Solving Puzzles with Hey Duggee and The Squirrels! | CBeebies

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You can watch every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. A-woof. Our jigsaw piece could be anywhere. [Squirrels Gasp] Or it could be... there! Oh it is. But you'll have to solve... ...our puzzles to get it! [Laughs Evilly] What’s a puzzle? A-woof woof. It's a game! A-woof. [Betty Gasps] For your brain! Oh. Ha! You'll never solve them. Well, think again. Because, Duggee’s got... ...his puzzle badge! Ha, ha! You wouldn't know the answer to this puzzle if it was staring you in the face! That's rude. [Mice Laugh] No... it’s a clue. Staring you in the... ...we have to make the face again! Move that stone there! That one up! That one right! Down! Across! Up! Right! Left! Over! There! And... Woof! We solved the puzzle! Now we can get... Yay! Our jigsaw piece back! But where is it? There’s just these two pictures. And they’re the same! Try using your eyes. It'll make all the difference. Another puzzle. I know... ...we have to spot the difference between the pictures. Yeah! Is that mouse taller than that one? What mouse? The ones in the picture, Roly. Are they mice? Yes, Roly. Mice can’t draw mice very well. Roly! Wait, I found it! This nose is round. And this nose is square! We solved the... ...puzzle! [Squirrels Laugh] Woof! Look. A door! And... ...molten cheese! But how do we get to it? You'll have to watch your step. Don't miss a beat. Another puzzle! A musical one! We have to stand on the same colors that came on above the door! The first one was green! Then it was blue! Then it was red. Ooh, cream cheese. Betty, I think you'll find it's yellow. You can watch every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. Wow, Squirrels! Looks like you've made a maze around Duggee. We made a rubbish maze! It's not rubbish, Tag. But what is a maze? A-woof! Oh, Duggee knows... ...he's got his maze badge. A-woof woof woof, woof, woof woof! Yes! A maze is a puzzle of paths and high walls. Most paths go nowhere. But one path will get you to the middle of the maze... ...where Duggee is! A-woof woof! Ooh! Stay where you are, Duggee! We're coming to find you! Yay! A-woof! Ahh. This way. No, this way. [Duggee Laughs] Ooh. I know, let’s split up! You go this way and we’ll go that way. [Squirrels Laugh] How did you get here, Roly? I don't know! Aww. A-woof woof woof woof woof. A-woof! A-woof woof woof woof woof. A-woof! Huh? Mm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm! A-woof woof woof. A-woof woof woof. A-woof. Mazes are hard. Where is Duggee? Yeah. Oh. [Duggee Plays Tune] Listen! What is that? It's awful! It's Duggee! It's coming from that direction! [Squirrels Laugh] We found Duggee! Well done, Squirrels. Yay! Now, all you have to do is get out of the maze. Huh? Down here. No, we went along. Maybe it's this path. Up! We can't remember. A-woof woof. Woof! Yay! [Squirrels Laugh] We won the maze! It’s a tiny ladder. Hmm. Good detective work, Betty. Huh? What's a detective? A detective is someone who finds lots of clues... ...and puts them all together to solve a mystery. But how do we find clues? A-woof. Oh, Duggee can help you. He has his detective badge. Ooh. If you find enough clues you’ll be able to solve the mystery. Of the missing pie! Looking for clues is hard. Woof. I found a clue! Yay! What is it? Tiny footprints. Ooh. So, along with a tiny ladder, we have tiny footprints. That's definitely a clue. Let's follow them! Good idea, Squirrels. Oh no, the footprints have stopped. Let's ask him. Excuse me, sir. Have you seen an apple pie? No, but I saw a spaceship! Flying real low along the ground it was. Hmm, interesting. What did it look like? It was round and golden Brown. Spaceship shape. Kinda crunchy looking. Is that what you saw? Sure was. Smelled delicious! Thanks for your time. Just one more thing. This spaceship of yours. Which way did it go? That way. Oh, thanks! Ooh, how exciting! Look! It’s our pie! You can watch every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. Oh! Who’s crushed my Scotch bonnet? Hmm. Nigel? Nigel? Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. How could I have done such a terrible thing? Hmm. [Out-Of-Tune Piano] Hmm. Huh? Ah! You're probably wondering why we gathered you all here. A precious jewel has gone missing! And the person responsible is in this... Room! [Everyone Gasps] At first, our suspicions were piqued by...., madam! Why wear such a heavy coat to an indoor party? You were hiding something, but it wasn't the ruby. You were hiding your lack of party etiquette! My only crime... looking fabulous! [King Tiger Gasps] Wearing a colourful dress to a black and white ball? How naughty! Then, our attention turned to...! Mr. Nigel the crab! You were hiding something. You were hiding yourself! Found you Nigel! What a brilliant game of hide and seek! Ah. There’s more! The mice were acting suspiciously. They were after... ...cheese! You’ll never take us alive! But it's a free buffet. Oh. Which brings us to a very sweaty Tino. Were you nervous? Or were you drinking the spicy aubergine dip instead of the blueberry juice? Was I? But it's so moreish! Which led us to... ...Chef Toucan! Moi? Oui. Earlier, you were in a flap. No, I ruined everything. Hmm. What could make you so upset? Well, I forgot the add strawberries to a strawberry trifle. Who even am I? But what happened to my ruby? [King Tiger Sneezes] And there is the crucial clue! Your sneezes! [Everyone Gasps] Earlier, they made the ruby come loose! [King Tiger Sneezes] It broke the piano key. Made the hole in the jelly! Squashed Lord Fingal’s bonnet! Oh! And landed... A-woof! the trifle! Oh thank you! You found it! Trifle for everyone! Please welcome your host... Duggee! [Crowd Cheers] A-woof woof woof woof. A-woof woof woof! So without further ado, let's meet today's teams! A-woof woof, woof. Our team is called... ...The Squirrels! Aha-woof! [Crowd Cheers] A-woof woof? We are the Acorn-Heads. We're the reigning champions! [Squirrels Gulp] And, please welcome our resident brain... ...Ladybug! Hello. [Crowd Cheers] Let's start our quickfire first round. A-woof, woof? Oh! A lawnmower! Correct. A-woof woof? A transient state of being. A-woof woof woof? Moo? Woof woof? [Nigel Clicks] Woof woof? The bee's knees! Potato! D minus E plus F equals 2! A slice of cheese! Correct. At the end of that round, the score is... 3-4 to the Acorn-Heads. Yes! On to round 2! A-woof! In whose house is this mouse? First team to tell me whose house this is wins the round! The owner of this house is clearly a badge guy. He's obviously got a big appetite. And watch out, ladies, he's a guy in uniform. [Norrie Gasps] It’s Duggee’s house! Oh yeah, look! There’s Enid! Huh? Meow! Correct. Making it 4 points each going into the next round. A-woof! The conveyor belt of confusion! Try to remember all the objects that come past. Oh, that's my crown. [Happy Gasps] A watering can! Hmm. Carrot, man. And a potato! Now, tell us what the objects were. My crown! Watering can! A teddy bear! Potato! Feather! Oh yeah, a carrot! A fork! A- a- a- a snowglobe! That now makes the score 7-9 to the Acorn-Heads. On to the next round. You can watch every episode of Hey Duggee on BBC iPlayer. Oh yeth. Wait! My tooth! It mutht have come out with all that blowing! Oh. Never mind, Happy. Try and remember what you did next. Erm... I know! I know! We ate some toast, remember? It was so crumbly... ...we had to eat it out-thide. [Bird Caws] Then I said... ...maybe we should eat the rest of our toast inside. And you said. Yes. Happy! You said yes instead of yeth. So you had all your teeth then. That'th right! Well, happy. What happened after that? Hmm. It th-tarted to rain. Yeah! We went splash splashing in the puddles! [They Laugh] And then some dinosaurs came! And they jumped up and down and got us all muddy! Hmm. I don’t remember dinothaurth. Well, I certainly remember you both being muddy. Hee. Look! You had all your teeth there, Happy. So you didn't lose your tooth in the puddle either. What did you do next, Happy? I remember. We made a pirate ship. Oh yeah. We were sailing and saw a sea monster. Ahhh! Sometimes you just need a hug. Wow! Woof. Maybe you lost it in the ship. No, not here. Oh. Hmm. This remembering business is proving quite tricky. Yeth. Erm... Uh... [Tag Gasps] Everyone! Happy's remembering something! [All Gasp] Tho I finished playing pirateth with Tag... ...then Duggee thaid it'th drawing time... ...tho I got out my crayonth and I drew thome appleth... ...and then I remember... [Happy’s Stomach Rumbles] ...the drawing made me really hungry! Then I thaw the real appleth. [Happy Gasps] I remember! Here it ith! [Squirrels Gasp] Happy's found his tooth! Now, I can give it to the tooth fairy! Yay! What's that? Oh, you want more Hey Duggee? Well, ask your grown up to download the free BBC iPlayer app where you can find loads more episodes! A-woof!
Channel: CBeebies
Views: 164,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBeebies, CBeebies shows, CBeebies UK, CBeebies iPlayer, CBeebies Full Episodes, For children, For kids, For babies, Preschool, Early years, Early learning, Nursery Rhymes, Songs, For toddlers, Hey Duggee, Hey Duggee Puzzles, Hey Duggee Compilation
Id: obIoYAv694Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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