Drink The Rest | Robert Madu | "The Rest of Your Life" Sermon Series | Social Dallas

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[Music] i uh i'm excited to share the word tonight are you ready to hear it [Applause] we have uh we've been in a series called the rest of your life the rest of your life uh we kicked it off mother's day how many have watched the last two messages in the series have you have you watched it if you haven't cannot urge you to go on our youtube page actually we are now officially on spotify and on itunes and all that so you can catch up on all the messages there but we've been in this series because we really believe that it is integral and foundational for us as a church we're a brand new church and we're not going to operate out of striving we're going to operate out of resting there's a power in the sabbath sabbath means to cease to pause and i've been saying it throughout the series and i'll continue to say it that if you don't learn how to break you will break it's funny because to sabbath to rest really isn't optional you can either choose to do it rest voluntarily or life will make you rest involuntarily you will have a breakdown but you must learn the rhythm of god which always includes rest you can't keep ignoring that light on your car and not think your car gonna break down sooner or later it is going to break that you gonna have to change the oil eventually so so you may as well implement a rhythm of maintenance rather than have your car break down i'm already preaching so we're learning how to be strategic with the sabbath strategic and the rest and so we're gonna jump back into that today and i'm gonna ask you to stand up one last time are you tired i know you feel like you've been in a workout class let me ask you to stand up uh just to honor the reading of god's word tonight and uh i want to look at two passages of scripture i want to look at john chapter four look at verses four through ten and also acts chapter one verses four through eight when you're ready to read it say yeah if you ain't ready say hold up how you gonna say hold up that loud come on john chapter 4 and this is talking about jesus it says now he had to go through samaria so he came to a town in samaria called psychar near the plot of ground jacob had given to his son joseph jacob's well was there and jesus tired as he was from the journey sat down by the well and it was about noon when a samaritan woman came to draw water jesus said to her will you give me a drink his disciples had gone to the town to buy food this marital woman said to him uh hold up you're a jew i'm a samaritan woman how can you ask me for a drink for jews do not associate with samaritans and jesus answered her crazy girl that's what i hear in my head he says if you knew the gift of god and who it is that asked you for a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water somebody just say living water come on say it like you had some espresso today say living water yeah yeah yeah next verse on one occasion acts chapter 1 while he was eating with them he gave them this command do not leave jerusalem but wait for the gift oh there it is again my father promised which you have heard me speak about for john baptized with water but in a few days you will be baptized with the holy spirit and they gathered around him and asked him lord are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to israel and he said to them that's really none of your business you should just drink your water and mind your business because it's not for you to know the times or dates the father has set by his own authority but you will receive power when the holy spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in jerusalem in all judea and samaria and to the ends of the earth can somebody say amen right there that is good stuff i want to preach i want to preach tonight in this third installment of this series from this title drink the rest drink the rest i don't mean to put my marital business out in the street but my wife taylor who i love peppered throughout our house you'll see like all these water bottles that she has had sips of but it'll be like some left and i'm always asking are you gonna drink the rest she's like no babe i'm fine that's it that's all i wanted today i'm talking about drinking the rest i want you to look at your neighbor one last time get in their face get in their personal space and say oh neighbor you ought to drink the rest look at your other neighbor the one you ignored say other neighbor oh i'm looking at your face you've got to drink the rest jesus speak to us tonight amen drink the rest quick sermonic survey tonight how many would say by a showing of hands that you like to work out you enjoy exercise can i see your hand my lord that's a lot of hands hello healthy church you could put it down how many of you say how many you say about showing of hands that you do not like to work out you don't enjoy exercise let me see your hair come on don't lie in church okay awesome you can put it there those of you hear me who lifted up your hands the first time the first time saying that you like to work out that you actually enjoy exercise you are officially dismissed from this service okay no for real you can leave as a matter of fact run whole okay because because i have now found some camaraderie and some commonality with the second group of people y'all are my people okay oh i will lift up both hands both feet tell the truth and shame the devil okay i do not like to work out at all there's absolutely nothing in me that finds enjoyment or pleasure in going to work out as a matter of fact i am theologically and physiologically persuaded that having to work out was as a result of the fall of man oh i'm serious i'm serious people understand there were no gems in genesis there were no ellipticals in the garden of eden okay you cannot have pilates and have paradise god in his infinite wisdom and his omnipotent power created us originally as perfectly perfect humans perfectly perfect come on that means adam had biceps he had triceps he didn't have a one pack he had a six pack ladies eve didn't have any cellulite and was zero percent body fat some of y'all looking at me like ah what's the scripture for that i'll give you the scripture i'll share the scripture come on the bible says that they were both naked and unashamed come on somebody you only walk around naked unashamed if you got it going on i'm just saying i'm just saying it was not until they took of that forbidden fruit that sin and calories entered into the world so i don't like to work out however i do work out i do work almost every day i work out and i do it at like five o'clock in the morning and the reason i do it is because i don't like to do it i don't like to do it so i do it oh i do it but the reason i do it is because i don't like it some of y'all like don't you be posting about healthy's wealth and like yeah that's the gram that's why instagram's not real but the reality is i do it but i don't like it and the reason that i do what i don't like is because i don't want to rob myself of the gift of doing something that i don't like to do i work out almost every day and early in the morning to give myself the gift of the power of doing something you don't like to do i do it because i'm giving myself the gift of letting my feelings know you don't have the final say i give myself the powerful gift of letting my body know that you must come under subjection to my spirit because i'm not just body i am spirit too and i want to tap into the power of this word called discipline discipline it's where we get our word disciple discipline what one writer says is the bridge between who you are and who you want to become discipline the thing that makes you do consistently what other people do occasionally discipline discipline if you are ever going to step into who god has called you to be you must understand the power of discipline the power of doing stuff that you don't want to do i'll never forget uh at the end of 2018 stepping into 2019. uh god spoke to me so clearly and he said robert i want you to do a 21 day fast i was like god what are you talking about every january i do a 21 day fast i do the daniel fast i said i got my juice already got my kale it's gonna be good he said no not this year he said this year i want 21 days water only i said get thee behind me say to what you're talking about why don't we say yeah this year i want water only for 21 days i said god why in the world would i do that he said to me so clearly because your current level of discipline will not sustain the leader that i'm calling you to be that was before we ever started social dallas he started putting in me the power of discipline so i went 21 days water only fast and i'm today shouldn't call it the fast they should call it slow come on cuz the days move slow especially when you're doing water only and then after that i lost so much weight from the fast that i started implementing the practice of working out consistently i found this special place i just celebrated my three year anniversary of going to this special place it's called orange theory fitness i'll take those three claps i am i am orange theory fitness's uh biggest global brand ambassador who ain't paid okay the biggest non-paid global brand ambassador i love orange theory fitness it is an hour of high intensity interval training you go from the rower to the treadmill to the weight room floor but i'm not really there for all that equipment i'm there for the screen there's a tv screen at orange theory fitness and on that tv screen there is a little square with your name on it and you wear a heart rate monitor and i'm there because while i'm working out i can see what's happening within oh i can see where my heart rate is they have a five level heart rate zone and they make it all colorful it's like gray blue green orange and red gray is when your heartbeat is from zero to 50 percent i think blue is when you're from 50 to 60. green is from 60 to 70 and orange is when you're from 70 to 80 of your heart rate and red is 90 to 100 in other words when you're in red you're about to be dead but orange orange is what they want you to stay in thus orange theory and the goal of the class the one instructor who is training everybody is to get you to be in that orange zone for at least 12 minutes because the orange zone is the zone of being uncomfortable they want you to have 12 minutes of being uncomfortable in that zone i think i know i like orange theory fitness because jesus was the original orange theory fitness instructor oh you do know he was a heart rate monitor because jesus did not just look at people he was able to look in people he was able to see the depths of human heart everybody else looked at the outside but god was able to perceive what was going on on the inside and i love it because he took his 12 disciples and he was constantly pushing them into the uncomfortable zone it wasn't 12 minutes but it was 12 disciples he was consistently trying to get them into the orange zone into the zone of uncomfort he was constantly pushing them out of their comfort zone because how many know if you are going to be a disciple god will push you into uncomfort i'm telling you he was consistently putting them in scenarios and situations where they were uncomfortable because it is in the uncomfortable zone that your faith is stretched he knew that he only had three years to train them three years before that shift before the transition where he was going to stop doing things for them and was gonna shift to doing things in them and through them and he said if i'm gonna make that transition to not just doing things for you but doing things through you i gotta push you into the uncomfortable zone i know you don't like that because you like your comfort and some of y'all like oh thank god for the day of pentecost because i love the comforter but can i tell you the reason you have the comforter is because god is pushing you into the uncomfortable why else would you need the comforter you think god has given you the comforter for you to cuddle no he is pushing you to be a witness for him and the reason you need the comforter is because god has a way of pushing you into the uncomfortable in fact the ministry of jesus to me was this ministry of always comforting the disturbed but he would also disturb the comfortable he would push them in situations that made them sweat tell them get on this boat how's the weather gonna be jesus oh it'll be all right you'll see come on trying to get them in scenarios of uncomfort in the orange zone and of all the scenarios throughout your gospels where jesus put his disciples in the uncomfortable zone the one we read today has to be at the top of the list because one day he's chilling with his disciples and he could have just led him that way but he had to make this statement to make it extra he said uh gentlemen i need to go to samaria i need to go to samaria i wish the bible had facial expression pop-ups i wish i could have seen the faces of these jewish disciples as this jewish jesus said i need to go to a town that y'all have been avoiding your entire life oh i wish i could see the tension in the air as jesus says i gotta take you into a place with the people who you despise all the jews could not stand the samaritans you talk about 500 years of conflict 500 years not just of animosity of extreme hate you see what's happening right now in israel this is the tension between the jews and the samaritans they could not stand them and yet god says yeah that's where we need to go can you imagine the uncomfort that he put them through they said why are we going here jesus this is the area that we're always avoiding and jesus is subliminally saying to us i know but you have to understand that sometimes the avoided place is actually the appointed place the areas and the places in your life that you are trying to avoid how many you know often those are the exact places that god is trying to take you through oh come on somebody help me preach in here turn me down a little bit in this monitors i'm telling you the places that you are trying to avoid are often the place god is trying to get you to the issues in your life you're trying to avoid those are often the places god says yeah i have an appointment there yeah yeah that need for validation from a male voice and from a father that you never got that you don't deal with and now you're looking for it in other people that avoided place yeah i want to deal with that place right there because often the avoided place is the appointed place the thing you don't want to deal with the place you don't want to go god says i have to take you there this is actually the power of a sabbath because whenever you sabbath whenever you pause it allows you to not just live your life but look at your life and say are there areas in my life that i am avoiding that god says there's an appointment that is there are the issues that i have not addressed and i'm so busy going through life and going through my routine that i never stop to analyze the avoided places in my life he makes them go to samaria i can see them rolling their eyes when they get there and then he makes it worse he says oh y'all go give me some food real quick really makes them go into the town and order some food and as they go away the bible says something that i've always struggled with it says jesus tired comma as he was from the journey sat down by the well jesus tired as he was from the journey sat down by a well that scripture bothered me because i'm trying to figure out how in the world is jesus tired how in the world is a god who never sleeps and never slumbers how is he getting tired to sit down on a well that scripture confused me i get jesus wept i used to be my favorite scripture because it's the shortest amen i get jesus wept i understand that because he's teaching us in his humanity when he wept that i cannot raise somebody from the dead until i first weep with them how dare you try to bring resurrection resurrection to somebody until you have first felt what they felt and know what they're going through don't try to resurrect somebody when you haven't even felt the pain of the person that was gone so i understand jesus will i even understand jesus slept remember the time he was asleep the only time you see jesus sleeping in the gospels guess what it was in the middle of a storm look at your god the only time in the gospels that jesus was asleep was in the middle of a hurricane a tsunami and he is ah sleep extra he has a pillow is what mark says that's the only time you see your savior sleeping and wouldn't that be just like god that in the middle of a chaotic storm he said yeah this is time for me to get some sleep that's the only time he said i get jesus slept because out of that sleep he got up and said peace be still and the only reason and only way he was able to say peace be still externally is because he had peace internally because you can't fake peace you cannot fake rest when you are really rested it'll show how you know you can't fake peace you can't when you have not taken the time to pause everybody around you will know the whole workplace knows when you ain't got enough sleep they say oh here come here here come karen again oh lord yes she she must not have slept today i see that look in her eyes you can't fake peace you cannot fake rest this is the power of a sabbath because it's not something you can fake you cannot be a peace carrier externally until you have peace on the inside so i understand jesus slept but i don't understand jesus getting tired jesus how are you tired from this journey i know we got theologians in the room today they're saying well robert you don't understand the power of the hype aesthetic union he was actually fully god and fully man and it was his humanity that made him tired i know the problem is the disciples were with him they had just taken the same journey so i'm trying to figure out if the disciples are with you how come they're not tired you send them ahead to go get some food they took the same journey you took if it was that arduous of a journey it should have been all y'all talking about we need to take a seat that was rough we're tired why do the disciples have energy to still go into the town to buy food huh that's the stuff i think about you you mean to tell me the disciples had more energy and they were in better shape than the savior of the universe how are you tired and they got energy to keep walking in the town to buy food you walk the same journey oh but you know just because somebody walks the same journey as you doesn't mean they're carrying the same weight as you we can be walking the same journey but not carrying the same weight that's why you can't judge anybody based off of what you see and say how come i'm going through the same thing no we might be in the same place and we might be going through the same thing but you don't understand the weight that i'm carrying just because we walk the same journey doesn't mean that we are carrying the same way and jesus was carrying a different weight than the disciples i don't think he was just tired physically he was tired emotionally he was tired mentally he was tired of them tired of trying to get these dudes to realize i am the savior of the world and you turning up your nose in samaria and you're the one i'm about to tag and leave the earth and get you to be a witness to jerusalem judea samaria and the ends of the earth and you turning up your nose in the place that's actually the harvest that you're called to reap i am tired of y'all tired of you not realizing that i came for everybody not just people that look like you think like you talk like you vote like you i came for the world oh jerusalem judea samaria and the ends of the earth see this is what people don't understand about pentecost the power of pentecost is so you can be a witness to the world see we reduce pentecostal do we reduce pentecost to tongues and shaken and buckhead and all that's fine i love it i'm pentecostal too but the true power of pentecost is when the church can get unified and come together and not just have an experience in here but take the power from in here out there and be a witness to somebody else and it might be a person that you don't like jerusalem judea samaria the ends of the earth jerusalem in other words start at home judea then go to your neighborhood samaria go to the people you don't like and then the ends of the earth but you won't ever get to the ends of the earth until you first start at home then your neighborhood and then the people who think different than you and are different than you and then the ends of the earth but this is the order of the power of being a witness and so he sits on a well because he's tired it's just you and us talking tonight have you ever been tired not just physically i'm talking about emotionally i'm talking about mentally i'm talking about you slept eight hours but you got up and you're still tired because you got sleep but you didn't get rest have you ever been emotionally tired some of you are still catching up from the weariness that you experienced from 2020 and you don't understand why your soul is tired tired can happen on the inside of your soul you know one of my favorite speeches from dr king guess what my favorite speech is hey i have a dream hey i have a dream my favorite speech from dr king is one that happened in 1968 just before he was assassinated he gave a speech with with all candor he said i'm tired of marching he said i'm tired of marching for something that i should have had at birth he said i'm tired of the constant threat of death he said i am tired of marching because that was in a season of his life where he was not just experiencing opposition against the civil rights movement but there was opposition within the civil rights movement the people within thought that what he was doing was not working and he openly said i'm tired of marching do you understand when dr king died at 39 they did an autopsy and the autopsy report said that dr king who died at 39 had the heart of a 60 year old the heart of a 60 year old because he was tired the pressure of life if jesus in his humanity was so tired that he had to sit down and take a break how in the world you think your crazy self can keep going without ever pausing jesus goes look these birkenstocks are killing my feet and it's not just the birkenstocks i am emotionally i am mentally drained i never get an orange theory pay me one time i saw this sign it was a poster and i got inspired by it at first and i started thinking about it it said on the sign if you get tired learn to rest not quit i was like oh that's good i almost tweeted it didn't give him credit if you get tired learn to rest not quit and i'll shout about it until i started thinking about it i said hold up i got to edit that because if they know if you get tired it is when you get tired i promise you being tired is inevitable and if you don't learn how to rest you'll lose your soul so he sits down and he rests and he waits he waits for a woman who has some issues can i just talk about a savior who will wait on you i know we sing songs and it's my jam wait on the lord wait on the lord he will renew yours i love it i love waiting on the lord but i'm thankful that the lord will wait on me i love that this woman who was coming to the well didn't even know that jesus had arranged his whole itinerary to go through a city that his homeboys didn't want to go through because he had a special appointment with her i'm thankful not that i have the power to wait on god but that god has the patience to wait on me i'm thankful for a god who will wait on me some of y'all know what i'm talking about because you weren't always seeking him how many you know the reason you are able to even find him is because he first sought you in fact some of y'all need to change your testimony turn out i found jesus what you mean you found jesus jesus was never lost he found you if not for grace you weren't even known to know that you needed him but i want to thank god for a savior who will orchestrate his whole itinerary to wait on you to seek you to think about you when you weren't even thinking about him oh somebody ought to give them some praise tonight if you're thankful for a god who will wait on you i'm thankful for his patience he wait he waited for you to get tired of turning up at the club every night and realizing this is not that life he waited for you to realize that that dude was not gonna put a ring on your finger and he's to continue to break your heart he waited on you sir to lose your pride and let your business fail and now look at you you in church now ain't you lifting up your hands saying oh i need you now you weren't doing it when you was making the money but god knows how to make you respond to his weight he'll wait for you he'll wait for you when you're not thinking about him he'll wait for you when you're not even on his schedule he'll put you on his and not even ask you he was just waiting on her saying she don't even know what's about to hit her she don't even know that yes i'm tired but i'm not too tired for her set up this whole appointment for her i made my disciples go into the town that they didn't want to be in because i didn't even want her to have to deal with their condescending looks and asked why is he talking to her i made them run an errand for me you know i didn't need them to get food i gotta wiggle my nose and have food show up i said y'all go get something because i have an appointment with one woman she didn't even know it destiny appointments don't always give you blues clues you don't always know what a destiny moment is that's why you ought to show up you don't know that's why you had to wake up with expectations you don't know what a destiny moment is destiny moments are hidden destiny moments look like regular lunches at olive garden they don't always look spiritual they're not always in church they happen at wells she was about to have a destiny moment and she didn't even know it not only did she not know it she set up her time schedule to not be bothered she came in the middle of the day women didn't come to the well in the middle of the day in fact the women came to the well in the morning it was the social gathering place that's what the women did that's where they came and they talked and said girl where you get your hair done oh you know this shot down the street at israel that's where they talked it was at the well in fact there was even a saying in that time period that if you were a single man and you were trying to get married go to the well some of y'all just your well tonight they're like i'm going to social i see y'all when y'all walk in you're like yeah hallelujah but i'm here at the well i see you i know i'm just glad you're here it's all right i'm glad you're here play the well was the gathering place for the women she came in the middle of the day because she didn't want to be bothered she came in the middle of the day because she was tired yeah tired of being talked about tired of being looked down upon tired of church folks tired of people gossiping about her tired of walking into spaces and everybody getting quiet and snickering when she walked in she was i think the woman at the well is tired of preachers talking about her today oh yes because you know those preachers do all this promiscuous woman this desperate housewife five husbands and living with somebody who wasn't her husband shack it that's what she was doing who started that word shack preachers today castigate this woman not even understanding the cultural context that in that time period that misogynistic time period where women were not even honored or valued you didn't even have the right to divorce your husband that means she was divorced that means she was left so how are you labeling her promiscuous when she didn't even have an option for the five men that left her it wasn't even her choice so was she promiscuous or was she really dealing with the pain of rejection be careful how you label people when you don't really know the story behind the label that you put on them [Applause] is she promiscuous or is she dealing with the pain of rejection and she's tired she comes to the well in the heat of the day texas july heat she's sweating saying at least ain't got to deal with the looks of them crazy women talking about me and she got her air pods in she don't want to be bothered and she comes to the well and there's jesus looking at her not regular with that smile you ever seen that smile it's the smile that says i'm a talker i can spot this smile a mile away i'm married to one of these people those people i used to see it all the time i travel i'd be on the plane they just got that you walk in they just can't wait oh they're gonna sit next to me or they're gonna sit they cannot wait they get life from conversations it seems as soon as i see that smile i'm like oh headphones today nope nope and you'll sit down and they'll still be and you're like oh my god how you like those airpods are they nice yeah man i love them are those apple man you see this case you know the apple they can't help it they get life from talking that's how he's looking at her she's like ah here we go because she has orchestrated her life she has orchestrated her life hear me to feel the false rest that comes from isolation there is a fake rest that comes from isolation it is a synthetic rest and the reason it is synthetic is because although you avoid the conflict of relationships you cannot battle how you were wired and created you were created for community rest happens in community and although there was a piece she had of like i don't have the fool with no drama women be having drunk but still in the depths of her soul she wanted relationship she wanted it so bad and she comes to the well tired and there's jesus she's like will you give me a drink huh will you give me a drink i love that the savior of the world had the humility to begin the conversation with this woman by not talking about her need but about his will you give me a drink he didn't really need her to give him a drink but he's given her the courtesy of a conversation and the courtesy of kindness to say hey can i get a drink i don't really need you but i'm gonna ask i'm not gonna address your need because you don't see your need yet see if if if you had the insight jesus had you would have gone straight to up i can see what's wrong with you you got five husbands you're living with somebody right now that came later but that wasn't the first thing he came out the gate with he started with just kindness of a conversation do you realize how many rules jesus was breaking by talking to this woman first of all he's talking to a woman in public they didn't do that in that day not only that he's talking to a samaritan woman not only that he's a rabbi and rabbi sure didn't do that but this is the power of the gospel that it destroys social constructs the gospel the power of pentecost come on it will make you talk to people who vote different than you who look different than you this is the power of what the gospel does it destroys social constructs and it gives her the courtesy of kindness don't tell me you full of the spirit when you can speak in tongues but you can't speak kindly to other people don't tell me you're full of the spirit when you can shout and dance and run around the church but you act like you too special to acknowledge somebody in the room don't tell me you're full of the spirit the prerequisite of pentecost was that they were all in one accord in one place god will not pour out his spirit on divisiveness he pours out a spirit on unity so much so that even before they went into the upper room thank you holy spirit they replaced judas you ever noticed that before they had to gather an upper room they said oh it's only 11 of us we got to get a replacement what something has happened to these dudes these are the ones who are always fighting over position you would think oh judas is gone hey there's one more out the way for me to get to the top no it's starting to sink in that where there is unity god commands a blessing we are powerful as a unit of 12 not as eleven we gotta get a replacement it's in unity will you give me a drink and she looks at him and says don't play choose to not associate with samaritans and he says to her woman if you knew the gift of god and who it is that asked you for a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water in other words you are missing the moment the reason you cannot receive the living water that your soul needs is because you don't perceive who i am if you knew who i was you would have asked me and i would have given you living water jesus is using the natural water as an illustration to get this woman to realize your soul is dry and you've been running from man to man in relationship to relationship thinking that maybe they could quench a thirst that they were never meant to quench and i'm stopping hola as the seventh man in your life to let you know your only fine rest if you drink from me look at the power of the sabbath even with the woman at the well she had had five husbands she was living with somebody who wasn't her husband that's six jesus is number seven he is sitting on that well saying i am the sabbath i am the rest that your soul needs i'm the seventh man genesis oh y'all watch the message i am your but you won't know that i'm your you first proceed with your eyes this is not just an ordinary man this is the fountain of living water my message is simple tonight my message is to tell somebody stop running to earthly things to quench a spiritual thirst if you want to truly find rest you must drink from him and if you're not careful you can even be a believer and still have places that you go to trying to quench a spiritual thirst with something in the natural you can do it with position you can do it with likes on the ground you can do it in relationships trying to quench the spiritual thirst with something in the earth and it never works c.s lewis said this if i find in myself desires that nothing in this prison world can satisfy there is only one probable explanation i was made for another world in other words the reason i have the thirst in the first place is because there must be something that will quench it because thirst is inevitable it's inevitable quenching is optional but thirst is inevitable do me a favor as the worst team comes look at the person to your left look at the person to your right look at the person behind you look the person in front of you er person you just looked at is thirsty every person black white latino tall short front lace ball headed fade whatever every person you looked at thirsty every person is thirsty let's just be honest if you are on planet earth you're thirsty the question has always been where are you going to quench your thirst i'll never forget this y'all bring this over here can you help me can you bring that right here and hold the bottom of it y'all good look at your neighbor say neighbor everybody's thirsty look at your neighbors say neighbor thirst is inevitable quench is optional where are you going to go to quench your thirst can you imagine being completely dehydrated and somebody bringing you an ice cold coca-cola i'm talking about you about to die of thirst six thousand grams of sugar can you imagine dying of thirst and somebody offering you help talking about this the real thing have a coke and a smile and you're completely dehydrated these are the false substitutes that our culture offers fill in the blank for whatever you want in fact i started really thinking about this and coca-cola knows the power of thirst oh they are a lucrative business because they understand everybody's thirsty they must have read john chapter four because they know everybody's thirsty because you understand coca-cola is a company and they don't just make coke so they understand everybody's thirsty so if you don't like this option they'll give you diet coke coca-cola makes coke and diet coke if you don't like diet coke they'll give you minute maid lemonade they'll give you fanta fanta don't you want a fanta they'll give you sprite talking about obey your thirst they will give you oh they will give you power coca-cola is in the business of thirst offering all these substitutes knowing that none of them will satisfy knowing that you can drink from this and it'll make you more thirsty that's why you got the raisin the promotion and you're wondering why you still don't feel satisfied that's why you finally got the person of your dreams and you're looking at them like oh you are a nightmare that's why you finally got the car and you were so excited but they just dropped a new model and the person drives up next to you to stop it like you're like i hate this thing why don't even get it this is what it offers fake substitutes that leave you more thirsty when you drink from it and god told me to tell somebody today you can try to obey your thirst you can do what's natural some people are trying to do it through sex some people are doing it through relationships some people are doing it through substance abuse you can do it through revenge and you eliminate and you're just trying to get revenge to quench your thirst you can do it through coke through phantom you can do it through power and think if you finally get a position and i'm telling you that none of these things will ever quench the thirst of your soul if you ever want the thirst of your soul to be quenched if you ever want to not just be a water intake but to also have rivers of living water flowing through you so that god can make you be a witness to a culture that is completely dehydrated how many know you can't have sprite you can't have coca-cola you can't have many made you can't have fanta thank god that coca-cola makes something else thank god for some dishony water thank god for the living water that will satisfy your soul see the whole time i've been preaching my lips been chapped i've been up here dying i'm so thirsty i was almost tempted to open up one of these but i know it's not going to quench my thirst and this is the power of the sabbath because i cannot be preaching to you and drink from this at the same time this is the power of the pause sooner or later you're gonna have to put down what you do and say god my soul is so thirsty i'm gonna sit down with my weary self and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna drink of the living water so my soul will never thirst again i can't drink and preach at the same time i gotta put this down [Music] [Applause] i can't i can't preach and drink at the same [Music] i time put the preaching down and pause so i can drink i'm not just preaching this series i'm living this series i want a pastor social dallas for a long time taylor and i want to pastor social for a long time and the way we're going to do it is to take a sabbath to pause to cease to not strive to know that god already said i will build my church i will build my church i him he will build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail yes god will use you but he doesn't need you he's going to accomplish his purpose in the earth with or without you so why are you striving i'm telling you you got to learn why do preachers fall the same way people fall because they're busy preaching doing and they never pause to drink if you're not consistently drinking what you're preaching it's only a matter of time before you fall it's only a matter of time before your soul is so dehydrated [Applause] god told me to preach this message on pentecost because he said in the last days i will pour out my spirit on all flesh and how you know pour out is not just pour on in fact we've had enough pour on that's the problem if you're dehydrated and i pour water on you it'll feel good but you're still going to go home and you're still gonna pass out and that's the problem is many of us have reduced pentecost to an emotional experience that's external but god said when i said pour out my spirit it's not just pour on you i want a point in you i want you to be full of my spirit i want you to be full of my presence i want you walking everywhere you go full overflowing overflowing no wonder she went back into the town the same people she avoided she ran back too and said come see a man that told me everything i ever did she encountered the living water would you stand to your feet all over this place today [Music] shrink the rest i don't know what you've been running to to quench it god said drink the rest this is a shepherd that leads you besides still waters why still waters because if the waters are rushing in my attempt to get quenched i'll be carried away but i need a good shepherd to lead me to steal water so i can drink in more when as every head be bowed our eyes closed today father thank you for your word [Music] god i preached what you told me to preach god we're all thirsty [Music] the question is not if we thirst the question is are we gonna come to you and drink the rest or will we continue to settle for false substitutes that make us more thirsty than we were before holy spirit we need a fresh infilling we need a fresh intake of the living water that comes from a fountain that will never run dry heads about eyes are closed all over this place tonight but if you be so honest to say you know what this is for me your soul's been so dry [Music] i'm talking to those of you who don't have relationship with jesus and you've been running to other things to satisfy and there's some of you who have relationship with jesus but you are still finding fulfillment in things that will not satisfy and god's calling you back to your first love back to him put his about an eyes closed to be so honest to say this is for me and i am thirsty [Music] i need to come back to the living water you just lift up your hand today as a sign to say this is for me this is for me this is for me yeah yeah yeah thank you jesus thank you um
Channel: Social Dallas
Views: 34,095
Rating: 4.9577737 out of 5
Id: spugMK3gA_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 41sec (3341 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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