Get DaVinci Resolve Studio for 90% Off (Kinda)

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I'm here in the edit page of Dent resolve nothing special but uh note that this is the D Vinci resolve studio version for Studio 19 and I'm going to do something you don't normally see I'm going to come up to help and click deactivate license I'm going to click deactivate let it do its thing now uh this version of resolve is using the license that I got right here I've got a little card it's got a code I can use it for two activations that's cool I just deactivated that code and if I don't have a code it forces me to resolve and when I load resolve back up uh it has an option here to use a license key to reactivate D Vinci resolve but brand new indent resolve 19 it has a second option to use Blackmagic Cloud ID if I click that click continue log in select my company Sterling Supply code click log in then toin resolve license assigned to your account has been successfully activated I click continue and it loads up denture resolve Studio 19 without any of this what's going on this is something brand new that's only available uh through the recent updates that came with uh resolve 16 and specifically the updates that came to Black Magic cloud is this the dreaded move of Da Vinci resolve going subscription no but kind of but no no Grant Petty the CEO of black magic design has made his stand on the subscription model for Creative software very clear here are some things he's said about it just over the last year or two you know if you have a TV subscription you only really lose access to movies if you can't pay for it however our industry you're actually creating content not consuming it not just consuming it you know so the work you create is in the software you use and that could be years of work so the problem with software subscriptions is if you know you lose your work if you can't pay and you have to pay up every month even if you can't afford it so what happens if you're out of work for a few months um there's really nothing you can do you still to pay and if you don't pay you lose your ability to work you know but on some sofware could even luse years of work so you kind of get punished the more you use the software all venture capitalists really seem to care about now is subscriber accounts so a company's value is really calculated by estimating the profit expected from the customers over time that's why so many technology companies have Sky valuations even if the tech company doesn't make a profit it's because the investors believe they're locking in customers for life but the problem is customers hate it you know you simply won't have a customer for life if the customers don't like how you treat them so I think eventually we have a better business model here it's actually free so it's easy to download and it's easy to learn how to use then over time if you do well and start to make some money perhaps you buy something from us you know you might upgrade to a color panel or an audio console you know for us to make money we actually have to help you make money we only do well do well if you do well but in the update video he did at neb 2024 just a day or two ago now he laid out the very good reasons why especially large Productions need to manage these licenses and why uh rental agreement for those licenses works best for them and could really be a hurdle for them not using resolve at all now one of the features is rental licenses and this is for the full Dent resolve Studio I'm not a big fan of paying for cloud licenses for Creative software you know it locks up the archive of your work unless you keep paying but large customers need it you know they can't purchase software because they can't manage the licenses plus large companies have complex accounting departments they don't want to buy licenses because they got to manage them as as assets they got to manage where they are um dongles and and license keys so what they do is they need and also they need to cost the license cost against the show of the film uh so rental licenses are also faster to get up and running with rental licenses you can like spend up 100 new licenses in seconds and then they can cost those licenses against the show they can cancel the the licenses when the show's finished or they can add and remove staff from you know as they like so for large companies rental licenses are actually quite simple now the good thing about D Vinci resolve is you can still buy it outright uh so this means that the um the rental licenses that really complement the pi licenses so that's the primary purpose of a rental license for Da Vinci resolve but that doesn't mean that there aren't other use cases for more of the public using resolve especially for those who are looking at uh stepping up to the full paid version the studio and I think labeling these as a rental is is smart branding towards that goal if you want to use D Vinci resolve Studio personally or for your own business you should go and and buy it the value is tremendous you get all the upgrades you know you know all the normal reasons to buy D Vinci resolve Studio but what if you are pretty content with the free version of D Vinci resolve but you're looking at a product that could really use one or two features from D Vinci resolve Studio but you're only going to be working on that product for like a couple weeks to a month or what if you are using the free version and you want to update to Studio but you just want a little bit more of a test run without the commitment of that $300 upfront well in either of the situations you could go onto the Blackmagic uh Cloud website that I have uh right here it is free to make a Blackmagic Cloud uh account if you want to start using Blackmagic Cloud this is where you get all of that set up decide how much space you want how many project libraries you want but also new uh in this update we have this organizations window and even as a single user you can create an organization and then you have this option to rent the Vinci resolve Studio licenses I went through a quick check out process uh the only other small hurdle or hoop is that uh I was already in here as a member when I created this organization I had to add myself to a group so that when I uh assigned this license I appoint to a group it has an option to assign that to an individual it says it users or group but it didn't recognize me as a standalone user so I had to add myself to a group so that I can then assign this license to a group which assigned it to me and then like you saw as soon as I logged in using my da Vinci resolve uh Cloud ID on that loading screen of resolve it recognized i' had been assigned a license and used that D Vinci resolve Studio to get me into Studio up and running I don't intend on keeping this uh rental going since you know I do have these licenses sitting on these nice little cards but I thought it was worth checking out and it works great now in either example that I spelled out previously uh if you do a rental for a month or two and then you also end up uh buying full license for D Vinci resolve Studio of course that overall price will be more but you know you do get that flexibility of trying it or giving it a little test run first so you've got to let me know do either of those uh two use cases make sense for you for why someone might check out a uh rental of a d Vinci resolve Studio license do you see any other reasons someone might want to do you see this as a portent for the ultimate Doom of DCI resolve going subscription I don't but you could be wrong if you want what you think let me know thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Patrick Stirling
Views: 41,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w57cs7lLyz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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