when we made out one word she generally I'll search the watchtower find somewhere safe before more Mongols come what does you see here I've been doing white leaves like those bleached by lightning in the tail the mongols have their own version of chigan ares tail maybe he wanted to compare it to the musicians version the dueling ring yeah Sierra is looking for someone who can teach him chicken or his heavenly strike the white leaves they are trees like that not far from here that's where he went you've helped enough get the safety with the others thank you my lord I hope you punished that monster need to find white leafed trees careful my lord this pass is dangerous dangerous for some right not a priestess what are you doing here my duty tending the shrines when the war ends people will need these 30 gates to mark their path so they can find the shinto shrines and pray for the commies protection we could use their protection now yes but the paths are too treacherous I tried to visit the nearby shrine almost fell to my death maybe I can reach it as a boy I climbed every tree and cliff around my village if you get there in one piece pray for our island and take a no memory charm for yourself wear it close and the charm will change your fate perhaps the fate of our home thank you follow the torii gates they will lead you to shrines all across our Island and the all non-woody charm said rest Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Yasuda must have gathered the Leafs from here there it is white leaves like those bleached by lightning in the tail someone's being tortured there's no other way Moonves partner our son hooligan all [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] was a man named Yasuhito with these muggles mmm he wanted to learn the heavenly strike from my grandfather and took him away your grandfather's in danger where did they go he's old training ground a dueling ring on the Komatsu coast please save him you also here cannot learn the heavenly strike [Music] [Music] some look at that tree down in order to cross you should have brought the Mongols [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that must be Sheila is too as you see it I've been doing him poor man killed by Yashida foot prints still fresh you see here a cougar the butcher of the rebellion time hasn't changed you you were a child when your okawa burned boy of 15 years I dreamed of cutting lord Shimura to the bone he won't live long enough to face him the old man taught me the legendary attack before I killed him let me show you [Music] first what are you waiting for boy not waiting studying learning I've got it [Music] the heavenly strike couldn't save you you deserve greater respect in this I promise I'll use Shi generous technique to protect it Sushma against all who would harm it [Music] [Music] if I pack the Mongols black powder into a clay pot I can set up a flame throw it as a weapon you
Channel: MKIceAndFire
Views: 1,084,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ghost Of Tsushima, Ghost Of Tsushima Gameplay, Ghost Of Tsushima Walkthrough Part 1, MKIceAndFire, No, Commentary, Ghost Of Tsushima Gameplay Part 1, Ghost Of Tsushima Ending, Ghost Of Tsushima Full Game, Full Game, Xbox One, Ps4, Pc, Ps4 Pro, Xbox One X, Video Game, Gameplay, Campaign, Singleplayer, 4k
Id: ihYF_WTj5dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 10sec (12430 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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