πŸ”΄LIVE: Duggee Goes to the Cinema 🍿 | Hey Duggee

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[Music] please welcome your host [Applause] Jo so without further Ado let's meet today's teams wof woof wof our team is called the squirrel oh wolf wol wolof we are the acorn heads we're the reigning Champions and please welcome our resident brain ladybug hello let's start our quickfire first round a woof woof woof a lawn mower correct a woof woof a transient state of being a woof woof woof wof wof the bee's knees potato B minus E + f = 2 a slice of cheese correct at the end of that round the score is 34 to the acorn heads onto round two oh woof in whose house is this mouse first team to tell me whose house this is wins the round the owner of this house is clearly a badge guy he's obviously got a big appetite and watch out ladies he's a guy in uniform it's Ducky's house oh yeah look there's Enid correct making it Four Points each going into the next round do you know where everyone is frog they're not here either I wonder where they've gone w w wble w wble wble Wubble Wubble Wubble ah there you are where have you been we went for a walk with doggy we've done loads wobbling te dancing tiger Palace show jelly hang on hang on one at a time it's hard to explain um how can we tell him we could do a show like tiger did Tiger yes you'll see oo we'd like to see a show wouldn't we no ducky can you help us put on our show oh of course he can he's got the pupp puy CH badge [Music] yay do you have everything you need to make your puppet squirrels yeah we've got paper sticky tape cardboard glitter glue paint jelly well then I suppose you're ready to make [Music] puppet [Music] finished are you ready for your puppet show a woof good well we're ready too aren't we yeah woof woof woof detective puppy is really good at looking for Clues yeah she found a blue hand print is that a good clue douggy wo yes everyone has different handprints so if detective puppy finds out whose it is she'll find out who's being naughty a woof woof a woof woof could it be detective puppy's arch nemesis shell the turtle or mumbles the fly oh was it fluffy the catsburg look detective puppy knows who did it who who who well in the comic it says off off to be continued where in the next issue of course oh wolf what there isn't one a wolf wolof they stopped making detective puppy Comics why well tastes changed people didn't want detective stories anymore they wanted Comics that were more action-packed Fantastical futuristic and shiny but I really want to know who took the necklace woof woof woof excellent idea dugey maybe you could finish the story yourselves but how do we make a comic ah douy can show you because he has his comic bear [Music] y woof to make our detective puppy comic a woof woof we first need to work out who took the necklace h M woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof cookie lived in a tree a wolf that's funny a woof a woof woof woof woof woof woof a cookie waking up woof woof woof woof woof she's putting on her favorite shirt woof woof woof woof wo woof Cookie's putting on her sock woof woof woof woof oh Cookie's putting on her other sock has she got her shoes on yet woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof now she's got her shoes on a woof woof woof woof woof wo it's time for cookies breakfast squiddles a wo wo woof wo W woof woof woof oh look Squirtles cookies found a lovely juicy leaf for her breakfast o ooh but the leaf is too high for her to reach dinosaur can help her huh I don't think there are any dinosaurs in this story r there should be yeah dinosaur could be her friend and she wants breakfast too yeah but they don't want leaves they want popcorn but the princess has taken it all when you're in the cinema it's important to oh stay quiet okay a don't fidget or kick the seat in front front of you oh oh woof woof and finally does anyone need the toilet no well enjoy the movie wow this TV is so big almost as big as my cousin Eric's ooh it's gone dark oh woof woof yes because the fil is about to start I need the toilet oh wolf ah just in time enjoy the taste of nature at the nature restaurant 5 minutes walk from The acon Exchange Cinema takeaway service available enjoy your meal that film was short a wol it was just an advert bety oh there this winter brings a film to warm the heart when two Riders normally brilliant with words can't find the right ones oh after you no no uh uh after to you when it really counts oh gosh my fault oh uh sorry um uh I I I just say it already coming soon I loved that film oh W it wasn't the film no it was a trailer telling us about a film that's on soon [Music] oh wow squids what was that our song We Made It Up with dance was it good ducky oh you're so lucky you saw for us I wish we could see us play well squiddles if you make a music video you can see yourselves uh what's a music video it's a film for your song that everybody can watch it can be a recording of a live [Music] performance wo so much energy or it can tell a story [Music] Yes [Applause] W so powerful or it can be [Music] artistic pretty can you help us make a music video of course because douge has his music video badge y now let's think about what we want in our music video I want to have dancing in it I want it to have laser lights I want to see great costumes I want it to have a narrative that reflects the complexities of Modern Life and Tedy in the puzzling pool wearing face paint gut watermelons a w w and roll skating back flips triangles wind machine balloons dinosaurs glitter gloves clouds and dolphins oh off off you see squirrels comedy is a delicate and complex practice that covers a wide variety of tastes and genres all of which have a shared purpose to turn a frown upside down down oh oh yes let's start at the beginning it's believed one of the first recorded jokes originated in ancient Egypt squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak oh a w woof woof from ancient Egypt comedy developed through various forms such as pictures words [Music] stage and of course Cinema where one of the great silent comedians was Stanley squeak here's a clip from one of his classic silly [Music] shorts huh I thought comedy was supposed to be funny uh wolf you're right douggy different people find different things funny well I know what I find funny Dr Pluto's fun facts huh it's a book where Dr Pluto tells you fun facts about the world did you know it's impossible for anyone to lick their own elbow [Applause] [Music] this is fun but I'm not laughing yes really sometimes something might be fun but not necessarily funny busy bears are funny what a busy Bears only my favorite show knock knock who is it it's me it can't be me why because I'm me no you're you I'm you then who's me me oh huh the theater oh so what should our play be about douggy it's got to have big songs new art dance feelings lamama maybe it could be about people not getting on but then getting on that's Je conflict and resolution a love story class looks like it's show time it's a [Music] play here night remember head up and smile but I'm too to small no today you're going to be a big star it's not what you say it's what you don't [Music] [Laughter] [Music] say perfect 5 minutes everyone beautiful come show looks like we're sold out final cool good luck everyone well here [Music] goes [Music] wo no sweet lady you're not allowed to be with him he's too expressive for you [Music] or rescue your friends or save the city there are other ways to solve problems squirrel for example you could save the City by dancing oh wolof but J's not really dressed for dancing I'm sure we could find him something else to wear yay ooh oo jet would love this and this and these match his eyes he looks much more fun yeah he's ready to dance hey I'd like to see you bust this moov I will save the city H he still sounds a bit CR o yes we could give jet a new voice something softer like he cares about how people are feeling jet you got to hide Jet doesn't hide from his emotions so tell me how you feel I'm just so angry all the time there thereare let it all out yes so so compassionate what else can he be really good at maths maths yes it's very useful when you're zooming through space get your headed straight for the asteroids don't worry I can calculate the clear path through because I'm good at Ma Radiance per second interrupted trajectories diminished fuel equals rapid momentum do you see douy was going to speak but he stopped himself because he's being quiet now you try tag yes see what duy did there tag oh yeah surely good now everyone else excellent look douy is saying he's pleased that you're all being quiet can you say things while being quiet you're saying you're cold you're saying you're warm you're excited I think you're thinking and you're going to be quiet are we ready to go snard spotting sh [Music] this is where your great grandm Mama last saw the [Music] snard sounds like everyone's hungry did you bring some of your homemade pineapple bread [Music] douggie oh my it's the snard what i' really like to see is what real life is like for real locals like you us yeah ah the colors the day to day of your lives the sides The Sounds the smells the smells yeah like this what is head a sock rly collects them but just the odd ones amazing show me more huh this is the rest of my collection a box of sharks wonderful huh I like to park these all in a row just like real car is only very small this is our balloon it used to be even bigger I really like it now what else can you show me that's the doorbell and this is the door amazing look a squeaky floorboards haha do any of the other squeak also no this is the tap it's just like magic I'm learning so much about your lives do you want to see more yeah show me everything yay this is Enid she's a cat oh so cute these are the chickens this is our bucket this is a window and here is the roof a oh be careful up there squiddles and this is a bird we don't know why he likes it here but he does that's so [Music] funny this is frog and what does she do ribbits this is outstanding gby this is my o health and safety r w z is very proficient riding there Roy oh it's a key what does it do oh W woof well douggy can tell you because he has his key badge oo keys can be used for all sorts of things a woof woof woof they can start something open something yeah or keep something [Music] safe so what does this key do douy we don't know but we'll find out through trial and error Nori what what's trial and error um it's a bit like a game I suppose yay let's play trial and [Music] error I'm doing a [Music] trial and I've done an error trial error error error trial error trial error yes I did it what's inside nor it's oh another key it's shaped like a fish so let's ask a fish excuse me Mr fish do you know what this key [Music] opens if you asked me that 3 seconds ago I could have told you maybe it opens your treasure chest where did that come from oh I say what's inside it's a h oh yeah it's a h oh yeah it's a h wait don't tell me it's uh it's uh it's uh it's uh it's another key hey Dy what you doing oh W woof you have to deliver a parcel where too doggy oh wof woof at the end of that blue Road that's not a road tag that's a river you can't swim that far don't worry Betty dugey has his River badge so we'll take a boat yay water all set doggy a [Music] wolf now Ry the boat horn isn't a toy oh right then off we go yay [Music] holy hello [Music] chicken mhm [Music] aolf water hello dear hello [Music] sweetheart [Music] water [Music] ooh hello snake [Music] water R are we nearly there yet Betty let me see H water water we know it's water happy water buffalo huh huh hold on c bar head touch you OT snapping turtles jellyfish fish fish can you see anything else up ahead humming Birds another boat huh it's dugey and the squirrels it's Piggy and the hummingbirds hi what are you doing here we're going up River we're doing the same to deliver a parel same here and we're doing it at the same time we're the same but you're humming birds and your squirrels so we're not the same no but sometimes it's good to see similarities rather than differences for example Peggy and douy are different animals but they're both the same shape the same height and they both have the same band oo now let's see if we can spot other things that are the same on the same boat so what can you see that's the same a monkey and a bird we are not the same you look the same you both have lovely blue spots it's true there an otter and a cman washing themselves past are so they're doing the same thing hello squirrels hello Dad are you ready for your underwater Adventure wow a submarine trip a wolf y morning doggy woof woof are you going too doggy a woof oh look squirrels the submarine badge wow see lovers eh well welcome aboard one at a time all present and correct W then down we go have fun everyone isn't it wonderful squirrels wow Take the Wheel would you L tenant doggy wof woof these are all the instruments that make the submarine work w and squirrels have a look at this W ah yes the beauty of the ocean but where's the food Duggy oh you must have left the sandwiches on The Boat Boat ducky that rock is taking our boat huh how will we get home what will we eat where will we sleep oh woof never fear squiddles dugey has his Island badge he knows what to [Music] do so what do we need first douy a w oh good idea wood for the fire I'll get it oh wolf big leaves to make a shelter me me we'll also need to find fresh water I am rising in the unfortunate position of being stranded on a desert island who knows how long we'll be here for I may well be an old Octopus by the time we return home luckily among the Shipwrecked crew is douge whose expert knowledge means we can survive [Music] yay the island is still a mystery to us who knows what dangers it [Music] holds we have discovered many strange animals in the jungle such as the pencil snake the fire cat and the mischievous boodle monkeys who creep into our camp and steal our precious supplies but with 's help we have been able to make aive for ourselves on the island y finding water from the stream and food from the plants we even made a home for ourselves ah of sorts and rolly found found us a pet a goat who we named Tuesday I love her what ches they loved was eating hey what's for lunch not again ju day it was a hard life some might say it was barely a life at all here take a look wow Henny can we play with it oh you can't play with it you have to play in it All Aboard y off we [Music] go we're moving we're moving yes [Music] CH clicky clack click clack clicky clack look at the hills look at the track look at the duck look at it quack clicky clack click clack look at the snow look at the yak look at the pengu the slippers clicky clack clicky clack clicky clack click CL the cows here they bells jingle look it's the castle look it's fingle click click clicky clack clicky clack up the mountain we travel so slow More Steam squirrels over the top now down we go clicky clack clicky clack clicky clack clicky clack look at the jungle look at the Ticket King Tiger yes first class clicky clack click clack look it's a whale look it's a Shar look it's a tunnel it's very dark clicky clack clicky clack clicky clack clicky clack out in the sunshine the end of the track we've been on a train ride and now we've come [Music] back all change end of the line oh what a lovely trip that was marvelous thank you honey you're [Music] welcome huh yo what's the hold up you drive like an old aphid let's get going move it or loose it this is unbelievable oh no traffic jam looks like you'll be stuck here for a while W I like your hat move hi where are you going we're going to Tropical Lake we're going there too yay are we nearly there yet douggy oh are we going to be stuck in traffic [Music] forever if only douge had a badge that would help you mean like this one huh yes of course douy has his traffic badge he knows what to do wof wof wof wof wof ah good idea douie you'll take a shortcut around the traffic [Music] yay we're moving isn't the a33 your more direct route du oh wof woof oh yes I forgot about the road works on beehive bypass [Music] [Applause] oh look we're in front of all the traffic yay oh dear what's wrong with that alligator I think he's broken down no no no my beautiful pineapples looks messy I told you to slow down hello what happened to you we were on our way to the tropical Lake to sell my refreshing pineapples but my beautiful gat he hit a bump and his tail went and all of my pineapples they went everywhere blocking the road and I can't clear the road by myself will help okay squirrels the right shapes have to go into the right holes so the rectangle shape will go I know in the rectangle hole oh woof me next the triangle shape will go in the Triangle hole me me me me the square shape will go in the square hole this is a tough one it's a hexagon shape Nori oh then it must go in the hexagon hole I've got a funny shape does it go here or here here does it go here or [Music] here o look at that cloud do you think it might rain Dy we might get wet let's play inside okay we could play Snakes and Ladders or sleeping Jes it's sleeping Lions rolly what's the matter Nori all the animals won't they get wet too M yes I suppose they will Nori should we find them somewhere to keep dry [Music] yes I wonder where you could keep dry there just the right shape H there just the right shape oh I [Music] see there just the right shape don't worry little fish I'm not I'll keep you dry I'd rather you didn't there you go just the right shape seriously great work squirrels where is Nori w w wof yes squirrels norri is a little unwell today oh no will she come back don't worry Nori will be fine she just has to stay home and rest let's make her feel better yes we could do a dance for her we could sing her a song uh we could make her a get R card yeah what a good idea happy could you help us dougy oh of course douge can he's got the Getwell soon badge woof yay o I love glitter sh sh sh sh I love feathers and glue I love coloring inside [Music] lines finished squirrels what a lovely card let's take it to Nolly woof sounds like the squiddles are enjoying PR practicing their first a doy [Music] finished we're getting really good at first aid aren't we doggy oh W yes you've um really bandage tag up well a e it uh doggy h a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wol oh dear this is getting rather [Music] silly that was fun how will we get Tagg back up the hill I think you're going to have to push him well done everyone that must have been hard work pushing that back up the hill Oh off oh no a not [Music] again are you okay tag yeah how are we going to look after a plant rolly um oh don't worry douy can lend a hand because he's got his looking after B yay are we looking after pipping well douggy oh woof I wonder where Philly's from and fle on now delivery for the square Wheels you mean the squirrels it's a postcard what does it say Greetings squirrels we are now over the snow cone mountains it is very cold de Mr filia Frog OBS pipping un like himself is getting enough Sun must up as the ink in my pen has frozen would you like some more Sunshine Pippin [Music] yay oh no Pippen's leaves keep falling [Music] off what should we do delivery for the squeezies you mean the squirrels thank you dearest squirrels and Pippin we are now forging our way through the hungry rainforest the creatures here are many but they are not all [Music] friendly we expect Pippin's leaves have fallen off by now but that is nothing to worry about your in fil your clog and flee it's going to be okay it's so cold doggy are you sure Pippin's okay squel squirrels oo there squirrels traveling is hard work you cannot stop for even a moment the life of an adventurer is an hard one they're so brave oh there's more it will be cold at home so make sure pipping is kept nice and warm now we must continue with our uous trip how will we keep Pippin warm a woof ah there you go Pippin nice and cozy what are we doing next your majesty whatever you want [Music] yay y watch out for the tower way going my Sil house took the outside we did some rather gnarly kick flips didn't we yes but my corns are killing me a good old soak in the bath is what you need here everything all right in there dogey oh [Music] Doogie I need the corn [Music] plasterers dogy we're coming in well would you look at that oh very nice job doie but glad we didn't pay you by the hour a I think King Tiger's tired have a little lie down you can borrow my blanket cozy and drink some nice warm [Music] milk it have been a long day and the little King was very tired [Music] wol wolf King Tiger's just dropped off Jelly Belly daners wow what a good idea happy the dressing up box yay [Music] finished I am brilliant girl and this is you have to have a Super Squirrel name if you want to be a Super Squirrel tag oh okay um H I am super tag I'm Mega Mouse [Music] splash what's your name Ry Ry it has to be a special name Ry not your own Steven come on squir Squad let's go do something super that sounds super fun doesn't it dugey woof think that's everyone dugey a wolf have we forgotten someone surely I should be in the middle this composition is terrible eyes FR you do look dashing Nigel a w w but are you going to be in a picture doggy oh off dug's camera has a special timer which turns around until it reaches the end then takes the photo giving douy plenty of time to join you oh okay ready doggy h ah might have to pull back a little bit there's definitely someone missing yeah further little bit further further further further further further further perfect Duggy [Music] wol oh better get moving [Music] Duggy come on Dy Hurry Up This is excruciating no that's who we [Music] forgot hurry [Music] [Music] [Music] upy there she is hello gr hello dog oh woof Clubhouse AO and here's Admiral Granddad good morning B here and there's my grand hello happy oh hold on bus driver my bag hello Grandad hello Ry and my grand hello NY yay well there a lively bunch [Music] woof a woof woof yes who would like to go first shall we TG yeah let's show them the BR last summer tug and I went skating in the park come on tag you can do this oh ow oh when I suddenly realized i' lost my brch where's my brch I'll help grandma oh Gran I found it and just hat it here all on your own I did they I'll never forget oh nor me what a lovely story so who's going to go Betty and I were out in hello doggy this is Nolly and her brothers and sisters yes our house is quite crowded at the moment we think squirly Club is just what she needs how many brothers and sisters do you have 72 wo once you said goodbye to your parents douy showed you the clubhouse for the very first time wow I remember there was so so many toys Just For Me Mine a woof mine woof M M M you had a wonderful time what were we doing you weren't there Nori had the clubhouse all to herself ooh and she had lots of fun but there's only so many things you can do by yourself Nori missed having people to play with even Doug's famous triple cooked carrot and corand cassero couldn't cheer her up oh yes is it a bit quiet without your brothers and sisters Nori uhhuh poor Nori you are lonely if if only we'd been there we could have all been lonely together what happened next well dugey had an idea Dy where are we going oh to meet the other members of squirrel club like Frog who loves to cook and the chickens who lay eggs here oh woof yes dougy you said we were going somewhere special yes this is Doug's special picnic spot oh well I suppose this is quite picturesque homemade jam sandwiches douggy sweet M yes these are very sweet ducky makes the best sandwiches M excellent blueberry juice too toilet toilet squash squash squash don't get too wet happy come in Mom it feels lovely on your feet it's not too high Nori bety are those blue bills beatboxing Birds well I've never seen them before what a spot I told you man oh yes it feels lovely doesn't it it's near bad yes very good f oh dogey this really is the best day out uh woof woof woof doggy you are [Music] funny wa I did not know he could do [Music] that [Music] huh oh my what a big hamper yeah that's all our picnic stuff we've got a blanket plates sandwiches cups cakes juice and teddy bears teddy bears yes it's a Teddy Bears Picnic neck a woof wooof my teddy is called Zaza zazar says hello mine's called Sergeant smash smashy this is Professor fuzzy she is really clever this is pzzle he likes a splash splash splash this is sunshine bubbles loves you very much and what's your teddy bear gold dugey woof Charly good and what's that teddy bear called ooh that's not a teddy bear tag that's a real live bear hello What's Your Name Bar her name is barel monkey mon monkey wof that monkey's taking our fruit doggy woof woof woof woof woof naughty monkey we'll give it backy nauy monkey nauy [Music] Mony monkey nauy [Music] monkey where did he go there nauy monkey now squirrels you be [Music] careful oh naughty [Music] monkey watch out squirrels [Music] Mony naughty monkey naughty monkey [Music] oh dear naughty monkey have you thrown all that fruit down the [Music] hill first you make your pizza base add your sauce then you add your toppings [Music] I made a Seaside Pizza I made a pea soup puddle Pizza I made a garden Pizza I made a potato pizza and I made attack Pizza wow those pizzas look Splendid squirrels now it's time to cook them [Music] M smells delicious let's eat [Music] M huh that horse wants your pizza tag M um would you like some pizzas too looks like you're going to need a bigger oven du here [Music] W can I take your order excellent first order ducky how would you like your pizza sir good choice extra cheese please ah Shel o o a bella bella we'll have that ready prto prto that's all the orders dougy now time to make the pizzas [Music] e who's is this one that's easy I'll check the orders hey where have they gone oh [Music] no h how exciting baking a cake [Music] [Applause] mhm yeah baking a cake well I say it looks like you're using lots of ingredients mm eggs flour sugar butter raisins and carrots carrots you can't put vegetables in a cake yes we're making a carrot cake for the rabbits [Music] cool remember to stand back while douge takes the cakes out of the oven yes because they will be very very hot [Music] wow we've made lots of little cakes woof oh man cool [Music] cakes a wolf thank you douge I feel it's time for me to give someone else a chance to run the summer fair well I suppose I could do it I mean my castle doesn't run itself you know I can do it excuse me I could run the fair I've got lots of ideas but you don't have the experience I've got experience in having fun M fun it's not about fun it's about organization organization it's about time the little people had their voices heard yes that's all well and good but it's about the big picture he's funny my fair will have magicians musicians and 1 million things to do but do you even have the relevant paperwork I do a woof woof you're right douge there's only one way to settle this we'll have to have have an election oh uh what's an election duy can explain he has got his election badge oof wof wof it's where everyone has to decide on something like who will be boss of the summer fair exactly and everyone gets to choose by having what's called a vote you can vote for Lord fingle or buggy and whoever gets the most votes wins the election and gets the job y right I'm off to get voters so am I is the committee meeting over doggy today is the day of the annual animal obstacle course race what's that it's a race where each team tries to get round a course by going over under or through dled obstacles as quickly as they can and the team that finishes first wins a prize Well sort of can we race too dou oh yes because douge has his obstacle course badge so you can enter as the red [Applause] wonderful weather today Chuck that's right Pam perfect conditions for this the 115th annual animal obstacle course race we've got some great teams out there today let's say a big hello to the blue team hello and looking confident today the Green Team always good to see the yellow team and of course lucky newcomers the red team will they have what it takes to complete the six terrifying obstacles everyone designed to test the very limits of endurance I'm frighten for them King Tiger when you're ready I now declare this obstacle course [Music] open and they're off run rly run [Music] [Music] mind your [Music] head interesting technique from the red team let's see how they handle the second obstacle the watery ditch of dread ooh I don't like the look of that yeah Noel approach here Chuck big crab Little Crab big crab Little Crab it's like a be all over again found some hola I found a toris I found hey what you looking at mice and who's asking here sir [Music] there naughty [Music] monkeys step step step frog footprint Footprints Footprints footprint it's [Music] Apple but whose Footprints are these h woof off ah good idea douy the Encyclopedia of animal footprints is it the Parisian pummer no the Himalayan hopping goat no the Lesser spotted lounge lizard no the triple humped curly tailed CLE no the bottl noosed biscuit eating bright blue baboon no no no no hm I know let's follow them yay hm oh the footprints have stopped by this tree there's somebody behind it not just somebody darling I am cina a beautiful graceful Flamingo oh dear why is Karina so sad I am star of flamingo synchronized swimming team but I cannot perform in the Big Show because I have lost my flipper just time for one more thing dugy hug oh dugy hug please welcome your host Joy [Applause] so without further Ado let's meet today's teams oh woof woof woof our team is called the squirrels oh [Applause] woof we are the acorn heads we're the reigning Champions and please welcome our resident brain lady hello let's start our quickfire first round a woof woof woof a lawn mower correct a woof woof a transient state of being W wof woof no woof W woof de be's knees potato d - e + f = 2 a slice of cheese correct at the end of that round the score is 34 to the acorn heads onto round two oh woof in whose house is this mouse first team to tell me whose house this is wins the round the owner of this house is clearly a badge guy he's obviously got a big appetite and watch out ladies he's a guy in uniform it's Ducky's house oh yeah look there's Enid correct making it Four Points each going into the next round do you know where everyone is from frog o they're not here either I wonder where they've gone Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble ah there you are where have you been we went for a walk with doggy we've done loads wobbling T dancing tiger Palace show jelly hang on hang on one at a time it's hard to explain um how can we tell him we could do a show like tiger did Tiger yes you'll see oo we'd like to see a show wouldn't we douy can you help us put on our show oh of course he can he's got the puppy Cho badge yay [Music] do you have everything you need to make your puppet squirrels yeah we've got paper sticky tape cardboard glitter glue paint jelly well then I suppose you're ready to make [Music] puppets [Music] finished are you ready for your puppet show oh woof good well we're ready too aren't weof woof off detective puppy is really good at looking for Clues yeah she found a blue handprint is that a good clue douggy wo yes everyone has different handprints so if detective puppy finds out whose it is she'll find out who's being naughty a w wof or oh could it be detective puppy's arch nemesis Shelly the turtle or mumbles the fly oh was it fluffy the cat burglar look detective puppy knows who did it who who who well in the comic it says off off to be continued where in the next issue of course oh off what there isn't one a wol wolf they stopped making detective puppy Comics why well tastes changed people didn't want detective stories anymore they wanted Comics that were more action-packed Fantastical futuristic and shiny but I really want to know who took the necklace woof woof woof excellent idea Doug maybe you could finish the story yourselves but how do we make a comic ah douy can show you because he has his comic badge yay woof to make our detective puppy comic a woof woof we first need to work out who took the necklace o o woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof cookie lived in a tree a woof that's funny woof woof woof woof woof woof woof a cookie waking up woof woof woof woof woof she's putting on her favorite [Music] shirt woof woof woof woof woof cookie putting on her sock woof woof woof woof oh Cookie's putting on her other sock has she got her shoes on yet woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof now she's got her shoes on a woof woof woof woof woof wo it's time for cookie breakfast squiddles uh oh woof woof woof woof woof woof woof oh look Squirtles cookies found a lovely juicy leaf for her breakfast oh ooh but the leaf is too high for her to reach dinosaur can help her huh I don't think there are any dinosaurs in this story really what a should be yeah dinosaur could be her friend friend and she wants breakfast too yeah but they don't want leaves they want popcorn but the princess has taken it all huh when you're in the cinema it's important to oh stay quiet okay a don't fidget or kick the seat in front of you oh woof woof and finally does anyone need the toilet no well enjoy the movie wow this TV is so big almost as big as my cousin Eric's ooh it's going dark oh w w yes because the film is about to start I need the toilet oh wolf ah just in time enjoy the taste of nature at the nature restaurant 5 minutes W from The acon Exchange Cinema takeaway service available enjoy your meal that film was short oh W it was just an advert py oh this winter brings a film to warm the heart when two Riders normally brilliant with words can't find the right ones oh after you no no uh uh off to you when it really counts oh gosh my fault oh uh sorry um uh I I I just say it already coming soon I love that film oh W it wasn't the film no it was a trailer telling us about a film Theon soon [Music] oh wow squids what was that our song We Made It Up with danm was it good ducky oh you're so lucky you saw us I wish we could see us play well squiddles if you make a music video you can see yourselves uh what's a music video it's a film for your song that everybody can watch it can be a recording of a live [Music] performance wo so much energy oh it can tell a story wo w w wo wo [Music] [Applause] W so powerful or it can be artistic woof woof woof pretty can you help us make a music video of course because douge has his music video badge y now let's think about what we want in our music video I want to have dancing in it I want it to have laser lights I want to see great costumes I want it to have a narrative that reflects the complexities of Modern Life and teddies in the puzzling pool wearing face paint eating Donuts watermelons a w w and roll skating back flips triangles wind machine balloons dinosaurs glitter gloves clouds and dolphins you see squirrels comedy is a delicate and complex practice that covers a wide variety of tastes and genres all of which have a shared purpose to turn a frown upside down oh oh w w yes let's start at the beginning it's believed one of the first recorded jokes originated in ancient Egypt squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak oh a w woof woof from ancient Egypt comedy developed through various forms such as pictures words [Music] stage and of course Cinema where one of the great silent comedians was Stanley squeak here's a clip from one of his classic silly [Music] shorts I thought comedy was supposed to be funny uh wolf you're right douggy different people find different things funny well I know what I find funny Dr Pluto's fun facts huh it's a book where Dr Pluto tells you fun facts about the world did you know it's impossible for anyone to lick their own [Music] [Applause] elbow this is fun but I'm not laughing yes Ry sometimes something might be fun but not necessarily funny busy bears are funny what are busy Bears only my favorite show knock knock who is it it's me it can't be me why because I'm me no you're you I'm you then who's me me oh huh the theater oh so what should our play be about douy it's got to have big songs no art dance feelings lamama maybe it could be about people not getting on but then getting on that's genius conflict and resolution I love story classic looks like it's showtime it's a [Music] play here than remember head up and smile but I'm too small no today you're going to be a big star it's not what you say it's what you don't [Music] say perfect 5 minutes everyone beautiful come the show looks like we're sold out final cool good luck everyone well here [Music] goes [Music] no sweet lady you're not allow to play with him he's too expressive for [Music] you or rescue your friends or save the city there are other ways to solve problem squirrels for example you could save the City by dancing oh woof but J's not really dressed for dancing I'm sure we could find him something else to wear yay ooh jet would love this and this and knees match his eyes he looks much more fun yeah he's ready to dance hey I'd like to see you bust this moose I will save the city H he still sounds a bit cross oh yes we could give jet a new voice something softer likey cares about how people are feeling shed you got to hide shed doesn't hide from his emotions so tell me how you feel I'm just so angry all the time D dare let it all out get so compassionate what else can he be really good at maths maths yes it's very useful when you're zooming through space get you're headed straight for the asteroids don't worry I can calculate the clear path through because I'm good at M Radiance per second interrupted trajectories diminished fuel equals rid momentum do you see douy was going to speak but he stopped himself because he's being quiet now you try tag yes see what douy did there tag oh yeah surely good now everyone else excellent look douy is saying he's pleased that you're all being quiet can you say things while being quiet Qui you're saying you're cold you're saying you're warm you're excited I think you're thinking and you're going to be quiet are we ready to go snard spotting [Music] this is where your great Grandmama last saw the snard huh [Music] H oh sounds like everyone's hungry did you bring some of your homemade pineapple bread [Music] [Music] doggy huh oh my it's the snard what I'd really like to see is what real life is like for real locals like you us yeah the colors the day to day of your lives the sides The Sounds the smells the smells yeah like this what is it a sock rly collects them but just the odd ones amazing show me more huh this is the rest of my collection a box of sharks wonderful H I like to park these all in a row just like real cars only very small this is our balloon it used to be even bigger I really like it now what else can you show me that's the doorbell and this is the door amazing look oh squeaky floorboard haha do any of the others squeak also no this is the tap it's just like magic yeah I'm learning so much about your lives do you want to see more yeah show me everything yay this is Enid she's a cat oh so cute these are the chickens this is our bucket this is a w window and here's the roof oh oh be careful up there squirrel and this is a bird we don't know why he likes it here but he does that's so [Music] funny this is frog and what does it do ribbits this is outstanding gby this is my ooh health and safety ruler wo that is very proficient riding there Roy oh it's a k what does it do oh W well douggy can tell you because he has his key badge oo keys can be used for all sorts of things things a woof woof woof they can start something open something yeah or keep something [Music] safe so what does this key do douy oh we don't know but we'll find out through trial and error Nori what's trial and error um you bit like a game I suppose yay let's play trial and [Music] error I'm doing a [Music] trial and I've done an error trial error error error trial error trial error yes I did it what's inside nor it's oh another key it's shaped like a fish so let's ask a fish excuse me Mr fish do you know what this key opens if you asked me that 3 seconds ago I could have told you maybe it opens your treasure chest where did that come from oh I say what's inside it's a h oh yeah it's a h oh yeah it's a h wait don't tell me it's uh it's uh it's uh it's uh it's another key hey doggy what you doing oh wof woof you have to deliver a parcel where to Doggy oh woof woof at the end of that blue Road that's not a road tag that's a river you can't swim that far don't worry Betty dugey has his River badge so we'll take a boat yay water all set doggy a [Music] wolf now Ry the boat horn isn't a toy oh right then off we go yay [Music] holy hello [Music] chicken a wolf oh water hello dear hello [Music] sweetheart [Music] water [Music] o hello [Music] snake M [Music] Water R are we nearly there yet Betty let me see H water water we know it's water happy water buffalo huh huh h hold on ta bar hang T you otter snapping turtles jelly fish fish fish [Music] fish can you see anything else up ahead hummingbirds another boat huh it's dugey and the squirrels it's Piggy and the hummingbirds hi what are you doing here we're going up River we're doing the same to deliver a parcel same here and we're doing it at the same time we're the same but you're hummingbirds and you're squirrels so where not the same no but sometimes it's good to see similarities rather than differences for example Peggy and douge are different animals but they're both the same shape the same height and they both have the same badge oo now let's see if we can spot other things that are the same on the same bite so what can you see that's the same a monkey and a bird we are not the same you look the same you both have lovely blue spots it's true there an otter and a c washing themselves past SL they're doing the same thing hello squirrels hello Dad are you ready for your underwater Adventure wow a submarine trip a WF y morning douggy wof wo are you going too douy oh wof oh look squirrels the submarine badge wow seea lovers eh well welcome aboard one at a time all present and correct W then down we go have fun [Applause] everyone isn't it wonderful [Music] squirrels Take the Wheel would you lieutenant doggy woof woof these are all the instruments that make the submarine work and squirrels have a look at this wow ah yes the beauty of the ocean but where's the food ducky ooh you must have left the sandwiches on The Boat Boat doggy that rock is taking our boat H oh no how will we get home what will we eat where will we sleep oh woof never fear squiddles dugey has his Island badge he knows what to [Music] do so what do we need first dugey a wo oh good idea wood for the fire I'll get it a wolf big leaves to make a shelter me me we'll also need to find fresh water I am writing in the unfortunate position of being stranded on a desert island who knows how long we'll be here for I may well be an old Octopus by the time we return home luckily among the Shipwrecked crew is douge whose expert knowledge means we can survive oh yay the island is still a mystery to us who knows what dangers it [Music] holds we have discovered many strange animals in the jungle such as the pencil snake the fire cat and the m of the food or monkeys who creep into our camp and steal our precious supplies but with 's help we have been able to make aive for ourselves on the island yay finding water from the stream and food from the plants we even made a home for ourselves ah of sorts and Ry found us a pet a goat who we named Tuesday I love her what Tuesday loved was eating hey what's for lunch not again Tuesday it was a hard life some might say it was barely a life at all here take a look wow Henny can we play with it ooh you can't play with it you have to play in it all board y off we [Music] go we're moving we're moving [Music] clicky clack clicky clack clicky clack look at the hills look at the track look at the duck look at it quack clicky clack clicky clack look at the snow look at the yak look at the penguin the flippers FL clicky clack clicky clack clicky CL look at the cows he their bells jingle look it's the castle look it's Lord fingle clicky clck CL clicky CL clicky clack clicky clack up the mountain we travel so slow More Steam squirrels over the top now down we go clicky clack clicky clack clicky clack clicky clack look at the jungle look at the grass Ticket King Tiger yes first class clicky CL C clack look it's a whale look it's a Shar look it's a tunnel it's very dark click clack clicky clack click clack click clack out in the sunshine the end of the track we've been on a train ride and now we've come [Music] back all change end of the line a oh what a lovely trip that was marvelous thank you you're [Music] welcome huh yo what's the hold up you drive like an old Aid let's get going move loer this is unbelievable oh no traffic jam looks like you'll be stuck here for a while W I like your hat move hi where are you going we're going to Tropical Lake we're going there too yay are we nearly there yet doggy oh are we going to be stuck in traffic [Music] forever if only douge had a badge that would help you mean like this one huh yes of course douy has his traffic badge he knows what to do ah good idea douie you'll take a shortcut around the traffic [Music] yay we're moving isn't the a33 your more direct route du oh W WF oh yes I forgot about the road works on beehive bypass [Music] [Applause] oh look we're in front of all the traffic yay oh dear what's wrong with that alligator I think he's broken down no no no my beautiful pineapples looks messy I told you to slow down hello what happened to you we were on our way to the tropical Lake to sell my refreshing pineapples but my beautiful G he hit a bump and his tail went and all of my pineapples they went everywhere blocking the road and I can't clear the road by myself will help okay squirrels the right shapes have to go into the right holes so the rectangle shape will go I know in the rectangle hole oh woof me next the triangle shape shape will go in the Triangle hole me me me me the square shape will go in the square hole this is a tough one it's a hexagon shape nor oh then it must go in the hexagon hole I've got a funny shape does it go here or here does it go here or [Music] here oh look at that cloud do you think it might rain duy we might get wet let's play inside okay we could play Snakes and lce or sleeping jales it's sleeping Lions rolling what's the matter Nori all the animals won't they get wet [Music] too yes I suppose they will Nori should we find them somewhere to keep dry [Music] yes I wonder where you could keep dry there just the right shape H there just the right [Music] shape oh I [Music] see there just the right shape don't worry little fish I'm not I'll keep you dry I'd rather you didn't here you go just the right shape seriously great work squirrels [Music] where's Nori w w wof yes squirrels nor is a little unwell today oh no will she come back don't worry Nori will be fine she just has to stay home and rest let's make her feel better yes we could do a dance for her we could sing her a song uh we could make her a TR card yeah what a good idea happy could you help us douge oh of course douge can he's got the Getwell soon badge woof yay I love glitter I love feathers and go I love coloring inside the [Music] lines finished squirrels what a lovely card let's take it to noly woof sounds like the squiddles are enjoying practicing their first aid dogey finish we're getting really good at first aid aren't we doggy oh wo yes you've um really bandage tag up well a eat it uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] doggy oh dear this is getting rather silly [Music] that was fun how will we get tag back up the hill I think you're going to have to push him well done everyone that must have been hard work pushing that back up the hill Oh off oh no ah not [Music] again are you okay tag yeah how are we going to look after a plant slly um oh yes yes don't worry doggy can lend a hand because he's got his looking after badge yay are we looking after pipping well Duggy oh wo I wonder where Phil's frog and flea are now delivery for the square Wheels you mean the squirrels it's a postcard what does it say Greetings squirels we are now over the snow cone mountains it is very cold de Mr filia Frog obes pipping unlike himself is getting enough Sun must up as the ink in my has frozen would you like some more Sunshine Pippin yay [Music] oh no Pippin leaves keep falling [Music] off what should we do delivery for the squeezies you mean the squirrels thank you dearest squirrels and Pippin we are now forging our way through the hungry rainforest the creat ear are many but they are not all [Music] friendly we expect Pippin's leaves have fallen off by now but that is nothing to worry about y fil your FR and flee it's going to be [Music] okay it's so cold doggy are you sure Pippin's okay squel squ oo de squirrels traveling is hard work you cannot stop for even a moment the life of an adventurer is an odd one they're so brave oh there's more it will be cold at home so make sure Pippin is kept nice and warm now we must continue with our uous trip how will we keep pipping warm oh woof ah there you go Pippin nice and cozy what are we doing next your majesty whatever you want [Music] yay yay you're try the TR my silver cow took the outside we did some rather gnarly kick flips didn't we yes but my corns are killing me a good old soak in the bath is what you need here everything all right in there doy [Music] oh doie I need the corn [Music] plasters dogie we're coming in well would you look at that oh very nice job doy but glad we didn't pay you by the hour a i think King Tiger's tired have a little lie down you can borrow my blankets cozy and drink some nice warm [Music] milk it had been a long day and the little King was very tired wol wolf King Tiger just dropped off jelly belly dancers wow what a good idea happy the dressing up box yay [Music] finished I am brilliant girl and this is you have to have a Super Squirrel name if you want to be a Super Squirrel tag oh okay um H I am super tag I'm Mega Mouse [Music] Splash what's your name Ry Ry it has to be a special name Ry Not Your Own St come on squir Squad let's go do something superer that sounds super fun doesn't it douge woof think that's everyone douy a wolf have we forgotten someone surely I should be in the middle this composition is terrible eyes you do look dashing Nigel but are you going to be in a picture doggy a off Dogg's camera has a special timer which turns around until it reaches the end then takes the photo giving dugey plenty of time to join you oh okay ready dugey h ah might have to pull back a little bit there's definitely someone missing yeah further little bit further further further further further further further perfect [Music] duy oh wo [Music] better you get moving [Music] duy come on Dy Hurry Up This is excruciating no that's who we [Music] forgot hurry up Dy [Music] [Music] [Music] duy there she is hello hello dog oh wolof Club House AO and here's Admiral Grandad good morning B and there's my grand hello happy oh hold on bus driver my bag hello Grandad hello Ry and my grand hello NY y well there are Lively bun [Music] woof a woof woof yes who would like to go first shall we tug yeah let's show them the BR last Sumer tug and I when skating in the park come on T you can do this oh ow oh when I suddenly realized I lost my brch where's my brch I'll help grandma oh Gran I found it and you SK it here all on your own I did a day I'll never forget oh nor me what a lovely story so who's going to go Betty and I were out hiking hello doggy this is Nolly and her brothers and sisters yes our house is quite crowded at the moment we think squirel Club is just what she needs how many brothers and sisters do you have 72 wo what you said goodbye to your parents doy showed you the clubhouse for the very first time wow I remember there was so many toys Just For Me Mine a w m w m you had a wonderful time what were we doing you weren't there Nori had the clubhouse all to herself oo and she had lots of fun but there's only so many things you can do by yourself Nori missed having people to play with even Doug's famous triple cooked carrot and coriander casserole couldn't cheer her up oh what yes is it a bit quiet without your brothers and sisters Nori uhhuh poor Nori you are lonely if only we'd been there we could have all been lonely together what happened next well douge had an idea douggy where have we going oh to meet the other members of squirrel club like frogbit who loves to Crook and the chickens who lay eggs here oh wolf H yes douge you said we were going somewhere special yes this is douge special picnic spot oh well I suppose this is quite picturesque homemade jam sandwiches douy sweet M yes these are very sweet ducky makes the best sandwiches M excellent blueberry juice too toilet toilet sash splash splash don't get too wet happy come in Mom it feels lovely on your feet it's not too high Nori Petty are those blue bills beatboxing Birds well I've never seen them before what a spot I told you man oh yes it feels lovely doesn't it it's bad yes very good F oh dogey this really is the best day out uh woof woof woof oh doggy you are [Music] funny W I did not know he could do [Music] that huh oh my what a big hamper yeah that's all our picnic stuff we've got a blanket plates sandwiches cups cakes juice and teddy bears teddy bears yes it's a Teddy Bear's Picnic a woof woof my Teddy's called Zaza Zaza says hello mine's called Sergeant smash smashy this is Professor fuzzy she is really clever this is puddle he likes to splash splash splash this is sunshine bubbles loves you very much and what's your teddy bear called duy woof Charly good and what's that teddy bear called ooh that's not a teddy bear tag that's a real live bear [Music] hello what's your name her name is Barrel monkey [Music] Mony that monkey's taking our fruit doggy a woof woof woof woof woof naughty monkey we'll give it back doy monkey monkey nauy monkey nauy [Music] monkey where did he go there nauy monkey now squirrels you be [Music] careful oh naughty monkey [Music] watch out SRS [Music] Mony naughty monkey naughty Monkey Go dear naughty monkey have you thrown all that fruit down the [Music] hill first you make your pizza base add your sauce then you add your toppings I made day Seaside Pizza I made a pea soup puddle Pizza I made a garden Pizza I made a potato pizza and I made a tack Pizza wow those pizzas look Splendid squirrels now it's time to cook them M smells Del delicious let's eat [Music] M huh that horse wants your pizza tag um would you like some pizzas too looks like you're going to need a bigger oven duy w [Music] can I take your order excellente first order ducky how would you like your pizza sir good choice extra cheese please ah B shelter o ooh a Bella Bella we'll have that ready Pronto Pronto that's all the orders dougy now time to make the pizzas [Music] eito who's is this one that's easy I'll check the orders hey where have they gone oh [Music] no how exciting baking a cake mhm [Music] [Applause] yeah baking a cake well I say it looks like you're using lots of ingredients mhm eggs flour sugar butter raisins and carrots carrots you can't put vegetables in a cake yeah yes we're making a carrot cake EG for the rabbits [Music] cool remember to stand back while douge takes the cakes out of the oven yes because they will be very very hot wow with made look lots of little cakes woof oh man cool [Music] cakes a wolf thank you douge I feel it's time for me to give someone else a chance to run the summer fair well I suppose I could do it I mean my castle doesn't run itself you know I can do it excuse me I could run the fair I've got lots of ideas but you don't have the experience I've got experience in having fun M fun it's not about fun it's about organization organization it's about time the level people had their voices heard yes that's all well and good but it's about the big picture he's funny my fair will have magicians musicians and 1 million things to do but do you even have the relevant paperwork I do oh woof woof you're right douggy there's only one way to settle this we'll have to have an election oh uh what's an election dougy can explain he has got his election BGE wof wof it's where everyone has to decide on something like who will be boss of the summer fair exactly and everyone gets to choose by having what's called a vote you can vote for Lord fingle or buggy and whoever gets the most vote V wins the election and gets the job y right I'm off to get voters so am I is the committee meeting over doggy today is the day of the annual animal obstacle course race what's that it's a race where each team tries to get round a course by going over under or through obstacles as quickly as they can and the team that finishes first wins a prize Well sort of can we race too douge oh yes because douge has his obstacle course badge so you can enter as the red team wonderful weather today Chuck that's right Pam perfect conditions for this the 115th annual animal obstacle course race we've got some great teams out there today let's say a big hello to the blue team hello and looking confident today the Green Team always good to see the yellow team and of course Plucky newcomers the red team will they have what it takes to complete the six terrifying obstacles everyone designed to test the very limits of inurance I'm frighting for them King Tiger when you're ready I now declare this obstacle course [Music] open and they're off one rly run [Music] mind your [Music] head interesting technique from the red team let's see how they handle the second obstacle the watery ditch of dread ooh I don't like the look of that yeah novel approach here Chuck big crab Little Crab big crab Little Crab it's like a all over again found some hola I found a toris I found hey what you looking at mice and who's asking here's some there naughty [Music] monkeys step step step frog footprint footprint footprint foot it's [Music] Apple but whose Footprints are these woof off ah good idea douy the Encyclopedia of animal footprints is it the Parisian pumer no the Himalayan hopping goat no the Lesser spotted lounge lizard no the triple humped curly tailed CLE no the bottl noosed biscuit eating bright blue baboon no no no no h i know let's follow them yay hm oh the footprints have stopped by this tree there's somebody behind it not just somebody darling I am Catarina a beautiful graceful Flamingo oh dear why is Katarina so sad I am star of flamingo synchronized swimming team but I cannot perform in the Big Show because I have lost my flipper just time for one more thing dogy hug oh dogy hug please welcome your host [Applause] do w w so without further Ado let's meet today's teams wof woof woof our team is called the squirrels oh wolf wol wolf we are the acorn heads we're the reigning Champions and please welcome our resident plane ladybug hello let's start our quick fire first round a woof woof woof a lawn mower correct a woof woof a transient state of being a woof woof woof moo w w the be's knees potato B minus E + f = 2 a slice of cheese correct onto round two oh wof in whose house is this mouse first team to tell me whose house this is wins the round the owner of this house is clearly a badge guy he's obviously got a big appetite and watch out ladies he's a guy in uniform it's Ducky's house oh yeah look there's Enid correct making it Four Points each going into the next round do you know where everyone is frog o they're not here either I wonder where they've gone w w Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble Wubble ah there you are where have you been we went for a walk with doggy we've done loads wobbling te dancing tiger Palace show jell hang on hang on one at a time it's hard to explain um how can we tell him we could do a show like tiger did Tiger yes you'll see oo we'd like to see a show wouldn't we no douy can you help us put on our show oh of course he can he's got the puppy show badge [Music] yay do you have everything you need to make your puppet squirrels yeah we've got bab sticky tape cardboard glitter glue paint jelly well then I suppose you're ready to make [Music] puckets [Music] finished are you ready for your puppet show a wolf good well we're ready too aren't we woof woof woof detective puppy is really good at looking for Clues yeah she found a blue hand print is that a good clue douggy w yes everyone has different handprints so if detective puppy finds out whose it is she'll find out who's being naughty oh wof wof a wof woof could it be detective puppy's Arch nemeses shell the turtle or mumbles the fly oh was it fluffy the cat burglar look detective puppy knows who did it who who who well in the comic it says off off to be continued where in the next issue of course oh off what there isn't one a wolof wolof they stopped making detective puppy Comics why well tastes changed people didn't want Detective stories anymore they wanted Comics that were more action-packed Fantastical futuristic and shiny but I really want to know who took the necklace woof woof woof excellent idea douggy maybe you could finish the story yourselves but how do we make a comic ah douy can show you because he has his comic badge yay woof to make our detective puppy comic a woof woof we first need to work out who took the necklace woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof cookie LIF in a tree a wolf that's funny a wolf a woof woof woof woof woof woof a cookie waking up a woof woof woof woof woof she's putting on her favorite [Music] shirt woof woof woof woof woof Cookie's putting on her sock woof woof woof woof oh Cookie putting on her other sock has she got her shoes on yet woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof now she's got her shoes on woof woof woof woof woof oo it's time for cookie breakfast squirel a woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof oh look squiddles cookies found a lovely juicy leaf for her breakfast first oh o but the leaf is too high for her to reach dinosaur can help her huh I don't think there are any dinosaurs in this story R well there should be yeah dinosaur could be her friend and she wants breakfast too yeah but they don't want leaves they want popcorn but the princess has taken it all when you're in the cinema it's important to oh stay quiet okay oh don't fidget or kick the seat in front of you no woof woof and finally does anyone need the toilet no well enjoy the movie wow this TV is so big almost as big as my cousin Eric ooh it's gone dark oh woof woof yes because the film is about to start I need the toilet oh wolf ah just in time enjoy the taste of nature at the nature restaurant 5 minutes W from the Aon exchange Cinema takeway service available enjoy your meal that film was short oh W it was just an advert bety oh this winter brings a film to warm the heart when two Riders normally brilliant with words can't find their right ones oh after you no no uh uh after to you when it really counts oh gosh my fault oh uh sorry um uh I I I just say it already coming soon I loved that film oh w h it wasn't the film no it was a trailer telling us about a film that's on soon oh [Music] w wow squids what was that our song We Made It Up with dance me was it good ducky oh you're so lucky you saw us I wish we could see us play well squiddles if you make a music video you can see yourselves uh what's a music video it's a film for your song that every body can watch it can be a recording of a live performance [Music] W wo so much energy or it can tell a story [Music] [Applause] W so powerful or it can be [Music] artistic pretty can you help us make a music video of course because douge has his music video badge y now let's think about what we want in our music video I want to have dancing in it I want it to have laser lights I want to see great costumes I want it to have a narrative that reflects the complexities of Modern Life and Tedy in the puzzling pool wearing face paint eating Donuts watermelons a w wolf and roll skating back flips triangles wind machine balloons dinosaur glitter gloves clouds and dolphins off off you see squirrels comedy is a delicate and complex practice that covers a wide variety of tastes and genres all of which have a shared purpose to turn a frown upside down oh oh yes let's start at the beginning it's believed one of the first recorded jokes originated in ancient Egypt squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak oh a w wo woof from ancient Egypt comedy developed through various forms such as pictures words [Music] stage and of course cin bar where one of the great silent comedians was Stanley squeak here's a clip from one of his classic silly [Music] shorts I thought comedy was supposed to be funny uh wolf you're right douy different people find different things funny well I know what I find funny Dr Pluto's fun facts huh it's a book where Dr Pluto tells you fun facts about the world did you know it's impossible for anyone to lick their own [Music] [Applause] elbow this is fun but I'm not laughing yes really sometimes something might be fun but not necessarily funny busy bears are funny what are busy Bears only my favorite show knock knock who is it it's me it can't be me why because I'm me no you're you I'm you then who's me me oh huh the theater o so what should our play be about D it's got to have big songs no art dance feelings glamour maybe it could be about people not getting on but then getting on that's genius conflict and resolution a love story classic looks like it's showtime it's a play [Music] [Applause] here thank you remember head up and smile but I'm too small no today you're going to be a big star it's not what you say it's what you don't [Music] say Perfect 5 minutes everyone beautiful come the show looks like we're sold out Final Call good luck everyone well here goes [Music] woo no sweet lady you're not allowed to play with him he's too expressive for [Music] you or rescue your friends or save the city there are other ways to solve problem squirrels for example you could save the City by dancing wolof but J's not really dressed for dancing I'm sure we could find him something else to wear yay oo jet would love this and this and these match his eyes he looks much more fun yeah he's ready to dance hey I'd like to see you bust this moose I will save the city H he still sounds a bit cross oh yes we could give jet a new voice something softer like he cares about how people are feeling jet you got to hide Jet doesn't hide from his emotion yes so tell me how you feel I'm just so angry all the time thereare thereare let it all out get so compassionate what else can he be really good at maths maths yes it's very useful when you're looming through space get your headed straight for the asteroids don't worry I can calculate the clear path through because I'm good at Ma Radiance per second interruped trajectories diminished fuel equals rapid momentum do you see dugey was going to speak but he stopped himself because he's being quiet now you try tag yes see what douy did there tag oh yeah shy good now everyone else excellent look douggy is saying he's pleased that you're all being quiet can you say things while being quiet you're saying you're cold you're saying you're warm you're excited I think you're thinking and you're going to be quiet are we ready to go snard [Music] spotting [Music] this is where your great Grandmama last saw the [Music] snard oh sounds like everyone's hungry did you bring some of your homemade pineapple bread [Music] [Music] douggy huh oh my it's the snard what I'd really like to see is what real life is like for real locals like you us yeah the colors the day to day of your lives the sights The Sounds the smells the smells yeah like this what is head a sock Ry collects them but just the odd ones amazing show me more huh this is the rest of my collection a box of sharks wonderful huh I like to park these all in a row just like real cars only very small this is our balloon it used to be even bigger I really like it now what else can you show me that's the doorbell and this is the door amazing look a squeaky floorboards ha do any of the other squeak all show no this is the tap it's just like magic yeah I'm learning so much about your lives do you want to see more yes yeah show me everything yay this is Enid she's a cat oh so cute these are the chickens this is our bucket this is a window and here's the roof oh oh be careful up there squirrel and this is a bird we don't know why he likes it here but he does that's so [Music] funny this is frog and what does it do ribbits this is outstanding gby this is my o health and safety Ry W that is very proficient riding there Ry oh it's a key what does it do W well douy can tell you because he has his key badge oo keys can be used for all sorts of things a woof woof woof they can start something open something yeah or keep something [Music] safe so what does this key do douy oh we don't know but we'll find out through trial and error Nori what's trial and error um it's a bit like a game I suppose y let's play trial and error I'm doing a [Music] trial and I've done an error trial error error error trial error trial error yes I did it what's inside nor it's oh a another key it's shaped like a fish so let's ask a fish excuse me Mr fish do you know what this key [Music] opens if you asked me that 3 seconds ago I could have told you maybe it opens your treasure chest where did that come from [Music] from oh I say what's inside it's a h oh yeah it's a h oh yeah it's a h wait don't tell me it's a it's a it's a it's a it's another key H hey Dy what you doing oh w w you have to deliver a passle where too doggy oh W woof at the end of that blue Road that's not a road tag that's a river you can't swim that far don't worry Betty dugey has his River badge so we'll take a boat yay water all set doggy a [Music] wolf now Ry the boat horn isn't a toy oh right then off we go yay [Music] holy hello [Music] chicken [Music] molf water hello dear hello sweetheart [Music] water [Music] o hello [Music] snake water a rly are we nearly there yet Betty let me see H water water we know it's water happy water buffalo huh huh hold on you ta bar head tou you OT snapping turtles [Music] jellyfish can you see anything else up ahead hummingbirds another boat huh it's dugey and the squirrels it's Piggy and the hummingbirds hi what are you doing here where we going up River we're doing the same to deliver a parel same here and we're doing it at the same time we're the same but you're hummingbirds and your squirrels so we're not the same no but sometimes it's good to see similarities rather than differences for example Peggy and douggy are different animals but they're both the same shape the same height and they both have the same same b OO now let's see if we can spot other things that are the sign on the same same boat so what can you see that's the same a monkey and a bird we are not the same you look the the same you both have lovely blue spots it's true there an otter and a c washing themselves pasta SL they're doing the same thing hello squirrels hello Dad are you ready for your underwater Adventure wow a submarine trip a wolf y morning doggy woof woof are you going too douy oh woof oh look squirrels the submarine badge wow see lovers eh well welcome aboard one at a time [Music] all present an cor wo then down we go have fun [Applause] everyone isn't it wonderful [Music] squirrel Take the Wheel would you lieutenant doggy woof woof these are all the instruments that make the submarine work and squirrels have a look at this WOW ah yes the beauty of the ocean but where's the food ducky oh you must have left the sandwiches on The Boat Boat ducky that rock is taking our [Music] boat how will we get home what will we eat where will we sleep oh woof never fear squiddles dugey has his Island badge he knows what to do [Music] so what do we need first dugey a w oh good idea wood for the fire I'll get it oh wolf big leaves to make a shelter me me we'll also need to find fresh water I am rising in the unfortunate position of being stranded on a desert island who knows how long we'll be be here for I may well be an old Octopus by the time we return home luckily among the Shipwrecked crew is douy whose expert knowledge means we can survive water yay the island is still a mystery to us who knows what dangers it hold [Music] we have discovered many strange animals in the jungle such as the pencil snake the fire cat and the mischievous fod monkeys who creep into our camp and steal our precious supplies but with dy's help we have been able to make a life for ourselves on the island y finding water from the stream and food from the plants we even made a home for ourselves of sorts and Ry found us a pet a goat who we named Tuesday I love her what Tuesday loved was eating hey what's for lunch not a again Tuesday it was a hard life some might say it was barely a life at all here take a look wow Henny can we play with it oh you can't play with it a you have to play in it All Aboard y [Applause] off we [Music] go we're moving we're moving [Music] yes clicky clack clicky clack clicky clack look at the hills look at the track look at the duck look at it quack clicky clack clicky clack look at the snow look at the yak look at the pengin the flp is FL click clack click clack click clck look at the cows here their bells jingle look it's a castle look it's Lord single click CL clicky CL click clack click CL up the mountain we travel so slow More Steam squirrels over the top now down we go crickety clack crickety clack crickety clack crickety clack look at the jungle look at the grass tiet King Tiger yes first class clicky clack clicky clack look it's a whale look it's a shark look it's a tunnel it's very dark click CL clicky CL click CL clicky CL out in the sunshine the end of the track we've been on a train ride and now we've come [Music] back all change end of the line oh what a lovely trip that was marvelous thank you honey you're [Music] welcome huh yo what's the hold up you drive like an old Aid let's get going move out loser this is unbelievable oh no traffic jam looks like you'll be stuck here for a while W I like your hat move hi where are you going we're going to Tropical Lake we're going there too yay [Music] are we nearly there yet douggy oh are we going to be stuck in traffic [Music] forever if only douge had a badge that would help you mean like this one huh yes of course douy has his traffic badge he knows what to do oh wof wof wof W ah good idea duy you'll take a shortcut around the traffic [Music] yay we're moving isn't the a33 your more direct route dug here oh oh yes I forgot about the road works on beehive by us [Music] [Applause] oh look we're in front of all the traffic yay oh dear what's wrong with that alligator I think he's broken down no no no my beautiful pineapple looks messy I told you to slow down hello what happened to you we were on our way to the tropical Lake to sell my refreshing pineapples but my beautiful G he hit a bump and his tail went and all of my pineapples they went everywhere blocking the road and I can't clear the road by myself will help okay squirrels the right shapes have to go into the right holes so the rectangle shape will go I know in the rectangle hole oh woof me next the triangle shape will go in the Triangle hole me me me me the square shape will go in the Square oh this is a tough one it's a hexagon shape Nori oh then it must go in the hexagon hole I've got a funny shape does it go here or here does it go here or [Music] here ooh look at that cloud Ju you think it might rain dugey we might get wet let's play inside okay we could play Snakes and Ladders or sleeping jales it's sleeping Lions rolly what's the matter Nori all the animals won't they get wet too M yes I suppose they will Nori should we find them somewhere to keep dry [Music] yes I wonder where you could keep dry there just the right shape H there just the right shape oh I see there just the right shape don't worry little fish I'm not I'll keep you dry I'd rather you didn't here you go just the right shape seriously great work squirrels where is nor woof wof woof yes squirrels nor is a little unwell today oh no will she come back don't worry Nori will be fine she just has to stay home and rest let's make her feel better yes we could do a dance for her we could sing her a song uh we could make her a get w c yeah what a good idea happy could you help us douggy a woof of course douge can he's got the Getwell soon badge woof yay o I love glitter I love feathers and glue I love coloring inside [Music] lines [Music] finished squirrels what a lovely card let's take it to noly woof sounds like the squiddles are enjoying practicing their first a doy [Music] finished we're getting really good at First St aren't we doggy oh W yes you've um really bandage tag up well aat it uh doy huh wol [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh dear this is getting rather [Music] silly that was fun how will we get taged back up this the hill I think you're going to have to push him well done everyone that must have been hard work pushing that back up the hill OHA oh no ah not [Music] again [Music] are you okay tag yeah how are we going to look after a plant rolly um don't worry duy can lend a hand because he's got his looking up after badge yay are we looking after Pippin well douggy oh woof I wonder where Philly's frog and flea are now delivery for the square Wheels you mean the squirrels it's a postcard what does it say greetings squel we are now over the snow cone mountains it is very cold de Mr filia Frog obes Pippen unlike himself is getting enough Sun must up as the ink in my pen has frozen would you like some more Sunshine Pippen [Music] yay oh no Pippen's leaves keep falling off [Music] what should we do delivery for the squeezies you mean the squirrels thank you dearest squirrels and Pippen we are now forging our way through the hungry rainforest the creatures here are many but they are not all [Music] friendly we expect Pippin's leaves have fallen off by now but that is nothing to worry about y n filia FR and flee it's going to be [Music] okay it's so cold doggy are you sure Pippin's okay squizzles squ oo this squ we rules traveling is hard work you cannot stop for even a moment the life of an adventurer is an odd one they're so brave oh there's more it will be cold at home so make sure Pippin is kep nice and warm now we must continue with our uous trip how will we keep pipping warm a wo a there you go Pippen nice and cozy what are we doing next your majesty whatever you want [Music] yay yay for the tower where going find [Music] I'm we did some rather gnarly kick flips didn't we yes but my corns are killing me a good old soak in the bath is what you need here everything all right in there dogey [Music] oh Doogie I need me corn [Music] flusters dogy we're coming in well would you look at that oh very nice job doggy but glad we didn't pay you by the hour a I think King Tiger's tired have a little lie down you can borrow my blankets cozy and drink some nice warm [Music] milk it had been a long day and the little King was very [Music] tired King Tiger's just dropped off jelly belly dancers wow what a good idea happy the dressing up box yay [Music] finished I am brilliant girl and this is you have to have a Super Squirrel name if you want to be a Super Squirrel tag oh oh okay um H I am super tag I'm Mega Mouse [Music] Splash what's your name Ry Ry it has to be a special name Ry Not Your Own St come on squir squat let's go do something super that sounds super fun doesn't it douy wo think that's everyone dugey oh woof have we forgotten someone surely I should be in the middle this composition is terrible eyes fren you do look dashing Nigel a but are you going to be in a picture doggy oh off Dogg's camera has a special timer which turns around until it reaches the end then takes the photo giving dugey plenty of time to join you oh okay ready dougy huh ah might have to pull back a little bit h there's definitely someone missing yeah further little bit further further further further further further further perfect [Music] duy wo o better get moving Duggy W come on Daddy Hurry Up This is excruciating no that's who we [Music] forgot hurry up [Music] Dy ducky [Music] there she is hello gr hello oh wolf Clubhouse AO and here's Admiral Grandad good morning bety and there's my grand hello happy oh hold on B Strider my bag hello Grandad hello Ry and M Grand hello NY y well there a lively bunch [Music] woof oh woof woof yes who would like to go first shall we TG yeah let's show them the BR last summer tag and I went skating in the park come on T you can do this oh ow oh when I suddenly realized I lost my BR where's my BR I'll help grandma oh Grand I found it and just hat it here on your own I did a day I'll never forget oh not me what a lovely story so who's going to go Betty and I were out hiking hello doggy this is Nolly and her brothers and sisters yes our house is quite crowded at the moment we think squiring Club is just what she needs how many brothers and sisters do you have 72 wo what you said goodbye to your parents doggy showed you the clubhouse for the very first time wow I remember there was so many toys Just For Me Mine a woof mine woof mine M you had a Wonder full time what were we doing you weren't there Nori had the clubhouse all to herself o and she had lots of fun but there's only so many things you can do by yourself Nori missed having people to play with even Doug famous triple cooked carrot and coriander cero couldn't cheer her up oh yes is it a bit quiet without your brothers and sisters Nori uhhuh poor Nori you are lonely if only we'd been there we could have all been lonely together what happened next well douggy had an idea Dy where are we going oh to meet the other members of squirrel club like frogbit who loves to cro and the chickens who lay eggs here a wolf yes dougy you said we were going somewhere special yes this is Doug's special picnic spot oh well I suppose this is quite picturesque homemade jam sandwiches douge sweet M yes these are very sweet ducky makes the best sandwiches excellent blueberry juice too toilet toilet splash splash splash don't get too wet happy come in Mom it feels lovely on your feet Yes not too high Nori Betty are those blue bills beatboxing Birds well I've never seen them before what a spot I told man oh yes it feels lovely doesn't it it's neigh bad yes very good B oh douggy this really is the best day out uh woof woof woof oh doggy you are [Music] funny wa I did not know he could do [Music] that huh oh my what a big hamper yeah that's all our picnic stuff we've got a blanket plates sandwiches cups cakes juice and teddy bears teddy bears yes it's a Teddy Bears Picnic a wo woof my Teddy's called Zaza zazar says hello mine's called Sergeant smash smashy this is Prof Professor fuzzy she is really clever this is paddle he likes the splash splash spash this is sunshine bubbles loves you very much and what's your teddy bear called dugey wolf jly good and what's that teddy bear called ooh that's not a teddy bear tag that's a real live [Music] hello What's Your Name Bar her name is Barrel monkey Mony woof that monkey's taking our fruit doggy woof woof woof woof woof nauy monkey we'll give it backy nauy monkey nauy [Music] monkey where did he go there naughty monkey now squirrels you be [Music] careful oh naughty [Music] monkey watch out squirrels monkey [Music] naughty monkey naughty monkey oh dear naughty monkey have you thrown all that fruit down the [Music] hill first you make your pizza base add your sauce then you add your toppings I made a Seaside Pizza I made a PE soup puddle Pizza I made a garden Pizza I made a potato pizza and I made attack Pizza wow those pizzas look Splendid squirrels now it's time to cook them M smells delicious let's eat m [Music] m huh that horse wants your pizza tag M um would you like some pizzas too looks like you're going to need a bigger oven dug [Music] W can I take your order excellente first order ducky hey what how would you like your pizza sir good choice extra cheese please ah B [Music] shelter a bella bella we'll have that ready Pronto Pronto that's all the orders dougy no now time to make the pizzas [Music] EO who's is this one that's easy I'll check the orders hey where have they gone oh [Music] no how exciting baking a cake [Music] [Applause] mhm yeah baking a cake well I say it looks like you're using lots of ingredient ients mhm eggs flour sugar butter raisins and carrots carrots you can't put vegetables in a cake yes we're making a carrot cake for the rabbits [Music] cool remember to stand back while douy takes the cakes out of the oven yes because they will be very very hot wow we've made lots of little cakes woof oh man cool cakes a wolf thank you douge I feel it's time for me to give someone else a chance to run the summer fair well I suppose I could do it I mean my castle doesn't run itself you know I can do it huh excuse me I could run the fair I've got lots of ideas but you don't have the experience I've got experience in having fun M fun it's not about fun it's about organization organization it's about time the little people had their voices heard yes that's all well and good but it's about the big picture he's funny my fair have magicians musicians and 1 million than but do you even have the relevant paperwork I do a woof woof you're right douge there's only one way to settle this we'll have to have an election oh uh what's an election dugey can explain he has got his election badge oof wof wof wof it's where everyone has to decide on something like who will be boss of the summer fair exactly and everyone gets to choose by having what's called a vote you can vote for Lord fingle or buggy and whoever gets the most votes wins the election and gets the job y right I'm off to get voters so am I is the committee meeting over doggy W today is the day of the annual animal obstacle course race what's that it's a race where each team tries to get round a course by going over under or through dis obstacles as quickly as they can and the team that finishes first wins a prize Well sort of can we waste two du oh yes because douge has his obstacle course badge so you can enter as the red [Applause] team wonderful weather today Chuck that's right Pam perfect conditions for this the 115th annual animal obstacle course r we've got some great teams out there today let's say a big hello to the blue team hello and looking confident today the Green Team always good to see the yellow team and of course Plucky newcomers the red team will they have what it takes to complete the six terrifying obstacles everyone designed to test the very limits of endurance I'm frighting for them King Tiger when you're ready I now declare this obstacle course [Music] open and they're off run roll [Music] [Music] run mind your head interesting technique from the red team let's see how they handle the second obstacle the watery ditch of dread ooh I don't like the look of [Applause] that novel approach here Chuck big crab Little Crab big crab Little Crab it's like a be all over again found some hola I found a tortoise I found hey what you looking at mice and who's asking here's some there naughty [Music] monkeys step step step frog footprint footprint footprint fo it's Apple but whose Footprints are these H woof ah good idea douy the Encyclopedia of animal footprints is it the Parisian pummer no the Himalayan hopping goat no no the Lesser spotted lounge lizard no the triple humped curly tailed CLE no the bottl noosed biscuit eating bright blue baboon no no no no I know let's follow them yay hm oh the footprints have stopped by this tree there's somebody behind it not just somebody darling I am Catherina a beautiful graceful Flamingo oh dear why is Caterina so sad I am star of flamingo synchronized swimming team but I cannot perform in the Big Show because I have lost my FL paper just time for one more thing chy hug oh doy hug
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 451,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hey duggee, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, cbeebies shows, hey duggee badges, duggee live, learning with duggee, summer songs, songs with duggee, summer songs marathon hey duggee, school holidays, back to school, best of series 4, cbeebies episodes, nursery rhymes, songs
Id: rzv6-q_HSUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 50sec (13010 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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