Hey Duggee Marathon 2! - 1 Hour - Hey Duggee Best Bits - Hey Duggee

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hello everyone what are you doing we're playing dressing up let's show Dougie oh what are you doing a wolf you fixed the washing machine not just fixed it squirrels doggies made it better now it has extra spin maybe too much spin [Music] foreign well that's the cycle finished time to hang them up I say it's done a lovely job of your whitest again [Music] oh dear missing the sock doggy woof wow the Super Squirrel badge oh I want to be a soup squirrel you can't just be super squirrels why because you need to have a costume like doggy oh yes yes and me and me wow what a good idea happy the dressing up box yay finished I am brilliant girl and this is you have to have a Super Squirrel name if you want to be a Super Squirrel tag oh okay [Music] um hmm I am super tag I'm Mega Mouse foreign what's your name roley Broly it has to be a special name rolly not your own Stephen a wolf the dressing up box I'm going to be a pirate I've asked me hearties I'm going to be a farmer vegetables Ahoy I'll be a knight whoa easy boy [Music] Nina I'll be a fireman and I'm going to be a plumber very practical so everyone's dressed yes rabbit yo yo what are you doing oh you're sewing wow you are good at sewing doggy oh woof ah it's the sewing badge I hope you sowed that badge on yourself Dougie oh so what are you showing Dougie oh wow why is it it's called a poncho poncho Poncho Poncho poncho it's beautiful would you like to make your own Poncho squirrels yeah [Music] well this is quiet you must be concentrating really hard what was that I think it was a volcano maybe it's Thunder oh maybe let's go find out what it is a wolf huh [Music] buttons fluffiness [Music] styling beautifying [Music] constructing mixing genres fluffiness [Music] time for you to try them all on Dougie woof [Music] welcome everybody to our fashion show for our new winter fall spring summer doggy collection oh my outfit is full of sleepiness and fluffiness I call my creation pajamas made an outfits for Dougie to wear every day yeah it has 365 pockets you can count them but you really understands Pockets our pockets a big fat day oh cutie you're so out of touch this is Ducky swimwear it's called [Applause] get it [Applause] he's nearly as gorgeous as you are darling yeah I wonder who's next [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well there is one more outfit but who made it why Dougie of course huh woof [Music] is redesigned a classic [Applause] it's so well made such clean lines good doggy and good work squirrels [Music] here come the bravest nights the realm of Dougie has ever seen sir happy the tall sonori the daring yes sir Betty the terrifying so tag the tough gooey and Sir Rowley the square let's go play in our Castle yay [Music] whose flag is that [Laughter] why look who it is oh there's naughty mice hey what do you think of our New Castle that's not your castle that's our Castle fun yay [Music] good work squirrels whoa [Music] oh very nice Nori my go let's see what you can do really oh everyone gets a turn don't they Dougie oh yay no [Music] no no no no no no that's not right hmm surely there must be at least one hairstyle that suits Dougie laughs [Music] I've got an idea [Music] we like this one oh yes it does suit you Dougie ah sewing at last wow squirrels you've made your own ponchos they're wonderful and we've mended yours Dougie oh haven't the squirrels done well today Dougie why are we wearing hats Dougie a woof woof oh all guests must wear hats to a royal wedding tag oh what about the fruit let's just say it's tradition okay wow oh welcome to come in glad you could make it have you been working out my what a beautiful hat oh doggy and the squirrels and fruit oh how marvelous so [Music] watch out for the sea monster [Music] [Applause] a dragon hello a fire breathing dragon however will we get past coming through [Music] that wasn't in the script Betty you found an interesting book yeah interested what are you doing Betty I'm reading my comic what's it about well it's called Power puppy my day she's a really cute puppy but at night she's a really cute puppy that fights buddies and helps people thank you power puppy wow and she had special powers like what like being really strong yes having amazing eyesight and super smell oh man read it please off off [Music] cookie lived in a tree a wolf that's funny a wolf wolf oh cookies waking up woof woof she is putting on her favorite shirt cookies putting on her sock woof woof woof oh cookies putting on her other sock has she got her shoes on yet woof woof woof woof woof woof now she's got her shoes on it's time for cookies breakfast squirrels uh when Dougie was a pup he spent many a happy afternoon wandering the hills and mountains oh [Music] these lessons have really paid off what did you do Dougie oh woof woof woof well doggy decided to think of something that made him really happy [Music] [Music] so he wouldn't notice the things that made him weird he's scared from flower to flower to flower flies the Buzzy honey bee collecting up the nectar just as busy as can be she takes the nectar to The Hive where a little worker bee makes it into honey so the queen can have her teeth wow huh ah good idea Dougie the Encyclopedia of animal footprints is it the Parisian Puma no the Himalayan hopping goat no no there's a spotted lounge lizard no triple humped curly-tailed camel no no the bottlenose biscuit eating bright blue baboon no no hmm Dr Pluto's fun facts huh it's a book where Dr Pluto tells you fun facts about the world did you know it's impossible for anyone to lick their own elbow [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is fun but I'm not laughing yes really sometimes something might be fun but not necessarily funny busy bears are funny what a busy bears oh my favorite show knock knock who is it it's me it can't be me why because I may no you're you I'm you then who's me me oh I know what's funny my cousin Eric on the holiday Eric and I went for a swim but the water only came up to Eric's name please you see Eric's really tall oh don't you think my joke's funny tag that's not a joke happy that's just something that happened I know a joke what do you get when you cross an elephant with a potato mashed potato get it ah no elephant potato mashed potato do elephants like potatoes no no mum won't even have them in the house a wolf it says here the tadpoles don't look like frogs at first no but then they grow arms and legs turn green and finally they hop out of the water a fully grown frog it says here you'll get arms and legs soon Destiny arms and legs [Music] that looks that look you're oh great grandmother's Journal this is a very exciting Discovery why oh you see Doug is great Grandmama was a famous explorer she had many wonderful adventures what's she doing there she was trying to spot a snod oh that is over the years people drew what they thought the snard looked like but no one has ever seen it properly why because really it very rarely comes out and it doesn't like noise it's great grandma must not will it writes here immense excitement have found some rather large footprints that I believe belong to the snard have managed to fund an expedition to track the snard which I have been doing over many many miles finally a clue a small tuft of colorful fur then at last there it was the snow however to my eternal regret I got a small case of the Snuffles tragically it was enough to scare away the elusive creature my message to Future smart spotters is be quiet wow woof [Music] woof woof oh look squirrels cookies found a lovely juicy leaf for our breakfast a woof oh but the leaf is too high for her to reach don't hmm I don't think there are any dinosaurs in this story really should be yeah dinosaur could be her friend and she wants breakfast too yeah but they don't want leaves they want but God but the princess has taken it all huh the popcorn princess they try and catch her but she's too fast don't worry Baba's turned up yeah Barbara the robot car Barbara is super zoomy they've nearly caught her Giant giant strawberry yeah with arms and legs princess popcorn doesn't like strawberries she's allergic they make her sneeze ah two [Applause] she sneezed herself away and cookie got her popcorn back and shared it with all her friends the end what a brilliant story squirrels I am writing in the unfortunate position of being stranded on a desert island who knows how long we'll be here for I may well be an old Octopus by the time we return home luckily among the Shipwrecked crew is Dougie who's expert knowledge means we can survive [Music] the island is still a mystery to us who knows what dangers it holds oh we have discovered many strange animals in the jungle such as the pencil snake the fire cat and the Mischief of the food or monkeys who creep into our camp and steal our precious supplies that's with Dougie's help we have been able to make a life for ourselves on the island finding water from the stream and food we even made a home for ourselves of sorts and Rowley found us a pet a goat who we named Tuesday I love her what Tuesday loved was eating hey what's for lunch not again Tuesday it was a hard life some might say it was barely a life at all so for lunch we have one coconut One coconut soup one coconut soup and coconut surprise on toast what's the surprise there's no toast and although we made the island our own inside everyone Longs for home would we ever see anything other than the boodle monkeys the fire cats and coconuts how long have we been on this wretched Island happy about an hour as long as that I wish someone would rescue us it's an earthquake what's all this noise I was having a siesta huh huh that's a funny place to parkership where did it come from hello [Music] what's that funny noise it's coming from in here [Applause] and a parrot hello treasure hello is this your boat yes I'm captain wed mustache and this is my clue we were on a very important um Mission when we got sick are you seasick no we ate too much ice cream what flavor fish yeah we're supposed to be heading to this island um to pick something up hello treasure but now we're too poorly to sail the ship we can help you really if you're going to be Sailors you need to familiarize yourself with all areas of the boot the ship's wheel a wolf is where you steer a wolf up there is the Crow's Nest what can you see up here water so this must be the diving board oh look what I found a massive telescope oh it's not working [Music] and this must be the dressing up box yeah and that eye patch very striking Dougie a point I see a bite it's a fishing boat hello hello [Music] where are they going fishermen hey they don't like other boats near them disturbs the fish I see an octopus hello hello there so anti-social oh no not them again flying fish why is everyone running away from us oh forget them have you seen that Island yet uh yes [Music] foreign medicine make us feel much better oh hello squirrels hello Dad are you ready for your underwater Adventure wow a submarine trip a woof [Music] morning Dougie welcome aboard one at a time [Music] to Earth then down we go fun everyone [Applause] isn't it wonderful squirrels wow Take the Wheel would you lieutenant Dougie these are all the instruments that make the submarine work and squirrels have a look at this ah yes the beauty of the ocean look a giant sea stallion ah it's a school of fish hello how are you the squirrels School outing this is our teacher it's lovely that you've all made friends but maybe it's time we headed back come on squirrels say goodbye please bye bye he thinks he's the best foreign [Music] I made a sad Castle it's not very sad castly yeah it looks more like a Sand Hill [Music] first thing you need to make a good sand castle is Buck buckets and Spade then you dig up some wet sand pour it into your bucket remember to patch it down turn your bucket upside down and lift there you go a sand castle [Music] let's make a bigger one yes [Music] do you mind Nigel Nigel every day I get woken up by a bird Nigel we have got to find a new place to live such quality work it would be a great honor if you would consider building us a little sand measle what way oh woof Oh yay [Music] so what do you envisage for Nigel and I's new Peter Terror well the walls go here I've made a wall Windows here Garden there's [Music] water feature and some finishing touches it's ready oh Nigel isn't it wonderful even been landscaped we love it don't we Nigel Nigel pay attention Nigel your striking ain't it the cat oh woof do you love Enid the cat squirrels yeah yeah she's so sorry where is she going wow oh I think she has gone off to have a little lie down but I love her how do you stroke stroke stroke stroke gun rolly that's right you can stroke them Strokes then can we find some animals to straight Dougie I found one oh that's good Betty stroking a tortoise doesn't it feel a bit hard yes [Music] a goldfish might be a bit too wet to stroke happy oh I found an animal to stroke [Music] ah yes Norris hedgehogs are a bit spiky yeah hello tag I'm stoking slug that's nice tag this isn't he a bit yeah oh don't stop that feels amazing [Music] oh oh this animal yes that's right really it might be because it's a bit too Buzzy oh [Music] two jumpy too big too hysterical too snotty too small [Music] what's up Betty I can't find any animals to strike oh that's a shame isn't it Dougie woof well there must be an animal somewhere around here that you can stroke hmm have you got to eat you back doggy whoa does that feel better doggy oh woof wow everyone I need more greens I've got some cabbage leaves thanks Betty I've got beetroot leaves thanks Nori spinach leaves thanks puppy [Music] oh thanks rolly there you go caterpillar oh you want to play come on then [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] I love you caterpillar [Music] I've made a new friend caterpillar oh cute can we play with her tag oh I think she's a little tired maybe we could make her a bed yeah is that comfortable caterpillar uh-huh hmm oh woof what's that huh it's a cocoon but where's caterpillar gone well tag there Comes A Time in every caterpillar's life when they go through a little change first they build a cocoon and then well you'll see but where's caterpillar gone oh tag that is Caterpillar but now she's turned into a beautiful butterfly it's choo choo the panda oh Darlings I'm so pleased you're here what's wrong choo choo oh little ones chochu is a frightful tummy ache I'm so hungry but can't you eat all this bamboo choo choo can't reach up there sweetlings she's only little will help a little to the left Darlings no no no little to the right perfect sweeties oh thank you Darlings um my tummy is starting to feel better already [Music] else it's wrong hello he sounds funny Folk s what's wrong little frog he see what should yes are you feeling better frog get well soon bye frog is caterpillar hello caterpillar caterpillar's got a little cough don't you caterpillar wow that was a big cough rabbit yum oh you're bird watching Dougie um w ow is it fun woof does it look fun to you squirrels yeah are you gonna take us Birds watching Dougie [Music] a bird a bird I'm supposed to the bird oh bird rolly remember be very quiet squirrels or you'll frighten the birds [Music] wow is that a bird building a nest Dougie oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh that's nice Dougie you and the squirrels will build them a new Nest a wolf jolly good so squirrels what do you think we need to make a bird's nest Mr and Mrs bird don't be upset Dougie and the squirrels are making you a new nest s can we see how they're getting off doggy oh hmm wow squirrels what a lovely Nest you've built do you like your new Nest Mr Mrs bird oh look at that cloud do you think it might rain Dougie huh we might get wet won't they get wet too [Music] yes I suppose they will Nori should we find them somewhere to keep dry yes [Music] yes I wonder where you could keep dry there just the right shape [Music] just the right shape oh I see [Music] there just the right shape Glory little fish I'm not I'll keep you dry I'd rather you didn't here you go just the right shape seriously great work squirrels [Music] now let's get inside games [Music] hang on where's rolly [Music] rolly still outside he'll get soaked I think it might rain yeah I might get wet yeah maybe I could stay dry in that foreign yes [Music] okay but which one which one which one which one which one he's not going to make it we're trying [Applause] [Music] foreign wisely ah that looks a lot brighter sounds like the squirrels are enjoying practicing their first aid Dougie [Music] hey aren't we doggy oh woof yes you've um really bandaged tag up well uh it's okay [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] oh dear this is getting rather silly [Music] that was fun how will we get tagged back up the hill I think you're going to have to push him that must have been hard work pushing that back up the hill Olaf ah not again [Music] are you okay tag yeah wow is that a bird building a nest Dougie a wolf okay [Music] what go um bless you Dougie [Music] [Music] go naughty monkey foreign [Music] how embarrassing [Music] what was that I don't know let's find out yay oh no it's a fool are you okay what happened oh you slipped on that banana skin who would have left a banana skin on the floor naughty monkey oh [Music] my God [Music] so loud pussycat a mouse an octopus a hippo a crocodile of rhino a rhino look look [Music] of course oh [Music] monkeys frog rabbits tortoise egg is making everything silly make it stop [Applause] ah a nice cup of tea tea yes and in Dougie's favorite tea cup it's just the right shape as Optimum beverage capacity and a good size handle ah the perfect cup for a lovely drink of oh ah silly it's all right rolly it was an accident let me try again no let me it goes here no that goes here they're happy I think tag was trying to let me say um no it wasn't quite finished really that goes there no it's the other way no it's not put that there take that away oh look what you've done this is gonna be hunky dory that dog sure got a handle on there [Music] oh woof huh what is it it looks really complicated oh yes it is better this took Dougie a long time to put together whoa oh did you make these sheep doggy these trees are springy oh what do these bits do ducky can it go faster [Music] [Applause] [Music] we caught the ghost it's a minute washing instructions this isn't a ghost it's a [Music] sheep but how did a sheep fly in the air and what water and go through oh I know yes it all started with the washing machine [Music] the Sheep must have walked through the washing powder the spooky Footprints and what in the Dougie's washing line the sheep used Mr and Mr Crab as stepping stones that's why I have a stomping headache but how did it walk through a wall it didn't there was a hole in it but why does it boo when it should [Music] it's you're missing what's funny what's funny [Music] foreign [Music] is your knee better now tag huh oh yeah it's fine [Laughter] looks like a good dose of physical comedy did the trick Dougie oh thank you [Music] thank you hey naughty monkey it's us your favorite cousins it's been Asia since we played nice tree house such cool stuff this trampoline is awesome how do you play with this [Music] [Music] naughty monkeys [Music] I could play here forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like you need some help not him again oh hi naughty monkey what's up hahaha your cousins have come to visit that sounds really nice wow what a play Dance [Music] [Music] now I think we all need to calm down oh we were only playing oh no this is again come on oh [Music] the other deer rolly was helping me cut the grass when my mower lasted not ow not to worry I'll fix it but really hot damn other ideas he made some good suggestions [Music] come on that was amazing woof oh no eat it it's not big Nori it's teeny hello oh no eat it books by just home [Music] phew don't worry squirrels the spider can make a new web foreign that is a noisy machine what does this do oh no oh no laughs oh no [Music] oh well I'm sure the clubhouse is very tidy now [Music]
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 11,159,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hey dugie, hey duggie, duggee full episodes, hey dugge, hey duggee full episode, hey dugee, hey duggee episodes, hey duggee episode, duggee full episode, hey duggee, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, hey dougie, hey dougy, duggee hug, hey duggee badges
Id: n7QEvN8srLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 16sec (3736 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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