Ghost Hunters: Part 1

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I have to be completely transparent and honest today we have been in just a wonderful place of worship and I did not intend on worshipping as long as we did but I'm glad I did a man I'm glad I did but I'm going on vacation today I'm taking a break for a week and my plane leaves at 1:30 so this is a matter of full disclosure this will be the shortest sermon I've ever preached in my life I'm going to preach though in 30 minutes I'm they go drag me out Pastor Roger and the rest of the team we're gonna lay y'all out in the floor as you come up a prayer so I'm just letting everybody know when you see me run off I'm not sick and I'm not anti spiritual I'm in a hurry and Devon and the kids have already left but I felt like God wanted me to come to church on Pentecost Sunday and I believe I'm going to preach today for the next several weeks in fact on the Holy Ghost in fact we have a series we're beginning today called Ghost Hunters [Music] I'm gonna him down til he finds me man how many know when the Spirit of God gets in you you're never the same again and I won't I want to just as a matter of defining this body of believers and not to constrict or to stereotype us but I think it's very important that you know that this is a Pentecostal charismatic church but some people had that and I'm trying to find out why you would have the best thing that ever happened to you because the Holy Ghost I got number one I'm not ashamed of them number two I'm not afraid of them and number three I'm trying to tell everybody I can what he's done for me verse acts 2 and when the day of Pentecost verse 1 had fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly it came a sound as of a rushing mighty wind and fill the whole house the whole house touch your neighbor tell him the whole house I don't know if I want to get in on that kind of church it's too late you're offering the whole hog still the whole house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven or divided tongues as fire and is sat up on each of them they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance how they helped me today to preach on the Holy Spirit on the baptism of the Holy Spirit on the move of that is happening in the earth I pray for a concise clear powerful presentation of the truth of your word that will bring a lumen nation and revelation to the hearts of these precious people now god I bless this church that you blessed me to lead I lift my hands over them now god I pray this week would be the best week of their life let them father God experienced divine protection divine favour divine appointment god be with them I pray and let it begin right now somebody say right now let it begin right now in the name of Jesus and everyone said amen amen you may be seated today is Pentecost Sunday it is a day when believers around the world will gather in churches just like ours to commemorate the Feast of Pentecost in the beginning of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that occurred in the second chapter of the book of Acts it is fascinating to me that in my lifetime we have seen a swell of growth in the Pentecostal charismatic movement people from all backgrounds denominations generations nature nations cultures races creeds tribes all of them have experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their personal lives what was once relegated to a few people that many thought were crazy and peculiar living on the wrong side of the tracks has now become the fastest-growing segment of Christianity in the entire world today as we sit in this church there are nearly 600 million Pentecostal charismatic believers who have been endued with the power of God and believe in the ongoing operation of the Holy Spirit even the skeptical have been intrigued the doubters have come in and become believers of this outpouring God today I just want to start there's no way I can finish this sermon today so let me play a decent foundation before I get on my Delta plane today I just want to summarize and lay a foundation of what it is we're talking about when we say Pentecostal charismatic and who in the world is the Holy Ghost because some people sit in this room today knowing well the doctrine of the Pentecostal movement and they know things about the outpouring of God's presence because they've sat in churches where the Spirit of God was being poured out but there are many in this room today who do not properly understand the move of God and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost in our generation in fact when you start talking about the Holy Spirit some people start feeling like he's an energy like he's a cloud like he's some voice but I want to fit some things in here this morning real quick cuz the Holy Ghost is not a feeling although you can feel him the Holy Ghost is not a force although he has force the Holy Spirit is not some ethereal shadow over in the corner some spooky thing that freaks the Saints out the first thing I want to talk about today is that this outpouring of God is a person does not some energy or some feeling or some even some movement as we've heard people refer to it this is not an outpouring of what is an outpouring of who who is the Holy Spirit the most important thing you can remember about the Holy Spirit is that he is like Jesus you take a note son needs you to write this down God is referred to in Scripture in different places as God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit now they are not three different beings they are one God manifest in three different parts and I thought hell am I don't teach this and it was like God saved me and you a lot of time because men and women have been arguing over the doctrine of Trinity and and Unitarianism for decades and what kind of arrogance would it be to think I can prance to this pulpit and give you some new revelation that would help you understand something that is supernatural and in finite while your finite brain cannot possibly process all that the Trinity means I just want to tell you this I do believe in God the Father I do believe in God the son who is Jesus and I believe in God the Holy Spirit all three are God they are all equally God they are all distinct yes all three in one imma let you chew on that while you chew on your chicken at lunch today hallelujah the person of the Holy Spirit is no less God than Jesus and no less God than the father who is the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit in Genesis 1 the Bible said in the beginning it was the Spirit of God that moved upon the watery chaos of the earth God moved upon the waters and God said the Holy Ghost moved and the Holy Ghost Pope I want to tell you that the Holy Ghost is still moving and the Holy Ghost is still speaking and in any Church he's not moving and in any Church he's not speaking then there's a problem because it takes the Spirit of God upon the chaos of the earth to bring about Kingdom order and Kingdom demonstration so that which was out of order comes back into order gonna gonna hurry who is the Holy Spirit throughout the whole Testament we see the Holy Spirit moving up all we see the Holy Spirit empowering Old Testament believers we see the oh the Holy spirit moving in unique ways and what I want you to understand is that as you flip from chapter to chapter the Bible is a story about the operation of the Holy Spirit and the spirits role in Redemption I said and others have said it like this the father folded the son bought it the spirit brought it the devil folded but my faith I call it and because the Holy Spirit is active in the earth I want you to know God is not in some far removed corner of the universe pop in a prozac and drinking of bud life worrying about how he is going to deal with the foolishness that is going on in this world the Holy Ghost is still here and I don't care who's on the throne I don't care who's in the White House I don't care who owns the Synod and I don't care who's running Congress take none of them get nothing done but there is a spirit that is moving over the breadth and width of this world and God is still in control and all my god I gotta quit I gotta catch a plane but I'm telling you the Holy Ghost is God and he is still moving in the sphere the person who is this person the Holy Spirit he is God you and I were created in the image of God the Bible said in the book of Genesis that God looked at the dust and then he looked at God within himself all of him and he said let us make man in our image who is us who is us who was he talking to when he said let us I believe the father and the Son and the Holy Ghost started moving monk himself and he said let us make man in our image and when he created you in His image he created you with flesh he created you as soul and you were up spirit what's this man and woman is a spirit they have a soul and they live in a body if I walk into the room you see my body but if I walked into the room without my spirit or my soul my body could never function without my spirit come on somebody and my soul it's not that there's three different means it's that there's three parts of me that are all me and he never had to separate me oh come on in here somebody that's why when you look at an egg you don't look at the egg and say I want the yolk or the life of the other shell all three are part of the very same thing yet they all three have their own unique identities what I'm trying to tell you is the Holy Ghost isn't some left over God he isn't some watered-down part of God he is the Spirit of God what this is what I got to get before get out of here what's this Jesus I'm stressed out while I'm preaching my god call Delta tell him I'm coming watch go over to John 14:16 say who is the Holy Spirit somebody say who is the Holy Spirit I'm getting ready to tell you what's this John 14:16 now look at 1st John 1 through 13 and about seven times Jesus says I'm going away I'm going away I'm going away I'm going away look at it is in John 14:6 6 or 7 times he says I'm going away and he sees on the disciples faces the fear and the sorrow and the frustration because he just told them he was soul evil and there's a woman with his sign up for this what do you mean leave us we want you to stay well if they want him to stay because in John chapter 2 he turned water into work in John chapter 4 he healed a nobleman's son in John chapter 5 he healed the man at the Pool of Bethesda in John chapter 6 he took two fish and five loaves and fed a whole multitude in John chapter six he walked on water in John chapter 9 He healed a man born blind in John chapter 11 he walked up to the tomb of Lazarus and said get out of there Joker come back from the dead and Lazarus won't now they got up from the dead they didn't want him to leave because everywhere they ripped with him they saw that devil getting run out of business and now he says I'm leaving I have to go and they looked the look on their faces like what we don't want you to go now I'm fixing to fix this watch this look at look at John 14 and he's seen the look on their face says this to them I'm getting ready to go I'm limited by the flesh that I'm walking in I can't be everywhere at all times I can only stand on one mountain at a time over here one blind man at a time only Ray is one dead man old God I feel like I'm about to run all the way to the airport I can only do one thing at a time cause I'm limited by my flesh so I don't believe and it's to your advantage that I'm getting ready to get up out of here cuz when I leave I will pray to the Father and He will give you another helper that is the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is the other helper in the Greek it's called allosteric lentils say Alice Alice is where we get our English word alloy it's like they took the metal melted the metal down for the rims on your car and they made four rims out of alloy having to get some alloy wheels on your car come on home I got some hubcaps there's no matter family we all in this thing together right it'll matter if you got help caps are you running on a donut or whatever it is I'm just glad we got to church this morning right if you got alloy wheels what it's saying is that net metal has been melted down and they put that metal in a cast and now although it's four different tires the material in each rim is an alloy it's the same material no matter which rim on your car you're talking about it's the same kind of metal are you following me right here it's the same kind of metal and it is consistent throughout number one it is an aloe spirit lentils number two what is Parakletos Parakletos has been interpreted by some as the comforter how much time I got is all I need Garrick Latos is interpreted by some as the comforter say comforter but a better translation is helper I'm not trying to take nothing away from the Holy Spirit being the comforter because how many have ever felt him comfort you and the Bible says he is the God of all comfort right so we believe in the comforting presence of the Holy Ghost but this word Jesus uses is aloes Parakletos another comforter just like me so don't miss this he said I'm getting ready to go to heaven because I'm limited by the flesh and blood that I'm walking in I can only stand on one seaside at a time I can only one cheeseburger out of town I can only stand on one mountain at a time I can only heal one blind man at a time because I have submitted myself to the limitation of this body and this body prevents me from being in all nations at all times giving all people and renewing us but half going to leave and when I leave I'm going to send another Alice Tara Plato's helper just like me and you don't have to get bent out of shape that I'm leaving because the same power and the same God that calls me to raise the dead body of Lazarus the same power that calls me to walk on water the same power that allow me to multiply blows into this that same power it's going to come live with you because the shall pass is on the way oh come on Holy Ghost come on hold it up we don't need less of God we need more [Music] the helper slap your neighbour tell them neighbor help is on the way no you didn't text it you didn't touch this you didn't touch this somebody really needs that this morning slap your other neighbor and tell them help is on the way the pellet Latos is coming the helper is coming the Advocate is coming the one that can do something about it it's coming don't feel sorry for me let's ease up left on a cloud of glory I'm telling you that when he left he had the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost entered the ring of hers and now he is the devil worst nightmare I tell you that's powering the person Islam will have time for today the person the Holy Ghost is not an it we don't think send it on down no no we say send him on down send him home down because I don't want no it I won't God are you following me this morning I said I need God and the Holy Spirit is not some impersonal ethereal impersonal ethereal force that causes people to gyrate and move they might die rate and move but that's not to be associated with the Holy Ghost himself he taught his people to move ain't nothing wrong with people move you have no problem people moved in the honky Tonk ya have no problem when people were at the bar house and then you come to church and you sit up with your ecclesiastical Pharisee glass and you pour down your long religious finger and you say that people are too excited you better get off my back jack I got somebody living down on the inside of Mises that woke up with me this morning I don't all my blood I better quit cuz I gotta play the test but this is a person and he's not just homie he's in slap your neighbor telemental health is all the way help is on the way and the help is not is the help is him and God sent us a woven riveted sock fans of my flesh I don't you have to stand in Chattanooga but the Spirit is moving here is moving over in Africa is international eternal Holy Ghost somebody gonna break somebody didn't break we got to get this thing straight stand with me I'm through preaching oh god oh god as I keep on going right here I'm gonna have to cut another plane because I'm telling you right now you're like there is a helper in this house who came to run the devil out of this city Wow in our generation we are not a wholesome people she's not mad what the Holy Ghost came back so what tell me elder come here elder I got a close Christmas start the car stand up there stand up here like this this Holy Ghost this whole thing goes I'm talking about watch when Jesus was on the planet he can only be yes he was a Latino Jesus tomorrow his Zeus deal Devin digger the oldest way no totals the importance holiday up I'm no Spanish and when I don't let the Holy Ghost to help me speak at a man I hope right watch when Jesus is on the planet in his physical body God could only be in one place at one time so why in the world would he look at his disciples and say make the blind eye healing ring leg healing dead men raising Jesus it's best for you if you go away what it ain't not best for me how can it be that's for me that Jesus is leaving he said it's best for you cuz if go not the Holy Spirit in I did go away saying the Lord but I sent my spirit and now he lives within you and there shall be nothing impossible for my people for my people are my body and I have placed all things under my feet the Holy Spirit watch Jesus - acts 1 he gets on a cloud and he ascends to the Father did the car radium series pull it out worth leaving and before he leaves on x18 he says I'm getting ready to go but I'm going to come again and they said what are we gonna do without you is it time for the father's kingdom to be established he said it's not time for you to worry about that father's Kingdom but don't worry about when the kingdom will be established because I'm gonna bring you somebody thanks gonna give you until I come and rescue you you shall receive help after the holy Kaba bah-bah-bah after the Holy Ghost is come upon you like this Jesus gets on a cloud come on hisses he gets on a cloud and goes up on a cloud into heaven and he said to the disciples you carry here and pray until the Holy Spirit is for that how are we know that we got it with stabling lips and then unknown tongue God said in Isaiah 28 level visit mapping and there in this upper room praying and suddenly they commit as a Russian anyway you feel the whole lifter hands he's here he's here if your hands all over this house he's here pastor Roger I want you to come right now just get a microphone give him a microphone here's what I want to pray for right now I want to pray for people all over this house to get hungry for the Holy Ghost just get hungry I don't care about you receiving him today if that happens great but God told me today he said I just want him to get hungry some of them need to get hungry for the first time and some some of them need to get hungry all over again close your eyes lift your hands close your eyes lift your hands and just begin to pray God I want more of your spirit come on open your mouth close your eyes I want God I want more of you I need your presence in my life I need your presence in my life pastor Roger just leave the people of God in praying right now and wherever God takes this service let God have his way next week we will continue on this holy spirit god bless your family come on that's right there come on if don'ts have yes president come on the Spirit of God is in this place come on we press we Presley we breath in draw me close to you never let me come lay it all down here you say you are mine [Music] no one else will do [Music] no one else feels alone [Music] bring me back [Music] you're [Music] you're all tell me your [Music] you're [Music] you're [Music] yah [Music] for the next few seconds just use those head let's just press it back come on begin to open your mouth and just put the name of Jesus in this place today master just got to shared that they were in one place and acts two on one Accord we are in one place and I declare the unity of the spirit in this place right now and because the unity of the Spirit I declare and anointing is being released right now that in this house because of the unity because the anointing i declare every burden removed and every yoke destroyed right now in the name of Jesus come on this press the Infanta come come on let's press Ian's family Holly Holly Poli [Music] inaudible applause man on animals [Music] ah [Music] Oh [Music] you're all you're gonna wander all Oh Oh [Music] Oh you're all Oh [Music] [Music] before we leave out of this house today when every head bowed every eye closed and if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior on this day today is a great day to get to know you every head bowed heavy axle if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today is your day right where you are I want you to lift your hands I don't know the Lord Jesus Christ today I want to get to know him today lift your hand he wanted you to know our Lord and Savior on this day if those hands see that here I see that here I see that here quick have you lifted that hand I want me to take one step and I want you to come down here and stand with me if you lifted that hand I want you to come right now and come stand down here with come on come on come on there were a few other hands come on come on keep clapping as they grow come on Sammy come on come on come on some of our elders and people they come to understand with these brothers come on [Music] today is the best day of your life this is the best decision that you'll ever make and I declare your brother's a date then the Holy Spirit invade your heart the God allowed to do great and mighty things in and through you I declare a blessing over you know how to explain season three and twenty now unto Him who is able to do abundantly more he asked me to the power [Music] then we'll just stretch our hands this way I want to preview these father in the name father I thank you right now for these brothers that have come down to this altar on today father I declare that as they come down today that the Holy Spirit is now invading their heart [Music] father I pray right now that they go and tell somebody about our Lord and Savior Jesus [Music] declares Sokka [Music] and Jesus name [Music] now father as we prepare to leave this place today god we thank you for your word that has gone forth on this day father thank you that you have sent us the comforter and the helper God that shall lead us into all truth now father as we go out this doors that they God allow us to be disciples but then go out and tell somebody about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ god I pray you be with us god I pray that you lead us you got us you direct us and you protect us and God we will forever give your name them thanks the praise the glory and the honor is in Jesus name we pray and all are God's people said together amen amen come on let's give God praise on today god bless your family god bless you Rudy [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 1,367
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Keywords: redemption, nations, church, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, spirit, spirit-filled, pentecostal, kevin wallace, deven wallace, zion project, women of fire, ruach, ruach conference, highland park, love, rsm, redemption to the nations church, redemption to the nations, nation, school ministry, school of ministry, redemption school
Id: alz1-pAajHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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