Prayer at Noon

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon family pray everyone is well today and we are thankful for this opportunity to again seek the lord and to bring our petitions to him to pray without ceasing the bible says i was thinking of what scripture i might read as we begin noonday prayer here on this tuesday and i've been in a series i started a series this past sunday on the armor of god and these scriptures keep speaking to me about prayer the power of prayer and there's so much to pray about today so many specific things that we want to lift up to god today and um i'll share some more about all that with you as we just kind of follow the river of god here in prayer but ephesians tells us in the whole uh section about the armor of god ephesians tells us you know we are supposed to have our feet shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace we're supposed to have the belt of truth we're supposed to have a breastplate of righteousness we're supposed to have the sword of the spirit which is the word of god the helmet of salvation the shield of faith at the end of the piece and the section on the armor of god it says right after he says take the sword of the spirit without ending his thought without ending his thought he says praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all saints and i want you to know today there's a lot that we can pray for and we're going to pray today we're going to pray for afghanistan i've got some very personal requests that i'm going to share with you because i just want agreement over some things and i need some people to pray with me about some things going on in our own situation in our own personal life some family that are in the military and some things going on over in afghanistan lots to pray about today but here's what i want you to hear me say what i want you to hear me say is that paul encourages us to pray for all believers everywhere all the saints for for perseverance and for supplication and we have to even when we don't feel like praying paul said persevere in prayer perseverance in prayer and supplication that the saints may be able to persevere and i feel like today there's going to be some people who just have to make up your mind you're going to persevere in prayer maybe you don't feel like it today maybe today is not a real spiritual day for you maybe today is not it doesn't feel victorious it's raining outside here in chattanooga maybe maybe just the the place you are in life the place our world is in maybe it's got you feeling heavy and you don't necessarily feel victory but i'm going to tell you today prayer is a powerful thing and when you persevere in prayer and you make up your mind you're going to ask seek and knock matthew chapter 6 ask seek and knock ask and it shall be given seek and you will find knock in the door shall be opened i want to tell you that when you decide to persevere in prayer even when you don't feel like it heaven begins to move in your direction heaven begins to move in your direction and someone today needs heaven to move in their direction you don't even know how to get toward heaven but i'm going to tell you today heaven is coming in your direction today the spirit of god is going to invade your life today and you may not feel a real victorious cadence in your prayer today but i'm going to challenge you just to lift your voice and with what strength you have today let us seek the lord together let us ask the lord for direction and let us ask the lord for intervention some of us need to ask the lord for freedom some of us need to ask the lord for forgiveness some of us need to ask the lord for provision whatever it is you need from god i want you to know that heaven is going to come in your direction today the spirit of the lord hallelujah is going to move in your direction today the prophet isaiah would say that the hand of the lord is not too short that it cannot save the ear of god listen to this the ear of god is not so heavy that it cannot hear your cry today and it may not be a shout it may not be a loud lifting of the voice maybe it will be but it might be a whisper in god's direction if you'll draw near to him he will draw near to you if you'll turn your heart toward god right now and set your heart in his direction i want to declare to you that god will move toward those who move toward him he said it this way in the book of james draw near to god and he will draw near to you and i want to tell you today he'll draw near to you when you feel strong and when you feel victorious and when you feel like you're more than a conqueror but i got good news he'll draw near to those that are weak in their body that are sick in their body that are troubled in their mind that even feel defeated in some way just lift your voice and begin to praise him and watch him begin to draw near to you today just just lift up your worship toward him and give him your your your undivided attention today and watch what the spirit of the lord begins to do in your life there's something powerful there's something powerful released when god's people begin to call on him and begin to focus on him so i just want you to turn your heart in toward god right now as tori and matt and the team begin to worship and before we ask him for anything there's so much we want to pray for today but before we ask him for anything we want to lift him up and we want to build him a throne to inhabit the bible said that yahweh inhabits the praises of israel his people somebody just began to lift up a praise and began to lift up a worship and begin to lift up adoration and watch him move in your direction today watch him move in your direct lord we praise you i don't want to ask you for nothing right now i want to begin this day by saying blessed is the name of the lord i want to begin this day of prayer this time of prayer by saying there is no one greater there is no one like you there is no one beside you no one compares to you god no one compares to you god and i give you glory on this rainy tuesday i lift up my voice to you because there's nobody cut up outside that i don't god i give you my praise i give you my worship i'll give you my adoration come on y'all if you'll just begin to take inventory take inventory of what is done for you you won't have to think about it long before you begin to remember the goodness of the lord come on david said had it not been for the goodness of the lord believing i would see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living i would have fainted and lost my way somebody just began to look back if you look back on his faithfulness you can look forward in faith we give you glory oh yes i hear that if you look back at his faithfulness you can look forward in faith come on fear doesn't have your future fear will not have your future if he's been faithful before he will do it again and we give you praise today of god come on you off before you ask him for anything begin to thank you for everything he's already done hallelujah hallelujah we give you glory your way we give you glory your way we give you praises come on we give you praises i command my soul to bless the lord i command my soul to bless the lord i praise you in the morning i praise you in the new time i praise you while the sun goes down my soul will make her boast in the lord the humble will hear thereof and be glad o magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together surely god is good to those who seek him this poor man cried unto the lord and the lord heard him and delivered him out of all of his trouble even the youth will faint and the young men will grow weary but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not grow weary today god we wait on you with worship today god we wait on you with praise we wait on you with adoration we pray we praise you because you're worthy we praise you because of who you are bless the lord on my soul all that is within me bless your holy name god come on just give him your unscripted praise all over this room and around this world wherever you're watching from join the angels and giving him adoration hallelujah come on tori come on boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i [Music] [Music] is when we have nothing else to do [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] i'll give you my heart [Music] is [Applause] [Music] my soul i give you my strength to worship you i'm here for god [Music] jesus [Music] all of the glory all of the glory it's yours it's yours it's yours glory yours yours [Music] [Music] allah nobody else is yours [Music] [Music] come on angels are being released right now glory angels are being released right now on your behalf somebody crowning with glory and honor oh hallelujah [Music] i want you to lift up a mighty praise wherever you are right now heaven is moving in your direction heaven is moving in your direction angelic hosts are on the scene the spirit of the lord is moving right now walls are coming down chains are being broken hope is being restored healing is being released we give glory to the god of our salvation lift up your head on your case be lifted up you everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord god strong and mighty the lord god mighty in battle lift up your head all ye takes whoa he lifted up you everlasting doors i feel the king coming in the room until the king of glory coming in your room right now changing the atmosphere we give you praise father we give you praise father come on signatory sing and we worship you jesus [Music] glory we welcome you we welcome you we welcome you we welcome you we welcome you and all of the glory all of the glory it's yours it's yours it's yours it's yours all of the glory all of the glory it's yours yours [Music] on declare that all over this room and around this world hold up the glory hold on [Music] [Music] sing it again we worship you jesus [Music] we give you praise today father we thank you right now that you're intervening you're on the scene the enemy's plans are exposed they're brought to nothing now the voice and the lies of the enemy are broken the truth of god is piercing through the breakthrough of god is in the atmosphere we thank you that the blood of jesus is against our enemy he's against the enemy the accuser of the brethren has been cast down we lift you up jesus we give you glory today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we lift you up come on the bible said that god is lifted up amongst the shouts of joy somebody lift up a sound of joy a shout of joy shout for joy church shout for joy people of god shout for joy hallelujah hallelujah rise [Applause] rise up oh god and let your enemies be scattered yes rise up of god let your enemies be scattered [Applause] rise up no crime let your enemies be scattered [Applause] rise up oh god let's be scattered [Music] come on lift your hands and lift your voice right there wherever you are there's something being released in the heavens today i declare in the name of jesus god is rising up and his enemies are scattered today his enemies are scattered oh god is rising up today and his enemies are scattered his enemies are scattered oh god is rising up today and his enemies are scattered his enemies are scattered yes they are god is rising up today god is rising up today whoa god is rising over afghanistan god is rising god is rising god is rising god is rising god is rising god is rising [Music] let your enemies be scattered is it amazing myself oh god that your enemies be scattered let your enemies be scattered right here right now right here right now right here right now right here right now right here right now right here [Music] let your enemies be scared hallelujah i want to release this it's in psalm 103 it said praise the lord you his angels who do his bidding and obey his voice praise the lord you his angels you mighty ones who do his bidding and obey his voice and i know that there are people who say we don't need to talk about angels but if you take angels out of the bible history is a very different kind of history without angelic intervention a lot of bad things would happen and a lot of powerful things would have never happened it was the angels of the lord that smote the enemies of israel in the old testament it was the angel of the lord that visited zechariah in the temple and told him he was going to have john it was the angel of the lord that visited mary and told us she was going to have jesus it was the angel of the lord that told joseph not to go back to egypt and then to go back to egypt angels from heaven intervene when warfare is happening and history and and the purpose and the plan of god are at stake and i'm gonna tell you we're living in a moment right now where we need all of heaven moving in our direction somebody say amen right there we need all of heaven moving in our direction we need all of the resources we we need to we need to have all marshall all of the resources of heaven right now in this moment in history and there's some stuff going on in afghanistan today many of you been watching this entire thing unfold it would be irresponsible of us to come to the house of god and to seek the lord for our blessing while our brothers and sisters in afghanistan are are being faced with unimaginable challenges and trials church listen churches and church leaders are on the run the taliban has stated that they're looking for them and will try to everything they can to destroy them and stop them i want to tell you right now it is time for the church of the living god to make some decrees and some declarations that are in harmony with the word of the lord and to believe in faith that today god rises up in the nation of afghanistan on behalf of the innocent there on behalf of the of the orphan there on behalf of those who have no one to stand up and fight for them come on father angels from heaven are waiting on your command and we declare your word over afghanistan right now the nations belong to the lord and we declare you that you have given them the nation you gave christ the nations the heathen for your inheritance and we pray in the mighty name of jesus today that strongholds over afghanistan that the enemy has been working through would begin to be broken we reach up right now in the name of jesus and tear down strongholds father we come against common people of god we come against principalities and powers we come against rulers of the darkness of this world every bit of spiritual wickedness in high places spirits of terror and terrorism spirits of fear and destruction we pray against the spirit of murder and we ask now that the love of god and the power of the holy spirit begin to move in afghanistan i hear the word of the lord he said my people in afghanistan are a people of faith and he said it will not be as you have feared for i will stand up in my people i will stand up through my people i will put my feet in afghanistan i will shake it says the spirit of god i will send revival i will send awakening i will do it myself says the lord i will roll up my sleeve and bear my holy arm for i am the lord and i fight saith god i am the warrior and today i stand to fight says the spirit and i see opening doors coming in afghanistan oh god thank you for what you're up to right now we agree with your word send angels god send warrick angels protect the innocent stand up in that nation let a stronghold be broken father i pray in the name of jesus that pastors and prophets evangelists and apostles in afghanistan would be strong in the lord in the power of your might watch over them god give up visions and dreams and prophetic words and let the church explode let people begin to come into the kingdom by the tens of thousands god i thank you that the church will not go out of business there it's too late devil you will not win thank you god thank you god we give you praise that the blood of jesus is now being washed it's washing afghanistan do it in the name of the lord we pray do it in the name of the lord we pray god we thank you god we praise you come and lift up your voice for that nation right now lift up your voice for that nation right now we [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on i want you to pray in the holy ghost i want everyone that's baptized in the holy spirit just to pray in the holy spirit right now while matt keeps playing why they don't stop playing just keep playing somebody needs to switch into a warfare prayer right now god is trying to get some people in agreement the holy spirit is wanting to intercede he's wooing he is wooing and moving in afghanistan we pray that god that the angels of heaven would go to afghanistan that warring angels would be dispatched now that the spirit of god will begin to move in that direction and follow you hear the cry of the church of afghanistan you hear every pastor pleading every prayer while you're interceding open up the heavens something is happening now in the holy ghost something is happening now in the holy ghost and it will be it will it will not just be in the spirit we will see it soon in the natural the spirit of the lord is pruning and ruining and we give you thanks jesus whoa we give you thanks jesus we give you glory we give you honor come on we praise you lord we thank you for it heavenly father we give you glory we give you glory hallelujah hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] we need to chase we cry out for you jesus we cry out for you jesus [Music] we need you jesus [Music] jesus [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] i have to know what are you feeling i have to know jesus what are you thinking foreign [Music] after [Music] what are you thinking what are you here i am your favorite one what are you thinking [Music] i'm after your heart [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] after your heart [Music] foreign [Music] but i give you my heart i give you my soul [Music] i live for you alone every breath that i take [Music] every moment i'm awake [Music] have your way in me lord i give you my heart [Music] i give you my soul [Music] every moment [Music] as we've been praying for the country of afghanistan [Music] these uh these things become personal to you when you have the family or people you know involved and my nephew who was recently a little over a year and a half ago joined the army he and his battalion were supposed to go to kabul to be a part of this rescue operation and you're seeing this happen all over the news just a day or two before my nephew was to go he he got covered had no symptoms but they would not let him go his battalion went they are there on the ground now and they are doing all that they can to rescue um the innocent to help the u.s citizens get out it's a very volatile situation we're watching this unfold it's a it's a horrible situation but i have felt for the last 48 hours the weight as as you watch on television and you hear what is going on there and the threats and the and the danger you think about um these young ladies and young men who've gone for the sake of freedom and i i want us to pray today for those five or six thousand troops that have been um sent from america for this rescue operation and mission that the lord would protect them would you would you join me now in and just pray i know this is different but we need to pray because i want the military there we're asking god to protect them and you may say pastor there in the military well i just believe that god cares about those soldiers that we are sending and i believe that he will raise up a hedge of protection around them today i want you to agree with me now that those sons and daughters young and some older they mean so much to their families and i want us to pray for them today lord i come before you today lord i i lift up these service men and women that have gone to afghanistan and some that are going in the next several hours and next several days lord would you just put a hedge of protection around them today we we prayed that they would they would experience the grace of god those that know you and some that don't even know you are their god some that are born again and they're believers and some are not they're they're so far away from you i'm asking you abba in your mercy which is new every morning in your grace lord god that is sufficient and your love that is overwhelming would you just go there now and protect our service men and women god those innocent people that are in afghanistan lord i've even been made aware through some of our leaders that church leaders are running to the mountains trying to get away from the pursuing taliban lord i'm asking you now to protect life i am asking you now to protect life lord i'm praying in the name of jesus that you will protect and preserve the life of those that are innocent and those that have gone to rescue watch over them today holy spirit i pray angels of the lord would intercept plans of the enemy in the name of the lord jesus christ i play that straight i pray in jesus name that strategies that the taliban are trying to execute would come to nothing that their plans would be foiled i pray you would confuse the enemy come on here help me pray i pray you would confuse the enemy send a spirit of confusion into the camp of the taliban come on i know this is crazy but god is hearing us now send a spirit of confusion into the camp of the taliban leaders i pray god right now that their plans would be thwarted that they would be brought to nothing i pray that the government of our our nation would intercept these communications and would be always one step ahead i pray for a prophetic voice lord i pray that you would raise up prophetic voices even there in afghanistan to know what the enemy's plans are and may we always be ahead of the enemy in that nation in the name of jesus we speak the blessing of god over the nation of afghanistan and god i just want to declare because i sensed this in my heart that what the devil has thought he would do in afghanistan it will not work the plan of darkness will not prevail and this moment that looks like a moment of devastation and destruction may you move sovereignly may you move supernaturally may you move in your cadence in your time in your way and may you move in a way that only you could move and get the glory for it we will give the glory to you and we pray god for awakening and shaking to come to afghanistan and i pray in the name of jesus it would begin this day come on now lift your voice up and begin do it just to declare that and decree that it begins this day heaven let heaven come and move in the direction of afghanistan yeah let help come from heaven today for afghanistan jesus jesus the lurches quicken my heart to exodus chapter 14 verse 25 and this is what i want to declare over what the taliban is plotting and the enemies of the church there in afghanistan and in the middle east the lord i just heard this in my spirit he said declare their chariot wheels will come off um and you know a vehicle always represents a structure a ministry an organization and in exodus chapter 14 it says he caused their chariot wheels to wobble and come off meaning their structure unraveled as they pursued the people of god so i just want to pray like pastor kevin said the plots of the enemy and the structure of this organization would begin to wobble and unravel by the hand of the lord so father we just declare according to exodus 14 verse 25 that your hand would be extended to the middle east and specifically to afghanistan and that the enemy of your people god the very structure the organization their planning their communication let the chariot wheels begin to wobble now in the name of jesus let the chariot wheels begin to wobble and come off in the name of jesus may the very foundation they are using to pursue and destroy your people may it begin to wobble and come off may their structure unravel god may they lose their force may they lose the weapons of intimidation father only you can do this father it was a sovereign act of your hand so right now we call on yahweh the commander of heaven's armies to release angelic armies to afghanistan and the middle east lord to sabotage the plans of the enemy against your people in the name of jesus may your people rise up on eagle's wings father you are a shield unto us the glory and the lifter of our head right now be a shield may a shield and to the church of afghanistan may be a shield into the families in afghanistan be a shield from the fiery darts of the enemy father may that shield quench every weapon and arrow of the enemy in the name of jesus like a mother hen take your wings and place it over the church of afghanistan may they hide in the shadow of the almighty i declare over the pastors and the leaders that a thousand may fall on their side and ten thousand at their right hand but it will not come near their dwelling in the name of jesus may they rise up on eagle wings in the name of jesus and may the enemy that pursues them may his plans unravel in the name of jesus and we just declare it again let the chariot wheels come off of this assignment of the enemy and father we declare as you unravel these plans may your heart for the middle east spring forth and we declare a mighty will of revival will spring forth in the midst of persecution may the persecuted church arise with fire and with the holy ghost may signs wonders and miracles follow them and we declare not only will the enemy not prevail but that a harvest of souls will rise up in the middle east i hear you saying father that the middle east is in the middle of what you're doing the middle east is in the middle of what you're doing they are in the middle of the heartbeat of the father in the earth and i declare that awakening start right there let awakening start right there in the place where the enemy feels like he has a seat we declare you saw satan fall like lightning from heaven once and in the name of jesus principalities powers and strongholds will fall from their seat in that region again and we declare revival and awakening will spring forth with a bride on fire in the middle east in jesus name father fill them with the holy ghost i declare father that muslims will be filled with the holy spirit father in the name of jesus let a wave of the holy ghost come to the middle east let a move of the holy spirit come to the middle east and strengthen your people by the power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus father let your spirit reign why don't you just cry out with me for revival in the middle east father market like a bullseye barking like a target let him target the middle east right now with an outpouring of your spirit in jesus name [Music] [Applause] another way [Music] another way [Music] another way [Music] another i want them to continue to declare this wave of revival but i just heard the lord say that the enemy says he has a radical group of believers in the middle east we call them terrorists we call them radical but i just heard the lord saying they will not compare to the radical remnant i am raising up in the middle of the middle east i just hear the lord saying this wave of persecution is unearthing a radical group of believers in the name of jesus christ they love not their life unto death and they will be a radical voice for the gospel in the middle east the world is not worthy of them we will hear voices that the world is not worthy of because they have committed they're all to jesus christ and the radical terrorists will not compare to the passion of those who are full of the holy spirit and who vow their need to yeshua so in the name of jesus father let a radical ride surface let a radical bright surface in the middle east let a radical group of students and young people surface in afghanistan father who are not afraid of death they are not afraid of persecution lord they will not burn they will not drown they will not be overtaken but father like the three hebrew boys like shadrach meshach and abednego they will come out of the fire with a fourth man they will declare the glory of the name of jesus father let signs wonders and miracles break out from their hands and lord i declare a radical remnant is coming out of the middle east in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] has now begun it comes another way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] let your enemies be scattered oh god let your enemies be scattered right [Music] let me fly [Music] [Music] the breakdown we will no longer be silent we will no longer be silent we will stop praying we will stop singing we won't stop believing [Music] i just declare as afghanistan becomes an epicenter for revival as tori was lifting her voice in a roar i just heard the lord say call out to my daughters so right now i pray for the women in afghanistan and in this middle east region the daughter's father who have been silenced i declare the fire of the holy spirit comes upon a remnant of women now who will lift their voice in a roar for the kingdom father i declare strength upon the daughters strength upon the daughters of the kingdom father that as tory prophesies in song there's a strength of the holy spirit coming upon the women in the middle east father that you are giving them hope and strength you are giving them value and you are restoring their voice in the name of jesus i declare the muscle is being removed from the daughters in the middle east i declare the iron muscle of the enemy is being crushed off of the mouth of the bride the daughters in the middle east and i declare father is restoring their voice the holy spirit is restoring their voice and they will be a mouthpiece for glory unto yahweh i declare the voice of the daughters will be heard and freedom will be their song in the name of jesus freedom in christ shall be their song prophesy with me now in the name of jesus i hear the canings of heaven being released over the nations oh i cheered the cadence of heaven being released over the i hear nations cadence of heaven being released over the nations oh i hear the cadence of heaven being released over the nations christopher god rise up of god rise up oh god rise up of god rise up of god rise up oh god i'm just catching a vision in the spirit i just see an army of mothers that have shed tears in the middle east i hear them crying out for the freedom of their daughters and i hear the promise of the phone they're saying a generational blessing will be released over the daughters of this region there has been a cry that heaven has heard from interceding mothers in this region god says i will shift it for your children your prayers have been heard in heaven and he is sending an answer of freedom and breakthrough for your daughters in the name of jesus your prayers have been heard [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i hear the lord saying my sons and daughters will prophesy in afghanistan not just for afghanistan but in that nation yeah that's what's been going on over the last number of years the lord's been raising up and developing a remnant a body they're there their church is there and i declare in the name of the lord that the spirit of god is going to begin to quicken and prophesy through his sons and daughters there whoa spirit of the lord we begin to pray now we begin to declare now we begin to see now by the holy spirit that you're moving even in afghanistan right now god and we declare to the principalities and powers of darkness you believe that you've won but we declare that what god is doing in the spirit what god is working for his glory is supernatural in that nation we pray in the name of jesus we pray in the name of jesus sons and daughters will prophesy sons and daughters will prophesy hallelujah [Applause] i want to read this just stay right there matt and tori and we're just going to go right back into that i want to read this and i weighed this i just waited for a moment because i don't want to read something and declare something to miss but in acts chapter 8 we give you glory god we give you glory we give you glory come on just just stay in that vein jackson just stay on those toms and matt just stay in that flow i want us to just stay right there there's a declaration in acts chapter eight here's what the bible says it said a great wave of persecution began that day and it swept over the church in jerusalem all the believers except the apostles were scattered throughout the regions of judea and samaria and some devout men came and buried stephen with great mourning saul was going from place to place to destroy the church he went from house to house listen to me he went from house to house dragging out men and women to throw them into prison but the believers who were scattered preached the good news about jesus everywhere they went philip went to a city called samaria and told the people about the messiah crowds listened intently to the message philip preached because they were eager to hear his words miraculous signs he performed many evil spirits were cast out they screamed as they left their victims and many had been paralyzed and lame were healed and there was great joy in that city lord i pray today that the church in afghanistan would see even their scattering not as an aimless relocation but as a strategic planting of the lord let the church share the message of the messiah and let cities in the mountains and regions in that area that have not even heard the gospel let them hear the good news in this moment and let great joy come as an invasion of jesus saturates that entire region father make the devil regret what he's doing on this day and turn this into the favor of the kingdom of god that the lamb would receive the reward of his suffering i pray it now that even the scattering let me tell you this i wrote a book on this i wrote a book on this chapter i i don't want to go too deep here but i i know we just have another minute left but i wrote a book on this chapter the word scatter there in acts chapter 8 and i didn't plan on saying all this for afghanistan but man my heart is so heavy today and it's not heavy bad it's it's just heavy because of what god can do and what god will do we'll just pray for the spirit of the lord to birth in the hearts of believers there courage and faith and strength strategy the word scattering there there's two kind of words used for scattering in the new testament one is like you throw ashes and you don't care where they land but then there's a scattering like a sower sow seed and he scatters land he scatters seed on particular places for the purpose of harvest that's the word used here in acts chapter eight when it says the believers were scattered they weren't thrown likes like ashes and it didn't matter where they landed they were sown like seed and the enemy thought his plan to destroy the church would destroy the church in that region but what happened is a massive harvest came and exploded in samaria judeas jerusalem and that entire area and here's what the last part of it said i know we're in a listen to me and i don't know how we get this word to our afghan family and believers i know we're in a season right now where there are threats and it looks absolutely horrific and we are interceding [Music] we're interceding for the lord to have mercy we're interceding for the lord and angels of heaven to protect we're interceding for resources to come in we're going to be giving resources we want to be a part of that but i want to tell you how this ends it does not end with the enemy on the throne it ends like this in verse 31 of acts chapter 9 the church then experienced peace throughout judea galilee and samaria and it got stronger as the believers lived in the fear of the lord and with the encouragement of the holy ghost listen to this the church grew in number it started out in fear of man and fear of death but it ended in the fear of the lord and the church exploded and lived in peace i declare in the name of jesus the plan of the enemy will not prevail in afghanistan i declare in the name of jesus that what we are seeing with our natural eyes is one report but what we can declare and believe in our spiritual with our spiritual ears and our spiritual vision and our spiritual declaration it can god is going to bring about something glorious here and i'm not saying that trivially i'm burdened right now for my brothers and sisters in christ and as afghanistan i know they are that many of them are being hunted i i know that many of them are fleeing to the mountains i'm just telling you right now the scattering is not aimless there will be a harvest there will be peace and the church will grow and god will get the glory father i pray right now [Music] i pray that the united states of america and its leadership would get a backbone i pray that we'd get a that we'd get a backbone and we we would help and lord that that there would be a different conclusion to this matter holy spirit speak i pray now in the name of jesus you said in your word the heart of the king is in the hand of the lord you steer the river where it goes i'm asking you now to speak to president joe biden i'm asking you to speak to leaders in congress and in the senate i am praying god today that there'd be a a resolution of some sort a resolution made lord god that would that would provide an opportunity for a different kind of outcome in afghanistan i pray for afghanistan for for themselves to stand up for themselves lord and i pray for the church of afghanistan that the spirit of the lord would bring them strength i pray for them like jesus prayed for the apostle peter that their faith would not fail i pray for service men and women to be protected they are innocent civilians to be protected young ladies as devin and tory have declared young ladies lord that that have been so victimized in this moment that you would put an end to it and stop it god that you would that you would stop those who are perpetrating this you're not doing it father but we know you have all power and we ask in jesus name you would bring end to this we declare the blessing of god over this nation may innocent bloodshed come to an end in that region today i'm asking you for it heavenly father hallelujah and we declare in jesus name every prophetic word over afghanistan that you have released and declared lord it has not changed in this moment your word is still yes and amen we come into agreement now that you're bringing your word to pass surely and it is high time that it come to pass lord spirit of god we thank you in jesus precious name [Music] god bless you we love you go in the peace of god today may the lord give you strength may every person in your house be touched by the power of god people are watching right now i've gotten messages while we've been here covet has hit so many families and we're just going to pray now for god to bring healing lord i pray for rod's family right now i pray for those who've messaged in and they need healing some of our some of the older saints lord that need healing in their lungs god bring healing today by the power of the holy spirit we pray god that you'll bring healing from covet and that you'll bring restoration to the bodies of those that have been afflicted by this foul disease in the name of jesus we rebuke this and we command it to leave their body now god healed by the power of your holy spirit let people come out of i see you and off ventilators today let their lungs open up and be able to breathe let the the white coved stuff in their lungs let it begin to disappear as you touch them and breathe on them with your ruboco god i pray nothing impossible or too hard for you bless the people of god today in jesus name heal the sick and raise them up by the power of god go in the peace of the lord today god bless you we love you and we'll see you next tuesday amen [Music] you
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 2,164
Rating: 4.9649124 out of 5
Id: fF7pA3qBIG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 13sec (4393 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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