Get Out - Robert Madu | The Belonging Co TV

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I'd love you to stand your feet tonight we are in for an absolute treat I know that every session I feel that every sessions just been next level next level next level and tonight is no different this man of God who's coming to speak to us tonight coming to bring the Word of God I met him a few years ago and man just watching what God's been doing through his life and his ministry over these last couple of years is out of this world he's not only one of the funniest people I've ever heard preached before but he's one of the most powerful communicators so I want to get I want you to get your heart ready tonight but come on could we take a moment and welcome pastor Robert madhu as he comes to bring away tonight Nashville how we feeling tonight come on anybody glad to be a belonging conference come on you can do better than that would you give Jesus the best praise that you got in here on a Friday night Wow it's awesome to come into atmosphere that you don't have to stir up but it's already set these scents God's presence in here do you like who you're standing next to if you don't you got time you could change your seat you could change your seat no just do me a favor before you take your seat just look at your neighbor whichever one you like the best and say neighbor come on don't be afraid to talk to your neighbor you know I can see you come on say neighbor God's got something special for you tonight come on look at them make sure they believe you make sure they believe you give God one more hand clap of praise you can be seated Wow I made it I made it this is a this really is a big deal for me to be here to say the least I am ridiculously redbull excited to be here because one of my dearest friends on planet Earth is Pastor Chris Durso and probably for the last I don't know what three or four years we talk all the time he'll always be like man Robert you ain't preached anywhere until you preach that belong in conference in the next year oh you ain't preached anywhere till you preach that belong come so I'm so glad finally I made it I can go to heaven a happy chocolate brother because I made it Nashville he can be quiet about it and all the rumors are true this is absolutely special this is incredible and I pray you don't take this week or this moment for granted because this is not ordinary this is extraordinary and it takes somebody to say yes and have audacious faith to do this and man I want to thank God for Henry and Alex Sealy for who they are come on for their vision for their heart for this city come on y'all could be better than that y'all are blessed and you're the beneficiaries of their vision come on can we just let them know how much we love and appreciate him thank you guys thank you guys so much and I met pastor Henry in Singapore of all places we're a preacher there and then I had to follow pastor Alex at a Women's Conference yes it was rough for me and she just preached the house down and really preached a message that has transformed my life and the way I parent and then I love you guys thank you so much for having me and I'll bring you greetings from the great country of Texas come on I lived and balanced my entire life I'm married to the finest woman on the planet telling them I do and we have three little humans and I'd do this everywhere I go I'll beat that dad can I show you the Madhu crew can I put my babies on the screen y'all got that picture come on y'all those are my babies those are my babies I left those cute little faces to be with you that is four three and one yep it's not just their ages it's also the times they wake up throughout the night or at night so pray for us but uh and I'm excited to share God's word with you are you ready to hear do you have expectation to hear God's Word I found out that expectation the here's word is everything effectiveness of a sermon really is not just contingent upon the speaker but also on you did you know that like sometimes I go places they're gonna oh and that's the best message you ever preached I'm like now that's the best time you ever listened you're actually weren't on your phone that's why you got something out of it and I really do believe God's gonna speak to you this is a text that's just been speaking to me for a while now go with me to the Gospel according to mark tonight mark chapter 5 I want to look at verses 21 through 43 mark chapter 5 why are you looking for the mark chapter 5 how many you never heard me preach before it can I see him if you ain't never heard me preach oh that is about it okay quick disclaimer I am what you call a hollaback preacher yeah so in anything I say over the next six and a half hours that we have together if it resonates with you are you feeling it you can say a man you can say preach that you could grunt you can literally stand up in the middle and go oh that was for me hey you can also stand up in the middle go oh that was for you for real you needed that any one of those who hurt just don't get quiet on me please mark chapter five will start at verse number 21 when you ready to read it say yeah it says when Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake then one of the synagogue leaders named Jairus came and when he saw Jesus he fell at his feet he pleaded earnestly with him my little daughter is dying please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live so Jesus went with him a large crowd followed and pressed around him and a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years she had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and it's been all she had yet instead of getting better she grew worse when she heard about Jesus she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak because she thought if I just touch his clothes I will be healed immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was free from her suffering and once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him so he turned around in the crowd and asked who touched my clothes you see the people crowding against you his disciples answered and yet you gonna set up here and ask who touch me but Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it then the woman knowing what had happened to her came and fell at his feet and trembling with fear told him the whole truth he said to her daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be free from your suffering while Jesus was still speaking some people came from the house of Jairus the synagogue leader your daughter is dead they said why bother the teacher anymore overhearing what they said one version says ignoring what they said Jesus told him don't be afraid just believe he did not let anyone follow him except Peter James and John the brother of James when they came to the home of the synagogue leader Jesus saw a commotion with people crying and wailing loudly he went in assented then why all this commotion - wailing that girl ain't dead she's just asleep but I did what you did they laughed yeah and after he put them all out he took the child's father and mother and the disciples who are with him and went in where the child was he took her by the hand and said to her Talitha koum which means little girl I say to you get up immediately the girls stood up and began to walk around she was 12 years old at this they were completely astonished he gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this and then told him don't just stand down look at the girl go to chick-fil-a and get us something to eat real quick come on y'all that is just good all by itself now I have to tell you in full sermon prep disclosure that I almost titled this message tonight almost title did get up its come on that's a good sermon title get because I thought that that was really the climax in the culmination of the miracle Jesus telling this little girl who was a Dan to get up punk for the reflection I realized that was a premature title and it's simply because of verses 40 and 41 so I want us if we can just to back that thing up biblically versus 40 and 41 it's this but they laughed at him they laugh they who's today the negative doubting unbelieving faithless no SAT word cantankerous people that were in the room you know those people that know how to light up a room when they walk out don't point it nobody those people that like for every solution they will find a problem that's the day that says they laughed at him if it it says after he that's Jesus put them all out Jesus put them out in fact the Greek suggests that he physically put them all out so I'm gonna jack up your theology or your Christology tonight because some of you think that Jesus is just kind and sweet and loving and caring he's a good good father and he is here with this scripture lets me know don't get it twisted he is so so gangster because all of those in negative unbelieving doubting people who are messing up the atmosphere for the supernatural to occur it's all not all y'all got ya get out you gotta go home but you got to get out of ya and then once they got out and he went to the little girl and said get up the longing conference what if the power of a miracle is not just in the miracle itself but rather in the atmosphere in the environment that surrounds your miracle could it be possible even plausible that you've been looking at things in your life telling them to get up but this is actually the season of your life to start checking your environment and start telling some things to get out that's what I want to talk about today I want to preach to you from the thaad get out look at your navel one last time promise this is the last time and just say neighbor get out yeah yeah not now but later let's pray father thank you for your word thank you for your presence thank you that there's not a person here tonight this here by accident they are here by your divine providence Holy Spirit speak to our hearts tonight we've not gathered here tonight to be entertained we have come to be drastically changed speak to us so clearly let us leave different than the way that we came in everybody said everybody said gets ya belonging the divine intersection and really collision of characters in this text today immediately gave me a nostalgic parental fatherhood flashback to November 2014 I remember quite vividly because I was getting ready to leave our home in Dallas Texas to go preach at a conference which is anything unusual I often leave to go preach at a conference except this time everything was different everything was different because I was not just leaving the house as a husband now I was leaving the house as a father and my first foreign girl Evy had just entered the world and I was in that who emotional disposition of leaving my firstborn daughter for the very first time and come on every parent here will attest to the fact that things are just different with your first child oh come on somebody there are things that happen with your first child that none of your other children will ever experience okay like not my wife for now we have three kids plus a demonic dog so when I leave the house now I leave like I got warrants for my arrest and I take the long scenic route home okay thank often often Taylor will call me with chaos in the background and she'd be like babe where are you I'll go look I'm in traffic she's like no you in the driveway I see you come in the house to help me prep his cake where does your first is different as DIF I was emotional say the least tears are going this way smacks is gone the other way I'm holding my baby girl I was gonna preach a one-night in Florida you were thought I was going to war for like 30 years I mean I was a mess I was a mess and I walk into the service that night I walked into the service I'm still emotional when I walk into service and a guy by the name of Eddie James is leading worship okay of all songs and all songs he is actually singing you're a good good father father set a trigger I was like no I'm just a mess mess I think they got preached I just put a picture of my daughter said that's point one two and three and finished and talking to Eddie James the worship leader afterwards and he says Robert Congrats on your daughter she's beautiful I said thank you I made her I've been said hey Eddie you know my daughter Evie might not have ever been born if it wasn't for you and he looked at me like I had lost my mind say Eddie you probably don't remember this but in December 2006 you were scheduled to lead worship and preach at Christ for the nation's Institute in Dallas Texas but a route to Dallas your van broke down on the side of the road and he goes I remember that night I said you picked up your phone and you called a man by the name of Adam McCain and you let him know that by the time your van would be fixed there was no way you would make the service so regrettably you had to cancel out of McCain got off the phone with you and looked at a roomful of people and said Eddie James just canceled for our Tuesday night student Chapel who in the world are we gonna get last-minute to fill his spot in that room was by the name of Brian mean he lifts up his hand and says hey I just heard this young guy named Robert madhu preach he's local here in Dallas maybe he can do it all of a sudden my phone rings and the voice on the other line says is this pastor Robert madhu immediately dropped my voice real low and said why as it is he shut up no no this is crazy this is last minute but we just had a cancellation for our Tuesday night student Chapel is there any way you would be available to come and preach to our Bible College students look you come on during this time of my life I'm myself I'm a Bible College student at Southwestern Assemblies of God University so I said to Adam Akane you know what it seems like yesterday I was a Bible College student myself what an honor it would be to come in part two you're young people drove from my University to Christ for the nation's Institute I'm about to get up and preach but before I get up they say it's Tuesday night so it's time for our Tuesday night testimony video we're gonna show a video of a student here in our body whose life has been transformed by the power of Jesus Christ and all of a sudden on the screen I see the fine is a girl with the strongest southern accent I have ever heard in my life and she starts telling her story of Jesus changing her life I don't meet the girl I preach that night I'm at my university the next day walking down the hallway a girl text me on my shoulder and goes hey Robert I said is pastor Robert Madhu now she goes oh whatever she's like was that shoe that I saw last night at Christ for the nation's Institute getting ready to preach I said yeah they called me last minute they had a cancellation she goes oh my goodness oh my goodness did you see the girl on the screen telling her testimony before you preached I said yes I did she said I've known that girl for years I've known you for years and I always thought that you two would be perfect for each other but I never said anything but the fact that you're there preachers and they showed her video you two have got to me the next week that girl and I went on our very first day at the illustrious International House of Pancakes I said Eddie to make a long story short that girl's name was Taylor Mitchell it's now Taylor Madhu we did what married people to Evie is the evidence of that Eddie I am so glad your van broke down on the side of the road and I'll share that story tonight first of all to give some hope to the single people hello this your year but also to say who in the world would have ever thought then Eddie and my little Evie were connecting because their connection is not one that is easily seen on the surface but once you begin to peel back the layers and dig down deep into the archaeological value of a person's life it becomes so clear that none of us get to live our lives in autonomy with just me myself and I but how do you know all of us are connected oh yes we are deeply connected miracles merge with miracles testimonies have a way of touching each other you might not like the person you sit next to but guess what you are connected because our lives are not straight lines our lives are actually linked because all of us are connected doesn't frustrate you when people you love don't understand this and they got the nerve the audacity to tell you don't worry about me don't worry about me you do you and imma do me you do you and imma do me and you will look at the person you love and go oh well you doing you is affecting me because all of us are deeply and intrinsically and inextricably connected we're connected so don't find a stranger in our text today or mark chapter 5 mark begins by talking about this synagogue leader by the name of gyrus but then in the middle of Jarvis's story were interrupted with this story of a woman with an issue of blood and the reason that mark has sandwich these two stories together is because the two of them are connected oh they are deeply connected in fact to talk about gyrus the synagogue leader and to never discuss the woman with an issue of blood is really to do an injustice to the integrity of this text because the two of them are so connected that not on the surface now not on the surface you just look at the surface of their lives how many know they could not be more opposite if you just look at the surface one of these things is not like the other come on let's just our biology 101 gyrus is a man she is a woman hello gyrus is named in the text the Bible then even give us this woman's name gyrus is a ruler in the Jewish synagogue this woman can't even come near the synagogue because her sickness has made her ceremonially unclean gyrus is honored and respected but this woman has been shamed and rejected the culture would suggest that gyrus is a fluid he's got some money in the bank but this woman is broke busted and disgusted and has spent all she had on worthless positions who have made her worse instead of better then bring the text to the 21st history gyrus goes to chick-fil-a this woman goes to Papa they have absolutely nothing in common on the peripheral but watch this life has now put them in the exact same place posture and position because they both have been hit with something they knew they could not handle I'm you know life will do that life has this uncanny way of evening the playing field come on life will hit you upside the head with some stuff that your money can fix your friends can fix your Instagram verification can fix all your degrees can fix life will hit you with some stuff that will take your breath away and might not suggest tonight that if the life has hit you with something you know you cannot handle how many know that thing is a job for Jesus that's time for you to just throw up your hand in desperation and say god I don't know what to do about this but surely you know what to do about it look at gyrus and this woman nothing in common on the peripheral both ended up in the same place having a push people out the way to get an appointment with Jesus I love that I love that I love but not one of them had a pretty pathway with rose petals to Jesus but they both had to get a little cray-cray and be a little inconvenient move and push people out the way and do something they've never done before to get something they never received see I expected your little cute golf clam pie I expect to get a lot a man's no it's cool I'm secure it's fine because you don't like that you don't like that you're like me you want God to show up on your time schedule on your 10-year plan you want God to be like Amazon Prime come in 24 hours or less but can I tell you every once in a while you will have to push some things push some people come on push some nonsense push some insecurity you gonna have to push something out the way to get something you've never received oh look at drivers in this woman pushing oh you know while they're pushing I'll tell you what I push it they're pushing because desperate people do desperate things oh come on can we be real tonight come you know when you are desperate for God to do something in your life you approach him differently when you're desperate for God to do somebody like you will come to church differently you will come to a conference differently when you are desperate for God come on you don't need a Henry Sealy you don't need anybody tell you to lift up your hands when you are desperate for God your being here before they do the countdown you will lift up your hands you will sing the song laughs you mess up all that Mary Kay and Mac makeup come on you'll get that little cute face on the way and get that constipate where you are desperate for God to do something in your life come on there's something about being desperate and I felt God will often use desperation to drive you into your purpose yes God will use desperation to push you into your destiny if that desperation here me is the door that breakthrough walks through that'll tweet I'm gonna say that again desperation is the door that breakthrough walks through some people wonder how come I haven't got my breakthrough yet sometimes it's because we haven't gotten downright desperate enough for God to do it in your life it was the rolling tides of desperation the broad gyrus and this woman both at the feet of Jesus I love that picture nothing in common on the surface both ended up at the same place at the feet of Jesus desperate for a miracle to me that's a picture of the church and we can come in here today with all of our differences on the surface but you be all end up in the exact same place at the feet of Jesus come on somebody desperate for him to do but only he can do are you bored yet because I would love to delve into the details I'm trying I'm a love to delve really into the details of their desperation because gyruss he gets to Jesus first and boy is he desperate he's desperate because his baby girl he's a little girl she is dying don't miss that she is dying so when gyruss gets to Jesus he is talking to Jesus with a vocal intonation of a 911 he's now saying hey Jesus come to the house he's saying Jesus hurry up and come to my house this woman is just as desperate but her situations been going on for a while now this hemorrhaging this bleeding that's occurring in her body and watch how much mark the gospel writer wants us to know that the two of them are connected because it just so happens that cherishes little girl who is dying is 12 years old and this woman with an issue of blood has been dealing with it now for 12 years they are nected so you got a 12 year old dying daughter and a 12 year old disease so belonging that just means chronologically speaking the same year that this little girl was born was the exact same year that this woman was diagnosed with her disease oh come on that means cinematically speaking if Mark chapter 5 was a movie and the producers of this is us were making a movie oh come on this is the scene in the movie well it would flash from the feet of Jesus and go 12 years earlier and it would go to a hospital and walking out of that hospital would be gyrus his wife and them holding a brand-new baby girl smiling ear-to-ear with that goofy new parent grant and then perhaps walking out of that same hospital is a woman tears coming down her face cuz she's just been diagnosed with the disease and the doctors don't know what to do about it and just maybe they were in the same hospital that day but didn't even see each other in that just like a life see I found a life that sometimes you can be so preoccupied with your promise or so preoccupied with your personal pain that you're oblivious to other people that are around you oh come on somebody sometimes in life and especially in the church you can be so busy shouting over what God has done in your life or so busy weeping over what hasn't come to pass ya that you are oblivious to other people around you come on other people that God has actually put in your life for you to be a blessing to oh come on can I suggest in this narcissistic individualistic selfie saturated society in which we live we forgotten Romans chapter 12 this is you got to rejoice with those that rejoice and weep with those that are we've come on don't be so concerned about you that you miss other people around you preach Robert I'm trying thank God for Jesus Oh cuz the two people that didn't see each other at the hospital are now forced to see each other after him of garment and now the two 12s are touching somebody just say 12 come on said like you have some coffee say 12 come on say like you got some power say 12 you know you don't need a Bible college degree you don't need to be astute in biblical numerology to know that there are some numbers in the Bible that God has given you biblical Blue's Clues that these numbers are a big deal okay 12 it's one of those numbers I know this Friday the 13th but 12 is a big number to God I think it's one of his favorite numbers come on you remember when God began his covenant with his people a covenant that commenced with the call of Abraham it continued and Isaac but it culminated in Jacob Jacob had not one not five not ten twelve sons those twelve sons represented the power and the authority of God's covenant with his people those twelve sons became the twelve tribes of Israel that represented the power the strength and the authority of their nation come on you remember in the Old Testament whenever the high priest the pastor if you will would step into the Holy of Holies the very presence of God he didn't walk in with skinny jeans on he had a breast plate that had 12 precious stones that represented those 12 tribes of Israel I'm borne some of you too much Old Testament fast-forward to the New Testament come on you know our New Testament high priest who is Jesus the first time we see Jesus teaching in the temple is at the age of and they marveled at the wisdom in the authority that came out of a 12 year old come on you remember when that 12 year old turned 30 and he got ready to pick his crew his disciples his role dogs if it was me I would have stopped at 11 but not Jesus he said I need a hater - come on Judas [Applause] gave all 12 of them power to heal the sick and to raise the dead 12 what is 12 12 is the number of God's power it is the number of God's Authority do you know what Jesus is trying to teach us with the twelve he's trying to teach us what he's been trying to say since the moment he landed on planet Earth God says I don't care if it's a blonde eye a deaf ear a withered hand sickness disease demonic oppression or even death itself there is absolutely nothing that you are facing that is not under the jurisdiction of my power and my authority God says I've got the power and the authority to handle whatever the enemy is throwing against you Oh somebody needs to take about 12 seconds and give God some praise 12 that is the number of his power that is a number of his authority would you just say Authority oh say it like you got some say Authority yeah Authority why is Authority important it's important because hear me it is your awareness of God's authority that will determine how much you receive from God big statement I must say it again it is your awareness of God's authority in your life that will determine how much you receive from him see often we look at a passage like this and we just reduce it to faith because he said daughter your faith has healed you and don't get me wrong faith is important how many know you need faith it is the substance of things hoped for it is the evidence of things not saved without faith it is impossible impossible to please God faith is our anchor but nobody takes an anchor and just throws it in the water you're gonna lose that anchor you better connect and tie that anchor to something and watch this my faith is connected to his authority the authority of his word the authority of his power that's what my faith has got to be connected - if you don't believe that Jesus is the ultimate authority then your faith is going to struggle because your faith and his authority are defective some of you think you got a faith problem yep ain't got no faith no it's fine it's fine I haven't got my breakthrough for that I have enough faith your faith is good you know you just need mustard seed hey here's what you really need you need an awareness of God's authority to know that he has the final say you know that when he speaks something it has to come to pass that's what your faith has got to be connected to you don't believe he's the ultimate authority your faith is going struggle you know some scripture for that Robert I'll give you some scripture you disciples really disciples when they're on the boat it's a hurricane the wind the storm the waves are going crazy and the disciples are freaking out and Jesus is chillaxing in the bottom of the boat asleep mark says on a pillow just in a hurricane I love Jesus because he's not even bothered by their panic he gets up cool calm and collected in a hurricane because he's got sovereign swag and he just walks up to the edge of the boat in a hurricane it just goes all the winds in the waves are calm and all the disciples their jaws on the floor and they go who is this dude not for real who is this dude then even the wind's and the waves obey Him they marveled at his authority and what did Jesus say right back to them oh you of little faith is little cuz you didn't have an awareness of my authority because if you knew who I really was if you knew who I really was you should have looked at me when I was asleep on the boat and said who is this dude that is sleeping snoring in the middle of the HoloCam look up this storm ain't bothering him it ain't gonna bother me scoot over Jesus let me just cut it with you because if you ain't tripping about this you must know something I don't know you must know in the end it's gonna be all right in the ears I'm gonna make it in the air I'm gonna get to the other side I came to tell somebody tonight God is not in heaven stressing about what your stress in the somebody give him some praise I know he's gotta oh come on open up your mouth like you know he had oh thanks one for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose does not in heaven having a panic attack you know why he's got power and he's got authority oh you ain't got a faith problem you got an awareness of his authority problem you think the doctor is the final authority you think your cousin in there or the final authority you think what they put on your Instagram page is the final or thoughts of y'all think Google is the final authority yes that's why you surged a little bump on your toe and you've been telling everybody I'm gonna die tomorrow because Google said now look there I'm telling you what you know God is the ultimate authority you to stop having stress and anxiety you can sleep at night not because life is perfect but because you know who has no real oh oh I got a hurry is this helping anybody in here tonight can I take you deeper lose this gyrus got a house call from Jesus because that was his awareness of his authority remember gyrus who worked in the synagogue he's basically a pastor he approached Jesus was just like a pastor would he said Jesus please please my baby girl she's dying so we need you to do if you just come over and lay your hands on her he's Pentecostal too if you just lay your hands on her just she'll be healed that's that's the way it works so will you come over to the house Jesus like I as your awareness my authority I'm go to your house this woman had a whole nother awareness of his authority she said Jesus you ain't gotta come to my house we ain't got time for that we can expedite this thing right here all I gotta do is just touches the hem of your car man we can Disney Fast Pass this thing let me just touch the hem of your garment I know if I just touch thing [Music] what she got you know why cuz that was her awareness of his authority what my Bible people that in here that remember a Centurion in the Bible that had a whole nother awareness of God's Authority come on that soldier rolled up on Jesus and said Jesus I'm a man in authority and under Authority he said if I tell a soldier to go do something I'm not gonna follow him to see if he does it I just speak the word so check this out Jesus my servant is sick at the house but I'm not worthy for you to come to my house if you'll just speak the word I know my servant will be healed and for the first time in Scripture somebody got healed without Jesus even being in the proximity of the person you know why cause somebody understood who had the real power I'm getting excited off my whole sermon y'all recording this imma watch it later I'm telling you you don't have a faith problem you got an awareness of his authority problem once you know he is the ultimate authority your faith can actually go to a whole nother level hear me tonight this might be one of the most important messages that you ever hear it's changed my life might be the most important message we ever hear no because I'm preaching it here's why if you don't believe that somebody is the ultimate authority then you are gonna doubt the validity of their word come on if I don't believe you the real authority doesn't ultimately gonna doubt what you're saying don't you've been there before you ever been on the phone with a company or at a place of business and you knew you weren't talking to the real boss come on you're talking just an employee and on top of that they told you something that was contradictory to the good customer service come on feel like me you just get a little bit lawyer you're like ah they don't even sound right can I please speak to your manager yes can I speak to your supervisor Oh y'all don't do that in Nashville y'all super safe it's okay I do that I speak to managers I just I just want to speak to the person some power to change the situation I was a hotel that I had a reservation at had I had a reservation been booked for several months and the girl behind the desk was her heart she uh she looked up she was like mr. Maeda let me see made oh yes no I don't see a reservation she said we are fully booked we are fully committed this has been booked for several months she's like maybe let me stay here say nope I don't see it I don't see and I'm sorry we are fully but there is not a single room left I'm gonna rude about a second I'll just please speak to your manager or a supervisor any reservation we are fully booked we are fully commanded I said okay the manager comes behind the desk and goes hello mr. Madhu good to see you here it is I found your reservation would it be all right if I upgraded your room to an executive suite to be on the street doing the executive suite you know why because the person that had the real power and the real authority knew which button to push I hope you get so annoyed with what the devil is doing to your family to your eyes and to your mind you just thought I was somebody give him some praise in this place that's all power and authority I'm telling you this woman goes for 12 years I've been speaking to mid-level employees she goes I demand an appointment with the supervisor she touched the hem of His garment worship team join me make the sound spiritual she touched the hem of His garment and the moment she touched the hem of His garment hear me the moment she did she was healed she was made home you hear me I could end that sermon right there with her healing but I can't because don't forget that this woman in gyruss they are connected and her healing as incredible as it was how many know it was actually an interruption to Jesus's journey to Jarvis's house oh come on don't forget who got the Jesus first gyrus did its what to see exactly how we're down gyrus gets to Jesus I please please Jesus my baby girl she's tired please would you come to the house put your hand on her so that she will be healed Jesus says yes I'll go can you imagine the joy that feels irises heart when Jesus said yeah go to your house surely you felt okay okay only the babe everything's gonna be alright the Bible is clear there is a huge crowd there that day massive crowd so the challenge of gyrus is to get Jesus through this crowd and back to his house and how many know they don't got time to waste because she is dying do you know how days when you're going through a crowd and you're trying to get the excuse me excuse me excuse us excuse us come on Jesus excuse us excuse me excuse me pushing people I was shooting nothing - no I got to him first we go on somewhere excuse us Julie's pushing people out the way Jesus you said okay follow me Jesus and he's pushing people out the way they checks back to make sure Jake come on you follow me whoa whoa excuse excuse us and all of a sudden the text subliminally yes there's somewhere along the journey he loses Jesus in the crowd just pushing it finally finds Jesus surrounded by people come bout who touched me are you serious ready bro I just told you this emergency you'll stop and play 21 questions which will me who touched you everybody touching you Jesus don't play don't play come alive like you ain't never been there before don't act like you have never cried out to Jesus and said this is an emergency you need a hurry up with this miracle and he's just taking his time stop and asking random questions who touched me I'll wait he waits he waits who knows how long for this woman to finally sheepishly come through the crowd and go it was me no doubt she probably thought she was going to be killed oh yes she understands she is breaking the law to even be in public and to touch a rabbi on top of that she is breaking the law to die but like her some of you gotta get a new perspective of who your Savior is he said no baby girl you're not gonna die what's on you it doesn't give inside of me but my holiness actually comes on you I'll give what's on the inside of me and I put it at you so you can come to me with all your issues and all your junk it just takes us down watch this and just starts talking to her while gyruss hast the way he does talk to say girl how you doing not gonna kill you come on let's talk let's talk and the Bible says that she told him the whole truth another version says she told him her whole story she told him for her somebody mister she told him huh oh sorry ladies I love you you're gonna hit a lady tell you her holster yo get you a comfortable seat you don't beat her for a man if you want a heart get a dude to tell you this whole story be like I'm good how long is Jesus talking to this woman and I can see the steam coming off a job just for it like are you serious oh girl get your healing and go oh we had it somewhere you're not frustrating no for real in that annoying but God makes you wait you told him this is an emergency hold up not only the jurors have to he had to watch her get her miracle I don't want to be real hair belonging if it's not frustrating enough to wait on your miracle what do you do when while you were waiting on your miracle God makes you watch somebody else get theirs and you got that fake Church smile on your face like ah you got here hallelujah can we go now oh come on it's funny till as you yeah waiting to be healed watching other people get their healing waiting to have a baby watching other people post pictures of their baby on Instagram and Facebook waiting for the career to take off and watching other people top the charts waiting to get married watching other people walk down the aisle talk about God she got a husband she got a husband she can't get a man you up there playing now what do you do God makes you watch a miracle while you're waiting on your miracle because I found God will often make you watch a miracle while you're waiting on your miracle and it's not to discourage you he is a good father it's actually to encourage you to let you know that the same God that did it for them is reeling and able to do it for you to come on he is no respecter of persons don't be jealous of anybody don't have I hate on anybody if you see God blessing somebody else you ought to be the first person lift up your hand that means God is still in the blessing business he's still here theorist or come on if he did for somebody else he can't do it for you - yes he can oh so glad you shouted at that I'm a preacher I set you up for that show cuz we say that a lot in church don't we if God did it for me you'll do it for you - and it's true I think there's an erroneous ideology we've attached to that cuz often hear me when we say if God did it for me he'll do it for you - I think we think that means he'll do it in the same way so if God blessed you with a house turn up he gonna bless me with a house in the same neighborhood and with the same square footage and I'm a message Jesus so keep it even he'd do it for you - but hear me it won't be in the same way that's why you gotta stop comparing yourself to other people oh I got hurry watch this gyrus and this woman both wanted the same thing healing Chivers didn't get a healing gyrus got a resurrection we're sounds awesome don't shout too soon until you remember that the prerequisite for resurrection is death so can you imagine while he was waiting on his miracle and watching her get hers he feels a tap on his shoulder from people that came from the house when he looked at him he can already see it in their face and they say gyruss don't bother the teacher anymore she's already dead all when I read that I felt gyrus is pain it also became clear to me that gyrus has horrible friends terrible foreheads hashtag the worst friends on planet Earth not because they told him his daughter was dead those were the facts it was the commentary they added to the facts listen iris why bother the teacher anymore she's already dead I have to use that voice cuz they annoy me Gyrich why bother the teacher anymore she's already dead in essence they're saying gyrus this is the time to quit this is time to throw in the towel this is the time to just give up watch out for people in your life that are so quick to tell you to give up on the dream God gave you on the promise that you know God gave you on the word that you know God spoke in your spirit how you gonna tell me to give up this ain't your daughter and how you gonna say don't bother the teacher anymore you don't have an awareness of his authority cuz our God is more than a teacher come on somebody kill him surprise [Music] you know [Music] finally Jesus speaks the tyrosine gyrus don't be afraid just believe don't be afraid just believe and I think gyrus was so dazed by the news of the death of his daughter he didn't even want to move anymore but I think that's when Jesus took gyrus bought the hair it said gyrus come on it's not over come on don't be afraid just believe somebody came all the way to belonging conference tonight to get that word right there don't be afraid just believe come on Cyrus don't stay here I know you got bad news but it's not over till I say come on gyrus come on know where you live come on Wow let me see this is the way it's supposed to be see before gyrus was leading Jesus when he thought powers of the essence but sometimes God will let it go from bad to worse so you'll stop trying to do it your own way and Jesus let's say come on well two right in the house they start the funeral so why y'all crying a girl ain't there she's just asleep and they laughed he said you think that's funny oh you think that's funny if you're wanting all that laughed I got a word for you get come on help me close this message kids somebody needs to serve an eviction notice on some things here at belong in conference and start telling fear to get still a worry and doubt and anxiety to get oh come on somebody get up on your feet and just take it out the pleasure ticket that's enough get out some things we'll never get up until first some things get out God spoke to me the priestess message tonight because somebody the reason you're here at belonging conferences because God is speaking to you about your environment your environment it's what's blocking the miracle it's like all the way from the book of Genesis God has been trying to show us I'm an environmentalist yeah first the sky in the stars first the soil man the tree first the water then the fish is that the atmosphere is not conducive for the miracle it will never come to pass just going to ask this moment every head be bound if reality [Music] buhbuh thank you and even right now we are in an atmosphere the miracles still occur father we are in an atmosphere that night for the supernatural to manifest in our lives father thank you that you have all power and all authority father tonight I pray for my brother I pray for my sister that there's circumstance has gotten so bad and the enemy is so loud they have forgotten who has the final say oh I pray tonight that you would bring peace to their heart a peace that passes all understanding to know that you have all power and all authority father I'll thank you tonight that you have given us power and authority so are things that we have been playing with things that we have been tolerating God tonight we say enough is enough in the authority of Jesus Christ it's out father I pray for relationships that need to be cut off my unbelief and doubt that comes out of the mouth of someone that somebody is connected to these quenching what you spoken and they're harder than their spirit or today we say get out heads are bowed eyes are closed all over this place tonight but if you be so honest to say you know what this is for me there's something or some things in my life that need to get out so that deaf things can get out for some of us the relationship it's a person it could be a mindset I don't know what it is I do believe that the Holy Spirit Omaha's preaching you speaking the hearts today so you are gonna have to speak to your own mind until those thoughts of self doubt to get out because we God speak something you're the first person that knocks it down and says no God not me not me yes you you can be everything that God has called and created and ordained you to be sometimes you have to speak to yourself and say get out heads bowed eyes closed all over this place tonight if you'd be so honest to say hey this is this is for me I know what they thing is it needs to get out so that's some get up su would you just lift up your hand as a sign to say Lord I receive this tonight I received this tonight yeah hands are going up all over this place thank you Jesus you
Channel: The Belonging Co TV
Views: 2,771
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: the belonging co, the belonging co tv, the belonging co sermons, the belonging co messages, tbco, Robert madu, the belonging co conference, robert madu sermons, robert madu messages, robert madu 2020, tbco 2020, robert madu speaking, get out sermon, get out robert madu, church, faith, jesus, robert madu sermon series, church sermons, church 2020, conference sermon, conference messages, pastor robert madu, robert madu live, christian, church services, church channel
Id: GcbI6IBX7m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 16sec (3496 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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