I FLEW INTO HURRICANE LAURA (LIVE WEATHER) - Microsoft Flight Simulator - Part 12

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good afternoon passengers and welcome back to yet another t martin airlines flight i hope you brought your rain boots your umbrella and maybe some ratchet straps because i don't think your seat belt's going to save you we're flying into a hurricane this right here is hurricane laura this is a uh a category four storm that this evening is gonna be bearing down on the coast of kind of like the texas louisiana border you guys could see she's uh she's almost made it there i think around here is the eye of the storm so she's she's moving north and uh it's going to be a rough one honestly it's not a laughing matter like obviously we like to hop on this game and have fun and stuff like that i'm looking forward to flying into a hurricane like an idiot but it's nothing to joke about if you guys are down there i hope you're safe i plan on donating all the the money that this video makes to like the red cross or something like that i'll try to find something where that money's actually gonna go to those those communities and stuff it's um it's it's the real deal it's a big storm cat 5 is the highest you can get so currently cat 4 may even gain a little bit more speed we'll see what happens we'll talk about all this once we get in the plane i mean i i'm pretty familiar with hurricanes 40 of all the hurricanes that form in the atlantic end up hitting florida so we get at least a few of these every year i am no uh no no stranger to them but uh i've never flown into one so let's give it a shot so we're gonna be taking off from houston here we're in the dare now i know i've used this thing a few times in the past but uh it's just it's a really good little plane dude it's you know go up to high altitudes very very fast it's going to take us about 27 minutes to get out to around where we should be able to find the eye and it's got good views reliable i'm happy with it so uh we're gonna see what we can do it's looking like it's already a little bit rainy here in houston let's go ahead and take our uh parking brake off we're gonna zoom out a little bit get us a little bit of a little bit of height there since we're a nice tall tall pilot and we're gonna we're gonna take off here so uh yeah man i'm honestly like i'm kind of sad i really hope that it doesn't end up being too destructive although it is looking worse by the minute you know i've obviously been following the storm and watching the news and not watching i don't watch the news i'm not a boomer but watching twitter and watching some of the meteorologists i follow and stuff like that it's um it's gonna be a bad storm for sure go ahead and put our our flaps all the way up landing gear up as well and away we go it does look like we have a few blue skies around us but those are quickly getting eaten up oh that looks so ominous behind us man this would be such a bad idea so we're going to take a right here we're going to go south and we are going to go straight out into the gulf and we're going to try to see if we can find this big bad storm and uh and see if we could just kind of get right down into the eye of it so um category four if you guys don't know there's actually a really interesting video i think i'm gonna play that in the background that kind of uh you know goes through what each of the categories do and what they mean and stuff like that but like i said cat 4 is the second to worst that you can have and what that means is it's got sustained winds so winds for a full minute of 130 to 160 miles an hour think about winds just full on 130 miles an hour to 160 just constant for for that long like think about what that would do to your house think about what that would do to trees and power lines and things like that around your area that's devastating and of course with hurricanes you also have all the rain you have all the thunderstorms you have tornadoes being spawned off of them stuff like that so there's a lot going on there but the number one killer the number one most destructive part of a hurricane is the storm surge it brings a ton of sea water with it and they're expecting up to a 15 foot storm surge so water 15 feet higher than where it is normally could be coming in and hitting this coast and all those coastal areas all those coastal homes and neighborhoods and businesses and everything else like that could be potentially completely wiped out and you know if people don't evacuate sometimes people like to try to risk it they want to you know stay home they feel like they're going to be able to protect their property and stuff like that they don't listen to the evacuation orders and stuff oftentimes those people die dude this is this is really really creepy so we've got live weather on this is actually like i'm sure it's not a hundred percent precise but this is actually what's going on currently based on you know radar and stuff like that and this area you could see houston airport behind us can you imagine trying to fly out into these things in like a little personal plane like this obviously they have big planes that go in and take readings and stuff like that but to try to fly out into a hurricane and a tiny personal plane is a death wish take a look at what we're looking at here i don't really know too much about texas been there a few times i really like the austin area a lot but um it looks like we've got some cool water and stuff over here some sort of a bay i might head over this way and see if we can just kind of observe man it is just just nasty looking clouds all over the place this is the point where you'd be like all right you know what i gotta regret this decision let's do a go around and go back and land or i mean technically you could just kind of fly up to higher heights hurricanes aren't uh you know infinite you can't get up above them i don't even think about that that's gonna be nice we're gonna we're gonna try to see if we can get a top-down view of this thing but i think for right now i think we we stay below the clouds let's let's see these conditions continually get worse i just want to make this abundantly clear we're about to fly into a hurricane so each and every one of you you're good with that no no qualms speak now or forever hold your peace we're probably all going to be buried in this giant tin coffin so just be be ready for that make sure your will and testament are taken care of we're going to be going out over the gulf so you're going to lose your cell service make sure you know hop on facebook live and say goodbye to your family or something because you're all a bunch of idiots but we're all in this together so this is uh this is galveston bay i guess i just looked it up and then this up here is trinity bay galveston texas is going a uh a coastal town here which i mean when you think about it galveston is probably gonna be absolutely clobbered by this storm are they gonna have the actual i don't know if they're gonna have the line i don't know where louisiana starts but uh it's it's definitely it's not going to be good so we're going to head here to galveston bay and we're we're going to see what we've got going on looks like we're starting to get a little bit of rain here definitely very ominous definitely very terrifying now uh if you guys don't know obviously i've got fun facts here for you so just be ready for this pretty much all hurricanes form in the tropics hurricanes are fueled by that nice warm sea water that nice water that we love to go vacationing go down to the bahamas tan the cheeks a little bit you know it feels so good that water's so blue it's so nice hurricanes like that stuff too all right that is where they form that is what they do here's the uh the bay of galveston and trinity and everything else oh look we got a rainbow we got a double rainbow that's beautiful but uh they love tropical waters so you're pretty much always going to find hurricanes forming somewhere near the equator up to like the tropics but uh that's kind of the alley that they form in and most hurricanes that form in the atlantic actually come from africa you need two things you need warm waters and you need wind so the winds coming across like the sahara desert and stuff blow all the way across africa there's some like jet stream or something i don't even know what it's called but there's some like funnel of wind that happens that it comes across africa it blows over this this set of islands just off the west coast of africa called cape verde or capo verde so it that's kind of where they form right there just off the coast of africa they they kind of like the water evaporates and then condensates up in the air and it kind of gets that thing going and then these winds come in and it starts circling and it starts forming all these little mini thunderstorms and then the wind kind of brings all these mini thunderstorms together and it starts spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and obviously you know there's a long way to travel across the atlantic with all those warm waters so it just spins faster and faster and gets more aggressive and more aggressive and the winds start going up and once it hits 74 miles an hour that's when it becomes a hurricane so before then it's it's just kind of like a storm and then it turns into a tropical system and like a depression and then it's a tropical storm and then finally when you hit 74 miles an hour sustained winds you become a hurricane are we sure there's a hurricane here because this these these are nice sunny skies i guess we're kind of pointed the wrong direction a little bit she should be somewhere out here but it's it's it's looking it's looking really nice can i double check we've got that live weather on i feel like we're in game of thrones right now you guys see this giant white wall of clouds here in front of us oh that is terrifying it looks like a nice day but there is uh there's trouble brewing on the horizon here so uh yeah i mean these storms they like the really warm water most of the ones that affect us here on the east coast out of the atlantic end up forming off the coast of africa uh you know they build their way up all the way across and then when they start to hit land like sometimes when they hit some of the caribbean islands or if they hit florida or if they go into the gulf and as soon as they hit land they start to weaken because they lose that water that water is like their fuel that's their gas that's their you know they're getting white girl wasted on that warm water and as soon as you cut them off as soon as you know it's closing time the bars turn the lights on they're like all right i'm out of here they're going to turn into some tiny little storms and kind of dissipate up into the rest of the states so you know places like new york will probably end up getting rain from this hurricane laura that's going over texas which is kind of interesting galveston texas i've never been here never been on the coast of texas i've uh i've been obviously through dallas a lot uh mainly just going into the airport and catching connections and stuff like that i um almost lived in austin i've spent quite a bit of time in austin visited friends gone to the x games that sort of thing i actually i was going to move in with some high school buddies in austin we ended up buying a house but then we never lived in it we sold it we made money and it was it was great it was it was awesome it was a good thing this looks like a nice little place to live though look at all these you know nice houses little grid of streets here right next to the beach i bet this is pretty nice got a pokeball down there on their their field too whatever that is look at that thing that's pretty sick got all kinds of water looks like some decent beaches but it does look like there's a major road right along the beach they not really i mean down there on the left there's some pretty good beaches i'm sure it all depends on where you're at but uh look at that dude we're leaving texas and uh we are headed out into the storm and i don't know i might have to bring up my app i think the storm might be a little bit more off to the left here can you see the weather like can you bring up a weather map i don't think you can i might have to bring up my real-time map that's so crazy that the weather is actually like live in the game like what we're seeing here is what it would actually look like if we were there it looks like the eye of the storm is directly south of this little pocket it's probably if that's galveston we probably won't be able to zoom out enough it's probably somewhere right around here it's pretty much in line this is so crazy it's in line with this one the third one down if you took that all the way across and made a t with this it's going to be about right here so it looks it looks like we're heading in in a good direction here fun fact about the eye that's kind of the the central point of the storm it's the point that everything rotates around and they can be anywhere from two to two hundred miles wide typically around thirty to fifty miles but the eye is extremely calm no winds no clouds often times the sun's just there hanging out if it's daytime obviously like beautiful day seems like nothing's wrong but then you know 10 to 20 miles on each side of you is just absolute destruction and that eye wall where the eye meets the rest of the storm is where the strongest winds are so like you'll get hit by a hurricane and it's like zero to a hundred it kind of slow like you get the outer bands and then you start getting stronger and stronger winds and stuff so it kind of slowly gets worse and then all of a sudden it's perfect and super nice outside and then all of a sudden it's really awful again and then it trails off at the end which is uh kind of interesting that's at least if the storm hits you straight on often times you never even see the eye or it it never even never even gets close to you so some more facts about hurricanes here the the name hurricane actually comes from a native american word that stood for evil spirits of the wind which i thought was kind of cool we name our tropical cyclones every year here in the us for atlantic storms and stuff right now the name is laura and we always start at a at the beginning of every year so we've been through a b c d e f g h i j k and now l now you guys know your abcs but not every single one of those has to be a hurricane i don't know i think it's it's got to reach a certain point like they're not going to name every thunderstorm obviously but everything that starts to have a bit of a rotation maybe it's every tropical storm maybe it's every tropical depression at some point early on they're like depression l or something like that and then eventually when they're strong enough when they get yolked they get that that full name which is kind of cool now uh there are obviously 26 letters in the alphabet we only use 21 letters to be able to do names and if we have more than 21 storms which is actually kind of thinking it's looking like we might have that this year it moves on to the greek alphabet so if we get past the 21st cyclone of the season we're going to have hurricane alpha hurricane beta hurricane charlie hurricane delta stuff like that which is actually i think that's that's the military alphabet what's the greek alphabet all right i sounded really stupid right there alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta heda theta iota block out them hate us baby if you're a hurricane do your thing don't let anybody tell you you can't blow your winds around but anyway yes that's that's kind of interesting names can be retired if they end up being bad enough now the one that everybody's gonna know is hurricane katrina we will never have another hurricane katrina just because it was so devastating you never want to associate anything with that again another one is andrew so my name was actually going to be andrew hurricane andrew hit florida in 92 shortly before i was born it was devastating one of the worst storms on record and my mom ended up changing her name she didn't want to name me andrew anymore after that happened so fun little team art in fact for you the other two that have been at least recently retired i'm sure there's probably more are hurricane mitch and hurricane sandy so to make sure we're still in line here so we said if we took this third one and we went under this it's looking like it's going to be a little bit more to the left i kind of almost wonder if we should fly up to be able to see it from above because we're going to be able to recognize it a lot easier i think we're going to do that we'll fly up and then we'll go well i kind of want to see the conditions get worse and stuff but to be honest if we go let's let's go down to the sea here i guess conditions are starting to deteriorate a little bit down here ocean's starting to look a little bit angrier we do have uh we've got a patch of blue sky and water off to our left over there i mean it all just kind of depends on how you're looking but we're definitely getting a little bit more cloud coverage got some interesting clouds up here in front of us dude this this would just be this would be terrifying this would be so scary now the the last couple of facts i've got for you guys are some sad ones and one is a little bit ominous i'm not gonna lie granted it was a long time ago so the deadliest hurricane in us history happened in texas by a category four hurricane which is exactly what's about to happen in a few hours it was back in 1900 though so obviously the technology wasn't there the buildings weren't up to the codes they are now we didn't have the forewarning that we had oh this is getting gnarly this is this is so cool i've always just loved weather so much this is amazing but um yeah it came in and it killed more than 8 000 people which is just crazy to think about that is that is so many people to be to be you know just perish in a storm we might perish in this storm if we aren't careful our altitudes at about 2500 let's try to get underneath these clouds here i'm gonna try to bring this thing down gonna start to see the water form again still no heavy rain or anything i would imagine i mean we're kind of in the storm now i would imagine we should be seeing a lot of rain [Music] and uh and thunder and stuff like that maybe we're just now entering it i don't know how sick would it be if we could see some like water spouts going by or man maybe in flight sim 2030 we'll have something like that but uh yeah that was the deadliest hurricane in us history the most expensive the costliest the most devastating if you're not talking about lies but talking about money was hurricane katrina hurricane katrina cost estimated 108 billion dollars you know it louisiana is still not the same it probably never will be at least not for a very long time tore apart many families destroyed many livelihoods homes obviously was still very destructive from a loss of life standpoint but just like from a pure money standpoint what it cost the the city of new orleans and the state of louisiana and stuff like that 108 billion dollars got a rainbow coming in here so that's nice double rainbow all the way across the sky it kind of got a little bit calm in here i'm not gonna lie we aren't in the eye of the storm are we now there's clouds above us there's kind of some open air over there too let me see let me pull up our map second one to there it looks like we've still got some we've still got some ground to cover i'm gonna come all the way down to the ground here just kind of skirt the top of the water see what we can see i can see kind of like little squalls of rain coming across it's not enough that it's actually like ending up on our windshield i guess technically there is a little bit down in there coming across but uh nothing nothing too crazy definitely not like that the heavy wind and and rain and stuff that you would expect out of a storm of this caliber looks like we might want to take a little bit more of i mean we're pretty online we're definitely starting to get more and more winds more and more rain more and more weather that sort of thing you can kind of hear from quiet for a second over the hum of the engine you can really hear the wind starting to stir up here but uh seems like we're handling it pretty well i wouldn't say these are sustained 130 to 160 mile an hour winds but it's getting there okay dude now this this is a little bit concerning where's our altitude at we're at about 900 feet right now i have completely lost the water we were at a thousand we're dropping back down okay there's the water right there i just i i don't like getting lost in a sea of gray and not being able to tell where i'm at i mean we should just kind of trust our gauges the plane is definitely starting to look a little a little crooked here we're definitely getting a lot a lot more wind happening dude we've just we've got to trust our gauges and and hope that our computers aren't off at all because we're getting little glimpses of the water but i feel like if we were if we were at the wrong angle if we were drifting in a bad way we're we're not going to be able to recover in time it's just so interesting all the little pockets that you have like back there we could hardly see a thing but now like we're kind of in this little pocket you can kind of see a little bit of blue sky i don't i don't think we're in the eye um you know it's not like one big solid storm like they're they're kind of oddly formed they're misshapen they're they're weird and like you know oftentimes it is pretty consistent with rain all the way through but sometimes you can run into these little pockets where you have little pieces of rain and no more rain and that sort of thing and that's actually what can get really dangerous particularly with the eye and particularly back before we really understood hurricanes and and had all the weather reports and radar and stuff like that it's like people would have this horrible storm come in they'd hunker down and then the eye would be above them and they'd come outside and they'd be like oh we're good storms past let's go you know clean up the trees that are knocked down let's let's go take care of the yard take care of the house that sort of thing and then the second wave the back side of the storm comes through and that's how a lot of people got in trouble but um yeah it's interesting we've got all these little squalls sometimes there's rain sometimes there's tons of clouds and and no visibility and stuff pretty consistent consistent wind at this point cause you i'm like almost getting a little motion sick just sitting here could you imagine if you were in this thing just shake it around all over the place now here it seems it seems to have calmed down a bit i think we're getting close to the eye or like where it should be in real life if we go down and we go over but technically it should be getting worse if that was true that the closer to the center of the storm you get the stronger it gets and then right smack dab in the center it's where it's super super weak technically we could be in the eye here maybe it just doesn't have the clear clouds on top i don't know i don't know how the game handles it we aren't really gonna know until we get up top and we get a bird's eye view but it's still raining a bit it's just the the weather has has calmed down the plane isn't shaking all over the place waves aren't going crazy i'm gonna go up we we should we should be getting we should be getting really close to it i'm gonna go up i'm just really curious you know what i mean like i i want to see if this game really truly has an eye or if this is just like a big storm like it would be easy for it to just say oh hey big storm lots of wind that sort of thing but if it actually has like a moving eye and stuff that's going to be pretty impressive do i expect it to probably not but we're we're going to try what is what is our climb rate looking like right here we're uh i mean you can't tell you can't you can't see the ground i mean we should be using our things so this is the horizon right here i believe i think yeah that that's that back there was the horizon so we're gonna we're gonna try climbing here how how high can this thing climb i know eventually we're gonna get into stahl territory so we probably want to keep it about right here it is super dangerous to be flying visual flight when you don't really know what's going on with your your instruments and stuff dude this is insane what is that you guys see all those what in the this looks like a different world just taking in these clouds here i'm trying to get our oh that kind of looks like a funnel cloud does it not i'm not a cloud expert i know i probably should be if i'm in aviation here as a pilot i should know what all of this means but i don't you guys are going to have to let me know down in the comments i'm trying to get our trim right so we can try to get all the way up above the clouds but dude this i mean this is just so cool the more i i look at it i wonder if we're looking at the eye wall here because the clouds and stuff are getting a lot less formed a lot less put together usually i mean it's a sign of of where the storm's at if the eye wall isn't super well formed and and really easily you know distinguishable then that means it's a weakening storm and it's it's probably going to fizzle out hopefully if it can't get to that nice warm juicy water that it likes but um i don't know we're about to get through this second layer of clouds here we're at about 15 000 feet currently so we've still got a lot to go it's tough because you got a balance going up with your your air speed and everything it's definitely not easy to climb but the answers we see should be on the other side of this this cloud that we're going into look at this riveting flight simulator gameplay even without my new pc we could run this pretty smoothly it's just nothing but nothing but clouds oh that's kind of pretty behind us is that the sun up above us the sun's up there hi son i'm trying to get up to you i'd really like you to to tell me what's going on here just gonna keep an eye on our our you know instruments here make sure our air speed staying good make sure our altitude is continuing to go up because i have no method of seeing what's actually happening looks like we've got some icing on the windows let's just try to keep this thing straight look at that icing dude that's pretty insane all over the wings all over our windows and stuff that's not good you definitely i mean it's not it's not awful you can manage it but you definitely you definitely don't want that that's uh perks of flying at high altitudes here so it looks like i mean we're gaining air speed let's go ahead and try to pull up a little bit see if we can gain a little bit faster dude this is just painstakingly slow to try to get up to the altitude we want third thing here across to that lake eyewall should or i should be right around here it should be pretty much pretty much right in front of us i really hope we're going to be able to get to the top of these clouds if we if we tried this hard to get to the top of these clouds and we can't make it to the top of the clouds i'm going to be upset the tops of a big hurricane can be over 50 000 feet high our planes can never get up there they can only go up to 30 000 feet well it was a valiant effort all right we're gonna go i i turned off the um the the airplane like hole damage we're gonna go for the the strongest dive you've ever seen we're going straight down we could probably even do like a reverse loop-de-loop oh man how how fast are we going nearly 300 knots look at look at our look at our altitude dropping dude a thousand every couple seconds our compass is going nuts we're gonna get back down to the bottom of this thing if it's the last thing i do i definitely don't want to crash though i want to try to stay alive out here we are headed due south here and we are lined up with that that lake that we've been talking about the eyes should be should be fairly wide so if we're gonna if we're gonna see it we're gonna run into it here it's it's gonna happen here pretty quickly i've been trying to keep an eye out i just haven't uh haven't been haven't been seeing it okay so wind and visibility has definitely gotten worse down here i'm not gonna lie we are flying this plane sideways look at this crosswinds are you kidding me how we got about a thousand feet of altitude right now i'm trying to i'm trying to get down we got to get down i'm going to get down i'm going to go down i'm trying to get down to the water so we can see it water comes up really quickly you got to watch out for that so we've got we've got a lot of wind we've got some pretty big waves and stuff and visibility is definitely low apart from the sun that we've got up there in the sky this plane is literally flying sideways oop we okay we good whoa okay up this was not a good idea 30 miles 30 30 miles in diameter is the eye of laura here and uh she never showed it to us dude i i really wanted to we definitely put it right on the money where it should be now i don't know if the game doesn't show eyes i don't know if somehow we potentially missed it i don't know if maybe the game's eye is a little bit off like the game's live weather isn't perfectly live like the weather i'm looking at dude look at look at these winds this is crazy um i i have no clue what what the disconnect is but um we never got to see the eye i think we might have seen the eye wall when we were up around like 15 000 feet we saw some really crazy clouds that we've never seen before in any of the other storms and stuff so that was really cool it would have been awesome to have like a big open clear area um i don't know maybe we passed through it maybe we just didn't notice it you know maybe maybe it still had some cloud cover sometimes eyes can't have clouds but typically they're uh they're super super clear but i mean this this thing is is definitely not one to be messed with that's for sure we can hardly oh it's starting to lighten up a little bit here what if it gave us the eye right here at the end i mean you can't kind of see the setup there i'm not gonna lie it's it's it's of course as we talk about it it starts to lighten up a little bit we've got some blue sky up there are we in the eye right now i'm going to try to climb up to that blue sky blue sky where are you where was it okay i lost it got to be careful about our airspeed and about the water because i have no clue where the water is i have no clue which way is up and which way is down all right we still got it blue sky i've already i've already lost okay we're i mean no matter what this is a horrible idea you pull up all right all right where's the water there's the water we're good this is just a horrible idea when you're out here in conditions like this planes getting jostled around you take your eye off of the horizon for one second or that horizon disappears into a great cloud and i mean now you're hardly in control anymore you know what i mean this is insane looks like the the computer's having a hard time down towards the bottom there rendering everything but um yeah there you guys have it that was flying into a hurricane here in flight simulator didn't quite get the eye that we would have liked but honestly very cool episode nonetheless i really really enjoyed that it was cool to see it go from like a normal day in galveston texas and and you know then a few miles off the coast there's a a giant storm looming that's over the course of this episode has made its way even closer so again if you guys are in texas if you're near the coast if you're in louisiana stuff like that please stay safe please pay attention to all the rules and warnings and stuff like that don't try to be a hero take care of your family and your pets and everything like that and hopefully it's it's not gonna be too bad so i'm gonna see you guys in the next episode drop a like if you haven't already let me know where we should go next what should we check out tomorrow leave a comment down below i'll see you guys later peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 926,529
Rating: 4.765202 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft, flight sim, flight simulator, pc, pc flight simulator, airplane simulator, airplane sim, plane sim, microsoft flight sim, microsoft flight simulator, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, 2020, flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator 2020, hurricane, hurricane laura, live weather
Id: 2p92f36vhd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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