🔴LIVE: Costumes at the Clubhouse | Hey Duggee

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drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing whoops wrapping out wrapping out wrapping out [Music] uh finished finished we finished oh this is my drawing huh can we guess what it is Nori [Music] uh-huh a flower yes wow and what has Happy [Music] Drawn her pzzle yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah splash splash [Music] splash guess mine a bow mhm I'm next a tree yes my go [Applause] Dy it's a banana yep huh good banana Ry best banana [Music] ever happy [Music] birthday he he looks busy doggy yes we should go oh wol wol we've brought you balloons for your birthday Tino artists care not for birthdays or balloons balloons get in the way of my beautiful art I told you he was quum balloons are silly I am a serious artist I didn't train in the s school of painting apari for 4 years to play with balloons no hey why are you all getting smaller we're not getting smaller Tino you're getting higher don't let go ttin woof oh my this is onred what an original perspective ooh The Verdant greens of the hills the yellows of The Meadows glorious glorious look look the Lush foliage the total celebration of life are you okay Tino why of course many an artist has gained inspiration from Nature's enviable Simplicity o hang on who are you calling simple watch out for the Biro oh I am watching what vibrant plumage vibrant am I this is quite fun he might fall we've got to help him but how wow amazing it's beautiful yeah what are you going to do with it douggy wolf yes douge will just put them away with the others others oo you have lots of boxes wow lots you must really love boxes doggy wolf he does he even has his cardboard box badge but what do you do with them lots of things you can put things in them stack them up fold them away unfold them put more things in them I made a [Music] car you can just play with them [Music] y huh flash flash flash I made a bath I made a tunnel I made a window I made a door and I made some steps folding building painting stacking hello helloy look what we've made with your box es a castle wow do you know where everyone is frog they're not here either I wonder where they've gone wble wble wble wble Wubble wble Wubble Wubble ah there you are where have you been we went for a walk with Dy we've done loads wobbling tea dancing tiger Palace show jelly hang on hang on one at a time it's hard to explain um how can we tell him we could do a show like tiger did Tiger yes you'll see ooh we'd like to see a show wouldn't we no ducky can you help us put on a show oh W of course he can he's got the puppy Cho badge [Music] yay do you have everything you need to make your puppet squirrels yeah we've got paper sticky tape cardboard glitter glue paint jelly well then I suppose you're ready to make puppets [Music] finished are you ready for your puppet show a wolf good well we're ready too aren't [Music] we now where is that noise coming [Music] from oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear where is that noise coming from it's coming from the mountains thank you naughty monkey oh it's not here [Music] it's coming from over there yay that's where the nois is coming [Music] from could your dad make our Treehouse bigger a woof oh I think douge can handle this Skittles I mean he has got his Treehouse badge W so douy time to get the toolbox out oh W woof woof yeah duckies made bigger [Music] wow so much space space oh hello naughty monkey do you like our bigger treeh house oh dear there isn't anything for monkey to do maybe doggy can make something I've got an idea [Music] oo can you build something on our Tre house for Naughty monkey H should I get my dad to help uh [Music] WF [Music] naughty monkey We Made You Some monkey [Music] balls a poor sheep we should make them something I think this would be fun [Music] oh lovely let's see what you've made I've made a wobbly one I've made a fast one I've made a Snappy one snap snap snap I've made a soft one I made uh a gray one let's go fly them yay all right Squirtles here we go it works ow yay ow [Music] yay oh [Music] woohoo it's [Music] flying I say squirrels you're very good at this kite flying business let's go higher y this is brilliant I can see my house from here oh watch out for that tree there that's not a tree tag that's heny hi heny [Music] hello look at us we're flying what are these we love flying we're going to fly forever I'm W I'm y I'm GL beun foul beastes help scary [Music] beastes oh Henny seems a bit upset yeah let's try and cheer her up let's make her a kite but henn's big really big so we have to make a really really really really big kite the perfect cup for a lovely drink of bigab [Music] boo sorry it's all right Ry it was an accident how will doggy drink his tea now H don't worry I fixed it sort of maybe we can make douge a new cup but what with oh w w don't worry squirrels dugey knows he's got his pottery badge what's Pottery woof woof woof woof woof yes Pottery is making something out of clay oo can we do a pottery [Music] woof what's that it's a potter's wheel tag oh W wof dugg is going to throw a cup with it throw yes R throw is what Potters call um well what douge is doing now ah can we try doggy Oh [Music] yay [Music] oh a how do you do it doggy a woof woof woof the thing is squirel you have to be delicate Pottery is a bit of an art is that you ducky oh oh dear there's been a power cut can you fix it douggy oh W of course you can it just might take a little while but we can't see anything oh off ah torches good idea douy wow now you can all see while douy investigates [Music] oh torches are brilliant yeah on off on off on off chair frog oh T set [Music] frog apple banana my friend tag in it watch out there's a monster behind you it's going to eat you woof woof woof don't worry squirrel it's just eid's Shadow her Shadow that's right everything has a shadow wof if you shine a light on it wow you can do amazing things with them douy can show you because he has his shadow badge look cast your eyes bir hello doggy a cute duck can we have a go okay oh who would like to go next me please water what color should it be happy [Music] blueash my go it's a lizard lizards are rain rly it's a bit messy I'm going to paint this orange inside the lines but we don't have any orange paint don't worry squirrels doggy can help you make some oh because he's got his color badge [Music] yay o woof woof that's right you can make Colors by mixing other colors together oh wof woof so if you mix yellow with red you get orange wo time for you to try them all on douggy [Music] off welcome everybody to our fashion show for our new winter fall spring summer duy collection my outfit is full of sleepiness and fluffiness I call my creation pajamas I made an outfit for duy to wear every day of the year it has 365 p Pockets you can count them bet he really understands Pockets aren't Pockets a big pack they oh H you're so out of touch this is doggy swimw it's called splash splash oh and I made doggy hey dance outfit get into the groove Duggy Dy Dy Dy [Applause] he's nearly as gorgeous as you are darling yeah I wonder who's next me I made this using everything [Applause] oh well there is one more outfit but who made it why douggy of course huh huh woof [Music] woof he's redesigned a classic I love how we've done the badges it's so well made such clean lines the detailing good work doggy and good work [Applause] squirrels W well done squirrels you've earned your fashion badge a woof woof woof some artists are inspired by their passions like ke carrots man what are you passionate about rer I know is that a rock yep finished H you're passionate about potatoes we still need inspiration douggy oh off yes sometimes you can find inspiration closer to home by using your news your mouth I did an art your who B inspiration inspiration huh finished I am art beautiful Betty ooh but we still don't know what to do douggy o woof woof sometimes you can find inspiration by looking at yourself someone else stop moving Nigel or even something else so conceptual horis yeah oh I have an idea finished [Music] M very impressive tag yay first choose the music you want play the music then record onto your TAP once the song has finished choose other songs that remind you of something because the best mixtapes are made for someone special and don't forget to decorate the cover hey doy we made a new mixtape just for you I chose this song for your mixtape because it reminded me of when we got up sprinkler bad there was water everywhere [Music] everywhere everywhere it was so much fun oh I chose this one because it reminded me of when we got our digging bag we did so much digging huh it took us ages to get home yeah yes that was a very long day this song reminded me of one we got our go cting badge oh no we were so fast wo what are we doing next your majesty whatever you want [Music] yay yay TR for the tower going house the outside we did some rather gnarly kick flips didn't we yes but my corns are killing me a good old soak in the bath is what you need here everything all right in there doggy [Music] oh doie I need me corn plasters [Music] dogy we're coming in W well would you look at that oh very nice job doie but glad we didn't pay you by the hour oh aw I think King Tiger's tired have a little lie down you can borrow my blanket oh cozy and drink some nice warm [Music] milk it have been a long day and the little King was very [Music] tired wol King Tiger's just dropped off Jelly Belly daners h a w woof you're right ducky sounds like large scale seismic instability whatever it was it was the best thing that ever happened yes who would want to share a rock with that Lord thinking they're so fancy with that juicy p o like they're not so so shiny don't you get tired of shouting at each othera what else would we do you could make Blen again it would be nice to have something other than nuts they say it tastes like the first day of summer but how can we make it we are so far apart we need to bring them together we need to build Bridges or just one yes and dugey can help a wolf he has his Bridge badge yeah [Music] oh it's finished now the jales can meet in the middle greetings please accept these shiny nuts as a gesture of Good Will May our juicy pears forever enrich your life so what now pling anyone BL again on every [Music] M please welcome your host [Applause] G so without further Ado let's meet today's teams woof woof woof our team is called the squirrels oh wolf wol wolf we are the acorn heads we're the rainning Champions and please welcome our resident plan ladybug hello let's start our quickfire first round a woof woof a woof a lawn mower correct a woof woof a transient state of being a woof woof woof moo wof wof the be's knees potato b - e + f = 2 a slce of cheese correct at the end of that round the score is 34 to the acorn heads onto round two oh woof in whose house is this mouse first team to tell me whose house this is wins the round the owner of this house is clearly a badge guy he's obviously got a big appetite and watch out ladies he's a guy in uniform it's Ducky's house oh yeah look there's Enid h correct making it Four Points each wo oh no is don't worry douy we'll fix him good idea squirrels [Music] yay the boy bu he's not coming [Music] yay [Music] goggles finished oh he's as good as new isn't he dugey [Music] W oh I know let's split up you go this way and we'll go that way how did you get here rolling I don't know oh a w w a woof a w w w w a [Music] wof a woof woof woof a woof woof woof a woof mazes are hard where is doggy [Music] yeah [Music] oh listen uh what is that it's awful it's stuggy it's coming from that [Music] direction we found duy well done squirrels yay now all you have to do is get out of the maze huh huh can't you find your book douggy W don't worry douggy we will find it yay no book here ribit no [Music] book no [Music] book no book and now about [Music] here no book [Music] no book no [Music] book no Booky we can't find your book anywhere where was the last place you saw it douy [Music] h you found it dugey was it in the kennel all this time aolf he hey Dy what you doing a wof missing a wof douggy said knitting was one of his favorite things uh what's her favorite luckily douy had his favorite badge oh oo and he explained all about it he's very good at explaining wof wof woof wof wof he said it's something you really like more than anything else woof woof woof wof and everyone has a favorite something what's your favorite thing I don't know there's so much to choose from then thought you had an idea he said to help us decide we should ask everybody else what their favorite thing is so we did testing testing working walking what's my favorite thing big question man should I powder his nose never mind H peace yeah peace is my favorite thing man I thought he'd say carrots what's my favorite thing well it's easy it's Nigel my favorite thing I'll have to think about that a clear order and rapid response quick [Music] match what's my favorite thing is the volume okay yes mid90s amute music Come On Everybody Let's help douge make some Jam yay [Music] W so what fruit are we going to put in our Jam then strawberries lemon orange mango banana right time to stir it wow m is it ready douggy [Music] oh I think it's time to have some Jammy toast tag Ry Betty happy Nory and a slice for Naughty monkey does it taste good well done squirrels you've earned your jam bad yay ah and here are your parents let's go play in our Castle [Music] yay whose flag is that why look who it is oh those naughty mice hey what do you think of our new Castle that's not your castle that's our Castle um it's probably just a misunderstanding excuse me naughty mice I think you'll find that's our castle Yeah I think you'll find that's our Castle can we have it back please uh [Music] no we're not going anywhere until you give us our Castle back well I hope you've had something to eat cuz we're staying right here H what do mice like to eat ah cheese then I've got an idea here but we'll need lots and lots of boxes woof woof and yellow paint woof woof yay so I took the lift down and he was stuck up the tree you should have seen that cat's face good one Johnny [Music] huh hey that looks like a big slice of cheese woohoo [Music] cheese this tastes disgusting uh tastes like like cardboard surprise oh no let's get out of here Trojan cheese [Music] yay [Music] [Music] woo [Music] y [Music] hey [Music] a [Music] hey naughty monkey it's us your favorite cousins it's been ages since we played nice treehouse such cool stuff oh yeah this trampoline is awesome how do you play with this oh I get it hey check out this swing me you don't mind the PO maker Banana Split naughty monkey I love all of your clothes you have the best stuff it's so much fun here I could play here [Music] forever wo [Applause] [Music] looks like you need some help nauy monkey why are you just like that oh oh what fun is the circus coming douy wolf what's the circus yeah huh you don't know what the circus is no well it's an amazing show in a brilliant big tent woof woof and inside you can see wonderful things like trapas artists jugglers strong men acrobats clowns magicians wow and of horse stunt moles [Music] you must really love the circus douge oh oh yes douge even has his circus [Music] badge what's that noise doggy it's the circus the [Music] Cirus I thought my Hiding was really good no I think you will have the pleasure to find my Hiding is really good who said that the tree no it is me Co the chameleon you changed color how did you do this is that it is my natural camouflage what camage oh w w yes the big dog is Right camouflage makes me blend in with my surroundings and makes me very hard to see see no you can't because I am camouflaged amazing can you do two colors cozy yes wow three colors but of course four colors did you doubt it five why not six easy peasy seven eight not a problem nine for sure 10 I have never done 10 before but I accept the challenge this calls for dug's birthday jumper y huh oh no too many colors too [Music] many cozi's C FL just broken oh dear Mother always Tau me not to show off maybe we could fix cozy how switch him off and on again huh maybe douge can help he has got his camouflage badge oh woof oo I like your new lawn mower duy oh [Music] woof wo wo [Music] huh doggy looks [Music] funny hey dogy what you doing there's something on your [Music] head well how to doy do squirrels my name's Billy and I'm a dancing bug waa a dancing bug what are you doing in our garden Billy well let me tell you squirrels I'm here to play the big bug ball ah and here's my band to help set it up squirrels let me introduce you to my band we have dly hilly gly and Millie and Together We Are Billy and the [Music] Phillies oh you've all got the dancing bug now wait a minute hey fellas where the equipment for the Big B bow Dilly where's all the lighting H it where's all the refreshments Gilly what about the stage and Millie where on Earth are the portable toilets what are we going to do now everybody's coming and we have no stage no nothing oh no no big bug ball don't worry everyone a woof dugey knows what to do he has his dancing bug badge well why didn't you Sayo [Music] Yeehaw so what can we collect for the campfire douggy a w sticks what kind of sticks ooh douy can tell you because he has his stick badge oh wof woof woof yes you'll need little sticks medium sticks and Big Sticks okay this one no that one's In Bloom this one that one's possibly a bit wet this one I think that one's being used this one yes you can use that one because it's lying on the ground let's find Co sticks yes yes yes oh sticks oh yes yes yes oh six o yes yes yes what eyes on a stick stick did you just say stick every everyone everyone look what I found a stick yes Ry we've all been collecting those not like this it's special sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky stick what an amazing stick a woof woof woof woof it's not a stick squirrels it's a stick insect stick it looks like a stick stick it smells like a stick stick it tastes like a stick stick you see if a stick insect gets scared of something and wants to hide it can look just like an ordinary [Applause] stick wow stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick la la la la la oh what was that Zaza you want to go to bed now well let's find some [Music] pajamas you don't want your pajamas now you want a glass of milk all right you don't want a glass of milk you want a story good idea la la la la la la la la la la la la la spider spider me and zza saw a big spider where everywhere is it as big as an apple bigger Bigg is a teddy bigger as big as a bed bigger as bigger as a house hello bigger ducky ducky there you go caterpillar oh you want to play come on then [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] I love you caterpillar [Music] just time for one more thing chy hug oh doggy Hawk drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing whoops wrapping out wrapping out wrapping out uh [Music] yeah finished finished we finished oh this is my drawing H can we guess what it is Nori [Music] mhm a flower yes wow and what has Happy [Music] Drawn her puddle yeah yeah yeah yeah splash splash [Music] splash guess mine a ball mhm I'm next a tree yes my go [Applause] Dy it's a banana yep H good banana rolly best banana [Music] ever happy birthday to you [Music] he he looks busy doggy yes we should go oh W woof we've brought you balloons for your birthday Tino artists care not for birthdays or balloons balloons get in the way of my beautiful art I told you he was crumpy balloons are silly I am a serious artist I didn't train in the s school of painting apari for 4 years to play with balloons no hey why are you all getting smaller we're not getting smaller Tino you're getting higher don't let go ttin woof oh my this is onred what an original perspective ooh The Verdant greens of the hills the yellows of The Meadows glorious glorious look look the Lush foliage the total celebration of life are you okay tin no why of course many an artist has gained inspiration from Nature's enviable Simplicity o hang on who are you calling simple what out for the Birdo oh I am watching what vibrant plumage Bo Amo this is quite fun he might fall we''ve got to help him but how wow amazing it's beautiful yeah what are you going to do with it douy wolf yes douie will just put them away with the others others wolf oo you have lots of boxes wow lots you must really love boxes doggy wolof he does he even has his cardboard box badge but what do you do with them lots of things you can put things in them stack them up fold them away unfold them put more things in them I made a car huh or you can just play with them [Music] y huh splash splash splash I made a bath I made a tunnel I made a window I made a door and I made some steps folding building painting [Music] stucking hello hello look what we've made with your boxes a castle wow do you know where everyone is frog they're not here either I wonder where they've gone w wble w W Wubble Wubble wble Wubble Wubble ah there you are where have you been we went for a walk with doggy we've done loads wobbling te dancing tiger Palace show jelly hang on hang on one at a time it's hard to explain um how can we tell him we could do a show like tiger did Tig tiger yes you'll see oo we'd like to see a show wouldn't we no ducky can you help us put on our show oh of course he can he's got the puppet Cho badge [Music] yay do you have everything you need to make your puppet squirrels yeah we've got bab sticky tape cardboard glitter glue paint jelly well then I suppose you're ready to make [Music] puppets [Music] finished are you ready for your puppet show oh woof good well we're ready too aren't we [Music] now now where is that noise coming from [Music] oh [Music] dear oh dear woo oh dear oh dear where is that noise coming from it's coming from the m mountains thank you naughty monkey oh it's not [Music] [Applause] here it's coming from over there yay that's where the noise is coming [Music] from could your dad make our Treehouse bigger oh woof oh I think douge can handle this scles I mean he has got his Treehouse badge so douggy time to get the toolbox out oh w woof woof yeah duckies made it bigger [Music] wow so much space space oh hello naughty monkey do you like our bigger treeh house oh dear there isn't anything for monkey to do maybe doggy can make something I've got an idea [Music] oo can you build something on our treeh house for Naughty monkey H should I get my dad to help uh wof [Music] o naughty monkey We Made You Some monkey [Music] balls aw poor sheep we should make them something I think this would be [Music] fun oh lovely let's see what you've made I've made a wobbly one I've made a fast one I've made a Snappy One Snap Snap Snap I've made a soft one I made uh a gray one let's go fly them yay all right Squirtles here we go it works ow yay ow [Music] yay oh woohoo it's [Music] flying I say squiddles you're very good at this kite flying business let's go higher yay this is brilliant I can see my house from here oh watch out for that tree that's not a tree tag that's Henny Hi H [Music] hello look at us we're flying what are these we love flying we're going to fly forever I'm W I'm I'm beun fou beasties help scary [Music] beastes oh Henny seems a bit upset yeah let's try and cheer her up let's make her a kite but henn's big really big so we have to make a really really really really big kite the perfect cup for a lovely drink of Baboo [Music] sorry it's all right Ry it was an accident how will doggy drink his tea now H don't worry I fixed it sort of maybe we can make dugey and n cup but what with oh W don't worry squirrels Duggy knows he's got his Pottery badge what's Pottery woof woof woof woof woof yes Pottery is making something out of clay oo can we do a pottery [Music] wo what's that it's a potter's wheel tag oh w w dug is going to throw a cup with it yes R throwing is what Potters call um well what douge is doing now a can we try Duggy oh yay [Music] [Music] oh a how do you do it doggy a woof woof woof the thing is squirel you have to be delicate Pottery is a bit of an art is that you ducky oh oh dear there's been a power cut can you fix it doggy oh of course he can it just might take a little while but we can't see anything a off ah torches good idea douy wow now you can all see while douggy in investigates [Music] a torches are brilliant yeah on off on off on off chair frog oh T set [Music] frog [Music] apple banana my friend tag in it watch out there's a monster behind you it's going to eat you oh woof woof wo don't worry squirrels it's just Enid's Shadow her Shadow that's right everything has a shadow o if you shine a light on it wow you can do amazing things with them douy can show you because he has his shadow badge look Cast Your Eyes by hello doggy a cute duck can we have a go doggy oh who would like to go next me please water what color should it be happy [Music] blue sash my go it's a lizard lizards are rain rly it's a bit messy I'm going to paint this orange inside the lines but we don't have any orange paint don't worry squirrels douggy can help you make some oh because he's got his color bag Edge [Music] yay a woof woof woof that's right you can make Colors by mixing other colors together a woof woof so if you mix yellow with red you get orange W time for you to try them all on douggy [Music] off welcome everybody to our fashion show for our new winter fall spring summer dugy collection my outfit is full of sleepiness and fluffiness I call my creation pajamas I made an outfit for douge to wear every day of the year it's has 365 Pockets you can count them but he really understands Pockets AR Pockets a big PA oh Hui you're so out of touch this is doggy swimw it's called splash splash splash oh oh oh oh oh and I made douge hey dance outfit get into the groove [Applause] dugey he's nearly as gorgeous as you are darling yeah I wonder who's next me I made this using [Music] everything well there is one more outfit but who made it why Duggy of course huh woof [Music] woof he's redesigned a classic I love how he's done the badges it's so well made such clean l the detailing good work doggy and good work [Applause] squirrels well done squirrels you've earned your fashion badge y a woof woof woof some artists are inspired by their passions like teapots carrots man what are you passionate about rer I know is that a rock yep finished H you're passionate about potatoes we still need inspiration dougy oh off off yes sometimes you can find inspiration closer to home by using your nose your mouth I did an art your [Applause] who inspiration inspiration huh finished I am art beautiful Betty ooh but we still don't know what to do douggy woof wof woof sometimes you can find inspiration by looking at yourself someone else stop moving Nigel or even something else so conceptual bis yeah oh I have an idea very finished [Music] ooh very impressive tag first choose the music you want play the music then record onto your table once the song has finished choose other songs would remind you of something because the best mixtapes are made for someone special and don't forget to decorate the cover hey dgy we made a new mixtape just for you I chose this song for your mixtape because it reminded me of when we got up sprinkler bag there was water everywhere everywhere everywhere it was so much fun oh I chose this one because it reminded me of when we got our digging badge we did so much ding huh it took us ages to get home yes that was a very long Dayo this song reminded me of one we got our go cting B oh no we was so fast W what are we doing next your majesty whatever you want [Music] y yay TR for the going my silver house took the outside we did some rather gnarly kick flips didn't we yes but my corns are killing me a good old soak in the bath is what you need here everything all right in there dogey [Music] oh hey doie I need the corn [Music] plasters dogie we're coming in well would you look at that oh very nice job doy look glad we didn't pay you by the hour a I think King Tiger's tired have a little lie down you can borrow my blankets cozy and drink some nice warm [Music] milk it had been a long day and the little King was very [Music] tired wolf wolf King Tiger's just dropped off jelly belly dancers h a WF woof you're right ducky sounds like large scale seismic instability whatever it was it was the best thing that ever happened yes who would want to share a luck with that Lord thinking that's so fancy with that you sers o like they're not so so shiny don't you get tired of shouting a teach offer what else would we do you could make Blen again it would be nice to have something other than nuts they say it tastes like the first day of summer but how can we make it we are so far apart we need to bring them together we need to build Bridges or just one yes a dugey can help a wolf he has his Bridge badge [Music] w [Music] [Applause] it's finished now the jales can meet in the [Music] middle greetings please accept these shiny knuts as a gesture of Good Will May our juicy pears forever enrich your life so what now pling [Applause] anyone again for [Music] everybody please welcome your host g w w so without further Ado let's meet today's teams oh wol wolf our team is called the squirrels oh [Applause] wolf we are the acorn heads we're the rainning Champions and please welcome our resident brain ladybug hello let's start our quickfire first round woof woof woof a lawn mower correct a w woof a transient state of being a woof woof woof move woof woof woof woof the be's knees potato B minus E + f = 2 a slice of cheese correct at the the end of that round the score is 34 to the acorn heads onto round two oh woof in whose house is this mouse first team to tell me whose house this is wins the round the owner of this house is clearly a badge guy he's obviously got a big appetite and watch out ladies he's a guy in uniform it's Ducky's house oh yeah look there's Enid correct making it Four Points each wof oh no don't worry douy we'll fix him good idea squirrels [Music] yay the boy bucket he's not coming W woof [Music] yay [Music] goles [Music] finished oh he's as good as new isn't he duy [Music] W oh I know let's split up you go this way and we'll go that way how did you get here Ry I don't [Music] know a w a w w w a [Music] wof W woof woof a woof woof woof oh woof mazes are hard where is doggy [Music] yeah [Music] oh listen uh what what is that it's awful it's stuggy it's coming from that [Music] direction we foundy well done squirrels yay now all you have to do is get out of the maze huh huh can't you find your book douggy wof don't worry douggy we will find it yay no book hereit no [Music] book no [Music] book no book no a book here no [Music] book no book no [Music] book no book we can't find your book anywhere where was the last place you saw it [Music] [Laughter] dugey you found it dugey was it in the kennel all this time aolf he hey Dy what you doing a nitting a wof douggie said knitting was one of his favorite things uh what's her favorite luckily douy had his favorite badge oh oo and he explained all about it he's very good at explaining oh wof wof woof woof he said it's something you really like more than anything else oh woof woof woof W and everyone has a favorite something what's your favorite thing I don't know there's so much to choose from then thought you had an idea he said to help us decide we should ask everybody else what their favorite thing is so we did testing testing working working what's my favorite thing big question man should I powder his nose never mind H peace yeah peace is my favorite thing man I thought he'd say carrots what's my favorite thing well it's easy it's Nigel my favorite thing H I'll have to think about that a clear order and rapid response quick [Music] March what's my favorite thing is the volume okay yes mid90s I'm your music Come On Everybody Let's help dugey make some Jam [Laughter] [Music] yay so what fruit are we going to put in our Jam then strawberry lemon orange mango Bana right time to stir it wow is it ready douggy [Music] oh I think it's time to have some Jammy toast tag Ry Betty happy Nori and a slice for Naughty monkey does it taste good well done squirrels you've earned your jam bad yay ah and here are your parents let's go play in our Castle y [Music] y whose flag is that why look who it is oh those naughty mice hey what do you think of our new Castle that's not your castle that's our Castle um it's probably just a misunderstanding excuse me naughty mice I think you'll find that's our castle Yeah I think you'll find that's our Castle can we have it back please uh no we're not going anywhere until you give us our Castle back well I hope you've had something to eat cuz we're right here H what do mice like to eat ah cheese then I've got an idea but we'll need lots and lots of boxes woof woof and yellow paint woof woof yay so I took the lift down and he was stuck up the tree you should have seen that cat's face good one Johnny [Music] huh hey that looks like a big slice of cheese woohoo [Music] cheese this tastes disgusting uh tastes like like cardb surprise oh no let's get out of here Trojan cheese yay [Music] woo yeah you the [Music] o [Music] ah hey naughty monkey it's us your favorite cousins it's been ages since we' played nice treehouse such cool stuff oh yeah this trampoline is awesome how do you play with this oh I get it hey check out this swing let mey you don't mind if I maker Banana Split naughty monkey I love all of your clothes you have the best stuff it's so much fun here I could play here [Music] [Applause] for looks like you need some help nauy monkey why are you just like that oh oh what fun is the circus coming dugey what what's the circus yeah huh you don't know what the circus is no well it's an amazing show in a brilliant big tent woof woof and inside you can see wonderful things like topas artists jugglers strong men acrobats [Applause] clowns magicians wow and of horse stunt [Music] moles you must really love the circus douggy oh oh yes dugey even has his circus badge what's that noise doggy it's the circus the [Music] circus I thought my Hiding was really good no I think you will have the pleasure to find my Hiding is really good who said that the tree no it is me Coy the chameleon you changed color how did you do that it is my natural camouflage what can I flage oh W wof yes the big dog is Right camouflage makes me blend in with my surroundings and makes me very hard to see see no you can't because I am camouflaged amazing can you do two colors cozy [Music] yes wow three colors but of course four colors did you doubt it five why not six easy peasy seven eight not a problem nine for sure 10 I have never done 10 before but I accept the challenge this gos for duge birthday jumper y huh oh no too many colors too many [Music] Cozy's camouflage is broken oh dear Mother always told me not to show off maybe we could fix cozy how switch him off and on again huh maybe dugey can help he has got his camouflage badge a woof ooh I like your new lawn mower dug here oh [Music] woof huh doggy looks [Music] funny hey doy what you doing there's something on your head h well howy doy do squirrels my name's Billy and I'm a dancing bug waa a dancing bug what you doing in our garden Billy well let me tell you squirrels I'm here to play the big bug ball ah and here's my band to help set it up [Applause] squirrels let me introduce you to my band we have dly hilly gly and Millie and Together We Are Billy and the [Music] Phil oh you've all got the dancing bug now wait a minute [Music] hey fellas where's your equipment for the big b ball Dilly where's all the liting hilly where's all the refreshments Gilly what about the stage and mil where on Earth are the portable toilets what are we going to do now everybody's coming and we have no stage no nothing oh no no big bug ball don't worry everyone a wolf dugey knows what to do he has his dancing bug badge well why didn't you say so [Music] Yeehaw so what can we collect for the campfire dogey a w sticks what kind of sticks oh dugey can tell you because he has his stick badge oh wof wof yes you'll need little sticks medium sticks and Big Sticks okay this one no that one's In Bloom this one that one's possibly a bit wet this one I think that one's being used this one yes you can use that one because it's lying on the ground let's find sticks yes yes yes oh sticks oh yes yes yes oh sticks o yes yes yes what eyes on a stick stick did you just say stick everyone everyone look what I found a stick yes Ry we've all been collecting those not like this it's special stick sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky stick an amazing stick a woof a woof woof woof it's not a stick squirrels it's a stick insect stick it looks like a stick stick it smells like a stick stick it tastes like a stick stick you see if a stick insect gets scared of something and wants to hide it can look just like an ordinary stick [Applause] wow stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick STI la la la la la oh what was that Zaza you want to go to bed now well let's find some pajamas la la la la la la la la la la you don't want your pajamas now you want a glass of milk all right you don't want a glass of milk you want a story good idea spider spider me and SAA are a big spider where everywhere oh is it as big as an apple bigger big as a Teddy bigger as big as a bed bigger as biger as a house hello bigger jocky Joy there you go caterpillar oh you want to play come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Z [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] I love you [Music] caterpillar just time for one more thing chy Haw oh chy Hawk drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing whoops rubbing out wrapping out wrapping out [Music] uh finished finished we finished ooh this is my drawing H can we guess what it is Nori [Music] uhhuh a flower yes wow and what has Happy [Music] Drawn a puzzle yeah yeah yeah spash splash [Music] splash guess mine a bow mhm arm next a Tre yes my go doggy it's a banana yep H good banana rolly best banana ever [Music] H happy [Music] birthday he he looks busy doggy yes we should go oh W wof we've brought balloons for your birthday Tino artists care not for birthdays or balloons balloons get in the way of my beautiful art I told you he was crumpy balloons are silly I am a serious artist I didn't train in the s school of painting apari for 4 years to play with balloons no hey what are you all getting smaller we're not getting smaller Tino you're getting higher don't let go ttin woof oh my this is unred what an original perspective O The Verdant greens of the hills the yellows of The Meadows glorious glorious look look the Lush foliage the total celebration of life are you okay Tino why of course many an artist has gained inspiration from Nature's enviable Simplicity o hang on who are you calling simple watch out for the Birdo oh I am watching what vibrant plumage bo am I this is quite fun he might fall we've got to help him but how wow amazing it's beautiful yeah what are you going to do with it douge oh wolf yes douge will just put them away with the others others oo you have lots of boxes wow lots you must really love boxes doggy wolf he does he even has his cardboard box badge but what do you do with them lots of things you can put things in them stack them up fold them away unfold them put more things in them I made a car [Music] huh you can just play with them [Music] y huh splash splash splash I made a bath I made a tunnel I made a window I made a door and I made some steps folding building painting stacking hello hello look what we've made with your boxes a castle wow do you know where everyone is frog they're not here either I wonder where they've gone Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble ah there you are where have you been we went for a walk with doggy we've done loads wobbling te dancing tiger Palace show jelly hang on hang on one at a time it's hard to explain um how can we tell him we could do a show like tiger did Tiger yes you'll see oo we'd like to see a show wouldn't we no ducky can you help us put on our show oh of course he can he's got the puppy Cho badge yay [Music] do you have everything you need to make your puppet squirrels yeah we've got paper sticky tape cardboard glitter glue paint jelly well then I suppose you're ready to make [Music] puppets [Music] finished are you ready for your puppet show oh woof good well we're ready too aren't we [Music] now where is that noise coming [Music] from oh [Music] dear oh dear oh dear oh dear where is that noise coming from it's coming from the mountains thank you naughty monkey oh it's not [Music] [Applause] here it's coming from over there yay that's where the noise is coming [Music] from could your dad make our Treehouse bigger oh woof oh I think douge can handle this Skittles I mean he has got his Treehouse badge W so douy time to get the toolbox out oh wof woof woof yeah duckies made it bigger [Music] wow so much space space ni oh hello naughty monkey do you like our bigger treeh house oh dear there isn't anything for monkey to do maybe doggy can make something I've got an idea [Music] oo can you build something on our treeh housee for naughty monkey H should I get my dad to help uh [Music] w o naughty monkey We Made You Some monkey [Music] balls a poor sheep we should make them something I think this would be [Music] fun oh lovely let's see what you've made I've made a wobbly one I've made a fast one I've made a Snappy One Snap Snap Snap I've made a soft one I made uh a gray one Let's Go Fly then yay all right Squirtles here we go it works ow yay ow [Music] yay oh woohoo it's flying I say squirrels you're very good at this kite flying business let's go higher y this is brilliant I can see my house from here oh watch out for that tree that's not a tree tag that's heny hi hen hello [Music] look at us we're flying what are these we love flying we're going to fly forever I'm wly I'm sppy I'm GL beun foul beasties help scary [Music] beasties oh Henny seems a bit upset yeah let's try and cheer her up let's make her a kite but Henny's big really big so we have to make a really really really really big kite the perfect cup for a lovely drink of [Music] Baboo sorry it's all right Ry it was an accident how will doggy drink his tea now hm don't worry I fixed it sort of maybe we can make douge a new cup but what with oh W don't worry squirrels dugey knows he's got his Pottery badge what Pottery woof woof woof woof woof yes Pottery is making something out of of clay oo can we do a pottery [Music] wo what's that it's a potter's wheel tag oh W WF duggies going to throw a cup with it throw yes R throwing is what Potters call um well what Doug is doing now ah can we try doggy Oh [Music] yay [Music] oh how do you do it doggy a wolf woof woof the thing is squiddles you have to be delicate Pottery is a bit of an art is that you ducky oh oh dear there's been a power cut can you fix it douggy oh off of course you can it just might take a little while but we can't see anything a off ah torches good idea douy wow now you can all see while douggy investigates a [Music] w torches are brilliant yeah on off on off on off ch [Music] frog oh T set [Music] frog apple banana my friend tag in it watch out there's a monster behind you it's going to eat you woof woof woof don't worry squirrel it's just eid's Shadow her Shadow that's right everything has a shadow if you shine a light on it wow you can do amazing things with them Duggy can show you because he has his shadow badge look cast your eyes bird hello doggy a cute duck can we have a go ducky who would like to go next me please water a what color should it be happy [Music] blueash my go it's a lizard lizards are rain Ry it's a bit messy I'm going to paint this orange inside the lines but we don't have any orange paint don't worry squirrel Duggy can help you make some oh because he's got his color badge [Music] yay o woof woof that's right you can make Colors by mixing other colors together a woof woof so if you mix yellow with red you get orange wo time for you to try them all on douggy [Music] off welcome everybody to our fashion show for our new winter fall spring summer dugy collection my outfit is full of sleepiness and fluffiness I call my creation pajamas I made an outfit for Doug to wear every day of the year it has 365 Pockets you can count them bet he really understands pockets on Pockets a big p oh h you're so out of touch this is doy swimw it's called splash splash [Applause] splash and I made doggy hey dance outfit get into the groove Duggy Dy Dy [Applause] dyy he's nearly as gorgeous as you are darling yeah I wonder who's next me I made this using [Music] [Applause] everything well there is one more outfit but who made it why duy of course huh woof [Music] woof he's redesigned a classic y I love how we've done the badges it's so well made such clean lines the detailing good work doggy and good work [Applause] squirrels well done squirrels you've earned your fashion badge yay a woof woof woof some artists are inspired by their passions like teot parrots man what are you passionate about rer I know is that a rock yep finished H your passionate about potatoes we still need inspiration dougy oh off yes sometimes you can find inspiration closer to home by using your nose your mouth I did an art you're [Applause] who inspiration inspiration huh finished I am art beautiful Betty ooh but we still don't know what to do douggy oh woof W wolof sometimes you can find inspiration by looking at yourself someone else stop moving Nigel or even some else so conceptual horis yeah oh I have an idea finished [Music] M very impressive tag yay first choose the music you want play the music then record onto your tape once the song has finished choose other songs that remind you of [Applause] something because the best mixtapes are made for someone special and don't forget to decorate the cover hey Dy we met a new mixtape just for you I chose this song for your mixtape because it reminded me of when we got up sprinkler bad there was water everywhere everywhere everywhere it was so much fun oh I chose this one because it reminded me of when we got our digging bag we did so much digging huh it took us ages to get home yes that was a very long day this song reminded me of one we got our W go cting badge oh no we were so fast what are we doing next your majesty whatever you want yay [Music] yay you're try take a to my silver out we did some rather gnarly kick flips didn't we yes but my corns are killing me a good old soak in the bath this is what you need here everything all right in there doggy [Music] oh doie I need the corn [Music] plasters doie we're coming in well would you look at that oh very nice job doy but glad we didn't pay you by the hour aw I think King Tiger's tired have a little lie down you can borrow my blankets cozy and drink some nice warm [Music] milk it her be a long day and the little King was very [Music] tired wol wolf King Tiger's just dropped off jelly belly dancers h a w woof you're right ducky sounds like large scale seismic instrum AB whatever it was it was the best thing that ever happened yes who would want to share a luck with that L thinking they're so fancy with that juicy P oh like they're not so so shiny don't you get tired of shouting at each othera what else would we do you could make Blen again it would be nice to have something other than nuts they say it tastes like the for day of summer but how can we make it we are so far apart we need to bring them together we need to build Bridges or just one yes and dugey can help a wolf he has his Bridge badge [Music] yay [Music] [Applause] it's finished now the jables can meet in the middle greetings please accept these shiny nuts as a gesture of Good Will May our juy pairs forever enrich your life so what now pling [Applause] anyone again for [Music] everybody please welcome your host d [Applause] so without further Ado let's meet today's teams wof woof woof our team is called the squirrels wolf wo woof we are the acorn heads we're the raining Champions and please welcome our resident brain ladybug hello let's start our quickfire first round a woof woof wof a lawn mower correct a wof woof a transient state of being a w woof woof Mo W woof W woof de be's knees potato b - e + f = 2 a slice of cheese correct at the end of that round the score is 34 to the acorn heads onto round two oh woof in whose house is this mouse first team to tell me whose house this is wins the r own the owner of this house is clearly a badge guy he's obviously got a big appetite and watch out ladies he's a guy in uniform it's Ducky's house oh yeah look there's Enid correct making it Four Points each woof oh no eat it don't worry douy we'll fix him good idea squirrels yay come on boy bu he's not coming woof [Music] yay [Music] Goos finished oh he's as good as new isn't he Duggy w [Music] oh I know let's split up you go this way and we'll go that way how did you get here Ry I don't know oh w a woof a w w w w wof a [Music] woof a woof woof woof a woof woof woof a woof mazes are hard where is doggy yeah [Music] oh listen uh what is that it's awful it's stuggy it's coming from that [Music] direction well done squirrels yay now all you have to do is get out of the maze huh H can't you find your book douggy W don't worry douggy we will find it yay no book here Ribbit no book no [Music] book no book and now [Music] hair no [Music] book no book no book no Booky we can't find your book anywhere where was the last place you saw it douy [Music] [Laughter] h you found it douge was it in the kennel all this time aolf he hey Dy what you doing a wof missing a wolof douggie said knitting was one of his favorite things uh what's a favorite luckily douy had his favorite badge oh oo and he explained all about it he's very good at explaining he said it's something you really like more than anything else woof woof woof woof and everyone has a favorite something what's your favorite thing I don't know there's so much to choose for from then thought you had an idea he said to help us decide we should ask everybody else what their favorite thing is so we did testing testing working working what's my favorite thing big question man should I pwder his nose never mind H peace yeah peace is my favorite thing man I thought he'd say carrots what's my favorite thing well it's easy it's Nigel my favorite thing H I'll have to think about that a clear order and rapid response quick [Music] March H what's my favorite thing is the volume okay yes mid90s am music Come On Everybody Let's help douy make some Jam [Laughter] yay W so what fruit are we going to put in our Jam then strawberry lemon orange mango banana right time to stir it wow m is it ready doy [Music] off I think it's time to have some Jammy toast tag Roy bety happy Nory and a slice for Naughty monkey does it taste good well done squirrels you've earned your jam bad ah and here are your parents let's go play in our Castle [Music] yay whose flag is that why look who it is oh those naughty mice hey what do you think of our new cat castle that's not your castle that's our Castle um it's probably just a misunderstanding excuse me naughty mice I think you'll find that's our castle Yeah I think you'll find that's our Castle can we have it back please uh no we're not going anywhere until you give us our Castle back well I hope you've had something to eat cuz we're staying right here H what do mice like to eat ah cheese then I've got an idea but we'll need lots and lots of boxes woof woof and yellow paint a woof woof yay so I took the lift down and he was stuck up the tree you should have seen that cat's face good one Johnny [Music] huh hey that looks like a big slice of cheese woohoo cheese this tastes disgusting uh tastes like like cardboard surprise oh no let's get out of here Trojan cheese [Music] Yayo [Music] youy [Music] MO [Music] [Music] ah hey naughty monkey it's us your favorite cousins it's been ages since we played nice treehouse such cool stuff oh yeah this trampoline is awesome how do you play with this o i get it hey check out this swing W me try you don't mind if I maker banana split naughty monkey I love all of your clothes you have the best stuff it's so much fun here I could play here [Music] [Music] [Applause] par looks like you need some help naughty monkey oh why are you Dr like that oh oh what fun is the circus coming dugey wolf what's the circus yeah huh you don't know what the circus is no well it's an amazing show in a brilliant big tent woof woof and inside you can see one wonderful things like toas artists jugglers strong men acrobats clowns magicians and of course stunt [Music] moles you must really really loves the circus dugey oh oh yes douge even has his circus [Music] badge what's that noise doggy it's the circus the [Music] Circ I thought my Hiding was really good no I think you will have the pleasure to find my Hiding is really good who said that the tree no it is me Co the chameleon you changed color how did you do that it is my natural camouflage what cam o flage oh w w yes the big dog is Right camouflage makes me blend in with my surroundings and makes me very hard to see see no you can't because I am camouflaged amazing can you do two colors cozy [Music] yes wow three colors but of course four colors did you doubt it five why not six easy peasy seven eight not a problem nine for sure 10 I have never done 10 before but I accept the challenge this gos for dug's birthday jumper y huh oh no too many colors too [Music] many Cozy's camouflage is broken oh dear Mother always told me not to show off maybe we could fix cozy how switch him off and on again huh maybe douy can help he has got his camouflage badge a woof oo I like your new lawnmower duy oh [Music] woof wo wo doggy looks [Music] funny hey dgy what you doing wo there's something on your [Music] head well how did doy do squirrels my name's Billy and I'm a dancing bug whoa a dancing bug what are you doing in our garden Billy well let me tell you squirrels I'm here to play the big bug ball ah and here's my band to help set it up squirrels let me introduce you to my band we have Dilly hilly Gilly and Millie and Together We Are Billy and the Philly oh you've all got the dancing bug now wait a minute hey fellas where's your equipment for the big BG bow Dilly where's all the liting hilly where's all the refreshments Gilly what about the stage and Millie where on Earth are the portable toilets what are we going to do now everybody's coming and we have no stage no nothing oh no no big bug ball don't worry everyone a woof dugey knows what to do he has his dancing bug badge well why didn't you say so [Music] Yeehaw so what can we collect for the campfire dugey oh sticks what kind of sticks ooh dugey can tell you because he has his stick badge oh woof woof yes you'll need little sticks medium sticks and Big Sticks okay this one no that one's in blue boom this one that one's possibly a bit wet this one I think that one's being used this one yes you can use that one because it's lying on the ground let's find more sticks yes yes yes oh six oh yes yes yes oh sck yes yes yes what eyes on a stick stick did you just say stick everyone everyone look what I found a stick yes Ry we've all been collecting those not like this it's special sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky stick what an amazing stick a wo a woof woof woof it's not a stick squirrels it's a stick insect stick it looks like a stick stick it smells like a stick stick it tast tastes like a stick stick you see if a stick insect gets scared of something and wants to hide it can look just like an ordinary [Applause] stick wow stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick sck stick la la la la la oh what was that Zaza you want to go to bed now well let's find some [Music] pajamas you don't want your pajamas now you want a glass of milk all right la la la la you don't want a glass of milk you want a story good idea la spider spider me and Zaza saw a big spider where everywhere oh is it as big as an apple bigger big is a teddy bigger as big as a bed bigger as bigger as a house hello bigger ducky there you go caterpillar oh you want to play come on [Music] [Applause] then [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] I love you [Music] caterpillar just time for one more thing chy hug oh chy SE Hawk drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing whoops wrapping out wrapping out wrapping out uh yeah [Music] yeah finished finished we finished oh this is my drawing H can we guess what it is Nori [Music] uhhuh a flower yes wow and what has Happy [Music] Drawn a puzzle yeah blush blash [Music] blush guess mine a ball mhm I'm next a Tre yes my go [Applause] douggy he it's a banana yep huh good banana Ry best banana [Music] ever happy [Music] birthday he he looks busy doggy yes we should go oh W woof we've brought you balloons for your birthday Tino artist care not for birthdays or balloons balloons get in the way of my beautiful art I told you he was crumpy balloons are silly I am a serious artist I didn't train in the s school of painting apari for 4 years to play with balloons no hey why are you all getting smaller we're not getting smaller Tino you're getting higher Don't Let Go ttin wo oh my this is unred what an original perspective ooh The Verdant greens of the hills the yellows of The Meadows glorious glorious look look the Lush foliage the total celebration of life are you okay Tino why of course many an artist has gained inspiration from Nature's enviable simplicity o hang on who are you calling simple watch out for the Biro oh I am watching what vibrant plumage bbr am I this is quite fun he might fall we've got to help him but how wow amazing it it's beautiful yeah what are you going to do with it douggy wolf yes douie will just put them away with the others others wolf ooh you have lots of boxes wow lots you must really love boxes doggy woof he does he even has his cardboard box badge but what do you do with them lots of things you can put things in them stack them up fold them away unfold them put more things in them I made a car [Music] H you can just play with them [Music] yay H splash splash splash I made a bath I made a tunnel I made a window I made a door and I made some steps folding building painting stacking hello hello doy look what we've made with your boxes a castle wow do you know where everyone is frog they're not here either I wonder where they've gone w wble w wble wble Wubble Wubble ah there you are where have you been we went for a walk with doggy we've done loads wobbling te dancing tiger Palace show jelly hang on hang on one at a time it's hard to explain um how can we tell him we could do a show like tiger did Tiger yes you'll see oo we'd like to see a show wouldn't we no ducky can you help us put on our show oh of course he can he's got the puppet show badge [Music] yay do you have everything you need to make your puppet squirrels yeah we've got paper sticky tape cardboard glitter glue paint jelly well then I suppose you're ready to make [Music] puppets finished are you you ready for your puppet show a wolf good well we're ready too aren't [Music] we now where is that noise coming [Music] from oh dear [Music] oh dear woo oh dear oh dear where is that noise coming from it's coming from the mountains thank you noty monkey oh it's not here [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's coming from over there yay that's where the noise is coming [Music] from could your dad make our Treehouse bigger oh woof oh I think douy can handle this Skittles I mean he has got his Treehouse badge so douy time to get the toolbox out oh W woof woof yeah du made it bigger [Music] wow so much space space oh hello naughty monkey do you like our bigger treeh house oh dear there isn't anything for monkey to do maybe doggy could make something I've got a an idea [Music] oo can you build something on our tree house for Naughty monkey H should I get my dad to help uh [Music] wof [Music] naughty monkey We Made You Some monkey [Music] balls aw poor sheep we should make them something I think this would be fun [Music] oh lovely let's see what you've made I've made a wobbly one I've made a fast one I've made a Snappy one snap snap snap I've made a soft one I made uh a gray one let's go fly them yay all right Squirtles here we go it [Music] works yay ow yay [Music] oh woohoo it's [Music] flying I say squiddles you're very good at this kite flying business let's go higher y this is brilliant I can see my house from here oh watch out for that tree that's not a tree tag that's hen Hi H [Music] hello look at us we're flying what are these we love flying we're going to fly forever I'm W leg I'm s I'm beun foul beasties help scary [Music] beastes oh Henny seems a bit upset yeah let's try and cheer her up let's make her a kite but hen's big really big so we have to make a really really really really big kite the perfect cup for a lovely drink of [Music] Baboo so zo it's all right Ry it was an accident how will doggy drink his tea now H don't worry I fixed it sort of maybe we can make douie a new cup but what with wof don't worry squirrels Duggy knows he got his Pottery badge what's Pottery woof woof woof woof woof yes Pottery is making something out of clay oo can we do a pottery [Music] wof what's that it's a potter's wheel tag oh W wof dugg is going to throw a cup with it throw yes R throwing is what Potters call um well what douge is doing now a can we try ducky Oh [Music] yay oh [Music] a how do you do it doggy a woof woof woof the thing is squirel you have to be delicate Pottery is a bit of an art is that you ducky oh oh dear there's been a power cut can you fix it Duggy oh of of course he can it just might take a little while but we can't see anything oh off ah torches good idea douy wow now you can all see while douggy investigates a [Music] wof torches are brilliant yeah on off on off on off chair frog oh T set [Music] frog apple banana my friend tag in it watch out there's a monster behind you it's going to eat you oh woof woof woof don't worry squiddles it's just EA its shadow her Shadow that's right everything has a shadow if you shine a light on it wow you can do amazing things with them douy can show you because he has his shadow badge look cast your eyes bir hello doggy a cute duck can we have a go ducky oh who would like to go next me please water what color should it be happy [Music] blueash my go it's a lizard lizards are great rly it's a bit messy I'm going to paint this orange inside the lines but we don't have any orange paint don't worry squirrels douggy can help you make some a w because he's got his color badge [Music] yay o woof wolof that's right you can make Colors by mixing other colors together oh wof woof so if you mix yellow with red you get orange wo time for you to try them all on dogey [Music] off welcome everybody to a fashion show for our new winter fall spring summer dugy collection my outfit is full of sleepiness and fluffiness I call my creation pajamas I made an outfit for dugy to wear every day of the year it has 365 Pockets you can count them bet he really understands Pockets I'm Pockets a big PA oh H you're so out of touch this is doggy swimw it's called splash splash [Applause] splash and I made dgy hey dance outfit get into the groove Duggy d Dy Dy [Applause] dyy he's nearly as gorgeous as you are darling yeah I wonder who's next me I made this using [Music] [Applause] everything well there is one more outfit but who made it wait duy of course huh woof [Music] woof he's redesigned a classic I love how we've done the badges it's so well made such clean lines the detailing good work doggy and good work squirrels [Music] well done squirrels you've earned your fashion badge w a woof woof woof some artists are inspired by their passions like teapots carrots man what are you passionate about rer I know is that a rock yep finished H you're passionate about potatoes we still need inspiration douggy oh yes sometimes you can find inspiration closer to home by using your nose your mouth I did an art you're [Applause] who inspiration inspiration huh finished I am art beautiful Betty ooh but we still don't know what to do douggy o woof wof woof sometimes you can find inspiration by looking at yourself someone else stop moving Nigel or even something else so conceptual Boris yeah oh I have an idea finished [Music] M very impressive tag yay first choose the music you want play the music then record onto your tape once the song has finished choose other songs that remind you of [Applause] something because the best mixtapes are made for someone special and don't forget to decorate the cover hey dgy we made a new mixtape just for you I chose this song for your mixtape because it reminded me of when we got up sprinkler bad there was water everywhere everywhere everywhere it was so much fun oh I chose this one because it reminded me of when we got her digging bad we did so much digging huh it took us ages to get home yes that was a very long day this song reminded me of one we got our go cting B oh no we were so fun last W what are we doing next your majesty whatever you [Music] want yay watch out for the tower no way you're going my silver house took the outside we did some rather gnarly kick flips didn't we yes but my corns are killing me a good old soak in the bath is what you need here everything all right in there doggy [Music] oh doie I need me corn flusters [Music] a dogy we're coming in woof well would you look at that oh very nice job doy but glad we didn't pay you by the hour aw I think King Tiger's tired have a little lie down you can borrow my blankets cozy and drink some nice warm [Music] milk it had been a long day and the little King was very [Music] tired wolof wolof King Tiger's just dropped off jelly belly dancers H oh W woof you're right ducky sounds like large scale seismic instability whatever it was it was the best thing that ever happened yes who would want to share a lock with that Lord thinking they're so fancy with that juicy P ooh like they're not so so shiny don't you get tired of shouting at te cha what else would we do you could make blon again it would be nice to have something other than nuts they say it tastes like the first day of summer but how can we make it we are so far apart we need to bring them together we need to build Bridges or just one yes a dugey can help a wolf he has his Bridge badge [Music] wo [Applause] it's finished now the JBL can meet in the middle greetings please accept these shiny nuts and a Gest of Good Will May our juicy pears forever enrich your life so what now pling anyone BL again for [Music] everybody please welcome your host [Applause] g w so without further Ado let's meet today's teams wof woof wof our team is called the squirel oh wolf wolf w we are the acorn heads we're the rainning Champions and please welcome our resident brain ladybug hello let's start our quick fire first round a woof woof woof a lawn mower correct a woof woof a transient state of being a woof woof woof move woof woof woof woof the be's knees potato b - e + f = 2 a slice of cheese correct at the end of that round the score is 34 to the acorn heads what onto round two oh oh woof in whose house is this mouse first team to tell me whose house this is wins the round the owner of this house is clearly a badge guy he's obviously got a big appetite and watch out ladies he's a guy in uniform it's Ducky's house oh yeah look there Zid correct making it Four Points each oh no don't worry douy we'll fix it good idea squirrels [Music] Yay good boy bu he's not coming yay [Music] goles oh he's as good as new isn't he duy [Music] W oh I know let's split up you go this way and we'll go that way how did you get here Ry I don't know oh a w w a wof a w w w a [Music] woof woof woof woof a woof woof woof oh woof amazing is are hard where is doggy [Music] yeah [Music] oh listen uh what is that it's awful it's stuggy it's coming from that direction [Music] we foundy well done squirrels yay now all you have to do is get out of the maze huh huh can't you find your book ducky W don't worry douy we will find it yay no book here ribit no [Music] book no [Music] book no book no a book [Music] here no book no book no [Music] book no book doy we can't find your book anywhere where was the last place you saw it douy [Music] h oh you found it douy was it in the kennel all this time a he hey Dy what you doing missing a off douggy said knitting was one of his favorite things uh what's her favorite luckily dougy had his favorite badge oh oo and he explained all about it he's very good at explaining wof wof he said it's something you really like more than anything else oh woof woof w wol W and everyone has a favorite something what's your favorite thing I don't know there's so much to choose from then thought you had an idea he said to help us decide we should ask everybody else what their favorite thing is so we did testing testing working walking what's my favorite thing big question man should I powder his nose never mind H peace yeah peace is my favorite thing man I thought he'd say carrots what's my favorite thing well it's easy it's Nigel my favorite thing H I'll have to think about that a clear order and rapid response quick [Music] March what's my favorite thing is the volume okay yes mid90s amute music Come On Everybody Let's help douy make some Jam yay [Music] W so what fruit are we going to put in our Jam then strawberries lemon orange mango BL right time to stir it wow m is it ready doggy [Music] oh I think it's time to have some Jammy toast tag Ry Betty happy Nori and a slice for Naughty monkey does it taste good well done squirrels you've earned your jam bad yay ah and here are your parents let's go play in our Castle [Music] yay whose flag is that [Laughter] why look who it is oh those naughty mice hey what do you think of our new Castle that's not your castle that's our Castle um it's probably just a misunderstanding excuse me NY mice I think you'll find that's our Castle yeah I think you'll find that our Castle can we have it back please uh no we're not going anywhere until you give us our Castle back well I hope you've had something to eat cuz we're staying right here H what do mice like to eat ah cheese then I've got an idea but we'll need lots and lots of boxes woof woof and yellow paint woof woof yay so I took the lift down and he was stuck up the tree you should have seen that cat's face good one Johnny [Music] huh hey that looks like a big slice of cheese woohoo [Music] cheese this tastes disgusting uh tastes like like cardboard surprise oh no let's get out of here Trojan cheese [Music] yay [Music] [Music] woo [Music] YY [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey naughty monkey it's us your favorite cousins it's been AES since we played nice treehouse such cool stuff oh yeah this trampoline is awesome how do you play with this o oh I get it hey check out this swing let me try get don't mind the B maker Banana Split naughty monkey I love all of your clothes you have the best stuff it's so much fun here I could play here [Music] for [Music] [Applause] W looks like you need some help not him why are you just like that oh what fun is the circus coming dougy wolf what's the circus yeah huh you don't know what the circus is no hi well it's an amazing show in a brilliant big tent W and inside you can see wonderful things like topas artists jugglers strong men acrobats clowns magicians and of course stunt [Music] moles you must really love the circus douggy oh oh yes douy even has his circus [Music] badge what's that noise doggy it's the circus the [Music] circus I thought my Hiding was really good no I think you will have the pleasure to find my Hiding is really good who said that the tree no it is me Co the chameleon you changed color how did you do that it is my natural camouflage what coulage oh wof woof yes the big dog is Right camouflage makes me blend in with my surroundings and makes me very hard to see see no you can't because I am camouflaged amazing can you do two colors cozy yes [Music] wow three colors but of course four colors did you doubt it five why not six easy peasy seven eight not a problem nine for sure 10 I have never done 10 before but I accept the challenge this gos for dug's birthday jumper y huh oh no too many colors too [Music] many Cozy's camouflage is broken oh dear Mother always Tau me not to show off maybe we could fix cozy how switch him off and on again huh maybe dugey can help he has got his camouflage badge oh woof oo I like your new lawnmower douy oh [Music] woof [Music] huh doggy looks [Music] funny hey doy what you doing w w there's something on your head [Music] H well how to doy do squirrels my name's Billy and I'm a dancing bug wao a dancing bug what are you doing in a garden Billy well let me tell you squirrels I'm here to play the big bug ball ah and here's my band to help set it up squirrels let me introduce you to my band we have Dilly hilly gly and Millie and Together We Are Billy and the [Music] Phillies oh you've all got the dancing bug now wait a minute hey fellas where's your equipment for the big bog bow Dilly where's all the light hilly where's all the refreshments Gilly what about the stage and M where on Earth are the portable toilets what are we going to do now everybody's coming and we have no stage no nothing oh no no big bug ball don't worry everyone oh woof dugey knows what to do he has his dancing bug bed well why didn't you say so [Music] yeeha so what can we collect for the campfire douggy a sticks what kind of sticks oh dugey can tell you because he has his stick badge oh W woof wof yes you'll need little sticks medium sticks and Big Sticks okay this one no that one's In Bloom this one that one's possibly a bit wet this one I think that one's being used this one yes you can use that one because it's lying on the ground let's find Co sticks yes yes yes oh sticks oh yes yes yes oh s yes yes yes what eyes on a stick stick did you just say stick H everyone everyone look what I found a stick yes rolly we've all been collecting those not like this it's special sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky stick what an amazing stick a woof a woof woof woof it's not a stick squirrels it's a stick insect stick it looks like a stick stick it smells like a stick stick it tastes like a stick stick you see if a stick insect gets scared of something and wants to hide it can look just like an ordinary [Applause] stick wow stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick la la la la la oh what was that Zaza you want to go to bed now well let's find some pajamas [Music] la you don't want your pajamas now you want a glass of milk all right you don't want a glass of milk you want a story good idea la la la la la spider spider me and Taza saw a big spider where everywhere oh is it as big as an apple bigger big big as a Teddy bigger as big as a bed bigger as big as a house hello bigger ducky ducky there you go caterpillar oh you want to play come on then [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I love you caterpillar [Music] just time for one more thing CH oh
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 1,881,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S2DTSJf8Qac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 21sec (13341 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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