Ghost Hunters: Part 2

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Ephesians three you got changed he's a chain breaker you feel lost he's away maker you need freedom and say thee man when they got to that part I was ready to cut that rug up right there dancing for the Lord how many have God ever brought out of a prison before it might just be today I [Music] want you to go to Ephesians chapter 3 I'm in a series called ghost hunters we are talking about the Holy Spirit last week we talked about the person of the Holy Spirit I'll recap in just a few moments a couple of minutes of recap from last week and then today I want to preach about the power of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is not only a person he has power and some folk in the church need to be reminded informed for the first time something we just need to leave here today driving off this property knowing that there is an Almighty God living on the inside of us that you are not some growth stepchild hoping to get to heaven one day but there is a God living inside of you because he's living inside of you you have power Ephesians 3 now to him was able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think according to them the power that works in us to him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever amen that blessed me so that I want to read it one more time and I want you to read it with me so you get a blessing Ephesians 3:20 let's read it now to hear who is eight to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us to him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever amen the spirit empowered life Jesus helped me today to preach the truth of your word and help your precious people to receive it now in Jesus name amen you can be seated last week we talked about the person of God God who is one eternally exists and is manifested in three persons not three different gods God rather all three in one not a horse not a cloud not an energy but the Holy Spirit is the person of God and although he is manifest in these three ways he is sold one and unified that there can be no division or divisive nacinda try Godhead God the Father God the Son who is Jesus and God the Holy Spirit we talked about the Holy Spirit as this person who came upon the departure of Jesus you remember as I recalled that Jesus had a ministry God worked with him and through him healing the sick and raising the dead and the disciples the twelve who walked with him saw the manifestation of this awesome supernatural power and they said never have we seen a man like Jesus who walks on water and tells the wind to stop and the waves to lay down never have we seen a man that put the walk back in the lane man and the sight back in the blind man and the hearing in the ear of the deaf man never have we seen this kind of man before and for three years these disciples walked with Jesus and then I told you remember in John 14 and I was in a hurry last Sunday but I'm not in a hurry this Sunday because in John 14 he told him I'm leaving and I remind you that when he told them he was leaving the look on their face must have informed Jesus that they were puzzled and they were afraid to hear those words I'm going to be leaving soon so he looks at them and says do not fear it is to your advantage that I'm going away because if I don't go the comforter the helper the Paraclete clothes he cannot come but if I leave Earth I'm gonna head to heaven and tag him come on WWE fans in the house come on when you get in a tag-team match it's only one wrestling at a time and every now and then you'll see one of the team members tag the other one I'll remember all the nights me and my dad got caught up in WWF wrestling lord have mercy all the time we wasted thinking it was real but when one of the team members were where we're getting out or wanted or wanted to get out of the ring you would go and CAD the other team member and even come in and that's what Jesus is saying in John 14 it's to your advantage that I go back to the Father because if I don't go there's only one of me and in my flesh I'm limited in my scope and ability I can feel I can only be on one mountain healing somebody at a time I can only raise one dead man to life at a time but it's to your advantage that I'm going to go back to heaven because if I go back I'm gonna send another helper the word another helper is the Greek allosteric Latos it means one who is like of the same in other words to the disciples whose hearts were broken that the healer was leaving their hearts was broken that the comforter was leaving their hearts was broken that the man who walked on water was getting ready to go back home but he said I don't want you to have a nervous right now because when I go home I'm going to send you somebody just like me and there will be no limitations with the one that I've sinned he is an international eternal 24 hour a day 365 days a year everywhere you go he's there David said if I ascend into the highest heaven the Holy Spirit is there and if I make my bed in hell oh my god all at the same time the Holy Spirit is able to be everywhere to all people at all times this Holy Spirit is not just a denominational badge you better say something I'll come down off this pulpit I said the Holy Spirit is not just some denominational badge where we got the Holy Ghost because we're Pentecostal I'm going to tell you there's some dead Pentecostal students that got him on the sand but don't have him in the building this Holy Spirit is not a badge for people to brash and wear and to brand around as if they own him I'll tell you right now they're artists our Lutheran churches that are going up in revivals our Baptist churches that are blowing up in revival because we're living in a time where God is ignoring all of the stereotyping that have limited and bounded search for decades and there is a move of God Oh Lord us I'm trying to just lay a foundation but I feel like hovering in here today there is a move of God going on that is crossing every cultural every denominational socio-economic language barrier the enemy has planted because in the last day he's pouring out his spirit [Applause] this is the Holy Spirit he is not a it we don't sing send it on down we say send him on down this Holy Spirit is the helper jesus said and he comes to live John 16 in you he's not out here and some ethereal shadow or some corner of the church waiting on you to wake him up when he comes to church on Sunday he didn't take a nap last night you don't have to come to church to fill and come down this Holy Ghost is that working sad as I was studying this week preparing my heart God said to me these words your ability to walk in victory wallace is directly proportionate to your willingness to rely on the spirit's power in your life and not your own there are some people in this house right now you are depending entirely too much on your own ability I remind you what the Prophet Zechariah said when they were talking about who God was and how they were going to get the victory God looked at them through the Prophet and said it is not by your might it is not by your power but it is bad my spirit saith the LORD and I want to inform anyone arrogant enough in the church this morning to believe that you've arrived and don't need the power of God in your life you better be careful because on your best day your enemy will still have his way with you if it were not for the power of the holding out only inside of you now let me talk for a moment this morning just teach on the power of God we need to talk about the power of the Holy Spirit now I recognize that there was a danger in preaching on power and not person but since I've already talked about the person and this house is a house that honors the person of the Holy Spirit I'm not interested in entertaining religious jargon and you trying to correct me when I talk about the power of the Holy Spirit because we need the power of the Holy Spirit operating in our life the Bible is full of things that talk about the power of the Holy Spirit because you and I must understand there is a there is an intention in the earth to reduce the might the strength the power the ability of God to something nothing more than a humanistic God that has been brought down to our level who struggles with the same things we struggle with deals with the same problems we deal with and just somehow on the same equal footing as our enemy Satan but the devil is a liar God is not equal to Satan and Satan is not equal to God God is far above all principalities powers might rulers princes of darkness everything that has a name God is above it Satan will never equal God it is the lie of religion that Satan and God are in a war Satan and God are not in a war you and I are in a war with Satan Satan has already been defeated I need some help in here today Satan has already been defeated by God and when you get whipped like he got whipped 2,000 years ago the only thing you can do if you are Satan is attack the offspring of the one who already looked you on the cross that's why we're in a battle oh I'm getting ahead of myself and I feel like hollering here today we already have the promise of victory and our ability to walk in victory is proportionate to our willingness to rely on the spirit's power working in us now what is the power of God the power of God is the strength of God demonstrated it is the ability of God manifested it is the authority of God substantiated the entire Bible is a book revealing God's redemptive plan the father thought it I told you this last week the father thought it the son with his blood bought the plan of redemption but it is the spirit and his power that brought to us the redemptive plan of God see I want you to understand today that Jesus Christ said the Holy Spirit so that the work of redemption would not just come to an end but that it would crescendo all the way until the end of time don't let anybody tell you that the church is going to wind up in a hut in a cave in the middle of nowhere hiding from the devil and dreading the Antichrist the church is not going out under the churches going out over the Bible said he's able Jude chapter Jude 18 he is able to present us to the father with exceeding great joy Jesus Church he's not going to let us cross the finish line with our live dragon and our tongue hanging out talking about how bad it's been farther along we'll know all about it the devil is a liar we're not crossing the finish line barely we're crossing the finish line saying look what the Lord has done look what it did in our generation look what it did in our sons and daughters we're not here to back up and be turned around we're here to make it sure when we get there hallelujah oh I feel my singing breeze coming on me now the spirit brought it from Genesis to Revelation the Bible is about the Father's will being accomplished through the son sacrifice and manifested to us by the spirits power now why will we talk about the power of the Holy Spirit let's just walk through this because I want you to see the Bible is a book that is a catalog of how the spirits power brought to pass the redemptive plan of God number one we see the the Holy Spirit revealed in creation Genesis 1 verse 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the waters and God said let there be light there are two points of information I wish to submit to you and some religious person who may be sitting here or listening to this and some other medium who thinks that God doesn't move and God doesn't talk God's Word started with the Holy Ghost moving and talking I submit to you the Holy Spirit is still moving and the Holy Spirit is still talking and if you're going to a church where he is not moving and talking I suggest you find a place where he is the Spirit of God hovered over the chaotic nothingness of this world it's what the Bible says Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 2 and 3 in the beginning God created the heaven the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters he this God hovering over the chaotic nothingness of this earth brooding as it were and in God in the midst of the chaos brooding over this nothingness this emptiness this void God said let there be life hey there was like God sealed something that was empty and void by the power of his spirit how awesome are you if you can step out in the middle of nothing and hover over what is empty and chaotic and void and say what word and out of your one word the entire worlds were framed this is not some little anemic limp-wristed god this is not some little pill-popping god who is in trouble this is a God who needed nobody we say in the theological world he is immutable that means he's God all by himself and no one has the power or capacity to change it he was not a god that was voted in there was no council there was no there was no more nobody appointed him God because he was before everybody else got here he didn't wake up one morning and turn into God your cyanide brain cannot even comprehend what I am saying because our brains are taught to think within the scope and reason of finite time but he is inside night he is not constrained a limited by what we are constrained and limited by we operate by seconds and minutes and hours and days and weeks and months and years he said I don't even know what it feels like to have to go to bed because while you're sleeping at night I am me the one who keeps Israel and I will never sleep that I'll never God that you know what I'm preaching about the next if it awesome god this God hovers over the emptiness of the world and he says let there be light and put it in the order oh I wish I have time to talk about it but let me keep going because not only is the power of power of God's Spirit revealed in creation it's revealed in Christ's inception do you understand Jesus was born of a virgin uh-huh Luke chapter one an angel shows up two mirrors say you're getting ready to have a child she said well that's alright the problem is I don't know a man I know you don't know a man but it's alright because the Holy Ghost it's going to overshadow you Mary don't get rid own business I'm getting ready to say something right here the Bible said that the Holy Ghost the Spirit of God came over Mary ah come here Gavin come here Isaiah give me one more young man give me one more young man is Benjamin over that Jeremiah there you are come quick on behind your mana son come here stand right here don't miss this don't miss this to stand on the same stand right here what's this Genesis one the power of the Holy Spirit is seeing in that the Spirit of God hovered over the impe world and in God's timing the power of the Spirit brought to pass all that you and I see when you walk out in the morning and you see the river and you see the mountains and you see the clouds and you see the rain and you see the Sun where did that all come from it come because in the mind of God who thought it is the Spirit of God brought to bear on this earth is the very the very plan of God what was nothing became filled with awesomeness because of God's hovering power but in Luke 1:35 it's not an empty world that the spirit hovers over it's an empty womb and and and we see that go sit down a minute Gavin go sit in a minute heaven I got I needed what I need a woman come in say and you're a man come here it's mouth off come stand right here comes there right here faith watch this in Genesis 1 the spirit hovers over the world in in Luke 1 when the angel shows up to Mary and says Mary you're going to have a baby and she says I don't know a man I'm not married and God said that's all right I got your cover I'm gonna hover over you I'm going over shouted you Luke 1:35 I'm gonna overshadow you and the power of the Holy Spirit is going to give birth to this thing in you what does that mean for me and you it means that the impetus and the voidness is that which in your life has nothing going on have you ever felt empty and void and wanted God to fill you have you ever felt like somebody else on your Road always have something going on in their life they were always getting the blessing they're always getting a breakthrough they were always getting an answered prayer and here over the world and just because you're sitting in because the world [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jesus Joe Jesus was born out of the power of the Holy Ghost how powerful is God that he can create the biological order of birth and declare that in order for a son or daughter to be born man and woman must come together and then in Luke 1 now you know what this young lady is natural means it was born through the womb of Mary Joseph he was because his daddy was power of the Holy Spirit we see the Holy Spirit's power revealed in Christ inception but not only do we see it revealed in creation not only do we see the power of the Spirit revealed in Christ inception we see the power of the Holy Ghost revealed in the Ministry of Jesus thirty years of preparation thirty years of obscurity thirty years of no recorded ministry and then in John chapter one he bursts onto the scene at John the Baptist baptism sir mm-hmm and John the Baptist song coming in said behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the whole world and the Bible said that when John baptized him he came up out of the water verse 32 33 and 34 and the Spirit in the form of a dove descended from heaven and rest upon Jesus children and the Bible said if you've got a king James one New King James has said he abode but the word abode in the Greek is the Greek word Minos it doesn't mean he flew down and landed on him it means he stayed forever descended on him and he was resting on him and I want to tell you tonight power allows the dog descended on him and remain and we let the Dove come and on Sunday afternoon at about 3:00 he flies away but I want you to start living like a dove is resting on your shoulder god help me preach Jesus live with you in Walmart and imprison people because I don't know if you go to Walmart when I go but when I go to Walmart is another species of folk and every one of them have been assigned to rob me of my joy but sometimes you got to remember before you caught somebody out on your shoulder before you flip that person on the interstate that the only time some people host the Dove is when somebody's watching the Dove restaurant but I will tell you right now if you want real power with the Holy Spirit you gotta learn how to honor him when nobody's looking you got to learn how to take care of the duck some of us don't know how to host the Holy Ghost but if you want to keep him you gotta learn how to love him when everybody's looking the crowd goes home now slap your neighbor say neighbor do you love to down to your legs enough is enough I just don't ii morning do you love to nobody else's around Church oh by the [Music] [Applause] greatest church services I've ever had in my life yeah how the Holy Ghost was revealed what his thing is so strong right now came from the what I'm telling you I'm feel the Dove in this place today thank you though the power of the Holy Ghost was revealed in the inception of Jesus it was revealed in the ministry look for the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me for he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor to bind up the brokenhearted to set at liberty those that are bound and to preach the recovering of sight to the blind the Holy Ghost didn't get on you so you could feel the goose won't come upon your neck and write a book about it the Holy Ghost came upon you because marg you down the road is hood don't crack and Billy on the other side of the road is hooked on marijuana and there's a woman down on the corner selling her body just trying to make ends meet in her house that's why you are anointed with the Holy Ghost God didn't anoint people in the church with the Holy Ghost so they can become famous and becoming into themselves God anointed you with the Holy Ghost because people are broke busted and disgusted they're messed up from the chest up Torah from the floor up and beat up from the feet up this is not a house for people who made it this is a hospital for people who own their way and if we don't have the holy there is no help for anybody in this city my god I feel like preaching today we need the dub in the church and I'm telling you right now IRA's I can be friends with anybody but I'm not connecting myself to anybody who believes you can have a religious expression and deny the power of the Holy Ghost Paul told Timothy he said in the last days you better be careful because men would say that they don't need the power of God they have a form of godliness but another power thereof from such turn away you gotta find somebody in your life when you get sick who believe God is a powerful God you can heal our diseases glory the Ministry of Youth somebody said what does warming livings world the Ministry of Jesus was one of power and I want to tell you right now we are in the last days and this little peanut butter and jelly presentation that has no power it's not going to help people who are hurting and tormented some of them possess my demons you can't bring people in and give them seven steps I ain't got nothing wrong with teaching and I have a weenie teaching and on Wednesday night we teach when I don't come on wimzie what I'm sorry that's when we teach when I want you to teach I'm preaching this morning I'm teaching you got to catch it while I proclaim it amen come on will proclaim it today and we'll explain it Wednesday amen somebody I got no no we're teaching but at some point all this truth we ingest he's got to release power because in the book of Matthew there were a group of people who come to Jesus they said they started acting like they were wise and they started asking questions about eternity he's a heretic that you err not knowing the scriptures or the power of God all these people learning stuff but no power then to 12 seminars on casting out a demon and still they cast one out some point you got to fall in love with God and get so hungry for him that when he feels you to overflowing and you encounter something from the dark world you don't tuck your tail and run and get run over by the enemy you tell the devil not today Jack not in not in this place greater is He that is in me see some of you got in fiction power and you ain't never get the devil out of your house but I'll tell you right now some of you getting ready to go home after today and the power of God is coming upon your life and that mess and darkness they used to live in your child's bedroom when they leave walk in there with some olive oil and start anointing the computer the pillow the sheets the garbage can the doorknob the doorpost the door I'm not the television top and never get your mess and get out Holy Spirit the power of the Holy Spirit was evident in the life of Jesus the ministry and then I see the power of the Holy Ghost sustaining Jesus in his death it's a reason why he didn't die from pressure and stress in the garden there's a reason why he didn't die life is tied to the whipping post any other man with a dad there's a reason why he lived all the way to the end the Spirit of God helped hear the Holy Ghost aid there woof and kept him from the crowning of thorns killing couldn't kill him they couldn't beat him to death they couldn't strike him to death they they could come on he wake the whole ego stayed with him and Onan until he said father into your hands I commend my spirit it is finished and he dropped his head and the locks of his shoulders and he died and the SU in hid behind the clouds while the som shone from this on the cross the powerful however and they tore his body there off that cross and they wrapped him in gray clothes and put him in a bar row - and not only do I see the power of the Holy Ghost moving in creation not only do I see the power of the Holy Spirit moving in the inception of Christ not only do I see the power of the Holy Spirit being used and activated in the Ministry of Christ not only was the power of the Holy Spirit present in the death of Christ but I see the power of the Holy Ghost in the resurrection I promise how does a dead body that's been dead three days get up from a death position and come up with all power only one explanation the God who came not death entered the body of Jesus who had that and caused him to come back considered assembling that when the Spirit of God invaded the dead body of Jesus he quickened that dead body back to life so much so that when Jesus came back from the dead he straightened up the tomb before he left what kind of dog hangs around long enough to fold a napkin take his gray clothes off like he was changing a suit of clothes hold him up and lay them on the mat he was laid upon fix the head cover and folded it letting everybody know I'm coming back oh my god I come to tell you right now he didn't run from the tomb in fear he didn't run from the tomb in defeat he walked out of the tomb daran the devil to show up because he had already walked down into the depths of hell and he took the keys to death hell and the grave he walked over into Abraham's bosom we call it paradise and with the key of eternity are lots of gate that had every Old Testament Saint man and he walked down through the corridor of paradise and reminded David and Moses and Abraham Isaac and Jacob hi I'm Alpha Omega and I am BN and even though I was dead I'm alive forevermore my god that is the power of the Holy Ghost and here's where it is real crazy not only do I see the spirits power at work in creation Christ's birth Christ's ministry Christ death Christ's resurrection but Paul says this same power I'm getting ready to run all the way to town hall this same power that was at work in creation this same power that wounded over that little virgin girl named Mary and God filled her with a child this same power that was with Jesus when He healed blind Bartimaeus when He healed the lame and when he healed the blind man this same power that was with him in Gethsemane and held in Raleigh carried his cross up to Calvary this same power that was upon him while he hung high was stretched why this same power that woke his dead body up and got him out of a grave Wow said the same power that raised Christ from the dead [Applause] understand that where I'm going but [Applause] shout all over the church [Applause] [Music] I'm telling you right now there is no job did not give you I stir it up here but it gave you power you're just a little too excited run away yeah a little too depressed shout of God lift your head up what a smile on your face greater is he living in you then he that is living in the world he's already provided what you stayed up about stressed out last night he already took care of it it's already paid for Holy Ghost is already insured it's done we went on a little vacation we got away for a couple days this past week and we went to her with the Markel Island it rained 19 inches I'm not exaggerating my family's here to witness it it rained 19 inches in four days I thought the entire village was getting ready to float away father-in-law Ernie was there met him a friend Ernie meets friends everywhere he goes Mehta friends introduced me to his friend met everybody in the friends family all of his kids grandkids earnings this is my friend who lives in New York you never met him before but I knew him all his life it was amazing Ernie is so friendly he'll stand down in the lobby and just talk to people so every morning he'd get up go down to the lobby start hitting call feed everybody start but stuff you want some coffee here she's uncomfortable so come here some tough years we're standing on about Thursday morning we're standing in an elevator and his friend gets on the elevator he says Ernie all that coughing have been given away I had to pay for it Ernie a demek hundreds of tubs of coffee just take it somebody else's already pay for it cause a jumbo coffee I wish witches care not healing what you pay for I wish witches deliverance like somebody else paid for it how could you minister if you knew that living on the inside of you was the same job that wait the dead body of Jesus from the dead ready go do it it's already been paid for it neither healing me healed me the deliverance is free meet a financial breakthrough it's already been paid for my god Church why do we hang on to it when it's already been paid for I got to land this thing somehow but I can preach till 3:30 I'm telling you right now there is coming a revolution I prophesied there is coming a revolution of ministry to the local church and it will no longer be about just paying the bills and keeping light zone it's going to be about an advancing of the kingdom of Almighty and every nation kindred travandkel is going to see a demonstration of the kingdom of Jesus and it's not coming it's not coming when we get to heaven it's coming right now and it's March and you and I are going to be a part of offering this kingdom in this power is at work in you so let me end with this why isn't the power of God working for me pastor my question is simple have you relied on God lately when is the last time you had faith in God what I believe in God that didn't sound too convincing was the last time you stood and looked the hill right in there and said I believe God well what are you talking about the kind of faith Abraham had when he walked Isaac up a hill and Romans gives us an insight on what Abraham was thinking Genesis don't tell us this but Paul told us this in Romans Paul said in Romans Abraham had faith in God and believed that even if he killed his son this would raise him from death yes Paco saya is the kind of faith I'm taking and sometimes we think just coming to church ensures we walked in power that's like going down to the electric power board walking through the building and thinking that just because you're walking through the electric power board building you have power running through your body I promise you there is a difference between walking through the electric power board building and putting your hands on electric power I've been a few things other than a preacher in my life Micah compeltely one of them was a journeyman helper for an electrical company and I'll never forget working up in a 110 degree attic in a blockbuster and Farragut not up in Farragut Tennessee near Knoxville and I'm tying light fixtures up into the ceiling and unbeknownst to me I grabbed ahold of 120 put it in a heavy key [Music] that's it when I grabbed that power I did not read an article or a book on how to react when you touch power when you grab 120 [Music] and you make a noise you know what I quit doing a few months ago the Lord told me this and I'm just sharing you this with our honesty of my heart because I believe God's speaking it to a bunch of preachers God said stop preaching for response because when they get touched by the power you won't have to ask them to say Amen and most of the time preachers who beg for response don't have enough power to stimulate the dead flesh sitting on the people but if the power ever comes in the building you won't have to take teach them how to say Amen praise the Lord clap your hands Oh No if the power moves in the building dead things start one two three five [Music] so today I want to ask you a question - closing when's the last time you relied God and his power have faith Holy Spirit I'm depending did you - God me when I don't know what to do making intercession for me when I don't know how to pray Holy Spirit I'm depending Holy Spirit stand with authority next week I'm preaching about the baptism in the Holy Spirit I'm going to preach I preached last week about the person I preached today about the power but next week I'm preaching about the promise and I'm believing this week that God's will feel people next week with the Holy Spirit all over this room but today I want to pray for people who need the power to go to work for you you're in this building and you say pastor Kevin I need a miracle I need the power of the Holy Spirit to go to work in my life come stand with me by you if you like you're leaving I love you see you wins we got this but if you need for air want you to come to the altar everybody they can come to the altar to these [Music] making incessantly I don't know how I'm offending Holy Spirit I'm depending [Music] singer Corsa OPC oh I need you to guide me not for making intercession for me when I don't know how to play Holi I'll be 50 [Music] policemen are depending Cygnet with our work for me when I don't know how to pray Holy Spirit and he bit me somebody tell him holy Oh singing it in cost me I need everyone that's real statement before a little bit here to stretch your hands towards the altar I need elders and pastors to come and help me pray and here's when I want to pray I don't want to pray for you I want to pray with and the first thing I'm going to ask God to do is show you that he's already inside of and worked in your life and then I'm going to ask him for his Spirit to come and the power of his spirit to go to work in your situation right now and as you reach out by faith and rely on God his power is going to work for you this afternoon some other scripture has toured this altar every pastor elder prayer leader come join me please whoa Holy Spirit ah depending on I [Music] [Music] FRP when I go calling you [Music] Holy Spirit I depress me oh I [Music] when I don't know what you pick it as test for me when I don't know how I'm the baby red I do best I look [Music] I don't know how and they don't oh holy red Sadusky come or where I don't yeah he comes [Music] that of his [Music] no we uh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah Oh [Music] [Music] yeah Oh [Music] everything is yes his brother he's meeting every party he's losing every part of your freedom forever passes by every by Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] then on all Oh Oh [Music] me Oh the king you know she has taste [Music] [Music] oh my god and the whole thing is already at work now unto Him seek honorable says shall the Lord said you've not asked too much because whatever you asked he's able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you ask it's not to be in fact it's yours for your hands are family for your hands of the Spirit of the Lord is here [Music] [Music] your hunger for God sir [Music] this is gonna sound crazy but that's what I'm hearing your hunger for God has pulled out of a future season an anointing that you were going to receive in a future season your hunger has pulled it out of that season and into this mode Jesus Holy Spirit you are welcome absolutely a code blue time frame and or shellac Protomen I see the river of God picking up steam in your life sir it was like a little gentle flowing thing but I see a violent toward river come about Google telephoto gelsen it's going to happen in here it's not coming home you're not gonna feel it out here it's gonna be right there the river of thought now a violent torrent of God's good presence google shuffle Cara Vasa proceed the Holy Spirit receive Holy Spirit [Music] see Holy Spirit [Music] you're wrong [Music] everybody in the room that's here with me lay hands on your belly received from the promise of God's word out of your belly shall flow rivers he's not talking about your stomach he's talking about the spirit out of the inner mostly she delivers [Music] yes Steph come lay your hands on this weekend lady right here I break off of you every spirit of disappointment in life you are not alone and you are not forsaken never lay your hand on her belly Joy's coming back to her life right now [Music] robotic us Lord oh that ship over toward right on my side [Music] here's the do ship by the console a total 5 total book Shaka that thing just broke via come come to you come to you later thank you Jesus Joy's coming back now Joey's coming back right now there's too much stress on you it's come and offer you now you are meant to be listen listen you're an earthen vessel and there's a treasure in you you are the treasure that the treasure is got in you you are the vessel and I might add a dose and I this is a joy coming back there's a joy come in fact there's a joy coming back as a joke coming back swimmin again filled with the joy of the Lord the day was a joy to come back to your life this stuff has got to get off y'all just worry care loose are now given joy that God can enjoy back to the joy precious wonderful Savior Jesus fill it with joy Jesus fill it with your show body ha ha you're scared of this season young lady that you're inside I'm afraid it's not gonna last because you've been through some stuff in your past that has trained your mind to expect the worst God is breaking that thinking pattern off of your mind and he's restoring joy I just see someone taking a big deep breath and releasing a lot of toxic air and the wind and the air of eternity are getting ready to fill your spirit you're going to run and not grow weary [Music] a wounded spirit who can bear but laughter dude good luck abyss I see your joy coming back young lady I see the Lord restoring power he's hovering he's hovering he's up he's been hovering she's been hovering over him you've been wondering where he is he's just hovering over showers for the work in her life Oh God [Music] there's a woman in the Book of Ruth her name is Naomi and she lost a lot of things sweet lady and after she went through a season of loss she told everyone don't told me Naomi call me Mara because my life has been bitter but as I read The Book of Ruth they never called her Mara you've been through some bitter chapters but your name is not Mara cuz God's goodness and sweet favors now going to rest on your life [Music] reach over lay your hand on your neighbors shoulder other presence of jesus' here [Music] let us become more aware of your presence [Music] break the lid off our lives break the lid of our lives [Music] lord I know it's strange we aren't to lay your hand on your belly Devin come here cuz Jordans more helping flow out of your milk rivers of living from God to you the power of God get the pay of Jesus is all real [Music] second your work offers have your life Oh Joye robbers are running out of your life I'm tell you what I see is the craziest thing but it's like little feeds on a farm that have been stealing things from the farmer and they just keep taking things but now I see I'm running off the property their hands are empty and they can't have your stuff anymore a great restorer Jesus Christ is restoring children now no more joy snooze no more joy assessments [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please help remember you now [Music] like you know Clary you [Music] now [Music] well we go can we just honor God for a moment Thanksgiving all over this place who he is and all he's done for a living we don't ask you for it [Music] give thanks for the great [Music] give thanks to the Lord of mork's give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ his son [Music] let me say [Music] let them be call Lord has done for gave [Music] give plan [Music] [Music] because [Music] Jesus Christ his that we I am strong [Music] and now that we say I am be called [Music] Oh [Music] Lord bless these precious people make your face shaggable be gracious unto us and your peace O Lord I pray and above all God give us your presence for what separates your people from any other people on the planet if they do not have so today we praise you for what you are doing and presence that you are pouring on just give us a sensitive Spiritist an available spirit [Music] Spica continues to play you liquor as long as you would need to linger and de-stresses we're not going to dismiss see you Wednesday night at 6:30 [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 896
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: redemption, nations, church, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, spirit, spirit-filled, pentecostal, kevin wallace, deven wallace, zion project, women of fire, ruach, ruach conference, highland park, love, rsm, redemption to the nations church, redemption to the nations, nation, school ministry, school of ministry, redemption school
Id: YtstQDt3C5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 27sec (4647 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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