THE INTERCHANGE PVP TACTICS GUIDE - Escape from Tarkov Map Walkthrough

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all right let me just throws down you so general Sam said that there were two different types of tarkov players he said there were rats and then they were the Chad's and then fair came up and said hey there's actually a third type that you missed it's called the honey badgers and I operator jerski I'm here to say that there is a unannounced unknown species yet to be known in the tarkov universe the interchange goblin [Music] you might see an interchange goblin on customs or woods or shoreline and you fight them and they're just a decent player there's just another guy they're just a regular person but little do you know that that Honda Civic is actually a sleeper and it's got a VTEC in it the interchange goblin when selecting a map on escape from tarkov once he clicks the interchange button he instantly becomes a super Chad killer killer destroyer of worlds he has played this map over 2,000 times he sleeps in the Starbucks he eats from the rotten pizza and the Papa John's empty empty only light the mold let's grab it Ecco he pees in the Olly secret stairs downstairs male bathroom much apopka did you drink I don't this is the guy that plays this math way too much and doesn't play anything else because he thinks as this is the best map in the entire game he hates hatchlings he'll shoot hatchling for breakfast he'll act like he's friends with hatchlings just to destroy their days because he hates Aisling so much now we're coming up for ya take out your hatchets come here he puts goblin in his dog tag name just to make other players know that he is truly an interchange goblin today I'm gonna be going into a stupidly long guide that I did last night it's it's going to be stupidly long and it is a strategy guide tactics guide and everything you need to know about interchange primarily for PvP alright hello everybody the long-awaited interchange goblin guide is here and it's it's gonna be a lot of talking I was going to make this video just a few weeks ago but I got the flu and I sounded like a frog trying to asphyxiate himself so we're going to start probably the longest interchange PvP slash a little bit of loot guide that you'll ever see I think on YouTube it's good oh it's gonna be a lot this is gonna be a long video if you are new intermediate to interchange I think that this video is going to definitely benefit you even if you know this map a lot you might find a few spots here and there that you haven't seen before and that's that's what this video is gonna be mostly over is how to fight other players in the interchange map I personally really really like interchange I don't think it's the best map I think reserve in my opinion is objectively the best but this map is just so good and I'm so I guess I guess conformed to this map so far that I really do enjoy playing it so I'm gonna be showing you guys a lot of my secrets a lot of my tips a lot of my tricks a lot of weird spots that I've found in the map and kind of be that there's so much to this map that I can't go all over it unless I were to spend six hours so we're gonna highlight the most important points and I'm just gonna be walking through the map and also highlighting different areas first we're probably going to talk about the outside of the map then we're gonna go into idea then we're gonna go into Goshen then we're gonna go into ultra then we're gonna go into ollie and go probably explore the southeast area of the maps so I'll leave timestamps right here I don't know where the heck I'm going to end up here it's gonna be multiple raids worth because these are offline raids I'm doing and they only last what 42 minutes and we're definitely gonna be talking longer than 42 minutes unfortunately so you spawned in on interchange first thing you need to know when you spawn in on interchange is the spawn points of other players unlike a lot of the maps this map is very circular this is a very I guess unit you know centrical map I guess I don't know how else to say it there's a big mall in the middle and there's paths on the outside all the way around yes the parking lots pretty big and pretty diverse and there's a lot of space there but basically think of interchange is a big doughnut there's the mall in the center then there's these walls that surround the entire mall and walking paths this is actually a good example of one of the thinnest areas between the mall and the edge of the map right there that fence that we're seeing that wall right there all the way to the mall right there that's actually one of the most choke point east of choke points so if you spawn here which is the north central area of the map between the north west the railway extract and power station is over there if you spawn here like we just did I wouldn't really run towards power station I don't think that's a good idea you kind of choke point yourself as well as you really eliminate limiting your avenues of approach over there otherwise you can go you know underneath idea you can go all the way out to alley you see those trees those are past ollie it's pretty pretty dang far right or we can go out here and go into the front of idea or you can go underneath into idea whatever so first thing you need to think about the moment you spawn is you either need to be one rushing into the mall as fast as possible or two extremely aware of both your left and your right so if you spawn in here you're gonna look to your left and to your right for players because again the spawns are all around if you spawn in outside of the mall which you always do there's going to be someone either to your right or to your left you'll slowly learn what spawns are closer to each other and we just spawned out here right behind this rock here and I am fully expecting from the spawn point someone to approach me in the first three minutes of the raid from the edge of that blue wall right there and we'll show you that in a second all the way to this little area of dirt right here this entire area of degrees this this angle here is where players are gonna show up you go to the top of this white tower right here excuse me you can watch the entire angle especially if you have two buddies or something maybe maybe you have one buddy with you he can watch this blue compound area while you can watch this angle it isn't really spawn camping I would say it's more like you're watching an entire area of the map you're watching one fourth of the outside of the map right here and you're just able to see this entire line down cuts probably one or maybe even two different PMC spawns over there off from being able to enter the map without you seeing them now what you can do here is either choose to attack them which is it's very common for players if I spawned here below us it's very common for a spawn to be somewhere past the the the you know upper interstate over there so players will very commonly come walking down this path they sometimes rarely come down this way but more commonly the most common path I've seen them go is right through here either through or to the left side of the go kart track and then they walk into idea again they spawn far away they actually got a pretty bad spawn the closer you are to the actual mall itself is the better the spawn there's some spawns spawn you on top of the southeast extract the intercom extra extract extra inked what is that word we're gonna have problems talking today but there's there's some spawns that spawn you like right up against the building and they are awesome if you have that spawn don't even worry about other players around the map you need to be rushing into the building going for the loot wherever you need to go in the building like let's say Kiba or you know tech light or tech so rush those locations because you are the first person that's gonna get there 100% of time if you spawn against the building or right beside the building there's um I believe there's even some spawns that like might spawn you like right in front of idea like right over here I mean you're you're really close to the building right here you're actually one of the better spawns for looting idea in particular but yeah so basics of outside combat is that there's only certain paths that you really can go on it's very limited there's a huge parking lot there it's it's scary to go across the parking lot it's better to stick to tree lines it's better to stick to bushes I guess when you spawn in the number one thing you need to do is either rush into the mall or focus on trying to trap other players from being able to enter them all because it's just it's free game now if you do get into a fight and it is unsuppressed fight then you'll probably have a third party come up against you and again this is a very big and open area so let's be careful of that and let's go ahead and enter idea let's do a path that I would probably do from that spawn point I'd probably either watch four players running this way when I'm running up to idea I'm gonna be looking that way making sure nobody's coming there are some spawns that could have spawn at the checkpoint up there which is where we see that little red crane they could have rushed all the way to this treeline by now and be trying to enter idea as well so I'm gonna be aware of that damn I should have bought a flashlight for this this is the idea front entrance area and we're gonna talk about idea for a lot of this video because it's an interesting area there's a lot of openness to the front mall of the front part of idea but I think the openness this kind of it's interesting how gameplay goes up here because there's not really many good actual positions to defend from like Ollie or ultra but there's positions that players don't check and so we'll go up the front escalator I prefer to go up the middle even though it makes noise if you go up the main stairs you'll have to hit this barbed wire see that and I feel like that makes it a little bit louder of a noise or might hurt you if you go too far into the barbed wire so I just go up the escalator and I'm right up against the wall I pushed my mouse into my keyboard I'm right up against the wall too so if a scab shoots me or something maybe I'm going up that escalator I can get right up against the wall and not have to worry about trying to hide behind glass but this is the this is the idea area now something that I'm going to be talking about today is kind of hot zones and cold zones basically areas that you want to get out of as quick as possible in areas that you want to stay in as much as possible you want to run through hot zones and hide in cold zones or sneak through cold zones this area right here very hot zone you're gonna get shot half the time by a scab that's located or right here to your left as you walk in he can sometimes be in a really annoying spot which is right here he'll shoot you through the glass it's very hard to see him against this kind of darker background but up here is a nice spot that's just worth noting this is what we call sniper camp spot it's kind of above you could say it's upper foodcourt we don't really have a real call-up for it I usually just call it sniper camp spot and my team already kind of knows what that is because we could have just rough call-outs for everything we haven't actually mapped our call outs yet but we we got we you know you kind of just get them over time this is an OK spot but do note that if someone is watching all the way from ultra way down there this glass disappears and so you're pretty dang visible and shooting through glass is kind of iffy and tarkov I don't know exactly the science behind it but I feel like if you shoot through glass your bullets just kind of do weird things so this is a good little prone spot here although you're lit up very much you can prone and watch all of ultra pretty dang good over here is the idea office this is a pretty common spot for players to go I haven't not really found too much stuff here but a lot of players do like to run into this office they go and check these countertops they go and check the PCs for flash drives and all that there's you know some stuff on the tables this isn't going to be a really loot oriented guide though this is gonna be a guide to PvP I would just be careful if you go into the front of idea and you enter these offices expect somebody to be coming in the back towards the offices other than a few spawns for lions and cats and a few other like sort of antique things at like the little fake rooms here there's not really much loot in idea other than this office and this office is usually patrolled by some scavs so you know there might be some loot here in these locations but there's not right now for great examples but really that's most of the loot you'll find an idea is literally within this this angle right here so a lot of players will if you spawn in the front side came in the front of idea expect somebody coming in the back side again you're trying to as you run into interchange read what's going on with all of the different spawns and we're not gonna cover all of interchange I think I'm just gonna cover the most parts that I would say are good to go to good to be in good places to go because like there's parts of the parking garage that are just empty and we're not really gonna talk about those we're gonna talk about the places that you're most likely going to go so this is the front area of idea this is a very hot area I don't like being in this area because scabs over there scabs and the cash registers will be all the way along and then scabs will even go all the way to the back of ideal way over there so when I enter this area I'll run up these stairs and I'll run straight to ultra straight around that corner between those two metal plates and go up the ultra escalator I like being upstairs in ultra but if you're in a combat scenario in idea if you let's say are stuck in this area right here one of my favorite places which is kind of weird and has oddly worked in the past is chilling right inside of this little idea helpdesk is what I call it you can lean right here you can peek up and have a really good angle really good head peak angle and the players never expect you to be here I don't know why players just don't look over here I have won many many fights from this angle I I think I don't really know I i I've used this sniper camping spot before up there and used it to an extent and it's good for attacking and ambushing but in an actual fight it's really easy to see somebody up there because it's just it's one line you need to scan it's just that although there is a glass there it's easy and it's really easy to kill somebody and there's only one way down for them which is those stairs and you never really want to be in a situation where you can't just run away and so I really like this help desk because you have a lot of options you can always run back to the playground and run to the cash registers and run away or something or you can run into here and really have a dead-end backup plan I mean this is like a bunker for grenades to go in or something I don't even know what this room is back here this is a little storage room with a fake stairs that goes up to nowhere man I wish those stairs went somewhere that'd be kind of cool this bathroom is lit up wow this is like the one lit bathroom in all of interchange that's kind of interesting but this area I don't really like this this well or so much because it's lit you'll note that I will call out a lot of rooms as dark rooms or light rooms and dark rooms win light rooms lose basically this room I like it is a dead end but if it's your last resort this is a pretty good room to ambush people in but we're gonna continue and as I'm walking let's say I'm continuing the path of me spawning out there walking in the front of interchange walk in this way as I'm walking right here I'm staying as far as I can to try to avoid that light this light for some reason is it turned off does it yep there goes it's a weird flash it kind of scares me all the time it happened in point 12 and hasn't gone away since but when I when you go up here I want you to look down towards the back of idea you can see pretty far down there to the no idea if someone did spawn a power station and they're rushing to ultra this is one of the past that they might use they might not go into Goshen they might use idea as a pathway into the upstairs of ultra which is not great for you if you spawned in the front because there's a good chance that he's gonna see right there in my opinion you have better options here because you can always go back there and this area is awesome for camping and ambushing while they have in my opinion a pretty bad position they can definitely move around to your left but you're trying to get into ultra so you can always just run over here and get into this area now this spot right here is one of the hottest spots in the entire map there's so many different angles that can see you here actually in let's say a ten foot radius of me right now so many different angles can see us right now all of idea can see us the whole sniper came spot up there can see is the whole cash registers maybe some of the area in the back of idea ideas secret stares can see us the main idea stairs can see us trend can see us here come all those places down there towards Stars can see us we are in a very hot spot right here rush through this spot in any circumstance never try to sneak to this spot there's positions in this map we're sneaking is good there's positions where even if people can't hear you there's so many angles on you that there's a higher chance that they're gonna see you then they're gonna hear you so in places like this you should never be sneaking you should never be sneaking so many players are gonna have faraway angles on you you don't need to worry about sound you need to worry about your visual concealment so if you come around this corner you're better be running and serpentining and waiting for someone to try to shoot you in the head and get up the escalator or get into you know eMERCOM or get into the front hall as fast as possible I'll show you guys a good little camping spot if someone's chasing you or if you really just want to be a terrible person you can lay down right behind this people will never see you here I have a knot I have I've used this camping spot and I've been used against this camping spot here that doesn't make sense that's not English but that's a really good spot there to sit and watch people coming around and they have like zero cover if you wait for them to get right here in this little kill zone they have zero cover it's awesome so escalators now this isn't scientifically proven but will hopefully test this in the future escalators are we right now because of sound in the game the best way to go up escalators the best way to think about the escalators is that Midway up is when people can hear you on that level so let's think of someone standing up there and listening to us as we run up they are most likely not going to hear us some tour like about halfway or especially if they're maybe over to the side a little bit they're not gonna hear us until we're about halfway so in my opinion you can sprint halfway and then about halfway start walking make sure a hundred and thirty thousand percent make sure you are not sprinting especially if you're not the first up here especially let's say you did the superfast run you spawned out there you ran to idea you ran up here you ran here nobody's going to be here before you if you ran in the mall and you ran quick as fast as you could nobody's gonna be here before you so you don't really need to worry about sprinting and the audible sound spreading around but if you're twenty or thirty minutes into the raid never sprint at the top of this you want to know how far your sound goes whenever you sprint at the top of this I'm not joking I'm not sure I have proof of this happening you wanna know how far your sound goes if you sprint at the top of this escalator here no joke you can hear that escalator if people sprint up it from this line right here so somebody like like it like a goblin could be chillin in Starbucks dark which is one of the best freakin places the entire map may be chilling right here at the backdoor and they can't freaking hear you we heard any interesting things aside from that possibly I D ask right now you interesting things aside from that possibly I D ask right now don't spring up the escalators you dum-dums don't do it so upstairs in ultra we're gonna be talking about this I think idea is like I think the back of idea is important but I think also we're gonna be trying to streamline this we're not going to talk about every location and interchange because not every location is important and commonly accessed so the escalator of idea it is very dangerous going up this escalator look at the amount of like lack of literally look at the lack of cover that you have when you've come up this escalator you are totally risking your life every time you come up this escalator that's why later in the raid it's always smarter to just go down there towards those doors and go into the offices and use the ideas idea side of ultra we call them idea and all a secret but it's actually in ultra but there's a stairwell in in that in that door over there that goes all the way up and comes into this hallway up here and that's what we call idea secret it's kind of like a secret stealthy staircase other than these which are metal and there's also no loot between the staircase there's nothing really between it's just a single staircase it's always better it's always a better option it's definitely not as fast definitely not as quick but you're losing the risk of somebody camping you up here now I don't actually have many people that camp these escalators and it's it might be not a really good idea to camp the escalators it's a very dangerous game peeking down the escalators like this because you're opening yourself up to so many angles people are going to see your head first and you're gonna see their feet-first if you're peeking like this it's kind of it's kind of a weird angle I don't like peeking down it's kind of dangerous yeah you can get some kills if they aren't looking but it's just it's just dangerous you're peeking your head out and it's a very hot spot a high-profile spot my friend av likes to sit right here sometimes and just camp especially people are coming up especially if he's trying to protect us as we're doing a fight over there he'll just sit here and watch the ID escalator form right here nobody looks this way because they're always looking down the front main hall in my opinion I just I come up here and at the very end I'm just ignoring everything back behind me I try to get either to the front hall as quick as possible or IRA start running back towards the inner common area so let's talk about the front hall front hall goes all the way down to tech light tech light is one of the highest loop places I think it's like it's probably the top third or it sits within the top three best loop places on the entire map you'll see a lot of hatchlings going there you'll see a lot of kitted boys going there and this is a dangerous angle right here where I'm standing you guys see how bright that wall is especially if I'm unzoom it's for some reason it's black right now but if I'm unzoom it turns white that's the same thing as over here even though this is dark this is actually broken lighting and this might be change and further patches of interchange but the lighting at the moment makes it to where if you have your shadow distance low enough then all that stuff is just white and so it's very easy to see somebody at that angle even if that shadow is fixed it's still going to be easy see there's not really much in the way between tech light and the idea escalator to really stop visual contact there so when I run up the idea escalator when I'm doing my quick run into interchange getting into my PvP spots I'm not going into the front hall my friends do go into the front hall a little bit more than me but the reason is is that they kind of know what to peek they know where to go they know that you know these little support beams are good to chill up on and camp from there or they'll go to different locations they won't stay in the front hall for very long they're just gonna use it as a transportation area now what I like to do what my path would continue being again we run into the front of interchange or we run into the front of idea we run straight over here we run tight around the corner go up the escalator don't sprint and then get up here you'll see a lot of my streams or something I like to run straight back towards a merc um we're not really a more calm but the donut above it this is a more calm dark room a pretty good room to defend from you can check out burger from here I really like this area for the dark areas here this corner is a really defendable spot because you can really limit your angles and it's hard to throw grenades into here there's a lot of good cover that you can hide behind if it granny does happen to go in here and here's the little furniture jump again there's no way for getting over this without jumping there's no way so if you hear a jump anywhere in this area it's a good chance it's right here but what I'll do is I'll go over to this little this little glass ring here and I'll look down this way now this is eMERCOM right here this is a locked medical room this actually is pretty rarely opened I would say maybe 50% of raids that's actually opened but you have a great sight line from here because in the center of the mall there's Kibo and there's probably killa and there's probably a lot of scavs and there's generic and there's mantas very common loot locations some of the hottest in the map are down there where that sun is shining so this is an angle where we're looking in towards the mirror of the mall the mall is a huge mirror it's inverted I would say north to south there's a line cutting west to east through it and it's inverted so Ollie is a mirror of idea in a way and Goshen is kind of split you know mirrored down the middle and and Ultra has a center hallway where that light is shining that splits the entire mall down the middle and everything is pretty much mirrored on each side now you'll notice some things like this shop orange is not like Jacob and Jacobs it's slightly different also on the other side if were to teleport myself over to generic donut and look over here this is no longer a walled-off shop this is a library or a kids you know play area so there's a lot of small shops that are changed slightly but not very much the overall mall is mirrored so if you are walking on this side you can expect a player to have have had the time to possibly be entering all the way down there at the same exact time think of interchange like a huge mirror if that makes sense what I just said if you just ran up through idea through the escalator you ran all the way to here there could easily be a player who ran through ollie went up the tech light escalator went all the way through the garo and is now at the generic doughnut so again eMERCOM donut and generic donut you can see the glass here with the poles on it and stuff right here this little balconies you can see the glass of the poles on it all the way down there so again eMERCOM donut generic donut and always put yourself to the back of this wall and just scan you can scan unzoom some of the stuff doesn't render in so it's a little bit simpler a little bit easier to see anything down there and that bright light right now is a great example of just how easy it is to spot somebody down there because there's really nothing they can hide from there's not a shadow or not not any cover and same things for you so you want to keep moving you want to just like scan that really quick and then you want to move over to Berger once you see that nothing's downstairs that you can shoot let's go to Berger so Berger is mirrored on the other side just like how there was a more common a generic doughnut burger is mirrored with Papa John's so burger and Papa John's are some of the best in my opinion defendable locations in the entire map they are easily attackable in a way but if you play them just right there's some of the best locations ever this is a very cool angle here or you can watch all the way to Papa John's you can see the back escalator from here kind of hard to see if you have trouble kind of seeing what's going on it's just dark and I apologize for that just hop into a match and go along with me here pause the video or whatever there's some bathrooms back here that you can go and dump loot in or hide in if it SiC boys going past me you don't want to fight him and Berger has a lot of levels of defense in my opinion if a PvP group is pushing you these places are some of the best to be in because you can hold an angle here and if you have to lose this angle here you can back up into the rest of Berger you could get all the way back into these back stores right here and it's very difficult for a PMC group to breach especially when there's limited angles like let's say you back yourself all the way to the last line of defense again don't start your defense here but just you know back yourself up if you're having problems if you made mistakes in the forward parts of the defense you can back yourself all the way into this room and just hold very limited angles here and let me just note also that hearing is huge in this map I don't know if this is just totally subjective but I would recommend comtex for this map especially if you're a slower-moving player then definitely calm tax contacts make footsteps in my opinion the easiest to hear again that's definitely in my opinion subjective as well because I see a lot of other I would say pro tarkoff players playing with different headsets but I prefer contacts in the end if you use a certain headset keep using that headset because you'll memorize the sounds of your headset and if you start playing with different headsets in the game you'll start to mess up your memory of certain sounds like somebody walking or somebody reloading or somebody shuffling those sounds will be slightly different and I would think that your brain probably has a slightly harder time identifying those sounds if there's different types of reverb and equalization on them that come from wearing different headsets so every PMC rate I'm wearing contacts every scav raid I try to grab GS s HS or contacts if I can and that's what I'm using on this map sound is everything there's a lot of certain stores that I would like you to walk through and realize that they have certain tones to the flooring in them this one is glass at first when you enter but then it's wood just inside so it's glass and then it's wood this is the only wood in this entire area other than the cafe past Jacob and Jacobs that cafe right there's also wood which not really meaning people go in but that means that if you hear wood or if you hear glass it's most likely inside this shop and you can tell how deep they are in the shop by how what their footsteps sound like there's so much audible information here it's crazy just how much you can really take just from the sound in this map so we call this little wood glass room adjacent to burger or something we call this construction there's a few different construction rooms but we usually say them in context so if we call that this room or something we'd say construction across from Jacobs because Jacobs is a pretty trademark it's a it's a landmark sort of room trademark and Jacobs is a place where scabs like to go not very defendable I wouldn't want to find myself in here at all during a fight because it's got so many angles and not much cover at all so let's talk about J spot why do we call this J spot well we have a friend named J and he dies here a lot but it is a very offensive spot you have a lot of Awesome angles here unfortunately you also can get killed very easily here there's a secondary J spot and it's right up here you can jump up on these logs actually Jayden teaches to me clean taught this to me but you can get up on these little logs or I don't even know what I said boxes and you can watch the Kibo hallway yes you have to shoot through glass now which is kind of iffy with lower calibers but with higher pin rifles and stuff you can just go right through the glass like a like a m61 our SAS or something or pepper hunter you can go right through those are Mo's ins but yeah two different kind of spots and also you could just pick this glass here but you need to be very aware of the fact that again kiba's right there and generic is right past it right there and a lot of players like to use the generic doughnut up there to watch down which we will talk about in a second where we go over there so if you're watching down right here let's say you're looking over towards you know Goshen you've totally lost sight line of the generic doughnut up top and there could easily be a person coming to kill you also you've totally lost sight of whatever is going on up there which is also a pretty common spot for people to go also middle bridge you know there's two escalators that lead up to this little bridge right here and it's dangerous there's a lot of different angles looking at you right here although you do have a great spot looking down onto Kiba I think this is one of those dangerous spots you can be in in the entire map as well as just being like down there so let's talk about back escalator so I would take my path through idea up the tech or up the idea escalator into eMERCOM donut from amacom darkroom I would go into burger and I would come around this way all the way to here this is the back escalator and it's nerved by this generator this area is so good that they nerfed it because it's a really good spot so I like to lay here at the back of the escalator and kind of watch sometimes this is a really good spot for killing players that are coming up the stairs you can see their heads poked up and players really like to hear I'll recreate it right here they really like to just poke their heads up like big eyes like this they'll go like this they'll go sneaky sneaky beaky sneaky and they'll just creep up like that and they'll just poke their head up just like this just like this you know what it looks like looks like a little looks like a little dip of a tip of a you know a pickle just popping up right above the right above this line right here so you can just get a little quick tap off you know range to maybe maybe 100 I don't know with that no probably 50 would shoot a head shot right they don't see let's see where the glass okay yeah range 250 I mean you're shooting five five six so it's really fast so not much drop at all but this is a great spot for camping people in the front great spot for killing Killa if he happens to be there but you really have no cover so be aware of that it is a very aggressive spot not as aggressive as the J spot up there but I like this spot personally especially if I have friends that are able to watch the generic doughnut and the eMERCOM doughnut because then I can't be flanked this is a pretty common spot so use with care because I have you know walked up through burger maybe maybe thirty seconds or maybe a minute late from my sprint maybe I spawned way back or something I and I was late into the ultra mall which is where I primarily go when I spawn on this map so maybe I'm walking into bird checking this area of Bacchus looking at Papa John's and somebody's already laying here with their feet sticking out the back so it's kind of funny you can lay a little bit farther forward so you have less cover but also your feet aren't sticking out or you can lay all the way back here like some players do and just totally give yourself up to getting blacked by a guy with a Mosin in burger so let's go over to Papa let's talk about this actually really quick this is a fun little spot that I like you can jump up on here porta potti I call this pooper spot you can watch all the way down the front little hallway there and this used to be a little exploit now it's fixed which I'm very happy about oh my gosh we already have nine minutes left you can also I believe jump up on these boxes dip up on this go around and you have a really good angle into Papa John's nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition from two feet higher than usual so give a really good spot can you get back here one sec look at that Oh nope just kidding so whenever I enter Papa I like to go up on this little thing here and you know look above because usually they're watching the angle like you're gonna approach from this corner so let's say you enter Papa John's and you've come from idea so now you need to be really worried about players because there's a high chance that the moment you enter Papa John's that if you rushed all the way here if there's a pmc team that rushed pretty fast but maybe not as fast then they're gonna be probably inside for Garo coming out to the generic donut especially if they're interchange goblins too and they want to hunt people they're gonna go upstairs they're gonna be trying to hunt people down below as well just like you are so always make sure to check the generic doughnut always be careful about this spot just because the fact that it overlooks one of the most interesting little arenas in the entire map Oh my god is multiple sources of wood foot what that was that lightning I guess I was lightning there's multiple yeah it was multiple sources of wood sounds here which can give away positions there's rasmussen down there hopefully I get a better angle to show you there's rasmussen it has a wood floor generic also has a wood floor so if you hear would you leave here it left or right you'll know that somebody's in rasmussen or that somebody's in generic this crate also makes wood so if you're on that crate not a really good idea I personally the way I pick this I never really go up to the glass I don't like doing that there's so many angles here I like being as far back as I can and just really trying to limit my angles while also keeping myself away from the top people will throw grenades people will try to shoot through the glass it's pretty spoopy so make sure that you're playing this very safely it's a great spot to kill players and I've probably killed like a hundred people from here especially if they're walking down the down you know the the hallway there towards Kiba then I just get over over this glass and I just spray spray spray but just know it's not really any hard cover up here and that's for good reason this would be an insane spot if there was hard cover it'd be so hard to counter there's a reason that there's glass here and it's to limit players from being able to effectively peek over unless they're fully showcasing their entire body to you so kind of interesting spot but there's a lot of areas near this that are really cold areas really good areas that I like I do like fog ro I like sneaking in here there's a good little spot back here that you could chill it and watch this angle there's also library across from here this is one of the most important parts of the map that you need to learn by the way in my opinion for PvP for killing geared players in the map this is library and I really like this because it's very very dark you can look into figero as well as you can go into this little front area of library and right here is a great little Crouch walk over you scan those angles there you scan all of that and then you know you're clear and move over you watch that second hallway and then there's this sweet spot here you can lay down and watch towards the tech light escalator you might be a little bit lost right now basically we're entering the area towards the tech light escalator I'm trying to kind of go quickly through this because we already have six and a half minutes left but library is very good to learn there's not really many things I can tell you specifics about it but this is a very good area for defending and a very good area for flanking one of the most important things up here is to learn to flank and learn to counter different positions like let's say if I shot somebody up in Papa John's from right here maybe maybe he was right here and he ran back into Papa John's I need to worry immediately about him running out the back side of Papa John's or she's seriously if I get if I have a teammate I'm gonna tell them hey go over to construction or go over to the wood glass room we were talking about earlier or Birger especially burger burger is such a good counter against Papa John's and vice versa so if I'm shooting at somebody in Papa John's and I have a teammate I'm not gonna tell a teammate to sit near me at all I'm gonna tell my teammate to get to flip out of here and start flanking or I'm gonna tell him to anchor here keep this angle well we'll all go and do the flank myself so it's a really really good tactic on this map to make sure you're split up from your team and make sure that you under you all understand the map and you all know the flanking routes because again this area is like a big maze but once you learn it you can figure out those flanking routes and it's awesome so talk about awesome we're gonna go over to the sushi dark and Starbucks dark hallways now I don't really know what the exact color is for them the call-out for this little room is light corner we just call it light corner because it's light inside of it and it's a it's a corner room and here you can see Papa Leone right there Papillon and generic Donuts over there library and Figaro this is a sushi dark sorry it's sushi dark and Starbucks dark which is again the one that's mirrored across the main hallway some of the best places to be in the entire so this is sushi dark very very dark rooms lots of airlocks is what I like to call them and a lot of good places to camp the front hallway again the front hallway is a pretty hot spot a lot of players like to walk down the front hallway so sushi dark is one of the best places to be now it's not good to just camp here I mean you might get players coming up here but it's better in my opinion to get into a fight upstairs maybe a little bit and then you'll bait PMC's so Bakke geared PMC's to come up here and i can't even tell you how many times I've camped in these places it's not really camped because I'm more expecting somebody to come up this way because we've been shooting so much maybe we have a fight maybe we shoot some scavs downstairs or something maybe a grenade gets thrown at us by Killa and lots of players are now coming up both of the escalators and you know coming through this front hallway to come investigate what's going on now if I'm up here and I want to camp somebody and kill somebody it's in the front area the hall one of the best spots is just in these three shops so how many angles there are we have angles all the way back in that shop that shop that shop and the front of sushi right here these three shops are some of the best places to be and this is mirrored with the Starbucks shops as well except for f ck that one's lit up by a light and it's not really good to go in but yeah just remember these shops know that this is a very cold spot a good spot to be in and you utilize them basically utilize them a lot there's some some good angles here there's some glass in the front of Starbucks so if you hear glass and you're hiding in the back of the dark area then you'll know that someone's coming but yeah let me show you the third room 30 rooms lit up so you don't want to go in here cuz it's lit and they're gonna peek this but they're not gonna peek the other ones because they just don't want to look at something that's dark so it's really funny you can always sit like right here I think the other day I actually just killed somebody right there so we'll show that little clip just for you and yeah crazy stuff happens here PMC's to food court now shooting everyone I just dropped them both so let's talk about these pylons here these support beams all of these angled support beams you can get up on top of them yeah pretty neat for you new players this is like what the heck I didn't know you could do that and for all the experienced players you're just rolling your eyes like drew ski we already know this but from here these are actually some crazy angles some of the craziest angles in the entire map if you have a good security setup of you know other players that are watching maybe the middle and back escalator maybe the secrets you could make actually an impenetrable angle coverage here if you had somebody watching from back escalator to mid right you had two people one watching the secret Hall over there one watching the secret hall over there and you had one guy right here at this at these of these little pylons then it is impossible for you not to see somebody coming up into the upper area of ultra that's right it takes four people to watch the entire upstairs of ultra that means you can have a fifth kind of supporting and walking around and patrolling and waiting for somebody to call out a contact so what we like to do is have somebody set up on these little support beams here we have a minute left and from here you can actually the heck am i doing you can actually swivel your head this is super trihard you can solve your head left and right or you can have another guy you know sitting on that support beam and you can watch across from each other both escalators it is impossible to go up the escalators without the without these support beams being able to see you so see the escalator isn't even rendering in but it starts right there right there so if somebody walks up the escalator 100% we're going to see them from here it's kind of insane how easy it is plus if the guys at the you know middle area get engaged let's say the guy sitting at the back escalator right now gets engaged by somebody that came up to the middle bridge or somebody's coming up the back escalator or you have to fight somebody down below then you can support them from this position why not support just from at the or why not watch the escalators by themselves well it's not really a good defendable position and you're splitting yourself you're stretching yourself very far away from your team and in the Freid next raid here we go all right so just for an example I just spawned outside of Olli and I ran to this position it only took me two and a little bit over a half minutes two and a half minutes to get to this spot right here so about two and a half minutes into the raid somebody could run from Olli from a okay spawn and Olli all the way to this point right here where we were chillin before so let's continue to talk about these spots and why they're good so again let's talk about the formation that I like is you could have two people sitting on these pylons watching tech light and watching idea escalator so again the tech lightest quitter and the idea escalator I know that idea and oli escalator are the real call-outs but I like calling a tech light escalator it makes a little bit more sense just like it's right there it's direct everybody knows we're tech light is and oli can kind of get confusing sometimes so idea escalator and tech light so you have two people on these pylons you have two sitting either in fig ro or sitting in a merc um dark because you can set two people in there and they can hear secret hallways they can hear people coming up and then you have one watching the back escalator as long as you have that position set then there's no way that somebody's gonna come past you there's no way which is super cool so you can control the entire upstairs of ultra now that's if you really want to have a secure position and I would only do that sort of formation if you were truly thinking that someone would come up into the top of waltrip primarily that's at the very start of a raid you're trying to hunt the PMC's that are trying to do some PvP and trying to compliers down below or that's if you've had a fight up up here already and you know that players are going to eventually be baited up here as well tech light is one of the best loot locations in the entire map so people are going to come up here most likely it just depends on what type of player and the players are trying to you attract are the big boys the big PvP geared ones and that's why we want to learn the upstairs quite a bit down stairs is cool down stairs has even more loot than his upstairs it has mantis it has generic it has key but it has all these different places for loot it has tech so or techno it has its tech so it's over there it's over there towards Olly but the thing is that has all those loot locations but it actually is in my opinion not as good of a defendable position you can't really do as many flanks downstairs there's a lot more scavs that spawn downstairs you have a lot more connections to Goshen and Olly and idea it's not exactly the best place to be at all times in my opinion again this is my opinion so you totally tell me something different in my opinion the prey are always downstairs the Predators are always upstairs especially in this area there's really no loot up here if you're up here in ultra you're a predator you're preying on other players there's no reason for you to be anywhere up here other than trying to just PvP and find other players and shoot on people down below and I think that's a tactical decision made by the guys at battle State to make not really much loot up here make it kind of empty of loot so that this area is it too good because it's already in my opinion a very good position over watches a lot of what goes on downstairs so let's talk about the downstairs area let's go down we'll talk about maybe the ollie escalator and tech light area a little bit later so I think we've covered a decent bit of this area just I guess overview of upstairs try to learn it try to learn it I know it sounds dumb but if you learn the upstairs very well and you walk around the the stores maybe even once an offline you'll learn the different flanking routes and you'll be able to understand what type of movements players will make if you go in to the video I've made called inside the mind of drew ski there's a really really cool video I've made where I basically map out what I'm thinking of as I'm playing the game map wise and how I kind of form ideas about where the enemies could be and it doesn't happen all the time it's not I'm not perfect all the time but in that video it was a great example of like what I thought would happen would happen in different flanking routes and that sort of thing so yeah that's a great video for an example especially of extreme flanking routes like hey there's some people in the secret hallway hallway of idea I'm gonna run downstairs run into Goshen go through seeker go up secret go behind them like stupid long flanks where I'm literally just risking my entire life just to flank and pull a cool flank off but it's still fun though so let's go downstairs talk about that and say it for a little bit all right first off these escalators they're loud don't sprint up them remember what I said about the escalator way over there yep don't sprint up them don't do it it's a bad idea this is actually not a terrible position to peak from if you are spawning outside and you rush in here very quickly then always be aware of this angle right here same goes for you know the stairs over there killa is very commonly at the start of raids right at the front of ultra so be ready for a Killa if you run up here also be ready for possible players watching from tech light escalator or idea escalator and there's kind of a cool angle here and kind of a good camping spot I like this room called spiel I've never actually looked at the name before but I really like spiel and although it does require a little jump here there's kind of a cool spot that you can if if you know that somebody's about to come in the ultra front kind of a cool spot here you can sit here and watch that I bet if you did some parkour you could get up on that metal thing right there or maybe I'll jump up on those things if you really want to break your legs I don't want to right now because I have no meds but yeah there's some cool spots up here that you could try out and get used to and also you can quickly just like that and you bet you're back down to normal but there's a thing it's some good noteworthy interesting little positions that they've added there so the front area let's talk about this these front plates are God you kind of want to hide behind them at all times if you're up here and you should be very scared if you're right here this is a very hot area you kind of want to get through this as quick as possible same goes for the main hall super danger spot if you're right here the most likely place that PMC's are gonna kill you is either that way or maybe back behind you as well as the top of the back escalator right there they can be just laying down there like we were doing earlier and able to shoot you so gosh-darn easily now there's mantis which is a good a good medical place to go if you're kind of a lower level player but if you're a higher if you're like level 25 plus I wouldn't even go into mantis it's a very hard shop to get into without opening yourself up to really hot positions and so I wouldn't even go into mantis I think the moment you come up these stairs and either you choose to go left or to go right now I like going right I think rights the better place to go because these are very important shops up here the shop to your left spawns cowboy hats and you schanke's because there's a lot of mannequins in here and that's why I call this room cowboy I think it's actually called Levi's or something let me see your or revi revised revised yeah so I call this cowboy even though it's called revise call whatever you want that's just what I have it in my brain I guess and this is sports which I like to call gym so cowboy and gym these are very good stores to kind of anchor yourself in these very cold stores I like these places because they're stealthy they have good cover they're dark they also don't have much glass or anything I really like rushing into the front of ultra coming over here and camping right beside these little bicycles great spot to camp you can hear all the way down into Olly you can sit here and wait for somebody you can peek the angle here great spots great spots to counter people at the generic doughnut which again that area over there one of the most dangerous spots in the entire map to go so if you're in these areas that are dark around the the danger spot you're like yeah oh you're like a lion waiting in tall grass for the gazelles to water that's the that's the metaphor I'm gonna make here like you're seriously just waiting for people to go get loot and then you're waiting to kill them as they come out from getting loot or you're waiting for a fight to happen and then you're waiting for you to be the third party which is super fun so these are good places to approach this area from a deke is also pretty good it has some good angles I really like a deke for this angle right here which watches into all you can lay down and watch into Olly again laying down spots are meta because you can just have zero recoil in your gun let's look at the recoil difference between me shooting while standing you know that was two shots right there you could see the shot go way back into the wall and then me laying down hopefully I can spray two again yeah see the difference it was like four times the recoil when I was standing up which is crazy but nonetheless a deke has some good spots in it just be aware that the for the closer you get to generic in my opinion the weaker a deke gets in terms of good positioning and then there's Rasmussen Rasmussen is a super common place for players to go even though I think it's terrible it's terrible I really think that it this is your last resort and unfortunately it's whoever made interchange whoever designed interchange is a genius because they knew that Rasmussen was going to be one of the most trafficked shops or this this little path here was gonna be one of the most trafficked shops in the entire map and it's just ah they really they really just did a good job here so let me talk about this extra really quick let me go back to a deke and show you so there's a barricade here there's a barricade and it makes players walk out into this area here a lot of players will come and walk this way because they don't want to walk in to rasmussen they just choose hey there's glass there there's wood there I don't want to go into there so if you're if you're a smart player and you're choosing not to walk and rasmussen because it's a bad idea unless you're literally sneak walking the whole way then you go over here and remember that laying down spawn a deke it watches this angle so well so well plus if a player instead doesn't walk down this hallway to get at this point right here but they were to go around underneath the tech light escalator and go all the way around to gym or cowboy then you're gonna be able to hear them and you've still got a good position to ambush them from like you're laying on that box there you basically got this height and you're just able to watch right there so and you're in the dark so just know that that's a really good angle again I'm not saying run into the map and lay at these angles I don't think you'll be successful that way to be an interchange Goblin you kinda have to lurk around you have to hunt people you have to hear firefights run towards those firefights and then Crouch walk and sneak your frickin way up close to them and the more you know the map the more you'll guess the more you'll be able to understand where maybe that firefight happened and sounds are everything have your volume tinnitus level when you play this map just because then you'll be able to hear a little bit easier but rasmussen is crazy dangerous and let's talk about why first off glass first off weapons case sometimes a graphics card GM count you know goods good good loot spawns here good stuff but the problem is you just walked into the most dangerous area in the entire map and you were just walking on wood the whole time you're audible from there you're audible from those boxes you're audible from those you're audible from inside Papa John's you're audible from inside generic you're audible from inside key but you're audible from inside avacado usually knows yourself to the whole friggin map and they all know exactly where you are walking on wood reaches farther distances and walking on concrete I believe and you instantly just identified where you are because if people here would they either go okay they're in generic or they're in rasmussen and they can just hear they have two ears they have stereo headsets they're gonna be able to tell the difference so if you're walking through rasmussen man be careful because so easy to get camped from people up there so easy to get heard from people in avocado which is a great position to be in it's just not a good spot to go so I like to walk around a deke if I'm entering this area I like to quickly run like let's say if I'm entering from Ollie for example if I'm entering from Holly I'm not gonna walk into Rasmussen I'm gonna check Jim I'm gonna peek that spot in a deke just like this I'm gonna peek it and then I know that I'm probably relatively clear so I'm gonna walk this way I'm gonna check the glass up at the top of generic doughnut first honestly you really want to check like the hallway too there's a lot to check here this is a very dangerous area you want to kind of make sure that no players are here beforehand and then avoid this glass on the floor and then you're just gonna sprint run back here cuz this is a pretty good spot you're you're a lot safer here then you were two seconds to go over there you're in a dark spot you've got avocado right beside you which is a great store to camp in it's a good cold store and here is also a very good spot this is called cardboard we call cardboard it's a call-out for a lot of the cardboard box jump ups in the map and this is a very very good spot to be in it's kind of hard to kill people at cardboard from upstairs because the per the cardboard person is gonna hear you moving around upstairs and you have to peek a lot more than he does I feel like it's a lot easier to watch people upstairs than it is to shoot at people at cardboard because it's so dark right here you didn't even get lower and kind of peek wider angles too and he can hear and camp for people coming from assam usin kill a lot of people at this angle right here and you can see all the way down kiba mantas generic over here you can see down the generic Hall a little bit you can see into a laqad a little bit great spot in my opinion it's kind of hot experienced players will check this but most players won't so even in firefights especially in firefights a lot of these places become even more powerful camping here isn't really a great idea but if there's a firefight and you expect players in the area at a certain point like if you expect players to come around the corner of qiba if you're hearing a firefight or if your friend calls it out these places are good to go avocado this place is awesome so if I approach Ultra from Goshen I'm gonna walk down this hallway and into avocado I'm gonna hug this back wall and I'm going to check generic donut from here again I I feel like I'm playing like a wuss but really all it's all we're doing is just trying to utilize the dark shadows and stuff to our advantage and really make sure that we are in as dark of places as possible and that we're limiting our angles as much as possible but if you have a sharp angle like this you have a little really acute angle into a location like this it's one of the best places to be it's generally a good rule if you have a sharp angle into a hotspot where players are going to go that that is a generally good spot in my opinion so again a sharp angle means like you know we we don't really have too much to look at we can focus all of our eyes all of our focus can be on this little area right here there's usually a lot of scabs as usually a lot of players going to Kiba this is a good spot to be just make sure that if you are in a duos or above then have a person right here watching all the way to the back I also like this little trash bag right here just for some cover for some clutter and concealment makes it a little bit harder to spot a PMC if you're over there at the Goshen tints so let's talk about the loot so generic has okay loot it has a gold chain spawn right on this bed it's not that way was it no it's wait there's a stain there's a stain it looked like a gold chain there's an armor spawn that maybe maybe once in a blue moon honestly spawns right there oh that's a nice scope there's weapons great weapons case and another weapons case on the table there's some stuff like an a cane muzzle that spawns in the shelves not really crazy good loot I think this loot has honestly been nerfed in the past oh there's also a little ak74 spawn that's on that table that is like how it maybe last patch it was a 20% chance of spawning let's say usually an ak74 with like 30 rounds of PS in it so as a scav always go and check that and then there's Kiba this is the most dangerous area in the entire map by far 100% hundred-percent this right here this spot right here you have so many lure rooms you have so many players coming to this door right here and there's a reason that there's two doors because it takes a freaking long time to unlock you have to sit here and go Boop then you have to spam that and you have to unlock this one and boom your headshot you're dead so make sure you clear this area very well before you go for the doors the only cover you have is these middle cardboard boxes there's a reason that they move the doors of brutal over there there's the reason that the Adeeb doors are over there there's a reason that the generic doors are so far away whenever you enter this area you are committing to go into Kiba and honestly this is just such a scary spot to be in because you have the angles above generic doughnut you have all of generic hole area you have all of the front hall so you have J spot up there remember how J spot was really good but it was also very dangerous because see how easy it is to look up there but it's just another angle that can see you right now there's a lot of different places all the way down towards the inner calm donut lower area down there kiba's all glass and the glass is not bulletproof I don't know if I could prove that I don't I don't know if the bullet holes are going through kind of an interesting thing that newspaper goes you know yeah you guys are seeing what what I'm seeing right yeah kind of interesting that actually is really weird but the but this blocks it that's a really way that's like a that's like an illusion but uh yeah I don't even know what to tell you here just trying to get through this as fast as possible don't stay here don't defend if somebody upstairs shoots that you immediately expect that somebody's gonna be up at the other side because I've had so many times where I'm a bad guy right J's up there I'm up there and J says hey drew I see some people and kiba maybe I wasn't looking or maybe I was in Papa John's or something he says maybe I see drew I see some people in the Kiba hallway I'm immediately going to run to generic donut he's immediately gonna start shooting they're gonna take cover they're gonna oh my gosh somebody's shooting from there I'm gonna take cover right here and then they're gonna get head shot from me watching them in the back we literally had an example of this just a few days ago I'll show it right now there's tons of them keep a halt baby dropped one there out in front of corner Kiba corner outside corner Kiba where it exactly oh I see one I got I got the one down in front of a deke Nate's on him so another dangerous area is right here in the middle dropped one I think oh god I'm gone gone I mean a lot of players also like to for some reason defend this spot which is also a terrible spot to defend yeah there's a lot of cover you know why there's a lot of cover because this is a terrible spot to be in a lot of scabs spawn killem might pop out and ambush you this is just not a good place to be middle escalator can see you J spot opposite J spot generic don't ever come doughnut Goshen and yeah this is just not a very good place to be in at all it's all I can really say basically think of these as hot zones you want to get through these like there's not really a strategy to these places other than just understand that there's places an interchange that you want to run through those places that you want to stay at and sneak through and this is a place that you just want to run right through you never want to be here if you're here you're making a mistake that's literally the line unless there's a body that you killed that you have to loot don't go in these places there's literally no reason to go here there's always another way unless you're trying to sprint to the map or something I wouldn't even go here if I was sprinting through the map there's no reason you should be here unless you have to absolutely be here so yeah don't go manthis I don't I don't like manthis it doesn't have much loot I go in there if I'm the only reason I go in there is if I'm a scav I've been shot and I need a bandage it's kind of a maze I honestly I don't really like it just because the eggs the exits to mantas can be camped from upstairs so easily and I've killed a lot of players just by trapping them in mantas so not really a good place to be doesn't really have great loot in my opinion so let's go on to Goshen this is an interesting room I don't really have a name for this but it's called pretty lights I like to mid combat shoot that glass there makes a little bit easier to get inside this room I really like this room because you can walk all the way to the corner of it or sneak walk back here and you can listen extremely well into generic and kiba and call out positions of bad guys to your friends you can even hear all the way back into avocado if I'm finding somebody in avocado that's the move I would do I would go through that glass and then I would start peeking this right here as one of my friends or something is peeking from generic donut we actually did this exact attack just a few days ago as well all right so Goshen tints this is a dangerous area but it's also a very good area for camping I've been killed here there's a lot of good spots so you can sit at there's a lot of bad spots you can sit at basically know that a lot of scabs like this area I don't like this hard tint but what I do like is jumping up on all of this stuff here it's really fun you can get to a lot of weird places here a very good spot to camp anybody coming from the generic area is right here at this tint you can pop up and shoot them I've been killed from this exact position before and I learned from that and this is an awesome place to be secondly there's a weird jump that you can do you could also actually you lay down and watch it so kind of a weird lay down wait can you lay down yeah you can lay down and watch the front stairs from here it'll ask things like that it's a pretty dark area but dunno there's a lot of brightness behind you so if you're engaging somebody in Goshen you're silhouetting like crazy but watch this the jump it's kind of cool uh define up Bing know I went through it if you do oh okay oh we almost missed that uh if you do that jump and you do it correctly unlike I just did then you can get up on the tint on that tint and it's kind of weird interesting spot I'm not gonna try it too much but you can try it out yourself there we go and from here if you feel extra risky you can't really do anything from here other than just chill and peek into Goshen at a crazy angle but if you really want the craziest of angles hmm oh I missed it damn you can get up to that little spot right there and then you can just chill up there it's a lot harder to get to a lot less reasonable and rational but if you have the time and the dedication you can definitely get up there a lot of places to climb here look at this you can jump over this you definitely can't get up that but there's a lot of places that you can climb here so when you clear this area make sure to be looking up like where could players be where could players be you know where a player could be right up at the top of that port-a-potty you can climb this little cardboard box get up to the top of the porta potti is this still be usable yes it is holy crap okay um dad I did yep okay so a lot of different places their battle State please fix let's go back to a more calm doughnut and talk about it a little bit before we go into ultra so unlike generic where the only way to get from generic to Goshen area is to go through that that wooden cafe right beside the tents let's actually go back there really quick just to show you it so the quickest way to go from generic to Goshen is this cafe right here so generic is just down there we're gonna walk from generic we're gonna go in between those two things we're gonna walk right here I'm gonna walk in a cafe and out through that tint so it's a pretty far walk you can see like Generic is way down there generic is the door is just to the right of that red there so let's go back to the opposite side where it's mirrored but not mirrored exactly it's a broken mirror it's different a little bit all of interchange is mirrored but slightly altered on each side and again whoever designed this map I want to have your babies hit me up you know I've got my phone number got my Twitter your your map designers just oh so good all right so let's talk about eMERCOM donut and then we'll go back to all right now I just made a statement about cafe all right so remember how you had to walk from generic to cafe and it was a pretty far walk well the opposite of or the opposite of generic is this which is costume and look how far it is from from Causton to go into Goshen you don't have to walk all the way cafe you just walk right through bizarro or you walk right through this bathroom connector and that's koushin right there that's all of goshen so this bathroom I really like because it's a very nice shortcut it's really dark not a lot of players know about it especially if you close the door it just looks like an another like look at that no new player is going to think that that's an unlockable door they're gonna be like what is this they're gonna see it's a breach and they're gonna go into this and be like it's probably just another breach and then they're not gonna try that door so if you want a good spot to kind of sneak around in also check out the angles here look at the angles you can get from here looking into eMERCOM doughnut looking at the top of member comm don't can you see actually where's it where's the top eMERCOM donut other than that I don't think you can really can you see anything no you actually can't okay you can't see the top of your common donut I was wrong but you can't see all of em er come this is what we call just to the right of that bathroom library there's a library upstairs as well but it's just kind of within context gun weapon case there this is also a good spot I like sitting at the back of this and watching the mantis hallway like this just like we do with the avocado peak this is the opposite of avocado so no wonder I like this room it's a really really good peek into the main hallway from here again we're always putting our back to a wall always hug in the dark rooms that don't have any wood or don't have any glass in them and just that's the way to win interchange honestly keep your back to a wall know the areas know the flanking routes stay in the dark rooms run through the hot areas and sneak around be a freaking goblin boys eMERCOM donut is okay it's very open but if you are 100% okay with the fact that people might be camping upstairs which they usually don't I'll never come donut and you can hear them if they come close to the glass you're also right beside the main route from idea into ultra but you can easily take cover and you know defend a little bit from there especially like in this room if you run into this room hey graphics cards if you run into this room then you're pretty pretty covered up pretty camo'd and concealed but you can jump up here and you can watch all the way down to Kiba so this is an interesting spot not many people that are going and checking Kiba are gonna look all the way down here unless they're very experienced players if they're very experienced players are gonna check every angle so yeah eMERCOM done' it's okay for that little piece of cover right there that little jump up Costin not a really room I like being in it's kind of lit up a lot of silhouetting can be done there it's okay in terms of cover but yeah so first before we go into Goshen we're gonna talk about the secret stairs so if you ever want to go upstairs but you don't want to take those main escalators let's talk about this so I just went from ultra to Goshen this is Goshen that's where the tents were that's where we were jumping up on that Tintin getting the crazy angle into Goshen so remember that is all ultra over there that's all ultra this is all Goshen now in Goshen on both sides there's these doors and if we look can I see it from here there's those doors way over there you see those tan orange doors with the two windows they're the same they're the same it's mirrored right these are some of the best routes that you can go on in the entire map I really like these spots if you're a audio freak and you can hear very well like I can I will boast about my ability to hear things cuz my friend always go what the flipped ruski how did you know something was there and I'm like I have tinnitus because of tarkoff basically I like these places a lot because they're very tight-knit rooms they also have some loot in them like computer stuff and I usually can I usually can beat players in these rooms I think it's just because if you are staying slow you're staying quiet you can ambush players really really well here and you'll have a good time I'll have a really good time so how to get to the upstairs the secret way you go through you know from Goshen you go straight into this room and you're just gonna cut straight into the back you're gonna go it's a straight line from Goshen in it's a straight line through all these doors and then you're at these stairs and these stairs are the secret stairs and these are on the idea side of the map so these are called the idea secret stairs be careful going up these because there might be a player coming down I have never ran into a player on the stairs themselves because players usually just walk right through them they don't sneak up them there's so many stairs they get bored and they just walk right up so players never really chill around there then you can check these angles then you then you're back into the upstairs of of ultra and I would say that the secret stairs are almost in every case other than right as you spawn in and you want to get upstairs as fast as possible the secret stairs are always better places to use to get upstairs or downstairs than the main escalators the main escalators are really spoopy and they're not good and I don't like them and there's not good places to go so let's talk about Goshen I think Goshen is one of the hardest places to go in because it's got a lot of lights it's got a lot of dynamic lighting to it a lot of sounds and generators there's usually scabs here walking down the middle from ultra and Goshen I don't know if I have many strategies for Goshen I think Goshen basically never walked down this main road this main path it's literally a road look there's tire marks never walk down the main path always go through the sides Goshen has you know these two big garage doors as this one that has one over to the right but don't even use those those are visible all the way from ultra they're visible all the way from that checkpoint area where the all those cars are and stuff all those trucks and there's doors there they're there and then there's more doors there they're there and they're like all the way through the back so there's no reason for you to go through these really big open garage doors and I just I just don't know why people really like these really like walking through these they're just not good places to go through and let's see you're really cocky and confident there's a lot of angles that can see you this is what I call the Goshen checkpoint there's a lot of trucks here a lot of different places to kind of be sneaky basically if I'm here I'm very scared of people coming from power plant down that hallway I'm very scared of people coming down that hallway from the southeast extract not as scared of players coming from Goshen because again if they come through those garage doors well they've got like very easy places for me to see them and it's very easy to flank them if I want to so I'm not too worried about that if I'm in this area I'm usually crouched walking and sneaking and watching that angle making sure nobody's that way and also you know making sure nobody's that way don't really want to be here too long just because there's so many different angles and wow it's already been 30 minutes holy crap and yeah don't really want to be here for too long kind of a hot area you want to get through here as fast as possible Goshen it's kind of the same with the rest ago ssin there's not much loot in Goshen other than some car batteries Salewa though some car batteries some to schanke's maybe some odds and ends but not really much loot in Goshen that back hallways one of the the scarier places that's one of actually a pretty hot location as well I don't really like the back hallways like walking through Goshen itself instead of the back hallway so a usual path that I take from ultra to get to southeast is to walk through this area here through all of these dark areas I try to stay in the shadows as much as I can very common car battery spawns along this shelf here and then we're gonna go into the Goshen light room I like to call X it's got a lot of light up there and then we're out to Southeast this is a pretty common area that I like to or that I accidentally run into players sometimes players will like to sit around here quite a bit loot these containers even though I had never even looted them I think there's my probably like a weapons case somewhere within them there's also some good jumpy spots here oh wait let me see let's say there you go some good jumpy spots you can get up on some of the containers up here just walk around like that one you can probably get up on top of those although it's well-lit if you see that shelf over there here actually let me get up I get up here show you guys something I don't really want to run to it squares I don't want to waste your time you see that shelf you can get up on that forklift on the front of the forklift on that box then you jump to the top of the forklift then you can jump onto that shelf and you can get up all the way to the top then you can lay down at the top long ways on the shelf you can lay down and watch all the way down here I have killed so many players from that spot I can't even imagine how many players thought I was hacking cuz they just got one tapped when they walked in this door from 200 meters away their friends just hear nothing they just hear the thwack and that's it so what southeast southeast is sketchy southeast is one of those dangerous spots the map it's the definitely most dangerous spot outside of the actual mall itself after this we'll go into ollie after this restart but we'll use these seven minutes to talk about southeast in itself so first off a lot of scabs like to spawn here so when you come up here you need to be aware of scabs possibly walking on that ramp across they will shoot you from that angle it's kind of nuts you need to be able to check this area I usually just check the Ollie area there and watch this angle like this and you can watch all the way down to the end of the little upper platform here exit campers are most common around the southeast extract and I'll show you one of the places that I don't really like going up here I think it's kind of cheap and it's almost so cheap that I don't like it it's it's actually one of the spots that I don't like going to but also it's very hot it's very easy to get shot up here and I don't like dying I like I will I will not even get into a fight if I know I'll die in the fight I play very passively and so I don't like going up here but a lot of players do and a lot of players are very successful at killing players up here because not a lot of players know that you can even get up on this area of the roof it's wood for some reason instead of metal which I kind of wish it was metal they'd make a little bit more sense but you're very audible you're very open but you've got so many angles and 1/3 maybe even one fifth of the tarkoff player base that regularly plays interchange even knows that this is a thing you can jump over here have a little bit better cover because you could like let's say lay down and just you know the angles are a little bit more limited but man you're playing very offensively if you're over here oh nope nope I knew I wasn't gonna make it so this is the south east ramp will not even talk about all yet we'll come back to this area if you're running down south east ramp from both sides so you see how that fence connects right there at the ramp same thing here the fence connects best way to run down the ramp is there's a serpentine the flippin heck out of this ramp and then jump over right here at the fence and jump over you want to get out of the ramp as quick as possible it's a huge open area there is ZERO cover and your profile your silhouette is insane you're a dark camouflaged man on a white grey background it's very easy to see you you want to get out of there as quick as possible my favorite routes towards the extract are from here from that drop-down I would run along the right side of the highway all the way until the extract if I were to jump down from the left ramp I would run one second I would run I'm trying to get to where I'd be I would run behind this truck again we're jumping from that spot right there we jumped down onto the grass we run against this truck either go left into that hole or through here and then use the trench this trench is a little bit more dangerous than going against the back wall though so my friends like to use this path a lot I'm not a huge fan of it but if they're doing it I'll do it too just because I have them there to protect me it's kind of harder to ambush a group of you know two or three people instead of just one but if I'm solo I'll always take that back route all the way against the back wall and then go into the extract here the most common spots I see extract campers sitting at is those bushes or the hill right at the corner the very back corner there's usually some extract campers there so just be careful when you're over here guys very dangerous spot I wouldn't ever run within these roads basically think of this ring as a ring of death the closer you get into the center of these flags is is the more likely you will die even if you're in these bushes you know honestly good good extract camping spot would be these bushes cuz nobody checks these when they come walking out and you'd be able to hear a lot from here and see a lot from here another note about southeast extract and the area around it and again I wish I could kind of recover everything but I really can't one of the most common places that people will approach the southeast extract is also against this blue wall and they'll not come from from this actual ramp at all they'll come from the bottom there or most likely underneath Ollie they'll go down the generic hole at the bottom of the generic doughnut and that area leads to the parking garage that comes out of that hole right there and then they'll walk against the fence and they'll come up here and they'll walk all the way to the edge we've had some fights here where we killed I think for total teams in one raid we killed four teams it was me and AV we killed four different groups of people they're worse calves and PMC's but they all tried this extract and we weren't camping we came up on the southeast extract we killed a guy here and then we killed a guy that was also trying to kill him these scabs came up this way and it was a good time but we ended up with like four different teams killed at this one spot because they were all attempting this extract to South East which was kind of nuts what else about the southeast area I'm not really sure oh let me talk about we have two minutes so in Goshen near that checkpoint where you know there was the trucks and I was saying it was a pretty hot area there is at the very back of that checkpoint a wooden ramp and the wooden ramp is a stairwell that goes down into the garage and I don't have time right now I'll probably show you in the next minute but that garage goes downstairs and it's a crazy flanking route so I'm trying to get the angle for you really quick let me see if I can jump this and then jump that I don't know if I can make this jump oh yeah nice okay so all the way down wow that's a very simplified view of goshen holy crap the key to fix all the way down to the I'm confused what I'm looking at of the middle checkpoint which is supposed to be there on the right side of it there's that stairwell that's behind some chain-link fences it's a wooden stairwell it brings you down into the underbelly the under garage of the back end of the shopping mall and that's a very good flanking route if someone happens to be up on southeast and you tried to extract through you know this door or you tried to extract through I don't know anywhere then you can go back into Goshen go into that stairwell go down and then you can walk out you know through the road this way or you could walk through all the way to this area the parking garage and there's a hole in the parking garage down this way you could come out here into this area of the forest and you could snipe them and flank them we attempted that flank the other day but the other team that we were fighting against unfortunately just ran away and so we weren't able to get them but if the team was you know playing it slow then we were they we would be able to get that flank off and it would have worked alright my voice is almost gone from talking for almost 80 minutes straight now now we're going to go in - Olly Wow very convenient spun we actually can showcase exactly what I was talking about so let's say you shoot somebody up here and they run up this southeast extract ramp or something and you want to flank them because they know that you're down here and they're up there they're gonna try to watch you you don't need to go up the ramp you just run back this way there's a grenade box in that tint by the way and just over here you'll find the wooden stairs and yeah they would they're kind of loud but not many people camp you know goshen checkpoints so you're I've never actually been ambushed going up these stairs you kinda have to focus on what you're stepping uncle's are kind of weird they're kind of spoopy stairs but now you're up here now you're in Goshen and now the guy who you were just getting shot at from up on the platform is going to be most likely right here at the fence looking down trying to still find you so yeah good times good flanks good memes so next Olly part 3 is Olly Olly use one of my favorite spots I think it's one of the spots that a player could master the most I think it's one of the most active spots on the map and it's recently become even more active thanks to the hideout because there's a lot of hideout loot in Olly so Ali's one of the most interesting places and I think it's also one of the places where you can really learn a lot about player movement and how players usually go into Olly so if a player is coming from Goshen and they want to go into Olly they'll go through here they'll enter through the all the offices go towards the bathroom area of the all the offices and then they'll go into Hawley if they're exiting or entering Olly and trying to either get to southeast or they're coming from southeast they're not going to go through that way I just mentioned they're going to go through this garage door up here on our right and this is one of the most common spots in the entire map I would say if you know 10 PMC's survive an interchange raid about maybe 4 3 2 4 them go through this exact spot right here they will leave footprints right here because they'll always jump out of this spot and go down the ramp towards the southeast extract so this area right here is pretty common just because you know a lot of players like to roam through here and go out that extract a lot of fights have happened here in my opinion and there's a lot of flanking routes here as well there's also a lot of audible opportunities here if you keep your ears open here you can hear a lot you can get a lot of info you can flank players it's kind of awesome this is what we call the ollie back haul I get a lot of flanking routes if somebody's down that back haul I could flank into ollie or I could flank outside or somebody's outside and my friend is on the ramp right here shooting at them or something I could flank through the inside and go up to that garage door that you can see the light coming out of and shoot them from there I've done all those things a few times and so have a lot of other players in this game this is ollie light room this room is a very visible visible room you kind of want to get through this room as fast as possible there's really not much loot there's sometimes things like there or in this basket there Greek are batteries but you want to get through here as fast as possible and get into Ollie now I'm gonna stop here before I cut into path a which is how I would enter Ollie if I spawned at southeast let's act like I spawn at southeast this raid and this is going to be paths a first we're gonna talk about path be really quick and then we're going to come back to path a and why this path is good but first off we're gonna go to path B so if we're in path B we're going to walk into Ollie up the southeast ramp we're gonna come into here and we're going to run all the way back to the Ollie offices back door and the Ollie offices back door and the Ollie offices themselves are really fun because you can hear throughout the entire thing if you're at one into the all the offices you have your headset turn up enough if you have a good headset if you have also a headset in game you can hear all the way through the offices so check this angle here make sure nobody chillin in here and my first actual video of interchange the thumbnail was right here fun fact well maybe it was no I think it was actually right here it was right here but this room is called the Olli offices bathrooms there's a women's bathroom there in a men's bathroom the women's has always spawned closed and the men's are way sorry the women's has always spawned open and the min sorry I totally thought that was a women I guess I guess I was and I'm not gonna make that joke so all the doors will spawn all the same so if you see a door like this that's open on both sides like like right now we haven't changed any doors in the entire map other than maybe we open the back door of I don't even know but no we didn't we didn't so all these doors if you memorize the way these doors are opened or that they're closed you can tell a player has changed them because these doors don't spawn randomly these two doors will always spawn open so if you see this if you peek outside of Olli if you're over there and you peek this door in the stores like this you immediately know a player has been here because they've touched the doors so these doors are always closed these doors are always both open one of those doors is open that door is always open that doors is always closed especially if you see the men's bathroom open dude you need to go clear that there's no reason for them someone to go in there unless they went in there and they're hiding in there and waiting for you right now so yeah this is a very defendable position and this is again route B into Olli and so I would come into the Olli offices go into the Olli bathroom room I would right here peek the long way make sure nobody's there if there's any scavs I would get rid of those scabs and then I would run over to this right door I would peek down this way just to make sure unless a friend is also going to light room just make sure nobody's coming because I can see right there that glowing kind of brighter green that's the entrance to the light room we were talking about earlier that's where we ended our route a and at this angle here I would get up to cardboard this is cardboard just like we have cardboard in generic donut we have a cardboard in Ali and Ali's cardboard can see quite a bit it can see to the back of Ali which is kind of lit up if you point your point of view at an angle for some reason interesting exploit you can see the front of all you can see anybody coming from ultra through this little line right here you can see anybody come up the stairs from this line right here so it's a pretty good angle you're also in the dark you also have some cover it's kind of hard to grenade you you can also see people down there if you really are committed to fighting people in ultra you can lay down here have a good recoilless position there I like just chilling back here and leaning around this corner though I try to stay again I I I will always take cover over awareness and and visibility and sight lines I like to rely on my hearing a lot more which very fortunately you can hear through walls in this game so if someone's walking in the hallway right here you're gonna be able to hear them and they're gonna be able to hear you which a lot of people don't realize walls don't deffence and in this game it's only elevation it's only levels halfway down that escalator I'm not gonna be able to hear you walking up the escalator anymore if you're walking down stairs unless you're directly underneath me or you're directly over me I'm not gonna be able to hear you either at all so kind of interesting stuff so if I were to approach Ali and I went through the route Bravo route B I would use this cardboard I'd scan the area if the nobody's there if nobody's coming up the front of Olli then I'm going to leave this good little bunker position and I'm gonna want to get over to ultra my number one way is going on these plants here so I like to walk on these plants it keeps me up against the wall I can always jump down onto guess Glade if I start getting shot it from let's say you know the front stairs but it offers me some good cover using this shelf here from the front stairs which again if I'm spawning at southeast and I walk into the back in Diwali I'm going to always expect somebody to be walking in the front in Diwali around the same time and so I'm going to get down here this area is kind of dangerous but it also is kind of dark and has good cover as well and you can watch the front stairs pretty well so I kind of like this area again it's Ollie it's it's always kind of dangerous you want to get through this area and the closer you get to that light right there in that big pillar you want to get to those areas ASAP so okay we're gonna cut route Bravo we're gonna go back through a and talk about route a basically just to refresh while we're walking these cash registers I don't like being in them at all the light is the main thing and also you're opening yourself up to a lot of angles again you'll notice the path thing we have here there's always a wall to our back we're always on the edge of something and I didn't really plan that that actually wasn't really planned it just kind of happened over time the most effective routes ended up being the routes that I have a back my wall or my back to a wall so route 8 continues from Lightroom we would cut over here we're gonna check down this way just in case somebody's coming at us if they spawned in the front of Ollie and we're gonna run all the way down the back of Ollie here and the back wall as you can see we really like the dark spots we really like the dark places now if somebody spawned front Ollie and they rushed they could be right in front of you right here so be careful you could run into somebody at any point in this area here especially if you sprint ran in there's a few nice spots here you can jump up on the cardboard at that corner man I wish I brought a flashlight and you can jump up on this shelf one of my favorite spots and all of it are changes this shelf and it's unfortunately exploitable as you can see we could actually see anybody walking in the generic donut area in a deke we could see any of that if somebody's walking in furniture as well even though we'd be able to see them they would be not silhouetting in real life if you 80's it's very very dark there in good concealment there unfortunately for them I can just undo and I see a gigantic bright light behind them and they're gonna be silhouetting like crazy so yeah great spot but tarkoff please fix you can lay down right here and I think you can lay down and kind of peek this hallway maybe you can't lay down and do it but you can peek all the way to Texas and furniture which is the next stores that will talk about that the end of the guide will be textile and furniture in the tech light escalator area but this air is pretty good I like this spot you can also I mean some players don't even notice you up here because it's kind of darker behind you a little bit especially if the Sun is slightly different some players will walk over here and now I even know that this is jumpable up on my friend clutch has been able to get to that box somehow I think he like laid down and crawled on Anders or no he jumped backwards I think I don't know how he did it I really don't know how he did it but somehow he got over to that box one time but I can't seem to do it yeah I can't seem to do it I don't know there's a way to get on to that box and lay down and be floating about like two feet up in the air I don't know how to do it but these are the ollie front office's there's not really much loot here honestly these ones I don't even think are really worth going into unless you're really trying to flank around to the left just for the purpose of this video I'm just gonna cut around shortcut this way this is a kind of dangerous area to be a lot of scabs will be patrolling this area here a good area to be is this front little office here it's a single hallway it's a good flanking group if people are fighting in the central area of Ollie where a usual fight will happen but just be careful this door is only one point so when you come through those front office's to this door you do our you are still awaiting a little bit plus you I mean you're kind of left peeking a lot if you want to sit a little bit more you're right peeking and you can see all the way to cardboard the jump up that we did before but this is a predictable spot so just know that it's a good spot but it's predictable so let's talk about the main area of Ollie here this area is extremely hot I would say equally as hot as the generic donut area just because it's got so many angles if you're standing right here you are visible from over like six different angles six different hallways addy a secret hallway all of all of Ollie which is like 50 hallways honestly you're visible from that door we were just set which is a pretty popular spot you're visible from the tech light you're visible from tech so you're visible from boots for life you're visible from tech so if I didn't say tech so and there's just a lot of places eating a shot here there is a lot of cover but you notice when you plays this map a lot that the places that have a lot of cover have it on purpose because you're already in a bad spot it's trying to help you when you're in a bad spot but it's just if you read the map you notice that these areas of a lot of good cover are some of the worst places to be because they're out in the middlee open this area is very interesting and it's so complicated that honestly I think the best way to describe it is just always have your back to a wall always be knowledgeable of that shelf that shelf is right there it can see you I mean the one that we were jumping up on always be knowledgeable that people can be up at tech light people can be anywhere in Ollie and have eyes on this one spot people can be in a Deek if you shoot somebody here they can go all the way around to gym and go all the way around and flank to the bottom of the escalator it's very common for people to be in tech so because there's graphics cards and motor spawns there it's very kind of people for people to be up in tech light because there's also like good spawns there some people hatch it run just these two shops and then they'll just disconnect from the server so I just want you to know this is a bad spot to be in this is one of the worst spots to be in what I like to do is I like to come around this corner immediately check secret and maybe check the upper area of that and then I'll run around to the back of furniture and the back of furniture is this shop right here it's all of furniture is this shop again check secret make sure nobody's there furniture is a really really good spot because one it's very close to the furniture escalator which goes down and we'll talk about some underneath linking roots in a second you can listen here for people in generic doughnut generic doughnuts right here avocado is just right here and rasmussen starts about I think I like right at this pillar so rasmussen starts right here it's the woodshop we were talking about earlier with the glass generic donut very very loud you don't want to be in it but it's very audible from furniture furniture in the very far back is really dark and it has good camping spots good cover so I like furniture it's the best place you can be out of all of these different locations in this in this little circle here all right so tech so has some loot has some graphics cards and tech light also has some loot tech light escalator is kind of interesting if you come up it you need to just do the same thing we did at idea escalator you need to check all the way down really quick make sure nobody's coming and then we would go over to the generic donut that way so flanking routes through the underneath there's a fleet there's a flue a few different flanking routes that you can do with the under part of the parking garage let's say you have a battle with somebody right here somebody's shooting you from here they're there right there where I just shot or maybe they're at the front so they're either in in position one or they're right here at position two so if you're engaging them from this from ultra basically you're in ultra you're in this side of the map you're engaging somebody at ally and you're shooting them and you're shooting them and they're kind of they're kind of getting the advantage then you can go down these stairs don't go down the left one because there's a couch you go down into the parking garage there's a grenade box right here to your left you can go all the way back this way and there's two different options you have here first off make sure there's no scabs there's some scabs that spawn right there there's the back alley escalator and then there's the front all these stairs so if you wanted to flank to option there option one I think I don't think I said a and B I think isn't one two you could sneak up these escalators which again don't sprint up them like I just said you can sneak up them and get an angle right here and flank or if you wanted to you could go all the way to the front of Ollie and flank through that way so as you can see it's not just that that area up there right above us the area that I'm talking about it is really dangerous the intersection between ultra and Ollie not just dangerous because of the areas right there it's dangerous because you can get flanked from literally any direction if someone's on one side of you they can get on the absolute opposite side of you without you being able to see them even go downstairs which is spooky as hell so just be careful there is glass here which alerts anybody sitting on the no main stairs that you are here but if there let's say if you're sitting up with this thing and you're shooting somebody in furniture and then you don't see him for a while they could have gone down the escalator could could have gone down that way could have either shot us from cardboard or they could have shot us from behind and we wouldn't even know it that's why this is one of the most dangerous spots on the entire map and you should play around it don't go through it unless you really need to you should be sprint running through this at all times and serpentining as you do it don't even try to look for people just serpentine and hope that they missed the first shot so that you are able to hear and see where they are after that but yeah these areas are really really dangerous so this also is another flanking route if we want to get to generic donut we can go underneath Ollie and instead of going down that hallway where we could have where we lay down in a deke and we were able to see all the way to Ollie or we would have to walk through Rasmussen you know that that would shop with the glass at the start we can just walk downstairs run over to this caved in floor here and this is also a pretty common spot but it's usually only common for you know the players that know the bottom of the map we could come up this whole check that nobody's watching from the glass of above check the nobody's down the hallway you've got some okay cover around you honestly as long as it is long as nobody's up at the top what I like to do here is just hope for the best sprint run into avocado and then now you're in a good spot you know you're at this angle that we were talking about earlier that's a really what then why do I start sprinting the other way it's a really good spot you can watch down generic and you didn't have to walk through stupid ol Rasmussen honestly you're gonna be only visible to the guys up above for just like a few seconds they're not expecting somebody to come up the hole they're expecting to see people way down there or expecting to see people way down there they're not looking straight down and you're not even a little audible to them I bet until you're probably right here you're not even audible so just come with these stairs check your clothes front really quick and then just hope that no scabs are there run into avocado and when you're in avocado make sure to be aware of people up above all right guys I think that's it for my at least part one guide this video was probably an hour over an hour long so that's my guide for interchange I'm really tired it's 4:00 a.m. in the morning and I've almost lost my voice because of this video I've been talking so much so leave some feedback in the description or in the comments down below and maybe we'll cover the outside of interchange in the next episode cover the strategies and some of the things there I use but yeah I think we covered a lots of interchange we covered all the main common areas and I think I I think we definitely brushed over some areas like some a lot of the underneath of the map we didn't cover a lot of the outside of the map we didn't even cover but those areas are a lot more muscle memory locations I don't think those areas really has like as much strategy also they aren't really as common as well so I hope that I covered the most common areas in the map and I hope that this will help you out in becoming a better player at interchange and if you really liked this guide definitely just start putting goblin at the end of your tags so that if you die or if somebody kills you and they realize they recognized goblin in your dog tag then they know that you're a fellow interchange goblin and you know you're basically a pro at this map so if you're a fellow interchange goblin like me you know what I'm gonna start changing my dog tag it's gonna start having Goblin in it so that all of us will be able to see each other and fight each other and if we fight each other we're gonna give each other good good handshakes good good chess you know chess match ending handshakes none of that toxic toxicity in here we're all goblins if we have goblins in our dog tag we're all goblins and that we always respect each other you know fellow goblins fellow interchange goblins we unite we try to prey upon the people that are below in ultra as we stay up on the top and camp from generic donut so uh yeah thanks for watching guys I am freakin tired I'll see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 547,631
Rating: 4.8401546 out of 5
Keywords: tarkov, interchange tarkov, interchange tarkov pvp guide, tarkov interchange pvp guide, tarkov interchange pvp, pvp interchange, tarkov interchange tactical guide
Id: -an0b7qi3ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 36sec (6876 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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