Get Over It | Elevation Church | Pastor Robert Madu

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are you ready for the Word of God now me too I feel like we're so blessed this morning because we've got Pastor Robert Madu in our church bringing us the Word of God this morning he and his wife Taylor live in Cedar Hill Texas he's a part of the teaching team at Trinity Church most of the time he's traveling the world though preaching the gospel sharing the grace and love and mercy of Jesus and we're blessed because this isn't his first time he's back with us so could you help me welcome Pastor Robert Madu back to the pulpit this morning oh good morning Elevation Church come on do you have another praise our a hallelujah on the of you come on can we just take 10 seconds across every location come on let's give God the best praise that we've got hallelujah oh come on this is the day that the Lord has made let's rejoice and be glad in it are you excited to be in God's house today I'm telling you I am espresso elated to be back at Elevation would you do me a favor before you take your seat across every location I want you to look at your neighbor whichever one you like the best and just get in their face get in their personal space and just say neighbor come on don't be afraid to talk to your neighbor come on say neighbor I waited all week to sit next to you now see if they really meant it see if they really meant it come on give somebody a high five show them some love you can be seated oh thank you worship team it feels good to be in God's house today man I am so honored and privileged to be here for a couple of reasons as Chris mentioned this is my second time here on a weekend and I kind of have a rule I have a rule as I've been traveling that when you come to a church like the first weekend you're still kind of in the guest category you know people don't know you but if you come back the second weekend then you're just straight up family okay so I hope you know I've adopted myself into the Elevation family y'all are stuck with me I'm your cousin from the great country of Texas so it's gonna be good today it's gonna be good especially because I just came back from Israel I was in Israel two days ago I feel extra anointing so I was in the Holy Land of Israel now in the Holy Land of Charlotte and I was walking around Israel it's pretty significant to think that what happened on that little parcel of land through Jesus turned the world upside down and then walking in here today just to think that just 13 years ago what God has done through this church what started has now reverberated around the world what God is doing here at Elevation and come on how many of you know you are blessed favored and straight-up spoiled to be a part of this church come on if this church has ever blessed your life you ought to give God some praise this is unbelievable tell you right now the grass is not greener anywhere else okay if it is it's astroturf it's not real this right here this is real and God had to have somebody special to steward this to lead this and my wife and I we so love and appreciate the life and the leadership of Pastor Steven and Holly Furtick and anytime I got the mic at Elevation come on I'm gonna give honor to where honor due would you help me thank God for your pastors come on for their vision for their hearts to serve y'all could do better than that across every location come on make some noise for your leaders Pastor Steven is undoubtedly one of the greatest preachers you will ever hear and not only that he has really the relational equity to get anybody behind this pulpit so it is my honor to be here today and I'ma preach I feel like preaching today I feel like preaching from Genesis all the way to the maps in the back so it's gonna be good would you stand with me to honor the reading of God's Word and across every location if you got a Bible would you wave it in the air like you just do care come on some of your Bibles are glowing thank you for charging up your Bible today I want to look at Matthew chapter 15 today Matthew 15 I want to look at verses 21 through 28 Matthew 15 we'll start at verse number 21 and we'll land at verse number 28 when you're ready to read it why don't you say yeah you need some time to find it say holdup that was a lot of hold ups I'ma give you a moment Matthew chapter 15 starting in verse number 21 look at what it says it says leaving that place Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon and a Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him crying out Lord son of David have mercy on me my daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly Jesus did not answer a word so his disciples came to him and urged him send her away for she keeps crying out after us and he answered I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel the woman came and knelt before him lord help me she said and he replied it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs yes it is Lord she said even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table and Jesus said to her woman only Jesus can get away with that by the way woman you have great faith your request is granted and her daughter was healed six months later I'm tripping wrong prescription let me read that again her daughter was healed three days later oh no my bad her daughter was healed at that moment it's almost like what she said in verse 27 activated the miracle in verse 28 at that moment I want to preach across every location today not long about six and a half hours I'm playing just using this as a title get over it get over it would you do me a favor look at your neighbor for the last time and just say neighbor I know this message is for you come on let's pray father thank you for your word across every location speak to our hearts today Lord let us leave different than the way that we came in in Jesus name everybody said amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord get over it you know I really hate to preach before I preach but just just watch this real quick watch this hear me God will often use desperation to push you into your destiny in fact watch this desperation is the door that breakthrough walks through oh I'm gonna say that again desperation is the door that breakthrough walks through some people wonder how come I ain't got my breakthrough yet sometimes cuz you hadn't got downright desperate enough for God to do it in your life because desperation will open up doors that complacency will keep shut I'm telling ya I'm traveling people will often ask me Robert where's your favorite place to preach your favorite place to preach and to be honest I struggle to name a place because I want to articulate to them that the effectiveness of preaching and ministry has little to do with an address or a destination of a place but everything to do with the attitude and the disposition of the people that are in the place come on I would rather preach in a basement with three desperate people then to preach in the Bahamas with thousands of bougie stuck-up people who act like they don't need God to do anything in their life but if you give me some desperate people miracles will break forth if you give me desperate people signs and wonders will start if you give me desperate people the atmosphere will shift and change and God will show Himself strong and mighty when you're desperate hey that's a good sermon clip right there it's actually a good sermon it's a good sermon at least I thought it was I thought it was until after I preached that message I did what every confident secure and emotionally healthy preacher does after a message I went online to read the comments underneath that message now in full disclosure most of the comments 90% of them were positive you know comments like good word oh that blessed me preach bro there were a few fire emoticons but but those aren't the comments that I have saved and snapshotted on my phone that I want to read for you today but now remember in that snippet in that snippet that was not the whole sermon I said and I quote I would rather preach in a basement with three people who are desperate for God then to preach in the Bahamas with thousands of stuck-up bougie people who act like they don't need God to do anything in their life that's what I said in that clip that was not the full sermon okay now what I was clearly saying is that as a preacher and a pontificater of the gospel that a meager but eager audience in a basement would be preferred over a large apathetic audience in the Bahamas my juxtaposition of the Bahamas and the basement was solely to compare/contrast a magnificent environment with the mundane environment I was in no way shape or form trying to denigrate Bahamian people or basement people I just needed two words that started with the letter B but let me read the comments for you it says in your message pastor you mentioned the Bahamas stating that it has stuck-up and bougie people how can a pastor say those things about a country have you met everyone in the Bahamas very distasteful of you to make those statements as a Bahamian I am offended and owed an apology next comment pastor you have greatly offended a large group of Bahamian's with your comments about the Bahamas next comment and my favorite the expression on his face when he made that comment about my people tells me everything I need to know that was flesh coming through not God watch it again and watch his expression closely hash tag apology required urgently next comment wow just wow sad that he used this platform to offend hundreds and thousands of people oh there's about a hundred more comments where that came from that's the edited version right and the irony is there was one dude he tried to cancel my ministry from coming to the Bahamas started a campaign on Facebook to cancel my ministry from coming to the Bahamas and the irony is I would love to preach in the Bahamas I would die to preach in the Bahamas I'm gonna keep it 100 I would leave y'all right now to go preach in the Bahamas I mean Ballantyne is beautiful but it ain't the Bahamas I just found it funny interesting and to be honest quite sad that some people missed the transformational truth of an entire message not because it could not be comprehended but because they were offended ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters we are now living in the age and the era of offense have you noticed that it seems like everybody everywhere is perpetually offended about everything all the time everybody is now offended it is as if victimhood has gone viral and being easily offended is no longer seen as a weakness in your character but is now your constitutional right to be offended oh you got a right to be offended oh that didn't offend you oh I'm offended for you it's like we're no longer living in the USA we are now living in the USO because everybody is in the united state of offense everybody's offended men are offended women are offended the millennials are offended the baby boomers are offended democrats are offended republicans are offended the atheists are offended the saints are offended the New Orleans Saints are still offended you know we're supposed to be in the Super Bowl right we were supposed to be vegetarians and vegans are offended oh come on you heard about this right there's a group there's a contingency of vegans that are offended right and they are now calling for the removal hear me of meat-based metaphors they want a ban on phrases like bring home the bacon they are rallying for less offensive and more health-conscious phrases like bring home the broccoli animal rights activists have jumped on the same bandwagon backed by PETA they feel that some of our commonly used phrases and idioms are offensive and are actually encouraging animal cruelty phrases like you're beating a dead horse and you can kill two birds with one stone should be removed and replaced with less offensive ones like you're feeding a fed horse and you can feed two birds with one scone that is a for-real article I see some of y'all judging and you laugh you're like oh come on vegans animal activists get over it that's silly understand it's silly to you but is serious to them so so serious that some of these animal activist actually got arrested they were arrested because they were going to steak houses with speakers and they were playing the sound of slaughtered cows at these steak houses and when the managers came out and said no hold up y'all can't do this y'all gotta move I had to they refused and got sent to jail they got arrested it was very serious to them and this is the variability of offense that an offense that's silly to me might be serious to you and an offense that's serious to you might be silly to me and I don't care who you are under the sound of my voice every single person has something some offense some touchy subject that if the right person on the wrong day when you forgot to pray you hit that button oh you'll find yourself in a jail cell right next to the animal activist oh what do we do with our offenses our offenses you remember that game operation that board game this is before fortnight you had these board games and there was a patient on the board game you had to get the tweezers you had to get like his heart or his organ but if you hit the wrong spot the patient on the board game his nose would light up and turn red that's you that's me all of us have offenses that if the right person hit it your nose would light up like Rudolph what do we do in a culture of offense my text is in Matthew chapter 15 but in Matthew chapter 24 offense comes up the disciples privately come to Jesus and say hey Jesus how can we know the end of the age how can we know when you are coming back you're gonna return and Jesus gives them a litany of things he says let no man deceive you many will come in my name saying I am Christ and they will deceive many he said nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom there will be wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes in diverse places and diseases and pestilences and when you're reading Matthew 24 you can get lost in the suspense of the earthquakes and the diseases that you'll miss Matthew 24 verse 10 where Jesus says oh and then many will be offended in other words Jesus says one of the blue's clues for my return is that you will be in a culture in a society of offense in Luke 17 not Matthew 24 Jesus brings up this issue of offense he calls his disciples and he says to the disciples let's look at it he says to the disciples he's talking to the disciples any disciples of Jesus okay about four of you good to see you and look what he says to the disciples he says it is impossible it is impossible that got my attention because you know when the God of the impossible is saying something is impossible you better pay close attention what is impossible Jesus to heal the sick to raise the dead he's like oh that's easy now here's what's impossible that no offenses should come in other words Jesus is saying I guarantee you offenses are gonna come in your life it is a part of being a breathing human offenses are gonna come he promises you that offenses are coming he promises you your spouse is going to get on your last nerve he promises you somebody is going to send you the wrong text message he promises you somebody's gonna see you at Walmart about to pull in a parking spot with your signal on and they gonna squeeze in there and that he promises you offenses are gonna come he later says in the text now don't let the offenses come through you you don't be out there just causing offenses he says if you do that it would be better for you to put a millstone around your neck and jump in the bottom of the sea a millstone was a stone about the size of a washing machine he said now you don't be the one doing offenses he said but offenses oh they're gonna come it is impossible for them not to come but I'm noticing in the text he did not say that it is impossible for you to not get offended because offenses and offended are two separate and distinct things oh can I teach in here a little bit today there's a difference between offense and offended offense is what happened offended is a reaction offense says you did it offended says I'll never forgive him offense Pastor Steven says is an event offended is a decision and the power of what Jesus is saying in this text is that offenses oh those are inevitable but offended now that's optional so if offenses are inevitable but offended is optional that means it is possible and plausable for you to live your life unoffended Jesus says I've got a power and a grace that not many believers tap into but it is possible for you to live your life unoffended so the question I've been waiting all week to ask you at every location I'm gonna drink some water before I ask y'all hold on one second you ready this is the question I've been waiting to ask you what is your current level of offendability I know offendability is not in the dictionary but you know what I mean how much does it take for you to get offended and the only reason I'm asking you is because in my own life in my own life as I was seeking God he spoke to me so clearly and said Robert your level of offendability is too high he said I got big things in store for you massive things in store for you things that your eyes have not seen and your ears have not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man the big things I've already prepared for you but he said you'll never be able to handle the big thing as long as it keeps taking the smallest thing for you to get offended he said to me that your level of offendability is actually an indicator of the level of your spiritual maturity so what God will often do is put your miracle on the other side of an offense so that you will be faced with a decision to stay small where you are or to grow up and get over it oh I'm preaching in here today I might not get a lot of Amen's but this is for somebody what do we do with our offenses and when God spoke that to me I didn't shout I didn't clap I didn't do the Holy Ghost two-step I got offended I said God what do you mean my current level of offendability is too high I don't get offended easily oh I was so mad I didn't talk to Jesus for like two weeks no I'm for real cuz you do know that God knows how to offend you oh come on can't nobody offend you like Jesus Jesus knows how to offend you he can't help but offend you it's who he is come on he is the way the truth oh there it is the truth and the light and the truth by nature it offends sometimes Jesus will tick you off with the truth before that truth can transform you he will offend you I'm telling Jesus is like spandex toddlers and drunk people he gonna give you the truth whether you like it or not somebody get that tomorrow I'm telling you Jesus He offends every relationship you have every relationship you have runs the risk of offense come on relationship is the context of offense you don't get offended in isolation come on you don't look in the mirror and talk about I can't stand what you did to me at least not all of us come on it's in the context of relationship I submit to you that if Jesus has never offended you you might not have relationship with Jesus at all he will offend you so all I'm saying is that sometimes Jesus is offending you and sometimes people are offending you and sometimes it's both at the same time and that is exactly what is happening in our text today in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 15 the Bible says a Canaanite woman who a Canaanite woman she is a pagan to the Israelites a Canaanite woman this is years of strife years of offense years of arguing between the Canaanites and the Israelites do you know how much courage it took for that woman to roll up on this Jewish man named Jesus and his Jewish homeboys after the years of offense between the Canaanites and the Israelites do you know how much courage it took for her to walk up to him that day come on have you ever had to walk into a room that you knew the people in the room hated you but you had to walk in anyway cuz your check was in there whatever I mean you know how much courage it took for this woman to walk into this room what would make a Canaanite woman walk into a room in an atmosphere with a Jewish Messiah and his disciples I'll tell you what made her do it the devil was messing with her daughter and come on when the devil is messing with your child oh come on where the parents at when the devil is messing with your child oh stuff will come out of you that you didn't even know was there when the devil is messing with your child oh you'll find a prayer room you're like don't play that music come on put on some Elevation hallelujah you get castor oil and just start throwing it all over the room oh come on I didn't know this till I had kids myself my wife and I I did not know this that it's one thing for the devil to mess with your job it's one thing for him to mess with your Honda Accord it's a whole nother thing when he starts messing with your child come on have you noticed other people can say the same thing about your child that if you said but they say it it's a problem come on you know your child will make you call into work late and say I'm gonna be late today walk right into the teacher's classroom and say what did you say about my child on this note no no he's creative you can't teach that's the real problem don't mess with people's children I'm telling you oh your child will make your low kick an eighth grader on the playground say I wish you would bully my kid again so this woman she walked right into that room she said I don't care if you're rolling your eyes Peter suck your teeth all you want Judas I don't care I don't care I don't care what y'all think about me this is serious I'm tired of the devil tormenting my baby girl I'm tired of being up all night with her I'm tired of this and I heard that this Jesus has the power to heal the sick and to raise the dead I heard that demons tremble at just the mention of His matchless name so Jesus if you're still in the demon casting out business please I feel like preaching now have mercy on me I don't care what y'all think about me this is my baby girl she said Lord please son of David she's a pagan talking about son of David oh I'm telling ya there's some trouble that'll hit your life that'll make you say whoa father God Jehovah Jireh all your names I need you please help my baby girl she cries out to him and Jesus hears her he hears her loud and clear but after she cries out son of David have mercy Jesus pulls out his phone just goes hmm Lord son of David have mercy my baby girl Jesus oh you don't believe it it's in the text verse 23 Jesus did not answer a word he didn't say and she pours out her heart and he completely ignores her have you ever had to deal with the offense of being ignored the offense of being ignored where did that come from I'm so glad you brought that out there because this is how life works an offense is actually a stumbling block its a stumbling block you're just going through your life and all of a sudden just out of the blue you got an offense have you ever had to deal with the offense of being ignored where you cried out to Jesus he didn't say yes he didn't say no he didn't say maybe nothing at all oh the pain of the offense of being ignored is so frustrating I can relate I can relate to this woman because I have a father a Nigerian father and I remember being a kid and I would ask my dad like in my teens and I would ask my Nigerian father I'd be like sixteen and I asked him a simple question I can see it like it was yesterday he'd be at the kitchen table reading the paper a simple question like dad I'm 16 I'm grown and there's a party going on this Friday at a house you don't know with people you don't know and I'm gonna be back probably about 2:00 a.m. is it cool for me to go to this party and my Nigerian father would put down the paper and look at me after I asked the question and he will not say anything but just give me a look that you have lost your mind and not say a word and then just go right back to reading the paper and it would make me so mad cause he just ignored me oh the offense of being ignored I think being ignored is worse than being rejected because when I'm rejected at least I know where we stand you don't like me cool thank you next it's fine I know you don't like me but when you ignore me and you don't say anything when I send you a text message and you don't respond at all to the text and you one of the crazy ones that got the notification where it says read you let me know you saw it didn't say anything ever dealt with the offense of being ignored wonder God do you see me do other people see me I think about David who wasn't even invited to the party when they were looking for a king he was completely ignored the offense of being ignored is so pervasive in our culture today because we live in a society where everybody has this incessant need to be noticed have you noticed like don't you see me and it can be difficult to deal with the offense of being ignored he said not a word if that was me oh and I came to Jesus and said my baby girl is being demon-possessed and he ignored me oh that's it I'm over it I'm over oh that's cool oh no that's cool I see you didn't ignore blind Bartimaeus you didn't ignore the one with the issue of blood yeah they posted all they're miracles but you ain't got time for me no it's fine no it's cool you a good good father yeah right you're a jerk I'm over it not this woman she kept asking please please please you know how crazy you look to be persistent when he didn't even say anything but I'm telling you sometimes there's power in your persistence I don't know who this is for but you gave up too soon don't stop keep pushing keep pressing she said please I ain't leaving please she was persistent and she didn't get a response out of Jesus but she got a response out of his disciples this woman kept going to the disciples get annoyed they're like oh this girl Felicia is not gonna leave obviously don't worry Jesus we got you Jesus I want you to see what the disciples say they say Jesus here's what you should do send her away for she keeps crying out after us somebody caught it send her away she keeps crying out after us really disciples where in the text did she cry out after you you can't do anything didn't nobody say your name they don't want you see this is the problem with some people that hang around Jesus sometimes they get it twisted you think people want you no I want Jesus he's the only one that's got the power to change the situation matter of fact if you move out the way I can to him the disciples represent the offense of the institution the church disciples clearly demonstrate for us that sometimes the greatest offenses we occur are not necessarily from Jesus but from the people who bear his name people who represent him have you ever dealt with an offense in the church the disciples come on the disciple you're the very ones who were rejects and outcasts then Jesus reached out to you and now you're rejecting people because you've been around Jesus a while and your Instagram followers are blowing up now you think what do you do with the offense when you've been hurt by the institution of the church or people in the church and you'd be shocked at the people who are not in any of the locations today and some of the people who are in them who are still wrestling with the heart of the offense that came from somebody who beared his name and if I could just speak to you just for a moment can I tell you this I'm not saying what they did was right I'm not saying what they did was okay but can I tell you this never project the nature of man onto the character of God never project the nature of man onto the character of God just because they forsook you he's not gonna forsake you just because they were wrong it doesn't mean God is wrong can I also say that God has this uncanny way of also using the church to heal your church hurt so don't leave stay planted and this woman she didn't leave she said I'm gonna stay and because she stayed God spoke I don't know who that's for today but God told me to tell you if you'll stay he'll speak don't walk away if you stay he will speak but you might not like what he says look at what he says to her he says I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel let me translate it for you girl I ain't here for you you are an outsider I am here first for the children of Israel I'm on a mission I'm on an assignment this is the offense of insignificance can you imagine how she felt he said I am not here for you you're not my focus right now my focus is actually on the lost sheep of Israel the offense of insignificance and let me teach you just for a moment y'all good because offenses are like lenses okay anytime you have an offense with somebody it's like a lens would you come up here what's your name Lito would you take off your glasses real quick see let's say I got into it with Lito I like you bro we had an offense we had a falling-out the moment the offense occurs put them back on lenses offenses are lenses I see it a certain way you see it a certain way you always see the offense from your vantage point that's why when you tell the story they're always the villain and you're the victim can you believe they did that that's why I always ask did they really say that or is that how you see it because if we just traded glasses offenses are lenses and if I put my goodness Lito is blind no wonder you saw it like that that's your issue and he's got mine on talking about man how is he even reading the time clock no wonder he going over back cuz offenses are lenses so when offense comes you gotta say Lord help me to see this the right way or even better get somebody else in the situation that don't got glasses say both of y'all blind both of y'all jacked up let me tell you what's going on offenses are lenses so watch this from her vantage point I'm here only for the lost sheep of Israel I'm insignificant but from Jesus vantage point it is not insignificance it is precedence I'm not saying you're insignificant but I'm saying the children of Israel take precedence and just because they take precedence doesn't mean you're insignificant okay I lost some of you this is the equivalent of you spraining your ankle and going to the hospital for them to see about your ankle and as they're rolling you in to take care of your ankle all of a sudden a gunshot wound victim comes in the room so they put you to the side throw you a bag of ice and they bring the gunshot victim wound in and they start treating him how crazy would you look oh really oh you just don't take care of him oh no it's cool I guess I'm insignificant no take your ice I'm good nah this hospital don't love people I'm fine no booboo we're not saying you're insignificant it's just that this victim takes precedence but in a culture where everybody is a narcissist and focuses on you you'll look at insignificance and go man I guess he doesn't care about me at all if that was me if that was most of us these three would have already made us be over it and be gone how many people do you know who felt like they've been ignored by God and people and the church has hurt them and they've been made to feel insignificant so they walk away but not this woman oh this woman watch this she gets down on her knees she changes her posture she says Jesus please Lord please help me she said no I know it's a lot of offenses but I'm not gonna walk away I'm just gonna worship you come on you know you are on the edge of your breakthrough when you could have walked away you had every reason to quit to walk away and throw in the towel but instead you said no I'm gonna worship you I'm gonna give you glory and honor I don't understand this I don't know why this is happening but I know that you're still worthy you still deserve my worship please please please she just worshipped him oh they said it in the testimony video she said I started to seek the healer more than the healing she just worshipped she didn't walk away and I would have thought that the worship would have got God's attention but Jesus turns up the heat even more brings the hardest offense he looks at her and says you're worshiping but uh you know it's not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs Jesus the compassionate Savior the loving Father full of grace calls this woman a dog now there are some cultural differences that we don't understand and because in that culture if you were outside of the covenant with Abraham you were an outsider you were a dog dogs were outside it was very common for Jews to call Gentiles dogs Jesus was just keeping with the culture called her a dog but if you study this text one of the things you'll find is that he doesn't use the common Greek word for dog which was a wild dog that's what they called him he uses pet dog pet dog and if you study this you'll see all these commentators and scholars defending Jesus like now hold up now hold on now he did call her a dog but it was a pet dog okay not a wild dog he used a different term it was a pet and they're defending Jesus and I'm reading it going ah either way you look at it it's bad pet dog wild dog he called her a dog this is the offense of being insulted have you ever felt like be honest your situation was insulting how can you help others people's children and your child is on drugs how can you help so many other marriages your marriage is falling apart have you ever felt insulted he called her a yes a pet dog but it's still a dog oh if that was me let's be honest if that was most of us we've been ignored rejected made to feel insignificant insulted oh I'm over it and I think this woman for a moment was over it I tried everything I knew he keeps bringing offense after offense and to add it all you call me a dog whatever Jesus I'm over it but I think somewhere it hit her she went wait a minute you called me a dog but you called me a pet dog all the other Jewish people say wild dog you said pet dog wait a minute there is a difference between a wild dog and a pet dog a wild dog doesn't have a place a pet dog has a place a pet dog can find shelter a pet dog can be protected when it's raining when it's cold outside you you call me a pet dog wait a minute wait a minute wild dogs have to scrap for food and go through trash cans and get whatever bones and leftovers they find on the street but not a pet dog pet dogs get to eat whatever their master is eating oh if the master's eating steak the pet dog is eating steak if the master's eating lobster the pet dog is eating lobster oh wait a minute maybe it has nothing to do with the dog but just showing me that life is predicated upon who your master is so guess what Jesus I don't care if you call me a dog a cow or a cat I'm not walking away just because of these offenses these aren't even stumbling blocks these are actually stepping stones so I'm going to get over it I'm over being ignored I'm over the church hurt I'm over being made to feel insignificant I'm over being insulted was not our Savior insulted as he hung on a cross and yet he said Father forgive them for they know not what they do I got to get over it oh somebody ought to give God the best praise that you got get over it and at that moment at that moment then the miracle came at that moment which moment the moment you get over it before I came in the service today I told them they said when do we bring the miracle out I said bring out the miracle the moment I get over that last offense but the miracle was back there the whole time I came to tell somebody today God's got your miracle you just gotta take a step get over it get over it please hear my heart today I know we use get over it casually to dismiss and say that the offense wasn't a big deal I'm telling you it could have been a big deal I'm not saying they're right I'm just saying you have a decision you can stay stuck where you are you can say I want my miracle more than any offense that comes my way offense is an event offended is a decision and God wants to give somebody the grace today to get over it she would have never gotten her miracle if she walked away at any one of those offenses no wonder Jesus looks at her and says woman you have great faith she is one of the only two people in the entire New Testament that Jesus commended their faith why does she have great faith she said I'm not gonna let any offense stop me I want the grace to get over it thank you for watching the Elevation Church YouTube channel but don't stop here join the eFam our online extended family and join us live every Sunday subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a single video or live stream and share this with a friend you can also support the 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Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 577,524
Rating: 4.9130282 out of 5
Keywords: elevation church, elevation church robert madu, elevation church sermons 2019, elevation church sermons, robert madu sermons 2019, robert madu sermons, get over it pastor robert madu, elevation church get over it robert madu, get over it, dealing with offenses, being offended, getting over offense, ignored, institution, insignificant, insulted, miracle, pastor robert madu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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