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okay um so we're gonna do is we're going to create a new account have a new login name have a new email oh [ __ ] we got to do a new email okay well do this email how long does it take for battle states to send an email oh wait there man all right are we gonna be a bear or are we gonna be a you sec I say we'd be a bear because we have a you sec on our other account boom so first things first we have our hard core standard account here okay so first things first we could eat everything except for the container we knew the container check deleted we get our first few proper quests oh and these are probably the only first requests you can get I don't think there's anything else no I don't think so okay so the rules of a hardcore account are this start with nothing you can only put keys into your container that is it keys are the only thing that can go in here okay you cannot insure you cannot buy you can only barter so if I go here and I click so I can only barter so let's say I want it in the 8th cane right I would need to find 2 horses to get an aks you let's say I wanted a cam I would need to find 3 to Shanker to get an 8 a.m. a T 5 T plug 4 PP so I could only barter I cannot buy ok ooh this will be huge so first things first what map is the easiest to start off as a solo hatchling with no backpack can you scab no you are not allowed to scav PMC only the worst part about this is if I die I they have one HP that's the problem so I need to find meds very quickly so I think what I'm gonna start off by doing is I think I'm gonna start by hitting weapon crates and trying to find guns and then I'm gonna hit med rooms to find AI - and then I think I'm gonna extract and then I'm gonna put the guns away and then go again and this time I'll hit up filing cabinets and sleight you know sift through the filing cabinets I don't know we'll see you we got to play it by ear we gotta see how this is gonna go it's gonna be really really hard the worst part about doing hardcore is that I have to sit here and wait and I'm so lightly geared and so underleveled that I'm gonna [ __ ] blow dick I'm just look at me I'm a level 1 I don't even have a melee weapon I only got my fists I need to so oh this is gonna be hard ok first plan of attack I think we hit up as many loot spots as we can and go straight to manhole get the [ __ ] out I think I think that's what we do oh my god I have no stamina holy [ __ ] I got no stamina at all oh my god I can't sprint at all dude we should have a deathcounter gonna be dying a lot oh oh I could keep those that's the only thing I could gamma oh my god yes that's huge oh my god you don't even know how huge that is that is huge that's 25 chances at decent [ __ ] inside marked room that's the only thing I could game I could only gamma keys oh god people are here oh [ __ ] Oh No can you plan of attack this is gonna be ballsy but I'm gonna head up this building right here the building where the boss hangs out I'm gonna hit up that building and hope for the best oh god I hear something nice all right friendly just a friend that is Lee oh [ __ ] net bang I don't even head back down here never been done here oh [ __ ] are those Oh bandages well bandages are pretty good I just need one though car med kit I can't take it though [ __ ] Oh Sally whoa [ __ ] I can't take it though okay we don't have space somebody's walking out there heard him get one's dead team it too okay okay okay okay I don't have to do there's so much loot I'm there I'm stopped oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's huge okay I need to I need to make room for that without a day Oh duster one okay that needs to be priorities here get rid of that gold chains I'm trying to think does a gold chain barter for anything dude there's a guy in that tower I think I don't know it's it looked like it oh God I'm on edge please please please please please [Music] I head up oh that's the guy no I don't I don't want to dude that's the guy with the m1 a bro they're fighting each other I don't watch you know I don't know oh no that guy that murdered everybody's he's coming this way well I'm hiding all right boys I'm scared I think it's time to roll out a little bit I think I think I feel like there's no way people are still in this raid right like I think I think we're good to move out trains here or wait two horns does that mean the train is leaving that might mean the trains leaving actually no no no I think that train just got here that's that's the guy that's the player that's the guy I saw that I was shooting at that's the guy that got killed by the guy at the m18 that's him freaking out break it out seven minutes okay we gotta hit the button on leave I think oh but this guy's got stuffed you [ __ ] [ __ ] the sks common okay six minutes bringing back back it's [ __ ] bug look at this [ __ ] man I can't like look I hate [ __ ] keeps bugging out I've never been so nervous in my life I've never been so [ __ ] is that at me what's kept shooting at me please no Raiders the police no Raiders please no [ __ ] Raiders please all right first hardcore rate of the day I'd say that was a success he could have taken the Train true but there's a chance that that guy that killed these people is near that train and I did not want to risk it [ __ ] that okay I'd say that was a pretty good [ __ ] hardcore game huh that was good so now I think what we do now is we go in with our pistol our MP okay the Zippos barter for nades from peacekeeper level one good comms my game froze we ran a half hour painkillers our IFAC and three magazines we're gonna bring a scav backpack and now we got to think what's a good spot to load up my scabs backpack and have an easy way out that was a great first raid I was expecting that to go very very poorly but I'd say what pretty well Oh God why'd you spot me here [ __ ] scabs damn it's hard to name this [ __ ] thing just get me [ __ ] inside bed just give me inside I don't care Skippy its ID hoes for hideout no true daddy well we might skip we might come back dead boys I don't know where it [ __ ] logged me out but we might come back dead which would suck he's he's Murphy no oh my goodness put me right here dude suppress shots literally everywhere I need to stay away from the combat you stay away from all the fighting hello Maya these are players brother oh he was deseed oh [ __ ] I did not know those were players that guy was deseed I thought it was a scab no I'm sorry man I don't listen hey pretend that never happened pretend we never even saw each other forget about it forget it forget that happened it's cool it's cool man you sure saw somebody bro I'm so scared I don't know what to do I got [ __ ] flashed I don't even know where from that was a player's SCAF need a pilgrim holy [ __ ] that was close okay dude the servers are on fire I bet you ever since this game got a little more exposure I I seriously don't feel like it's the server's being overloaded I feel it's more likely some [ __ ] some boy out there learning how to do some [ __ ] script [ __ ] and he's like oh [ __ ] so I was [ __ ] he was looking for my ass he felt me there dunk bucket ain't kiddin you what was there fact to mark you ain't bad bruh true I just doesn't knowing I [ __ ] the lag was frustrating there but at the same time I don't know if would have changed the fight at all maybe battle states should just really built in a hardcore mode I think people would love that oh that would be interesting so everybody that is in the game is playing hardcore that'd be really good actually that'd be smart so you just saw you lot do die yeah I like that
Channel: Shroud
Views: 940,330
Rating: 4.9103251 out of 5
Keywords: shroud, shroud ert, ert shroud, escape from tarkov
Id: 3FBGLRjqylQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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