Let Me See | Kevin Wallace | Redemption to the Nations Church

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[Music] mark chapter 10 first mark chapter 10 I want you to put that on the screen I want to preach a message today called let me see somebody say let me see there are two in furnaces in that phrase if you're a parent and you specialized in the art of delay your kid said can I go do this and you say let me see I don't know right now let me see we'll see about in a little while but then there's the other kind of implication in this phrase and it means I need to see again let me see how many want to make sure your vision is correct this morning when Jesus and His disciples had passed through Jericho a large crowd joined them upon leaving the village they met a blind beggar sitting on the side of the road named - may i he was the son of timaya and when he heard that Jesus from Nazareth was passing by he began to shout Jesus son of David have mercy on me in my affliction heal me when and those in the crowd were indignant uh-huh religious people do that and scolded him for making so much of a disturbance but he kept shouting with all his might son of David have mercy on me now and heal me Jesus stopped and said call him to come to me so they went to the blind man and said have courage come on look over at your neighbor tell them have courage get up jesus is calling for you so they so he threw off his beggar's cloak jumped up and made his way to Jesus Jesus said to him what do you want me to do for you the man replied master my master please let me see again next verse Jesus responded your faith heals you go in peace with your sight restored all at once the man's eyes opened and he could see again and he began at once to follow Jesus walking down the road with him he said let me see again and there's a scripture over in Psalm 27 in the King James Version it reads I would have fainted had I not believed I would see the goodness of God in the land of the living I would have fainted had I not believed I would see the goodness of God in the land of the living let me see Lord give us a vision checkup today [Music] here what is impaired repair what has been lost give sight back to this generation I rebuke every demonic power of distraction that has caused us to lose our focus healed us today by the power of your Holy Spirit in Jesus name amen you can be seated let me see I'm coming out of the gate straight for you today because I am terribly concerned we are living in a moment of distraction never before have we exited one year and entered into another year with such a common and heard phrase as when we left 2019 and injured 2020 it doesn't matter if you were Baptist or Methodist or Church of God in Christ or Church of God or ISM every Church ever to nominate all kinds of leaders all over the place we're saying 2020 the year of vision the year where we don't see clearly the year where God's going to reveal something and show us something and we're going to have perfect vision as we come into 2020 and I need to do some confessing this morning I am sitting here in the middle of the year and I have never in my 40 years of life lived in a more distracting time where I don't know about you but I actually believe there is a greater fight for what we thought was coming in this year vision there's a greater fight for vision in 2020 than any year we've ever lived in our life now I'm just 40 years old but I'm talking to people who are in their 70s and 80s telling me stuff like this pastor I never seen it like this we want to have the vision for the future and we want to have the right kind of vision but in this year it seems instead of moving at this point and I know y'all don't want to agree with this but it seems to me that instead of moving from glory to glory we're moving from pain to pain and with every new chapter of pain that is being introduced to our country in this moment it seems like the fight to keep vision is becoming more and more of a thing I mean we saw the heinous shooting of a mod armory we saw the horrible murder of George Floyd and many people in our communities are wondering will we ever see justice it's quite when you talk about these things y'all want to act like you don't want me to talk about them but all you've been doing is surfing social media looking at it so I figured if you're gonna want some information I'll give you some Kingdom information whether that garbage you're getting out there on the outside can I just say something insane tear my nose be careful what you let in your eyes you better be careful when you go home and turn on a television because it'll tell you a vision and if you ain't careful you'll open it up to the wrong channel and that channel will become a medium y'all not gonna help nobody today well what's one he talking about I ain't telling you cuz I'm talking to all of you God told me in prayer this morning he said to other people of God that the news station has become their companion more than my word oh yeah I'm making everybody mad today both sides in it in it a shame we've gotten so sad oriented to it we're not even talking about the kingdom anymore the kingdom ain't talking about a side the kingdom is talking about truth truth don't have a side truth is its own side and some people need to get on the side of truth today seems like everywhere we look there's a fight for vision we want justice and equality and love is it too much to ask that we love everybody is it too much to ask that we walk in peace and unity with each other is it too much that we ask that honor and respect be given to every man and woman no matter the color of their skin but instead what we see it seems like it's chapter after chapter of pain and then we that that's not even to talk about what Koated 19 has done to our vision I'm telling it baby i'ma tell it all afternoon longer if you keep helping me preach we've got this crazy pandemic floating around and y'all gonna get mad at me but you know what you know what will cause you to come out of the fear is a cause we got precious brothers and sisters that are protesting this last week and I didn't say rioting I said protesting cuz brothers and sisters are protesting I don't know who's riding but children of God don't tear things down and burn stuff up I believe in protesting and being I believe in making a statement I did some of that disk last week myself because I want this community and city to know that there is a place and a people whose hearts have been touched by the love of God and we beloved people every people every kind every nation tribe and tongue and at the table of the King there is no supremacy involved and you don't get privileges just because of the color of your skin because God will use anybody who calls on his name this best weekend for the last several months it seems like with this pandemic and with these injustice is it's a fight for vision and the story that you watch is the story you believe and the information that you let into your I gave is what will shape the content and the character of your heart and if you are not careful the hate and the malice that you see on social media and may I suggest to you that what you are saying is not just people you know because they understand Twitter land how to show you stuff that you aren't even following so that they can pull you into a narrative that disrupts your piece you're not gonna like me today but when you drive off you know I'm gonna have told you the truth I've challenged you to take an inventory about how much time you've been spending listening to everybody else show you stuff and tell you stuff and how much time you've been hearing the voice of Yahweh in this moment and I wish I could tell you the church is a shining example of unity and liberty and and freedom and justice and in some cases it is but I have seen just as much division you don't have to say Amen I've seen just as much division among leaders in the church as I have hellbound sinners in the world I want to tell you right now in this moment the fight is for vision and if we lose it there's a danger in losing vision what do you mean vision I mean the ability to see a future like God sees it we need to be able to see a future like the one God sees and we must be able to articulate that vision in the midst of a world that doesn't know how to see into the there are some people who cannot see beyond the moment we're living in right now if you can't see beyond the moment we're living in right now I would be depressed and heavy I would be sad and discouraged but I see something coming that's greater than what I'm living in right now if all I had to live for is the mess we're seeing happening in the world right now I would be a heavy and pressed and I would lose my mind but the reason I woke up this morning and my heart was full of joy is because I believe I will see some goodness of the Lord in the land of the living and don't you sit out there tell me where one day we don't get to heaven it's gonna be all right I'm painful it's gonna be all right in heaven but I got some work to do down here so that I can pray my Jesus the kingdom table that will be this is the assignment of the church to be able to see a vision and I just want to say this to you this in America is not getting better without revival I believe in reform I believe in social reform I leave in in taking inventory of our practices and reforming what needs to be adjusted so that we can more equitably and more justly live in a society together but I'm gonna tell everybody right now a law will not change human hearts you better hear what I'm telling you if a law could change the human heart Jesus not in vain Moses gave us the law four hundred years ago when he walked down on marsinah and his face was glowing with the glory of God and with two tablets written with the pointing finger of God he had the law in his hand but the law couldn't change the heart and we want America to change socially without America changing spiritually this is how we get off the hook from heaven not having a prayer life I don't have to pray just just change things socially preacher change socially will come when people's hearts get redeemed you don't have to say Amen but you know as well as I do that until the heart changes the hate and the malice still exists my concern for us in this moment and I'm talking to the people of God is that we're not seeing directly our vision is being messed with I'm not talking about the American dream I'm talking about that kingdom come Thy will be done on this earth as it is in heaven that's my vision and it ain't even my vision it's the vision of the Son of God he recognized that the Bible says in Revelation chapter 11 that the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ and that is where everyone hangs their hat and they wait on that to happen in the new millennium and it will certainly happen then but I do not see us living in such a society and such a puny with such a puny dead church that it doesn't happen I think what's supposed to happen if I understand scripture correctly is that there is supposed to be a crescendo into the coming kingdom that begins more and more to look like heaven on earth until we are sure and see the return of Christ and what we have approached in limitation we will recognize and realize in totality and there will never be an end to that Kingdom I do believe Jesus is coming I do believe when he comes the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and Christ but it is a great mistake for the church to assume that we wait till he arrives before we transform the culture we're living in it's supposed to be a crescendo that happens I taught several weeks ago about the coming of the Lord cuz we're not talking about that anymore we're not talking about Jesus coming and I want you to know he's coming and I preached that message and got some people who said well here we go again we're going back to the 80s when all we did was rapture drills and we were so heavenly minded we were no earthly good that's foolishness anyone who really believes Jesus could come today is not simply infatuated with Pentecostal church services in which we jump up and down and fall in the floor and go home and hope he comes the next day if I really believe he's coming today I recognize I have no time to waste and I must be busy about my father's business I am prepared to stay but I'm ready and willing to go they are not mutually exclusive they are dynamically connected he's coming soon so get your tail to work [Applause] I cleaned it up from last week Alleluia we've got too many Saints sitting on their blessed assurance I want you to know Jesus is coming if he's coming why are we twiddling our thumbs arguing the one among one another why are we taking the bait and entering into a mess a mess of division this is not time to divide and conquer this is a time to come together we need one another and we've got a job to do for the father we're fighting for vision why because when something starts messing with your vision you should get very concerned proverbs tells us in proverbs 29 verse 18 vision is such a thing vision is such a powerful thing that when there is no vision people perish literally what it says in the Hebrew if I could just tell you it literally says this where there is no prophetic vision people cast off restraint read it in Hebrew they cast off for a strength is that not what is happening in the streets of America there is no prophetic vision for a future that looks like the kingdom of God on earth and when people do not see beyond the pain of their current moment they cast off restraint and they say well if there's no change coming if there's no goodness coming if there's no justice coming if there's no transformation coming then I'm throwing off all my restraint and I'm going to live a crazy hellbound life since there's no tomorrow it's a lie of the devil and I would have fainted last week I would have fainted this morning had I not believed I feel the Lord getting on me here I would have fainted had I not believe that would see the goodness of God in the land of the living he didn't say in heaven he's I'm not just waiting on goodness into there in the Bible I want to see it and I'm gonna see it right here and the nasty now I'm just seeing it by the grace of God in my lifetime I'm gonna see the goodness of the Lord can I give you some more scripture Isaiah 3 verse 10 I'm getting rid of said some of you free I feel when we walked in today Devon said were warring over focus she didn't know what else preaching today we're warring over focus we're warring over what our attention will be a poem I am pleading with the people of God the body of Christ in this moment yes we have a cause yes we will demand justice yes we won't we will speak out and cry out against in japs' elute lee but don't and we will we will believe God for healing and for vaccines and and for coming to end I've got all that we're going to pray and we're gonna do those things but don't miss the big picture God is up to something and the devil knows it he'll recognizes we are close to it and the greatest enemy attack right now is to distract us caused us to lose vision I just want to declare something to you say to the righteous as they a310 say to the righteous it is well with them for they shall eat the fruit of their doings woe to the wicked it shall be ill with him for the reward of his hand shall be given to him I'm gonna say it one more time say to the righteous it shall be well with him it shall be well it shall be well but not generally specifically the righteous are going to see the fruit of their doings when I say I have a picture of goodness on the way I want you to understand very clearly what I'm saying goodness is coming for the righteous y'all can't handle this one because you pastor you're telling me if I earn it no I'm not telling you if you earn it because God actually is so good then he when it rains he lets it rain on the just and the unjust alike but in the day that we're living in family I want you to understand that those who are living righteous lives cannot buy into the fact that somehow God doesn't see their righteous doings God said I want the righteous who are engaged in a righteous cause doing righteous works on behalf of my righteous kingdom he said I want them to understand it shall be well with them and the wicked they'll eat the meal they've made with their hands and you gonna have to decide and I'm gonna have to decide today am i doing their righteous or wicked cuz it'll be well with the righteous in this crazy environment the righteous will rise up to the top you and I have an invitation to live a life of it as well what about Bartimaeus festered I'm glad you asked bartemaeus had a vision issue he could not see when you cannot see in your blind almost by default in the ancient world you became a beggar because there was no disability system whereby those who had disabilities could be compensated and taken care of by some system of benevolence it did not exist in ancient time he did not ask to be blind he did not choose necessarily to be a beggar he's blind and he has the cloak to proof it Jesus comes through Jericho passing by and the Bible says he didn't call out to bartimaeus bartimaeus called out to him this is important because Jesus will come by and get close enough to you to test your hunger for him now he could have just come up the blind Bartimaeus and said let me heal you but Bartimaeus had to demonstrate his faith because faith is how it pleased God God is a perfect gentleman there are people who want a blessing they are not willing to contend for Bartimaeus is blind and he hears that Jesus is passing by and when he hears that Jesus is passing by he gets vocal and here's what I want you to understand about passion passionate at some point in your journey always gives vocal well I'm reserved that's great that's wonderful fantastic but I've sat by you of football games you are selectively quiet when something that is passionate that you are passionate about surfaces in your life you suddenly lose that cloak of reserving this and you recognize that that this thing that you were passionate about is now I want to make sure you understand something he did not cry out because he was ignorant he cried out because he was desperate black bartimaeus did not cry out because Jesus was deaf black Bartimaeus cried out because he was desperate for God we don't come in here on Sunday and say lift up a shout because God is deaf and we're worried that he's not going to hear our praise we lift up a shop because we want to make sure there is no reserved Ignace in us that keeps us from letting heaven know hi we're down here in Chattanooga and if you're looking for any place to host your glory here we are heaven and death haven't death we're just desperate and the problem with some of us is we're not desperate enough yet my question is what else has to happen before the church finds its voice your can handle this today what else has to happen I ask that rhetorically in the fear of the Lord what else has to happen before people of God cry out to the Lord again what else has to happen before we come to church and we have a praise on our lips without being provoked by somebody who cheer leads us into a moment of worship what else has to happen are there any righteous who love God who won't of the Lord that's anyone in this place come today because you believe that when you lift him up with shout surprise he arises with victory among us me where are those people in the house of God Bartimaeus heard Jesus was passing by and he did what any desperate blind man morning a miracle does Jesus son of David have mercy have you ever cried out when you couldn't see God you can't even see Jesus yet he's crying out to him have you ever been through a season where you couldn't find God but you know it's closed so you lived your voice and you say I don't know Jesus I think I'm in the dark I can't see but I know he's in the room Jesus I need you see there's the problem some people want to scream out when they see him bartimaeus shows us true faith in that he cries out when he cannot see him and faith is not faith because you can see it we walk by faith and not bad there's a time for the church to cry out even when it seems like we can't see what tomorrow Hulse we've gotta fight and contend for the God kind of future that the Bible says is on the way and when you can see that suture happening you gotta cry out to God anyway he cried out to God Jesus and they came together and the praise beliefs the price Felice came up to mr. Barnabas and they said to him we're gonna need you to calm down and the wbi came up to him the worship Bureau of Investigation they came up to him and they said we need you to calm down because you are a little too loud and really what most theologians believe is that they wanted him to be quiet because he was risking their reputation and some of y'all set aside some people today who do not care about what you think about how loud they shouted some of y'all made a mistake and you got here and it just so happened God said some religious dryads right next to some bartimaeus who are not afraid to lift up their voice when jesus walks into the room well you know I'm just a little different I wasn't raised like that oh no this ain't nothing about how you was raised this is about a man with the power to put this nation together is passer-by somebody holler Jesus oh my god where is the organ player I feel the power of God and already double I got all over this city somebody ha ha [Applause] sit down let him pass you by if you want to sit there knock-knock you can fix this if you want to sit down look at me funny if you want to hollering for your grandkids somebody hollering for your children is nag for your neighbor Jesus [Applause] I feel something in this room I feel something is getting corrected somebody sizes the live Jesus sister Aretha said he's a bridge over troubled water uh-huh yes I want you to understand that when he came back his passing by happened in a moment what happens in a moment can literally change your entire future and if you miss the moment you actually jeopardize the future y'all don't hear me can you imagine had bartimaeus saying Jesus have mercy on me and the religious people saying Shh and he said okay you know what we wouldn't even know you know oh yes yes yes yes [Applause] because [Applause] but but I feel the quickening while the girls submission they said Jesus son of David have mercy oh me yes and the Bible said that after he cried out the second time Jesus said go get him yes go get him and bring him to me and don't miss this because this is about to help somebody the same people that told you to be quiet are the same people and it's a powder the Flyers down that is about to ask your enemy to help you get double table the same people that told you you can't lead you to the path okay somebody shout yeah [Music] close up here oh I wish I had time because I've called and I looked up dr. white this morning is he here I think he's already gone they got away for a few days dr. wieder sir he's an ophthalmologist in our church family tremendous man of God and I called him up this morning I said talk to me about our conditions I said tell me what about some certain eye conditions that impair vision and the first thing he said was well you you got this thing called dry yeah yeah he said when you get dry your ID up your tear duct stops producing the liquid and see he said you blink every 10 seconds and every time you blink you put another layer of lubricant on your eye yeah and he said without that layer of lubricant on your eye you would actually lose your sight and I thought about that thing one reason we can't get no change in America is because we can't get no tears out of the church y'all not gonna help nobody in here yeah we don't have wet eyes anymore we don't have no tears in our eyes anymore the Holy Ghost told me this past week be careful Kevin that you don't revert to revenge instead of justice I felt that pink and I'm gonna get some emails honest so let me say it one more time be careful that you don't go chase and revenge instead of justice the Bible said vengeance is mine saith the Lord and I will repay I want to tell you right now if somebody did you wrong if you take it into your own hands you can't get what's coming to you but if you put it in the hands of God he'll pay you back what they stole I said father I don't want revenge I want justice how many can say today at all repairs all justice I found out one way not to get bitter is to keep on crying tries but I don't have time to talk about try the second thing you said to me he said Kevin there's this thing called nearsightedness and by 2050 over half of America will be nearsighted so what he told me I said what is nearsighted me he said it means all you can see it's close-up but you can't look out and see anything out in the distance because your lens can focus and he said one reason that people that fifty percent of America by 2050 it's going to be nearsighted it's because was the phone was the phone as the phone words of somebody give me a phone somebody give me four yeses this is why we don't get near side I'm sitting here getting nearsighted why I do this how do you want to eat dinner I'll be in a minute honey we're going to walk I'll do in a minute honey take the dogs out Poteau it's an eye go [Applause] you want to learn how to get a dull get another ah door y'all miss that I am concerned that the body of Christ is near sad we can only see what's happening right here how do you get it fixed dr. white he said you got to have some surgery and here's what I found out about surgery nobody wants to get on the operating table you would be amazed at how many people can't see and think they can this week about yesterday people actin a fool like they are an authority and don't even know or y'all can't handle me in this mood y'all can't handle me in this mood we got so many authorities right now he said dry eyes he said he said near silence and then he said there's some things to get in your car cataracts and cataracts are cloudy spots come on y'all got some net mammals and granny's you look at her eyes long enough you know what's that white thing in her hat what's the camera it's a little cloud over the pupil and it's look it looks like a little cloud and what she ain't what she don't tell you is when she looking at you she looks at you like you're fall game you look like you're in the fog and mammals in the determent you so beautiful she can't even see you did I memo I know you can't see me I see that cloud in your eye right there memo you can't see me clearly and the Lord said to me this morning Christians have gotten Christian cataracts and their vision has gone cloudy I'm gonna say this in love be real careful I'm switching bran right here be real careful what you believe about people in this season because some of them are speaking out of pain that they will be healed from in the future and if you're not careful you will lose lifelong friendships over temporary moments be careful our Tomatoes cried i said lord have mercy on me please son of David jesus said he was ready for this he said what do you want can you imagine the God that created the universe walking up in your life and say antenna what you want he said that hi let me see again I want to see which means this he could see before something happen and he lost his sight he was asking for it back again and I'm glad to report to you this morning Jesus didn't say oh no no you don't lost your vision I'm through with you Jesus said okay I'll give you your son back and here's what's crazy Jesus all the way to Jerusalem in fact Church church history tells us stand with me after teaching church history tells us he became a leader in the early church case you see case you see Jesus hanging on the cross Roman soldiers running around hollering at him cussing him one stabbed him in the side bar dBase is saying hey know what y'all going this man just gave me back my sight I want to make sure because if the world needs anything it's a church that has fishing I don't mean like a vision statement night you know we're gonna do great thing it's forgotten I mean like in the land of the living I have never been more committed to seeing revival and awakening happen than I am right now because I recognize more now than ever before if it doesn't happen there is no hope for America [Music] [Music] if you need God to touch your vision and give it back to you today in any way if you've gotten heavy or hopeless distracted or confused if it's been hard for you to believe that you're going to see the goodness of God in the land of the living I want you to know right now you're not weird or unspiritual it's a fight for all of us right now but if you won't God to strengthen your vision and I mean the kind of vision that comes from heaven lift both hands right now you can't have faith if you don't have visions it's hard to believe if you don't have vision God you'll see every hand is lifted I'm asking you right now be thou our vision be our vision Holy Spirit Robuchon dharmaiah Laura bomb and area Messiah command area la marche a coma råsunda Lori Katia Lomond Ariela bond sia de deo Sabra Carrabba Shia God take the cataracts out of our spiritual eyes it's clouding our vision I feel something happening now father take the nearsightedness away from us and give us the ability to get outside of our myopic expression and our myopic experience where it's just about us and our last let us begin to see with the eyes of the spirit now come on ask him for eyes of the Spirit eyes up the Holy Ghost in it a Lama Shia oh yes oh yes oh yes I do believe we're going to see the healing of Nations and the healing of races in our generation I believe we're in a moment right now we're gone is strategically working through deal horrific events he did not do the event but he was working through the event to bring honor and glory to his name and healing to a nation we cannot allow the enemy to sabotage the moment that we're living in God is up to something and I want the spirit to have his way I break every power of darkness attempting to sabotage the divine plan and purposes of God in my generation I lose angels now to recover lost territory help us recover lost territory we backed up a couple of feet in this last moment but God said it's time for line recover lost territory I just the Lord just reminded me Devin and I were talking about dry eyes she said Kevin tears or seeds I never heard that before tears are seeds you see how our tears seeds cuz the psalmist said wouldn't you sow in tears you will that's what I said what you sow in tears you will reap in joy if anybody has some tears in the last few days and weeks well I just want to tell you not one tear fell to the earth without it becoming a seed that heaven cannot ignore in fact your Bible said that God bottles up the tears oh Jesus I don't even have time for this that's why I'm trying to find out why in the church got some more tears in his eyes where did our tender heart golf one of the blessings of my life is that men that loved me and were over me on the Lord strong men knew how to cry David Horton spiritual father who's gone to heaven he'd get in a worship service the power God start moving if you knew dr. Horton he was felt but when the glory come in he don't interest BL Kelly in heaven today Bishop Kelly just to take me we'd go into prayer and he didn't have to have anything happened he'd just lift his hands and tears start flowing I'm thankful that I saw those men cry because they were real men like John Wayne in glory and the love of God and so tender as their heart we better not get bitter don't get hard don't get bitter Jesus is hanging on the cross and they made him and they stabbed him and they killed him just before he breathed his last breath he looked up to God he did say father get out forgive him they don't know what they do God gives some people their tears back today if you need a heart tenderizing lift your hands right now with me and just ask God just let that tenderness of the spirit come on me again lord I know this is crazy and some of y'all man can't go there y'all know y'all honey don't be part of the problem let him touch your heart did they be tender and sensitive to the things of the Spirit of God i'ma wait a minute let you think about it and ask him for give us ideas make father [Music] give us ideas bang father [Music] give us that two years back [Music] miss Tom do I read your Facebook posts about your baby is a him he's not here is he's back in school in fact I read your Facebook posts I wept I wept [Music] because he's such a good kid [Music] we've lost some compassion we're more interested in being right than righteous [Music] I just want us to be in touch with the Holy Spirit in this hour lord give us our tears back so that we're moved with compassion again I pray against the spirit of bitterness and revenge I pray for justice and mercy I pray for change in this earth that reflects the justice of heaven change the laws and this system in America until it looks more like heavens system balance the scales [Music] give us vision for it don't thank Church don't think believe you're going to see the goodness of God in the land of the living not in heaven not just in heaven but in the land of the living heads are bowed and eyes are closed if you're in this room and you need to give your heart to Jesus if you're online and you're listening to me and you need to get right with God I want to ask you this question today do you want to make Jesus Lord of your life and are you ready to give him your life your heart your future heads are bowed and eyes are closed if you need to give Christ Jesus your life when I say three lift your hands they pastor Kevin pray for me I need to get right with God one two three that you have god bless you you're a man god bless you sir god bless you ma'am thank you everyone can put your hand down if you lifted your hand or you know you should have right now I want you to I want everybody that back up against their seat if they could just back up against you see and I want anyone that lifted their hand or should have just to come walk down that aisle that cup stand with me right here just come stand right down here in this often with me thank you for coming sir come on elder couple anybody else I need to make sure I'm right with God come on if you're watching me online and you need to get right with God just put in that box saying I'm giving my heart just put saved and we'll contact you and let you know we love you come on let's make a big deal out of this this one we just give God the praise if you watch them in you feel god pulling on your heart just put in that message box say come on buddy come on anybody else come on [Music] we're gonna go home in just a moment [Music] father I pray for the unity of this body that it not be fractured or broken as a result of a depraved world but that in the midst of a depraved world looking for hope we would demonstrate that hope in that we are one having come from different walks of life different places having represented different ethnicities cultures and races you have brought us together and made us one and today may our hearts be more knit together in love may our vision of your goodness coming to our generation be stronger than ever don't let us faint I rebuke the spirit of fainting and weariness off of America's Church I come against every foul spirit that's trying to distract and hinder I pray now God [Music] I just caught a vision of God putting his foot on a pedal pushing the pedal down all the way down there's about to be a momentum released on the body of Christ and don't get it confused don't get it confused this is not about us and our things this is about him in his kingdom there's an advancing coming of the kingdom of God hell does not know what it has done God is working sovereignty sovereignty sovereignty and the Lord says that there has not been a delay I am accelerating my purpose in this hour says the spirit of grace I see the Lord's foot hitting the floor this thing is about to go to another level God is about to put a megaphone on the mouth of people with a kingdom message Jesus advance your kingdom now in Jesus name now listen we're going to give on our way out there praying there's several ways you can give and if your own line or you're in this house you can give my text you can give on our app if you're in the building and you want to give a check you will see offering stations all across the back if you would be so kind and continue in your generosity listen this is not time to take our foot off the pedal Amen Church this is the time for ministry and outreach and love to be demonstrated in a way like we've never done it before I need everyone right now who understands what Kingdom priority is all about to put the kingdom first give the Lord your time and your offering and may God bless every one of you if you'll do that right now I want to bless every giving person in this house every generous person in this house if you're generous and you know it lift your hands come on don't be ashamed don't be ashamed of being generous how many know where most like God when we're giving I said we're most like God when we're giving Lord today in our generosity we demonstrate that we have a heart for your kingdom a heart to advance your purpose in the earth we will not be selfish the world has made its investments in its priorities and today your people put you first because your kingdom is a really big deal to us and we thank you that you've allowed us to be a part of it bless your people today in Jesus name and everyone said amen first Road you can leave and just leave and just however you leave leave I love you go in the peace of God you mean so much to us all we'll see you this Wednesday night in the Lord's house at 7:00 p.m. [Music] [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 1,757
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love, athens
Id: KCznN7dpK4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 19sec (3799 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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