Through Critter Caves and Forgotten Forts to Find the Alchemist! - Enshrouded (Ep.2)

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nope not quite going to make that ow hey welcome to Woodard so we left off here last time about to explore this uh what seems to be a little bit of a homestead here lots of crops out here in the garden mostly just plant fiber I think but uh what was over here Tomatoes I also got some corn so we're going to have to go home and do some cooking later oh the bees right oh what is this uh stuff over here this is some kind of a flower how do you even say that Oran maybe right we're going to have to fight the bees though the bees will just continue chasing me luckily the sword is an effective weapon against an entire swarm of 1,000 bees come on here we go 1 2 3 level three bees as well okay well don't need to smash the door down let's get the torch out so we can see something and see if we can figure out what happened over here well we've got a tea kettle and a dead man it must have been something in the tea which makes me suspicious of the flowers I picked outside and upstairs jeez was there like a meteor strike here oh oh he had an exterior like rooftop garden over here that's pretty cool this guy was a professional wasn't he and this must be ah is that I mean it looks like a church but I'm not sure what kind of a religious affiliation these guys would have really nice Courtyard here though right well I'm going to explore around yes a ladder I need to figure out how to make ladders because I need one for my base I'm basically making a tower just like this one well my first treasure box of the day and it does not disappoint we've got a shroud flask there ice bolts not that I plan on getting into magic too much maybe a little bit I'll dabble here and there you can go to your flame Altar and just reset all of your skill points just like that so at some point maybe I'll make the full switch over but for now the way of the warrior is calling what's this they're talking about a caravan that stopped by here there were some wounded survivors and they um tried to rescue them but some of them passed away and they are stored now in the Crypt below so there's maybe a crypt that we're standing on top of right now and I imagine this is the way to get into it whoa who is that hello who goes there and are you wearing fancy armor who hello uh that's a skeleton right there looks like a skeleton pirate or something let's bring him out into the light the undead typically don't like the light very much woo okay that was not as difficult as I was expecting but that's my first encounter with that type of enemy I suspect there are more in the Crypt let's just get a torch out luckily that's so cool that the lights just light up like that nobody likes exploring in the darkness and we're in the Shroud now this is an enshrouded Crypt here yeah they're just talking about burying some of the Dead down here while they were dealing with the onslaught I guess from the Shroud it looks like ah yes more more people oh you know what it was talking about burying some of those people that died from the Caravan next to certain relics and whatnot I'm wondering if they unintentionally cursed all the people they buried down here by putting them next to some magical artifacts or something what's in this oh a scorching wand well you know that thing I said about not using magic for a while we're going to try magic for a little while Let's uh swap out the bow for the magic wand the scorching magic wand W and we'll find someone to draus here we go okay that I'm not very accurate with it but it seems to be doing something here see this is why this magic I don't I don't know man is this working it says it's effective maybe this is what they're weak to okay when I got rushed there for a second I was like I don't want to do this anymore but it seems to be working out okay let's proceed with it for a while hello there you oh they hit pretty hard just got to try and Dodge oh you know what by opening the sarcophagus over there I think these doors open because they were all closed a second ago take that okay just got to there's just a different sequence to it okay okay hang on hang on making a fool of myself here a little bit Dodge there we go they're pretty slow you'd think they'd have a little you know pep in their step seeing how I'm the first driver they've probably seen in a thousand years whatever what are youall doing back here anyway just kind of loitering yeah I think so I don't see any secret doors or secret loot or anything else going on down here I think this is just a tale of burying people in the wrong spot next to a magic fire wand and turning them into skeletons right out of the Shroud and back into the broad daylight here we are on a mission today we are going to be heading north to the salt mine so that we can gather some salt so that we can salt some fur and dry some fur up and probably make some for armor at some point and then we're on to the ancient Vault to recover The Alchemist probably the least important person to add to my team because I'm not like the magic type but hopefully that person can help me craft some potions because that would be very helpful for me to have the person that would help the most for me I think is the carpenter I'm imagining that the carpenter guy is going to be the one that helps me design a better base and I'm currently at the Harvest Homestead it's a massive farming region must be very fertile soil here in the Valley okay this is The Stables here I've searched through it nothing of any importance whoa is that like gold wait a minute I could just barely can I grab that or something open it's a gold chest just buried there wow with a ring of stamina plus one stamina and stamina regen I'll have to check and see if that's um oh there's just a dead sheep there as well there's a wolf here somewhere yeah I'll have to see oh I'm in the mud look at my muddy feet oh that's pretty cool and also gross right let's check the character here I'm wearing two rings one is Plus 8 stamina plus 10 Health the other is exactly the same I think I could probably there we go I've got the Ring of stamina plus one stamina regen I think that would be a good thing to have it's a considered a rare item there's a basement portion let's jump in here first I guess we've got giant rats ow easy enough to take care of those guys what else is going on just a whoop another one just a bunch of storage down here I think here's a note over here ah it's talking about some people that came by that were worshiping the Ancients and apparently they displeased him so he buried his treasure in the fenced lot underneath the small shelter not far from here in the mud I think that's the gold chest that we just discovered all right let's head upstairs and see if I can find a bed up here somewhere not exactly the place I would like to spend the night but it'll do all right oh my God the bathtubs around here are brutal aren't they people dying in the bathtubs with their clothes on that or there was like isn't it like an earthquake or something you're supposed to hide in the bathtub probably not that's probably not good advice maybe maybe don't listen to me on that front Okay I think we're done here and I can pick a couple more Tomatoes it seems on our way to the Salt Mine which is right over this way okay this looks kind of like a mine over here do you think that's the salt mine let's just fly down here and check it out careful with the stamina there well I'll work my way down here a little bit see what we can find at the bottom in the Shroud yeah it kind of does make sense that the salt would be in the Shroud little bit of a timed Adventure here ow that was inconvenient I tried to fly and then somersaulted off a cliff there okay yeah we're just down in the Shroud here into the salt mines okay I was right it's over here somewhere although admittedly it's it's a little bit deep deeper into the Shroud here than I was expecting okay hello there how about you take that oh new bugs oh my uh-oh um I'm not in a good position here I'm out of stamina and at half Health let's take a quick bandage before those guys catch up and um take The High Ground where there are just more bugs I need to turn and fight the way of the warrior calls my name not ready for Valhalla just yet though what do these guys have oh critter right this a hey none of that how would you like to have some magic fire wand oh my goodness he's got special arrows too well two can play at that game maybe not this game's not working it's ineffective I think oh man I should have gone home to stash the inventory this is going to bother me all day long isn't it all right trying out the big mace here wow it's it's just too slow for me I I don't know about that let's read this and I think we got to get out of here and regenerate our shroud timer yes okay uh talking about something in this cave here that was um kind of scary to them o masterful mace no time to gawk at that though we've got to get out of here hope that we don't die in the Shroud here I think we're cutting it real close there we go full 7 minutes back to where we were just a second ago actually I did miss a note that was right here which I think is going to tell the story of what we're after here ah yes and yet I can taste it there's something waiting for me here I feel it deep in the Rocks a vibration upon my fingertips a pulse the same twitch I feel a for drawing an ace I know it well can't I can't say that I know what exactly what that feeling is like but I'm going to figure it out here pretty soon because I know the cave that they were talking about it's right over here let's get a torch out Critter Nest oh that's the vibration there are bugs in here great just keep the torch handy it should allow us to fight pretty well it's effective against them good oh is this the salt right here it is I'm getting tons of salt by doing this I'll do this for a few minutes then make sure we get plenty of salt to bring home so that was the mystery then they mined and mined until they found a critter den and then they got overwhelmed by those bugs oh they these guys are getting stronger level five for that guy right there oh yes uh watch out for exploding Spore bombs yes like that ah we've been super spored and we're being ambushed as well this was totally a trap yes we got to leave now I don't know if this is going to work or not um which way am I going um jeez I don't know yeah we're we're going to get enshrouded here hardcore I don't know about this guys um let's get a bandage preemptively and we got to make a run for it nope the shroud has consumed me it's all over ah this is where the salt is okay good to know I don't need to bring a whole bunch of that home with me just yet oh and this goes like just deeper and deeper or nope it just spit me back out right where my stuff is I'm going to head out and we're going to head over to the ancient Vault now all right it looks like we're rolling up on the spot where we're going to find The Alchemist who figures they're using magic stuff around here what is this guy so that guy has a grenade launcher basically oh and he's got a special attack as well what have I gotten myself into over here close the distance and eat this sword that came out wrong sorry about that oh moving on another guy oh look out backstab backstab if you can now they're they're pretty weak they're not wearing any armor or anything ah right yeah take that oh come on okay that was a little bit weird I had meant to lob a grenade over there to the oh my to that EXP explosive bomb there oh jeez taking fire now can I shoot back from here am I am I far enough or uh close enough I should say no I think I'm too far this has a kind of a poor range you can see the Fireballs fizzling out as they get closer all right you think you're clever don't you hiding in the lava island over here I don't think so let me up here backstab take that still working on my blocking prowess ooh a battering ram oh wow and then just inside this is the what do you call these the the capsule room or something a not so secret door here with a treasure chest inside oh not bad loot there okay yeah we do have scavengers in here they look like the armored type or slightly armored at least hold your ground and Counterattack too easy uh-oh taking fire though what are we doing we're playing ring around the pillar here come around here and get some there you go and down and as for you buddy I got the the magic fire wand for you except this this is just not the most satisfying form of combat that I've ever experienced before guess it'll do in a pinch but not really my style we have upstairs I'll Reserve that for last but we also have downstairs over here let's check below first oh that's where they store the lava yeah that makes sense so we're going to have to kind of make this very quick here right or that just does nothing or maybe I open the chest and I have to run the gamut on the way back Shepherd's lightning a ranged stav yep that was definitely the case all right we got to kind of just pay attention to the pattern here and go and just whoa just barely made it nice yeah not much going on here for loot whoa little bit of an ambush oh I feel like I timed that block better than I did but there we go that's better and down this is definitely the capsule room too I can see the capsule right there that's got The Alchemist in it can see the little glowy stuff on it we have a provisional Scythe there and I think if I dismantle that I was dismantling some weapons earlier and I was getting tokens for it or um runes I should say and that is the case we're up to 86 runes we got nine off of that let's check though this is a rare lightning weapon lightning rod if I were to Salvage this 27 runes man we're going to have that sword maxed out in no time think we're all clear here let's uh check on The Alchemist here recipe unlocked shroud core plus 20 more at The Alchemist Bazar it's Bazar I've read a whole bunch of notes that were written by Bazar I think Bazar designed all of this stuff Bazar the capsule inventor okay so throughout my journey over the past couple of days I've been reading some notes that have to do with oh is that a that's a bomb right there careful with that W okay oh let's see if I can lure one of these guys over some of these traps oh I totally can they're set off their own traps nice yeah so there's some stories to do with uh this little question mark That's nearby let's just dispatch these scavengers here and be done with them look out were you guys defending anything in here or what is going on oh little bit of treasure yeah okay scavenger stash right here nice what do they have whoa a whaling blade level three legendary sword with five potential upgrades here no way what a score that was let's pull that out because if that's a glowy sword we might be switching over just on the the basis of the it looks cool you know wow that's a cool sword new primary weapon right okay so there's this one last journey right next to us check the journal check the quests one last journey we'll get a pair of boots for completing this Quest a sick patient journeyed from Woodard to an ancient obelisk in the springlands reach the ancient Obelisk and discover what you can find there so that might be one of the big no it's not a it's not a Spire sorry it's just an obelisk we'll see what's over there though oh yeah I can see it up there just got to get up on the ridge yes the ancient Obelisk so what was going on here uh some some uh magic stuff or something let's search the body first there's the wanderer's boots okay we would pretend to read them as children but now the obelisks hide their truths well let's try to give this a read and see if I can make any sense of it Humanity will fade as all beings do their light will Flicker and die Untouched by the Eternal Flame turning to dust as we turn to fire an endless cycle of Ruin and turmoil well that brings down the mood a little bit well let's try on those new boots okay they look kind of snazzy but uh what are they doing anyway plus two stamina regeneration although they do not have very good resistance well I'll try them out for a while let's head back to base camp then and meet Bazar there he is hey Bazar hello there he wants me to obtain an eternal spell which is buried in an underground tomb alongside its Dreadful Master great sounds like my kind of work though quite honestly let's see what he can craft for us health potions that's good survival shroud flasks or the other way around perhaps oh an alchemist set of armor here a little wizard hat that's kind of cool and all right this is the use for the old books you can actually craft a collection of books to decorate your base and um I thought that might give you some comfort bonus but I don't think so I think that's just pure decoration this grinding stone though it's um supposed to grind up hard ingredients let's get that made and after that I think we're probably good with The Alchemist for now we're stronger together I agree okay for now I'm going to set the grinding stone right here that is going to be useful for making bone meal from Bones and so far that's the only recipe that I have there and I don't even know exactly what that would be used for probably something that this guy is making yeah bone meal for Fireball ammo and some of it to make some bits of this Alchemist armor here okay now I know okay Oswald has wants to talk about the wailing blade I The Wailing blade is that the sword that I just found I sorry I don't recall the name on that but it looks like Oswald himself forged this sword he forged it for her her grasp of she left me are you talking about the queen no no no no my daughter I have Oswald's daughter's sword The Wailing blade can you help me enhance it and make it a little bit stronger let's go ahead and spend all of my runes to get this fully upgrade ated nice doing 22 damage right the Wailing blade now level eight does a perfect mixture of cutting piercing and blunt damage uh we want to strengthen the flame with the spark that we found a couple of days ago just got to gather up these other materials and we should be good would be kind of nice if I could pin this recipe cuz my memory is good for like maybe two or three ingredients five is a bit of a stretch I I made it to four I forgot the bones all right here we go we should be ready to finally strengthen the flame so Global benefits what is this going to do shroud passage level from 1 to two time in the Shroud from 5 to 6 character attribute bonuses from 0 to one alter activation capacity from 2 to 4 flame level from 1 to two I can't say that I understand what all of that means yet flame level up to level two a spark of knowledge has erupted within ready yourself to to unveil the secrets of our past find the two ancient Obelisk of the springlands to learn the world's fate a story of rot and fire only those who seek the truth shall find it we'll figure things out as we go along okay everyone wants to talk to me now what do you all want what do you want surviving together athlan wants to talk about growing crops and Reviving The Land and Bazar wants to talk about carpentry but he wants me to go to another ancient Vault probably to snag up the carpenter I agree that is defin on my to-do list okay so we have two more companions to gather up at some point and I don't think that's the end of it like it feels like oh yeah just rescue everyone and you're done but no I think like rescue everyone and then the real story begins because look how big this map is compared to this little scrawny area that we've discovered so far really impressive okay so we need to decide what to do next but first I'm going to take a nap okay we find ourselves yet again up upon the ancient spire and our destination is somewhere down there in the Shroud let's do a quick flight here oh I was kind of trying to land onto this thing here that didn't work okay um improvise improvise what are we doing now whoa you can steer this thing I did not realize that okay um I do want to kind of gather myself before we fly straight into the Shroud though let's land over here by the farm oh yeah you can you can kind of pitch up and down that's kind of cool let's proceed down a little bit further definitely into the Shroud now at the Elixir well hello there surprise ooh this guys those guys are a little bit stronger hey a level up nice okay I'm kind of on the clock right now do you think we could quickly spend the skill point yeah we're going into the strength area over here uh but these are requiring three points at time okay fair enough I will look at that again a little bit later we're on a mission to find out what's at the bottom of the Elixir well I think I was reading some lore earlier that talked about over when we were at the salt mine I think they're trying they were trying to tap into the power within the Elixir Wells um but unfortunately you know they couldn't control the power kind of a classic story of overreaching you know ah I found it I found the entrance into the well there but I did stir up some Critters on the way over get out of here collect up these Critter parts for what good it does me and oh we got to go hit this uh alter here this should reset my timer yes okay back up to a full 6 minutes at this point now it is time for some honey and the Mysterious flask which will reduce my timer that I can be in the Shroud by a minute but I have um The Elixir buff which is oops oh that hurt so bad I I didn't think that was quite a far as far of a fall as it was so now we're taking a little bit of a first aid break and we proceed okay what kind of a horrifying boss is waiting for me here this is not going to be good is it we've got archers as well there might not be a boss here it might just be a bunch of these guys some Critters are down here as well kind of a lot of them in fact wow oh jeez just nervous to jump down in here cuz I'm expecting something terrible yep several bad guys but so far no kind of Boss although I think people are kind of appearing at of thin air a little bit of like a wave defense kind of thing here maybe oh crap okay quickly now chop this thing I'm taking some arrows but that's okay come on there we go got it got it we're down we're down there there are still people that are kind of spawning in the Shroud Has Lifted so the timer's gone that's good I can see something now very nice okay so we've taken down another Elixir well I do have five skill points to spend now so let's increase Constitution By One The Warriors Path will increase damage by 10% with melee weapons I'll take Constitution by another one and I'll hang on to the final skill point no I'll take strength over here yeah just spend all the skill points for now and I think we are yes we got the green check mark here we're good here we can however proceed North there's another Elixir well to the north there's a flame Shrine to the north it's a bit of Uncharted Territory it's probably dangerous and I might regret my decision but I'm going to proceed through yeah I think I'm emerging from the Shroud again just just a short little trip through there I guess and I'm about to find probably this flame Shrine should be right over here somewhere we're in Ferndale now now Ferndale looks to be overtaken by scavengers not for long though attack these guys are level seven the highest level people I've found so far okay test out my good combat skills with balthazar's daughter's sword taking some Arrow fire there such Grace okay one more guy over here o bit of a bulletin board over there there might be some information backstab oh you rookie never turn your back to the enemy found a note in the Attic of one of these houses it says that there's a hidden treasure chest under the stone stairs behind this aha I found it ooh is that a gold chest and another ring of stamina nice here's the bulletin board here talking about picking up some Elixir at a nearby Tower but you don't know what consumption of such elixirs may possibly cause oh that was written by Bazar and this one talks about some precautions against the Shroud basically you know wear a mask social distancing things like that okay we are heading into another shroud and you can see the pillars up ahead that is indication of another Elixir well oh and these guys are level nine Okay so we've just made a huge step up in the difficulty here things don't seem too difficult because the sword is just awesome but I don't want to get in too far over my head as well I can't help but notice but I think balthazar's uh the whaling blade here it seems like it's has a durability problem like it's um it's taking damage very quickly I've managed to find a couple of repair benches out and about today so it's not doing too bad right now but something to pay attention to at least yeah this is way too quiet oh here we go some bugs not the worst thing to encounter although when they swarm you like that man they do a ton of damage okay we're we're pretty close to the end though oh another one okay I am actually going to head back top side and reset my timer oh there's another fell Thunder brute down there too we got to see if we can get out of here I'm not ready for this run and at least we know what we're getting into this time there is a thunder brute probably just down below me but there are also archers that are posted up nearby so that presents more of an issue there he is right there I think I got the drop on him maybe not have a bomb more bombs he's the level 9ine Thunder brute too backstab he's not doing anything he's just taking it there's no honor in this okay okay I think he's reset now all right zah that stupid Archer this is like a a tandem team here okay we've got the thunder root stay clear I think he's at like half Health anyway no he has completely regenerated W he's got some reach on that thing doesn't he okay this guy is way more difficult than the last one make sure we're staying on top of stamina here keep your distance a little bit take a healing potion if you would hide behind the barrels for a second oh I got koed a little bit there all right it's time for some serious business here now Dodge ah he he clipped me again charge yes with a backstab nice we got him that is good for one more shroud core and this time a crackling wand that's very lame okay well little bit of treasure around here yep grab that stuff and I think we're just heading over to I wish I could remember the name of this thing over here I don't quite know the source of the um Elixir stuff here and there we go okay we've knocked out this Elixir well we got our timer back as well oh my goodness look look at the critters I just found over here w wa man okay and then all at once here attack oh my God I still took a ton of damage after that wow we're about to lose the sword though yeah just back this way at Ferndale there was a repair bench here it is repair all my equipment nice should be just about ready to settle in for the night oh what no way I was just kind of walking through here and there's one of these shroud things things up here okay oh a shroud roof right that's what those are called it's just one random solitary shroud route here quickly chop this down before I get ambushed by something just head on a swivel a little bit there we go yeah I think that was just a a shroud route that just took root you know and was just kind of growing up there okay that's now a map marker as well I was trying to make my way to this flame Shrine over here which is I I think right there and I'm definitely not getting there from here but I did make my way around and I should be able to get another one of those Sparks off of this there it is spark right and that's where we got the ranger over there aalon scree I think her name was okay so from here I think I'm going to head back home and stash my gear briefly and then I'm going to probably come up with a plan for tomorrow where we're going to go to the ancient Vault to rescue the carpenter we're going to check out this eternal spell couple of flame shrines on the way and then probably proceed North from there to progress with the story of rot and the southern Caravan which contained the queen oh and that's a look back at where we just took down the Shroud rout over there very cool all right my friends that's going to have to do it for today we've taken out a couple of shroud Roots we've delved into some shroud Wells We rescued balazar and we've encountered level seven enemies so a bit of a jump there but anyway my friends thank you very much for joining me on this adventure and I will see you hopefully in the next one hey everyone I just want to say thank you for watching for leaving a like but most of all thank you to the long list of amazing supporters that you see right here I hope this episode has earned your subscription and I can't wait to show you the next one best wishes to all and [Music] goodbye
Channel: Guns, Nerds, and Steel
Views: 26,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded part 1, enshrouded tips, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded game, enshrouded guide, enshrouded, enshrouded review, enshrouded trailer, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded release date, enshrouded early access, enshrouded starter guide, enshrouded base building, new rpg games 2024, keen games, new survival games, part 1, where to find, valheim lets play, valhiem, valhiem 2024, guide, how to, survival, gameplay, coop games
Id: 8IdzYhf5u04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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