Get Fit with Hey Duggee! | Hey Duggee Compilation | CBeebies

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You can watch every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. A-woof. Boing, boing, boing! Squash! Stretch! Hop! Hop! Hop! Spin! Pop! Pop! Pop! Choo choo! Flap, flap, flappity flap! Beep, bop, beep! Shuffle! Shuffle! Woof! That's it, Squirrels! Now it's time to put all our moves together for the dance-off. So you showed up, Duggee. A-woof. Well then, standard rules apply. Champions go first, then you follow. A-woof! Yes. Remember squirrels its about having fun. Remember, Rock Slippy Crew, it's about doing all the moves absolutely perfectly! Let's go. [Music] Electric! Flip-o-rama! Downsize! Hot spice! Friday! Rabbit! Caterpillar! Toaster! Jelly! Robot! A-woof! Interesting, but time for some sweet solos. Brian! Baa! You! Me? Woof. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, pop! Maa! Go, Pierre! Go, Pierre! Go, Pierre! Go, Pierre! Go, Pierre! [Gasps and laughs] [Robot Sounds] Oooh! Boing! Boing! Boing! Huh? Boing! Boing! Wobble, wobble, wobble! Wow! That jelly move is sweet! This toaster move pops! Go, Pierre! Go, Pierre! [Both Laughing] You kids are happening! Enough! You! Huh? Let’s dance! What are you doing? This is silly! You’re going off-piste again. What's happening? I don’t understand, but, it’s so much fun! Toaster! Jelly! Hummingbird! [All Laugh] Duggee, you and your crew have shown me that choreography isn't just about rules, it's about expressing yourself! And haven’t the squirrels expressed themselves well today, Duggee. Woof, woof, woof, woof! Well done, Squirrels. You’ve earned your Choreography Badge. Yay! [Car Horns Beep] Ah! And here are your parents. Just time for one more thing. Duggee hug! Aww. You can watch every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. A-woof! [Sighs] Thank you, Ethel! [Returns Fanfare] Paddling pool time! [Whistle Blows] [Whistles] Ah, is that the paddling pool badge, Duggee? [Whistles] So you get that for having fun in the pool and for being careful. [Whistles] [Long Whistle] [Squirrels Laugh] That's it everyone. One at a time! [Squirrels Splash and Giggle] [Music Starts] Remember, no running near the pool. No acrobatics! No eating! No diving! No splashing. No, no, no, no, no pushing! No... yes, well. Ribbit. [Laughin] Yay! Yay! Yay! Yeah! Has everyone cooled down now? Yes! [All Laugh] One foot in front of the other. Step by step. One front in front of the other. Step by step! No, no, no. Scuttling is the thing. Isn’t it, Nigel. Nigel! Put your hands up and turn around, scuttle your feet along the ground. We move in a sideways style. It makes us feel... So alive! Just take it step by step. One foot in front of the other. Just take it step by step. One foot in front of the other. Step by step! Very good, Nigel! Well howdy, Squirrels! Try trotting like me! You gotta... Stand up high. Howdy, sky! Knees up, heels down. Let me hear those spurs hit the ground! Lets kick and jump, and roll out! We’re taking it step by step. One foot in front of the other. YEE-HAW! One foot in front of the other. Step by step! One foot in front of the other. Step by step! Time to roll out, partners! Uh, news flash! That's not walking. Waddling 101. Always keep one foot on the ground. Yah! Check me out. Got my arms down, down low. Yo! My feet are tucked in, right? Under! We tilt! Lean! Tilt! Lean! We’re waddling! BOOM! You have to take it... One foot in front of the other. Step by step! One foot in front of the other. Step by step! Now, careful not to overlean, squirrels. We don’t want anyone toppling o- Oh, oh flippers! Darlings, where is your poise? When I sashay, I have total control. When I walk, I own the road. I’m fierce, my look is bold. I’m elegance. I am the Queen of style. You know what to do? Strut, glide, take it step by step. One foot in front of the other. Yeah! One foot in front of the other. Step by step! One foot in front of the other. One foot in front of the other! We didn’t know... There were so many ways... Of walking! Well there are! And theres more, much more... You can... Stomp like me! Stomp! Stomp! Tip toe like me! Tip! Toe! Hop like us! Hop! Hop! Shuffle like us! Shuffle! Shuffle! [Laughing] Walking in circles? Or march like us! We’re marching! Hopping! Stomping! Sashaying! Waddling! Trotting! Scuttling! Striding! We’re taking it... One foot in front of the other. Step by step! One foot in front of the other! We’re taking it step by step! You can watch every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. A-woof! You know what? I'm getting the hang of this exercise business. Climb! Climb! Climb! Oh? Why is that ant shouting at those other ants? What? This is how we keep fit. Come on. Carry on climbing. Oh! We like keeping fit too! Don’t we, Duggee. A-woof. Then join in! Move it! Move it! Move it! Yay! Keep that banana moving! This is not a picnic! Yet. Push those pretzels! I love snack sized workouts! Faster! Quicker! Lift that pea! Stronger! Better! Raise the chocolate bar! Harder! Further! Deeper! Faster! Why do we do it to ourselves? Because it’s fun! What does anything matter? Who even knows? I wanted to be a dentist. That’s the way it goes! Good maneuvers, soldiers! Now it's picnic time! Mmm! No, thank you. We're in the middle of exercising. Aw... Suit yourselves. Now, on my order... Eat! What’s next, Duggee? [Tooting Call] Ah! Ethel! And her jungle playground! Yay! The see-saw really works the legs. The climbing frame. Good for the arms. Woof... The slide! Fantastic for the lungs. Wheee! Woof... I love the jungle playground. Well, playing is an exercise to. Woof. What's that? Ah! That will be Chew Chew starting her exercises. Let’s go! Come on, Duggee! Woof, woof... You got stiff limbs? You want flexibility and endurance? Well, right here is where you start paying... in rhythm! Are we late? No, you are fortunate. Tardiness does not impress the panda. Now that you’ve bothered to show up, copy me! Let’s shake it! One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! Don’t just lie there, Duggee! Shake that furry tail! Woo! Oh yeah! Woohoo! Woof, woof... Give it all you got! Full out! Woo! Oi-oi-oi, vamos! Remember Duggee, them hips don’t lie. Yeah! Let’s go! I love dancing! Best exercise ever! And so... the intrepid band of explorers began to climb the mighty sugar bun. Their spirits were high, and their gait was bouncy. Mountains are fun! But little did they know their tranquil trail would soon become a rocky road. Oh! This ground is lumpy! What if I fall? It's good to be aware of what could go wrong, Tag. A-woof woof! But try using a helpful thought. Like, how can I walk over this without falling? I could do it... Maa! Maa, maa, maa! carefully! Like that goat! Careful, careful, careful! Careful, careful, careful! [Squirrels Laugh] The explorers conquered the tricky terrain with admirable aplomb. But while their hearts were light, the skies were heavy. Yay! Rain! But we’ll get wet. Now, Norrie... A-woof woof. a helpful thought could be? Um, how could I stay dry? Oh! Look! If we cover ourselves from the rain, like that lion, we’ll be nice and dry too! Luckily, we packed our... Raincoats! Ah! Now, sheltered from the lashing rain, they journeyed ever onwards. But it wasn't long until our explorers stride began to slow. Ugh, my backpack is heavy! A-woof woof... A more helpful thought might be how can I... Make it lighter! Lunchtime! Mmm! Good idea, Roly! Woof! Vitals replenished, the explorers were once again on their way. With a spring in their step, and a fair breeze at their back. But the winds of fortune were about to change. Ah! The map! Which way should we go now? A-woof. Yes, if we stay calm, we might have a helpful thought. We came from down there... so we need to go up! Yay! I'm so tired. A-woof... Yeah, helpful thoughts, Happy! Uh, once we’ve rescued Enid I can have a nice nap on the sofa with her! You can watch every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. A-woof. Now, squirrels, look at what Duggee does and try to copy it. Sit down on your bottom and fold your legs. Like... this? Shhh! Now put your hands on your knees. A-woof. This is called the Lotus position. Uh, is this it? Oh no, Squirrels, theres much more. A-woof! Try lying down on your belly. Now push up with your hands. A-woof. This is the cobra pose. What's a cobra? It’s a snake. Do snakes do yoga? Yesss! Lotsss of yoga positionsss come from nature. Such as the mountain. The dolphin. The eagle. Oh! I see. How about... the wavy tree! You just wave like a tree. Yeah! The wavy tree. Oh. We don’t know that one do we, Duggee? Woof. Oh! I’ve got one! The bendy bug pose. You just bend like a bug. Yeah. Bend like a bug! Good one, Happy. Woof. Cool man! I told you the vibe was strong here. This yoga is making me feel... Soft. Pillowy. [Bird Caws] Ooh. I’ve got a pose! The balancing bird! Lift your leg and stick out your arms. Cool. The balancing bird. Don't forget to breathe, Duggee. [Gasps] Meow. Let’s try the stretchy cat! Get on your knees and stretch out your hands. Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick! [Norrie Laughs] [Squirrels Laugh] That was a brilliant kick! Yes it was, Norrie, but you have to kick the ball towards the goal. Oh. Okay. [Squirrels Laugh] Ready, Duggee? A-woof! [Squirrels Laugh] [Squirrels Laugh] Hello, Worm! Woops! [Squirrels Laugh] Hello, Henny! Helloooooo. What's that? A ball! Oh. What do you do with it? Kick it! Ooh! Good! [Squirrels Laugh] Ah! I should have mentioned, Henny, that you kick it towards the goal. Oh. [Squirrels Laugh] Butterfly. [Happy Laughs] Ball! Row. Row. Row. Row. Row. Row. Ball! Row. Row. Row. Row. Row. Aww! Huh? Goal! Yippee! We scored a goal! What's that? Oh! You want more Hey Duggee? Well, ask your grown up to download the free BBC iPlayer app where you can find loads more episodes. A-woof!
Channel: CBeebies
Views: 486,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBeebies, CBeebies shows, CBeebies UK, CBeebies iPlayer, CBeebies Full Episodes, For children, For kids, For babies, Preschool, Early years, Early learning, Nursery Rhymes, Songs, For toddlers, Hey Duggee, Hey Duggee Compilation
Id: eSxV3bEYu8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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