Who’s Paying the Bill? - Pastor Morgan Schuler

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[Music] all right you may be seated i sure do love you guys wow that really that was awesome that warmed my heart y'all are rock stars you know tonight i'm so excited because god has just really resonated a word in my heart and i know there's in life there are those moments when it's there's a before and after how many of you guys have seen like hgtv where they're remodeling a home and you see the before pictures and then you see the after pictures and it's like everything's different you're like i didn't know it could look so good you know i remember when we had liam and everything was different before he got here and now everything is different everything has changed come on rpc since he's gotten here we talk differently we all have adapted this like baby language and our voices change and it gets kind of weird but you know we go with that we sleep different our sleeping patterns are different we live different everything has changed and so my prayer is that tonight you're going to walk out of here looking different talking different thinking different living different financially being different so we hope we look back and go that was a before and after moment for me in my life and you know we're going to jump into a text that a lot of times people know it's in movies a lot it's quoted at weddings it's quoted at funerals and so many times you can hear something and kind of become inoculated to it and so whenever we hear a verse or we hear a chapter a lot of times we can just hear it so much and we can breeze right by it but tonight i just want to put a little road bump a little speed bump in the road and say let's not just breeze past this one let's really expound on it let's dig in and let's look at it and the thing tonight that is really going to change your heart and change change things for you in your life it's not the awesome worship which that's part of it it's not the message it's not the wonderful greeter at the front door it's not the new friend that you made that said hey why don't you join my i connect group that all plays a part in it but the biggest thing is the posture in the position of your heart and so i just pray that tonight we are our hearts are ready to receive what god has for us receive that word here in royal palm and online you know i feel like the chat room online is like the front row you all are the amen corner so give me some fire emojis give me an amen shout me down online and let's just get our hearts ready to receive let's jump into psalm 23. and i never know if it's psalm or psalms but you know we can debate about that later but anyway it says verse 1 it says the lord is my shepherd i shall not want and that want means actually lack he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me besides still waters he restores my soul how many of you have heard this verse before come on you know it you know it he restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil have y'all heard that weird owl song that's like i walk through the valley of the shadow of the okay not that version this is this is god's version it says i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever you know the first part of that says the lord is my shepherd i shall not want or i shall not lack and what's funny is david actually wrote this this chapter in psalm and before david was a king what was he he was a shepherd so i feel like he's got a lot of right to speak into this and to talk about it david knows what it took to be a shepherd of sheep david knew how sheep were sheep can be stubborn she can be silly she'd do some weird things actually there's some funny videos on youtube you can look them up later and it's like sheep do some weird stuff if they're sheep in a pasture and one sheep's walking and it thinks it sees something it'll hop in the air and the next sheep behind him will hop in the invisible thing also hop over it the next one will hop over it and they'll just follow the leader and do the same thing it's bizarre but anyway that sheep so david knew and i feel like sometimes we can be stubborn we can be hard-headed if you're anything like me when i have made up my mind there is no change in it poor austin pray for him we do some silly stuff we're not going to talk about that tonight that's a whole nother sermon but verse 2 says he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me besides still waters so why would david say something like that about still waters well the funny thing about sheep is they are covered in this material called wool right there their hair is wool and if they were to stop and drink at a river and the current is so strong they'll put their feet in and their wool would absorb the water and get really heavy and they would fall into the stream or the river and then the current would take could take them away so it's a shepherd's job to grab them and to pull them out of the water i just thought that was a cool fact you know i think a lot of times we we fall into occurrence maybe we fall into a current of a fear a current of rejection occurrence of worry or anxiety or depression maybe a current of negativity and it says the lord is our shepherd so god is right there with us to catch us when we jump in when we fall into that current he doesn't want us to drown in that negativity even if the people at work are driving you crazy and it sounds like hey they can't say one positive thing to save their lives god says no no you bring it up he's gonna pull you out of there actually the staff of a shepherd is called a crook so it's a rod and then it has a hook around the end of it so he can catch them and he can pull them out and so maybe tonight you feel like you're stuck in a current of fear well i am hoping that god is going to pull you up out of that it's going to be a defining moment in your life you're not going to worry you're not going to waver anymore trust him he is our good shepherd verse 3 says he restores my soul god is a restorer he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake he leads us for his name's sake we are his namesake we are god's children he is so good and that's who he is even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i think it's great because it says walk through not walk two come on we're not camping there we're walking through the valley it says i will fear no evil for you are with me you know we have had so many learning curves becoming new parents and one thing that happened the other day was was so funny i was in the kitchen and i attempted to make la baby food okay i know y'all all the like second and third time moms are just like laughing at me you're like oh that's hilarious you're a first time mom tell me you're a first-time mom without telling me you're a first-time mom but so i was like blending up this food to make it like a baby puree whatever and it scared liam he heard the noise and it kind of panicked him a little bit i could see like he really it was loud i just didn't think about it i'm used to blender so i just turned it on and super loud and he just looks at me and he just charges over to me he's crawling so fast over to me pulls himself up on my legs and i picked him up and i said hey buddy it's okay it's all right it's just a blender can you say blender of course he did he didn't say it but in the bible it says you are with me liam was afraid and then i picked him up and he realized i'm with mom we're all good we're safe god is your heavenly father he says no matter what circumstance you're facing no matter what you're walking through he's right there to pick you up he's going to hold you close through it it says your rod and your staff they comfort me that staff its protection its direction its correction it says you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies so like my version of that scripture would be more like you prepare a table for us in the presence of all of the people that i love and i care dearly about with a really great view of you demolishing all of my enemies right if we were gonna write the verse we probably wouldn't have said in the presence of my enemies it's a little interesting and speaking of tables tables have significance and we're going to camp out here for just a minute and i want to know do we have any room service options available we can we get room service tonight i don't know i feel like this is faith church so like i feel like we could get a little room service tonight come on look at these guys thank you thank you you know sitting down at a table it has significance you know as i'm getting older things that used to be important to me are are less important and things that used to not be important i'm realizing are more important to me and tables are one of them and you know jesus jesus loves tables jesus sat i'm at a table and a woman washed his feet jesus flipped over tables in the bible thanks guys this is so fancy whoa come on i feel fancy like applebee's on a date night with a bourbon street egg and an oreo shake okay y'all don't know nothing about that song this is so fancy i think i'm gonna take a little sip of water y'all are y'all are intimidating mashed potatoes we got a steak how y'all like your steak cooked i like my medium rare yes come on the choir said amen well my version of quality time is very different from austin's version of quality time so for my husband we could just be in the same room sitting next to each other on our phones watching tv any guys like in the room and online and that rpc you feel me okay he's like well we were like next to each other all night like what do you mean i'm like we don't spend any time together like real quality time he's like what do you mean by quality time i'm like okay i want to sit down i want to have dinner i want to look in each other's eyes i want to have quality conversation he's like okay fine well what do you want to talk about i'm like it doesn't it doesn't work like that like that's no no go bro so i want to i want to be intentional okay i want to have you know a table candle lit there's bread in this basket anybody wants some bread yeah he is he's lucky he's like i'm glad i sat over here today i'm getting myself if that roll gets any closer to me over here i'ma just eat it well quality time looks very different so i was just thinking about we had an anniversary dinner and austin had planned out guys he hit a home run fancy dinner like it was gonna be so great it was really great but we had a little hiccup but we um we got dressed up we didn't have we didn't have liam at the time so we were like kid free it was gonna be awesome we sit down at dinner we have the menu and it's kind of like this it's like a four top table but it was just the two of us and we're just talking about you know i think it was our five year anniversary so we're just talking about the last five years and some of our favorite memories from five years and wow you know time has flown by so fast and and yet you know it's just felt like such just great every single day right now well that's real for y'all you know it's like some days it feels like it's been a long five years and other times it's like it's just gone by so quickly and if i was at a restaurant i'd be like this spoon is dirty y'all need to send it back um squirrel sorry too much morgan too much come bring it back so anyway we sit down at this dinner we're just having a great time eyes are locked like feeling good and um this group at another table gets up and they kind of walk out and this guy is kind of in that group and he kind of trails behind and he walks over and he goes are you pastor austin schuller are you david crank's son he's like yeah man what's up like great to meet you you know we're just here hanging out like just having dinner the two of us just us too you know he's like oh it's great to meet you well um all right he walks away a few minutes later he like kind of comes back over again and we're like trying to act like he's not you know maybe he's doing something else and so we're just like i i'm giving him the cold shoulder for sure i'm like you are not going to come up in here in date night and so we're talking [Applause] and he walks over again he's like you know what i was in the parking lot and something in me just told me to turn around and come back in here and i have this business plan that i have started working on and it's a startup and i was just wondering you he's like do you mind if i just uh you mind by if i sit he's like right here you know it's kind of like if he sits down one of two things are gonna happen either austin's gonna have to like hurt this guy's feeling and crush his heart or were all three gonna have dinner and by the look on my face austin knew he is not about to sit down at this dinner okay he was like it's such a what a bad predicament i felt so bad for him but that's what you get for being the man you got to have hard conversations sometimes so he just says he's like sir you know i think it's like great that i love your ideas i'm sure they're going to be awesome like maybe we could like get emails and and connect at another time and he's like i i thought of the perfect thing to say he said you know what it's our anniversary tonight and the guy looks at me and he goes oh happy anniversary like i was saying um we were whatever so austin is like [Applause] this guy is is not getting the hint and if he's like sir you know i hate to do this but like this isn't the time not not the time not the place he's like oh so like so like no it's a no-go he's like yeah you know i'm either gonna walk out of here with you being upset with me or her being upset with me so at the end of the night i don't want her upset with me if you know what i'm saying so he's like yeah it's not gonna work out so so he leaves and i just was thinking about that as i was preparing this sermon and so many times you know not so many times not often there are things that happen that are defining moments in your life and you guys might be like oh my gosh you're a pastor like y'all should have been way nicer to that guy and you know that's you know part of it part of it dang [Applause] i love it okay so y'all are with me then i feel better okay so yeah so shout out to pastor austin but a lot of times in life you have to stop and you have to prioritize your friendships your marriage relationships your kids but sometimes you have to you have to shut the door and tell the kids to go to bed and you got to be with your husband be with your wife sometimes you got to tell your co-workers hey can't do this i need to focus in and so that was our moment so that was really cool but this these nine words will change everything for you are you ready okay i want you to write this down and now i have to make sure i say the sentence properly so that it's only nine words okay are you ready don't give the enemy a seat at your table come on let's go back over here [Applause] those are nine words don't give the enemy a seat at your table boom got it the enemy might be at your table if you're hearing things like this it's better at another table have you ever walked into a restaurant and on your way to your table you're kind of looking at like everybody else's table to see like first of all does anybody have food is this place gonna take forever because i'm really hungry second of all what did they order that looks good so we do that all the time but in this context sometimes the enemy will tell you it's better on the other side the grass is greener on the other side it's it would be better with another spouse a different family a different opportunity another job somebody said it would be better with a different spouse okay ma'am we need to talk after okay we need to pray i'm just saying i'm just kidding i'm just kidding but so many times we think it would be better with another at another at another job another opportunity at another church well the bible says those that are planted in the house of the lord will flourish so don't be so busy looking at other tables that you miss what's at your table because what's at your table god said he has prepared a table for you god your heavenly father the king of kings has a table set up for just you and him reservation for two baby it's you and him he wants to meet with you he wants to fellowship with you actually pastor austin can i have that drink so god has set up this fine dining table for us and here's what we do a lot of times camera guys get ready and we're gonna walk kind of fast so we're like all right god you know what i'm just gonna um i'm gonna grab a bagel on my way out thanks so much great to see you hey beautiful i'll talk to you later i'm on the go right so many times we treat god like that hey we treat god like he's a drive-through in reality god has a fine dining experience set up for you that would just blow your mind if we just take a minute and prioritize time with him [Applause] sorry i need to wash this bread down the enemy might be at your table if you hear something like this you're not going to make it has anybody heard that before [Music] am i going to make it through this i mean covet and economic crisis and you know there is a lumber shortage right now and starbucks is running out of vanilla syrup and i don't know if i'm going to survive this you might think i i don't know if i'm going to survive this but god said hey i have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly so there's no way that a god that loves you and thinks the world of you is going to be telling you things like i'm not going to make it i can't do this i'm not going to survive because he said with god all things are possible don't let friends don't let anxiety have a seat at your table some of us anxiety it's a real thing but you know what it is really small compared to your god a lot of us have you can clap for that come on god is bigger than depression anxiety fear worry all of it but some of us right now in this culture we have just welcomed anxiety welcome to the table we've welcomed anxiety as a family member and you know everybody talks about right now you know the new normal have you guys heard that the rpc have you heard it online the new normal well here's the thing about the new normal the new normal is the same as the old normal which is with long life i will satisfy you and i will show you my salvation he didn't bring you all this way to leave you here there's more for you there's purpose for you on the other side of that so don't let anxiety win universe 4 says even though i walk through the valley let's talk about that it says walk through the valley we don't live in the valley you know a lot of times i fall into this temptation too when you're going through something people might ask you now how you doing you say i'm great blessed and highly favored you know things are falling apart back here this is what you're thinking in your head you know things are really falling apart and i just don't even know if i'm gonna make it one more day but you know what blessed and highly favored praise the lord brother you don't have to be fake right we all go through stuff we're gonna go through it though and you could say you know what i'm in a valley but i'm gonna be all right i'm gonna make it i'm in a valley right now i'm walking through the valley the enemy might be at your table if you hear things like you're not enough you know whenever we were at this amazing dinner austin told that guy hey bro like you don't know what it cost me to make this reservation like we didn't make it for three we made it for two but if you're hearing things like you're not enough i want to encourage you tonight we don't know what it cost jesus to have a relationship with us we've heard we know it cost him his life but we don't know what that feels like and jesus said i would bankrupt heaven give it all up for a chance at a relationship with you you every single person in here we don't know what it cost him we don't know what it costs god to give up his only son we don't know how that feels but if you're feeling insignificant if you're feeling like you're not enough i want to encourage you friends he said that you are god's handiwork created in christ jesus you are fearfully you are wonderfully made you are created in the image of god it says he knit you together in your mother's womb austin told that guy hey you don't know what it cost me to be here so let's not ever forget what it cost god to have that relationship with us even just that opportunity and you know somebody at the end of the night somebody had to pay the bill and i mean it was austin i don't pay for it obviously he's the man but that'll preach right there there are some girls in here you are paying for everything your god needs to get a job okay she the girl in the back she wrote she didn't write nothing down all night but she said he needs to get a job exclamation point star highlight i know teresa in florida is shouting me down right now she is a firm reliever in that but you are enough god is going to pay that tab and here's the thing whenever god is at your table it's not so much like what is actually on your table it's about who's with you at your table because god has unlimited resource he's got unlimited financial resource if that's what you need and so you've got not just enough for you you've got enough for everyone around you your your your neighbors your people all around you here's the thing my mom is a southern woman she knows how to cook whenever we are going home for the holiday austin and i know like we need to go on a diet ahead of time because we're going to eat like trash when we get there and it's going to be amazing but i'm going to come back probably five pounds heavier so we need to like circumvent this a little bit and so my mom will make food and she'll set the table for everyone and after the meal there will be so much left over it's overflowing and so she'll say hey take some home to this person take some over to the neighbors hey save some for tomorrow but that's the thing about god it doesn't matter what's at your table it's who you're with you can always order more you can always get more it's unlimited his love for you is unlimited it's not like hey i messed up here and i've only got three strikes and what you're out no that's not how god works god said i love you he's crazy about you and so whatever your table looks like i just want you to to be conscious about that time with the lord spending that time with him sitting at that table that he prepared he's so intentional god knows exactly what you need he knows what you like as well so that that thing that you're needing you're gonna find it by locking eyes with your savior by spending time with him what does that mean that means reading your word praying it means plugging into church getting around his presence that worship that we we were participating in because we don't just watch worship right we sing we participate that's our act of worship to our god that changes everything in your life and so whatever you're struggling with i want the band to come up they're going to sing a song and i want to actively everyone i want you to engage in it and just understand that hey it cost god everything but he said you're worth it the enemy might be telling you you're not enough you're insignificant you might not make it through but god said oh i have great plans for you on the other side of this i've got plans to prosper you it says in verse 5 you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows god wants your life to overflow tonight i think some of us have allowed the enemy a seat at our table maybe we've allowed the wrong things to a seat at our table we've allowed maybe the wrong people a seat at your table but tonight i think it's time we take authority over our table when we say y'all got to go this is date night it's my time with the lord [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 112
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Morgan Schuler, Morgan Schuler, faithchurch.com, Faith Church, church in St. Louis, church in West Palm Beach, church in Missouri, church in Florida, who’s paying the bill, the Lord is my shepherd, psalm 23, don’t give the enemy a seat at your table, anxiety, fear, table for two
Id: cqqiPFpfexY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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