It may be time to say, “Get out.” | Pastor Robert Madu

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you are about to you're about to be I want to say inspired but sometimes we use that word incorrectly we you think it just means to have a feel good feeling you were about to hear an incredible word from God from someone who I greatly respect in ministry pastor Robert Madhu he's gonna come and share with us in just a moment he is one of the let me think I want to say this now one of the one of the sometimes you get people who are good preachers and sometimes you get people who are nice people and sometimes you get both in one package he is both and I thank God for he and his wife Taylor God is using them all around the world pretty much any any given day that that you wake up you can guarantee that somewhere he's blessing somebody in a different time zone than you God has taken him all over the world but he is his he is a good person - don't you like good people yeah it's good and he's very committed to this thing that we do to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ what I told him was that at 11:30 the the real Christians the people with extra Bible depth and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit of God come to church and I said if you want to just save all the good stuff for 11:30 they'll be ready for you at 11:30 so can we make some noise at all of our locations elevation let's welcome to the stage master Robert Wow come on elevation can we make some noise for Jesus today oh come on this is the day that the Lord has a name come on across everyone pension letters with hallelujah hey will you do me a favor before you take your seat would you just look at your neighbor are you tired of talking to your neighbor yet come on do you like the person you're standing next to come on get in their face getting their personal space across every campus and just say labor I've got a feeling that this is gonna be a good service just just in case their neighbor was stuck up find another neighbor come on say other neighbor you're my second option but I want you to know I've got a feeling this is gonna be a good service come on if you believe that thing give God one more standing ovation of praise hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the Lord don't get comfortable you might be back up again come on come on Allah I'll say what I always say I'm not just excited to be at elevation Church I am Red Bull excited Express so elated I've been waiting I've been waiting to give my chocolate face back in the place I I absolutely hear me positively love love love this church I'm from the great country of Texas but uh but elevation church will mess you up elevation will have you looking on Zillow and trying to find a house in Charlotte come on home you know you are ridiculously blessed to be a part of this church this is absolutely amazing and not only that you're a crazy blessed to have pastor steven Furtick and holly Furtick as your pastors and your leaders a couple y'all can do better than that come on across every campus I want you to make some noise as you know God loves you so much and I know preachers always say stuff and this is not a platitude for me there's so many things I could say his he's one of the greatest communicators of the gospel on the planet and incredible leader writes songs that reverberate around the nation but I think thing I love the most about pastor Stephen in Holly is that they're amazing up close you know what I mean by that some people you love from a distance but man I'm telling you when get up close it's amazing to see their hearts for people and he can have anybody on planet earth in this pulpit so I'm extremely honored and it ought to be passed to appreciation minute at elevation cuz ya'll are crazy blessed come on one more time would you let the bar but you love them how much you appreciate them thank God for y'all I am here with my SuperDuper fine wife Taylor Badu is in the building I preach it better when she's here so it's gonna be good and this is almost like a honeymoon for us because our three kids are at home hallelujah they are with the grandparents and I know how some preachers they always put up pictures of their kids cuz they think they got the cutest kids and they want to buy to see how cute their kids are I am NOT that preacher it's about me preaching Jesus not you seeing my kids they ain't gotta worry about me put them on the screen we good we good that's not true if y'all don't put my kids on a screen up in here hey come on elevation I made that come on that is my four-year-old daughter Evy that is my two-year-old son Robert Madhu the third my manchild and our newest and last addition hello Remington Elaine she's just one years old I'll put up the picture all the time because fatherhood is the best of it there's just nothing like being a dad but I'm excited to share the word I want to jump straight into it do you have a Bible with you come on we got a Bible would you wave it in the air like it's just do care across every campus every location awesome some of your Bibles are glowing you're charged up here buy a book today I want to look at mark chapter 5 if we can mark chapter 5 verses 21 through 43 quite a bit of Scripture but I need all of it for you to get the context of where we're going mark chapter 5 starting at verse number 21 and then we'll land at verse 43 when you're ready to read it say yeah you need some time to find us a hole oh it's a desperate holdup I'll wait for you verse 21 that says when Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake then one of the synagogue leaders named Jairus came and when he saw Jesus he fell at his feet he pleaded earnestly with him my little daughter is dying please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live so Jesus went with him a large crowd followed and pressed around him and a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years she had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and has spent all she had yet instead of getting better she grew worse when she heard about Jesus she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak because she thought if I just touch his clothes I will be healed immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was free from her suffering and once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him and he turned around in the crowd and asked who touched my clothes you see the people crowding against you his disciples answered and yet you can ask who touched me but Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it then the woman knowing what had happened to her came and fell at his feet and trembling with fear told him the whole truth he said to her daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering while Jesus was still speaking some people came from the house of Jairus the synagogue leader your daughter is dead they said why bother the teacher anymore overhearing what they said one version says ignoring what they said Jesus told him don't be afraid just believe he did not let anyone follow him except Peter James and John the brother of James and when they came to the home of the synagogue leader Jesus saw a commotion with people crying and wailing loudly he went in and said to them why all the commotion and wailing the child is not dead but asleep but they laughed at him after he put them all out he took the child's father and mother and the disciples who were with him and went in where the child was he took her by the hand and said to her Talitha koum which means little girl I say to you get up immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around she was twelve years old at this they were completely astonished he gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this and then total don't just stand there and look at the girl go to chick-fil-a and get us something to eat about somebody that is good all by itself all by itself in full sermon prep disclosure almost titled this message I almost titled this message get up that's a good sermon title gets up because I thought that was the culmination and the climax of the miracle when Jesus told this little girl to get up but on further reflection I realized that was a premature title premature and I had to back that thing up biblically two versus 40 and 41 I want us to hone in on verses 40 and 41 cuz remember Jesus walked in and says this girl is not dead she's just asleep the Bible says that they laughed at him they who is the day the negative doubting hating unbelieving faithless cantankerous people in the room you know those people that light up a room when they walk out those people that for every solution they gonna find a problem that's today okay they laughed at him and it says after he that's Jesus put them oh wow the Greek suggests that he physically put all of them out I don't want to mess up with your theology or your Christology today cuz you might think that Jesus is just kind and sweet and loving and caring and he's a good good father and he is but this text lets me know don't get it twisted he is so so gangster cuz all of those negative doubting unbelieving faithless people he said all y'all got to get oh you ain't gotta go home but you gotta get out of here Savage Jesus huh I love it so before she got up for some people had to get out elevation Church what if the power of a miracle is not just in the miracle itself but rather in the atmosphere and the environment that surrounds your miracle you've been telling some things to get up but perhaps this is the season of your life to check your environment and start telling some things to get oh I feel like preaching in here today come on would you just look at labor and tell them my title just say get out oh come on look at another laborer like you gotta add it to it I'm sake get out not now but but later come on let's pray long prayer father thank you for your word speak to us today amen get out the divine intersection and collision of characters in this text today immediately gave me a nostalgic parental fatherhood flashback to November 2014 I remember it quite vividly because I was getting ready to leave our home in Dallas to go preach at a conference which isn't anything unusual I often leave to go preach at a conference except this time everything was different everything was different because I was not just leaving the house as a husband now I was leaving the house as a father our firstborn daughter EB had just entered the world and I was in that emotional precarious predicament of leaving my firstborn daughter for the first time come on every parent here will attest to the fact that things are different with your first child oh come on there are things that happen with your first child that none of your other children will ever experience okay like now now Taylor now we have three kids plus a demonic doll so when I leave the house now I'll leave like I got warrants for my arrest and I take the long route home okay often often Taylor will call me with chaos in the background be like babe where are you I'll go I'm in traffic she's like no you in the driveway I see you come and help me but what is your first is different it's different your emotional tears are going this way slots going the other way like did it I can't purchase so much I mean I was a mess I get to the conference I get to the conference I think it was in Florida and I'm about to get up to preach and a guy by the name of Eddie James is leading worship in a ball songs of all songs he's actually singing you're a good good father just the medicine I don't think I preach I just put up a picture of my daughters at this point one two and three and got in the green room afterwards and the worship leader Eddie James comes up to me says Robert congrats on your daughter she's beautiful I said thank you I made her I then said hey Eddie you know my daughter Evie might not have ever been born if it wasn't for you Eddie looked at me like I had lost mama I said Eddie you probably don't remember this but in December 2006 you were scheduled to lead worship and preach at Christ for the nation's Institute in Dallas Texas but in route to Christ for the nation's your van broke down on the side of the road and he goes I remember that night I said you picked up the phone and you called a man by the name of Adam McCain and you let him know that by the time your van would be fixed there was no way you would make the service so regrettably you had to cancel Anna McCain got off the phone with you and looked at a roomful of people and said Eddie James just canceled for a Tuesday night Bible College Chapel who in the world can we get last minute to fill his spot in that room was a man by the name of Brian Maine he lifts up his hand says I just heard this young guy named Robert LeDoux preach he's local maybe he can do it all of a sudden my phone rings and emotional other line says is this pastor Robert Madhu I said yes it is since Robert I know this is last-minute this is crazy but we've just had a cancellation for our Tuesday night Bible College Chapel is there any way you could come and speak to our young people now keep in mind during this time of my life I myself I'm a Bible College student at Southwestern Assemblies of God University so I said to Adam Akane you know what it seems like yesterday I was a Bible College student myself what an honor it would be to come in part two you're young people drove from Saku to see if and I I'm about to get up and preach before I get up they say it's Tuesday night so it's time for our Tuesday night testimony video we're gonna show a video of a student in our body whose life has been changed about Jesus Christ and all of a sudden on the screen comes the finest girl with the strongest Arkansas accent I have ever heard and she starts telling her story of Jesus changing her life I don't meet the girl I met my school the next day a girl test me on my shoulder she goes hey Robert I said his pastor Robert medulla now she goes was that you that I saw last night at Christ the nation's getting up to preach I said yeah they called me last minute they had a cancellation she goes oh my goodness oh my good did you see the girl on the screen telling her testimony before you preach I say yes I did she said I've known her for years I've known you for years and I always thought that you two would be perfect for each other but I never said anything but the fact that you're there preaching and they showed her video you two have got to me I said that the next week that girl and I went on our very first day at the illustrious International House of Pancakes I said Eddie to make a long story short that girl's name was Taylor Mitchell is now Taylor Madhu we did what married people do Evie is the evidence of that Eddie I am so glad your fan broke down on the side of the and I share that story today first of all get some hope to the single people um but also to say who in the world would have ever thought that Eddie and my Evie were connected because their connection is not one that is easily seen on the surface but once you begin to peel back the layers and dig down deep into the archaeological value of a person's life it becomes so clear that none of us get to live our lives in autonomy with just me myself and I but how do you know all of us are connected we are deeply connected miracles merge with miracles testimonies touch each other our stories intersect whether you like the person sitting next to you a man all of us are deeply and intrinsically connected oh yes our lives are not straight lines our lives are actually links we are all connected and then it frustrates you when people you love don't understand this premise and they got the nerve to tell you don't worry about me don't worry about me you do you i'ma do me you do you i'ma do me and you want to look at them and say well you do when you it's affected me cuz all of us are deeply we're connected it connected so don't find this stranger mark chapter 5 mark begins by talking about the synagogue leader by the name of gyrus but in the middle of gyrus the store were abruptly interrupted with the story of a woman with the issue of blood and the reason mark has strategically sandwich these two story together is because the two of them are connected deeply connected in fact to talk about jars to synagogue leader and never discussed the one with the issue of blood is really to do an injustice to the integrity of this text because the two of them are connected so connect now not on the surface oh not on the surface if you just look at the surface of their lives they cannot be more opposite come on if you look at the surface one of these things is not like the other come on let's just our biology 101 gyrus is a man she is a woman hello Jerris is named in the text the Bible don't even give us this woman's name gyrus was honored and respected this woman has been shamed and rejected gyrus is a ruler in the synagogue this woman can't even come near the synagogue because her sickness has made her ceremonially unclean gyrus is actually a fluid he's got some money in the bank this woman is broke busted and disgusted and it's been all she had on worthless physicians who had made her worse instead of better and to bring the text to the 21st century gyrus is driving a Benz this woman is riding the bus they have nothing in common on the peripheral but yet life has put them in the exact same place posture and position because they both have been hit with something that they cannot handle how many know life will do that life has a way of evening the playing field life is an equal opportunity employer life will hit you upside the head with some stuff that'll make you scratch your hair that'll take your breath away life will hit you it's tough come on that your money can't fix your degree can't fix your Instagram followers fix life will hit an atheist with some stuff then I'll make them throw up his hands and say the Lord is in this my life will hit you in some stuff you cannot handle and might I suggest that if life is hit you with something that you cannot handle how many know that thing is a job for Jesus top of your hand oh look at gyrus in this woman nothing in common on the surface both ended up in the same place having to push people out the way to get an appointment with Jesus I love it because now one of them had a pretty pathway with rose petals to Jesus they both had to physically push people out the way to get an appointment with Jesus just push you know Jarvis is a pastor you're not supposed to push people I can see people come to John saying yeah I really love just saying the other day he's like you did good this woman is ceremonially unclean she's not supposed to be touching people she touched her body people oh you know how they're pushin I'll tell you what I'm pushing they're pushing because desperate people do desperate things oh come on help me know when you are really desperate for God to do something in your life you come to church differently you approach God differently when you are desperate for God to show up you don't care what the traffic is you're being here before the countdown video when you are desperate for God to show up in your life you will lift up your hands you will sing the songs and laugh you don't care who's you hear me God will often use desperation to push you into your purpose God will offer you desperation to push you into your destiny in fact watch this desperation is the door that breakthrough walks through whoa I'm gonna say that again desperation is the door that breakthrough walks through some people wonder how come I ain't got my breakthrough yet sometimes cuz you hadn't got downright desperate enough for God to do it in your life because desperation will open up doors that complacency will keep shut I'm tellin ya I'll travel in people often ask me Robert where's your favorite place to preach your favorite place to preach oh to be honest I struggle to name a place because I want to articulate to them that the effectiveness of preaching and ministry has little to do with an address or a destination of a place but everything to do with the attitude and the disposition of the people that are in the place come on I would rather preach in a basement with three desperate people then the preacher in the Bahamas with thousands of bougie setup people who act like they don't need God to do anything in their life but if you give me some desperate people mirror right for if you give me desperate people signs and wonders will suck if you give me desperate people the atmosphere will ship and change and God will show himself strong and mighty when you're desperate you're desperate and it was the rolling tides of desperation that brought gyrus and this woman watch this both at the feet of Jesus they both ended up at his feet I love it nothing in common on the surface both ended up at the same place at the feet of Jesus this is a picture of the gospel and the power of the church that we can come and hear today across every location but all of our differences of the surface but we all end up at the same place at the feet of Jesus saying there's something I need you to do in my life are you bored yet because I would love to delve into the details of their desperation gyruss gets to Jesus first Center boy is he desperate he's desperate because his baby girl his little daughter is dying she is dying so when he gets to Jesus he is talking to Jesus with a vocal intonation of a 9-1-1 caller he's saying Jesus I don't just need you to come to a house I need you to hurry up and get to the house this woman is just as desperate but a situation has been going on for a while now it's chronic this bleeding this hemorrhaging in her body and watch how much mark the gospel writer wants us to know that the two of them are connected because it just so happens that Jarvis's little girl who is dying is 12 years old and this woman with the issue of blood has been dealing with it now for 12 years they're connected so you got a 12 year old dying daughter and a 12 year old disease a 12 year old dying daughter and a 12 year old disease so that means chronologically speaking the same here that this little girl was born was the exact same year that this woman was diagnosed with her disease that means cinematically speaking if what Chapter five was a movie the producers of this is us or making the movie this is the scene in the movie where it was flipped from the feet of Jesus and say 12 years earlier and it would go to a hospital and coming out the hospital would be gyrus his wife and them holding a brand-new baby girl smiling ear-to-ear with the full elation of Parenthood and then perhaps walking out of that same hospital here's a woman tears coming down her face because she's just been diagnosed with the disease the doctors don't even know what to do about it and maybe they were in the same hospital that day but didn't even see each other come on Church in there just like life sometimes in life you can be so preoccupied with your promise or so preoccupied with your personal pain that you don't even see other people around you you can be so excited about what God has done in your life are so disappointed about wouldn't hadn't come to pass yet that you are oblivious to other people around you and can I suggest in this narcissistic individualistic selfie saturated society in which we live we have forgotten Romans chapter 12 they says you got to rejoice with them that rejoice but also weep with those that weep and don't be so concerned about you that you miss other people around you oh come on thank God for Jesus cuz the two people that didn't see each other at the hospital were forced to see each other at the hem of His garment and now the two 12s are touching somebody say 12 I'll say like you had your coffee say 12 how many you know you don't need a Bible college degree you'll have to be a student biblical numerology to know there are some numbers in the Bible that God has given you biblical Blue's Clues that these numbers are a big deal okay 12 is one of those numbers 12 is a big number to God you remember that when God began his covenant with his people a covenant that commenced with the call of Abraham continue with Isaac but culminated in Jacob you remember that Jacob had not one dan twelve sons representing the power and the authority of God's covenant with his people those twelve sons became the twelve tribes of Israel representing the power and the authority and the strength of that nation you remember in the Old Testament whenever the high priests were going to the Holy of Holies on behalf of the people of God he would stand there with a breastplate they had twelve precious stones representing those twelve tribes of Israel and he would stand there in power in an authority come on you know our New Testament high priest who is Jesus the first time we see him teaching in the temple is at the tender age of 12 and they marveled at the wisdom and the power and the authority mout of a 1200 you remember when that 12 year old turn started and they got ready to pick his crew his road dogs his disciples if it was me I would have stopped at 11 but not Jesus he said I need a hater to come on power and authority to heal the sick and the cast up even 12 is the number of God's power 12 is the number of God's Authority do you know what Jesus is trying to teach us with the twelve he's trying to teach us what he's been trying to say since the moment he landed on planet Earth God says I don't care whether it's a blind eye a deaf ear a withered hand and issue of blood a diseased demon possession or storm or even death itself there is absolutely nothing that you're facing that is not under the jurisdiction faison Oh somebody ought to give God some praise today thankful there's no matter what comes against you he's got the power and the authority to fix it hop up your neighbor say he's got the power he's got the authority why is that important hear me today that's so important because your awareness of his authority his authority will determine how much you receive from him your awareness of God's authority will determine how much you receive from him see after we reduced his text just to faith cuz he said daughter your faith has healed you so we tell me you gotta get more faith get more faith and faith is important come on is the substance of things hoped for it's the evidence of things not saying you need faith faith is our anchor but nobody takes an anchor and just throws it in the water you're gonna lose that anchor you better connect that anchor to something and my faith is connected to his authority the authority of his word the authority of his power that's what my faith has got to be connected to if you don't believe he's the ultimate authority how many know your faith is gonna struggle some of you think you got a faith problem now your faith is good you just need an awareness of his authority because if you don't believe he's the ultimate authority your faith is gonna struggle give us some structure for that Robert I'll give this to scripture you remember the disciples no one not on the boat and the hurricane is going crazy and Jesus is chillaxing in the boat just just sound asleep on the boat and the disciple they have on a panic attacks and I love Jesus he gets up in a hurricane cool calm and collected with sovereign swag and gets up to the edge of the boat in a hurricane just hmm be still and the winds and the waves are still in a moment and all the disciples jaws were on the floor they go who is this man but even the wind's and the waves obey Him they marveled at his authority and what did Jesus say to them oh you of little faith your faith is little cuz you didn't have an awareness of my authority if you knew who I really was when I was asleep on the boat who is with you don't got a problem you got an awareness of his authority problem when you know he's the ultimate authority your faith can go to a whole nother level you think the doctor is the ultimate authority you think your friend is the ultimate but you think your cousin in them are the ultimate authority oh but once you know he's the ultimate authority your faith can go to a whole nother level oh I got a hurry what's this gyrus got a house-call because that was his awareness of his authority remember he works in the synagogue he's a pastor he approaches Jesus as a classic pastor is it Jesus please my daughter's down you gotta come to the house hallelujah here below it's already playing in the background you got a card you gotta lay hands on you spin a console - he said you gotta lay hands talk because that's the way it works that's my awareness of your authority so juice goes okay I'll go because that was his awareness of his authority this woman had a whole nother awareness of his authority she had been in the synagogue so she said geez nah you ain't got to come to my house ain't got time for that all I got to do is touch the hem of your garment if I just touched him I'll kill Carmen I know I'm gonna be made whole and I just touch the hem that was her awareness that's what she got but how many know a Centurion Matthew chapter 8 that had a whole nother awareness of his authority that soldier went up to Jesus said I'm a man in authority and under Authority he says my servant is sick at the house but I'm not worried for you to come to my house if you'll just speak the word because somebody understood oh and what did Jesus say to that Centurion never have I seen a faith like this in all of Israel he marveled and he said Jesus why you marveled at his faith because he's got an awareness of my authority this woman goes for 12 years 12 years I've been approaching people with no authority I mean it's just so important because if you don't believe somebody's the ultimate authority you'll doubt the validity of their words if I don't believe you'd a real Authority I will doubt the validity of your words come on thing practically been on there you've been on the phone with somebody that you knew was a mid-level employee and they're telling you something that's contradictory to exemplary customer service after you get frustrated I feel like can I put can I please speak to your manager can I speak to your supervisor y'all do that y'all super saved here okay I seek to manager this happened to me not too long ago I had I had a reservation of the hotel that had been booked for a while and the girl behind the desk was like I'm sorry mister my dear we're fully committed we're sold out I troubles they say that's a ha ha I said this has been booked for several months she's like no I'm sorry we're fully committed that was nice about I can't just speak to your manager can I speak to your supervisor the manager comes behind the door she goes to remove I'm so sorry mr. Madhu she's new here it is right here here's your reservation I'm so sorry for your trouble we don't upgrade you to an executive suite how did I go from about to be on the street doing the executive suite somebody with some power and some authority the bus he's got the power he's got the authority he's got the final say this woman goes for 12 years I've been speaking to mid-level employees I demand an appointment with the supervisor to touch the hem of his garment immediately she's made ho somebody plays softly behind me I'll make this sound a whole lot more spiritual watch this her her healing as awesome as it was don't forget it was actually an interruption to Jesus's journey to gyrus his house don't forget who got to Jesus first gyrus did I said Jesus I can see exactly how it went down it's like chases please please can you come to my house my baby girl is dying Jesus says yes I'll go can you imagine the joy that failed gyrus is heart when Jesus said I'll go the text is clear there's a crowd of people there that day a huge crowd and time is of the essence so Jarvis's challenges to get Jesus through the crowd to his house so his daughter can be healed I see how when d'you know how it is on there's a crowd of people you're in already like just gives me scuse me scuse me it's just most scuse me scuse me sir and he checks back to make sure Jesus so you still okay good excuse me scuse me scuse me scuse me sir no I got to him first mold scuse me scuse me scuse me check but you still okay good excuse me scuse me scuse me scuse me screaming all of a sudden the text would suggest that he loses Jesus in the crowd and finally finds him in a crowd of people talking about who touched me and just now you're serious right now 21 questions but you don't act like you've never been there before don't act like you never told Jesus this is an emergency you need to hurry they bout to take my car you better hurry and he just take it who touched me we'll wait wait Wow Kairos is standing there who knows how long it takes for this woman to finally sheepishly come through the crowd and says it was me and Jesus the compassionate Savior takes his time to talk to her who while gyrus is waiting the Bible says that she told him the whole truth another version says she told him her whole story she told him she loved you but let me tell you her hos oh don't be in a hurry get to a comfortable seat house get a dude to tell you this whole story he'd be like I'm good how long is this conversation and I can see the steam coming off with Iris's for him like are you serious go get so healing and go o P Nayyar one of your mappers be a good time to tell your boy to hurry armed Oh ain't that frustrating God makes you wait not only that he had to watch her get her miracle it's not frustrating enough to wait on your miracle what do you do when you're waiting on your miracle and God makes you watch somebody else get pears you got that fake smile on your face like oh you got here we go it's funny tell us you waiting to be healed watching other people get healed waiting to have a baby watching other people post pictures of their baby on Instagram what do you do you've got a weight on your miracle and watch somebody else get theirs and that fell God will often often make you watch a miracle while you're waiting on a miracle not to discourage you no he's a good good father but to encourage you to let you know that if God did it for them oh come on he can't do it for you - he is not a respecter of persons and God blessed him he can bless you - that's why you are my hate on anybody don't be jealous of anybody the same God that did it for them is faithful to do it for you that's good news I'm glad you clapped at that I'm a preacher I set you up for that class I'm sorry because we say that a lot of God did it for me he'll do it for you too and it's true but I think there's an erroneous ideology attached to that cuz often what we say if God did it for me he'll do it for you too we think that means he'll do it in the same way so if God blessed you with a house he's gonna bless me with a house in the same neighborhood and with the same square footage and I'm a measure of Jesus so keep it even they do it for you too but often they won't be in the same way because gyrus and this woman hear me both one of the same thing they both wanted healing gyrus didn't get a healing he got a resurrection which sounds awesome don't flap - so do you remember that the prerequisite for resurrection is death so can you imagine how Jarvis his heart sunk in his chest while he was waiting and watching they tap him on the shoulder and says gyrus don't bother the teacher anymore your daughter is dead oh I felt Jairus is pain but I realized Jarvis has horrible friends terrible friends hashtag the worst friends ever not because they told him his daughter was dead that was the facts it was the commentary they added to the facts they said gyrus why bother either users voice they annoy me gyrus why bother the teacher anymore your daughter's their gyrus your daughter's already dead in essence iris this is the time to give up gyrus this is the time to throw in the towel watch out for people in your life that are so quick to tell you to give her oh my gosh spoke in your spirit on the promise he gave you how you gonna tell me to give up this is not your daughter and how you gonna tell me don't bother sure you don't have an awareness of his authority he's more than a teacher he's a healer he's away maker he's a miracle Wow cuz I think when gyruss got the news he was so dazed could even want to move anymore and finally Jesus speaks to me says Irish don't be afraid just believe don't be afraid just believing I think that's when the journey switched I think that's when Jesus started leading Tyra's saying Thomas come on I know you think it's over but probably come on Irish I need you to walk with the same enthusiasm that you're happy but it's not oh come on Chavez I know where you live come on follow me this is the way it's supposed to be you're never supposed to be leading Jesus he's supposed to be leading what's in the house started the funeral he said why y'all crying the girls not dead she's just asleep and they laughed so you think that's funny every single one of y'all that laughed yeah oh no I thought you're laughing kids oh unbelief will always laugh at the language of pain yes Oh somebody needs to serve an eviction notice on the enemy today it's gonna tell us something take it out oh come on fear get out get out the question get out some things won't get up till something's first get out god just sent somebody today to check your environment so that the dead things can come to life that's every head bowed every hobby closed across every campus can I pray for your father thank you for your word lord I thank you that you have power you have authority and I also thank you that you've given us power and authority so today we check our atmosphere Lord we speak to ideas we speak to mindsets we speak to people in our lives or they need to get out so the dead things can't get up and I thank you that you are the resurrection and the life you can do it today in Jesus mighty name we pray everybody said god bless you hey thanks for watching the elevation church youtube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute click the subscribe button on your screen that way you won't miss a single video and if this ministry has impacted you and you'd like to partner with us to continue to reach others you can click the link in the description below to give now thanks again for watching and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 1,163,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elevation Church, pastor robert madu, pastor robert madu 2018 sermons, pastor robert madu sermons, elevation church get out, robert madu get out, elevation church pastor robert madu, robert madu, elevation church sermon, elevation church 2018 sermons, elevation church guest speaker, get out, get out sermon, it may be time to say get out pastor robert madu, it may be time to say get out elevation church
Id: e49sPrBxx-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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