Blippi Videos for Toddlers | Learning at the Children's Museum

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[Music] hey it's me plucky and today we're at the Discovery Children's Museum in Las Vegas Nevada let's go [Music] this is gonna be so much fun whoa check this place out this is Waterworld let's go have a lot of water spring up in the air let's take this red ball put it right here [Music] you see that let's take some more of these balls and do that again okay this time let's pick from the red yellow or the green ball let's do the green ball this time it didn't work let's try the green ball again now let's do yellow ball do you hear that these little water squatters are squirting these metal pieces and these metal pieces are hitting each other and they're making noise listen [Music] that's some beautiful music [Music] what's this over here [Applause] do you see these two things spinning yeah that one's going in counterclockwise in this one it's going clockwise but hey check this out see if you take it out of the water it's not spinning anymore because it's balanced on both sides but if we put the water right here just a little bit it fills up with water like that and then it gets heavy on this side and that is when it starts what's that way over there [Music] Oh kinda looks like a tornado sitting around and around really fast I have an idea let's take some balls and put it through the top and see what happened there we go okay I'll do two green balls at once that is awesome let's go learn about some more things that this Children's Museum lets go oh whoa this place this is fantasy festival there's a cool thing like this which is the treasure map and there's a pirate ship back there a stage this place is awesome but first let's find where the treasure is let's look at the treasure map so these are pieces of land oh wow that's awesome two Big Island's actually there we go let's make three islands one two three and then we have a volcano on an island and another volcano okay we need a pirate ship right over here hmm [Music] go around this big island go around the small volcano and that Island that volcano and then we'll arrive to the treasure okay in order to find the treasure we need to dress up like a pirate ah I got my pirate hat on perfect and my sword now to the stage silly whoa check this out the pirate ship is docked in DC this that is a starfish hey have you ever wondered why a starfish is called a starfish yeah it looks like a star but it doesn't look like a fish silly it doesn't have gills or scales and it can't even swim but it does have these things on the bottom oh they're kind of like little feet and suction cups kind of that go these are the cannons these cannons help the pirate ship to defend themselves from other pirates all right burn oh yeah let's go dude some cannons ourselves let's go okay we're at the lower deck here are the powerful cannons whoa okay first we need to get a cannonball cc-1 cannonball okay there we go let's do another one okay load it up fireball yeah that was awesome okay now let's head to the top of the pirate ship wow it's really Darsh down there at the bottom of the deck okay let's go up to the top this is awesome hey this is a way to get supplies down to the bottom or over to the land alright I'm lowering it down perfect okay now they'll put some stuff in it and then I'll bring it up [Music] I wonder what's inside we'll save that for later Oh check it out this is the crow's nest that's where you stand up in there so then you could a good bird's-eye view from afar and on the crow's nest a lot of the times you fly a flag so let's put a flag on right here and this is the Union Jack flag up we go all matey's yeah it's so windy just go up a little bit more to the top deck check it out the steering wheel of the pirate ship kind of like a steering wheel in a vehicle look Wow do you see that arrow it points to the direction that we're going huh interesting n E s W north east south west huh those are the main directions it's kind of tricky to remember you know how I remembered it I remembered it ask never eat soggy waffles that's silly or you can make up your own like never ever stop wandering yeah always keep exploring kids let's go Oh treasure chest we found the treasure good job matey yes hey come on in this is toddler town welcome this area is for five years and under and you can have a lot of fun like this area this is the crawl zone this is where you take off your shoes and you can learn to crawl whoa see these ridges right here well there's so many things to touch yeah all the good sensory things Oh interesting so many interesting things in this area looks like bells in a cylinder that's clear I'm gonna go down here whoa wait what's that [Applause] hmm I like to feel things they feel different this kind of feels like carpet whoa and this really hard and it's shiny whoa what's this Wow it's kind of like mesh it's kind of like wood Brown painted wood okay let's continue Oh looks like a beautiful picture kind of looks like Nevada okay let's take the animals and guess where they go hmm where does the fish go yeah the fish goes in the water okay ooh rattlesnake oh where does the rattlesnake go oh yeah right here in the desert area or it's dry and really hot okay let's see whoa looks like a Ram bighorn sheep where does it go yeah way up here on the top of the rock so then it can look for anything and everything to keep eyes out for predators yep there you go oh hey check it out this is a tortoise Wow the shells them tortoise is really hard it goes right there Oh a jackrabbit where does the Jackrabbit go yeah see these little bushes yeah it likes to hide around them for cover really smart ooh a toad Kristine yeah it goes right here next to the water and the land so then it can get some nice water yum yum yum I love water okay whoa what is this oh this is a giant dragonfly well let's put it way up there cuz it's flying in the sky owl goes in the tree and then the bird goes on the branch good job okay let's keep moving ooh this area is called the touch and feel okay let's do the first one you have to guess what it is what does it feel like whoa yeah it's kind of scaly but not scaly yeah it's a rattlesnake whoo you feel this listeners really soft I like to feel things yes so that's the Jackrabbit ooh what's this kind of feels like wool it's soft but also very fun whoa and this is hard yeah I bet you know what that is yeah let's hear what these animals sound like hey I'll push this button then you have to guess what it sounds like ready yeah that's the toad let's do this next one the great horned owl okay guess this one do you know what animal that is yeah that's the Jackrabbit what animal is this yeah the mountain Bluebird let's act like birds together okay let's do this next one ready [Applause] whoa kind of scary sounding oh yeah if you hear that you have to be very careful that is a rattle snake hey last one ready you know what this is yeah I knew that I promise that was the sheep that was so much fun learning about those animals whoa check out this place you can color with crayons or markers yeah that looks like fun whoa this is a spiral pretty nifty yep a spiral goes around and around in a circle gets bigger or smaller depending on what direction whoa that's interesting shape goes up ninety degree turn ninety degree turn ninety degree turn ninety degree turn ninety degree turn ninety degree turn 90 degree turn ninety degree turn a sig's AG in a curvy line kind of looks like a snake yeah do you hear that yeah like a rattlesnake oh another sensory area oh so this bucket gets changed out every single week so the time that I was here it's this it has really soft feathers it has interesting these foam pieces there are different shapes interesting and different colors and it feels so good [Music] welcome this is the Children's Hospital come on in this is well the doctors and nurses work and there's a lot of babies but first we need to skin our body step right up here so then the x-ray can scan us and what it's doing oh you have to stand still what it's doing is scanning my body for if there's any broken bones scan complete okay let's see the findings all right let's put on this white area and it illuminates from the back wow look that's my spine yeah my hip bones right there wow that's really cool yeah here we go let's check my hand out let's inspect it mmm yep that's my hand okay is there any broken bones nope I think I'm good okay let's keep that up the babies are sleeping [Music] they're so cute okay let's see this is the patient chart and this is Damon Washington african-american male seven months old 18 pounds oh and he has a cough okay all right hey Damon how are you buddy how are you this is Damon hey Damon okay let's give Damon a checkup okay we'll be right back Damon hey first we need to get this table nice and comfy for Damon put the song right here hey David hey David okay how are you okay let's put Damon on this comfy pad right here perfect hey Damon it's gonna be a little chilly I have to take off this blanket so we can then use this stethoscope on Damon come on a stethoscope is used to check the heartbeat ready here you go Damon here you go do you hear that [Music] good job take a deep breath Oh your heart is nice and healthy Damon okay all right what else do we have ooh a thermometer this will help tell the temperature of Damon so let's stick this thermometer in David's mouth they still [Music] oh great 98.6 degrees you're nice and healthy Damon okay ooh we have a comb let's go brush his hair oh so handsome here you go buddy ha ha there you go great okay let's see what else there is and a bottle I met Damon really hungry alright Damon here you go eat up how does that taste YUM ok alright ok that was so much fun taking care of the babies and getting our expert x-ray in the doctor's office oh hey I was just sitting here thinking about life what's the purpose of life hmm I don't know but I could really use a smoothie I love smoothies have you ever had a smoothie before yeah they're so tasty and cold so refreshing perfect eco cafe let's go make it smoothie Wow so we have some blenders some fruit over here wow this is gonna be so much fun hey first things first we need to put this around us so we don't get dirty so tie them in the back grab this green plate and put some fruits and vegetables on it okay how about two red strawberries YUM let's do one yellow lemon yum and let's do two green apples perfect doesn't that look tasty huh yeah okay now let's blend them all up fell on the ground okay let's put them in the blender one Apple in the blender and let's do a strawberry in the blender okay let's blend it up all right now it's all blended up I need to grab a cup okay here we go let's pour it in the cup mmm YUM okay here's one cup full of some smoothie now let's make some juice let's come over to this juicer and then let's put them right in there the yellow lemon the green apple in the red strawberries put the lid on and here we go [Music] [Music] mmm so healthy and tasty good job [Music] all this plane and learning is making me hungry let's go shopping grab one of these baskets whoa look at this place this is a grocery store and the goal today is to find some nice healthy food so let's see here oh look Wow a potato the potato is a vegetable is that healthy or not healthy yeah a potato vegetables are healthy put it in the basket let's see what else do we have whoo some broccoli yeah broccoli is a vegetable vegetables are healthy orange oranges are the color orange and oranges are fruit and fruit are happy let's put it right there okay whoo a pear another fruit that is healthy all right let's see what else we can find No okay what's in this aisle okay so we have some vanilla frosting and we have whoo right up here we have some brand flakes what one of these is healthy yeah bran flakes are healthy let's put the bran flakes in there let's put them vanilla frosting back okay let's try another one let's see oh we have some oats for oatmeal and we have some Cola is Cola soda pop healthy now I'll put that back is oatmeal healthy yeah oatmeal is healthy let's put that in our basket good job oh okay you have some more items to pick okay let's see we have milk [Music] oh and we have whipped cream which one of these is healthy yeah that's pretty healthy whipped cream lots of sugar not so healthy put that back and let's move on oh another aisle whoo YUM okay we have some rice and we have some brownies which one is healthy yeah it's healthy let's put that in our basket and for the brownies hmm not too healthy I really do like brownies but we need to get some healthy things so good job with all this healthy shopping so for doing such a really good job I think you and I should get a treat Oh cupcakes I love cupcakes oh and what's down here [Music] whoo and donuts so for doing such good job shopping healthy let's pick a cupcake or a donut hmm I have an idea how about we both get one let's take a cupcake let's put them right there hope save those for later good job okay here we go let's check out we need to purchase all these items okay you need to scan them and then purchase them Wow oh is so much fun going shopping with you I love shopping for healthy things [Music] oh hey I was just working on this vehicle what I'm doing is I'm making sure it's seven eco friendly with this eco checklist and what that means is I'm making sure that everything on this vehicle is running really efficiently like right here this is the brake disk and there's the wheel and tire around it hmm let's put one on oh these are the lug nuts in my pocket and then this this is a wheel an entire pretty heavy oh okay there we go oh okay let's line these bolts up boy ah there we go perfect and then let's take these lug nuts and let's put them on whoops it fell down okay turn this off turn it clockwise just like this [Music] okay now that they're kind of tight let's take the gun and do a star shape [Music] perfect now let's check the engine compartment okay cylinders working really good the battery looks awesome ah this air filter looks like it could be clean let me go right over here nope nice and clean to put it back right there okay now we need to do the fluids the oil the coolant the antifreeze and the wiper fluid right over here first let's start with the oil okay right there [Music] all right let's do that antifreeze and coolant what this does make sure that the vehicle does not freeze during winter and it's based cold during summer put it right there and then this is the windshield wiper fluid and this is what sprays on your windshield you cleans up the windshield so you can see let's put it right there ah perfect and the brake fluid looks good and the power steering fluid looks good whoa this vehicle is running so efficiently good job this area is called young at art oh let's make some art oh look at this this is a round cylinder chalkboard I have an idea let's take some Chuck it's awesome let's take some more chalk here we go Wow what else is around here Oh a microscope Wow check this out whoa do you see these these are different types of materials like we have cardboard paint you even have like a taller bill right here bubble wrap whoa and then this microscope right here and then zooms in really far on them let's see see look this is a dollar bill really close look at that see the number one right there oh so interesting oh and then let's see that right there is bubble wrap really close closer than what we can see with our normal eye oh look at that blue fabric looks like there's so much space right there but when I look at it down here kind of looks like a t-shirt and then whoa look at that that is cardboard yeah like cardboard like a cardboard box but that's a really close whoa pretty cool [Music] microscopes are so cool okay let's see what else is around here [Music] well place where you can draw color and write stuff so today let's take the color orange and write my name in these six boxes okay ready B L I pee blippi good job okay we'll keep that right there look at this wow what a big green table and there's some holes in it ha I have let's build something art doesn't just have to be pieces of paper that you draw on color on it can even be something an interesting like this okay there we go perfect then let's try and connect all of these Wow look at that oh I have an idea Wow oh but what a masterpiece this is this room back here so interest get ready it's a little dark but don't be scared this is the fluorescent room see everything that you draw in here lights up it glows in the dark check this out ready let's spell my name [Music] beep l-i Pete Pete hi yeah good job flippy Wow yeah and we'll do a nice little underline whoa what an interesting room that was that was so much fun playing and learning at the Discovery Children's Museum in Las Vegas Nevada if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me DL I PPI blippi good job see you soon buh-bye hey grownups do you have Instagram awesome you and I should become friends at blippi official [Music] oh hello its me cliffy how are you doing today good oh did you meet my friend [Music] this is mr. ducky oh say hello oh he loves to swim but bye mr. ducky all right bye bye so silly mr. ducky is swimming sideways [Music] that's silly I call that the side stroke whoa whoa yeah look it's a big pool behind me mr. ducky is swimming in the pool way over there boo and we have some toys over here look [Music] [Applause] whoa there's a lot of toys in here whoa a bulldozer yeah yeah you know what this is this is a seaplane see planes are really cool cuz they can fly in the sky yeah way up there and they can land on the water watch Wow looks pretty cool oh there's another toy in here we have a train yeah ooh in a backhoe whoa look at all of those toys Wow whoo and look over here some more but these are colorful balls whoa watch this we can throw these toys in the pool but before we do that I have a surprise for you look see none of the water is moving right now but I have an idea maybe just maybe if I go over here whoa check it out this is where the pool gets filtered from whoa that's the heater ooh and that is the filtration system whoa oh and right here yeah right here watch this whoa when we switch this the waterfall will turn on Oh ready for the waterfall to turn on one two three [Music] okay the pool needs to get filtered and the water needs to move around oh so then it is nice and clean I like being clean that's why I take baths and showers do you like bats and do you like showers yeah Oh silly ha ha whoa whoa oh I sure do love plants especially this palm tree it's really cool looking wow I like plants they're the color green most of the time some plants are colorful like roses they could be red it could be yellow pink whoa look at how high I am [Music] all right you see it the waterfall awesome okay I think it's time to throw some of these toys in the water okay let's start with let's start with the colorful balls Wow okay here's a pink one bye-bye in orange one okay we have a purple one a red one a green one Wow yeah and a blue one huh say bye-bye blue whoa all right ready check it out [Music] I'll dump the rest of them ready now it's a colorful pool all right we have some more toys remember all the machines all right let's guess if these are gonna sink or float an excavator whoa big scoops here we go there we go it's sinking [Music] yes if you point to the bottom of the pool all right we have some more clues we have a bulldozer whoa so powerful because it has these tracks they'll barely slip and slide all right let's see if it sinks or floats hey why don't you wanna meet my friend Lionel hey this is Lane oh hey boot sit down good down oh this is Blaine oh and this is my dog oh hey you want some kisses [Music] I know you want to say hi here come here me try no he's a nice boy whoa wow he's so soft see his hair it's curly such a fun boy okay lino I'm gonna go throw more of these toys in the pool okay all right I'll be back all right have fun okay he doesn't want to leave me we're having so much fun I have an idea why don't I carry him you Nona get carried what it is whoa whoa he's a big boy all right I'll set him down now he's getting really happy whoo all right let's get back to the machines okay look at what we have yeah a fire truck all right hey hey it's not sinking that much huh I think I know why it's not sinking flip upside down hey I know what because the tires are full of air and then that's keeping it afloat just like an inner tube yep okay hey speaking of inner tubing I love inner tubing at the back of a boat well yep boats float war trains they don't float okay Anna back oh wow who knows do you like exploring outside yeah it's so fun because you get to see things like oh these rocks check it out yeah see these rocks even rocks are cool you know why because if they're this size it's just a rock but watch this okay right here there's a bunch of leaves in here but there's also sand do you know what sand is yes sand are basically like small rocks yeah it is really really small isn't that cool all right bye bye Sam Oh what fly no doing wha [Music] he looks like he's having fun looks like he's getting really comfortable Hale I know what are you doing I know what are you doing hey buddy what are you doing are you having fun in the bush right there is this a nice soft bush yeah yeah that's a good soft bush he's so cute I love animals and there's so much fun to be nice to them because if you're nice to them they're nice to you you can pet them you can look at them you can play with them they might even cuddle next up next to you do you have a pet oh wow well hey thank you so much for hanging out with me today it's been so much fun exploring outside with you well I hope you watch this video and desire to go outside now and explore and do something fun all right hey grownups do you have Instagram awesome you and I should become friends at blippi official [Music] did you see that yeah it's a remote-control groomer toy oh I just wish this groomer toy was real oh look at what it is it's a real groomer today you and I are gonna learn about Grover [Music] now let's learn the exterior parts of the groomer come on look at this this right here is the blade kind of like a buggers it pushes anything and everything the snow out of its way watch it work [Music] that was awesome how the blade gets its power are the hydraulics check it out whoa these are the hydraulics there's hydraulic line the hydraulic cylinders were so powerful and how you operate the hydraulics it's from the cab it looks so cozy in there mmm but first thing when you're outside in the snow it's snowing it can't see it in order to see you need windshield wipers see this this is a massive windshield wiper whoa just like in a car watch him go [Music] okay now you can see well operating whoo and up there those are the lights notice also help you see they go flash on [Music] they're so bright oh whoa look at that down here these these are the track please go inside the snow and the ice and go so then you don't slip and slide whoo and right here this is the engine of the greater it produces so much power and right here this is where it gets its cool diesel not gas ooh look at that this is the tiller back here you see that that's the barrel and it has a lot of teeth on it [Applause] it crushes and rips up the ice and the snow so then from there the flats see these these are the flaps these little ripples they create what's called corduroy whoa it smooths out the snow okay so now we're gonna back it up and move out the snow [Music] look at how smooth the snow is whoa this is corduroy you see these lines oh [Applause] it makes me wanna lay on it [Music] oh look at where we are we're inside the groomer oh let me shut the door all right first things first safety first yep just like in any vehicle there's a seatbelt you gotta buckle up all right now that I'm all strapped in let me show you some of the ports look at this you see these two knobs yeah these are the track sticks they make you go forward backward and then you can turn left and right what is this this is a joist thing this is what you use to control the blade and the tiller in the back Wow so many cool functions ooh yes look the key the key is a very important part once we have this we can put it in and turn it on ready [Music] oh do you hear that the engine is purring hey just like a kitty cat purr purr purr okay all right are you ready here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fun to drive all right now I'll go backward [Music] get ready or really cool [Music] ooh now we're driving the groomer or operating the groomer snow operating [Music] whoa it's so much fun operating [Music] [Applause] boom they hear the beat beat beat that means we're backing up need to make sure you look back when you're backing up a vehicle whoa okay far work we go whoa you see these this is how I'm driving operating the groomer these operate the tracks then you can go left and right whoa [Music] so cool oh now we're inside the mechanic shop of the groomer this is where you fix the groomer at whoa do you see the cab yeah it's leaning forward so then you can access the motor I'll show you that later but first I wanna show you everything that's in here whoa you can fix all the machines in here like this whoa a really cool off-road machine check it out whoa that was amazing whoa all right what else do they have here [Music] yeah this right here read me me this is a snow blower mmm see these teeth it turns in a circle and then that forces the snow up here there goes all right let's put it back [Music] whoa all right what else do they fix here let's see oh cool a three wheeler oh look at this it has three wheels one on the front one on the back another one on the back yeah one two three wheels [Music] [Applause] now it's so much fun Oh another machine this machine is called a snowmobile and it's the color Oh huh it looks like it's broken see the engine is all torn apart to see that room back there that's where they fix the snowmobile Zach come on oh look at this room oh there's a chainsaw right here even a leaf blower [Music] like they said this is where they fix the snowmobiles this one's really old and it's probably broken but hey we'll get to it later let's go over here [Music] another snowmobile rule this one's the color orange whoa the color red whoa crazy bright red color with yellow wait a second flammable keep fire away let's get out of here oh good thing we got out of there oh another machine whoa this yeah this is a forklift it uses the forks on the front right there to lift up giant pallets of stuff whoa what a cool machine all right okay now let's show you the groomer in the engine of the groomer yeah where it gets all of its power from remember me talking about the tracks yeah they're really slippery so what I'm gonna do is put some plywood on there so you and I can stand on it safely [Music] yeah [Music] all right three pieces of plywood now you and I can stand on the tracks all right we made it whoa you see this this is the engine of the groomer whoa this is where all of its power gets produced from pull and see this this is the fuel tank this is where all the diesel goes to fuel the engine and let me show you the back [Music] oh you see the back this is the hydraulic tanks this is the hydraulic pumps and all of these tubes are hydraulic - Wow we have some batteries some oil filters fuel filters and you can't forget about [Music] exhaust that was so much fun learning about rumors with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready bli BPI blippi good job all right [Music] [Music] special thanks to Mountain Creek Resort Burton Snowboards and snow operating for making this video possible keep on shredding kids
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 29,407,392
Rating: 3.7651532 out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi videos, Blippi children's museum, Blippi songs, Blippi playlist, educational videos for toddlers, Blippi backyard, Blippi snow groomer, learn to count, learn colors, learn shapes, Blippi compilation, las vegas childrens museum, videos for toddlers, Blippi toys, Blippi colors, Blippi shapes, Blippi counting, machines for kids
Id: EL7LNGzL0cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 30sec (4170 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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