LIVE🔴: Learning with Duggee Mega Marathon!

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how many sheep are missing Dougie [Music] [Applause] let's find shape yay [Music] woof one [Music] found one [Music] woof two found one three hmm thanks oh four where are you Mr sheep [Music] five [Music] oh six [Music] a woof seven [Music] I found one [Music] eight [Music] [Applause] [Music] a woof nine nine that means one more to find are you gonna take us Birds watching Dougie mm-hmm Birds oh dear yes squirrels if you want to go bird watching then you have to be very quiet otherwise the birds fly off and you won't be able to see them you'll have to whisper ER isn't that right Dougie oh woof [Music] apart about I've spotted a bird oh what but rolly remember be very quiet squirrels or you'll frighten the birds [Music] I think Dougie has spotted another bird it's Annie the ostrich what oh lovely [Music] sorry hmm yes sorry honey Dougie and the squirrels are just doing some bird watching oh good bye cheerio off you go and hide squirrels a wolf wolf [Music] have you seen somewhere you can hide really [Music] woof woof right squirrels Doug is coming ready or not you found me [Music] is that everyone ducky hmm a wolf wolf a wolf who could be missing hmm oh woof woof oh really of course wow he's hiding really well let's go and find him yes okay squirrels the right shapes have to go into the right holes so the rectangle shape will go I know in the rectangle hole oh woof me next the triangle shape will go in the chart a triangle hole the square shape will go in the skull this is a tough one it's a hexagon shape Nori oh then it must go in the hexagon hole I've got a funny shape does it go here or here does it go here or here [Music] oh look at that cloud do you think it might rain Dougie huh we might get wet let's play inside okay we could play Snakes and Ladders or sleeping gerbils it's sleeping Lions rolly what's the matter Nori all the animals won't they get wet too [Music] yes I suppose they will Nori should we find them somewhere to keep dry yes [Music] I wonder where you could keep dry that just the right shape [Music] just the right shape oh I see [Music] there just the right shape and Glory little fish I'm not I'll keep you dry I'd rather you didn't here you go just the right shape seriously great work squirrels [Music] I found hey what are you looking at mice and who's asking here's some there [Music] naughty monkeys step step [Music] hug [Music] it's Apple but who's the princesses ah good idea Dougie the Encyclopedia of animal footprints is it the Parisian Puma no the Himalayan hopping goat no the Lesser spotted lounge lizard no the triple humped curly-tailed camel no the bottle-nose biscuit eating bright blue baboon no no oh no no hmm I know let's follow them yay hmm [Music] oh the footprints have stopped by this tree there's somebody behind it not just somebody darling I am Katarina a beautiful graceful Flamingo oh dear why is Katarina so sad I am star of flamingo synchronous swimming team but I cannot perform in the Big Show because I have lost my flipper trip trip oh dear Dougie you didn't quite turn off the tap oh wolf oh but I like water yes happy but we can't waste it off it won't run out the tap will make more no Nori the tap doesn't make water whales make water foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's not exactly it squirrels huh then where does water come from a woof gonna show you he has his water badge water everyone loves water [Music] that's right Dougie the water we drink starts in the sea let's see it's so big and blue and wavy and wet so is this the water we drink doggy No Tag it's not ready to drink yet when is it ready doggy well first the sun has to do its job a wolf when the sun heats the sea little drops of it go up and up into the sky and can you guess what they turn into um [Music] they turn into a hug [Music] wow look at us we're clouds too who is so fluffy and light we're moving we're moving Dougie has oh his history badge and because there's so much of it oh Dougie has made a special machine to help us see as much of it as possible just pop the coordinates [Music] if Dougie's calculations are correct we've arrived 500 million years before breakfast the first creature walked on land not some fresh air oh it's so cute now don't touch anything squirrels because it might affect the future [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] set Caesar that's me entertained [Music] [Applause] [Music] some artists are inspired by their passions like teapots carrots man what are you passionate about roller is that a rock oh [Music] hmm you're passionate about potatoes we still need inspiration Dougie yes sometimes you can find inspiration closer to whom by using no news [Music] [Applause] [Music] but we still don't know what to do Dougie sometimes you can find inspiration by looking at yourself someone else stop moving Nigel or even something else so conceptual Boris yeah oh I have an idea [Music] very impressive tag yay how many sheep are missing Dougie [Music] ten there's ten let's find shape yay [Music] woof one here [Music] woof two found one woof three hmm thanks oh where are you Mr sheep woof five [Music] oh six [Music] a woof seven [Music] I found one [Music] eight [Music] [Applause] [Music] a woof nine nine that means one more to find are you gonna take us Birds watching doggy Birds oh dear yes squirrels if you want to go bird watching then you have to be very quiet otherwise the birds fly off and you won't be able to see them you'll have to whisper oh [Music] a bird a bird I've spotted a bird oh God but rolly remember be very quiet squirrels or you'll frighten the birds [Music] I think Dougie has spotted another bird [Music] any the ostrich what oh lovely [Music] sorry hmm yes sorry honey Dougie and the squirrels are just doing some bird watching oh good bye cheerio okay squirrels the right shapes have to go into the right holes so the rectangle shape will go I know in the rectangle hole a wolf me next the triangle shape will go in the chair triangle hole the squish the square shape will go in the scroll this is a tough one it's a hexagon shape noria oh then it must go in the hexagon hole I've got a funny shape does it go here or here does it go here or here [Music] oh look at that cloud do you think it might rain doggy huh we might get wet let's play inside okay we can play Snakes and Ladders or sleeping gerbils it's sleeping Lions rolly what's the matter Nori all the animals won't they get wet too [Music] yes I suppose they will Nori should we find them somewhere to keep dry yes [Music] yes I wonder where you could keep dry that just the right shape [Music] just the right shape oh I see [Music] there just the right shape Glory little fish I'm not I'll keep you dry I'd rather you didn't here you go just the right shape seriously great work squirrels [Music] I found hey what are you looking at mice and who's asking here's some there naughty monkeys step step [Music] it's Apple [Music] but who's the prince of these hmm ah good idea Dougie the Encyclopedia of animal footprints is it the Parisian Puma no the Himalayan hopping goat no the Lesser spotted lounge lizard no the triple humped curly-tailed camel no the bottlene's biscuit eating bright blue baboon no no no no oh hmm I know let's follow them yay hmm [Music] oh the footprints have stopped by this tree there's somebody behind it not just somebody darling I am katorina a beautiful graceful Flamingo oh dear why is Katarina so sad I am star of flamingo synchronous swimming team but I cannot perform in the Big Show because I have lost my flipper trip trip oh dear Dougie you didn't quite turn off the tap oh wolf oh but I like water yes happy but we can't waste it off it won't run out the tap will make more no Nori the tap doesn't make water whales make water foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's not exactly it squirrels huh then where does water come from a woof woof well Dougie can show you he has his water badge water everyone loves water [Music] F that's right Dougie the water we drink starts in the sea let's see it's so big and blue and wavy and wet so is this the water we drink doggy No Tag it's not ready to drink yet when is it ready Dougie well first the sun has to do its job Sun oh well when the sun heats the sea little drops of it go up and up into the sky and can you guess what they turn into they turn into a [Music] wolf wow look at us we're clouds so fluffy and lights [Music] Dougie's Rock Pool isn't for splashing oh it's for all the animals [Music] it's a place of calm away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life a veritable Oasis of tranquility and what are those your pond is full of Wrigley raisins Dougie they're not wriggling reason with their babies that's right they're called tadpoles our tadpoles baby worms no baby fish [Music] baby snails no not quite squirrels tadpoles are in fact baby rabbit frogs they don't look like frog oh sound like frog are you sure Dougie oh woof oh yes Doug is quite sure Skittles he's got his dad pull badge a wolf it says here the tadpoles don't look like frogs at first but then they grow arms and legs turn green and finally they hop out of the water a fully grown frog that's amazing do you think they know let's tell them yeah I say that's a big delivery a wolf [Music] what is it Dougie a wolf prize well then let's open that oh it's not anything just bits it's a kit squirrels you have to fit all the bits together like a jigsaw we love jigsaws can we help Dougie uh-huh yay where does this bit go Dougie [Music] what about these guys what's this where do these go what about this stuff oh this is all these what's that what was that easy I think Dougie needs a little space to make the surprise squiddles okay let's go play huh foreign why is it taking so long yeah I'll see how he's getting on [Music] huh is he finished nearly what is it I don't know [Music] ah maybe it's time for a cup of tea Dougie [Music] what color was I don't know what did it look like don't know how big was it uh I don't know useless I'm going to have a look me too me flee may fall one two three four wait for me me five me five we're here so we follow the path avoid the monsters monsters don't worry if we stick to the trail we'll be fine that's the spirit video oh [Music] this way where are we Betty we're here by the tropical Lake where the sea monster lives sea monster thank you excuse me but what is all this racket you thought you were a sea monster well I I'm a monster if I don't get any sleep so if you don't mind sorry Mr Crab a bye Mr Crab which is goodbye in French what's wrong Betty why have you stopped we're here at the giant volcano with the giant snake oh no oh no a giant's name hello it's only one my giant snake giant snake oh [Applause] what does it do oh well Dougie can tell you because he has his key badge keys can be used for all sorts of things they can start something open something yeah or keep something safe [Music] so what does this key do Dougie we don't know but we'll find out through trial and error what's trial and error um it's a bit like a game I suppose whoa let's play trials [Music] I'm doing a trial [Music] and I've done an error trial error [Music] yes I did it what's inside norie it's oh another key it's shaped like a fish so let's ask a fish excuse me Mr fish do you know what this key opens if you ask me that three seconds ago I could have told you [Music] where did that come from foreign [Music] oh I say what's inside it's a air oh yeah it's there oh yeah it's a ah wait don't tell me it's uh it's uh it's uh it's uh it's another key what I'd really like to see is what real life is like for real locals like you us yeah the college the day today of your lives besides the sounds the smell the smells the smells yeah like what is head Ace Ace rolly collects them but just the odd ones amazing show me more huh this is the rest of my collection a box of sharks wonderful huh I like to park these all in a row just like real cars only very small this is our balloon it used to be even bigger I really like it now what else can you show me that's the doorbell and this is the door amazing oh squeaky explorable haha do any of the other squeak also no this is the top it's just like magic yeah I'm learning so much about your lives do you want to see more yeah show me everything yay this is in it she's a cat so cute these are the chickens this is our bucket this is a window and here's the roof a woof oh be careful up there squirrels and this is a bird we don't know why he likes it here but he does that's so funny oh this is frog everybody this is outstanding this is my oh health and safety rolly it's very proficient riding there rolly [Music] what are you doing you have to deliver a parcel where to Dougie a woof woof at the end of that blue Road that's not a road tag that's a river you can't swim that far don't worry Betty Dougie has his River badge so we'll take a boat yay all set Dougie a wolf [Music] foreign the boat horn isn't a toy oh right then off we go yay [Music] hello chicken [Music] a wolf owl [Music] hello dear hello sweetheart [Music] hello snake oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ERS you need to familiarize yourself with all areas of the boot the ship's wheel a wolf is where you steer a wolf up there is the Crow's Nest what can you see up here water so this must be the diving board oh look what I found a massive telescope oh it's not working [Music] and this must be the dressing up box yeah and that eye patch very striking doggy a pint I see bite it's a fishing boat hello [Music] hello where are they going fishermen hey they don't like other boats near them disturbs the fish I see an octopus hello to social a shark oh no not them again [Music] flying fish [Music] why is everyone running away from us oh forget them have you seen that Island yet uh yes number five [Music] good this is definitely where we left it our medicine it's going to make us feel much better so where is it we buried it you'll have to dig I oh [Music] excellent let's get to the board shall we sun is really help medicine it's treasure but where's the food Dougie oh you must have left the sandwiches on the boat that rock is taking our boat [Music] how will we get home what will we eat where will we sleep oh woof never fear squirrels Dougie has his Island badge he knows what to do [Music] so what do we need first Dougie oh woof oh good idea wood for the fire I'll get it oh wolf big leaves to make a shelter we'll also need to find fresh I'm writing in the unfortunate position of being stranded on a desert island who knows how long we'll be here for I may well be an old Octopus by the time we return home luckily among the Shipwrecked crew is Dougie whose expert knowledge means we can survive [Music] the island is still a mystery to us who knows what dangers it holds oh [Music] we have discovered many strange animals in the jungle such as the pencil snake the fire cat and the mischievous poodle monkeys who creep into our camp and steal our precious supplies that's with Dougie's help we have been able to make a life for ourselves on the island hey finding water from the stream and food we even made a home for ourselves of sorts and rolly found us a pet a goat who we named Tuesday I love her what Tuesday loved was eating hey what's for lunch not again Tuesday it was a hard life some might say it was barely a life at all what's this oh oh woof woof wow a fossil um excuse me what's a fossil that's a big question Rudy but Dougie can explain a wolf because he has his fossil badge woof woof yes fossils were made a long time ago [Music] when primitive creatures walked the Earth huh a woof woof oh sorry Dougie you're right we should start much further back when the only living creatures were in the sea oh I do like to be beside the seaside and sometimes incredible things happened like blizzards oh volcanoes ho ho oh great sandstorms oh oh and then that creature would be stuck for a really really long time oh boy so this was once a little creature woof and it's really old you're through there really really old it takes millions of years to turn it into a fossil Oh Daddy [Music] we dug up a fossil a wolf are there any more fossils oh yes snorly fossils can be made from any creature that lived a really long time ago ones that lived in the sea or ones that crawled out of the sea small ones that flew oh big ones that walked big ones that walked are you talking about dinosaurs yes Betty dinosaurs came in all shapes and sizes [Music] how exciting baking a cake [Music] [Applause] yeah baking a cake well I say it looks like you're using lots of ingredients eggs flour sugar butter raisins and carrots you can't put vegetables in a cake yes we're making a carrot cake for the rabbits cool [Music] remember to stand back while Dougie takes the cakes out of the oven yes because they will be very very hot wow we've made lots of little cakes yes oh man cool cakes [Music] woof that monkey's taken a fruit doggy naughty monkey [Music] where did he go naughty monkey hello squirrels you be careful [Music] naughty monkey watch out squirrels [Music] monkeys go dear naughty monkey have you thrown all that fruit down the hill [Music] we think you need some exercise hit you honey come on chickens get into the groove and a one and two and one two three four [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] my cousin is called Eric and he's an alligator he's older than me but I'm a little bit taller than him he's really funny though one day we all went on holiday to have a competition to see if you could jump in the most puddles but there weren't any puzzles wow we've all grown something wow never mind happy you could have some of my onion I don't like onions wow that's a math is strawberry [Music] why is chicken sitting on her eggs she laid them now she has to keep them warm until they hatch and her baby chicks come out wow eggs are amazing a woof oh yes doggies a big fan he even has his egg badge did you have to lay an egg to get that doggy huh the eggs are starting to hatch one chick s Three Chicks I think this one's having a little trouble getting out look a mouse an octopus a hippo a crocodile oh why no a rhino a big brown dog a wolf look food a nest a cow a pebble a fence a stick is that where the Honey comes out doggy a woof doggy I thought the bees had honey they usually do not eat hmm very curious hmm can I help you do you have any honey please sorry squirrels we're waiting for the honeybees to deliver the nectar where I don't know but they better be here soon or the queen won't get any hoodie for an afternoon tea what's that noise it's the honeybees nature Squadron are you receiving me receiving you love and clear prepare for landing negative Ground Control the runway is blocked room way blocked but we need that next to now Captain bumble I'll find a way through bumbles yeah oh easy peasy [Music] oh man it's a mess down there it's golden leader to Ground Control looks like we're stuck up here but it's nearly two time shall one pop the kettle on oh no it's our toys they're blocking the runway ground crew operation tidy up first you make your pizza base add your sauce then you add your toppings [Music] I'm a day Seaside Pizza I made a pea soup puddle Pizza I made a garden Pizza I made a potato pizza and I made attack Pizza wow those pizzas look Splendid squirrels now it's time to cook them oh [Music] smells delicious let's eat huh [Music] that horse wants your pizza tag [Music] um would you like some pizzas too [Music] looks like you're going to need a bigger oven Dougie [Music] can I take your order excellent first order ducky ew you like your pizza sir good choice [Music] extra cheese please [Music] pronto [Music] that's all the orders Dougie now time to make the pizzas elf [Music] whose is this one that's easy I'll check the orders hey where are they have they on oh no right squirrels time to harvest dig in as they say I picked a potato and it looks like Ethel a duck [Music] sorry one [Music] finished hmm not exactly as good rules oh woof but how can we collect all that don't worry squirrels Dougie knows because he has his Harvest badge [Laughter] we can use a tractor oh wow wow [Music] oh fancy [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh dear hmm can you fix it Dougie oh a wolf [Music] it looks like the animals want to harvest as well Dougie can we pick more food why are we wait a wolf hello squirrels what are you doing we're seeing how many badges Dougie has five six huh what's this one that's Dougie's counting badge yeah got it for counting to 100. dress a wolf but that's impossible oh wolf it's a challenge squirrels but not impossible if you can count to ten I can then counting to 100 is just counting to ten ten times really a wolf okay can we try yes let's start by counting up to ten but what should we count anything that's around you uh [Music] we did it we counted to ten woof now you count the next ten this time up to twenty but we've counted everything here then let's go to a wolf and eleven twelve um ah now we're entering the teams they can be a bit tricky oh yeah thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty very good now you're in the 20s oh well so start with 20 oh first you get your toothbrush there toothbrush then you wet it a wolf add toothpaste just the right amount now we brush our teeth for two minutes we've brush in tiny circles all along the bottom and all along the top do the front of your teeth and the back Pikachu if you've done brush them your smile won't be lovely and your teeth won't be strong they'll be yellow and furry really yes [Music] them well so you can choo choo choo and Sparkle when you smile and you'll feel healthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] like us it's not very hard like jumping over the moon [Music] every single day [Music] two minutes with brushing squirrels brilliant [Music] so organize depend s by color oh orange cream yellow red no rolly this is a pen we're organizing pencils see now let's organize the blocks by shape pink green yo rolly yes to organize them by shape otherwise they won't fit oh Tangles triangles circles squares it fits now let's organize the toys bye shape no by size oh slow medium gosh we've organized everything inside let's organize everything outside that's small medium shape thin square round oh color [Music] yes oh Brown I must organize the animals yes yes oh shape triangles circles semicircles [Music] we are by far the best shape I'd Rather Be Square what a shape though put me with these two where's Nigel Nigel oh what if we organize them by color orange I don't think so [Music] look cool man green pink red blue yellow oh why can't you be one color shall we show Dougie all the interesting things we've found yes tag you found a ball it's really bouncy hmm Betty you found an interesting book yeah interested unhappy has brought a glass of water well he's brought us a glass he Rowley has found her yes a rock whoa now Nori is holding something very interesting yes I'm not interesting well I know what's interesting about you ladybird what your spots yes that is right Nori ladybirds have lovely spots woof you have six lovely spots on your back ladybird one two three four five and six [Music] that's the same number of interesting things we found shall we show Dougie all the interesting things we've found yes yes tag you found a ball Betty you found an interesting book yeah interested unhappy has brought a glass of what what well he's born he roly has found her yes sir a rock whoa now Nori is holding something very interesting yes I'm not interesting well I know what's interesting about you ladybird what your spots yes that is right Nori ladybirds have lovely spots woof you have six lovely spots on your back ladybird one two three four five and six [Music] that's the same number of interesting things we found we're here so we follow the path avoid the monsters monsters don't worry if we stick to the trail we'll be fine that's the spirit ready oh [Music] this way where are we Betty we're here by the tropical Lake where the sea monster lives sea monster excuse me but what is all this racket you thought you were a sea monster well I am a monster if I don't get any sleep so if you don't mind sorry Mr Crab which road do we go now Betty this way bye Mr Crab which was goodbye in French what's wrong Betty why have you stopped here at the giant volcano with the giant snake oh no oh no a giant snake hello it's very warm five giant snake giant snake woof woof woof woof cookie lived in a tree a wolf that's funny oh cookies waking up woof woof woof woof woof woof she is putting on her favorite shirt cookies putting on her sock woof woof woof oh cookies putting on her other sock has she got her shoes on yet woof woof woof woof woof woof woof now she's got her shoes on it's time for cookies breakfast squirrels um [Music] woof woof oh look squirrels cookies found a lovely juicy leaf for our breakfast a woof oh but the leaf is too high for her to reach dinosaur hmm [Music] I don't think there are any dinosaurs in this story really yeah dinosaur could be her friend and she wants breakfast too yeah but they don't want leaves they want but God but the princess has taken it all floating it's floating yeah YouTube excuse me young man what's this um I think you'll find that our plate oh sorry what on Earth are you playing that boy we're already late for the picnic oh picnic sir we have a problem the picnic is on the far side of the water [Music] No Blueberries what are we going to do I know could make you a paper boat but we don't have any papers up No Blueberries we do oh jolly good show yay [Applause] a wolf their leaves Dougie collects them aren't they pretty yeah you must really like leaves a wolf yes Dougie even has his Leaf badge but where's that leaf doggy woof that's the only Leaf Dougie can't find what does it look like oh looks like a rainbow yes happy that's the rainbow Leaf it it's a very special leaf and very hard to find can we help you find it ducky [Music] keep your eyes peeled for that rainbow Leaf squirrels do you mind sorry not the rainbow leaf I found it is this the rainbow Leaf Dougie oh woof a wolf it's a tiger Leaf oh it's still a very good Leaf though um come on let's keep looking yeah oh woof that's a palm leaf the biggest one I've ever seen I don't think that'll fit in the nature book Dougie oh woof [Laughter] [Music] it says here that mythical creatures are amazing animals like the dragon who can with fire oh Medusa who turns anyone who looks at her some mythical creatures were a combination of different animals like the Centaur who has Hooves and hens yeah or the mermaid an enchanting creature of sea and land [Music] are they real some people think so what other mythical creatures are there a wolf there's the Unicorn the most beautiful mythical creature I really am oh the werewolf now the Sphinx the Griffin go wait Dooms [Music] oh excuse me oh there's nothing here maybe we can make up our own mythical creature how about a dog huh and giraffe a doctor off it's not a mythical creature what about a fish [Music] fish [Music] cookie lived in a tree a wolf that's funny oh cookies waking up she's putting on her favorite shirt cookies putting on her sock woof woof woof oh cookies putting on her other sock has she got her shoes on yet woof woof woof woof woof woof woof now she's got her shoes on it's time for cookies breakfast squirrels uh oh woof woof woof [Music] woof oh look squirrels cookies found a lovely juicy leaf for our breakfast a woof oh but the leaf is too high for her to reach dinosaur still can help her hmm I don't think there are any dinosaurs in this story really should be yeah dinosaur could be her friend and she wants breakfast too yeah but they don't want leaves they want but God but the princess has taken it all found some hola I found a tortoise I found hey what are you looking at mice and who's asking here's some there naughty monkeys step step Footprints footprint footprints it's Apple but who's the prince of these off ah good idea Dougie the Encyclopedia of animal footprints is it the Parisian Puma no the Himalayan hopping goat no the lesser-spotted lounge lizard no the triple humped curly-tailed camel no the bottle knows biscuit eating bright blue baboon no no no no no no hmm I know let's follow them yay hmm [Music] oh the footprints have stopped by this tree there's somebody behind it not just somebody darling I am Katarina a beautiful graceful flamingo oh dear why is Katarina so sad I am star of flamingo synchronous swimming team but I cannot perform in the Big Show because I have lost my flipper foreign what a good idea happy the dressing up box finished I am brilliant girl and this is you have to have a Super Squirrel name if you want to be a Super Squirrel tag oh okay um hmm I am super tag I'm Mega Mouse splash [Music] what's your name roley Broly it has to be a special name rolly not your own Stephen come on squirrel Squad let's go do something super that sounds super fun doesn't it Dougie woof I wonder what mine says hello my name is I live on a busy Street [Music] it's non-stop 24 7. she sounds fun yeah what does your say rolly I am Florian I am a lynx and I'm accomplished in many things I'm self-taught and medieval harp I am captain of the cheese scrolling team I'm great at tapestry I excel at martial arts my energy saving inventions are a lot of innings and I keep all my metals and coffees in a special cabinets which I made myself yours exceptionally Florian new best friend my letter reads I am Marga I am an otter my family love water we are always going to water parks I also have a cousin called Erica who loves to Splash she sounds just like me but I don't scratch because I don't like water oh oh hello my name is Avi I'm a shrew I come from a family of gymnasts from the momento I wake up I do flips and rolls of some sorts even making breakfast wow I am abodeo I am an oh gappy I live on a hill it is quiet I like it well that's it now squirrels it's your turn to write back but what should we say ah Dougie can help oh because he has his pen pal badge oh woof you just write about the things that you find interesting [Music] detective puppy is really good at looking for Clues yeah she found a blue handprint is that a good clue Dougie whoa everyone has different handprints so if detective puppy finds out whose it is she'll find out who's being naughty could it be detective puppies arch nemesis Shelly the turtle or mumbles the fly or was it fluffy the cat's burglar look puppy knows who did it well in the comic it says to be continued in the next issue of course they stopped making detective puppy comics why well tastes changed people didn't want detective stories anymore they wanted Comics that were more action-packed fantastical futuristic and shiny but I really want to know who took the necklace a woof woof woof excellent idea Dougie maybe you could finish the story yourselves but how do we make a comic ah yeah I can show you because he has woof to make our detective puppy comic oh woof woof we first need to work out who took the necklace we can take a much closer look at Enid on the biology bus hop in squirrels time to set the microscopic Ray too [Music] neutralize [Music] [Applause] yes tiny enough to find out what's making Enid so splattery mom now if you look ahead you can see Enid's brain whenever she feels something the synapses in her brain fire up woof wow this is cognitive activity I'd say Enid is doing something very complex wow where are we now we're currently passing in its eyes cats have powerful eyesight for hunting prey and nasal receptors for smelling things and of vocal cords for purring it's dark down here oh woof [Music] what are those blood cells yes but they helped move oxygen around Enid's body [Music] pumped by her heart and when she gets excited her heart [Music] which means her lungs have to work hard to get more oxygen into her body now she's getting her breath back [Applause] wow look there's Mercury there's Venus there's Mars and Jupiter and Saturn too yes all the planets are out here so much space for playing yay where's the space playground Dougie oh woof um there are no playgrounds in space Skittles huh paddling pools woof bouncy castles wolves tree houses a wolf but there are lots of other things amazing things oh like the Milky Way is it made of milk no dad it just looks a bit milky oh woof woof ah yes the asteroid built [Music] and Cosmic comets magnificent wow and here near the end of the solar system is Pluto whoa oh are we going back now oh but we haven't seen anyone yet well nobody's sure if there is anyone else in space but here but what about aliens little green aliens or big purple ones oh really weird ones or little cute ones oh invisible ones well space goes on and on how far nobody knows so there could be other creatures out there somewhere trip oh dear Dougie you didn't quite turn off the tap oh wolf oh but I like water yes happy but we can't waste it off it won't run out the tap will make more no Nori the tap doesn't make water whales make water foreign [Music] [Music] that's not exactly it squirrels huh then where does water come from a woof buff well Dougie can show you he has his water badge water everyone loves water [Music] F that's right Dougie the water we drink starts in the sea let's see it's so big and blue and wavy and wet so is this the water we drink doggy No Tag it's not ready to drink yet when is it ready Dougie well first the sun has to do its job Sun a wolf when the sun heats the sea little drops of it go up and up into the sky and can you guess what they turn into it they turn into a Cloud wow look at us we're clouds too we're so fluffy and lights [Music] well pickle my Periscope judicials fish who don't see many of them around ah yes and there crazy Coral Junction [Music] isn't this amazing squirrels squirrels oh um be careful with those button squirrels don't hurt yourself Broly I'm not insured wow wow wow wow lovely to see you showing an interest tag but this is quite fragile [Music] not tune here to the screen happy this is our sonar when it makes lots of noise it tells us that something is really close to the submarine can we see what it is ah it's a school of fish hello who are you the squirrels School outing this is our teacher it's lovely that you've all made friends but maybe it's time we headed back come on squirrels say goodbye please bye bye bye bye he thinks he's the best what's the matter Dougie Dougies lost his voice maybe he needs medicine don't worry Dougie's got his medicine badge he can tell us what to do oh okay Dougie we'll ask frog frog what will help Dougie get his voice back let's ask someone else come on doggy let's go to your kennel so you can have a little lie done hmm [Music] turkeys did I tell you an ant is living on the seat of my tricycle I have to walk everywhere now doggy is not very well ladybird we don't know what to do he can only go [Music] hmm my guess is tonsillitis although it could be strep throat or pharyngitis or laryngitis perhaps it's even an issue with the epiplottis I suggest he attempts to create a muscular spasm through the system apparatus him too [Music] well [Music] it didn't work now what what was I saying oh yeah it was really sunny on my holiday the ground was all dry and cracked ah turkey needs to try warming up his voice I do it myself to help me sing magnificently as you can see copy me [Music] but where's the food ducky oh you must have left the sandwiches on them [Music] how we get home what will we eat where will we sleep oh woof never fear squirrels Dougie has his Island badge he knows what to do [Music] so what do we need first Dougie a wolf oh good idea wood for the fire I'll get it a wolf big leaves to make a shelter we'll also need to find fresh what violence who knows how long we'll be here for I may well be an old Octopus by the time we return home luckily among the Shipwrecked crew is Dougie his expert knowledge means we can survive [Music] what's up the island is still a mystery to us who knows what dangers it holds oh we have discovered many strange animals in the jungle such as the pencil snake the fire cat and the mischievous poodle monkeys who creep into our camp and steal our precious supplies that's with Dougie's help we have been able to make a life for ourselves on the island hey finding water from the stream and food we even made a home for ourselves of sorts and Rowley found us a pet a goat who we named Tuesday I love her what Tuesday loved was eating hey what's for lunch not again Tuesday it was a hard life some might say it was barely a life at all Doug is making a smoothie woof um yeah what's in it a bit of this a touch of that but mostly off anchovies the little fish they're horrible when I learned to write I'm going to write down never ever to eat them ever again wrong they're delicious now no one is wrong it's just a matter of taste what's taste good question tag lucky dude has his taste badge he could explain oh woof woof our tongues have tiny little bumps on them these are called taste buds these buds can pick up five different kinds of tastes oh there's sweet witches in foods such as ice cream orange juice chocolate and jam ah my sweet I cannot get enough of you next up a wolf sour that you'll find in vinegar yogurt rhubarb and lemon oh so tart the next type of taste is a wolf salty found in anchovies bacon nuts and of course Salt but too much salt can be bad for you next is bitter which include grapefruit broccoli coffee and cabbage and finally um the Savory Taste of food like mushrooms steak soy sauce and cheese oh my what a big hamper yeah that's all our picnic stuff we've got a blanket plates images cupcakes juice and teddy bears teddy bears yes it's a Teddy Bear's Picnic a woof my Teddy's called ZaZa Zaza says hello mine's called Sergeant smash smash hey this is Professor fuzzy she is really clever his puddle he likes to Smash Flash this is sunshine bubbles loves you very much and what's your teddy bear called Dougie woof jolly good and what that teddy bear called oh that's not a teddy bear tag that's a real live hi what's your name her name is Barrel shall we show Dougie all the interesting things we've found yes tag you found a ball it's really bouncy hmm Betty you found an interesting book yeah interested unhappy has brought a glass of what well he's brought he's brought he lowly has found her yes sir a rock whoa now Nori is holding something very interesting yes I'm not interesting well I know what's interesting about you ladybird what your spots yes that is right Nori ladybirds have lovely spots woof you have six lovely spots on your back ladybird one two three four five and six [Music] the same number of interesting things we found off you go and hide squirrels wolf [Music] ribbit hahaha have you seen someone you can hide really [Music] woof woof right squirrels Doug is coming ready or not you found me [Music] is that everyone ducky a wolf wolf a wolf who could be missing hmm who ruled it of course wow he's hiding really well let's go and find him yes what have you been doing today happy uh Happy's not great at remembering things it's not swimming lessons today happy it's squirrel Club oh yeah have you forgotten something happy oh yeah glass is happy oh yeah not to worry happy Doug is very good at remembering things oh hmm in fact he's remembering something right now huh he's remembered he's got his memory badge exactly if you will think very hard about the different things you did today that might help happy remember where he lost his tooth oh oh I remember what we did earlier I was with happy and we were eating for spaghetti [Music] no happy we were making music yeah we played jazz oh yes wait my tooth it must have come out with all that blowing oh never mind happy try and remember what you did next um I know I know we ate some toast remember it was so crumbly we had to eat it outside ah then I said maybe we should eat the rest of our toast inside and you said yes happy you said yes instead of yes so you had all your teeth then that's right is that you Dougie oh oh dear there's been a power cut can you fix it Dougie oh wolf of course you can it just might take a little while but we can't see anything oh torches good idea Dougie wow now you can all see while Dougie investigates oh [Music] torches are brilliant yeah on off on off on off [Music] oh okay [Music] la la [Music] banana my friend tag in it watch out there's a monster behind you Mom it's going to eat you a woof woof don't worry squirrels it's just Enid's Shadow that's right everything has a shadow a wolf if you shine a light on it wow you can do amazing things with them Doug he can show you because he has his shadow badge ah look customized hello doggy oh cute duck can we have a go ducky just time for one more thing [Applause] oh [Music]
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 5,531,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RyaWbzjS15o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 17sec (6977 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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