How To Hear From God - Pastor David Crank

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everybody shot a life in the spirit Psalms 40 verse 6 it says this you take no delight in the sacrifices or offerings now that you have made me listen I finally understand now that you've made me listen of following a man nor the Bible said that he that hath ears let him hear he that hath ears to hear let him hear and it's not talking necessarily about the outward ears that you and I have it's talking also about the inner ear and we know there is an inner ear in your ear but there's an inner ear in here where the Spirit of the Lord speaks to and I realize also and I want to make sure everybody understands you got all different kind of people here you know all people but I mean like denominations yesterday and Nicole and I were on a flight I don't even know what Airlines we were on and as soon as we got on there was a Lutheran woman who got on the flight and as soon as she saw us in San Francisco in front of everybody she yells we're all going to be safe Pastor David McCullar here and I thought oh my god that's a heavy responsibility she felt safe because we were there and I talked her she said I go to Sunset Hills campus I know about well then I know about her city how many know if you know about all that then you really do do to church because a lot of people tell me they go to church here but they don't know anybody but when you got your hair dear by Victoria you know she knows people so she's she's Lutheran the Lutheran Church that she came out of way up in Illinois the Lutheran Church told her we have another church that you would love and and a lot of people assume we're Lutheran because we can are some soon that we're Catholic because we are some soon assume that we are Pentecostal because we are some people assume that we're charismatic because we are because we are all things to all people because I believe when God told me to start this church that labels will limit you and if if you have a tag on when you go up it'll fall off and if you go down it'll burn off and labels limit you and God didn't come to establish a religion he came to establish the relationship somebody ought to save man that come up with fall so we are all that but you can come here and be Catholic you can become here Baptists you can be First Baptist Second Baptist are Baptists for fabulous but everyone here is not in what they call a melting pot I refer to as a stew this new mic is interesting it cuts in and out and a lot of you experiencing that if you want me to change it I think it's a good idea because I just don't like what's happening it's making me uncomfortable and I definitely don't want to use that do I have a real mic that I can use here's what this mic brings out check one two this brings out the get ready get ready get ready do that at the hands of my hands die but I'll do it if I have to so we are people of the spirit led by the spirit so we have an inner ear on the inside of us that are always speaking to us and God doesn't necessarily delight in our offerings or sacrifice of offerings not against that but we should what he really desires from us is having obedience by listening to them so a life of the Spirit take heed what you hear these keys right here say Royal Palm Beach Florida and it says Royal Palm Beach Boulevard some of you heard the story everybody was promised heard it but you haven't heard it but they're talking about how to discover the next level of ministry how to know what stocks to buy how to know what oil industry to be and how to know what to do what you do because there's the Alpha the Omega the beginning and the end the first and last he's the Holy Spirit and he is Baptist he is Catholic he's with the Pope he's with everyone and I get emails all the time the Pope is bad and I get other emails Joyce Meyer is bad and then I was just like you know what why does anybody that's helping people have to be bad why don't we just make the devil mad and make people that are good good come on somebody ought to help me so while I'm seeking God I'm praying it in West Palm while I'm praying in West Palm I'm talking right now about having an inner ear I hear inside here it's time to move the offices from where they are tell the people at church on Sunday in West Palm we're getting ready to move our offices well it didn't make sense in the natural and when I told Nicole she's very she has a lot of common sense and she said this doesn't make sense and it doesn't always make sense to the natural mind but the mind of the Spirit does not reason with the things of the flesh in other words you might be led to do something that doesn't make sense but if it lines up with the Bible and sound counsel you judge it through those lenses and then you make the right decision so I go now and I start walking in the flesh because remember faith without works is dead so I go on a look at some office buildings over there in about 30 minutes away from where this keychain is and I'm looking and I thought well this isn't big enough to be the church but it's too big to be the offices but while I was there I felt the prompting pay attention to this in here a prompting everybody shut up prompting have you ever downloaded software and it prompts you so there's a prompting but if you don't follow the first prompt you won't get the second problem that's why the Bible talks about we walk by faith and not by sight so it might not look like the business is going to work it might not look like the marriage is gonna work but we don't go by what it looks like we are people of faith come on somebody ought to shout Amen so I feel a prompting these physical keys these five keys with this keyring are sitting in a multiple pile of keys maybe maybe 300 keys huge pile because this is a big like it's like argh I think it might have even been a Grainger and I asked the real-estate agent are they totally gone when they moved out yes I said is this all stress he said yes I said may I pick up these keys and take them he said yes and so I just picked up these keys out all the keys put them in my pocket don't know why I did it but I was following what do you think I was following prompting so now the Holy Spirit after talking to him I have ears to hear and you remember the passage of the Bible where Jesus said could not you tarry with me one hour man I suggest you that there's the significance that happens in your life through daily prayer when you give God the last part of your day and your day will be exhausted you will made a lot of dumb a seasons but if you give God the first part of your day you get up in the morning and say hi God that was brought to you in part by Nicole crank so you say hi god it's me again then he speaks to you maybe not even then you just kind of you kind of primed the pump you feel a little more spiritual you're less fleshy and more spiritual so then when you go out in the world and the Queen tries to distract you you go I am not worried about the Queen I have been with the King and I know this might be the office boss but I'm no thief boss and God told me he'd never leave me nor forsake somebody ought to help me preach is this on come on let's Paul Massey yeah so now I feel led by a prompting at church to say we're getting ready to move our offices remember offices we have a bigger office and we're gonna have a room that seats about a hundred people just like the office would be big enough to have a refer a lot of people well I came back to the st. Louis and I preach to you and I didn't mention it because it would be nothing to do with you then the next weekend I'm a West Paul preaching again and it comes up again in here say that so I said it so some guy who's watching right now in his motor home in Kentucky he texted me a minute ago he comes up to me and said I'll see the church and it's so big I never thought that you would be interested in this building that I own but it's a church that seats about 120 and then there's an overflow that probably seats a little less than that would you want it if I gave it to you and I said come on somebody yeah is the Pope Catholic come on somebody on a hot day right but if I hadn't followed that Buffy and I had to release it out of my mouth then that guy was wondering why do I have this piece of equipment you follow what I'm saying right now talking you can overlay this in business you can put this in every area of your life those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their marital string those that wait upon the Lord all your strength is renewed when you wait on the Lord that's not only waiting on the Lord go on Lord I love you this is deep lord i love you lord i wait on you yes that's part of it but waiting gives you strength do you know I've made millions of dollars by waiting in fact this building they said they wanted 17 million for this building we waited and got it for 7.7 so that's 10 million dollars for waiting those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength by the way it's worth 37-billion give God praise now that we fixed it up so now I release those things out I'm hearing it in here while I'm hearing it in here I say that and the guy said I said where is it he said world Palm Beach Florida you got to remember and that's where they're at right now I'm 30 minutes away from that building and I pick up these keys while I'm praying one hour and I've gotta thank you God that you're giving us art building god I don't know what's going on I'm not thinking about the keys the keys are in my in my drawer at the house in Florida and I hear in here the Holy Spirit says go get those keys so now I go get the keys Oh God God I thank you God you're gonna give us a building oh god the lord says prompting says how many keys are on there I never counted one two three four five five that's grace god I thank you Lord that this is the grace of time and now I look at this keychain and the guy tells me that Sunday it's in Royal Palm Beach I look at the keychain and the keychain says Alice locksmith Royal Palm Beach Florida on Royal Palm Beach Boulevard this is on the same street is where they're sitting right now to help me right now because the holy ghost does everything the Holy Ghost I'll make you look smart somebody ought to write that down the Holy Ghost I'll make you look smart and so reason why I have the keys is because I was led by the Holy Spirit to pick them up and then that had the significance now if I hadn't have followed the prompting picked up the key this story would not be nearly as cool as is because this story is legendary so if you go to my office right now this building has a big picture of this building and the gun that I shot it with it's got the Bible that God spoke to me about this building just hang in there and if you go to well the spring campus its hang in there there's the gun I shot it with when the Lord said it in Jeremiah then the the all the other buildings and then guess what this Palm Beach campus the Royal Palm Beach campus was different than the West Palm Beach campus it'll have this key ring in it and it'll have this passage in it I'm saving all this stuff cuz I'm just making my own little trophy bucks here's what the Lord said to me while I was praying about it vague prayers this is on the day of Pentecost there were 120 believers who prayed in an upper room for 10 days I felt led to fast and pray for 10 days and so some people pay the price other people pray the price but if you pray the price you often don't have to pay the price because this is a 2 million dollar building that they're sitting in right now and we you know honest we paid for it nothing you know how much it costs to remodel it I don't know but it's it's like five thousand dollars a week just for the labor charges down there and all the tile the most sophisticated of everything and the donor just keeps writing checks because if you pray you don't have to pay because you're coming from this level of the flesh somebody ought to help me and you're going into the level that but you have to follow the holy ghost promptings so if you have ears to hear then hear Revelation 229 revelation 229 whoever has ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit is saying notice that's a capital S when you see a capital S that means the Holy Spirit if you see a small s then that means it's just your spirit because you are a spirit you're a spirit man that's why your flesh didn't get saved but your spirit did get saved so your flesh is in enmity that's a word for enemy of God so that's why Paul said the thing I want to do I don't do and the thing I don't want to do I do anybody ever felt that way I want to lose weight but to get hungry I want to walk in love but I need some people need to be slapped can I get amen I wanted to not go to prison but ahead to bust a cap in that guy and I got caught so now I want to finish my book in prison because the flesh is jacked up so it says the Spirit everybody shout the spirit one more time come on it was palm everyone what is that let him hear what the Holy Spirit is saying so the Holy Spirit is a gentleman so whenever he speaks is something he doesn't interrupt a while ago I was jacking around with you but he spoke something to me that he knew I would fit in but he did not stop the whole message because he's gin gentleman he will never force you into the will of God but if you want an exciting life if you want the keys to the next level if you want whatever it is the tools that you need to do what you're called to do then you must spend time hearing from God and here's the key interpreting what the Spirit is saying to you interpellation you have to interpret what the Spirit is saying to you one day Nicole and I were in business I was not pastoring the church this is a long time ago and we were we were renovating properties as I was I'm making a killing back before it was on HGTV to flip houses that's what I was doing and you like 50,000 70,000 at a time it's a good time and I was in the flesh working hard because I found out that people like you sure are lucky I found out the harder I work the luckier I got can I get a man and so I was working hard and I actually worked so hard because I'm super hard worker that actually had a hernia I didn't even know I had a hernia but I had hernia and I'm on the treadmill in the morning because God was dealing with me about spending time with him because it was in my spirit by prompting now get on the treadmill and while I'm on the treadmill I'm looking outside thinking about everything that I need to get done cos of the property and I heard inside the Holy Spirit speak to me the same one that speaks to you you didn't get a knock off Holy Spirit you've got the original Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said if you will help me in here I will help you out there and I said what's that mean he said I'll give you a bobcat I thought well Bob can't really would help because I'm working a lot moving logs doing stuff so now every day for seven days I got on the treadmill and I'm praying god I thank you Lord you lead me and guide me God I thank you Lord that and I'm just quoting scriptures talking to God I look down I think surely an hour is gone it's five minutes is past can I get a amen it's all going on a then you get into those gushers of the flows of the spirit then your minute hour pass you're like oh we should be that way tomorrow and it comes in cycles and waves like that you listening to me now so then all of a sudden the Holy Ghost prompting comes up inside of me and I hear in here and back then it wasn't Craigslist it's almost 20 years ago and to go look at the in the paper and I looked and there was a guy that had a bobcat for sale in Bourbon Missouri Florida doesn't know about this but it's kind of it's out in the country and they named it Bourbon cuz you'd have to be drunk to live there come on somebody I just saying I don't I didn't mean it so oh he says he needs to sell it so I call him up and I said in here I knew I said I didn't have all the cash but I said would you be willing to trade something and when I made the request of the Lord I said god I need a bobcat here's a key whatever we asked the Father in the name of Jesus he would give it to you say John 15 God so I'm asking you right now for a bobcat because I need a bobcat to do it and God here's what I want I want it to have pallet forks on it so I can lift stuff up so I called the guy and he had a fork bucket a smooth bucket but he didn't have a pallet fork he had a hydraulic grapple hook which I didn't even know I needed until I had one and so you've had one of those you don't even know what it's like to have a bionic arm so he said I really need to sell it I really need to sell it bad I said I've got this old trailer and Austin had a 22 browning which Austin did not need a gun can somebody say man what is he knee with a rifle so I said would you take a trade so I went out there and looked at it and so he traded me this trailer in this gun and $5,000 for a bobcat that with the gear would probably $20,000 and I was driving down the road I've got to our property and I was rehabbing some property and I'm on this thing and I hooked up this hydraulic hoses and I'm lifting logs I'm lifting gear and I heard the Holy Spirit say remember I told you if you'd help me in there I'd help you out here and I never had to lift in the flesh again I never had to strain again see some of you guys are working really hard that's nice but working hard and you've here in the business world you can work smarter you can work hard but I'm telling you there's a lot of truth to that but really working smart is being filled with the spirit led by the spirit directed by the spirit controlled by the spirit somebody ought to help me right now and then you don't have to work it hard at all you just tell people about the anointing of God that led you into truth are you listening to me spirit lead life I want to talk for a second about the frequency of heaven the frequency of heaven if we were to turn a radio on in here right now you could turn on joy FM if you're in Florida you could turn on way of him and if you had on the right frequency you would hear what's on station if you had it on the wrong frequency you would hear WIIL FM which is country music here if you got it over on a different station you would hear rap if you get the two of those together you get country and rap you get crap come on somebody out of this house but you have to be on the frequency but there is a frequency of the spirit but the frequency of the spirit you will never be tuned into that if you're tuned into the flesh if you're listening to CNN Fox News and you're looking at the world and you're not looking at the word then you're world ruled instead of word rule then you're running everything through the process of your intellectual mind this is deep but this is how I live so then what makes sense Nicole and others say this doesn't make sense but then if I come in with us saith the Lord the whole staff Chuck's out the since because if you have all the signs that have followed you because the Bible said these signs shall follow them that believe so if you're a believer you ought to look behind you and your life they told me I wouldn't get the job but I got the job they said we're gonna go broke but guess what we went over somebody on the doctor said ahead to down but I need to live in other words God will allow these signs to follow you now it doesn't say we follow scientists says science follow us so where it gets weird some of you are Lutheran Catholics and so on you're like oh these people are like Holy Ghost people they're Holy Spirit people they're weird no we're the Holy Spirit is not weird weird people made the Holy Spirit weird in fact it's the very reason why sometimes you see a weird person wearing the dress that you wore or the suit that you were and now you never want to wear it again because they were weird come on somebody ought to say man if you didn't say man you're weird so now these so we don't follow signs signs follow us we follow the word with a word but we're tuned into the frequency of heaven and so now the Holy Spirit will lead us through divine promptings and now we can articulate those audibly and say hang on now I'm not six ruled I am now ruled by the word with signs following if you're wondering right now what what are signs there was a sign of the Bible a guy named Moses saw a burning bush that's a sign Balaam's donkey was talking how many y'all know that's a sign the finger of God wrote on a tablet hence why I use it to have look when I'm preaching it's called the sovereignty of God so God speaks through divine appointments he takes appointments which our go to this building pick up these keys now we are preaching to that building if I hadn't have done this I wouldn't have got that but if you do this you get this this and that because no longer are you in the natural you are now in the supernatural and now you are supercharged there's a difference between a regular car and a supercharged car one of my cars is supercharged that means it if you really put it put the calls to it you better have it pointed in the right direction so I'm saying supercharged spirit led people in the last days you better be careful with your life and have a point of the right direction because God is getting ready to put a super on your natural and you're gonna have to find opportunities to allow the will for the sinner come on somebody to be laid up for them just I'm saying right now what didn't work before try it again look again because God's me about to turn it around somebody ought to help me right now follow the divine promptings of the Holy Ghost and make sure you go to church where the gods fill with the spirit don't know Church where the man ain't live don't go to a doctor it's like I want to tell you about health and nutrition he's 450 pounds and can't breathe he doesn't know I know that hurts but just telling you that was free it'll be edited out but I'm just telling you because I love you now science can be misinterpreted cross-check your signs with the word and a multitude of counselors cross check your size everybody shout amen to that different people here got in different ways if you went through growth track raise your hand I want to see your hand come on West palm I want to see your hand growth track put it back down and this is going to shame you which is purposeful how many have not went through growth track yet raise your hand come on somebody raise your hand you're lying there's less hands than that that should be growth track is phenomenal because we talked to you about the disks some people got the disc profile other people to follow five level languages and we process how you react to things so Nicole is not a words of affirmation person I am I am a physical touch especially after 10 o'clock can I get a man but Nicole she one of her love language is acts of service so I get the same amount of points if I do the dishes by the way no man has ever been shot doing the dishes so if I do things for her that's her love language so the Holy Spirit knew you so you're like God doesn't speak to me that way and some of my preacher friends talked to me because they know how much God talks to me and they go it's famous ones God never speaks to me he does he just doesn't speak to you the same way he speaks to me yours might be a dashboard analytics and he speaks to you through that to me I'm a homeschooler he's like we're gonna have to straight-up talk to this dude come on anybody else here you didn't go to home school but you're a just tell me what I'm doing wrong come on raise your hand it doesn't mean you're bad it needs you're different so God speaks to people in different ways when you devote an hour a day to the Lord you increase your chances of hearing for the Lord I call it emotion so if you ever went to a foreign country stuff like that and you wanted to learn the language and then you like went home and you're like I'm gonna learn the language and then you got here and you got busy and then you went on vacation again you're like I still don't know Spanish or what's another language you know I don't know Italian French okay good so you don't know him but they say the fastest way to learn a language is being immersed in it you didn't have to go to school to learn English because you you lived with a bunch of English people and after a year you said Dada Dada or mama depending on how many times they told you that but you got it from immersion when you get in tuesday night services like this when west palm gets it and they realize hey hang on I'm going to the Royal Palm Beach campus and I'm gonna be there because I want immersion because these are the things that launch you forward and what would take you years to do in the natural can happen in moments in time it can happen just like that because you now are immersed in the Spirit of God now I want to say this and you should write this down the best way to hear from God is being around God coal is being around the coal because she's a person who does not respond to your text because she gets so many she doesn't text you back I go in so you got 1500 texts sometimes I go into her phone and respond back to myself but if you want to be with the call are Austin they are in the moment if they're with you they're with you if they're not with you you're not gonna hear from God so much that way if you want to hear from God be around God here's the next one if you have talking right now how to get the business further if you want to hear from God be around people that hear from God and they'll stir you to hear from God you'll be like oh I'm looking for my keys I'm looking for my breakthrough I'm looking for my Bobcat by the way God blessed me with another Bob Kent right after that one and I traded that one and made a bunch of money and bought one with air conditioning and I was out there with air conditioning I had AC and my bobcat chillin listening to Joyce Meyer preached the word and I wasn't a pastor I was just digging it I'm like oh I'm kind of getting chilly in here I turn it down because God takes you from glory to glory faith to faith victory to victory now when we sold all of our properties and we started to pass through the church in Fenton my mind said sell the Bobcat in just thirty thousand dollars it's yours but in here I had a prompt and keep it and we kept it at the back of 14/16 Larkin Road in the barn and I look at it one year and I thought why am i keeping it your - why am i keeping it and then God gave us this land here at graboids Road and they needed it all be cleared and the church would have had to buy a bobcat which is now this thing with all the gears worth like forty five thousand and we have a beautiful Bobcat and by the way if you want to see it tonight for five dollars I'll let you take a picture of it it's in the barn back there come on somebody because I had a prompting to keep it come on somebody ought to help me right now but the flesh said sell it am I making sense but God didn't say sell it he said sew it so some of you guys right now the Holy Spirit's leading you to sew something and you're trying to figure out you need to sell it and God might be leading you to sell it because the dividend of the return might be higher on the sewing than the selling by the way this is deep and I know I'm going over somebody of your heads but there's a lot of preachers that are watching me right now because I told them tonight what I was going to share I have so much stuff to share when I look at the Bible I see people like Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses Joshua Gideon Samuel David Elijah Ezekiel Daniel I see them all living spirit let life now back in the day there was a cloud by day and a fire by night and how many although that would have been pretty cool just follow the cloud at nighttime you just follow the flippin fire come on somebody just follow the fire how hard can it be so when you get to heaven because I was with a guy one time and we were talking about heaven this is deep stuff and and this is really I don't even know if I should say this to you but the guy had been to heaven and I know you probably not believe the people go to heaven and they come back but I'm telling you it does happen and this old man he was a missionary in Africa and he was bald-headed and he he was a bunch of these people that had never been witnessed before in Africa tried to kill him and they held him under water to drown him and the Holy Spirit told him to cup his hands and breathe underwater they held him underwater for 45 minutes and he had his hands cupped now cupping your hands don't try to do this in scuba it doesn't work it was just a sign they pulled him up out of water and they worshiped him and they all got saved because they thought it was Jesus and then he was bald head and he one day he was just talking about God the things of God and he said I'd like to have hair his name's Percy clay and God grew him the thickest Colonel Sanders head of hair that you ever seen and I know you might not believe me and I probably went too far for you but you'll be surprised when you get to heaven how supernatural the world is and how there are more angels in this room right now than there are people and how there are demonic beings in there and if you don't believe it don't believe me but I'm just telling you it's real though the ones that saved you they're the ones that you ate crayons as a kid you picked up food off the floor somebody gotta help me right now mm-hmm God did it so Percy told me he said about heaven he said that he was asking the Lord about that and he said when he was in heaven he would have been asked one of the patriarchs what was it like and he said you tell me what it's like now to live with the Holy Spirit in you Jesus hadn't died so we did not have that so we were following a cloud and we were following fire what's it like to have him with you all the time what's it like for him to go pick up the keys now move here by sunset hills by our city by Weldon go on television preach this sermon go say crazy stuff that I'm saying to you right now which wigs you out but I'm just telling you I'm showing you my real side I'm a little crazy I believe in divine promptings of the Holy Spirit how many all heads things happen where you're like I think that was probably God and then you saw something on the radio and you're like there's no way that could be God and then you did something stupid you might have been in a bar drunk and some people came up and they said something you went to a hotel room and you opened up the Bible doing something you shouldn't do you open up the drawer and the Gideons had already been there you're like oh crap some of you look pretty guilty about right now but the Holy Spirit was always there he said if you're in hell I will be there if you go to the depths of hell I will be there if you ascend to the heavens I will be there the Holy Spirit is a person and without the person of the Holy Spirit speaking to you and you properly discerning it your life will not live up to its full destiny now I've got a really hurry how many I'll give me five more minutes I'm out of time in Florida it's after 9:00 so here's what I do first of all I want you to go to numbers 22 they'll put it on the screen for you I better read this first number 22 21 Balaam got up in the morning saddled his donkey and went to the officials but God was angry when he went and we all know that's not good and the Angels the angel little Lord stood in the road to oppose him everybody shot that's not good but Balaam was riding his donkey and the two service were with him and when the donkey saw the angel standing by the road with a drawn sword in his hand the donkey turned off the road into the field and Balaam beat it to get it back on the road notice all the time you're trying to beat this situation to get him to marry you get the business to work you're in the flesh verse 24 then the angel of the Lord stood in a narrow path in the sin of this nicole through the vineyards with the walls on both sides when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord it pressed close to the wall crushing Balaam's foot notice that if they are in the flesh you start breaking stuff bones start breaking marriages start breaking bank accounts start breaking because you're trying in the flesh so he beat the donkey again they think angel the Lord moved ahead again and stood in the narrow place and there was no room to turn either to the right of the left and when the donkey saw the angel the Lord he laid down under Balaam and then he was so angry he beat him with his staff then the Lord opened the donkey's mouth how many time you know this is God you're really stupid when God has to have a mule talked to you and and the donkey said what have I done to you to make you beat me three times and Balaam answered the donkey it's he's talking to the donkey you made you have made a fool out of me if I had a sword my aunt I'd kill you right now how many all know if you got a talking donkey you don't want to kill that bad boy you've got a circus show why would you kill a talking donkey he's in the flesh the Holy Spirit is blocking him God of heaven is blocking him and now he's beating it he's angry with it verse 31 then the Lord opened Balaam's eyes and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with his sword drawn which by the way is the type of the Word of God so he bowed low and fell on his face and he repented so he was in the flesh if you're trying to make the marriage work in the flesh stop it not like not working on your marriage I'm talking about I want to marry you if you'd like we need to get married but we need six months of counseling probably not a good idea I want to try it over here if you're trying to make the business grow and you're losing money faster than you can make it it might not be that it's a it's a denial it might be a delay so the Lord saying you're trying to make this happen no go I'm not gonna go to church cuz I gotta go to work how much people did all the time i watch miracles come how much people that should meet this person and marry them their whole life would be incredible it would be unreal and I know it in here by the Holy Spirit and the fool won't come to church he's gonna work like crazy make money to try to impress a girl who's after the money instead of trying to impress them you should try to impress him and then he will be such an impressionable impression upon you that every girl's gonna want to get with you because ain't nobody ever ever upset with a Holy Ghost man come on somebody because man they got they got a good success rate you can even the ice cream and not have six-pack ABS brother Hagin didn't have six-pack abs but if you had the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost so not only make you look smart the Holy Ghost make you look pretty come on Sonny now if you ugly and you don't have the Holy Ghost then you need it you got a problem so now as I wrap this up I have what I call vision boards this right here hangs in my office and it shows stuff it's like the ambulance in Haiti we did that together you didn't know you wanted a hammer listen 80 until I told you that the Holy Spirit was leading me to do that and then you guys put the provision behind the vision and now people's lives are being changed in Haiti because even if you didn't have a vision I had a vision for you but I want you to have a vision that brings so much provision that the next time I have a bigger vision you can buy the building you missed a great opportunity to say man because even if you don't believe it say it because I need you to be it you're the only church I got so let's get it on come on somebody in Florida there's a building here multiple ones Florida knows about this on highway 95 there's a Gander Mountain that's for sale it looks just like our city but it's 28 million dollars either you need to get 28 million or you need to get 28 million or we need to wait upon the Lord until they drop the price but either way we need to church on 95 because God told me we need to church on 95 and if God gave us a building in royal palm he can give us a building over on 95 come on somebody ought to say man right now I demand you say my preach about put up up here and you're giving me a Tiger Woods clap hey I'm going with you or without you I'll tell you what I tell Ashton you better hurry because I'm leaving and I will leave you like a freight train with a bomb I'm gonna go these are buildings in the Ferguson flourescent area come on somebody ought to get excited about division I didn't make this up the Holy Ghost let us so in your business you got to have vision boards this one here I've got two different types up here that I'm looking at I don't I'm going to show you these because these are looking like strong possibilities and I don't want fake prophecies so hide that Brian but I keep it in my office what do you do with them I'm glad you asked I don't like cigarettes and put doughnuts in front of them I'd get down on my knees and I say god I thank you Lord God that you're bringing the wealth of the sinner into this church god you're speaking to people to give twenty thousand god I thank you that all the money that we need to do what were called to do is come in to us right now in the name of Jesus I'm calling things that be not as though they were believing that they would become God you said whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven Satan I bind you off of my money I bind you off of our church both here in the west palm but businesses are blessed their anointing is increasing on their life god I thank you that they are free from accidents incidents and all terrorism socialism communism racism and all other isms God and they are anointed and qualified to do the mission of God Almighty God I thank you that they know what to buy and when to buy and what to sell and when to sell it god I thank you that the Holy Ghost of God is telling us if we will help him in here on a Tuesday night you will wake up tough on a windy morning with fresh blessed have a word from God and we know exactly what to do and we know exactly where to be and the Holy Ghost to lead us now go over there the Holy Ghost will say stop mood what do you do you got to be led please remain standing so I shut up sin I don't know where we were we were somewhere in the world this last week and Nicole said if you hadn't stopped right then that wouldn't happen I forget what happened it was a good thing but it was a divine prompting Florida stand up with me in Florida as well all the time just start training yourself to listen in here and don't please don't get weird don't come up to me with crazy eyes anybody know what people are crazy eyes the Holy Spirit spoke to me you're not supposed to go home on highway 30 tonight you're supposed to call an uber I'm your uber driver I'm held up that's just jacked but I can promise you this that 9 out of 10 of you tonight here and watching online that even while I was talking and I'll ask you I'm curious to know while I was talking did you hear somebody else talking occasionally saying do this do that or don't do that are you sure to done that come on raise your hand I want to see it hold it up come on floor - hold it up on us here ok you can put it back down that's the Holy Spirit and the devil will tell you you can't hear from God because of what you did we're not focused on what we did we're focused on what he did and now we are the righteousness of God in Christ and now we get what Jesus deserves not what we deserve because we all deserve to go to hell don't pass go don't collect $200 you just go to hell but Jesus has a work for us to do I don't know if you saw on the news is yesterday but Castlewood Park was closed down due to a suicide anybody see that on the news right here okay and then pastor Paul went to the bedside of the mother today with with another pastor because the woman went to our church and that was her teenage son who the enemy got him alone and that's what the devil does that's why I connects for so important I connects might not even be about you mister I'm all about me it might be that you're supposed to start a bike club because you ride bikes and he don't want you to ride bikes alone because somebody's suicidal and they need you I met a doctor a minute ago in the the conference room and he was doing I connect and I become stretcher he's here right now I don't think I've ever met him I said hi how are you he's dr. so-and-so so what are you doing so I'm doing I connect and he was sharing how that that in there I connect they're just dealing with people that are having difficult scenarios and situations and they were giving back he wasn't getting anything out of it necessarily he was just giving back but you know this when you give to other people through an eye connect whether that's playing frisbee barbecuing is that all about a book club but you need to start on connect if you care for that teenager that shot himself it had to be pretty bad for that to happen so we need more churches and we don't need just buildings we need you to be the church so you need a servant church well I want to go to this campus because I like it what the Holy Ghost tells you to go to Weldon come on somebody ought to help me right now what if the Holy Spirit leads you to go to get to one of the other campuses you've got to obey the Lord and when you obey the Holy Spirit he will lead you and he will guide you I want to pray for you as we go I want you to look at me just for a second though I'm here to tell you tonight if I said anything that was offensive to you I was joking around kidding Bible said the multitude of words there's not sin so if I hurt your feelings anyway I apologize that was not my intent I just really wanted to try to down load as much of my knowledge of the supernatural as I could so this stage that you see or the seat that you feel that you set on it came out of what I just did and I want you to do that so if you're interested in getting to the next level with the Holy Spirit and you want me to pray for you right now raise your hand all campuses come on floored I want to see your hand if you wouldn't mind keeping them stretched up where I have a level is comfortable for you god I ask you right now to bless this your people God I pray right now Lord that the Holy Spirit of God would touch them I pray Lord for all of our members that are here I pray Lord for Lindsay right now in Florida I pray for for Paul I pray for Brittany I pray for Eric I pray for Preet and Trudy and Kevin and Cynthia and Jeff Rica laughs and Stephanie in April and Gary a Pascal and Lynette Joe and Lisa Fannin who were there tonight god I pray for all the other people that I didn't mention and I pray for every man every woman every boy never girl that is here right now I went online and I asked for you to touch them Holy Spirit baptized them with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues that they so want it and touch them Lord with a fresh touch from heaven I hear the Holy Spirit say this some of you have pulled away from me says the Lord and you've been lukewarm but I never pulled away from you and I love it that you have drawn yourself to me tonight and if you can see how happy you make me when you enter into my presence you try to do it every day you would enter my presence with Thanksgiving joy and the enemy would flee because when you're with me the enemy Musco depression must go suicide thoughts must go anxiety must go panic attacks must go so seek me with all your heart and when you seek me you'll find me though we love you and we praise you for your supernatural goodness God we pray right now that we'll listen to that prompting of the Holy Spirit all the time there's there's people in here right now that you've been you've been beating yourself up there's another level for you Ryan J Cox I hear the Lord say I'm pleased with you if you'll draw a little closer to me and you'll mix this this this natural business thing that you got going you will put a little bit more fire on it that you knew about through Keith and so on you'll see exponential growth in the banner years god I pray for every business right now I pray right now for Derrick I pray for Dennis I pray for Sheldon I pray for Scott I pray for time got up to pray I pray right now for Patricia I pray for Victoria got I pray right now for all of our businesses that are represented here that they have an unfair advantage because we're tithers and we're givers if we're not toddlers and we're not givers we can't qualify we got to get out in the rain to get wet God we thank you and we praise you for it and everybody said a man I receive it give the Lord a great big hand to praise if you enjoy how many enjoyed it tonight [Applause]
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 11,674
Rating: 4.8198199 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor David, David Crank, Faith Church,, funny preacher, church in St. louis, church in West palm Beach, Solving Your Money Problems, led by the Spirit, promptings, listen to my heart, tune in to God, wait on the Lord, Holy Spirit
Id: -D8yhmT6prg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 54sec (2874 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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