GETTING STARTED IN THE NEW WIPE! - Escape From Tarkov AK-74 Gameplay

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all righty hey guys drew ski here a new wipe just hit escape from tarkov and today we're going to be trying it out I'm running an aks-74 and if we die or if we survive this raid no matter what happens I'm gonna be showcasing you guys the rate so we're going into reserve within aks-74 five four five PS oh yeah best ammo in the game we're wearing a pack of s which is only level two and I can't afford any helmets right now so we're not running a helmet but I really enjoy this sort of level of gameplay and tarkoff I feel like it's a breath of fresh air compared to the meta M fours and meta AS VAL zuv vs SSE's and reap I ARS and stuff so happy that there's no thermals that are very common in the game right now and all that sort of thing so yeah gonna be doing that aka Sony for run on reserve pretty hyped for it and we'll see what happens alright so we didn't bring a backpack so first things first we need to go kill some scabs and go grab a backpack also we just spawned very closely to this this building right here and this building has very very good loot so we'll go see if we can shove something into our gamma really quickly because there's a good room up here that you can go jump into to make some really really solid money hopefully there's no scab boss please god no I just don't want to deal with the scab boss right now oh yeah at the top of this floor over here you go all the way over to this door get out of here bro you two now much I'm bleeding look how many people rush this room though that's a great example okay well we got an a k with a 45 round mag it probably has some more in it let's drop this cpu into the gamma luckily we heard him before he dropped down thank God alright we got a free a K out of that heck yeah probably got another backpack to off the second guy I think he's the one with the Makarov he thought he could chase us down hill nope I heard you yeah mbss sweet pea and Makarov he's got a better commando vest as well dump our stuff into there and grab that alrighty nice good start to the raid honestly gives us a lot more freedom in terms of weaponry and ammo let's check these computers I feel like I'm gonna get headshot once the goods get out of here we already shot a few aka rounds there's also some rooms in the rest of the building here that are pretty good he's gonna come around to the front here we full about half crap crap crap crap crap crap reload reload reload quick okay if he didn't see us he's gonna making his way into here pretty soon maybe not maybe that was him it sound like he went to the other building yeah that that's him let me see what this other hey Kay with the 45 rounder has will be teeth that's a good round that's a much better round let's seize this a K for now this ache he probably has cuz this stock 98 recoil compared to 92 oh it has more recoil interesting okay it's funny how that advanced stock has more recoil than the standard the muzzle is the same you know weird oh look at that level of detail all right well let's uh let's continue looting I don't think he's coming I think he went over to the building to our right there's still some good loot to be had in this building though I think it's all the way down at the end here actually I think it's in every room yes yes lamp some bullets that are actually loot they're actually shells I guess duffle bag over here check this bad boy out good thing about this floor is that if you're looting you can hear anything that comes up onto the floor cuz it's all wood so you can hear a lot of the stuff that happens on this floor kind of know if you're safe it looks mostly clear out there I'm really scared because it is two-way you come up either side with their second coil of something here what is this in cable Oh military cable yeah no that MCB those are actually pretty pricey let me plop that there and plop a bandage into that milk cable honestly is probably worth more than this as well I don't know ripstop is probably worth a lot too I don't know why I brought shotgun shells here let's do this let's grab the ripstop put it in there I don't know what's gonna be worth the most we found this stuff in raid so we can sell it on the flea market which will be good that's also really something that's nice too if you're a collector if you go around and you you're you're looting stuff and you're getting kind of collector items like ripstop or like em cable kind of good loot then they're gonna be worth more on the flea market because you can't just buy them ooh that's a good bit of 55 hollow-point all right can't see anybody outside yeah I think that guy must have gone to the bishop building just beside us and that's what we heard shooting and stuff when I close this door to shunka oh game don't crash nothing else nothing else in this room all right let's go down here actually what I want to do is unload the 45 rounder out of that one and then reload it Oh a hoops wait where'd it go oh it's straight down oh we have no space crap here there you go just wanted to grab this mag don't know what that had to do with anything okay unload and then reload this one that way we have a 45 rounder as our first mag so we can really spray somebody and and then spray again before having to reload adds another about 33% it's very very nice to have a big mag like that okay I think these rooms are good for computer parts I've got a good view outside that window to our right as well from here oh man what's one of the best moves they made this update is that a glass will refract thermal light now so you can't look through glass with a thermal scope anymore so that's gonna be huge if you're sitting in a glassed window building a thermal scope scanning around he's not gonna see you he's gonna have to look through a visible light to be able to spot you which is awesome it's gonna change the game up a lot now what's a little magnet that secondary aka maybe we instead of reloading we can just applaud the second ak2 app somebody with this bad boy oh yeah all right let's go over to the Bravo the middle building here let's run over to it always scared about those windows [Applause] let's go check if somebody has the marked key already nothing in here oh wait nope cigarettes I might need those for a future quest and somebody's got what gun is that their Glock 18 or something ooh there's a sv-98 whenever you hear that become yeah that's an sv-98 all right nobody's cleared the marked key room luckily elite most used to be I don't know if those were called elite before how elite are they truly how elite can a little pair of pliers be all right these are the places where I feel like we're gonna find some good stuff Reserve I feel like has the best random loot in these random boxes of any map we'll see if I'm wrong unless these are all looted no this one's not hard to drive it's better than a DVD Drive oh yeah it's tossed out it's real nice and what else yes lambda cool I feel like I really want to fight a scam so I can kill a scab and get its helmet I feel naked without a helmet right now let's toss these out for that f1 check the medical area um bandage that's good actually grab that nothing else ooh and IFAC yes that is so good I facts are a lifesaver at this point in the raid at this point in the wipe that that's a very good item even though it's such a given it's such a normal thing whenever your higher gear din this game it's like at the start of the wipe though oh my gosh it's like I need those I need me some eye facts what gun is in here a km in mmm I think I'm gonna get that over the ak-74 cuz this one has worse recoil yeah I'm gonna take that someone six to eight K I feel like seven six two laps just considerably harder then five four five does in the early game because you can single tap fire a km so you can basically if you use an AKM like it's an SKS it's one of the best guns ever cuz then you've got a 30 round mag semi-auto 762 gun I think that always works really well for me this is a semi tapping that a km another cord okay let's go up whoo I just heard scats I think they're below or possibly outside let me see if I can attract them into here I'm gonna walk over that way they might see me or shoot me through the windows I thought I heard a scav hello maybe not hmm I could have sworn I heard a scav yeah five four or five BTW you can actually find a lot of five four five BTW on reserve by the way so if you're playing reserve and you use a K seventy four is a lot it's a good thing to look at those ammo boxes and see what they are because this map is just filled with five four five bTW especially like the roof of that building there in the tint and stuff there's some a most bonds and dang I think last Wi-Fi probably filled up was like maybe half Miami my entire stash was BT mo it was just so common on this map I did play a bit of this map last wipe eat some food and drink some of this apple juice clear some of that inventory space you know you know high texture that thing is that's a high fidelity texture even screws on the cap perfectly the level of animation Oh night-vision scope wonder if they made those any better this time I think that's a no that's a magazine I thought that was gonna be a laser like a peck box of sorts um I feel like this is I don't know if this is the same as it used to be up here I feel like it's slightly different but maybe I'm just wrong please nobody sniped me from dome it was smoke grenade Hey alright I think we've cleared this entire building out let's go back down check for scabs outside I don't see any that's weird I could have sworn I heard movement so the thing is we're probably gonna have to rely on somebody else hitting that hermetic lever so I want to make my way over towards the Hermetic bunkers it's just that's a difficult path to take in this game super difficult path to take so hopefully we can get there safely so we got to go through some big open fields and without a helmet we take one shotgun buckshot even at a distance and we'll we'll get toasted pretty quick those shots are out towards where I'm wanting to go but let's really quickly just head over to this last building see if there's anything good here and then we'll head back towards the extract I know the roof of this building has some not bad gear eh my nose okay might have already been looted possibly nope it was not this is some good stuff geez that's some good stuff Wow two suppressors we can put one of these on the on the neikei one sec one sec just make some space really quick she'll be able to take a woah that's sv somebody snipping AKM was an AKM this is the ak-74 I think that's an AKM right yeah damn so we've got a suppressed a K this quick in the game that's nice I always loved that mid grade modding 40mil grenade that's pretty good we need to clear some space in here so we don't drop them actually we're gonna drop a mag anyways never mind we don't need no space alright well that's gonna help us out a lot having a suppressed a K like this I just wish I had a helmet to also utilize oh there's a dude there's a scab outside of the charlie building what if I can hit him from here okay guess not maybe I can attract him over here though I don't know where he just went if I can attract him to this building that would be awesome that is a oh it's a tiny little red dot can't attach it to anything currently so 60 by 39 here else grandpa screwdriver and the Makarov Matt we're not gonna use a Makarov this raid unload that discard that unload this load that and plop back back we can plop that on there this will be our that the AKM will be our backup this will be our backup gun look at this this is our backup gun boys you know put the night-vision scope on there just in case it gets dark another AKM mag sick let's load it up dude I feel like we're getting really good stuff that's right and we have a little tiny mbss to fill it up it's pretty easy to fill up what is this 4x4 yeah 16 slots USGS so that's the subsonic 5 4 5 here's BS which is very good very very good ammo hmm put our painkillers up here instead of that oh here's some BT that's the goods that's also good oh there's a lot of BT holy crap honestly I don't even care this I just want the BT this stuff is really good I'm gonna keep the BT over the m cable it's still some more bTW I mean this ammo is just that good guys it is that good that I have to I have to have it I'm gonna leave the drill girls aren't even really worth too much nice pump juice I'll be good I'm gonna drink that alright I'm kind of just exploring these rooms cuz I haven't actually gone and looted these rooms in a very long time either and luckily we haven't really had too many people come out of this raid let's see where the scab is if he's wandered towards us at all and if he hasn't let's see if we can bait him out again nearly full with bTW it's good where is that scav where you've got we shot at him he has to have been a slight oh maybe we can make him see this oh oh okay thought I just kind of missed that shot but apparently we hit him in the face why can't I do that with players [Music] P P so P P is a hype in five four five ammo but it doesn't really do much flesh damage so it's not very great there's some milk to let me just drink all that I can let me eat and consume the world right now I kind of want to UM oh Jesus I wish I could unload these very quickly but that would take five minutes just to replace the BT in these mags especially when we aren't running a helmet yet either I'm not really sure if I want to risk any of this ammo getting lost those big snipers because that's an AR some 100 I think we just heard which is or maybe that's the maybe that's the cheap sniper maybe that's the VP oh I'm not sure but it's gonna be sketchy getting to Thor her medic door what I think I'll do is I think I'll go along the very far edge we can hit the Hermetic lever right here oh wait don't run on the first floor I think I'm gonna go hit it because I don't think anybody else is going to on time maybe they're all trying to peacefully get through the map without dying instantly let's go get this lever bad thing is is that this tells everybody exactly where we are right as we click it so let's click it and let's run around the back side the building let's get back into the building and we will go out the bathroom basically just trying to get myself as far away from that thing as possible because immediately as people click that they usually run in a beeline towards the hermetics hermetic door but it's better just to sprint out this way because nobody's gonna expect you out here this far gosh I think is loud Bram lamp all right let's run across down here we're making good time we're having been ambushed quite yet whoa that sniper is scary we're gonna have to avoid him hard it's a lot of scouts fighting up here too just not good for us good for us at all I mean actually it might it might distract people away from looking this direction [Music] that snipers like maybe brick tower [Music] he's up on the top of this bunker oh geez this is gonna be sketchy so I can see a Raider I think are you kidding me I didn't just him in that oh my god are you kidding I'm just gonna run for it oh my gosh okay super high chance someone's camping this we've got our hurry though we don't have much time whoo this is spooky super high chance someone's camping no there's nobody camping it oh my gosh are you kidding me we're getting out of this [Music] come on come on seven seconds come on three two one yeah hmm that's tense that current heat air burst that grenade right in front of our face geez Wow okay the lava that was an adventure itself that was a 20 oh we got 28 minute raid well guys it's really late here over in Texas it's like 4:00 a.m. right now so I'm gonna go to bed for the night but thanks for watching the video thanks for watching a little raid on tarkoff one of my first rates that I've done that I've done pretty well on so I'll see you guys later thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 651,150
Rating: 4.9279904 out of 5
Id: 2Sx2UwQ1yRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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