What to do When Under Attack - Pastor David Crank

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I'm excited about this weekend because this is not just a sermon that I have to preach it's a word from God and that's one of the reasons why I wanted to bring it and stream it to all of our churches today well than Sunset Hills earth city first of all it feels good to be preaching to thousands of thousands of people at one time and those of you that have not been yet to Florida these are your family you need to come down here and meet these people so you can live with them when you get old and it'd be great but God's supposed to be on Tuesday today of course it's Sunday and on Tuesday in st. Louis he spoke to me about about five five five he woke me up and looked at the clock and he said look at the clock and I looked it was five fifty five five means grace everybody shout five means grace and so when he spoke to me at 5:55 he looked at me and I was look at the clock and he said I want to let you know before you had a double anointing on you and whatever I have I'm telling you you have it right the anointing fall it comes down and he said now actually I want to put a triple anointing on you there's a triple grace upon your life and where you could before be ambidextrous he's a dexterous and do this and that now I'm going to allow you to do this this and that come on somebody ought to shout amen and so that was that was Tuesday then later that day he spoke to me to go over to an area in town in st. Louis called Ferguson some of you know that area a lot of racial tension happened there and I went to the spot where Michael Brown was actually gunned down that spot in the road and they actually kind of tore that up and put a new asphalt right there so it's very obvious where it is and as I stood there for a moment of silence and praying I was thinking about how the devil tries to bring racism socialism terrorism communism but the church is about to rise up and have a triple grace somebody ought to help me you do something big for God and on a sidenote west palm you don't know it but God began to speak to me that not only we got to church about 10 minutes from Ferguson now 15 but God is speaking to me that we should build a church in the Ferguson Forson area and we're going to do it come on somebody ought to give God praise today we're going to do that so at that same time again this is an a' sermon this is a word he gave me Joshua chapter 10 judgment chapter 10 verse 5 says this notice 5 we talked about 5 grace it just happens to be 5 it happens we the tenth chapter and 5 2 x classes what 10 it's early for some people super like to therefore therefore the five kings of the amorite of the kings of jerusalem the kings of iran they gather themselves together and they went in in camp before Gibeah and they made war against it they made war against it i want to stop and tell you just this real quick some of you right now here in all of our campuses god is speaking to me that you are in warfare right now what you're going through is not just natural it has had supernatural help from hill to try to stop you back and keep you back from god's greater calling on your life and so these five kings everybody shout five kings these five wicked kings came against the kingdom of god and god's people but how many all know that god has men and women in a place at certain times to do warfare now the Bible said this that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal so there is a war there's a fight against dark and light against evil and good against the end some people say there's a fight against God and the devil and yes and no because the fight is real quick Jesus already went to hell defeat of the devil gave us power and now we are the ones that are in charge here that's what he said whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven can somebody help me today and so God has a job for us to do and that's why the enemy and the enemy has been fighting you so hard with the opposition because he does not want you to achieve the life of your dreams because you'll start a church you'll start a business you'll rescue girls out of sex trafficking you'll raise millions of dollars in started start a church in the same area where Michael Brown was shot down I'm telling you that the hope of the world is found in this book and there is very there is a distinct fight against dark and light but when you find out who you are you say whatever I bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever I loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven and so when those five kings come against you you can send them out the Bible said where they come at you one way but they flee seven ways because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world I can't do all things through Christ who strengthens me I love Jesus I'm preaching better than your man in the day yeah a lot of white people in this church is Amal Han but I got a feeling her City getting all about right now all right verse 6 everybody shall say sick and the Lord made the men of Gideon and sent them out saying slack not by hand from thy servants come up here quickly and save us in other words we can our butt handed to us we need your help come quickly now this is a 40 mile journey but all the kings were gathered against the people of God I love this verse 7 says so Joshua ascended Joshua ascended they were crying for help because the five kings and all the people came against God and they called for a man of God whenever God wants to do something in your life he will send a man or a woman of God into your life to give you a word to get you from where you are to where you need to go because oftentimes you cannot work out properly without a coach if you ever went to the gym and sit down on the most comfortable piece of equipment that you've ever experienced in your life some of you don't go to the gym I'm telling you right now I was on ab machine this morning I laid down I thought I wonder why I don't watch TV on this because it feels so good and my flesh and saying oh no don't do it but on the inside I can hear my coach down strange and saint-louis going you got to get moving and so I had to put on some music took the chocolate off my feet so like and I am I just wanna praise you I'm working out come on somebody ought to help me Mary Mary so you needed coach to push you further so God said to Joshua ascended now I want you to figure this when Joshua ascended he ascended in prayer we wrestle not against flesh and blood Ephesians 6 and 10 for we wrestle against principalities powers and rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places so when you ascend the way up is down somebody ought to help me right now I said the way up is down sometimes what you do in the dark doesn't seem to have any real visible or noticeable change but what is happening underneath the foundation of your life through prayer God is building you up into a strong tower so when the enemy comes against you you say I decree and declare right now in the name of Jesus that I am annoying it I am appointed I am qualified somebody ought to help me today because God is in me God is with me God is for me and when you do that you put that in your heart out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks what comes out of toothpaste when you squeeze it some of you did so pictures do you not brush your teeth to face comes out go to places in it so the word comes out when you put the word in you so Joshua ascended from Gilgal and all the people of war he took them with him and the mighty men notice that there's a group of people that were with Joshua but he doesn't say everybody win he said I took the people of war I took those people that get up out of bed go to church and serve I'm talking about people who went to growth track this week is week one of growth track all campuses you should get in it where you connect with God connect with people discover your purpose and make a difference these are people of Ward that he took see sometimes the thing is is you can't go to battle with somebody that that's afraid to fight I don't want to break my nails I just got my nails did come on somebody understand you got to have somebody so crazy they're like I'm taking my weave off I'm taking my nails off I'm taking my girdle off and I'm after your big loop the earrings and I'm gonna strip you down any crazy people in here it crazy come on crazy right yeah come on our City come on sunset anybody crazy that's who you don't want to fight but the devil fights nasty the devil doesn't fight fair he fights you in the middle of the night you're tossing and turning in the enemy comes in and says how are you going to deal with this and then you wake up and now you can't remember why you couldn't sleep anybody ever done that had a dump thought all night long and woke up thought I don't even know what the heck I was think about all that what was that that's the enemy of your soul trying to take you from your sleep because one he doesn't want you pretty look at your neighborhood say it's too late for that go ahead I don't need no more sleep but he wants to drain you that's where the Bible said don't grow weary in well-doing you will weep if you faint not it's the enemy's tactic to try to get you sleep-deprived take you depressed to get you upset to get you thinking is that I don't know what is always happens to me you need to ascend with people of war who say hey shaquita you got this I'm telling you that God is with you and for you and so they start pumping you up and so you've got to make sure when you're in the fight how many all it raise your hand if you're in a fight right now that you take people that know how to fight with you you need to have fighters around you that are fighting for God and fight it for Gideon now let's keep on going anybody getting anything out of this then at verse eight it says and the Lord said unto Joshua fear them not I have delivered them into the hand and there shall not have a man who stands before you hears them not I have I want to really emphasize that I have not I'm gonna I have everybody shot I have kill the greatest fight to faith you fight is the fight you keep from fighting in your mind you're going to die cancer my daddy died at 56 so I hear that a lot in my brain your grandfather died in his 50s your father died in his fifties you're probably going to die in your 50 not today devil because I'm going to drink my green smoothie I'm going to work out I'm going to take my body I'm going to catch my pair up on him and I renew my mind with long life he has satisfied him and showed him to his salvation that's the Bible I am fearfully and wonderfully made come on somebody the Bible promised me 120 years I'll tell you right now I'm gonna live here so long my friends in heaven think I don't went to hell come on somebody ought to help me right now I'm talking about it'll be like oh he didn't make it I knew he was cray cray I knew you I knew you jacked up how many like me you've been jacked up you're in your life when I got saved the devil cried he said we lost a good man today because all these people telling their kids sent ain't fun sin isn't fun oh you were doing it wrong since fun oh I have fun come on raise your hand if you know I was fun I was on oh yeah I I don't tell my kids see any fun I go since fun for a season I said since fun bus seasons and need you you got all kinds of problems you wish you had a hat because you got with somebody they've been having fun before you had fun now you ain't have fun no more got quiet up in here today you said our house fear not for I have contrary women spell you just got to show up for the fight and you can just kind of watch it you just practice your victory dance because the fight of faith is not yours to lose it's his to win and yours to celebrate because the Bible said I love this far I feel the Holy Ghost right now going off he's throwing stuff at me here's what I hear him say the battle is the laws and the victory is mine somebody ought to help me I said the battle is the Lord's and the victory is mine oh I gotta teach these people to blow out a roll with a sound it's finally yours the devil tried to make it yours but it ain't your fight you already won this fight look at your friend and Selma love another fighter I'm gonna love it come on uh-huh first night Joshua therefore came unto them suddenly and I loved that and they went up from Gilgal all night some nights you just pull an all-nighter and you just got to get up in the middle of the night you got to sound time not sleeping anyway so you know what I'm going to do I'm going to get up and I'm gonna make war the Bible says this is the sword of the Spirit so right now I decree and declare out of my mouth that this word the spirit is coming out of my mouth that my feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace that I have on the breastplate of righteousness that I have peace on the inside of me and devil I tell you right now I am redeemed and the Bible said let the redeemed of the Lord say so so I just think your Lord right now and I'm walking through the and then you start saying I walked though I walk through the back the shadow of death I will fear no evil yeah and you start saying surely the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run in under saved oh god I thank you that you said in your word that the enemy may come at me one way with he'll flee seven gods you said that what shall separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus by now the Devils like screw that I got to go somewhere else because obviously they are properly trained in the maneuvers of jujitsu oh yeah and then you go back to bed you like he is this beloved sleep just to fix your problem you like you thought you needed therapy you didn't needed Holy Ghost therapy that's what you needed you thought I needed matter I need to go to the doctor and get medicine because I'm messed up yes you do the Bible says that a merry heart does good like a medicine you were low on medicine so you came to this church and we serve Jesus and Jesus is full of joy and the joy gives you strength so you just might as well laugh right now because the battle is over come on somebody come on somebody come on somebody come on somebody ought to give God praise Oh raise your hand if you feel better already raise your hand if you wish the person next to you had not raised their hand I don't know that yeah verse 10 I love this part and the Lord discomforted them before Israel and he slew them with a great slaughter of Gibeon and he chased them along the way in other words God starts making your enemies uncomfortable while you're pulling an all-nighter so you think I need to send an email I'm gonna go tell them what I think I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind if you're like me you don't need to give any pieces away you only got a couple of pieces left so you need to do your battle in prayer so you pray and obey and then you stay in the way and everything will be okay come on somebody ought to help me right now oh yeah uh-huh I'm rapping right now in the midst of a lot of white people verse 11 says and I love this part and it came to pass the situation came to pass obstacle came to pass lack of money came to pass depression it came to pass I'm telling you it came to pass look at your neighbor said came to pass as they fled before Israel they went down and the Lord cast down stones from heaven upon them upon the enemies and the hailstones killed more of the people than the children of God did with their own sorts so in other words God looked down and he saw them out there working he saw him fighting the fight of faith and then he looked and thought man it's not looking good it looks like they're losing and the enemy's coming at him so God gets his idea because it's July if you study this out it's July and the Hot Desert Sun and it's hot so God has a good idea he said I'm going to set up hailstones from heaven and I'm going to drop it on their enemies come on somebody so they're out there fighting them they think they're winning the enemies women and the children of God are freaking out and they think they're winning and then all of a sudden this dark cloud comes which gives the children of God covering because you ain't never seen hail come in on a blue sky it's a dark kind of shady sky and the wind started to change it and then hailstones started falling out of heaven and chucking the enemies in the head and all they could think is what the hell is going on right now I don't know I said hail what the hell's happening because God started sending hail from heaven and destroying their enemies and when then we're going to get stabbed in the back all of a sudden - here came another one and I'm telling you the same guy that did that is working for you today and he is working behind the scenes somebody ought to help me right now and he is sending now either hail some of y'all going to work tomorrow gods inhale probably not I don't know how he's going to deal with your enemies but I know if you receive it by faith he has already dealt with him if so faith believes it receives before it sees it it believes it's received it when it says it he saw dark he said let there be light you turn on the temperature at home for 72 even though it's 82 and you don't sit there and go I wonder if it's going to be 72 Oh God seventy-two goddess here will no you just turn it on 72 you walk away and time passes and then you come back and the desired temperature has now met the thermometer and the thermostat match that's called fate same in the spirit stop fearing the situation stop fearing these evil people that have become against you because God is going to do something big in you and that's why you have felt a little more hell than other people why have I been betrayed so much why do I fight so many Devils it's because the light that God has shined upon you the enemy has seen that and he has tried to hold you back set you back keep you back but it's time for your comeback somebody ought to shout a man when you get into his will and into his way so you can obey what he has to say [Applause] like what are you pausing for I was just thinking I love preaching with the Holy Ghost because he just makes me look so good I didn't plan this but sometimes I'm going he's like feeding me stuff my brains doing other stuff like hey how long has it been what's going on make sure you're not staying in the light is you're out of light make sure you talk to their campuses what's going on and the Holy Ghost is talking to my brain is going crazy and then every once while the Holy Ghost is like shut your brain up and keep preaching cuz this is good you jacking yourself up here right now and then I get to flow in it so that's why I took a break just to say thank you Holy Ghost for coming to faith here it sure is nice somebody ought to give God praise today all right so we got a hurry look at your neighbor say we got to hurry look at that look at it I guess they listen quicker listen quicker verse 12 says then spake Joshua unto the Lord that day he talked to God here I can't tell you enough about growth track when you connect with God we're going to try to do that this is a weak one all campuses you need to do it today and you can spontaneously do it today Earth City Weldon something when you connect with God and you connect with people you do discover your purpose then you make a difference do you want to continue to be the way that you are right now two years from now and the answer is no I know that about you but when you get involved in growth rap we teach you to connect with God and this is what Joshua did he's a Greek one of growth track joshua spake to the lord and then he ends up saying something crazy he needs more turn some of you right now are thinking man if I was going to be married shouldn't happen by now if the business was going to happen wouldn't it have happened by now anybody ever feel like more stuff should happen by now come on raise your hand all campuses that's the enemy trying to get you to focus on the problem instead of the promise and if you focus on the promise you don't even think about the problem everybody was afraid of Goliath except David oh he's too big to hit David came up said he's too big to miss I got this all day long and twice on Sunday I'm telling you and then he comes up and says how are you let him talk about your mama like that your mama wears combat boots guys really and then he says you come to me with spear and a sword but I come to you in the name of the Lord today I watch him say something he said today I will feed your uncircumcised your unaccompanied you're done God finding favor I'm going to feed you mm the air today then he picked up how many stones 5 what did God say I'm going to triple it 5 5 5 he picked up five smooth stones and then all of a sudden he releases his faith and he said you come to me as fear and sort and he releases it and what it does I think that many people say that it was going the wrong direction that the wind was casting it the wrong way but how many the Holy Ghost can go and it hit the dude right the Bible says square and but in the head right ear he fell face forward so God's people would never have to look him in the eyes again then David with a boldness goes over and doesn't take his own sword he takes the sword of the enemy the Bible said that the I'm just hearing that say it again Lord others another oh yeah he said the wealth of the center is laid up for the righteous you won't have to use your own sword you'll drive somebody else's car you'll live in somebody else's house you'll fly somebody else display somebody ought to help me right now he took the enemy sword and he cut his head off and then he came through the town and they started writing a song that David has killed his 10,000 and Saul's has killed his thousands and Saul was upset at David because David had a supernatural favor that Saul did not have but I'm telling you it's not by might it's not by power but it's by the sphere of the Lord and favor ain't fair look at your neighbor and shot in favor ain't fair can't everybody be blessed like you can't everybody be looks like you can't everybody be blessed like you you ain't got to rub it nobody's safe you just walk along like David yet he didn't pushing this thing the song there was just singing songs because it was true and then I believe that he took that head and hung it like a deer head in his trailer come on do people in Florida do that because Missouri people do that they like here's my be your head and they put it in the trailer and then sometimes even in their bedroom on the back side they got the butt of the deer on the other side like click over here and then it's really crude sometimes they take the feet of the beer and they put like this and then the deer has to hold anybody not talking about the deer holds the gun like this is what shot me right here I didn't do this I'm just saying people do anybody ever seen that laughs weird innit people are weird some weird people look at your neighbor and say there's weird people it's not you is it then I'm almost done then Joshua spoke after he had spoken with God he had the confidence to say son sam tsui when he said son stand still heaven heard her and time stopped I need more time God can add time to you he can add days to you and the Sun Stood Still because Joshua basically with the growth threat in connected with God he did he said nobody else's son Sam's Hill somebody said what God did that God didn't say son stand still Joshua said son stand still the Bible said you have what you say he said you have not because you ask not mark 11:23 is very verily I say unto you David drank therefore say into the mountain say not thank Santa the mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into sea and shall not doubt with your heart but believe those things as you say has to come to pass you shall have whatsoever you say the Bible is big not on God's saying it he already said it he's big on you saying it spraying it wheeling and dealing and making the devil feel it and your son somebody ought to help me your son can stand still your business can grow your marriage can overcome you can beat the cats and somebody out excited today I'm telling you what that you need to connect with God hello I'm preaching good today ah I can't wait to the next service to see what the Holy Ghost has to say some people like well that's weird it ain't weird is just the way I roll I'm the whitest black guy you'll ever know all right I got Ari verse 16 just remember those five kings that they were that they were the head of it they were the ones that instigated they were the brains behind the operation but the five kings fled and hid themselves in the cave and Josh was told about five kings so he's out here fighting all the people but the five kings they sent their people out to die but they wouldn't hit the cave and Joshua said roll a great stone upon the mouth the cave and lock him in and stay not and after that pursue your enemies then verse 21 says Joshua now brought those people out for a great slaughter verse 22 says then Joshua will open the mouth of the cave to bring forth the five caves to the keys out of the cave now what's going on is this is so smart how God can take your situation and make the very people that we're trying to destroy you go hide while you fight this battle and then you can be ready for the next battle now the fact is sometimes it sucks because we go from battle to battle but really we go from victory to victory faith to faith come on somebody you understand but you see like you come out of one Valley like aw god I don't even know if I'm ready for another battle well thank God God didn't allow all the devils to come to you one time he took these jokers and they went and they hid themselves in a cave so he could make the Sun stand still hail could fall down out of heaven God could deal with that and then the big brains behind the operations when they came out he said hey we don't look tall then we just got five guys left and it was five chickens that wouldn't hit them so we are ready for you Freddy bring it on that all you got that's what's happening and check this out this next part is very important you open them out the cave they brought him out of the cave verse 23 and it came to pass verse 24 that when they brought the Kings out to Joshua the Joshua called for the mighty men those people that with the grow threat people that are on fire for God not some witchy Wars you pretend emigrants and people and they went out and they came near and then he said come near and put your feet Joshua said on the necks of those kings put your feet on their neck and this synonymously hooks up with Romans 628 which says that God will crush Satan under his feet here's my message to you right now if you've got a message for the devil put it on the bottom of your foot because that's where he is so you could say not today devil I'm blessed and how they saver come on somebody ought to hear what I'm saying every place in which my flesh shall trod God has given it to me oh I'm blessed coming in and I'm blessed going out I'm gonna bring my shoe up because it's easier right now so you just see the rites and stuff down by the way you want to seem a little cray-cray foot anyway that's that little toe today never touch the ground it's like brand new I can sell it on eBay Nicole goes gets a mani-pedi and I have to go with her and the people say oh you'll note also that all the devil is under your feet you're talking to him as if you're equals and you are not equals you would you're not equal certainly to the devil in and of yourself the devil is bigger than you if you were by yourself but here's horrible grammar book great theology you ain't by yo self Alicia that's nice that's nice come on somebody ought to give God praise and uh preach the word a guy you pest nobody got time for that somebody oughta shot I'm coming out I put my head on the devil I am coming up by faith I want my faith and not by sight many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord shall deliver them out of them all hail is coming out of heaven son is standing still and my enemies are his a came and I am blessed favor anointed qualified appointed in the name of Jesus come on somebody give God praise event everybody stay at all campuses right now want you to stand I want you to say this with me John I decree and declare that God his power is all my life greater is He that is in me and he that is in the world I'm anointed well sail again breakfast I'm qualified I'm powerful I'm onto by an assignment and the anointing of the Lord is if all my life and if God has to he can make the Sun stand still he can bring hail from heaven he can heal the cancer he can fix the marriage because the Word of God I have hidden my heart today and I limped in here but I'm leaping out at Faith Church today I come on somebody anointed you're powerful you're good now here's what I want you to do all camps are sitting Sunset Hills here I want you to don't swear because you might not know the person next you but I want you to look at the person and tell them say you look better now than you did when you came in telling my favorite you look better now look back at me for your next instruction you ready for your next instruction come on Ark City come on well come on sunset who's ready for your next instruction come here Nicole here's your next instruction you look back at them in all seriousness and you say since you feel that way I'm going to let you take me to cracker bro come on tell them say since you feel that way go ahead don't be shocked come on very can can Nicole she's about Cracker Barrel blueberry pancakes and she locks the edges to be crunchy and you got to eat them with your fingers because in a feeling like I'm on ok who's getting hungry up in here today you know one of the reasons why I knew here's the thing our Sunset Hills campus is right by a Cracker Barrel so that's what we knew we're like this is God we bought the earth city campus and it's a mile from a Cracker Barrel and we knew that this guy when we started the church in West Palm how many y'all know Cracker Barrel is right we knew that's heart welded spring we went out there we did the welding spring campus all the time it's just the next street over the back road and it's right next to a when you're juicing heaven they're gonna be a pragmatic foot most of us yep and cracker Browns like this too when you go into cracker brothers la color they put your name on a roll just like heaven come on somebody else you know said how y'all feelin it right up and then they call David Crane your names about to be called cymatics you know this is just isn't it this lady she goes up to heaven with her husband there in a car accident together she gets there first st. Peter's there he says hey hey hey you can get into heaven I just need you to spell a word she says what's the word he said love she's like l.o.v.e he's like you're in matter of fact I need to take a restroom break can you cover the podium for me she's like I thought this her husband comes up next says baby hi she said what do you do what she said I'm filling in for st. Peter all you have to do to get into heaven baby is spell a word and he's like awesome what's the word she said um antidisestablishmentarianism ha ha ha ha ha ha come on you ever to go I listen I'm just telling you today I mean I'll feel happy do you feel better you look better I'm here to tell you that what the enemy tried to destroy you with God's going to turn it around for your good that this was not just a sermon this wasn't just another sermon Weldon a sunset or City Florida this was a word from God raise your hand if you feel like it was a word from God for you and that's why also I want to say that I like preaching you know we don't stream all the time but sometimes you stream in st. Louis or so why not have to preach like seven or eight times a day today and I like that but you can't preach eight times that hard because you pull serve hurts stuff you need surgery come on somebody but when you can preach like this and so sometimes if I feel like it's a word from God and I can speak to everybody is it okay sometimes if we just stream it so I don't kill myself come on somebody gotta give God praise but I want me in Nicole to pray for you today at all campuses before we go and here's the reason why it doesn't happen much because God put anointing on her to preach and me to preach and so we work with that but occasionally the mob says that want to put a thousand to flight but to put ten thousand apply and Nicole and I are going to mix our faith with you right now and I want you to join hands with people around you if there's somebody near you it's not just join hands with yourself maybe you're watching online and we're going to pray what the Bible calls the prayer of faith and I believe that right now this beautiful Sunday morning the first Sunday not only you're going to leave here today go into growth track all campuses but you're going to leave knowing today that the power of God has changed and just like God said Joshua to those people God sent me and Nicole to you father in the name of Jesus you said whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven father I decree and declare that favor breakthrough supernatural opportunity is coming to our church family now this isn't just a crowd we love these people Nicole and I absolutely love all of our campuses and all the people come and gods we just reach out right now and say God you embraced them with a hug from us love from us the Saint we dia sign you we say that this is the day this is the Sunday that we drew a line in the sand and at those enemies are going to hide in the cave until we can deal with them and any hidden enemies that we have in our life that are hiding in the cave we're going to take them out one on one and we're going to get delivered from pornography alcohol addiction lusts lying pride whatever it is it's hidden in a cave this is the weekend that we receive complete manifestation in Jesus name we pray and everybody says hey hey come on give it up for God
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 8,272
Rating: 4.8206277 out of 5
Keywords: Attack, West Palm Beach, Florida, Missouri, Sunset Hills, St. Louis, Earth City, Weldon Spring, david crank, pastor david, faith church, funny preacher, best church, grace, ferguson, racism, terrorism, communism, socialism, supernatural warfare, fight, evil, enemy, prayer, I am anointed, god is with me, go to church, faithchurch.com
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2017
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